Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bootable isotope"" "subject:"captable isotope""
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Quellen von DOC im hydrologischen Einzugsgebiet der Wilzsch (Westerzgebirge) – eine MultitraceranalyseFriedrich, Claudia 05 February 2015 (has links)
Im Fokus der Untersuchungen steht das hydrologische Einzugsgebiet der oberen Wilzsch im Westerzgebirge. Veränderte Stoffausträge des bewaldeten und zum Teil vermoorten hydrologischen Einzugsgebietes führen zu erhöhten Stoffkonzentrationen im Hauptzufluss der Trinkwassertalsperre Weiterswiese (Carlsfeld). Seitens der Trinkwasseraufbereitung stellen insbesondere die gestiegenen Gehalte an gelösten organischen Kohlenstoffen (DOC) Mehraufwendungen dar. Im Zuge der Wiedervernässung der Moorflächen kommt es zu relevanten bodenchemischen Veränderungen, die im Abfluss messbar sind.
Eine räumliche Betrachtung der Teileinzugsgebiete des hydrologischen Einzugsgebietes der oberen Wilzsch ermöglicht, das Abflussgebiet in verschiedene Herkunftsräume zu gliedern. Dieser raumbezogene Ansatz leistet einen wesentlichen Beitrag in der Herkunftsanalytik von Wässern, deren Fließwege durch Standorte unterschiedlicher Nutzung geprägt sind.
Die Arbeit bedient sich hydrochemischen Analysen sowie multitraceranalytischen Verfahren. Die Analyse der stabilen Umweltisotope ²H und 18O am Wasser, 13C am DIC und DOC, 34S und 18O am Sulfat sowie 15N und 18O am Nitrat hilft bei der Identifizierung von Stoffquellen und Transformationsprozessen. Die Arbeit verfolgt das Ziel, den Beitrag der verschiedenen Stoffsysteme am gesamten Stoffaustrag des Vorfluters aufzuzeigen sowie die atmosphärische Grundlast an den Messstandorten nachzuweisen. Dazu wurden von Mai 2009 bis August 2010 fünf Beprobungskampagnen angelegt. Das Messdesign erstreckte sich auf 19 Standorte in ausgewählten Teileinzugsgebieten, die maßgeblichen Einfluss auf die Vorflut haben. Parallel dazu erfolgte die Untersuchung des Niederschlags an der Station Talsperre Weiterswiese. Erfasst wurden die Inhalte von Wässern verschiedener Moorgebiete, Moorwasserpegel unterschiedlich
degradierter Moorbereiche, Gräben und Bodendrainagen im Fichtenforst, der Vorfluter Wilzsch und Kranizsch und des Grundwassers im Fichtenforst.
Es kann festgehalten werden, dass je nach Lage bzw. Entfernung der Ursprungsgebiete der Anteil des DOC - Exports unterschiedlich stark ist. So sind die DOC - Austräge saisonal sehr verschieden. Im Ergebnis ist der hydrochemische Beitrag - im Besonderen DOC - der unterschiedlichen Stoffsysteme des hydrologischen
Einzugsgebietes letztlich am finalen Pegel der Wilzsch messbar. Die vom Basisabfluss gesteuerten silikatischen Standorte im Fichtenforst leisten einen wesentlichen Anteil zum hydrochemischen Milieu der Vorfluter. Die im Untersuchungsgebiet eingeleiteten Renaturierungsmaßnahmen beeinflussen die Trinkwasserqualität
in der Talsperre Carlsfeld nicht. Eine Abgrenzung der atmosphärischen Grundlast ist ebenfalls möglich, atmogen eingetragene Stoffe können an den Standorten ausgewiesen werden.
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Bioarcheologie středověké populace střední Evropy: vztah zdravotního stavu, sociální diferenciace a výživy. / Bioarcheologie středověké populace střední Evropy: vztah zdravotního stavu, sociální diferenciace a výživy.Kaupová, Sylva January 2017 (has links)
We studied the dietary behavior and health status of a population that lived in the context of rapid change, including the development of the economic and political structures of states, the adoption of Christianity as well as the subsequent disruption of social structure and the recovery of society. Carbon (δ13 C) and nitrogen (δ15 N) isotopic values were measured in a sample of 189 adult individuals of both sexes and 74 animals representing different socio-economic contexts (power centers versus the hinterlands) and chronology: the Great Moravian (9th -10th century AD) versus late Hillfort (11th century AD) period. A sample of 41 sub-adults aged 0-6 years, representative of both Great Moravian power centers (Mikulčice) and its rural hinterlands (Josefov), was selected for isotopic analyses of breastfeeding and weaning behavior. Data on growth and frequency of nonspecific stress indicators (cribra orbitalia, porotic hyperostosis, and endocranial lesions) were analyzed in a sub-adult group. In adults, we focused on dental health (caries, periapical lesions, dental wear, and periodontal disease), the presence of cribra orbitalia and estimated adult stature. Isotopic data of the adult sample showed that the Great Moravian population had a terrestrial diet with a substantial proportion of C4 plants....
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Využití analýzy stabilních izotopů uhlíku a dusíku k rekonstrukci výživy ve vztahu ke zdravotnímu stavu langobardské populace / The use of the stable isotope analysis of carbon and nitrogen in the dietary reconstruction of the Lombard population in relation to the health statusNovotná, Adéla January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with a reconstruction of the Germanic tribe of the Lombards' diet found at Kyjov burial site dated back to the Migration Period (5th - 6th century A.D.) as well as a research of their living conditions. The principal aim is a description of this population diet and its comparison to the other populations within this period and the Early Middle Ages era. The diet was examined by considering of carbon (δ13 C) and nitrogen (δ15 N) stable isotopes analysis received and evaluated from a group of 60 adult individuals (30 men and 30 females). In regard to the interpretation of the isotopes values, the stable isotopes C and N were present in some animal species (N=19). Apart from the above mentioned, several significant health indicators were chosen for evaluation which indirectly show health condition and quality of living conditions of the examined group. These health indicators were evaluated in relation to the diet. The results of this study indicate that the diet of Lombards' population was based on C3 plants and animal proteins, which is similar to the other localities in the time of the Migration Period. It shows a difference, namely in consumption of millet, providing that the Lombards to the Great Moravian's localities are compared. The millet seemed to be common part of...
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Výživa v dětství ve vztahu k utváření sociálních rolí a zdravotnímu stavu velkomoravské populace / Childhood diet in relation to the determination of social roles and health status in Great Moravian populationJílková, Michaela January 2017 (has links)
This study is focused on dietary reconstruction according to stable isotope analysis of carbon and nitrogen in bone and tooth collagen. The material used for this study is represented by set of 46 skeletons of adult individuals from 6th church's burial site in Mikulčice, which belong to the Great Moravian era (9th -10th century). Isotopic values are discussed in relation to the formation of social roles and health status. The presence and eventually degree of severity of some non-specific stress indicators and pathologies (Cribra orbitalia, presence of tooth caries, caries intensity, linear enamel hypoplasias, dental wear and length od femur) was observed. The results of isotopic analysis suggest, that diet in this population sample was based on terrestrial sources, both animal and plant protein. Plants in Great Moravian diet belonged to C3 and C4 group. C4 group of plants in Mikulčice was represented by millet (Panicum miliaceum), which supports the hypothesis of "Millet - typical crop of old Slavs" (Reitsema and Kozlowski, 2013). Millet was consumed mainly in childhood. Significant differences between diets of high social class and rest of population was found with people of higher social rank consuming more animal protein. These differences were created in childhood and persisted to adulthood....
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Odtok ze sněhu při událostech deště na sníh v povodí Ptačího potoka vypočtený pomocí stabilních izotopů ve vodě / Snowmelt runoff during rain-on-snow events in the Ptačí brook basin calculated using stable water isotopesValdhansová, Klára January 2020 (has links)
Rain-on-snow events represent one of the basic mechanisms causing floods. Rain falling on the snow cover causes enhanced melting and the resulting runoff often exceeds the runoff caused by rain. During the winter seasons 2018 and 2019, water samples from the stream, snowpack and precipitation were repeatedly taken in the the Ptačí Brook catchment in the Šumava mountains, and the concentrations of 2 H and 18 O were measured in the laboratory. Based on the observed isotope ratios 18 O/16 O and 2 H/1 H in combination with other variables measured in the catchment, the two ROS events from 2019 were reconstructed. The ratio of heavy isotopes increased in the snowpack due to ROS events. Using the end member mixing equation, a hydrograph separation was performed for both investigated events. For the first event, it was not possible to clearly separate groundwater from rainfall, and thus the range of snow in the total runoff was determined by its separation from rainfall and subsequent separation from groundwater. The second event examined was separated directly into three components: rainfall, groundwater and snow. According to the analyses, the total runoff during ROS events in both cases was mostly formed by event water (a combination of rainfall and melt water). The melting water from the snow cover...
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The prevalence of hypoxia in aquatic systems has increased in recent decades and climate change is expected to worsen the extent and severity of hypoxic phenomena worldwide. Moreover, aquatic hypoxia has produced adverse ecological consequences and stimulated research interest within the Laurentian Great Lakes. The physiological stress imposed by hypoxia reduces habitat quality for most aquatic biota and causes changes in patterns of resource use and food web dynamics. We conducted a review of the primary literature to identify trends in prevalence of Great Lakes hypoxia research and broadly classify the unique hypoxic conditions afflicting Great Lakes ecosystems. We found that the majority of research effort toward Great Lakes hypoxia is focused on the Lake Erie central basin. Our review further revealed that this does not characterize the breadth of hypoxic phenomena that occur throughout the Great Lakes region. We then utilized a long-term monitoring dataset provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Great Lakes National Program Office to quantify the impact of Lake Erie central basin hypoxia on habitat quality of several fish species. We found that bioenergetics-based growth-rate potential models have a potential application as the framework for the development of biological endpoints that measure the effects of hypoxia on aquatic biota. Finally, we utilized stable isotope analysis to look for broad spatial and temporal trends in resource utilization within distinct regions of the Lake Erie central basin, with hypoxia and large-scale hydrodynamic patterns serving as potential driving patterns for spatial differences.
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Chronology and Ecology of Late Pleistocene Megafauna in the Northern Willamette Valley, OregonGilmour, Daniel McGowan 01 January 2011 (has links)
This study is an investigation of the timing of extinction of late Pleistocene, large bodied mammalian herbivores (megafauna) and of the environment in which they lived. The demise of the megafauna near the end of the Pleistocene remains unexplained. Owing to potential human involvement in the extinctions, archaeologists have been particularly concerned to understand the causes for faunal losses. Our current lack of understanding of the timing and the causes of the extinctions in North America may result from a deficiency in understanding the histories of each individual species of extinct animal on a local level. Detailed regional chronologies of fauna are necessary for comparison with paleoenvironmental and archaeological data to help sort out causes for extinction. The Willamette Valley of western Oregon has long been noted for finds of megafauna, though records have not been synthesized since the early 20th century and these materials have remained largely unstudied. In this thesis, I first create a catalog of extinct megafauna recovered from the Willamette Valley. Next, using material from the northern valley, I employ AMS radiocarbon dating, stable isotope δ¹³C and δ¹⁵N analyses, and gross inferences based on the dietary specializations and habitat preferences of taxa in order to reconstruct environments and to develop a local chronology of events that is then arrayed against archaeological and paleoenvironmental data. The results of this study indicate that megafaunal populations in the northern Willamette Valley were contemporaneous with the earliest known human populations of the Pacific Northwest, as well as later populations associated with the Clovis Paleoindian Horizon. Consistent with the overkill hypothesis, radiocarbon ages span the length of the Clovis window, but no ages are younger than Clovis. Moreover, all radiocarbon ages are older than or contemporaneous to the onset of the Younger Dryas Stadial. No age ranges fall exclusively within the Younger Dryas. Comparison of megafaunal ages and paleoenvironmental records support the view that climate change contributed to local animal population declines. Prior to ~13,000 cal BP, the Willamette Valley was an open environment; herbivores mainly consumed C₃ vegetation. The timing of the loss of megafauna coincides with increased forested conditions as indicated by regional paleoenvironmental reconstruction. As the timing of megafaunal decline correlates with Clovis, the onset of the Younger Dryas, and increased forested conditions, it is not possible with the data currently available to distinguish the cause of extinction in the Willamette Valley. The age ranges of the fauna coupled with taphonomic and geologic context indicate that the fauna are autochthonous to the Willamette Valley; they do not represent ice rafted carcasses or isolated skeletal elements transported from elsewhere during late Pleistocene glacial outburst floods.
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STABLE NITROGEN AND SULFUR ISOTOPES IN ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRYJianghanyang Li (10702320) 27 April 2021 (has links)
<p>SO<sub>2</sub> and NO<sub>x</sub> (NO+NO<sub>2</sub>) are important trace gases in the atmosphere as they adversely affect air quality and are precursors to sulfate and nitrate aerosols in the atmosphere. However, there are significant uncertainties in the emission inventories and the atmospheric chemistry processes of both gases. Addressing these uncertainties will help us to 1) better regulate their emissions from anthropogenic activities, 2) understand the formation mechanism of aerosol pollution events, during which rapid accumulation of nitrate and sulfate aerosols are commonly observed, and 3) better constrain the impact of SO<sub>2</sub>, NO<sub>x</sub>, sulfate aerosols and nitrate aerosols to the global radiation balance. Stable isotopes of nitrogen and sulfur are useful tools in understanding both the origins and chemistry of SO<sub>2</sub> and NO<sub>x</sub> since different emission sources usually display distinct sulfur and nitrogen isotopic compositions, and different SO<sub>2</sub> and NO<sub>x</sub>oxidation pathways fractionate sulfur and nitrogen isotopes differently. In this dissertation, five studies are conducted to 1) use sulfur isotopes to investigate the sources and chemistry of atmospheric sulfur, and 2) improve our understanding of the isotopic fractionation processes associated with the atmospheric chemistry of reactive nitrogen. </p><p>Using stable sulfur isotopes, we first analyzed the sources of sulfate aerosols collected at Baring Head, New Zealand and atmospheric deposition at the Atacama Desert. At Baring Head, we found that the secondary sulfate, i.e., sulfate formed from atmospheric oxidation of SO<sub>2</sub>, is mainly observed in fine aerosols (<1 µm) while the sulfate in coarse aerosols (>1 µm) is mostly sea salt sulfate. 73-77% of the secondary sulfate is sourced from biogenic emissions by ocean phytoplankton, and the rest is originated from anthropogenic activities. The sulfate deposition across the Atacama Desert, on the other hand, is a mixture of sea salt sulfate (only near the coast), anthropogenic SO<sub>2</sub> emissions, local soil, and lake salts. Then, sulfur isotopes were used to investigate the formation chemistry of sulfate aerosols collected during a strong winter haze episode in Nanjing, China, where the sources of SO<sub>2</sub> were well-understood. We found that, although the sources of sulfur remain unchanged during the haze episode, the sulfur isotopic compositions of sulfate vary significantly, suggesting isotopic fractionation occurred during the formation of sulfate aerosols. We interpreted the variation using a Rayleigh distillation model to evaluate the contribution of sulfate formation pathways. The model suggested that the Transition Metal Ion catalyzed O<sub>2</sub> oxidation pathway contributed 49±10% of the total sulfate production, while the O<sub>3</sub>/H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> oxidations accounted for the rest. </p><p>Next, we conducted experiments in an atmospheric simulation chamber to determine the isotopic fractionations between NO and NO<sub>2</sub>. This isotopic fractionation is controlled by a combination of two factors: 1) the equilibrium isotopic exchange between NO and NO<sub>2</sub> molecules, and 2) the kinetic isotope effects of the NO<sub>x</sub> photochemical cycle, namely the Leighton Cycle Isotope Effect (LCIE). Our experiments showed that the fractionation factor during the isotopic exchange is 1.0289±0.0019, and the fractionation factor of LCIE is 0.990±0.005. A model was constructed to assess the relative importance of the two factors, showing the isotopic exchange should be the dominant factor when NO<sub>x</sub> >20 ppb, while LCIE should be more important at low NO<sub>x</sub> concentrations (<1 ppb) and high rates of NO<sub>2</sub>photolysis. Last, we quantified the overall nitrogen isotopic fractionation during the formation of nitrate aerosols collected at Baring Head, New Zealand. Our results showed that significant and variable (0-15‰) isotopic fractionations occurred during the formation of nitrate aerosols. The isotopic fractionation factors are lower in the summer and higher in the winter, which is mainly caused by seasonal variations in nitrate formation pathways. </p><p>Overall, this dissertation first applied stable sulfur isotopes in aerosol samples collected in different environments, demonstrating that isotopes are excellent tools in identifying the origins and chemistry of atmospheric sulfur. Then, we investigated the isotopic fractionation processes during the atmospheric nitrogen chemistry, which can be useful for future studies aimed at understanding the origins and chemistry of atmospheric nitrogen using stable nitrogen isotopes.</p>
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Stable Carbon And Nitrogen Isotope Analyses Of Subfossil Rats From Liang Bua (flores, Indonesia)Anderson, Kelly C 01 January 2011 (has links)
This research study investigated the level of bone collagen preservation of rat femora from Liang Bua cave on the island of Flores, Indonesia, as well as conducted carbon and nitrogen stable isotopic analyses on well preserved samples. Although Flores is located in a hot intermediate tropical zone and the burial environment of the bone samples within the cave is considered less than optimal for collagen preservation, significant preservation of the bone collagen was found. Collagen yields, C:N ratio and carbon and nitrogen concentrations were investigated. However, this research study argues that carbon and nitrogen concentrations are an appropriate means to determine preservation on its own. According to the carbon and nitrogen concentration data 32 samples were considered well preserved. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopic analyses were conducted on the 32 preserved samples. According to the carbon data a significant shift in the δ13C values from a C3 signature to a C4 signature occurred prior to 2,750 years ago. This shift is indicative of the introduction of a non-endemic C4 plant, which is believed to be either foxtail millet or sugarcane. Since this shift occurs abruptly it indicates that the introduction of agriculture to Flores occurred at one time and has continued to present day
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An isotopic and historical study of diet and migration during the great Irish Potato famine (1845-1852). High-resolution carbon and nitrogen isotope profiling of teeth to investigate migration and short-term dietary change at the Union workhouse, Kilkenny and Lukin street, London.Beaumont, Julia January 2013 (has links)
Historical evidence from contemporary documents established that Irish migrants to London during the Great Irish Famine (1845-1852) were likely to come from low socio-economic groups in south-west Ireland, and has characterised mid-19th-century health status and living conditions in both locations. Using samples from 119 individuals from the Catholic cemetery at Lukin Street, London (1843-1854) and 20 from the Union Workhouse Famine cemetery, Kilkenny, Ireland (1847-51), mean bone collagen isotope values were established for the well-documented Irish pre-Famine potato-based diet (¿15N 10.6¿, ¿13C -19.1¿), and the diet of contemporaneous Londoners (¿15N 12.6¿, ¿13C -19.1¿). The introduction of maize as a short-term Famine relief food was identified in three Kilkenny juveniles with bone collagen ¿13C above -17¿, and incremental dentine collagen demonstrating temporal changes in ¿13C consistent with dietary change from C3 to C4 plants. Bone collagen values for two Lukin Street individuals were consistent with high marine protein consumption. Techniques developed in this study to sample increments of dentine representing nine months or less of life have improved temporal resolution not only for migration events but also short-term dietary changes and physiological status during childhood. Combining epigraphic, osteological and archaeological evidence, individual ¿lifeways¿ have been constructed using isotope data and provide insights into the connection between health, diet and skeletal manifestations of deprivation during childhood and adolescence. New models are investigated for examining maternal and infant health using dentine collagen increments formed in utero and combining dentine and bone collagen values to explore the effects of nutritional stress on bone turnover. / Arts and Humanities Council. The British Federation of Women Graduates (the Eila Campbell scholarship). The British Association for Biological, Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology (the Jane Moore prize).
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