Spelling suggestions: "subject:"impring"" "subject:"aspring""
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Spring Break: The Economic, Socio-Cultural and Public Governance Impacts of College Students on Spring Break Host LocationsLaurie, John 19 December 2008 (has links)
Spring Break, which has been transformed from a rather mild mid-winter vacation to a cultural rite over the past seventy-years, allows students to bring their values en masse to the host locations they visit. While only visiting these locales for a short time, college students nonetheless significantly impact the economic, public governance and socio-cultural processes of their Spring Break host locations. This dissertation explores the process of how and why students choose these locations and the impacts that occur as a result. A quantitative approach is used to determine the level of impact on a host location's economic, socio-cultural and public governance processes and what role city policies have in affecting these impacts. The data comes primarily from public sources – national, state and local – between 1995 and 2005. This investigation helps to answer the question ‘Is Spring Break worth the cost of the student impacts?' In doing so, it will allow for current Spring Break cities in the U.S. to determine what role the event plays in their future and provides potential Spring Break locations with the information necessary to determine whether or not to court the next generation of Spring Breakers.
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Student Number: 9400670E
School of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment / The selection of a particular steel grade for an application is extremely
important to ensure that the final components have a long serviceable life. The
chemical compositions of the steels are critical, and minor changes in
chemistry can make substantial differences. Aluminium and vanadium are
used in heat treatable steels as grain refining agents. These elements affect the
properties of the steels.
Two steels with identical chemical composition except for the aluminium and
vanadium additions were comparatively tested to determine the better steel for
a particular automotive coil spring. The tests included mechanical testing and
on site fatigue testing. Fatigue resistance is extremely important especially for
automotive coil springs. The mechanical properties revealed superior tensile
strength in the vanadium grain refined spring steel while the aluminium grain
refined spring steel had superior ductility and fatigue resistance.
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Demokratiseringsprocessen i MENA : En jämförande fallstudie om arabiska våren i Jemen och Tunisien / Democratization process in MENA : A comparative case study on Arab spring in Yemen and TunisiaQaas, Said January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to analyze and compare why Yemen’s democratization process failed while Tunisia’s succeed after the Arab spring. The main question of this paper is: Why did the democratization process in Yemen failed, but succeeded in Tunisia after the Arab Spring emergence in year 2011 based on Diamonds theory? The method that applied to this study is a comparative case study in form of “Most Similar System Design” known as “MSS-design”. After applied four of Larry Diamonds nine factors, the study finally reached the answer of the main question. The results showed that the absence of historically solid national unity, internally fragmented civil society and the military intervention of Saudi-led coalition was the main factors that caused why Yemen’s democratization process failed. On the other side the strong civil society, diplomatic peaceful pressure and the historical separation of military from the Tunisian political system was the main factors that pushed Tunisia towards democracy.
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Interactions entre tectonique et hydrothermalisme : rôle de la faille normale de la Têt sur la circulation hydrothermale et la distribution des sources thermales des Pyrénées Orientales. / Interactions between tectonics and hydrothermalism : Implications of the Têt normal fault on hydrothermal circulations and Eastern Pyrénées hot springs distribution.Taillefer, Audrey 27 October 2017 (has links)
Les systèmes hydrothermaux non-magmatiques en contexte orogénique sont peu étudiés. Les questions qui demeurent sont : 1) quelles sont les structures efficaces pour l'infiltration des fluides météoriques ? 2) quels sont les conduits permettant la remontée des fluides depuis la profondeur jusqu'aux sources, et comment sont-ils entretenus ? 3) quels sont les régimes thermiques, la géométrie et l'amplitude des anomalies thermiques, ainsi que les interactions eau-roche dans la zone profonde ? Dans les Pyrénées Orientales (France), l'alignement de 29 sources hydrothermales (29-73°C) le long de la faille cassante de la Têt et des reliefs associés, permet d'étudier ces processus.L'approche intégrée de l'analyse par télédetection, observations géologiques multi-échelles sur le terrain, et par la géochimie du fluide hydrothermal, permet de contraindre un modèle 3D consistant couplant écoulements et transferts de chaleur. Nos résultats montrent que :1. Les fluides hydrothermaux ont une origine météorique et s'infiltrent en haute altitude (2000 - 2600 m). Les trois familles de fractures associées à trois épisodes tectoniques successifs sont des structures efficaces pouvant assurer les transfers de fluides. L'ouverture de ces fractures (c.-à-d. la perméabilité) dépend de la lithologie.2. Les sources hydrothermales sont principalement localisées dans le mur de la faille, au pieds du large relief formé lors de son déplacement normal (massifs du Canigou, Carança, Puigmal). Elles émergent toujours dans des roches cristallines, à l'interface avec des métasediments. Ce contact peut être normal, ou lié à des failles fragiles ou encore d'anciennes failles ductiles exhumées.3. La géochimie des eaux indique des interactions eau-roche similaires pour toutes les sources, ce qui suggère une zone de transfert aux caractéristiques communes. Les différences de température au sein d'un même groupe de source ne sont pas liées à des mélanges avec des eaux superficielles, suggérant que des conduits secondaires dérivent d'une même anomalie thermique. Dans les modèles numériques, les écoulements proviennent des hauts reliefs essentiellement dans le mur de la faille, ou circulent le long de la faille. Les températures des sources dépendent de la température acquise en profondeur, qui elle même dépend de la profondeur des écoulements. La répartition et la profondeur des écoulements dans la croûte dépend de la topographie, à la fois de l'escarpement et le long de la faille. Les hauts topographiques sont des zones d'infiltration et les bas topographiques des zones de résurgence.La compréhension de ces systèmes a d'importantes implications pour l'exploration géothermique. / Non-magmatic hydrothermal systems in mountain ranges are poorly studied compared to extensive ones. They likely involve similar processes than those highlighted for other hydro-geothermal continental systems, however questions remain about : 1) the water origin and the structures responsible for efficient infiltrations, 2) the type of pathways from depth to the hot springs, and the conservation of the draining capacity, 3) the geometry and amplitude of the thermal anomalies and subsequent fluid-rock interactions in the deep transfer zone.In Eastern Pyrénées (France), the alignment of 29 hot springs (29-73°C) along the brittle Têt fault and its related high topography allows studying these processes.The integrative analysis of remote sensing, multi-scale geological field observations and hydrothermal fluid geochemistry, provides strong constraints to establish a realistic 3D numerical model coupling heat transfers with fluid flows. From the infiltration areas to the springs at the surface, we show that :1. The hydrothermal fluids have a meteoric origin and infiltrate at high altitude (>2200 m). Three intersecting fracture sets, resulting from three consecutive tectonic stages, pervasively distribute on the infiltration areas. They probably are efficient structures to transfer fluids through the crust to the hot springs.2. Hot springs are mostly located close to the Têt fault, in its footwall, at the base of the most elevated topography. They always localize in crystalline rocks, at the interface with metasediments, related to unfaulted or faulted contacts by brittle or old ductile faults. Hot spring locations also match with intersections of brittle-fault damage zones.3. Geochemistry of hydrothermal fluids indicates similar rock-water interactions for all the springs, suggesting a transfer zone of similar lithology. There is no mixing with superficial water, suggesting that differences of temperatures between hot springs are related to multiple pathways deriving from a thermal anomaly. In numerical models, flows mainly come from high reliefs in the fault footwall, or circulate along the fault plane. Hot spring temperatures depend on the temperature reached at depth, which depends on the flow depth. Flow distribution in the crust depends on the topography, both of the fault scarp and along the fault. The tops of the topography are infiltration areas, while low elevations are resurgence areas.The understanding of fault and topography-related hydrothermal systems has strong implications for thermalism and for geothermal exploration.
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Avaliação da estabilidade no exercício long stretch front do pilatesSantos, Artur Bonezi dos January 2018 (has links)
A estabilidade do tronco é geralmente desafiada nas sessões do método Pilates. A compreensão da estabilidade/instabilidade, desafiada pela alteração de molas e dependente do nível de treinamento dos executantes, possui grande impacto no controle do tronco. Após uma revisão sistemática foi possível verificar que a principal técnica biomecânica empregada para compreender a estabilidade do tronco é a modelagem. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi desenvolver e avaliar um modelo biomecânico para quantificar e comparar a estabilidade do tronco em dois diferentes níveis de praticantes de Pilates e em dois diferentes níveis de intensidade do exercício long stretch front do Pilates. O exercício long stretch front, criado para utilizar o powerhouse e desafiar a estabilidade do tronco, é executado no aparelho reformer na posição de prancha e consiste na extensão de ombros. O movimento foi modelado como um sistema massa-mola sendo a rigidez (K) o parâmetro de estabilidade do tronco. Como dados de entrada foram utilizadas informações cinemáticas, de câmeras infra-vermelho, cinéticas, de células de carga acopladas ao equipamento reformer, e informações antropométricas extraídas da literatura. Foram avaliados 15 praticantes avançados de Pilates e 15 iniciantes. Os indivíduos mais experientes foram mais estáveis durante o exercício do que iniciantes, F(1,28)=7,965; η2=0,22; p=0,009. A execução dos exercícios com duas molas apresentou menor rigidez do que com uma única mola, F(1,28)=67,891; η2=0,71; p<0,001. Não houve interação entre os fatores, F(1,28)=0,587; η2=0,02; p=0,450. Quando os grupos foram comparados separadamente para cada um dos níveis de dificuldade, os mais experientes (K = 272 ± 27 Nm/rad) apresentaram maior rigidez que os iniciantes (K = 171 ± 42 Nm/rad) com uma única mola, e também com o uso de duas molas, com K = 196 ± 17 Nm/rad para os executantes experientes e K = 108 ± 21 Nm/rad para os executantes iniciantes. Conclui-se que o modelo proposto, utilizando o coeficiente de rigidez, foi capaz de quantificar a estabilidade durante o exercício longh stretch front do Pilates. O modelo também identificou as diferenças entre indivíduos mais ou menos experientes, bem como quando o exercício é executado com uma ou com duas molas. / Trunk stability is usually challenged during Pilates method ’sessions. The stability/instability, generated by altering springs or by the practitioner’s experience level during a Pilates exercise, has great impact in trunk control. Following a systematic review, it was observed that modelling is the main biomechanical technique applied for understanding trunk stability. Hence, this study aimed to develop and evaluate a biomechanical model for quantifying and compare trunk stability in two different Pilates practitioners levels and two different intensities of the exercise during Pilates’ long stretch front exercise. The long stretch front exercise, created for using the powerhouse and challenging trunk stability, is performed in the reformer apparatus, keeping the trunk in the plunk position while shoulder extension is performed. The movement was modelled as a spring-mass system using stiffness (K) as the parameter to express trunk stability. Model input consisted of kinematics data, obtained from infrared cameras images, kinetic data, from load cells attached to the reformer equipment, and anthropometric data, obtained from literature. Fifteen experienced and 15 beginner Pilates practitioners, who performed ten repetitions of the exercise in two difficulty levels, with one and two springs, were evaluated. Experienced subjects were more stable during the exercise when compared to beginners F(1.28)=7.965; η2=0.22; p=0.009. The exercise performed using two springs presented a lower rigidity level when compared to one spring F(1.28)=67.891; η2=0.71; p<0.001. There was no interaction between the factors , F(1.28)=0.587; η2=0.02; p=0.450. When groups were compared separately for each difficulty level, experienced (K=272 ± 27 Nm.rad-1) presented higher rigidity than beginners (K=171 ± 42 Nm.rad-1) using one spring, and also using two springs with K=196 ± 17 Nm.rad-1 for experienced performers and K=108 ± 21 Nm.rad-1 for beginners. Concludes that the proposed model is capable of quantifying stability during the Pilates long stretch front exercise using rigidity coefficient. In addition model identifies differences between more or less experienced subjects, as well as when the exercise is performed using one or two springs.
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An investigation into the validation of pedometers to detect foreleg steps in horses (Equus caballus) at walk and trotFrancis, Elizabeth Jane January 2018 (has links)
Background: Current research, surrounding motor laterality at a population level in horses, indicates that in order to stand with the left forelimb in advance of the other, it is achieved by taking a greater amount of steps with the left foreleg than the right foreleg (McGreevy & Thomson 2006; McGreevy et al. 2007); suggesting that pedometers could effectively estimate asymmetry of forelimb locomotion in grazing horses. This novel method of detecting forelimb preference also reduces the likelihood of operator influence and provides an inexpensive objective measure of vertical movement which has the advantage of scoring large sample sizes, avoids single-day anomalies by recording over multiple days and overcomes logistical challenges (Vincent & Sidman 2003; Chan et al. 2005; Silva et al. 2010; Warren-Smith & McGreevy 2010). However in order to determine the reliability and validity of this novel measure the relationship between pedometer data and those derived from direct observation will first need to be assessed (Warren-Smith and McGreevy 2010). Objectives: To determine: (1) if pedometers accurately record equine steps at walk and trot, when compared to video analysis, (2) if alternative positioning of these pedometers affected the accuracy of step detection when compared to video analysis. Method: Five horses each wearing a Yamax Digiwalk SW-200 (spring lever arm pedometer) and a Yamax Power Walker PW-610/611 (piezoelectric pedometer) positioned on the left foreleg (LF), left scapular (LS), chest (C), right scapular (RS) and right foreleg (RF) walked and trotted on a 20m circle 10 times on each rein to yield 100 results for each gait. Video recorded by GoPro Hero 3 Black edition camera positioned on the girth facing the forefeet using the following settings: 180 degree field of view, 720p, 120fps. Both visual and audio data were captured and recorded. Results: Kruskal-Wallis Test on the deviation from actual number of steps per unit for each type of pedometer and the position of the pedometer compared to the actual number of steps taken by both forelegs determined that there is a significant difference (H1= 340.31; P < 0.0001) between readings in walk and also in trot (H1 = 483.49; P < 0.0001). A further Kruskal-Wallis Test on the deviation from actual number of steps per unit for each type of pedometer and the position of the pedometer compared to the actual number of steps taken by individual forelegs determined that there is a significant difference (H = 403.36; p < 0.0001) at walk and also at trot (H = 477.10; p < 0.0001). Conclusion: In summary, the analysis of the pedometer data compared to video analysis indicate that pedometers are not useful for scoring forelimb movements in horses at walk and trot, regardless of positioning.
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Detecção de estradas não pavimentadas com o uso de imagens orbitais de média resolução espacial. / Unpaved roads detection using medium spatial resolution orbital images.Fernandes, Angelo Florentino 29 August 2008 (has links)
Submitted by Cláudia Bueno (claudiamoura18@gmail.com) on 2014-08-25T11:04:44Z
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Previous issue date: 2008-08-29 / Unpaved roads are essential for the municipal districts, mainly for those that have its economy based on the agricultural. However, not always the public power of these municipal districts has control on the amount and characteristics of the existent highways. These information are essential for the organizes of the net and maintenance of the highways of the municipal district, which are usually built without approaches of engineering that it increases the risk of degradation of those highways, what happen basic. It is of fundamental importance that the municipal district has it controls so much about the amount of not paved roads, as on the problems that eventually appear and they need solution. The present work had for objective to verify the adequate of the use of images of medium space resolution for identification of the mesh of not paved highways and recognition of features originated erosive of these. The work was accomplished tends as study object the microbasing of the river Chaves, in the municipal district of Morrinhos, GO. For the accomplishment of the work got up referring field data to not paved highways and erosions to its margins, using a receiving GPS. Images of sensor CCD of the satellite were used CBERS, referring to the months of April and September of 2007, and the software Spring, of the National Institute of Space Researches (INPE). In the study made use of the bands 2, 3 and 4, referring to the areas of the green, red and infra-red close of the spectrum electromagnetic. Vectorial data of the studied area obtained SIEG close to also used. The images were spatial coordinates, being defined the area of the study, being these analyzed band the band, by means of colored compositions. They were also accomplished analyses using supervised classification and filtrated for it enhances of borders. The obtained results showed that, the best form of extraction of that feature type is to manual and that, highways of reduced traverse section and of low volume of traffic they are not recognition passives, as well as features erosive of small load, in the bed, borders or in marginal areas to these. The artifices of digital processing with the use of filters and supervised classification didn't supply satisfactory results for the identification of those features. It was also verified that the production of map of erosion risk with the available scale for the place of the study, didn't present correlation adapted with the features lifted up erosive to field. It is concluded like this, that the use of images of medium space resolution for extraction of highways should be accompanied of field maps being able to not, however, to serve as support for neighborhood studies to these features. / Estradas não pavimentadas são essenciais para os municípios, principalmente para aqueles que têm sua economia baseada na agropecuária. No entanto, nem sempre o poder público destes municípios tem controle sobre a quantidade e características das estradas existentes. Estas informações são essenciais para o gerenciamento da rede e manutenção das estradas do município, as quais normalmente são construídas sem critérios de engenharia o que aumenta o risco de degradação dessas estradas, o que ocorre com freqüência. É de fundamental importância que o município tenha controle tanto sobre a quantidade de vias não pavimentadas, como sobre os problemas que eventualmente surgem e necessitam de solução. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo verificar a adequacidade do uso de imagens de média resolução espacial para identificação da malha de estradas não pavimentadas e reconhecimento de feições erosivas originadas destas. O trabalho foi realizado tendo como objeto de estudo a microbacia do córrego dos Chaves, no município de Morrinhos, GO. Para a realização do trabalho levantou-se dados de campo referentes a estradas não pavimentadas e erosões às suas margens, utilizando um receptor GPS. Foram utilizadas imagens do sensor CCD do satélite CBERS, referentes aos meses de abril e setembro de 2007, e o software Spring, do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE). No estudo fez-se uso das bandas 2, 3 e 4, referentes às regiões do verde, vermelho e infra-vermelho próximo do espectro eletromagnético. Foram também utilizados dados vetoriais da área estudada obtidos junto ao SIEG. As imagens foram georreferenciadas, delimitando-se a área do estudo, sendo estas analisadas banda a banda, por meio de composições coloridas. Foram também realizadas análises utilizando classificação supervisionada e filtragem para realce de bordas. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que, a melhor forma de extração desse tipo de feição é a manual e que, estradas de seção transversal reduzida e de baixo volume de tráfego não são passíveis de reconhecimento, assim como feições erosivas de pequeno porte, no leito, bordas ou em áreas marginais a estas. Os artifícios de processamento digital com o uso de filtros e classificação supervisionada não forneceram resultados satisfatórios para a identificação dessas feições. Verificou-se também que a produção de mapa de risco de erosão com a escala disponível para o local do estudo, não apresentou correlação adequada com as feições erosivas levantadas a campo. Conclui-se assim, que o uso de imagens de média resolução espacial para extração de estradas deve ser acompanhado de mapeamento de campo, podendo, no entanto, servir como suporte para estudos de vizinhança a estas feições.
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The production of Spring awakeningHalvorson, Nathan Ron 01 May 2013 (has links)
The Production of Spring Awakening by Nathan Halvorson
Master of Fine Arts (Directing) Thesis - May 2013
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Tumbling Take-Off Foot Comparisons – Two Types of Gymnastic Spring FloorsSands, William A., McNeal, Jeni R., Almbaugh, B., Penitente, G., Monem, J., Murray, S. R., Chiang, C-Y, Cole, C., Stone, Michael H. 01 June 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Throughout the history of the clarinet, there have been performers who have inspired composers to write pieces specifically for them. These contributions to clarinet literature have been significant, frequently resulting in an overall shift in the expectations of performers’ abilities, and expanding the range of possibilities for composers. This document first describes the relationships of the following composers and clarinetists, and their resulting impact on clarinet literature: Karl Stamitz and Joseph Beer, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Anton Stadler, Louis Spohr and Simon Hermstedt, Carl Maria von Weber and Heinrich Baermann, Johannes Brahms and Richard Mühlfeld, and the numerous commissions of Benny Goodman by some of the most highly-regarded composers of his time.
The main purpose of this document is to examine a contemporary clarinetist who has contributed considerably to the repertoire of the clarinet both through his virtuosic performances and his own commissions, Robert Spring. Dr. Spring’s playing, particularly on the release of Dragon’s Tongue (1994), astonished listeners and composers alike, most notably with his mastery of extended techniques such as circular breathing and double tonguing. Within this document is a biography of Dr. Spring, focusing on his early life, his musical training and education, and his work. Additionally, a list of works that he has commissioned with annotations where applicable is included, along with detailed comments on the partnership with Dr. Spring and the resulting creations from composers Stacy Garrop, Eric Mandat, Theresa Martin, Scott McAllister, Whitney Prince, Rodney Rogers, Peter Schickele, and William O. Smith. It is my belief that future scholars will be able to place him within the long line of composer-clarinetist partnerships that have advanced not only the clarinet’s solo and chamber literature, but also the scope of performance techniques required of clarinetists.
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