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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Factors contributing to success in anatomy and physiology in first year students in the KZNCN nursing programme

Langtree, Eleanor Margaret 05 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree in Masters of Technology in Nursing, Durban University of Technology, 2014. / Introduction: There is a global shortage of nurses, particularly in South Africa where there is a scarce resource of professional nurses. Since KwaZulu1Natal College of Nursing (KZNCN) is tasked with the responsibility of training 86% of professional nurses in the province, it is unfortunate to lose 22% of these students through failure and attrition. Most of these failures are in the subject of Anatomy and Physiology. Aim of study: The aim of the study was to establish factors that impact on the success in Anatomy and Physiology in first year student nurses affiliated to KZNCN, in a South African context. Methodology: A quantitative descriptive survey research design was used to establish relationships between variables that impact on nursing students’ success in Anatomy and Physiology. Results: The majority of respondents were Black (86.7%) from rural areas (6􀀀.3%) of KwaZulu1Natal. Their nurse training was in English as a second language (78.6%) but most respondents felt that they were coping well with being taught in English (p 􀀀0.00􀀀). However, respondents with English as a first language obtained significantly higher marks in Anatomy and Physiology I (p = 0.003) and there was a good correlation between matriculation English and Anatomy and Physiology II results (p = 0.02). There was also a good correlation between matriculation Biology/Life Science mark and Anatomy and Physiology I marks (p <􀀀 0.00􀀀). Additionally, good performance in Anatomy and Physiology I was a good indicator for success in Anatomy and Physiology II (p < 0.00􀀀). A significant number of respondents found the academic workload, financial stressors and long working hours stressful but engaged in positive coping skills to address these. Conclusion: Prior knowledge in English and Biology/Life Sciences has a significant positive impact on student performance in Anatomy and Physiology. / M

Effect of soil covers on coal waste dumps in KwaZulu-Natal on abiotic factors and bacteria causing acid mine drainage

Cleghorn, Charles, 1970- 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 1997. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The activity of iron-oxidizing bacteria, for example, Thiobacillut. ferrooxidans, in the outer layers of coal waste dumps results in the oxidation of pyrite with the formation of large volumes of acid mine drainage. The process requires atmospheric oxygen and moisture. Acid mine drainage may possibly be controlled by creating unfavourable environmental conditions in dumps for the iron-oxidizing bacteria. The present research investigated the possibility of inhibiting these bacteria and consequently acid formation in coal waste dumps by means of different dump construction techniques. Physical and chemical conditions, acid formation and populations of four groups of bacteria which might produce acid were studied in the outer layers of ten differently constructed pilot scale coal waste dumps at the Kilbarchan Mine near Newcastle, Kwazulu-Natal, from September 1993 to July 1995. Dump covers consisting of a 30-cm or 70-cm layer of Estcourt soil of low permeability covered with 70 cm or 30 cm, respectively, of more permeable Avalon soil produced anaerobic conditions in the dumps throughout most of the 22 months of the test period, as did a cover of 70 cm compacted plus 30 cm uncompacted Avalon soil alone. An uncoMpacted 30-cm or compacted 50- cm Avalon soil cover proved ineffective in causing prolonged anaerobic conditions. Uncovered dumps showed only slight reduction of oxygen in the coal waste after heavy rains. Pockets of acidity were detected on several occasions in the coal waste below the 50-cm Avalon soil layer from the time of construction and progressively increasing acidity in the uncovered dumps and the waste below the 30-cm Avalon soil cover. Iron-oxidizing bacterial populations of the T. ferrooxidans type have tended to be higher in the uncovered dumps and Avalon soil-covered dumps showing acidification than in the non-acidified dumps covered with 1 m of Avalon soil or Avalon and Estcourt soil. Associated populations of iron-oxidizing bacteria of the Metallogenium type, acidophilic and non-acidophilic thiosulphate-oxidizing bacteria were generally low in the coal waste of the dumps. Thus, five of the soil covers, all with a thickness of 1 m, but not covers with a thickness of 0.5 m or less, proved effective for almost 2 years in inhibiting the diffusion of oxygen to the underlying coal waste in the pilot scale dumps and also appeared to suppress the populations of iron-oxidizing bacteria believed to be implicated in acid formation in the coal waste. These results suggest that coal waste dumps in South Africa should be covered with soil layers of 0.5-1.0 m thick to prevent the generation of acid mine drainage. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die aktiwiteit van ysteroksiderende bakteriee soos Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, in die buitenste lae van steenkoolafvalhope, veroorsaak die oksidasie van piriet met die gevolg dat groot volumes suur mynafloopwater gevorm word. Hierdie proses benodig suurstof en vog. Suur mynafloopwater kan moontlik beheer word deur 'n situasie te skep waar die toestande in die hope ongunstig is vir die ysteroksiderende bakteriee. Die huidige navorsing het die moontlikheid ondersoek om hierdie bakteriee te inhibeer deur verskillende afvalhoopontwerpe op die proef te stel en sodoende suurvorming in steenkoolmynhope te beperk. Die fisiese en chemies kondisies, suurvorming en populasies van vier verskillende bakterie-groepe wat dalk by suurvorming betrokke is, is vanaf September 1993 tot Julie 1995 bestudeer in die buitenste lae van tien verskillend gekonstrueerde loodsskaalafvalhope by die Kilbarchan myn naby Newcastle in KwaZulu-Natal. Afvalhoopbedekkings bestaande uit 'n 30-cm of 70-cm Estcourt grond met 'n lae permeabiliteit bedek met'n 70-cm of 30-cm laag van meer deurlaatbare Avalon grond het anaerobe kondisies veroorsaak. Ongekompakteerde 30-cm en gekompakteerde 50-cm Avalon grondlae het egter nie bestendige anaerobe kondisies in die hope veroorsaak nie. Die onbedekte hope het aerobics gebly met slegs effense dalings van suurstofkonsentrasies gedurende en na swaar reens. Geisoleerde monsters uit die steenkoolafval onder die 50-cm Avalon grondlaag het vanaf die begin van die toetsperiode tekens van suurvorming getoon. Die onbedekte steenkoolafval en die van die sel met 'n 30-cm Avalon grondlaag het met verloop van tyd al hoe meer suur geword. Die ysteroksiderende bakterie-populasies van die T. ferrooxidans tipe het geblyk om in die onbedekte en Avalon grondbedekte hope wat tekens van suurvorming getoon het hoer te wees as in die hope wat met 'n 1-m laag Avalon grond of Avalon en Estcourt grond bedek is en geen tekens van suurvorming getoon het nie. Ysteroksiderende bakteriepopulasies van die Metallogenium tipe, nieasidofiele en asidofiele tiosulfaatoksiderende populasies was oor die algemeen laag in die steenkoolafvalhope. Vyf van die grondlae wat alma! 1 m dik was het dus geblyk om effektief te wees in die bekamping van die infiltrasie van suurstof na die onderliggende steenkoolafval in die loodskaalhope. Dit lyk asof daardie lae die ysteroksiderende populasies betrokke by suurvorming onderdruk het. Die 0.5-m grondbedekking het egter nie so 'n sterk onderdrukkende effek op die suurstofinfiltrasie of die bakteriepopulasie gehad nie. Na aanleiding van hierdie resultate blyk dit dat steenkoolafvalhope in Suid-Afrika met minstens 0.5 tot 1..0 m grond bedek moet word om effektief die probleem van suur mynafloopwater te bekamp.

Micro-organisms involved in iron oxidation and acid mine drainage formation in KwaZulu-Natal and their control by soil covers on coal waste dumps

Modinger, Heinrich 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 1998. / One copy microfiche. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The biologically catalysed oxidation of pyrite in the outer layers of coal waste dumps leads to the formation of acid mine drainage. The oxidation of pyrite to ferric iron and sulphate is a complex process involving various abiotic and biologically catalysed reactions. Pyrite is abiotically oxidized by ferric iron, with the formation of thiosulphate and ferrous iron. Thiosulphate decomposes to form various inorganic sulphur compounds. Bacterial catalysis of pyrite oxidation is achieved by iron-oxidizing bacteria oxidizing ferrous iron to ferric iron. Bacteria that oxidize sulphur compounds assist the catalysis by oxidizing thiosulphate and its decomposition products. Heterotrophic organisms may play a role by consuming organic substances inhibitory to the lithotrophic bacteria. Abiotic ecological factors, acid formation and populations of iron-oxidizing bacterial groups were studied in 10 differently constructed pilot scale coal waste dumps, as the second phase of a study which started in September 1993. Gas samples were withdrawn weekly from coal waste through permanently buried stainless steel probes, for analysis in the field using a portable oxygen/carbon dioxide meter. Samples of coal waste were extracted by auger for analysis of moisture, pH and microbial populations. The analyses of oxygen and pH can be recommended for the routine monitoring of rehabilitated waste dumps. Covers of Avalon soil 0.3 or 0.5 m thick, were not adequate to prevent acidification. Coal waste covered with 0.7 m compacted beneath 0.3 m uncompacted Avalon soil, showed a slow pH decline, but reached approximately pH 3 in 1997. Covers of compacted Estcourt soil beneath tmcompacted Avalon soil to a cover depth of 1 m were effective in preventing acidification and generally kept the coal waste anaerobic. However, all covers developed cracks during drought conditions in 1995, allowing aeration. Low pH of some samples from these dumps during 1995/1996 may have indicated the start of acidification. Bacteria oxidizing high concentrations of ferrous iron and considered to be Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, were monitored routinely, but may not have been the dominant iron-oxidizer, as population counts using media with a lower ferrous iron concentration were higher. The majority of the latter organisms could also not oxidize sulphur, hence were not T. ferrooxidans. The populations of the high ferrous iron-oxidizing bacteria were affected by pH, tending to be high in acidified and low in non-acidified coal waste. Investigations of microbial populations forming iron-oxidizing consortia in enrichment cultures from coal waste and acid drainage samples showed the presence of T. ferrooxidans, the heterotrophic bacterial genus Acidiphilium, fungi of the genus Penicillium, unidentified filamentous fungi, including Cladophialophora-like morphological types, and a yeast of the genus Dipodascus. In interaction studies, the Penicillium isolate had an inhibitory effect on T. ferrooxidans (subjected to organic compound stress), but the Cladophialophora-like fungi reduced inhibition by organics. Fungi have not previously been studied in detail as components of iron-oxidizing consortia, but the bacterial isolations agree with those elsewhere, indicating that appropriate conclusions from acid mine drainage research in other parts of the world can be applied in KwaZulu-Natal. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die biologies gekataliseerde oksidasie van piriet in die buitenste lae van steenkoolafvalhope lei tot die vorming van suur mynafloopwater. Die oksidasie van piriet tot ferri-yster en sulfaat is 'n komplekse proses wat abiotiese en biologies gekataliseerde reaksies insluit. Piriet word abioties deur ferri-yster geoksideer, met die vrystelling van tiosulfaat en ferro-yster. Tiosulfaat verval om verskeie anorganiese swawelverbindings te vorm. Bakteriese katalise van pirietoksidasie word deur ysteroksiderende bakteriee wat ferro-yster na ferri-yster oksideer, bewerkstellig. Bakteriee wat swawelverbindings oksideer maak 'n bydrae tot die katalise deur tiosulfaat en vervalprodukte daarvan te oksideer. Heterotrofe organismes mag ook 'n rol speel deur organiese verbindings wat die litotrofe bakteriee mag inhibeer, te verbruik. Abiotiese ekologiese faktore, suurvorming en bevolkings ysteroksiderende bakteriee is in 10 verskillend gekonstrueerde loodsskaal steenkoolafvalhope bestudeer, as die tweede fase van 'n studie wat in September 1993 begin het. Gas monsters is weekliks uit die steenkoolafval onttrek deur vlekvrye staal peilers wat permanent daarin begrawe is, en met behulp van 'n draagbare suurstoflkoolstofdioksiedanaliseerder in die veld ontleed. Monsters van die steenkoolafval is met behulp van 'n kleiboor vir die analise van vog, pH en mikrobepopulasies geneem. Die analise van suurstof en pH kan aanbeveel word vir die roetiene monitering van gerehabiliteerde afvalhope. Bedekkings van 0.3 of 0.5 m Avalongrond was nie voldoende om suurvorming te verhoed nie. Steenkoolafval wat met 0.7 m gekompakteerde en 0.3 m ongekompakteerde Avalongrond bedek is, het 'n stadige pH-daling getoon, maar het in 1997 ongeveer pH 3 bereik. Bedekkings van gekompakteerde Estcourtgrond onder ongekompakteerde A valongrond met 'n totale dikte van 1 m, was effektief in die voorkoming van suurvorming. Hulle het oor die algemeen die steenkoolafval anaerobies gehou, maar aile bedekings het tydens die droogte in 1995 krake ontwikkel, wat suurstof laat binnedring het. 'n Lae pH gedurende 1995/1996 by sommige monsters uit hierdie hope mag die begin van suurvorming aangedui het. Bakteriee wat hoe konsentrasies ferro-yster oksideer en wat as Thiobacillus ferrooxidans beskou is, was moontlik nie die dominante ysteroksideerder nie, aangesien bevolkingstellings waar 'n medium met 'n laer konsentrasie ferro-yster gebruik is, hoer bevolkings getoon het. Die meerderheid van laasgenoemde organismes kon ook nie swawel benut nie en dus nie T. ferrooxidans was nie. Die bevolkings van die hoe ferro-ysteroksiderende bakteriee is deur pH beInvloed, met 'n geneigdheid tot hoe bevolkings in suur en lae bevolkings in minder suur steenkoolafval. Ondersoeke na die rnilcrobebevollcings wat in ysteroksiderende konsortia in verryldngslculture vanaf steenkoolafval- en suur mynafloopwatermonsters voorgekom het, het die teenwoordigheid van 7'. ferrooxidans, die heterotrofe balcteriegenus Acidiphilium, fungi van die genus Penicillium, ongeIdentifiseerde fungi, insluitend Cladophialophora-agtige tipes en 'n gis van die genus Dipodascus aangetoon. By interaksiestudies het die Penicillium-isolaat 'n inhiberende effek op T ferrooxidans (onderworpe aan organiese verbindingstres) gehad, maar die Cladophialophora-agtige fungi het die inhibisie deur organiese verbindings verminder. Fungi is nog the in detail as komponente van ysteroksiderende konsortia bestudeer the, maar die isolasies van bakteried stem saam met die van elders wat aandui dat toepaslike gevolgtreldcings ten opsigte van suur mynafloopwatemavorsing vanaf ander dele van die wereld ook in KwaZulu-Natal toegepas kan word.

Harmful sexual practices and gender conceptions in Kwazulu-Natal and their effects on the HIV/AIDS pandemic

Rauch, Rena (Rena Petronella) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This paper looks critically at particularly two harmful sexual practices most prevalent among the Zulu people in Kwazulu-Natal; virginity testing for girls, and the practice 'dry sex.' It is mostly the ripple effects of these practices, regarding the spread of mV/AIDS that is most alarming to medical science, leaving them no option other than to condemn this behaviour. This treatise however endeavours throughout to proffer understanding for the needs of a culture as diverse and unique as the Zulu people. Further, this paper often looks from an overarching African perspective, since despite African peoples' differences in terms of linguistics, geography, religiosity and general differences in daily run of the mill activities, there is a dominant socioreligious philosophy shared by all Africans. The, a, band c of virginity testing, and the resulting moral issues revolving around this practice are addressed. The main issues regarding the repercussions of virginity testing are discussed as well as the medical controversy involved in these issues. This will prove the limited effectiveness of this practice and the potential, yet serious and harmful ramifications it has for girls who are tested. In stark contrast to these girls, stands the girl who starts at a very tender age with the practice of 'dry sex', often encouraged and taught to her by female elders in order 'to please men'. This practice serves as a very powerful tool for commercial sex workers, venturing the streets and the truck driver stops, as it lures men into making her the preferred choice. So desperate are her socio-economic and cultural circumstances that she risks infection, and ultimate death, in order to comply with his need for unprotected and 'dry sex.' Numerous studies alert us to the fact that the drying agents used lead to lacerations of the vaginal walls, causing SID's, which in tum, exacerbate the spread of the disease. Zulu traditions and customs regarding sexuality and sexual relationships proffer essential insight into the Zulu people's sexual behaviour. In order to strike a balance between two diverse cultural groups, the West and African, a critical assessment of the West's own sexual history guides us to understand the West's 'sober' practice of monogamy is no less 'permissive' and 'promiscuous' than the African's practice of polygamy. The paper also investigates the corresponding differences in relation to indigenous knowledge systems versus science. African people discern the body's physiology and anatomy metaphorically and symbolically. We cannot simply gloss over these perceptions, enforcing scientific-based knowledge in our educational programmes, without consideration and accommodation for a very unique way of interpreting one's daily experiences and one's unique self. It is not only our biased discernment of indigenous knowledge that complicates the Aids pandemic considerably, but it is also enhanced by the burden of stereotyped gender-roles. Not only is a paradigm shift regarding the imbalance of power very much needed, we also need to understand that the inculcated anger some men in the Zulu culture fosters is a force to be reckoned with, as it displays psychological underpinnings of damage, signalling very clearly the need for therapeutic measures of healing. Conversely, the female in the Zulu culture has started to empower herself, but not always in terms of a beneficial end in itself. Similarly, it must alert us to the fine line separating the virgin-whore dichotomy, fuelled by her poverty-stricken and maledominated existence. It would appear that what we are fighting for is more than the preservation of life whilst engulfed by AIDS's scourge, but a global vision where the individual, or a whole community, with regard to mVIAIDS, is "self-reproducing, pragmatically selfsustainable and logically self-contained." (Bauman 1994: 188) / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die Zoeloe kultuur figureer daar veral twee tradisionele seksuele gedragspraktyke wat kommer wek by sommige Westerlinge, hier ter plaatse sowel as in die buiteland. Alhoewel hierdie praktyke as natuurlik, eksklusief en algemeen beskou word, is daar huidiglik stemme van protes wat waarsku dat die twee praktyke potentiele gevaar inhou vir die mens se gesondheid en geesteswelsyn. Die praktyke behels dat jong en weerlose meisies vanaf die ouderdom van ses jaar gereeld onderwerp word aan 'n vaginale toets om vas te stelofhulle nog 'n maagd is, en, die voorkeur van sommige mans om omgang te he met 'n vrou wat haar vagina op 'n 'onnatuurlike' wyse droog, hard en styf hou met die oog op 'n meer bevredigende seksuele ervaring vir die man. Baie vroue geniet ook hierdie ervaring. Die mediese wetenskap is veral bekommerd oor die moontlike verband tussen die nadelige repurkussies van die twee praktyke en die vinnige verspreiding van MIVMGS en pleit derhalwe dat daarmee weggedoen word. Die praktiseerders van eersgenoemde praktyk word byvoorbeeld gewaarsku dat dit mag lei tot gevalle van verkragting, anale seks asook kindermishandeling, terwyl laasgenoemde praktyk veral twee hoe risiko-groepe ten opsigte van die VIGSpandemie ten prooi val; die kommersiele sekswerkers in Kwazulu-Natal wat die praktyk gebruik as wapentoerusting, en die land se vragmotorbestuurders wat hierdeur verlei en aangemoedig word. Hierdie vorm van seksuele omgang ondermyn egter nie net kondoomgebruik nie. Studies het bewys dat die gebruik van 'n vaginale uitdrogingsmiddel daartoe kan lei dat die wande van die vagina mag skeur. Beide groepe loop derhalwe nie alleenlik die risiko om 'n seksueeloordraagbare siekte op te doen nie, maar om ook 'n VIGS-slagoffer te word. Terwyl die beperkte effektiwiteit van die twee praktyke deurkam word, poog die verhandeling om deurgaans 'n duidelike ingeboude begrip te handhaaf vir die unieke en eiesoortige karakter van die Zoeloe kultuur. Dit redeneer dat beide groepe, Afrikaboorlinge en Westerlinge, moet probeer verhoed om te polariseer en illustreer dat diverse kultuurgroepe almal, vanuit 'n kultuurhistories perspektief, meerdere of mindere tekens van promiskuiteit en permissiwiteit ten opsigte van seksualiteit toon. Dit spreek vanself dat die twee praktyke ondersoek moet word teen die agtergrond van die Zoeloe's se inheemse kennis met inbegrip van die wyse waarop die menslike fisiologie en anatomie metafories en simbolies verklaar word. Die digotomie wat bestaan tussen inheemse kennis en wetenskap vra dat ons boodskappe gekommunikeer moet word op 'n wyse wat beide gesigspunte konsolideer. Uiteraard kompliseer die stereotipering van geslagsrolle in die Zoeloe bevolking die VIGS-pandemie aansienlik. Dit dra in 'n groot mate daartoe by dat die VIGSpandemie nie suiwer as 'n biomediese probleem manifesteer nie, maar dat ander psigo-sosiale faktore in berekening gebring moet word. Dit werk byvoorbeeld 'n ongebalanseerde magsposisie in die hand wat sommige Zoeloe mans se sielkundige worsteling met hul diepgewortelde, polities geinspireerde woede belig en dui op sommige kontemporere Zoeloe vrouens se toenemende geneigdheid om seks aan te bied in ruil vir geld. Sy doen dit om sodoende haarself van die juk van die Zoeloe man se mag oor haar en haar neerdrukkende sosio-ekonomiese omstandighede te bevry. Die verhandeling beweeg dikwels buite sy grense en fokus nie net bloot op die gedrag van die Zoeloe bevolking nie, maar boorlinge van Afrika in die algemeen. Hierdie oorhoofse Afrika-perspektief vind regverdigingsgronde in die lig van die feit dat boorlinge van Afrika saamgesnoer word deur 'n oorheersende sosio-religieuse filosofie, desnieteenstaande die feit dat daar merkbare verskille voorkom ten opsigte van linguistiek, geografie, religieusheid en ander wat betref hul daaglikse gebruike en omgang.

An assessment of the extent of empowerment through community participation : a Kwazulu-Natal rural development comparison

Gumbi, Themba Aaron Philemon 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to assess the extent of the relevance and success of the empowerment model in facilitating and promoting rural development in South Africa. The assumption was that through active participation communities are able to gain control over their lives and are empowered to promote development successfully. In undertaking this study, the researcher initially reviewed literature on rural development, and thereafter presented and discussed various development methodologies used for realising community development, participation and empowerment. Three case studies selected for an indepth study were distinguishable as follows: the first case that could be regarded as "finished and unsuccessful", the second one that could be classified as "finished and successful", and the third one that could be labelled as "new and ongoing" with respect to rural development projects in the respective communities. A comparative analysis of the three case studies was undertaken with the purpose of establishing the "success" and "failure" in the projects designed to enhance community development and participation. The study shows quite clearly that development projects do not operate in a vacuum but are components of national, social and economic development policies, strategies and programmes for which governments often bear some degree of final responsibility. The success of development projects depends to a large extent on a number of issues, of which community participation and empowerment are the most important. Unless the community actively identifies itself with the project or at the least is involved from day one, in the decisionmaking process of the proposed project, it will be very difficult, if not impossible to achieve the project's developmental objectives. On the basis of the empirical findings, it was revealed that the prerequisites for a successful community development project depend on: a) the encouragement of active involvement, community participation and empowerment of communities for the purpose of enabling them to meet their needs, problems and aspirations; b) the completion in full of the cycle of the development methodology; c) the identification and handling of obstacles in the development cycle as the project unfolds to successful completion; d) the promotion of a facilitative role with regard to capacity building and skills transfer by development personnel; and e) the development of capacity for communities to take control over events influencing their lives (e.g. knowledge, skills, information, networks and support structures to mention a few). In conclusion, it is stressed that the development of people as individuals and as collective groups was central to community development. In doing so, a shift which placed heavy emphasis on resource management and service delivery to capacity building and skills transfer has to take place in order to promote development and social change, making communities progressively minded, desirous of improving their living conditions and capable of doing so through adopting a co-operative way of life for promoting group interests of the community as a whole. From the lessons learned in this study it was shown that the process of rural development can be promoted in a successful manner through the empowerment model which stresses community involvement and participation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie navorsingsprojek was om vas te stel wat die omvang van toepaslikheid en sukses van die bemagtigingsmodel is, in die fasilitering en bevordering van plattelandse ontwikkeling in Suid-Afrika. Die veronderstelling was dat deur aktiewe deelname gemeenskappe in staat sal wees om beheer oor hulle lewe te verkry, en bemagtig sal wees om ontwikkeling suksesvol te promoveer. Met die aanvang van die navorsing, het die navorser eerstens relevante literatuur oor die plattelandse ontwikkeling nagegaan en daarna is verskeie ontwikkelingsmetodes (nasionaal en internasionaal), wat gebruik word vir die realisering van gemeenskapsontwikkeling, betrokkenheid en bemagtiging, aangebied en bespreek. Die drie gevallestudies wat gekies is vir die indiepte ondersoek, word as volg onderskei: die eerste geval kan beskou word as "voltooid en onsuksesvol", die tweede een kan geklassifiseer word as "voltooid en suksesvol", en die derde een kan beskou word as "nuut en in proses" met verwysing na plattelandse ontwikkelingsprojekte in onderskeie gemeenskappe. 'n Vergelykende analise van bogenoemde gevallestudies is onderneem met die doelom die sukses en mislukking van projekte wat ontwerp is om die gemeenskapsontwikkeling en deelname vas te stel. Dit is gevind dat ontwikkelingsprojekte nie in 'n lugleegte geskied nie, maar komponente is van nasionale, sosiale en ekonomiese ontwikkelingsbeleid, strategiee en programme waarvoor die regering meestal 'n mate van finale verantwoordelikheid dra. Die sukses van ontwikkelingsprojekte hang tot 'n groot mate af van 'n aantal kwessies, waarvan gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid en bemagtiging waarskynlik die belangrikste is, tensy die gemeenskap aktief identifiseer met die projek, of ten minste betrokke is van die begin af in die besluitnemingsproses van die betrokke projek, sal dit baie moeilik indien nie onmoontlik, wees om die projek se ontwikkelingstellings te bereik. Die literatuuroorsig het getoon dat die gebruik van ingevoerde westerse norme, standaarde, ontwerpe, regulasies, ens. In die fasilitering van gemeenskapsontwikkeling, in die besonder in plattelandse gebiede, dikwels tot gevolg het dat die projek vervreemding by die plaaslike omgewing veroorsaak. Vir die sukses van die fasiliteringsproses, was vasgestel dat klem op die aanmoediging van, betrokkenheid en deelname by die gebruikers van 'n gevestigde fasiliteit, bekwaamheid oordra en die onderskraging van die projekte inisieer. Op grond van die empiriese bevindings is vasgestel dat vereistes vir 'n suksesvolle gemeenskapsontwikkelingsprojek afhang van: a) die aanmoediging van aktiewe betrokkenheid, gemeenskapsdeelname en bemagtiging van gemeenskappe ten einde hulle in staat te stelom hul behoeftes, probleme en aspirasies te volvoer; b) die voltooiing van die siklus van die ontwikelingsmetodologie; c) die identifisering en hantering van slaggate in die ontwikkelingsiklus soos die projek ontvou tot die suksesvolle voltooiing daarvan; d) die promovering van 'n raadgewende rol ten opsigte van die kapsiteit uitbouing en bemagtigingsoorplasing by die ontwikkelingspersoneel; en e) die ontwikkeling van kapasiteit vir gemeenskappe om beheer uit te oefen oor gebeure wat hul lewens beinvloed (bv. kennis, bemagtiging, inligtingnetwerke en ondersteuningstrukture, om maar 'n paar te noem). Ten slotte is beklemtoon dat sentraal tot gemeenskapsontwikkeling, die ontwikkeling van mense as individue en as kollektiewe groepe is. Daardeur vind 'n groot klemverskuiwing plaas vanaf hulpbronbestuur en dienslewering tot kapasiteituitbouing en bemagtigingsoorplasing. Dit moet plaasvind ten einde ontwikkeling en sosiale verandering te promoveer en gemeenskappe in 'n vooruitstrewende gesindheid te plaas, begeerte na verbeterde lewensomstandighede, en die vaardigheid om dit te doen deur aanvaarding van 'n gemeenskaplike lewenswyse, vir bevordering van die groepsbelange van die gemeenskap as 'n geheel. Wat uit hierdie studie geleer is, bevestig dat deur die bemagtigingsmodel wat gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid en deelname beklemtoon, landelike ontwikkeling wel ontwikkeling suksesvol kan promoveer.

An evaluation of a public-private partnership as an alternative delivery mechanism to enable the effective redistribution of land in KwaZulu-Natal : the case of Inkezo Land Company

Madhanpall, Anwhar 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA (School of Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2008. / The dawn of a democratic South Africa in 1994 was seen as the beginning of a new era in South Africa. Land Reform, as a matter of moral reconciliation, and within the context of rural development, was high on the agenda to be addressed by the new democratic ANC-led government. Although South Africa’s history of systematic racial land dispossession is not unique; the extent of the dispossession, and racial nature of the dispossession gave a uniqueness to South Africa’s land history. In 1994 the racially skewed land ownership pattern reflected that 55 000 white commercial farmers owned 87 per cent of the land, yet the African majority of had access to 13 per cent of the marginal land. The land reform imperative was restricted in approach by the compromise reached during the negotiations resulting in a transitional government for South Africa. In addition, the early 1990’s, was a period of increasing dominance of the neo-liberal ideology with its minimal state and minimal state intervention, and reliance on the free market principles informing interventions and programmes. The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa enshrined private property rights protection; and whilst given recognition to the requirement of land reform it enshrined a market-led approach with enabling legislation and policy statements such as a “willing-buyer/willing-seller” requirements for redistribution and market related prices for land acquisition. The Department of Land Affairs, a national government department, was tasked with the development and implementation of land redistribution. Therefore, despite the neo-liberal principles informing land reform, a state-led approach towards the actual implementation was embarked upon. In 1998 a target was set to be achieved within 5 years; which the Department failed dismally to reach. The target was then extended to be reached by 2014, and the thesis predicts that unless the delivery mechanism currently utilised for land redistribution is changed the target will not be reached by 2014. The New Public Management paradigm, and various alternative delivery mechanisms have been considered, in addition to assessing the delivery mechanisms and approaches towards land reform in Brazil and the Philippines in an attempt to identify suitable delivery mechanisms for land reform in South Africa to enable it to achieve its target and objectives. A detailed evaluation of an existing Public-Private Partnership, which exists to implement land redistribution was undertaken in terms of primary data collection and secondary data statistics. The evaluation assessed whether this delivery mechanism will enable targets to be met and land redistribution objectives in relation to rural development be achieved. The thesis argues that the Public-Private Partnerships alternative delivery mechanism is a suitable vehicle to delivery land redistribution across agriculture commodities, with key recommendations on matters to address within the PPP mechanism. For land reform to be implemented at the required scale and to achieve its developmental objectives innovation is required within partnership approaches and not a traditional bureaucratic-led approach.

The impact of organisational structures on service delivery : a case study of the uMgungundlovu District Municipality

Mlotshwa, Sibongile G. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA (School of Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / The uMgungundlovu District Municipality is one of the ten district municipalities of the KwaZulu-Natal Province which was formed after the disestablishment of the Indlovu Regional Council in the year 2000. This Municipality has within it seven local municipalities that have varying capacity in terms of service provision. The thesis investigates how the evolution of the uMgungundlovu District Municipality’s organisational structure has impacted on the Municipality’s service delivery over the past eight years. The investigated problem is that the Municipality and its predecessor have never reviewed their organisational structures, while their functions, leadership and staff complement have changed over the past eight years. The purpose of the study was to address a practical problem at the Municipality, with the intention to throw some light on the impact of organisational structures on service delivery, and possibly suggest some solutions for the Municipality to implement. The investigation focuses on the challenges faced by the Technical Department, as a line-function department, in their efforts to deliver services to the public. The exploration begins with an analysis of the structure that populated the erstwhile Indlovu Regional Council, and follows through to the structure of the current Municipality. The investigation has been done through the consultation of documentation of the Municipality as well as interviewing staff and management of the Municipality. The staff who were interviewed included technical staff who were employed during the reign of the Regional Council, as well as technical staff who joined the organisation once it had become the District Municipality. In addition, Human Resources staff, performance management staff, the staff union representative and general staff were also interviewed. The focus of the study excludes political influences on the problem of the Municipality due to the sensitivity of this issue. However, responses from the interviews that relate to the role of political principals of the Municipality have been discussed to illustrate the necessary points. The thesis draws on relevant theories, legislation and policies to form the basis for the arguments that are put forward. The legislation and policies used include national, provincial and local government legislation and policies that guide the functioning of municipalities. One of the main findings of the investigation is that the staff and management do not have the same understanding of organisational structures or of their functions. The management understand that organisational structures need to be done with all staff of the organisation and that the structure should be informed by the organisational strategy to ensure that all plans that are followed thereafter assist with the implementation of the organisational strategy; the Integrated Development Strategy. The staff, on the other hand, owing to their exclusion from the relevant organisational structuring and design processes, believes that their work is separate from the organisational strategy. Furthermore, the staff argued that the formulation and implementation of the organisational strategy is the responsibility of the management and they, as low-level staff, have to focus on their ‘normal work’. One of the limitations to the study is that one of the senior managers that was going to be part of the study group resigned before the interviews were conducted. It is submitted that this did not substantially alter the conclusions of the thesis because the Municipal Manager, as the manager of the senior manager and as the Chief Information Officer and Accounting Officer, was available for the interview and has provided the required information. The thesis concludes that the Municipality’s service delivery efforts can only be efficient and sustainable if the organisation ensures that its structure is informed by its strategy, and that these are both reviewed at regular intervals to ensure that this is done in an up-to-date manner.

The impact of management on learner performance : Nhlophenkulu area

Ndlovu, Enock Goodman 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA (Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenboch, 2009. / This study focuses on the effect of management on learner performance in secondary schools. The Grade 12 senior certificate results are used in the study as a standard benchmark. The researcher acknowledges that there may be other factors that contribute to poor performance of learners. A case study of schools in Nongoma (Nhlophenkulu circuit) was used. The three schools that were selected in the case study represent the best performing school in Grade 12 results for the past three years; the middle performing school in Grade 12 results for the past three years; and the poor performing school in Grade 12 for the past three years. In investigating the problem the researcher used both observations and a questionnaire as a way of collecting data information in the selected schools. The middle and the poor performing schools’ problems pointed to the poor management of the schools under study. In the best performing school the analysis of the data revealed that the school was well managed with support structures in and outside the school. It could therefore be deduced that management does have an impact on learner performance. The findings further revealed that a school can not operate in isolation but needs other stakeholders and outside assistance.

The management of potable water supply in rural areas of Umhlathuze Municipality

Buthelezi, Lucky 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / This study gives an overview of the sustainability of potable water supply in rural areas of South Africa in general and four rural areas of uMhlathuze in particular. Three key challenges in achieving sustainable rural water supply are discussed in more detail and later on used to evaluate the inadequacy of financial revenues to cover the full operation, maintenance and replacement of infrastructure. This research study analysed the factors pertaining to the tariff structure used in maintaining and sustaining rendered service. It analysed the current tariff structure that includes the poorest and most marginalised in line with revenue needed to cover recurrence costs. It was the purpose of this study to examine the adequacy of the management system used to sustain the supply of potable water in rural areas, taking into cognisance the costs of rendering the account and of illegal connections combined with high water losses. The study also attempted to link these points to the challenges faced by the rural areas. The sustainability of rural water supply was analysed, based on financial factors, affordability and on the willingness to pay for the service. The researcher first compared the water billing (levies) and payment patterns of each customer in rural areas of uMhlathuze Municipality with others; and secondly, compared the primary data against theory and the literature. Differences and similarities between the collected data and theory were at the core of the analysis The research results determined that the municipality has the capacity to maintain and sustain the potable water supply network in these areas, while dealing with management questions and recommending to management what is needed to ensure that the water reticulation system is run on a sustainable basis. Sustainability of rural water supply seems to be dependent on factors like policy, legal framework and economic factors such as an ability to meet the costs and willingness to pay for rendered service.

The voice of the teacher in the context of religious freedom: a KwaZulu-Natal case study

Jarvis, Janet 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd (Curriculum Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2008. / The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa (CRSA) (1996) ushered in a new dispensation with regard to the human right to ‘religious freedom’. Inclusivity in a school context of religious diversity underpins the Religion and Education Policy (2003) which is in turn informed by, and supportive of, the CRSA (1996). To date, the Policy (2003) has not been substantially implemented. In classroom praxis there has been little or no substantial cascading to teachers (and therefore also to learners), of the intention and substance of the Policy (2003). A possible cause of this is that many teachers do not necessarily understand the meaning of the human right to ‘religious freedom’. As a result, they have resisted a multireligion approach to education. The aim of this study was to investigate how teachers construct their understanding of the human right to ‘religious freedom’ and how they voice this understanding in a context of religious diversity in schools. Integral to the investigation was an interrogation of the influence of their biographical context in shaping their personal religious identity. The study also considered the impact of the school context in which teachers taught. This study anticipated the theoretical clarification of how teachers construct their social identities, and in particular their religious identities. This theoretical framework informed what emerged from the empirical research that was conducted. The key concepts of ‘religious freedom’ and voice were described and clarified by the sources employed in the literature review. It was clear from the literature review that while useful research had been undertaken in aspects relating to the acceptance of, or resistance to, the Policy (2003), no research had grappled sufficiently, if at all, with teachers’ understanding of the human right to ‘religious freedom’ and how they constructed this understanding. In order to conduct this study, an empirical, qualitative research design, including elements of small-scale ethnography, using a case study approach, was employed. Research methods included the use of semi-structured individual and focus group interviews and self-administered questionnaires. The data were triangulated. From the research it emerged that teachers’ biographical context and school context do indeed influence the construction of their understanding of the human right to ‘religious freedom’. The way in which they give voice to this understanding varied. It became apparent that many teachers lacked understanding of religions other than (and in some cases, including) their own. The Policy (2003) was also poorly understood as was the implementation thereof. Recommendations relating to the problems and shortcomings identified by the research have been made. These include possible intervention strategies by the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Education and Culture; Human Rights Values Education as a teaching approach; and the empowering of teachers by affording them opportunities to engage in emancipatory discourse. Further research possibilities that can be influenced by this research include issues relating to teacher identity formation; further interrogation of the impact of the teacher’s voice; and the inclusion of parents and the school community in the implementation of policy relating to Religion and Education.

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