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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gender discrimination in the SANDF : women as combat soldiers in the South African Army with reference to the Western Province Command

Veldtman, Sazi Livingston. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: As early as the unification of South Africa in 1910 enforced discrimination in the military has been an issue that affected both race and gender. The advent of democracy in South Africa has brought fundamental changes in spheres of governance. One of these changes is the transformation of the public service of which the Department of Defence, in particular the South African National Defence Force, is part. The constitutional and judicial imperatives stipulated to the government departments to be representative of the demographic composition of the population of South Africa. The Department of Defence has provided a policy on equal opportunity and affirmative action to redress the racial and gender imbalances of the past, to protect individual and groups against unfair discrimination andto work towards achievement of employment equity. The study seeks to establish the extent and influence of gender discrimination in the South African National Defence with particular reference to the SA Army's Western Province Command. To achieve this, the attitude of the middle and top management of the WP Command towards the utilisation or employment of women in combat roles were assessed. The study also investigated whether the mentioned management does encourage women to be involved or participate in combat roles. Data was collected from respondents by means of a structured questionnaire consisting of 58 questions (plus 8 unstructured questions). The sample was drawn from the SA Army's WP Command and the focus was on middle and top management. Findings of the study indicate that the SA Army's WP Command's middle and top management supports the equality of men and women in general, but is reluctant to allow women to participate in combat roles side by side with their male counterparts. Although there seems to be an understanding and support for the policies of addressing equal opportunities, traditional cultural beliefs or stereotypes about women still shape and influence the acceptance and the non-acceptance of women in combat roles Finally, recommendations highlight issues of consideration when drafting policy vis-a-vis the utilisation of women as combat soldiers. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Reeds so vroeg as Uniewording van Suid Afrika in 1910 was geforseerde diskriminasie binne die weermag 'n kwessie wat beide ras en geslag beïnvloed het. Die totstandkoming van 'n demokrasie in Suid Afrika het fundamentele veranderinge in die sfeer van Staatsbestuur te weeg gebring. Een van hierdie veranderinge het betrekking op die transformasie van die staatsdiens, waarvan die Suid Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag 'n deel is. Daar rus 'n konstitusionele en juridiese verpligting op staatsdepartmente om die demografiese samestelling van die bevolking van Suid Afrika te weerspieel. Die Department van Verdediging het 'n beleid van gelyke geleenthede en regstellende optrede ontwikkelom die rasse- en geslagsongelykhede van die verlede aan te spreek. Die beleid poog om individue en groepe teen onregverdige diskriminasie te beskerm en om billikheid in die werksomgewing te verseker. Hierdie studie poog om die omvang en invloed van geslagsdiskriminasie in die Suid- Afrikaanse Nasionale .Weermag te bepaal, met spesifieke verwysing na Kommandement Westelike Provinsie in die Suid-Afrikaanse Leer. Ten einde die omvang en invloed te bepaal is die houdings van middel- en topbestuur van Kommandement WP beoordeel met betrekking tot die aanwending of benutting van vrouens in 'n gevegsrol. Die studie poog om te bepaal of genoemde bestuurders vrouens aanmoedig om betrokke te raak by, of deel te neem in 'n gevegsrol. Data insameling het geskied deur middel van 'n gestruktureerde vraelys wat 58 vrae bevat het (Daar was ook 8 ongestruktureerde vrae ingesluit). Die steekproef is getrek uit lede van die Suid Afrikaanse Leer verbonde aan Kommandement Westelike Provinsie, met die spesifieke fokus op middel- en topbestuur. Bevindings van die studie dui daarop dat middel- en topbestuur van Kommandement Westelike Provinsie (SA Leer) oor die algemeen gelykheid tussen mans en dames ondersteun. Hulle is egter onwillig om vrouens toe te laat om sy aan sy met hul manlike eweknie in 'n gevegsrol te funksioneer. Alhoewel dit blyk dat daar begrip en steun bestaan vir die beleid wat gelyke geleenthede voorskryf, bepaal tradisionele kulturele oortuigings of stereotipes met betrekking tot vroue steeds die aanvaarding of nie-aanvaarding van vrouens in 'n gevegsrol. Die finale aanbeveling beklemtoon dat daar sekere kwessies is wat oorweging moet geniet wanneer 'n beleid ten opsigte van die benutting van vroue as soldate in 'n gevegsrol, opgestel word.

The mentoring of officers commanding in the SA Military Health Service (SAMHS): a military social work perspective

Radebe, Chrystal 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Social Work (Social Work))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / An exploratory research design together with a quantitative research approach were chosen to determine whether military social workers possess the necessary knowledge, skills and values to mentor Officers Commanding (OCs) in the South African Military Health Service (SAMHS). The motivation for this study was based on questions the researcher asked as to whether there was a link between the methods in social work intervention processes, supervision and mentoring processes. During the preliminary investigation, the researcher found that no prior research under this specific subject was undertaken. The researcher also determined from her role as consultant to Officers Commanding in the SAMHS, that whereas military social workers received supervision upon joining the South African National Defence Force (SANDF), OCs, received no formal mentoring. It was also found that although a mentoring policy in the Department of Defence (DOD) existed, no evidence existed that a mentoring programme was implemented in the SAMHS. The goal of the study is therefore to provide military social workers with a framework of a mentoring process for Officers Commanding in the SAMHS. The literature study firstly focused on describing the military social work environment in which the military social worker is employed, as well as theoretical frameworks that guide the military social worker’s task. Although more than one theoretical framework was discussed, the main focus was on the systems theory and ecological perspective. The work environment of the OC was also included, as well as the challenges of their functions, tasks and roles in the SAMHS. Primarily, the literature study explored the knowledge, skills and values of the military social worker and the mentoring process. The sample that was selected for this study was 46 military social workers that represented all the chief military social workers in specialist posts and those with a higher ranking from Captain to Colonel. A quantitative investigation was undertaken by means of a questionnaire which was completed in groups in the respective provinces. The results of the investigation largely confirmed the findings of the literature study namely that military social workers do fit the requirements to mentor. These requirements to mentor were evident in the results of the knowledge, skills and values of military social workers and their understanding of the parallels between the methods in social work, supervision and the mentoring process. The results gave an indication of the knowledge, skills and values of military social workers to mentor Officers Commanding in the SAMHS, and the framework of the mentoring process and how it relates to the casework, group work and supervision processes in social work. The recommendations demonstrated that a central body should be identified to coordinate and plan a mentoring programme in the SAMHS. The recommendations also include that the Directorate Social Work should provide clear guidelines on how military social workers should implement the DOD Mentoring policy, and ensure that military social workers are trained in staff development methods and its processes. The recommendations included further research: both quantitative and qualitative research by means of questionnaires and interviews with OCs, as well as monitoring and evaluation of the mentoring process. This information will benefit military social workers in their training as mentors. In implementing these recommendations, military social workers will be able to contribute significantly to the development of Officers Commanding in the SAMHS and the profession of social work.

The utilisation of community work within a military context : the role of the social worker

Bagnall, Karen 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSocialWork)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Community work fulfils definite functions within the social work milieu and develops according to a process. The SANDF does not possess any definite guidelines regarding community work. The resultant consequence is that community work is not utilised to its full potential in that the client system does not always receive a quality service. The purpose of this study was to compose a framework for the Directorate of Social Work within the SANDF, which can serve as a guideline for the possible formulation of a policy document on community work within social work practice. The objectives of the study are firstly to provide theoretical and practical guidelines which social workers in a military setting can follow when utilising community work as a social work method of intervention. Secondly, to explore the knowledge and skills of social workers in the military within the SANDF regarding community work. Thirdly, the need for guidelines with regard to community work within the SANDF, was explored. This study was confined geographically to the social workers in the military of the Western Province. An exploratory study was executed in order to achieve the stated goal and objectives. The research methodology was a quantitative design being a data collection instrument in the form of a questionnaire. The questionnaire was used to probe skills, knowledge perceptions and attitudes relating to community work and to determine the impact of existing community programmes. The empirical study enabled the researcher to draw certain conclusions. Although certain misconceptions were evident, the respondents understood the term developmental social work, community and community work, as well as the systems involved in the community work process and the practice models. The most utilised social work method was casework. The respondents who utilised community work made use of a community work process. Most of the respondents utilised the social community education model in the military. Most of the respondents indicated that guidelines for community work within the SANDF would be helpful. Approximately thirty percent of the respondents experienced problems while making use of community work as a social work method of intervention. A number of recommendations stem from the findings and conclusions. The social workers knowledge with regard to community work needs to be updated. Practical opportunities need to be provided to afford the social worker the opportunity to implement the newly acquired knowledge. Community work guidelines need to be determined within the SANDF, and need to be formulated into a policy document. Specific community work posts, which include all disciplines, need to be created within the SANDF. Post-graduates studies should be undertaken by social workers before being promoted into managerial positions. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gemeenskapswerk is een van die drie primere metodes van maatskaplike werk. Gemeenskapswerk is 'n proses wat mense help om hulle probleme en behoeftes duidelik te identifiseer en wat die gemeenskap verder help om potensialiteite en vermoëns te ontwikkel om probleme en behoeftes self te kan hanteer, op te los en te voorkom. Gemeenskapswerk het 'n bepaalde funksie binne die maatskaplike werk milieu en verloop volgens 'n proses. Die SANW beskik nie oor geskrewe riglyne vir gemeenskapswerk nie. Dit kan die kwaliteit van dienslewering aan die kliëntsisteem beinvloed. Die doel van hierdie studie is om 'n raamwerk vir die Direktoraat Maatskaplikewerk Dienste in die Suid Afrikaanse Nationale Weermag(SANW) op te stel wat as riglyne vir gemeenskapswerk in die maatskaplike-praktyk benut kan word, en aangewend kan word om 'n beleidsdokument saam te stel. Die doelwitte van die studie is eerstens om 'n teoretiese uiteensetting van verskeie praktyk modelle van gemeenskapswerk en die proses van gemeenskapswerk in die maatskaplike-praktyk aan te bied. Tweedens is beoog om deur middel van 'n ondersoek te bepaal oor watter kennis van en vaardigheid in gemeenskapwerk , maatskaplike werkers in die SANW beskik. In die derde plek is die behoefte aan riglyne vir gemeenskapswerk in die SANW ondersoek. Die studie is begrens tot maatskaplike wekers in die militêr verbonde aan die Westelike Provinsie. 'n Verkennende studie is onderneem om die gestelde doelstelling en doelwitte te bereik. 'n Vraelys is benut as instrument ter insameling van die data. Die empiriese ondersoek is gedoen deur die benutting van kwantitatiewe navorsing om die voorkoms van die werklikhede te bespreek. Na aanleiding van die empiriese ondersoek is bepaalde gevolgtrekkings gemaak. Alhoewel die respondente die terme gemeenskapswerk, gemeenskappe en gemeenskapwerk modelle en die vier sisteme binne gemeenskapswerk verstaan, het verwarring wel voorgekom. Daar is bevind dat die gevallewerkmetode deur die oorgrote meederheid van die respondente gebruik word. Daar is ook bevind dat gemeenskapswerk verloop volgens 'n proses. Die gemeenskaps-opvoedkundige model word deur die meerderheid van die respondente benut. Daar is bevind dat riglyne vir gemeenskapswerk in die SANW bruikbaar sal wees, omdat ongeveer dertig persent van die respondente probleme ondervind tydens die benutting van die gemeenskapswerk proses. Aanbevelings na aanleiding van die bevindinge en gevolgtrekkings sluit in dat maatskaplike werkers in die militêr se teoretiese kennis oor gemeenskapswerk uitgebrei moet word, waarna opleiding benodig word om hierdie kennis toe te pas. Riglyne vir gemeenskapswerk in die SANW moet opgestel word en in 'n beleidsdokument saamgevat word. Die SANW moet spesifieke gemeenskapswerkposte skep wat alle dissiplines sal insluit. Voorts moet nagraadse studie ook 'n vereiste wees vir maatskaplikewerk-personeel om tot 'n bestuursposisie bevorder te kan word.

Transformation in the military police agency of the South African National Defence Force

Litchfield Tshabalala, Khanyisile 11 1900 (has links)
The goal of this research was to describe the nature, occurrence and extent to which integration preceded normative and institutional transformation in the SANDF and therefore in its Military Police, thereby demonstrating how in its aftermath, integration has become a recipe for disaster, casting a spell on further transformation within the military. The research also aimed at bringing the reader face-to-face with the daily struggles of Africans in the SANDF, by focusing on one of the smallest divisions of the military, the Military Police Agency (MPA). The research project was limited to all reported interviews and questionnaire responses of eighty five participants of the Southern Military Police Region (S MPR), excluding the S MPR HQ as well as the MPA HQ. A total of eighty five respondents out of a total strength of 172 S MPR composition, took part in the sample. Seventy nine participated in the questionnaire, fifty one in the interview and a total of forty five participated in both. Interviews were used as follow-up sessions to respondents' questionnaire answers. While the questionnaire was structured, the interview was semi-structured, allowing members to comment, object, affirm or question the process of transformation both in the SANDF and in the MPA. In keeping with the qualitative research method, the semi-structured interview enabled the mapping of categories, trends and patterns in the responses. It was found that MK and APLA cadres who integrated into the ex-Naval MPs surpassed their counterparts in the ex-Army MPs, by far. The two groups are incomparable, in rank level, experience, training, attitude and knowledge of the organisation. It was further discovered that most practices that had taken place before 1999 at W CSC and still continued within the MPA, negate SANDF policy and are criminal. Prejudice, racism, obscene language and gender insensitivity were rife, forming part of institutional culture. It is recommended that Weitzer's proposed solution for the transformation of coercive institutions be considered. It is a thoroughgoing transformation of the security apparatus through a legal framework because civil control is not enough to guarantee the pre-eminence of the democratic forces. / Criminology and Security Science / M.A (Criminology)

Strategic change management in the South African National Defence Force

Veldtman, Sazi Livingston January 2018 (has links)
This study investigated strategic change management in the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) during the period 1994 until 2014. Theoretical perspectives on strategic management, institutional culture, leadership and strategic change management in the SANDF were discussed. In addition, a historical perspective on the evolution of South African military culture was given. The study found that a transactional leadership approach was used to transform the SANDF. This transactional leadership approach is commensurate with the preservation of the status quo without radically transforming the institution. On the contrary, the transactional leadership approach fits in well in transforming an institution with a view to bring about a new composite institutional culture, drawn from the integrated institutions. The strategic change management as applied in the SANDF has not succeeded in creating a unified inclusive military culture of the seven former armed forces, from 1994 until 2014. The research has also shown that the institutional culture of the SANDF does not reflect the shared assumptions, beliefs and values of all integrated armed forces. However, the study concluded that transformation in the SANDF as a planned strategic change intervention has not been managed adequately between 1994 and 2014, to achieve the desired results. / Public Administration / D. P. L.

The formation of SANDF : integration experiences of former Transkei, Bophuthatswana, Venda and Ciskei defence force members

Matloa, Abbey Oupa 02 1900 (has links)
Before entering into a democratic dispensation, South African military and defence systems were constituted by seven disparate armed forces. The transformation of South Africa from a separatist state introduced renewed efforts and challenges to integrate what was once a divided military corps and society. In 1994, the formation of the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) was born out of the effort to integrate various statutory and non-statutory armed forces in South Africa, including forces from former TBVC states. Through a phenomenological inquiry, integration experiences of former TBVC Armed Force members into the new SANDF structure are investigated. The study aimed to find out from the former TBVC force members how they were affected by the integration process and what their perception with regards to the effectiveness of the integration process on enhancing representation on all rank levels in the new SANDF was. The findings from in-depth semi-structured interviews with 16 such members indicate that transformation of South Africa’s military outfit into an integrated system is not exactly an epitome of a new and different yet cohesive and unified structure. The notion of ‘integration’ is as such cast as essentially a problematic one where inequalities still reflect in how former statutory and non-statutory force members are treated particularly with regards to promotion opportunities. In addition, there are perceived lingering vestiges of a previous separatist system such as the use of Afrikaans language as a medium of instruction and communication, previous SADF policies which helps produce the idea of integration as more a process of absorption instead. Despite this problematisation of integration processes in shaping how the new SANDF outfit is currently experienced by members, there are perceived benefits from the change brought about by ‘integration’ of forces. Some benefits are as tangible as individual career advancement, while others tend to reflect impacts at systemic level of family where members indirectly profit from the reorganisation and call for adjustment to new settings and structures that followed integration / Research / M.A. (Research Consultation)

Green zone nation : the securitisation and militarisation of the 2010 FIFA World Cup, South Africa

McMichael, Christopher Bryden 22 April 2013 (has links)
This thesis explores the relationship between the safety and security measures for the 2010 FIFA World Cup and the militarisation of urban space and policing in post-apartheid South Africa. In particular, it focuses upon how the South African state and FIFA, the owners of the World Cup franchise, worked to present the World Cup as an event which required exceptional levels of security – resulting in a historically unprecedented joint police and military operation across host cities. However, in contrast with previous research on these security measures, this thesis aims to interrogate the political and commercial forces which constructed security and positions them against a backdrop of intensified state violence and social exclusion in South Africa. Concurrently, the South African case was indicative of an international militarisation of major events, with policing operations comparable to national states of emergency. This is representative of the ‘new military urbanism’ in which everyday urban life is rendered as a site of ubiquitous risk, leading to the increased diffusion of military tactics and doctrines in policing and policy. While the interpenetration between urbanism and militarism has often been studied against the context of the ‘war on terror’, in the case of South Africa this has primarily been accelerated by a pervasive social fear of violent crime, which has resulted in the securitisation of cities, the remilitarisation of policing and the intensification of a historical legacy of socio-spatial inequalities. The South African government aimed to use the World Cup to ‘rebrand’ the country’s violent international image, while promising that security measures would leave a legacy of safer cities for ordinary South Africans. The concept of legacies was also responsive to the commercial imperatives of FIFA and a range of other security actors, including foreign governments and the private security industry. However these policing measures were primarily cosmetic and designed to allay the fears of foreign tourists and the national middle class. In practice security measures pivoted around the enforcement of social control and urban marginalisation while serving as a training ground for an increasingly repressive state security apparatus. Security was as much a matter of fortifying islands of privilege and aiding a project of financial extraction as protecting the public from harm. / Microsoft� Office Word 2007 / Adobe Acrobat 9.53 Paper Capture Plug-in

The airborne concept in the South African military, 1960-2000 : strategy versus tactics in small wars

Alexander, Edward George McGill January 2016 (has links)
Text in English / Restricted files have not been uploaded / The thesis commences by elaborating on the concept of vertical envelopment as a form of military manoeuvre and defining airborne operations as comprising parachute, helicopter and air-landed actions. It goes on to describe strategy and tactics as they apply to the discussion before briefly tracing the development internationally of vertical envelopment and the thinking of the South African military about airborne operations during the Second World War. Events leading up to the decision by the South African military to acquire helicopters and to train paratroopers in 1960 are examined and the early operational employment of helicopters is analysed. The establishment of 1 Parachute Battalion is discussed in the light of the absence of a clear understanding of how it should be employed. Moving on to the commencement of the conflict known as the Southern African Thirty Year War, the issue of strategic versus tactical application of an airborne capability during operations in Namibia, Angola and Rhodesia is defined. Strategic application is then illustrated by specific independent airborne strikes, and the requirement for an airborne brigade to plan and conduct such operations is highlighted. The establishment of 44 Parachute Brigade and the difficulties experienced in its development are reviewed before scrutinising the tactical use of airborne forces in support of other ground forces. The high point in organisation and capability of the airborne forces of the South African Defence Force at the time of the ending of the Thirty Year War is appraised and the unfulfilled potential of the capability is elucidated. Faced with change and uncertainty, the employment of the paratroopers in urban operations during the height of the civil unrest is examined. This is followed by probing the response of the paratrooper organisation to severe budget cuts, enforced reorganisation and relocation, the ending of conscription and integration into the new South African National Defence Force following the country’s first democratic elections in 1994. The thesis concludes with an evaluation of the airborne actions during the incursion by South Africa into Lesotho in 1998 and an assessment of the implications of the loss of a strategic airborne capability. / History / D. Litt. et Phil. (History)

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