Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bootable isotope"" "subject:"captable isotope""
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Variabilidade milenar da Corrente do Brasil e do clima da América do Sul durante o último período glacial / Millennial variability of the Brazil Current and South American climate during the last glacial periodCampos, Marília de Carvalho 01 July 2016 (has links)
A Corrente do Brasil (CB) representa o ramo sul da bifurcação da Corrente Sul Equatorial que interage com a margem continental sudeste do Brasil. A temperatura da superfície do mar na região da CB exerce um importante papel no controle da intensidade e posição da Zona de Convergência do Atlântico Sul, um dos principais componentes do Sistema de Monção da América do Sul (SMAS). Tal sistema atmosférico é responsável pela precipitação de verão em grande parte do continente sul-americano, sendo, portanto, uma feição natural de grande importância para o contexto político-econômico nacional e internacional. Além disto, a CB é marcantemente influenciada pela Atlantic Meridional Overturnig Circulation (AMOC), cujas oscilações pretéritas foram responsáveis por mudanças abruptas no clima global. Atualmente, os poucos registros paleoceanográficos disponíveis no sudoeste do Atlântico Sul não permitem uma reconstituição detalhada das mudanças ocorridas na CB durante o último período glacial. Esta Dissertação de Mestrado visou reconstituir a variabilidade da CB ao redor de 32°S durante os eventos Heinrich Stadial (HS) 3 e 2, bem como seus impactos no clima da porção sudeste da América do Sul. Para tanto, foi investigado um testemunho sedimentar marinho coletado na margem continental sul do Brasil sob a influência da CB. Para este testemunho foram produzidos modelo de idades baseado em datações 14C, análises de isótopos estáveis de carbono e oxigênio, bem como análises de Mg/Ca, ambas em testas de foraminíferos planctônicos e análises de fluorescência de raios-X em amostras de sedimento total. Os resultados mostram que durante os eventos HS (notadamente durante o HS2) ocorreu marcante aumento na taxa de sedimentação bem como nas razões ln(Ti/Ca) e ln(Fe/Ca), e diminuição na composição dos isótopos estáveis de carbono bem como na temperatura e salinidade da superfície do mar. Tais alterações foram relacionadas à desintensificação da AMOC, à intensificação da ressurgência do Oceano Austral e ao fortalecimento do SMAS. A ocorrência de uma estrutura em w nos registros dos HSs apresentados aqui, bem como em registros do Atlântico Norte e da América do Sul, sugere que esta estrutura é uma característica do HS2, e possivelmente também do HS3 / The Brazil Current (BC) represents the southern branch of the bifurcation of the South Equatorial Current that interacts with the southeastern Brazilian continental margin. Sea surface temperature at BC region plays an important role in controlling the intensity and position of the South Atlantic Convergence Zone, which represents one of the main componets of the South American Monsoon System (SAMS). This atmospheric system is responsible for summer precipitation in a large sector of South America, and, therefore, it is a natural feature of great importance for the national and international political-economic context. Moreover, the BC is markedly influenced by the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) whose past oscillations generated marked global abrupt climatic changes. Presently, the few paleoceanographic records available from the western South Atlantic do not allow a detailed reconstruction of the changes that happened in the BC during the last glacial cycle. This MSc. dissertation aimed at reconstructing the variability of the BC around 32°S during the events Heinrich Stadial (HS) 3 and 2, as well as its impacts on the climate of southeastern South America. Therefore, we investigated one marine sediment core collected in the southern Brazilian continental margin, under the influence of the BC. For this core we produced an age model based on 14C ages, downcore records of carbon and oxygen stable isotopes and Mg/Ca, both in tests of planktonic foraminifera, and X-ray fluorescence in bulk sediment samples. During HSs (notably during HS2), the records show marked increases in sedimentation rate as well as in ln(Ti/Ca) and ln(Fe/Ca), and decrease in the stable carbon isotopic composition as well as sea surface temperature and salinity. Such changes were releted to the weakening of the AMOC, the intensification of the Southern Ocean upwelling, and the strengthening of the SAMS. The occurrence a w-structure in our HS records as well as in North Atlantic and South American records, suggest that such structure is a pervasive feature of HS2, and possibly also HS3
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Interações tróficas dos peixes e lulas da Baía do Araçá, município de São Sebastião (São Paulo, Brasil): uma abordagem pelo uso de isótopos estáveis / Trophic interactions of fish and squid in the Araçá Bay, São Sebastião (São Paulo, Brazil): a stable isotope approachPucci, Marinella Coutinho Jacinto 03 October 2016 (has links)
As interações tróficas de 31 espécies de peixes e 2 de lulas da Baía do Araçá, São Sebastião (SP), foram investigadas por meio dos isótopos estáveis de carbono (δ13C) e nitrogênio (δ15N). Os valores de δ13C das espécies variaram entre -17,2‰ e -12,1‰, e os de δ15N, entre 10,0‰ e 14,5‰. Os valores de δ13C dos produtores e consumidores permitiram indicar que as espécies analisadas participam das teias tróficas, pelágica e bentônica, e têm como base da cadeia alimentar o fitoplâncton, os microfitobentos e a matéria orgânica dos sedimentos. Maiores valores de δ13C nos peixes e lulas foram registrados no verão, associados a valores mais altos na base. As posições tróficas das espécies variaram entre 3,18 e 4,72, indicando que atuam como consumidores secundários e terciários. A composição da dieta dos peixes, avaliada pelo modelo de mistura isotópica, apontou elevada contribuição de presas como Polychaeta, Tanaidacea e Ophiuroidea, grupos com alta abundância na Baía do Araçá e no Canal de São Sebastião. A ingestão de presas disponíveis no interior da baía e no canal evidenciou a importância desses peixes e lulas como carreadores de nutrientes, realizando tanto acoplamento pelágico-bentônico, como entre as regiões sublitoral e entremarés da Baía do Araçá. / The trophic interactions of 31 fish species and 2 squid species of the Araçá Bay, São Sebastião (São Paulo, Brazil), were investigated through carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) stable isotopes. The δ13C of the species ranged from -17.2‰ to -12.1‰, and the δ15N, from 10.0‰ to 14.5‰. The δ13C data of the producers and consumers indicated that the species analysed are part of the pelagic and benthic trophic webs, and have phytoplankton, microphytobenthos and organic matter from the sediment as the base of the food web. Higher values of δ13C were registered in the summer, linked to the higher values at the base. The trophic positions of the species varied between 3.18 e 4.72, an indication that they act as secondary and tertiary-quaternary consumers. The diet composition of fish, evaluated trough the isotope mixing model, showed high contribution of prey, such as Polychaeta, Tanaidacea and Ophiuroidea, groups highly abundant in the Bay and the adjacent São Sebastião Channel. The intake of available prey in the intertidal region and in the Channel revealed the importance of the fish and squid as nutrient pathway links, coupling the pelagic-benthic systems and the sublittoral and intertidal regions of the Araçá Bay.
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Produção secundária da macrofauna bentônica da zona entremarés no segmento norte da praia do Una, litoral sul do estado de São Paulo / Secondary production of brnthonic macrofauna in the intertidal zone in the northern segment of Una beach, on the coast of the estate of São PauloPetracco, Marcelo 04 April 2008 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo estimar a produção secundária e a taxa de renovação (P/B) do gastrópode Hastula cinerea, do isópode Excirolana armata e dos decápodes Austinixa patogoniensis e Callichirus major na zona entremarés da praia do Una, situada na Estação Ecológica Juréia-Itatins, litoral sul do estado de São Paulo. Para essa finalidade, coletas mensais foram realizadas durante o período de dezembro/03 a novembro/05 em duas áreas, A (24°28,67S e 47°07,36W) e B (24°27,53S e 47°05,86W), no segmento norte da praia que apresenta estado morfodinâmico dissipativo. H. cinerea apresentou distribuição diferencial de acordo com o tamanho dos organismos entre as áreas, com predominância de indivíduos menores na área A, o que conduziu à maior abundância, produção (ca 0,18 g PSLC m-2 ano-1) e razão P/B nessa área. Baixas razões P/B dessa espécie (entre 0,8 e 1,3 ano-1) foram decorrentes de crescimento lento, ausência de indíviduos recém-recrutados na zona entremarés e falha no recrutamento no segundo ano de estudo. Essas baixas razões foram corroboradas pela alta expectativa de vida estimada para essa espécie (4,8 anos). As estimativas de produções de E. armata, restritas à área B, foram semelhantes entre machos e fêmeas, assim como entre os anos (ca 0,25 g PSLC m-2 ano-1). As P/B dos machos (entre 3,2 e 4,3 ano-1) foram superiores às das fêmeas (ca 3,1 ano-1), decorrentes dos menores comprimentos alcançados pelos machos. Altos valores de P/B de E. armata na praia do Una foram decorrentes de crescimento rápido que se refletiram em altas taxas de mortalidade (Z) e baixas expectativas de vida. Verificou-se uma correlação significativa e inversa entre a P/B e a expectativa de vida ao utilizar estimativas dos cirolanídeos E. armata e E. braziliensis obtidas em estudos de praias arenosas brasileiras. O caranguejo A. patagoniensis apresentou densidade média anual de 1 indivíduo.galeria-1 do talassinídeo C. major e de cerca de 6 indivíduos.m-2. Essas baixas densidades conduziram à reduzida biomassa e, conseqüentemente, a uma pequena produção, apesar das consideráveis taxas de renovação estimadas para esse braquiúro (ca 2,5 ano-1). C. major apresentou a maior produção (2,33 g PSLC m-2 ano-1) dentre as espécies estudadas. Ao considerar a ampla distribuição dessa espécie ao longo da face praial na área B (mais de 50 metros), na qual foi obtida a sua produção, a estimativa em faixa de metro linear (ca 130 g PSLC m-1 ano-1) foi a mais adequada para demonstrar a importância dessa espécie. A baixa razão P/B de C. major, 0,9 ano-1, indica reduzida capacidade de compensar sobrexploração, fato esse crítico para uma espécie freqüentemente extraída em praias brasileiras para utilização como isca. Ao analisar os métodos de produção da taxa de crescimento específica em peso (TCEP) e da freqüência de comprimento (FC), a partir de algumas estimativas de estudos de praias arenosas brasileiras e do presente estudo, verificou-se que esses tenderam a gerar estimativas similares. Os métodos empíricos analisados, entretanto, tenderam a sobreou subestimar acentuadamente as estimativas de produções, não fornecendo estimativas confiáveis. Com relação às interações tróficas, as razões isotópicas estáveis de carbono e nitrogênio dos consumidores na praia do Una evidenciaram que os hábitos alimentares das espécies/gêneros estão de acordo com os referidos na literatura, no geral, e que o ecossistema da praia do Una depende basicamente do material particulado em suspensão, apesar de indícios de que o microfitobentos também possa ter papel relevante na trama trófica dessa praia. As plantas das dunas, entretanto, aparentemente não contribuem como produtores primários nesse ecossistema. / This study has as objective to estimate the secondary production and turnover rate (P/B) of the gastropod Hastula cinerea, the isopod Excirolana armata and the decapods Austinixa patogoniensis e Callichirus major in the intertidal zone of Una beach, situated in Estação Ecológica Juréia-Itatins, on the southern coast of the state of São Paulo. For that purpose, monthly samplings were carried out during the period going from December/03 to November/05 in two areas, A (24°28,67S and 47°07,36W) and B (24°27,53S and 47°05,86W), in the northern segment of the beach, which presents dissipative morphodynamic state. H. cinerea presented differential distribution according to the individual sizes between the areas, with predominance of smaller individuals in area A, which led to the higher abundance, production (ca 0.18 g PSLC m-2 ano-1) and P/B ratio in this area. Low P/B ratios of this species (between 0.8 e 1.3 ano-1) were caused by slow growth, lack of newly recruited individuals in the intertidal zone and flaws in the recruitment in the second year of study. These low ratios were corroborated by the high life span estimated for this species (4.8 years). The production estimates for E. armata, limited to area B, were similar between males and females, as well as between the years (ca 0.25 g PSLC m-2 year-1). Male P/B (between 3.2 and 4.3 year-1) were superior to the female ones (ca 3.1 year-1), resulting from the smaller lengths reached by males. High P/B values for E. armata in Una beach resulted from its fast growth, which were shown in high mortality rates (Z) and low lifespans. A significant and inverse correlation between P/B and life span was verified as estimates obtained in studies of Brazilian sandy beaches for the cirolanidae E. armata and E. braziliensis were used. The crab A. patagoniensis presented an average annual density of 1 individual.burrow-1 for the talassinidae C. major and of approximately 6 individuals.m-2. These low densities led to the limited biomass and, consequently, to a small production, in spite of the considerable turnover rates estimated for this brachyurous (ca 2.5 year-1). C. major presented the highest production (2.33 g PSLC m- 2 year-1) among the studied species. When considering the vast distribution of this species along the beach face in area B (more than 50 meters), in which its production was obtained, the estimate in linear meter strip (ca 130 g PSLC m-1 year-1) was more appropriate to demonstrate the importance of this species. The low P/B ratio of C. major, 0.9 year-1, indicates limited capacity to compensate over exploration, which is critical for a species frequently extracted in Brazilian beaches to be used as bait. While analyzing the methods of production of specific growth rate in weight (SGRW) and of length frequency (LF), from some estimates in studies of Brazilian sandy beaches and in the present study as well, it was verified that the mentioned methods tended to generate similar estimates. The empirical methods that were analyzed, however, tended to strongly super or underestimate the production estimates, thus not providing reliable estimates. With relation to trophic relations, the stable isotopic ratios of carbon and nitrogen of consumers in Una beach made it evident that the feeding habits of the species/genders are in accordance with the ones referred to in literature, generally speaking, and that the Una beach ecosystem depends basically on the suspended particulate material, in spite of indications that microphytobenthos may also play a relevant role in the trophic web in this beach. The plants in the dunes, nevertheless, apparently do not contribute as primary producers in this ecosystem.
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Estudo da comunidade metanotrófica em amostras do manguezal de Bertioga, Estado de São Paulo, através da técnica de marcação de ácidos nucléicos com isótopos estáveis (SIP-DNA). / Study of metanotrophic community present in sediment samples from Bertioga´s mangrove, State of São Paulo, using nucleic acid labeling with stable isotope probing technique (DNA-SIP)Linhares, Débora do Carmo 02 May 2012 (has links)
Bactérias metanotróficas são capazes de utilizar metano como única fonte de carbono e energia, e sua importância no ambiente está relacionada à mitigação das emissões deste gás para a atmosfera. Os manguezais brasileiros são altamente produtivos, apresentam potencial para a produção de metano, e infere-se que a comunidade metanotrófica seja fundamental neste ecossistema. O escopo do projeto foi pesquisar a diversidade taxonômica e funcional de bactérias metanotróficas presentes em sedimento do manguezal de Bertioga (SP, Brasil), através de novas técnicas de cultivo e enriquecimento, incluindo a técnica de DNA-SIP com utilização do metano como substrato marcado, o que permite estudar o papel das bactérias não cultiváveis na oxidação do CH4. Consórcios que utilizam metano para o crescimento foram obtidos nos pontos estudados. Representando a microbiota ativa (DNA marcado), foram identificadas metanotróficas clássicas da família Methylococcaceae, além de grupos de micro-organismos cujo papel no ciclo do CH4 é incerto, como os da Família Methylophilaceae e do Filo TM7. / Methanotrophic bacteria are able to use methane as sole carbon and energy source, and its importance in the environment is related to the mitigation of methane emissions to the atmosphere. Brazilian mangroves are highly productive, have potential to methane production, and it is inferred that methanotrophic community is of great importance for this ecosystem. The scope of the project was to investigate the functional and taxonomic diversity of methanotrophic bacteria present in sediments from Bertioga´s mangrove (SP, Brazil), through new techniques of cultivation and enrichment, including the technique of DNA-SIP with the use of methane as a labeled substrate, which allows to study the role of non-culturable bacteria in the oxidation of CH4. Microbial consortia using methane for growth were obtained from studied samples. Representing the active microbiota (labeled DNA), were identified classic metanotrophs belonging to Family Methylococcaceae, and groups of micro-organisms whose role in methane cycle is uncertain, as the Family Methylophilaceae and the Phylum TM7.
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Dinâmica ambiental holocênica (vegetação, clima e nível relativo marinho) baseada em estudos interdisciplinares de alta resolução, no litoral norte do estado do Espírito Santo / Holocene environmental dynamics (vegetation, climate and relative sea level) based on high resolution interdisciplinary studies, at northern coast of Espírito Santo stateBuso Junior, Antonio Alvaro 12 August 2010 (has links)
Com base em um estudo interdisciplinar, os objetivos deste trabalho foram: estudar a dinâmica da vegetação e do nível relativo marinho e inferir o clima, durante o Holoceno, na região nordeste do estado do Espírito Santo. Para tanto foram analisados: (i) vegetação atual (caracterização botânica e \'delta\'13C e \'delta\'15N); (ii) matéria-orgânica do solo (\'delta\'13C, C elementar e datação 14C); (iii) sedimento lacustre (litologia, C e N elementar, \'delta\'13C e \'delta\'15N, datação 14C da matéria-orgânica, pólen e diatomáceas). Os pontos de amostragem estão localizados na Reserva Natural Vale e na Reserva Biológica de Sooretama, região de predomínio de Floresta Ombrófila Densa das Terras Baixas, com fragmentos de Savana e áreas ocupadas por vegetação pioneira. As principais conclusões foram: (i) o local de estudo não apresentou retração florestal durante o Holoceno; (ii) o clima foi inferido como predominantemente úmido; (iii) a dinâmica da vegetação durante o Holoceno no interior e nas proximidades do vale do Rio Barra Seca foi influenciada pelas flutuações do nível relativo marinho: com a transgressão marinha (há aproximadamente 7700 anos cal. A.P.) iniciou-se o deslocamento da vegetação florestal e a instalação do manguezal; entre aproximadamente 4700 até 3000 anos cal. A.P., o período de maior influência marinha, ocorreu o maior distanciamento do manguezal em relação ao ponto estudado; com a regressão marinha, a colonização do vale por vegetação pioneira ocorreu a partir de, aproximadamente, 2300 anos cal. A.P.; há cerca de 1200 anos cal. A.P. ocorreu a instalação do atual ambiente lacustre com a floresta em seu entorno; (iv) o local atualmente ocupado pela Lagoa do Macuco, no interior do vale do Rio Barra Seca, foi caracterizado por um ambiente estuarino durante o período aproximado de 7700 a 3000 anos cal. A.P / Based on an interdisciplinary study, the objectives of the present work were to study the vegetation and relative sea-level dynamics and to infer the climate during the Holocene, at northeastern region of Espírito Santo State. The materials and respective analyses were: (i) modern vegetation (botanic identification, \'delta\'13C and \'delta\'15N); (ii) soil organic matter (total organic carbon, \'delta\'13C and 14C dating); (iii) lake sediment (lithology, total organic carbon and total nitrogen, \'delta\'13C and \'delta\'15N, 14C dating, pollen and diatoms). The sampling points were located at Vale Natural Reserve and Sooretama Biologic Reserve, region of tropical rainforest vegetation dominance, with savanna fragments and pioneer vegetation patches. The main conclusions were: (i) the forest retreatment was not observed in the study site during the Holocene (ii) the climate was predominantly humid (iii) vegetation dynamics inside the Barra Seca River valley and surroundings were influenced by relative sea-level fluctuations: at ca. 7700 cal. yr B.P., the forest vegetation started its retreatment and the mangrove ecosystem was installed; from ca. 4700 to ca. 3000 cal. yr B.P., the period of higher marine influence, occurred the higher mangrove detachment from the sampling point; with the marine regression, the valley colonization by the pioneer vegetation started at ca. 2300 cal. yr B.P.; at ca. 1200 cal. yr B.P. started the installation of modern lacustrine environment, with the Forest in the surroundings; (iv) the present location of Lagoa do Macuco was characterized by na estuarine environment during the period from ~7700 to ca. 3000 cal. yr B.P
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Detecção da origem das matérias graxas presentes em requeijões e similares encontrados no mercado / Detection of the origin of the fat ingredients in Brazilian soft cheeses (requeijões) and similar products from the local marketCancelliero, Ana Carolina 14 September 2007 (has links)
O objetivo desse estudo foi validar a aplicação da metodologia isotópica de identificação da origem dos gliceróis em gorduras presentes em requeijões e especialidades lácteas com o intuito de oferecer uma ferramenta de controle de qualidade, de fiscalização de mercado e detecção de fraudes. Para atingir esse objetivo, isolou-se o glicerol de compostos lácteos como requeijões, especialidades lácteas, leite e óleos vegetais (empregados como padrões de origem animal e vegetal, respectivamente) e aplicou-se a metodologia isotópica. O glicerol foi isolado através da centrifugação. Foram analisadas todas as marcas de requeijões e similares (28 marcas) disponíveis nos supermercados da cidade de Piracicaba, e depois, agrupadas conforme sua identificação: requeijão cremoso, especialidade láctea com requeijão cremoso, alimento à base de requeijão e creme vegetal, requeijão cremoso com amido e não identificado. Do total, cinco marcas apresentaram resultados com diferença significativa (p<0,05) quando comparados ao controle (padrão animal - leite). A metodologia isotópica permitiu identificar a origem do material analisado e detectar alterações nos padrões. Comprovou-se a eficácia da metodologia isotópica na identificação da origem da matéria graxa de requeijões e a aplicabilidade da técnica no controle de qualidade de lácteos, auxiliando tanto no recebimento de matéria-prima como de produto final. / The objective of this study was to validate the application of the isotopic methodology of identification of glycerol origin in the fat fraction of "requeijões" (Brazilian soft cheeses) and similar products aiming at the identification of a quality control instrument for market fiscalization and fraud detection. In order to pursue the specific objectives of this study, the glycerol was isolated from spreadable dairy products such as "requeijões" and others. Cow's milk and vegetable oils of known origins were adopted as standards. The isotopic methodology was applied to identify the origin of the carbon present in the glycerol molecule of the fats present in those foods. Glycerol was isolated according to a conventional based on centrifugation. Twenty-eight commercial brands of "requeijões" available in the supermarkets of Piracicaba city were classified according to the information provided in the lables and analyzed. Out of the total, 5 brands were significantly different (p<0,05) when compared to the control (animal pattern - milk), indicating absence of the milk fat in the formulation. The isotopic methodology allowed to identify the origin of the analyzed material and to detect alterations in the patterns. The effectiveness of the isotopic methodology in the identification of origin of the lipid constituents of "requeijão" was proven as well as the applicability of the technique in dairy industry quality control, both in the final product as well as in process supplies.
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Isotope systematics of gypsum and its hydration waterEvans, Nicholas Philip January 2019 (has links)
Triple oxygen and hydrogen isotope analysis of the structurally-bound water in gypsum can provide a direct measure of past hydrologic variability. This thesis presents the development of the water extraction and isotopic measurement procedures, the calculation of the gypsum-water isotope fractionation factors, and the application of the method to constrain the palaeohydrologic conditions in two temporally and geographically disparate sites. Measurement of the isotopic composition of gypsum hydration water is used to examine the hydrological changes that occurred during the Terminal Classic Drought of the Maya lowlands (~800-1000 CE), coincident with the period when the Classic Maya Civilization of Mesoamerica collapsed. The data provide a complete and direct archive of hydrological conditions that have previously been limited to ice core records. Mean annual rainfall is shown to have decreased by between 41% and 54%, with intervals of up to 70%, compared to present-day conditions. This study has also shown for the first time that relative humidity was 2%-7% lower during the Terminal Classic Drought compared to today. The methodology is also applied to the massive gypsum deposits in the marginal and deep basins of the Mediterranean to interpret the chemical evolution of parent water bodies during the Messinian Salinity Crisis (5.97-5.3 Ma). By combining the measurement of gypsum hydration water with other traditional (e.g. strontium) and novel (e.g. calcium and barium) isotope tracers, the hydrological changes during the deposition of Primary Lower Gypsum units of the Sorbas Basin in southeastern Spain, the Upper Gypsum units of Sicily, and deep basin deposits have been constrained. The results indicate that all deposits experienced a significant freshwater contribution to the mother fluids from which they formed. It is proposed that obliquity-controlled sea level and eccentricity-modulated precession, superimposed on longer-term tectonic restriction of the Mediterranean-Atlantic exchange, together controlled the varying depositional environments during the formation of the Messinian Salt Giant. This thesis demonstrates that the analysis of gypsum hydration water is a powerful tool for palaeoclimate reconstruction. The methodology can be applied to gypsum (and other hydrated minerals) in a wide range of settings across geological space and time, providing a rich source of information about the environmental conditions under which they formed.
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Ecophysiologie trophique des bivalves Nodipecten subnodosus et Spondylus crassisquama soumis à la variabilité environnementale dans la lagune d'Ojo de Liebre (Basse Californie, Mexique) / Trophic ecophysiology of Nodipecten subnodosus and Spondylus crassisquama bivalves submitted to environmental variability in the lagoon of Ojo de Liebre (Baja California, Mexico)Mathieu-Resuge, Margaux 23 November 2018 (has links)
Les lagunes côtières sont des écosystèmes semi-fermés à l'interface de la terre et des océans et sous l'influence de ces deux compartiments. De par ces caractéristiques, elles sont soumises à de fortes variations spatiales et saisonnières de leurs ressources trophiques. De par leur nature fermée et peu profonde, elles vont amplifier la force des processus qui conditionnent la disponibilité des ressources alimentaires et par conséquent l'écophysiologie des organismes benthiques qui composent les assemblages associés. Ce travail de thèse se propose de caractériser l'écophysiologie trophique de deux espèces de bivalves filtreurs (Nodipecten subnodosus et Spondylus crassisquama) au sein d'une lagune du Pacifique Nord-est (Basse Californie, Mexique). Une approche mufti-tissus et multi-traceurs (isotopes stables, acides gras, stérols et analyse isotopique sur acides gras) a été adoptée afin de pouvoir caractériser l'écologie trophique des espèces, mais aussi leurs régulations physiologiques face aux variations environnementales. Deux facteurs clés se sont révélés largement explicatifs de la variabilité spatio-temporelle observée dans le régime alimentaire : la période (hiver vs été) et la localisation dans la lagune par rapport à l'embouchure. L'importance des apports de phytoplancton océanique a été démontrée dans l'ensemble de la lagune, avec une contribution plus importante de diatomées océaniques notamment en période estivale pour les individus à proximité de l'embouchure. Par ailleurs, les bivalves en fond de lagune semblaient davantage dépendre de la matière organique locale, en particulier issue du recyclage bactérien, voire de la production des herbiers de phanérogames. Ces contrastes spatiaux se reflétaient également dans la composition des membranes cellulaires, mettant en évidence les interactions entre apports trophiques et régulations métaboliques des compositions en acides gras chez ces deux bivalves. Cette thèse présente une approche intégrée dédiée à la compréhension des variations spatiales et saisonnières des ressources trophiques d'un écosystème lagunaire, ainsi que leurs répercutions trophiques et physiologiques sur les assemblages benthiques. / Coastal lagoons are semi-enclosed ecosystems at the interface between land and ocean and under the influence of these two compartments. Owing to these characteristics these ecosystems are submitted to spatial and seasonal variations in their trophic resources. Because of their enclosed and shallow nature, lagoons amplify the intensity of processes conditioning the availability of food resources and consequently the ecophysiology of the benthic organisms which compose associated assemblages. This thesis aims to characterize the trophic ecophysiology of two species of suspension feeding bivalves (Nodipecten subnodosus and Spondylus crussisquomo) within a lagoon of Northeast Pacific (Baja California, Mexico). A mufti-tissue and multi-tracer approach (stable isotopes, fatty acids, sterols, and isotope analysis on fatty acids) was used in order to characterise the trophic ecology of both species, as well as their physiological regulations against environmental variations. Two key factors have been found to explain the observed spatio-temporal variability: the period (winter vs summer), and the location in the lagoon with respect to the distance from the mouth. The importance of oceanic phytoplankton inputs has been highlighted throughout the lagoon, with a greater contribution of oceanic diatoms particularly during the summer period for individuals near the mouth. Bivalves from the inner lagoon seemed more dependent of local organic matter, in particular resulting from bacterial recycling, or even from the production of eelgrass. These spatial contrasts were also reflected in the composition of cell membranes, highlighting the interactions between trophic contributions and metabolic regulation of fatty acid composition in both bivalves. This thesis presents an integrated approach to understand spatial and seasonal variations of the trophic resources of a lagoon ecosystem, as well as their trophic and physiological repercussions on benthic assemblages.
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<p>Modern economic activities, like industry and
agriculture, as well as household activities, generate an important amount of
refuse. The way we collect, transport, and dispose it will determine the level
of environmental contamination. May animals exploit refuse as a food source (i.e.,
anthropogenic food subsidy) and gulls are the most important group. Refuse
subsidizes energetically gull populations, which impacts on their acquisition
and allocation of resources, as well as on the environment, with ecological and
evolutionary consequences are not well understood. In this dissertation we
evaluated potential impacts of refuse on gulls by doing a literature review as
well as empirical research on the Kelp Gull (<i>Larus dominicanus</i>) in the Rio de la Plata Estuary in South America.
Direct and indirect impacts of refuse on gull species and the
environment have been observed during the review process. We have detected positive
impacts of refuse on body size, chick growth, fecundity, reproductive success,
and population dynamics. However, negative impacts were also found focusing on
fecundity, reproductive success, and population dynamics. Indirect negative
impacts on other species, water bodies, and airport security were also found. Refuse
produces numerous impacts on gulls at the individual, population, and species
levels, with indirect negative consequences on ecosystems. There is a need to
reduce the access of gulls to sources of refuse to mitigate the existing and
potential conflicts with human activities and other species, especially those
that are threatened and endangered. During our empirical research we found that
refuse was ingested and assimilated by Kelp Gull chicks during the chick
rearing period and that the ecological
niche width increased with the age of the chick. We propose that parents incorporate isotopically unique food sources to nestling’s
diet during their growth, increasing isotopic diversity of nestlings. Additionally,
we found that refuse could affect foraging decisions of females during the
pre-incubation period, which could positively affect future fecundity and
negatively impact reproductive success. We found also that refuse consumption
on fecundity and reproductive success of gulls is generally studied at the
colony level, using conventional diet techniques, but not much has been done
using stable isotopes at the individual level, making comparisons among studies
and conclusions difficult to address. We encourage other researchers to
continue incorporating the isotopic ecology perspective to study the effect of
food subsidies on gulls. Additionally, we found that Kelp Gull on the coast of
the Rio de la Plata Estuary ingest plastic debris. We conclude that plastic
bags and plastic films might be the most important source of contaminants for
the Kelp Gull on the coast of the estuary. Main findings of this dissertation
suggests the need for an improvement of waste management practices and a
regulation of plastic production and use in Uruguay to reduce plastic ingestion
by gulls. Finally, next steps for research are provided in this important area
of environmental science and natural resource management.</p>
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Bioacumulação e biomagnificação de metais pesados em teias tróficas de estuários do sul-sudeste do Brasil / Bioaccumulation and biomagnification of heavy metals in trophic webs of estuaries of the southern and southeastern of BrazilTrevizani, Tailisi Hoppe 09 October 2018 (has links)
A região costeira do Brasil é historicamente impactada por atividades antrópicas, que liberam contaminantes, como os metais pesados. Nos estuários de Paranaguá (PR), Cananéia e Santos (SP), tais atividades estão presentes em diferentes níveis. Neste estudo foram investigadas as concentrações de arsênio, cádmio, chumbo, cobre, cromo, níquel, selênio, zinco e mercúrio, além de isótopos estáveis de carbono e nitrogênio, em sedimentos, fragmentos vegetais e organismos marinhos, como invertebrados bentônicos, peixes bentívoros e mamíferos marinhos, coletados nos três estuários. As amostragens foram realizadas em 2015, sendo as análises de isótopos realizadas por EA-IRMS e as análises de metais pesados realizadas por ICP OES-VGA e ICP-MS. As razões isotópicas permitiram a distinção entre fontes de matéria orgânica e nível trófico. Exemplares da ictiofauna e de cetáceos analisados não apresentaram distinção entre os níveis tróficos 3 e 4, indicando uma dieta generalista para estes animais e potencial compartilhamento de nicho trófico. Os metais apresentaram maiores concentrações nos sedimentos do estuário de Santos, coincidindo com o local com maior intensidade de atividades antrópicas. Comparando os estuários há maior acumulação de: Cr, Cu, Zn e Hg em Paranaguá, As e Pb em Cananéia, e Cd, Ni e Se em Santos, resultados justificados por atividades antrópicas, fontes naturais e características geoquímicas de cada região. A tendência de biomagnificação de Se foi observada nas teias tróficas de todos os estuários, e de Zn e Hg nas teias de Paranaguá e Cananéia. Entretanto, As, Cr, Cu, Ni e Pb demostraram tendência a biodiluição nas teias tróficas estudadas, com maior bioacumulação em invertebrados bentônicos. Portanto, este estudo traz um panorama atual da distribuição espacial e trófica de metais pesados nos estuários, colaborando com o monitoramento e ações de gestão costeira. / The coastal region of Brazil is historically impacted by anthropic activities, which release contaminants such as heavy metals. In the estuaries of Paranaguá (PR), Cananéia and Santos (SP), these activities are present in different levels. In the present study, concentrations of arsenic, cadmium, lead, copper, chromium, nickel, selenium, zinc and mercury were investigated, as well as stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in sediments, plant fragments and marine organisms such as benthic invertebrates, benthivorous fish and marine mammals, collected in the three estuaries. Samples were collected in 2015, with isotope analysis performed by EA-IRMS and heavy metal analysis performed by ICP OES-VGA and ICP-MS. Isotopic ratios allowed the distinction between organic matter sources and trophic level. The specimens of the ichthyofauna and cetaceans analyzed did not present distinction between trophic levels 3 and 4, indicating a generalist diet for these animals and a potential sharing of trophic niche. The metals have presented higher concentrations in the sediments from Santos estuary, what coincides with the place with greater intensity of anthropic activities. Comparing the estuaries, there is more bioaccumulation of Cr, Cu, Zn and Hg in Paranaguá, As and Pb in Cananéia, and Cd, Ni and Se in Santos; results which are justified by anthropic activities, natural sources and geochemical characteristics of each region. A biomagnification tendency of Se was observed in the trophic webs of all estuaries, and Zn and Hg in the Paranaguá\'s and Cananéia\'s webs. However, As, Cr, Cu, Ni and Pb displayed a tendency to biodilution in the studied trophic webs; with a higher bioaccumulation in benthic invertebrates. Therefore this study provides a current overview of the spatial and trophic distribution of heavy metals in the estuaries. Thus, it is collaborating with the monitoring and actions of coastal management.
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