Spelling suggestions: "subject:"spectrometer"" "subject:"pectrometer""
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Entwicklung zweier Spektrometer für laserbeschleunigte ProtonenstrahlenRichter, Tom 08 April 2009 (has links)
Durch die Fokussierung eines ultrakurzen und hochintensiven Laserpulses auf ein Festkörpertarget können Pulse von Protonen und anderen positiv geladenen Ionen mit Teilchenenergien von einigen MeV pro Nukleon erzeugt werden. Die Charakterisierung dieser Teilchenstrahlung erfordert die Identifizierung der Ionenspezies und die Bestimmung ihrer spektralen Verteilung möglichst nach jedem Puls.
Im Rahmen dieser Diplomarbeit wurden zwei Spektrometer entwickelt und am DRACO-Lasersystem des Forschungszentrums Dresden implementiert. Neben der Inbetriebnahme eines Thomson-Spektrometers mit einer Mikrokanalplatte und einem Fluoreszenzschirm als Auslese erfolgte die Entwicklung eines Flugzeitspektrometers. Die Verwendung einer Mikrokanalplatte mit nur 180ps Anstiegszeit als Signalverstärker sorgt darin für eine verbesserte Energieauflösung und einen flexibleren Einsatz im Experimentierbetrieb. Ein dem Flugzeitsignal überlagertes Störsignal, welches durch die Einstreuungen eines elektromagnetischen Impulses in den Aufbau verursacht wurde, konnte erfolgreich durch die Anwendung verschiedener Filter unterdrückt werden.
Als Ergebnis dieser Arbeit steht eine anwendungsbereite Diagnostik für laserbeschleunigte Protonen und Ionen zur Verfügung. / By focusing an ultra-short high-intensity laser pulse on a solid target, pulses of protons and other positive charged ions with energies of several MeV per nucleon are generated. It is necessary to identify the species of those particles and obtain their energy spectra in a single-shot regime.
Within this diploma thesis two spectrometers have been developed and implemented in the DRACO-laboratory of the Forschungszentrum Dresden. Besides a Thomson spectrometer with read-out via microchannel plate and phosphor screen, a time-of-flight spectrometer was developed. The usage of a microchannel plate with 180ps rise time as a signal amplifier leads therein to a better energy resolution and a more flexible handling in experimental operation. A noise signal generated by stray pick-up of an electromagnetic pulse and superimposing the time-of-flight signal was considerably reduced by the application of different filters.
As a result of this work a ready-to-use diagnostic for laser accelerated protons and ions is available.
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Optical Thickness Retrievals of Subtropical Cirrus and Arctic Stratus from Ground-Based and Airborne Radiance Observations Using Imaging Spectrometers / Ableitung wolkenoptischer Dicken von Subtropischen Zirrus und Arktischen Stratus aus bodengebundenen und flugzeuggetragenen Messungen eines abbildenden SpektrometersSchäfer, Michael 18 July 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The development and application of new cloud retrieval methods from ground–based and airborne measurements of spectral radiance fields above heteorogeneous surfaces is introduced. The potential of imaging spectrometers in remote–sensing applications is evaluated. The analyzed spectral radiance fields were measured during two international field campaigns in the visible wavelength range (400–970 nm) with high spatial (<10m) resolution. From ground–based measurements, high ice clouds were observed and from airborne measurements Arctic stratus. From the measurements, cloud optical thickness is retrieved with high spatial resolution and the horizontal cloud inhomogeneities are investigated. Depending on the measurement configuration, different uncertainties arise for the retrieval of the cloud optical thickness. A reduction of those uncertainties is derived by a specification of the ice crystal shape to improve the retrieval of the optical thickness of high ice clouds. The ice crystal shape is obtained independently from the angular information of the scattering phase function features, imprinted in the radiance fields. A performed sensitivity study reveals uncertainties of up to 90%, when neglecting this information and applying a wrong crystal shape to the retrieval. For remote-sensing of Arctic stratus, the highly variable surface albedo influences the accuracy of the cloud optical thickness retrieval. In cloudy cases the transition of reflected radiance from open water to sea ice is not instantaneous but horizontally smoothed. In general, clouds reduce the reflected radiance above bright surfaces in the vicinity of open water, while it is enhanced above open sea. This results in an overestimation of to up to 90% in retrievals of the optical thickness. This effect is investigated. Using observations and three-dimensional radiative transfer simulations, this effect is quantified to range to up to 2200 m distance to the sea-ice edge (for dark-ocean albedo of αwater = 0.042 and sea-ice albedo of αice = 0.91 at 645 nm wavelength) and to depend on macrophysical cloud and sea-ice properties.
The retrieved fields of cloud optical thickness are statistically investigated. Auto–correlation functions and power spectral density analysis reveal that in case of clouds with prevailing directional cloud structures, cloud inhomogeneities cannot be described by a universally valid parameter. They have to be defined along and across the prevailing cloud structures to avoid uncertainties up to 85%. / Im folgenden wird die Entwicklung und Anwendung neuer Ableitungsverfahren von Wolkenparametern, basierend auf bodengebundener und flugzeuggetragener spektraler Strahldichtemessungen über heterogenen Untergründen, vorgestellt und das Fernerkundungspotential abbildender Spektrometer evaluiert. Die spektralen Strahldichtefelder wurden während zweier internationaler Feldkampagnen im sichtbaren Wellenlängenbereich (400–970 nm) mit hoher räumlich Auflösung (<10m) gemessen. Bodengebundene Messungen wurden genutzt, um hohe Eiswolken zu beobachten und flugzeuggetragenen um arktischen Stratus zu beobachten. Aus den Messungen werden räumlich hochaufgelöste wolkenoptische Dicken abgeleitet und anschließend horizontale Wolkeninhomogenitäten untersucht. Die Ableitung der wolkenoptischen Dicke birgt je nach Messkonfiguration verschiedene Unsicherheiten. Eine Reduzierung der Unsicherheiten wird durch die Vorgabe einer Eiskristallform zur Verbesserung der Ableitung der optischen Dicke hoher Eiswolken erreicht. Diese werden unabhängig aus den winkelabhängigen, in das gemessene Strahldichtefeld eingeprägten Eigenschaften der Streuphasenfunktion, abgeleitet. Bei Vernachlässigung dieser Information und Wahl der falschen Eiskristallform, treten Fehler in der abgeleiteten optischen Dicke von bis zu 90% auf. Bei der Fernerkundung von arktischem Stratus beeinflusst die sehr variable Bodenalbedo die Genauigkeit der Ableitung der optischen Dicke. Beim Übergang von Meereis zu Wasser, findet die Abnahme der reflektierten Strahldichte im bewölktem Fall nicht direkt über der Eiskante, sondern horizontal geglättet statt. Allgemein reduzieren Wolken die reflektierte Strahldichte über Eisflächen nahe Wasser, während sie über dem Wasser erhöht wird. Dies führt zur Überschätzung der wolkenoptischen Dicke über Wasserflächen nahe Eiskanten von bis zu 90 %. Dieser Effekt wird mit Hilfe von Beobachtungen und dreidimensionalen Strahlungstransferrechnungen untersucht und es wird gezeigt, dass sein Einfluss noch bis zu 2200 m Entfernung zur Eiskante wirkt (für Meeresalbedo 0.042 und Meereisalbedo 0.91 bei 645 nm Wellenlänge) und von den makrophysikalischen Wolken- und Meereiseigenschaften abhängt.
Die abgeleiteten Felder der optischen Dicke werden statistisch ausgewertet, um die Inhomogeneität der Wolken zu charakterisieren. Autokorrelationsfunktionen und Leistungsdichtespektren zeigen, dass Inhomogenitäten von Wolken mit vorranging richtungsabhängiger Struktur nicht mit einem allgemeingültigen Parameter beschrieben werden können. Es sind Inhomogenitätsmaße entlang und entgegen der jeweiligen Wolkenstrukturen nötig, um Fehler von bis zu 85% zu vermeiden.
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Two-nucleon transfer in the 58Ni(p;3He)56Co reaction at incident energies of 80, 100 and 120 MeVVan Zyl, Johannes Jacobus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / Please refer to full text for abstract.
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The Physics of Gaseous Exposures on Active Field Emission Microcathode ArraysChalamala, Babu Reddy 09 1900 (has links)
The interaction of active molybdenum field emission microcathode arrays with oxygen, water, carbon dioxide, methane, hydrogen and helium gases was studied. Experiments were setup to measure the emission characteristics as a function of gas exposures. The resulting changes in the surface work function of the tips were determined from the Fowler-Nordheim plots. The kinetics of the FEA-gas interaction were studied by observing the ion species originating from the array during and after gas exposures with a high resolution quadrupole mass spectrometer. With the work function data and the mass spectrometry information, the mechanisms responsible for emission degradation and subsequent device recovery after exposures have been determined.
The data obtained was used in estimating the device lifetimes under various vacuum environments. Also it was found that the gas exposure effects are similar in dc and pulsed modes of operation of the arrays, thus permitting the use of dc mode testing as an effective acceleration method in establishing the device lifetimes under various vacuum conditions. The vacuum conditions required for the long term emission current stability and reliability of vacuum microelectronic devices employing FEAs are established.
Exposure of Mo field emitter arrays to oxygen bearing species like oxygen, water and carbon dioxide resulted in serious emission current degradation. Whereas, exposure to methane and hydrogen caused a significant increase in emission current. The control of residual gases like 02, C02 and H20 in the vacuum envelope is essential for the emission current stability and long term reliability of vacuum microelectronic devices employing field emission microcathode technology.
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Použitelnost Ramanových spektrometrů (excitace 785 nm) pro detekci tmavých minerálů / Estimation of Raman spectrometric instruments (785 nm excitation) for detection of dark mineralsŠimon, Jan January 2013 (has links)
Summary: Raman spectroscopy is a widely used method in geoscience fields. Using a portable Raman spectrometer is possible to identify different materials, Raman spectrometer will participate in the survey the Martian surface. Its use is widely applied in mineralogy. There was measured a set of dark, green and some bright minerals of different mineralogical system groups that have been assessed the applicability of the chosen detector excitation at 785 nm mainly off-road equipment. The obtained spectra were measured off-road equipment ahura at excitation 785 nm and laboratory equipment InVia Renishaw and there were used lasers at excitaion of 785 nm and 514 nm. It was set of these minerals: Prehnite, Sulphur, Tyrkenit (howlit), Pyroxene (diopside), Libethenite, Toutmaline (verdelite), Dioptas, Klinoklas, Langit, Jadeit, Pseudomalachit (ehlit), Actinolite, Epidote, Augite. Results are composed of field measurement device Ahura, with excitation 785 nm and laboratory apparatus Invite Renishaw excitations with 785 nm and 514 nm. Measured values are arranged in tables, where the measurements are compared with each other, including literature and reference graphically demonstrated in the form of spectra. Subsequently evaluated their measurability. Keywords: Raman spektroscopy, portable Raman spectrometer,...
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Qualification expérimentale de la μTPC LNE-IRSN-MIMAC comme instrument de référence pour les mesures en énergie et en fluence de champs neutronique entre 27keV et 6,5 MeV / Experimental qualification of the µTPC LNE-IRSN-MIMAC as the reference instrument for energy and fluence measurements of neutron fields between 27 keV and 6,5 MeVTampon, Benjamin 17 December 2018 (has links)
En France, les références associées à la fluence neutronique et aux grandeurs dosimétriques dérivées sont détenues par le Laboratoire de Métrologie, de micro-irradiation et de Dosimétrie des Neutrons (LMDN) de l’IRSN. Afin d’améliorer la définition des références en énergie et en fluence des champs neutroniques monoénergétiques de l’installation AMANDE,le LMDN s’est engagé dans le projet de développement d’un détecteur gazeux μTPC (microTime Projection Chamber) appelé LNE-IRSN-MIMAC en collaboration avec le LPSC.Dans une précédente thèse, la mesure de champs neutroniques entre 27 keV et 565 keV a été réalisée. L’objectif de ce travail de thèse est d’étendre la gamme de mesure au-delà de 1 MeV.Le choix du gaz, le développement d’une méthode d’analyse indépendante de l’utilisateur et la caractérisation du détecteur ont ainsi permis de valider la capacité du détecteur LNE-IRSN-MIMAC à réaliser des mesures dans des champs neutroniques monoénergétiques entre 250 keV et 6,5 MeV avec une précision de 3% en énergie et de 2,5% en fluence. / In France, the references associated to the neutron fluence and the deriva-ted dosimetric quantities are under the responsability of the micro-irradiation and neutronmetrology and dosimetry laboratory (LMDN)of IRSN. In order to improve the definition ofreferences in fluence and energy of the monoenergetic neutron fields, produced at AMANDEfacility, a micro-TPC gaseous detector, called LNE-IRSN-MIMAC, is developping in collabo-ration with LPSC.In a previous work, the detector was qualified for neutron fields in the energy rangebetween 27 keV and 565 keV. The objective of the present work is to extend the range of theμTPC above 1 MeV. The choice of the gas, the development of an analysis method and thedetector characterization allowed to validate the detector capacity to perform measurements inmonoenergetic neutron fields ranging from 250 keV up to 6,5 MeV with a relative uncertaintyof 3% and 2,5% respectively in energy and fluence.
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Fabricação e modelagem de uma nova geometria para espectrometria de mobilidade iônica de tolueno, propanol e água com elevada relação sinal-ruído. / Fabrication and modeling of a new geometry for ion mobility spectrometry of toluene propanol and water with high signal-to-noise ratio.Moreira, Raphael Garcia 13 April 2018 (has links)
Neste trabalho é apresentada uma nova geometria e os critérios de projeto para dispositivos de espectrometria de mobilidade iônica, com objetivo de aumentar a relação entre sinal e ruído detectados pelos eletrômetros que compõem a região de detecção, quando associado à ionização baseada em descargas elétricas que tipicamente emitem maior interferência eletromagnética em relação a outros tipos de ionização. A geometria e os critérios de projeto foram estabelecidos com o auxílio do simulador de trajetórias iônicas SIMION versão 8.1 e comparada com espectrômetros de mobilidade iônica do estado-da-arte. Os resultados das simulações dos dispositivos foram avaliados por meio dos testes estatísticos não-paramétricos de Iman-Davenport e Holm. O resultado indicou que a geometria proposta apresentou compatibilidade com as melhores características dos espectrômetros atuais com confiança estatística a 95 %. Na sequência a geometria proposta foi simulada, fabricada e testada para detecção dos íons de: tolueno - C7H8 (C5H5+, C6H5+, C7H7+), propanol - C3H8O (CH3+, CH3O+, C2H3+, C2H4O+, C2H5O+, C3H6+, C3H7+, C3H7O+) e água - H2O (H+, HO+, H2+, O+). Os picos de corrente iônica detectada nos eletrômetros indicaram coerência com as trajetórias simuladas para estes conjuntos de íons. Além disso, os resultados experimentais apresentaram um aumento na relação entre sinal e ruído para a nova geometria proposta que foi validada pelo teste de comparação pareada não-paramétrico de Wilcoxon a 95 % de confiança estatística. / In this work, a new geometry and a design criteria for ion mobility spectrometry devices was presented, aiming to increase the signal-to-noise ratio detected by electrodes of the detection region, when associated with ionization based on electrical discharges. The new geometry and the design criteria were established in the SIMION version 8.1 (an ionic trajectory simulator) and compared with the state-of-art ion mobility spectrometers. The results from device simulations were evaluated using the non-parametric statistical test of Iman-Davenport and Holm. The result indicated that the proposed design criteria presented compatibility with the best characteristics of current spectrometers with statistical evidence at 95%. The proposed geometry was simulated, fabricated and tested for the following solvents: toluene - C7H8 (C5H5+, C6H5+, C7H7+), propanol - C3H8O (CH3+, CH3O+, C2H3+, C2H4O+, C2H5O+, C3H6+, C3H7+, C3H7O+) and water - H2O (H+, HO+, H2+, O+). The peaks of ion current detected in the electrometers occurred at approximate positions of the simulated trajectories for these sets of ions. In addition, the experimental data showed an increase in the signal-to-noise ratio for the proposed new geometry that was validated by the test statistic of Wilcoxon signed rank at 95% statistical confidence.
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Fabricação e modelagem de uma nova geometria para espectrometria de mobilidade iônica de tolueno, propanol e água com elevada relação sinal-ruído. / Fabrication and modeling of a new geometry for ion mobility spectrometry of toluene propanol and water with high signal-to-noise ratio.Raphael Garcia Moreira 13 April 2018 (has links)
Neste trabalho é apresentada uma nova geometria e os critérios de projeto para dispositivos de espectrometria de mobilidade iônica, com objetivo de aumentar a relação entre sinal e ruído detectados pelos eletrômetros que compõem a região de detecção, quando associado à ionização baseada em descargas elétricas que tipicamente emitem maior interferência eletromagnética em relação a outros tipos de ionização. A geometria e os critérios de projeto foram estabelecidos com o auxílio do simulador de trajetórias iônicas SIMION versão 8.1 e comparada com espectrômetros de mobilidade iônica do estado-da-arte. Os resultados das simulações dos dispositivos foram avaliados por meio dos testes estatísticos não-paramétricos de Iman-Davenport e Holm. O resultado indicou que a geometria proposta apresentou compatibilidade com as melhores características dos espectrômetros atuais com confiança estatística a 95 %. Na sequência a geometria proposta foi simulada, fabricada e testada para detecção dos íons de: tolueno - C7H8 (C5H5+, C6H5+, C7H7+), propanol - C3H8O (CH3+, CH3O+, C2H3+, C2H4O+, C2H5O+, C3H6+, C3H7+, C3H7O+) e água - H2O (H+, HO+, H2+, O+). Os picos de corrente iônica detectada nos eletrômetros indicaram coerência com as trajetórias simuladas para estes conjuntos de íons. Além disso, os resultados experimentais apresentaram um aumento na relação entre sinal e ruído para a nova geometria proposta que foi validada pelo teste de comparação pareada não-paramétrico de Wilcoxon a 95 % de confiança estatística. / In this work, a new geometry and a design criteria for ion mobility spectrometry devices was presented, aiming to increase the signal-to-noise ratio detected by electrodes of the detection region, when associated with ionization based on electrical discharges. The new geometry and the design criteria were established in the SIMION version 8.1 (an ionic trajectory simulator) and compared with the state-of-art ion mobility spectrometers. The results from device simulations were evaluated using the non-parametric statistical test of Iman-Davenport and Holm. The result indicated that the proposed design criteria presented compatibility with the best characteristics of current spectrometers with statistical evidence at 95%. The proposed geometry was simulated, fabricated and tested for the following solvents: toluene - C7H8 (C5H5+, C6H5+, C7H7+), propanol - C3H8O (CH3+, CH3O+, C2H3+, C2H4O+, C2H5O+, C3H6+, C3H7+, C3H7O+) and water - H2O (H+, HO+, H2+, O+). The peaks of ion current detected in the electrometers occurred at approximate positions of the simulated trajectories for these sets of ions. In addition, the experimental data showed an increase in the signal-to-noise ratio for the proposed new geometry that was validated by the test statistic of Wilcoxon signed rank at 95% statistical confidence.
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Monitoring Vapor Phase Concentration in Supersonic FlowsPaci, Paolo 28 April 2003 (has links)
This work discusses the development of a compact Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectrometer (TDLAS) for gas phase mixing ratio and temperature measurements of condensible vapors, in particular H2O and D2O, in supersonic flows. Through extensive pressure trace measurements and mass balances on the incoming species, the expected mixing ratio and temperature profiles of the condensible species along the supersonic nozzle have been characterized. Using a Tunable Diode Infrared laser operating in the 8 microns region, the possibility of nonintrusively measuring the gas phase mixing ratio and the temperature (even simultaneously) in a supersonic nozzle is demonstrated. The acquired spectroscopic data and the pressure trace measurements are compared and the results suggest the possibility to improve the instrument set-up and to improve the quality of the measurements. Also, the interpretation of our initial experimental results and the comparison with the pressure traces measurements suggest reasons to further investigate the condensation behavior of D2O and H2O.
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Desenvolvimento de um espectrômetro de correlação angular gama-gama perturbada com seis detectores de BaF2 e estudo de interações hiperfinas em composto intermetálico LaMnSi2 / Development of a perturbed gama-gama angular correlation spectrometer with six BaF2 detectors and study of hiperfine interaction in the intermetallic compound LaMnSi2Domienikan, Claudio 17 November 2016 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi desenvolvido um Espectrômetro de Correlação Angular Gama- Gama Perturbada Diferencial em Tempo (CAP) constituído por seis detectores cintiladores de BaF2, para realização de medidas de interações hiperfinas (campo hiperfino magnético e gradiente de campo elétrico) em diversos materiais e propiciar estudos na área da física da matéria condensada. O espectrômetro desenvolvido possui um sistema de aquisição não convencional em comparação aos demais equipamentos destinados a medidas de CAP. Ao invés do tradicional Analisador Multicanal (MCA), este espectrômetro utiliza um sistema de aquisição de dados constituído, basicamente, por um Conversor Analógico Digital (ADC) rápido, uma placa digital (I/O) convencional e um roteador construído no laboratório de Interações Hiperfinas (LIH) do IPEN. Este versátil e eficiente sistema, controlado por um software também criado no LIH em LabVIEW, permite a geração simultânea de 30 espectros de coincidências γ - γ atrasadas, número superior em comparação aos 12 espectros do antigo espectrômetro de quatro detectores. Além de medidas de linearidade, resolução em tempo e tempo morto, o funcionamento e o desempenho do espectrômetro foram comprovados através de medidas de CAP utilizando os núcleos de prova 111In -> 111Cd e 181Hf -> 181Ta, cujos resultados são bem conhecidos da literatura. Foram feitas medidas de interação quadrupolar do 181Ta em háfnio metálico e do 111Cd em cádmio metálico, e de campo hiperfino magnético do 111Cd e do 181Ta em níquel. Os resultados destas medidas se mostraram em concordância com a literatura. Adicionalmente foram realizadas medidas inéditas de interações hiperfinas magnéticas no composto intermetálico LaMnSi2 utilizando os núcleos de prova 111Cd e 140Ce. As medidas foram realizadas na faixa de temperatura de 10 K a 400K. No caso das medidas utilizando a sonda 111In -> 111Cd, os resultados mostram uma variação do campo magnético com a temperatura que segue a função de Brillouin. Já no caso das medidas com o núcleo de prova 140La -> 140Ce, o resultado apresentou um comportamento anômalo do campo hiperfino em função de temperatura. Os resultados evidenciam uma forte hibridização da banda 4f do Ce com a banda 3d do Mn, fato verificado e estudado em trabalhos anteriores com compostos semelhantes. / In this work a Perturbed gama-gama Angular Correlation (PAC) spectrometer was constructed consisting of six BaF2 scintillator detectors to perform measurements of hyperfine interactions (magnetic hyperfine field and electric field gradient) in different materials to study condensed matter physics. The spectrometer developed has an unconventional acquisition system compared to other equipment for PAC measurements. Instead of a traditional multichannel analyzer (MCA), the spectrometer utilizes a data acquisition system consisting of basically a fast analog to digital converter (ADC), a conventional digital card (I/O) and a router constructed in the hyperfine interactions laboratory (LIH) of IPEN. This versatile and efficient system, controlled by software, also developed in the LIH using LabVIEW, allows simultaneous generation of 30 delayed γ - γ coincidence spectra compared to 12 spectra in the old 4 detector spectrometer in our laboratory. In addition to the tests of system linearity, time resolution and dead time, the operational performance of this spectrometer was demonstrated by PAC measurements using 111In -> 111Cd and 181Hf -> 181Ta nuclear probes, for which the results are well known from the literature. The quadrupole interaction of 181Ta in metallic hafnium, and 111Cd in metallic cadmium, and magnetic hyperfine field of 111Cd in nickel, were measured and the results are in agreement with the literature. Additionally the measurements were carried out, with the new spectrometer, to study the hyperfine field in the intermetallic compound LaMnSi2 using 111Cd and 140Ce nuclear probes. The measurements were carried out in the temperature range from 10 K to 400 K. While the temperature dependence of hyperfine field measured with 111In -> 111Cd probe, follows the Brillouin function the behaviour of the hyperfine field measured with 140La -> 140Ce is anomalous. This behavior has been explained in terms of a strong hybridization of 4f band of Ce with the 3d band of Mn, a fact verified in previous studies with similar compounds.
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