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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mokytojų požiūris į vaikų, turinčių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių, integruoto ugdymo realijas / Sight of teachers at realities of the integrated training of children, having special requirements of training

Zapasnik, Vladislov 30 June 2009 (has links)
Darbo tema - mokytojų požiūris į vaikų, turinčių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių, integruoto ugdymo realijas. Tema aktuali, nes Lietuvoje daug dėmesio skiriama specialiųjų poreikių vaikų integruotam ugdymui bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose, sąlygų, kad šie vaikai jaustųsi pilnaverčiai, reikalingi ir mylimi mūsų visuomenėje, sudarymui. Šalies pedagogai skatinami gilinti ir plėtoti teorines bei praktines specialiosios pedagogikos bei pedagoginės psichologijos kompetencijas, išmokti kuo anksčiau atpažinti ir įvertinti vaikų poreikius, kad galėtų sėkmingai ugdyti specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčius mokinius bei aktyviai dalyvauti pagalbos teikimo procese. Tyrimo tikslas - išanalizuoti mokytojų požiūrį į vaikų, turinčių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių, integruoto ugdymo realybę. Temos aktualumui pagrįsti buvo atliekama anketinė apklausa, išsiaiškintas pedagogų požiūris į specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčių vaikų integruotą ugdymą. Nustatyta, kad ne visi pedagogai teigiamai žiūri į specialiųjų poreikių vaikų ugdymą bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje. Jie mano, kad šios mokyklos dar nepasiruošusios priimti specialiųjų poreikių vaikų, kad jų įsitraukimas į bendrąją ugdymo sistemą kelia naujų reikalavimų ir rūpesčių tiek pedagogams, tiek ir mokyklų vadovams. Tyrimo hipotezė, kad mokytojų požiūris į vaikų, turinčių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių, integruoto ugdymo realybę yra negatyvus, dalinai pasitvirtino. Atliktas tyrimas patvirtino anksčiau atliktų panašaus pobūdžio tyrimų rezultatus. Tai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The subject of this work is the viewpoint of teachers under the realities of integrated education of the pupils who have special needs of education. This subject is important, because many attention is dedicated in Lithuania to the integrated education of pupils with special needs in comprehensive schools. Teachers establish conditions to these children to feel required, valued and beloved in our society. The educators of our country are motivated to deepen and develope theoretical and practical knowledge in special pedagogy and pedagogical psychology, to learn how to recognize and evaluate the special needs of the children. Then they can succesfully educate pupils with special needs of education and take an active part in the process of presentation of help. The purpose of this research is to learn much about the viewpoint of teachers under the realities of integrated education of the pupils who have special needs of education. To motivate the actuality of this subject, there was made an interrogation, also was learnt the viewpoint of teachers under the integrated education of children with special needs. There was determined that not all of the teachers approve the education of pupils with special needs in comprehensive schools. Part of them think that such schools are not ready to admit children with special needs and that involvement of such children to common education system raises the new ante and troubles to the teachers and the directors of the schools. The... [to full text]

Bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos mokytojų kompetentingumas ugdant specialiųjų poreikių vaikus / General school teachers' competence in educating children with special requirements

Želichovskienė, Diana 15 June 2005 (has links)
Integration of children with special education requirements into comprehensive schools has raised negative teachers’ children’s and their parents’ reaction primarily. The attitude towards the disabled has been negative for decades in our society. But this attitude has changed. On the other hand- comprehensive schools weren’t fit and teachers weren’t ready enough for work with these children. So, there was a natural need to solve all problems and to reorganize all education system. Requirements to teachers in comprehensive schools have changed: they are required special knowledge, abilities and skills to work with disabled children. The purpose of research- to educe are teachers in comprehensive schools competent enough to educate children with special education requirements. Summarizing the research results we can draw a conclusion: · Competency is an ability to do the best in a working ared, to make decisions on one’s own, good knowledge, good work skills. · There are some gaps in juridical documents: the training quality of children with special education requirements isn’t guaranteed, the setting in which these children must be educated isn’t determined, sponsorship isn’t vouched. · Teacher’s, who works with children with special education requirements, is well seen in these areas: - when all problems are solved together with special education committee; - when teacher believes in childrens’ with special education requirements success; - when teacher creates... [to full text]

Intelekto sutrikimų turinčių SP mokinių integruoto ugdymo ypatumai / Sr students with mentality disorder integrated education peculiarities

Radzevičiūtė, Rasa, Radzvičiūte, Rasa 24 September 2008 (has links)
Magistriniame darbe aptariamas bendraklasių ir jų tėvelių bei pedagogų požiūris į integruotai ugdomus sutrikusio intelekto SP mokinius ,Vilniaus apskrities pagrindinėje mokykloje. Pateikti tėvų, pedagogų ir vaikų anketinės apklausos duomenų analizės rezultatai, išvados . Išvados: 1. Intelekto sutrikimus lemia endogeniniai ir egzogeniniai faktoriai: endogeniniai – nėštumo metu motinos patirtos traumos, persirgtos infekcinės ligos, gimdymo traumos, paveldimumas ir chromosomų patologija; egzogeniniai faktoriai – vaikų persirgti infekciniai susirgimai( meningitai, meningoencefalitai, encefalitai), galvos traumos ir kt. 2. Intelekto sutrikimų turinčių SP mokinių specialieji ugdymosi poreikiai konstatuojami mokyklų specialiojo ugdymo komisijoje ir PPT. 3. Dauguma mokyklos bendruomenės narių nepritaria sutrikusio intelekto SP mokinių integruotam ugdymui - 48% pedagogų nepritaria, nes trukdo kitų mokinių ugdymui klasėje, 29% - nepritaria, nes neįžvelgia tokių mokinių ugdymo tęstinumo, 21%- pritaria, 2%- į šį anketos klausimą neatsakė; - 79% - tėvų nepritaria intelekto sutrikimų turinčių SP mokinių integruotam ugdymui, tačiau moko savo vaikus būti draugiškais su visais bendraklasiais, 14%-visapusiškai pritaria, 7% - pritaria, nes augina SP turintį vaiką.; - draugauja su ”kïtokiais” bendraklasiais 90% mergaičių ir 40% berniukų; vengia bendrauti, nes nesupranta jų elgesio 3% mergaičių ir 25% berniukų; 3% mergaičių ir 26% berniukų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In master dissertation is discussing classmates, parents and teachers opinion to integrated education of mentality disorder SR(special requirements) students in Vilnius district secondary-school. Parents, teachers and children questionnaire information analysis results, findings are given. Conclusions: 1. Mentality disorders determine endogenous and exogenous factors: endogenous – during pregnancy period mother‘s experienced injury, recovered infectious diseases, birth traumas, inheritance and chromosomes pathology; exogenous factors:- children recovered infectious diseases ( meningitis, meningoencephalitis, encephalitis ), head traumas and etc. 2. SR students with mentality disorder special education requirements are stated at schools special education commission and PPS (pedagogical psichological service). 3. Majority of school community members disapprove to mentality disorder SR students integrated education. 48% - of teachers disapprove , because it disturbs other students education in class, 29% disapprove, because don‘t observe such students education succession, 21% approve, 2% had‘t respond to this question. 79% - of parents disapprove to having mentality disorder SR students integrated education, however teach their children to be friendly with all classmates, 14 % comprehensively approve, 7% approve, because bring up a child who has SR. Communicate with „different“ classmates 90% of girls and 40% of boys, avoid to communicate because misunderstand their behavior... [to full text]

Aspergers syndrom i vanlig skola. : En undersökning om hur man kan underlätta för elever med Aspergers syndrom i en vanlig skolgång.

Åstrand, Emilie January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syftet med min uppsats är alltså att ta reda på hur man kan underlätta elevers, som har Aspergers syndrom eller visar tecken på att befinna sig inom kriterierna för diagnosbedömningen utav Aspergers syndrom, vanliga skolgång. Den metod jag har använt mig av i undersökningen är kvalitativa intervjuer.</p><p>Det resultat som framkommit är att de intervjuade pedagogernas verktyg för att jobba med elever som har Aspergers syndrom kan man likväl använda i det vanliga klassrummet, med små förändringar. Med god planering, tydliga regler, tydliga rutiner, ett öppet sinne och tydlighet så funkar de intervjuades arbetssätt även i det vanliga klassrummet. Något som framkom i en intervju var att man önskade sig en egen läroplan för elever med Aspergers syndrom med tanke på att dem ibland kan behöva mer träning inom det som hör till det sociala livet så att säga och att man inte hinner med det på samma sätt eftersom man har läroplanen att följa till punkt och pricka.</p> / <p>The purpose of this paper is to examine how to make the regular school attendence easier for children with Asperger´s syndrome or children which haven´t got the diagnosis just yet. The study is based on interviews with four educationalists. The results shows that the tools the interviewed educationalists use in their work can be applied on the regular school class work, with small changes though. With good planning, legible rules, legible routines, an opened mind and just to be legible are working for the interviewed so it will work for an ordinary educationalist as well. Another thing that the results showed was that some of the interviewed educationalists wished for a special curriculum for pupils with Asperger´s syndrome since they often need more social training then the present curriculum allows.</p>

Aspergers syndrom i vanlig skola. : En undersökning om hur man kan underlätta för elever med Aspergers syndrom i en vanlig skolgång.

Åstrand, Emilie January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med min uppsats är alltså att ta reda på hur man kan underlätta elevers, som har Aspergers syndrom eller visar tecken på att befinna sig inom kriterierna för diagnosbedömningen utav Aspergers syndrom, vanliga skolgång. Den metod jag har använt mig av i undersökningen är kvalitativa intervjuer. Det resultat som framkommit är att de intervjuade pedagogernas verktyg för att jobba med elever som har Aspergers syndrom kan man likväl använda i det vanliga klassrummet, med små förändringar. Med god planering, tydliga regler, tydliga rutiner, ett öppet sinne och tydlighet så funkar de intervjuades arbetssätt även i det vanliga klassrummet. Något som framkom i en intervju var att man önskade sig en egen läroplan för elever med Aspergers syndrom med tanke på att dem ibland kan behöva mer träning inom det som hör till det sociala livet så att säga och att man inte hinner med det på samma sätt eftersom man har läroplanen att följa till punkt och pricka. / The purpose of this paper is to examine how to make the regular school attendence easier for children with Asperger´s syndrome or children which haven´t got the diagnosis just yet. The study is based on interviews with four educationalists. The results shows that the tools the interviewed educationalists use in their work can be applied on the regular school class work, with small changes though. With good planning, legible rules, legible routines, an opened mind and just to be legible are working for the interviewed so it will work for an ordinary educationalist as well. Another thing that the results showed was that some of the interviewed educationalists wished for a special curriculum for pupils with Asperger´s syndrome since they often need more social training then the present curriculum allows.

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