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Conceptualizing ambush marketing : developing a typology of ambush strategy and exploring the managerial implications for sport sponsorsBurton, N. January 2012 (has links)
As sport sponsorship has grown in importance and sophistication over the past three decades, so too have the efforts made by un-associated brands to capitalize on the financial benefits and media value provided by sport. By offering would-be sponsors an alternative means of associating with an event without the substantial expense of securing an official partnership, ambush marketing has become a major threat to the investments made by official sponsors, cluttering the marketing environment surrounding sponsorship and challenging sponsors for consumer attention and awareness. Unfortunately, our understanding of ambushing and its impact on the management of sponsorship programmes has been limited by the predominantly atheoretical, outdated perspective of ambush marketing espoused by commercial rights holders and event organizers. This study presents a conceptual examination of ambush marketing, providing a theoretical investigation of the nature, role, strategy and impact of ambush marketing and a renewed perspective of ambush marketing as a form of marketing communications. Contemporary ambush marketing represents a strategic alternative to official sponsorship, which offers a brand access to consumer attention and awareness by creating an affiliation, whether implicit or explicit, with an event or property. This previously unexplored complexity and diversity has informed the construction and development of a typology of ambush strategy which contemporizes past ambush marketing research and affords new insight into the role and evolution of ambush marketing, and its impact on sport sponsorship management. The development of a theoretical conceptualization of ambush marketing represents an integral step in the advancement of the academic study of ambushing, and affords the opportunity to better understand the impact of ambushing on sponsorship and to further explore the nature of ambush marketing.
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Étude comparée de la représentation sociale des marques de sport chez les sportifs français et djiboutiens : application au cas des footballeurs et athlètes / Comparative study of the social representation of sportswear brands among French and Djiboutian sportsmen and women : application to the case of footballers and athletesBallah Youssouf, Youssouf 17 December 2018 (has links)
Les phénomènes de « sportivisation » des sociétés contemporaines et le développement des moyens de technologies de l’information et de la communication ont permis aux marques de sport une ascension rapide et lucrative à l’échelle mondiale. De même, la surmédiatisation du sport et des célébrités sportives ne fait qu’accroitre cette tendance. De plus en plus, les gens ont tendance à consommer de façon émotionnelle, ce qui sous-tend des comportements individuels et collectifs.L’objectif de cette thèse est de mieux comprendre les comportements et les attitudes des sportifs consommateurs (Djiboutiens et Français) des marques de sport. Pour ce faire, elle utilise les « représentations sociales » (Moscovici, 1961) comme « grille » d’analyse qui permettra de mettre en évidence d’une part les cognitions partagées des consommateurs, et d’autre part, les stratégies marketing mises en place par les entreprises. Ce travail va permettre de comparer les relations sportifs-marques de sport des deux groupes de sujets différents du point de vue socioculturel, en l’occurrence les sportifs Français et les sportifs Djiboutiens.Deux études exploratoires, l’une qualitative (entretien semi-directif) et l’autre quantitative (association libre de mots) ont permis de récolter les premiers jeux des données auprès des sportifs (footballeurs et athlètes) Djiboutiens et Français. La première étude exploratoire a fait émerger les catégories de discours. Quant à la deuxième étude, elle a permis de définir le champ et la structure des représentations sociales. Enfin, une étude confirmatoire, via un modèle d’équations structurelles a permis de tester l’ensemble des hypothèses selon les marques, les sports pratiqués et selon l’appartenance nationale de groupes. In fine, les résultats n’ont pas révélé de différences significatives entre Adidas et Nike. De même, une dichotomie n’a pas été établie entre les représentations sociales des athlètes et les représentations sociales des footballeurs. Par contre, on constate des contrastes entre les représentations des sportifs en fonction de leurs appartenances nationales. / The phenomena of "sportivization" of contemporary societies and the development of information and communication technologies have enabled sports brands to rise rapidly and profitably on a global scale. Similarly, the over-mediatization of sport and sports celebrities only increases this trend. More and more people tend to consume emotionally, which underlies individual and collective behaviours.The objective of this thesis is to understand better the behaviours and attitudes of sports consumers (Djiboutians and French) of sports brands. To do this, it uses "social representations" (Moscovici, 1961) as an analytical "grid" that will make it possible to highlight, on the one hand, the shared cognitions of consumers and, on the other hand, the marketing strategies put in place by companies. This work will make it possible to compare the sports relations of the two groups of different subjects from a socio-cultural point of view, in this case French and Djibouti sportsmen and women.Two exploratory studies, one qualitative (semi-directive interview) and the other quantitative (free association of words), made it possible to collect the first data sets from Djiboutians and French athletes (footballers and athletes). The first exploratory study revealed the categories of discourse. The second study defined the scope and structure of social representations. Finally, a confirmatory study, using a structural equation model, made it possible to test all the hypotheses according to brands, sports practised and the national affiliation of groups. In the end, the results did not reveal any significant differences between Adidas and Nike. Similarly, a dichotomy has not been established between the social representations of athletes and the social representations of footballers. On the other hand, there are contrasts between athletes' representations according to their national affiliation.
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Actividades de marketing en social media de marcas deportivas en relación a la satisfacción e intención de compra en la generación Y de Lima metropolitana / Marketing activities in social media of sports brands in relation to satisfaction and purchase intention in generation Y of metropolitan LimaQuispe Pérez, Nicole Solange 09 July 2020 (has links)
El social media se ha convertido en medio importante para las actividades de marketing, generando que tanto las personas como las empresas creen contenido y desarrollen oportunidades de negocio a través de este medio. Por ende, este estudio analiza los efectos de las actividades de marketing en social media (AMSM) sobre la satisfacción con relación a la intención de compra en marcas deportivas en la generación Y de Lima Metropolitana. Con el objetivo de resolver la problemática que pocos estudios han desarrollado particularmente investigando la importancia relativa de cada componente de las AMSM y analizando los efectos en las variables propuestas. Este estudio tuvo un enfoque mixto, realizando diversas técnicas cualitativas y cuantitativas para la recopilación y análisis de datos.
Los resultados mostraron que las variables que tienen mayor impacto en la satisfacción son el entretenimiento, tendencia y personalización, mientras que no se pudo comprobar el impacto de la satisfacción en la intención de compra. Finalmente, se recomienda a las empresas aumentar el contenido y sus actividades digitales enfocándose en las tres variables principales como el entretenimiento, tendencia y personalización, ya que, esas variables son las más valoradas por el usuario en el social media. / Social media has become an important medium for marketing activities, generating that both individuals and companies create content and develop business opportunities through this medium. Therefore, this study analyzes the effects of marketing activities in social media (AMSM) on satisfaction in relation to purchase intention in sports brands in generation Y of Metropolitan Lima. With the aim of solving the problem that few studies have developed, particularly by investigating the relative importance of each component of the AMSM and analyzing the effects on the proposed variables. This study had a mixed approach, using various qualitative and quantitative techniques for data collection and analysis. The results showed that the variables that have the greatest impact on satisfaction are entertainment, trend and personalization, while the impact of satisfaction on purchase intention could not be verified. Finally, companies are recommended to increase the content and their digital activities focusing on the three main variables such as entertainment, trend and personalization, since these variables are the most valued by the user in social media. / Trabajo de investigación
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Influencers deportivos y su relación con la intención de compra en el consumidor de una marca deportiva en Lima Metropolitana / Sports influencers and their relationship with the intention to purchase a sports brand in Metropolitan LimaSanta María Sánchez Moreno, Franco 09 July 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación se enfoca principalmente en los influencers deportivos en relación a la intención de compra en una marca de ropa deportiva en Lima Metropolina. La investigación está compuesta por una breve introducción que ayudará a entender el contexto en el que está situado el trabajo y cuatro capítulos divididos en: Marco teórico, metodología, resultados cuantitativos/cualitativos y discusión. En el desarrollo del estudio se planteará distintos factores de los influencers que hacen que la intención de compra de los consumidores sea vea influenciada. Por ello, las marcas constantemente están siendo más meticulosos y rigurosos con las figuras públicas que usan para promocionar sus productos.
La investigación de Rebelo (2017) la cual estudia las dimensiones de los influencers que conllevan a la intención de compra en los consumidores facilitó el desarrollo y la composición de la estructura del presente trabajo de investigación académica. La investigación es de carácter correlacional, debido a que se busca relacionar la variable influencers deportivos con la variable intención de compra. De igual manera, el enfoque empleado es mixto ya que se hizo una investigación cualitativa como cuantitativa. / This research focuses mainly on sports influencers in relation to the intention to buy from a sportswear brand in Lima Metropolina. The research is composed of a brief introduction that will help to understand the context in which the work is located and four chapters divided into: Theoretical framework, methodology, quantitative / qualitative results and discussion. In the development of the study, different factors of the influencers will be considered that make the purchase intention of consumers be influenced. Therefore, brands are constantly being more meticulous and rigorous with the public figures they use to promote their products.
The research by Rebelo (2017) which studies the dimensions of influencers that lead to the purchase intention in consumers facilitated the development and composition of the structure of this academic research work. The research is correlational in nature, because it seeks to relate the variable sports influencers with the variable purchase intention. Similarly, the approach used is mixed, since qualitative and quantitative research was carried out. / Trabajo de investigación
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[pt] A qualidade do discurso mercadológico é fator determinante para o sucesso de uma empresa, tendo as marcas não só a necessidade de se comunicar, mas também de serem relevantes, de somarem aos projetos de vida dos consumidores. Em um contexto de grande importância econômica das marcas de artigos esportivos, este estudo tem como objetivo analisar os diversos significados produzidos nos vídeos das marcas Adidas, Nike e Under Armour no período olímpico e pré-olímpico de 2016. Em outras palavras, pretende-se apresentar os significados produzidos pelas marcas bem como os mecanismos discursivos utilizados em suas peças de comunicação veiculadas em seus respectivos canais no YouTube. A pesquisa tem como base a teoria do cultural branding, em especial os trabalhos de Douglas Holt, e as aplicações da semiótica discursiva no marketing e no branding, com destaque para as contribuições de Jean-Marie Floch e Andrea Semprini. Os resultados sugerem que essas marcas exploram em suas narrativas as similaridades entre esportistas famosos e seus enunciatários-consumidores. Não obstante o uso de diferentes mecanismos discursivos, as três marcas cujos vídeos foram analisados desenvolvem narrativas de superação que, em uma construção mítica, conciliam os valores de igualdade e diferenciação. / [en] The quality of the marketing discourse is a decisive factor in a company s success, meaning that on top of communicating with their consumers, brands need to be relevant to them, adding up to their life projects. In a context where sports brands have significant economic relevance, this study analyzes the different meanings brought by the campaigns of three brands: Adidas, Nike and Under Armour, before and during the 2016 Olympic Games. In other words, this paper aims not only to identify the meanings produced by the brands but also discuss the discursive mechanisms used in their pieces of communication broadcasted in their respective channels on YouTube. The research is based on the theory of cultural branding, focusing on Douglas Holt s work, and the application of discursive semiotics in marketing and branding, emphasizing the contributions of Jean-Marie Floch and Andrea Semprini in this particular field of study. The results of the analysis suggest that these brands explore in their narratives the similarities between famous athletes and their consumers. Moreover, despite the use of different discursive mechanisms, all three brands developed stories about the process of overcoming a situation which, in a mythical construction, reconciles the values of equality and differentiation.
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El Social Media Marketing, la Co-creation of Value y el Customer Brand Engagement en relación al Customer Satisfaction en las marcas deportivasCuro Varillas, Bruno Francisco 03 December 2020 (has links)
El presente estudio se centra en analizar las variables Social Media Marketing, Co-creation of Value y Customer Brand Engagement en relación al Customer Satisfaction en marcas deportivas. En primer lugar, existen marcas deportivas que ya han implementado la Co-creación como estrategia en sus redes sociales con el objetivo de generar valor para la marca a través de la participación de sus consumidores. Con lo cual, la mencionada variable fortalece la relación entre la marca y el cliente, dado que el público esté dispuesto a asumir el rol como co-creadores de productos de las marcas deportivas, lo cual, la participación activa de los consumidores se relacionaría con la satisfacción y lealtad hacia la marca. Por último, este estudio se enfocarán en hombres y mujeres entre 25 y 35 años que son activas en redes sociales y frecuentemente cocrean con las marcas deportivas que siguen y compran. A dicho público objetivo se le aplicará encuestas donde se aplicará el muestreo no probabilística con un cálculo poblacional infinito, lo cual se va a medir de acuerdo a una escala de likert. / This study focuses on analyzing the variables Social Media Marketing, Co-creation of Value and Customer Brand Engagement in relation to Customer Satisfaction in sports brands. In the first place, there are sports brands that have already implemented Co-creation as a strategy in their social networks with the aim of generating value for the brand through the participation of their consumers. With which, the aforementioned variable strengthens the relationship between the brand and the client, given that the public is willing to assume the role as co-creators of sports brand products, which, the active participation of consumers would be related to satisfaction and loyalty to the brand. Finally, this study will focus on men and women between the ages of 25 and 35 who are active on social media and usually co-create with the sports brands they follow and buy. Surveys will be applied to said target audience where non-probability sampling will be applied with an infinite population calculation, which will be measured according to a Likert scale. / Trabajo de investigación
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