Spelling suggestions: "subject:"stack"" "subject:"atack""
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Characterization and Failure Mode Analysis of Cascode GaN HEMTLiu, Zhengyang 16 July 2014 (has links)
Recent emerging gallium nitride (GaN) high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) is expected to be a promising candidate for high frequency power conversion techniques. Due to the advantages of the material, the GaN HEMT has a better figure of merit (FOM) compared to the state-of-the-art silicon (Si) power metal oxide silicon field effect transistor (MOSFET), which allows the GaN HEMT to switch with faster transition and lower switching loss. By applying the GaN HEMT in a circuit design, it is possible to achieve high frequency, high efficiency, and high density power conversion at the same time.
To characterize the switching performance of the GaN HEMT, an accurate behavior-level simulation model is developed in this thesis. The packaging related parasitic inductance, including both self-inductance and mutual-inductance, are extracted based on finite element analysis (FEA) methods. Then the accuracy of the simulation model is verified by a double-pulse tester, and the simulation results match well with experiment in terms of both device switching waveform and switching energy.
Based on the simulation model, detailed loss breakdown and loss mechanism analysis are made. The cascode GaN HEMT has high turn-on loss due to the body diode reverse recovery of the low voltage Si MOSFET and the common source inductance (CSI) of the package; while the turn-off loss is extremely small attributing to the cascode structure.
With this unique feature, the critical conduction mode (CRM) soft switching technique are applied to reduce the dominant turn on loss and increase converter efficiency significantly. The switching frequency is successfully pushed to 5MHz while maintaining high efficiency and good thermal performance.
Traditional packaging method is becoming a bottle neck to fully utilize the advantages of GaN HEMT. So an investigation of the package influence on the cascode GaN HEMT is also conducted. Several critical parasitic inductors are identified, which cause high turn on loss and high parasitic ringing which may lead to device failure. To solve the issue, the stack-die package is proposed to eliminate all critical parasitic inductors, and as a result, reducing turn on loss by half and avoiding potential failure mode of the cascode GaN device effectively.
Utilizing the proposed stack-die package and ZVS soft switching, the GaN HEMT high frequency, high efficiency, and high density power conversion capability can be further extended to a higher level. / Master of Science
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Advocating SilenceForth, Stephen 12 June 2013 (has links)
The buildings people inhabit everyday frame their existence and provide a backdrop for life. This relationship is inextricable and, as such, begs the question as to whether buildings can function as more than mere containers for life or whether they, at some point or in some capacity, can begin to bare influence over the life or quality of life of their patrons. This project is an intention to explore this qualitative, unquantifiable aspect of building. Through a manipulation of volume and mass, constriction and expansion, solid and void, light and shadow, and the qualities of interiority and exteriority an occupied space will begin to impress itself upon the user. The main objective of this project is to use these architectural properties to create a place that fosters introspection through self awareness. By choosing presence over practicality and content over convention, the construct proposed in this thesis attempts to create spaces that are imposing and unfamiliar yet somehow emotionally reminiscent. Confronted by these contradictions and juxtapositions, this building will stand as an object, in opposition to the occupant, and through that opposition inspire and promote a greater awareness of, and possibly a reflection upon, normally unconscious thought processes. / Master of Architecture
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Identifying reputation collectors in community question answering (CQA) sites: Exploring the dark side of social mediaRoy, P.K., Singh, J.P., Baabdullah, A.M., Kizgin, Hatice, Rana, Nripendra P. 08 August 2019 (has links)
Yes / This research aims to identify users who are posting as well as encouraging others to post low-quality
and duplicate contents on community question answering sites. The good guys called Caretakers and
the bad guys called Reputation Collectors are characterised by their behaviour, answering pattern and
reputation points. The proposed system is developed and analysed over publicly available Stack
Exchange data dump. A graph based methodology is employed to derive the characteristic of
Reputation Collectors and Caretakers. Results reveal that Reputation Collectors are primary sources
of low-quality answers as well as answers to duplicate questions posted on the site. The Caretakers
answer limited questions of challenging nature and fetches maximum reputation against those
questions whereas Reputation Collectors answers have so many low-quality and duplicate questions
to gain the reputation point. We have developed algorithms to identify the Caretakers and Reputation
Collectors of the site. Our analysis finds that 1.05% of Reputation Collectors post 18.88% of low quality answers. This study extends previous research by identifying the Reputation Collectors and 2 how they collect their reputation points.
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Reading watermarks with a camera phone from printed imagesPramila, A. (Anu) 13 February 2018 (has links)
There are many reasons for sharing a photo of a printout. The intention might be to copy the image for personal use or experience an interesting ad with friends. With watermarking, the images can also carry side information and with specialized watermarking methods the information can be read with a mobile device camera.
In digital image watermarking, information is hidden on an image in such a way that a computer can read the hidden information but a human cannot discern it. The aim of this thesis is to research the process in which the watermarked image is printed and then read with a digital camera or a camera phone from the printed image. In order to survive the process, the watermark must survive multiple attacks. Some of the attacks occur during printing as the image is halftoned, others when the image is recaptured with a camera, in which case the camera might be rotated around multiple axis. These attacks may cause a loss of synchronization of the watermark and make the extraction impossible.
The main objective of the thesis is thus to develop methods that are robust to the printing and capturing process, especially for the situations when the capturing angle is large. This problem contains the circumstances in which the synchronization is lost and the camera lens is not focused properly.
In this work, research on digital image watermarking, computational photography and mobile phones are combined. The contributions of this thesis lie in two main parts: First, two print-cam robust methods are proposed, one based on a frame and the other on autocorrelation for synchronization. These two are then used as a basis for an algorithm that recovers the watermark even after camera rotation and image blurring caused by the narrow depth of focus of the lens. The algorithm is later refined and implemented for a mobile phone. The results show that the method is highly robust to capturing the watermark without errors in angles up to 60° with processing times acceptable for real-life applications. / Tiivistelmä
On olemassa useita syitä tulosteesta otetun valokuvan jakamiseen. Aikomuksena voi olla kopioida kuva omaan käyttöön tai jakaa mielenkiintoinen ilmoitus ystävien kanssa. Vesileimauksessa kuvaan voidaan sijoittaa lisätietoa ja erityisillä menetelmillä tieto voidaan myöhemmin lukea mobiililaitteen kameralla.
Digitaalisten kuvien vesileimauksen tavoite on piilottaa tietoa kuvaan siten, että tietokone pystyy lukemaan piilotetun informaation, siinä missä ihminen ei pysty sitä havaitsemaan. Tämän väitöskirjan tavoitteena on tutkia prosessia, missä vesileimattu kuva tulostetaan ja vesileima luetaan digitaalisella kameralla tai kamerapuhelimella tulosteesta. Selviytyäkseen tästä prosessista, vesileiman on kestettävä useita hyökkäyksiä. Osa hyökkäyksistä esiintyy tulostuksen aikana, kun kuva rasteroidaan, ja osa valokuvatessa, jolloin kamera voi olla kiertynyt. Näiden hyökkäysten seurauksena vesileiman synkronointi voi kadota, jolloin vesileiman lukeminen ei enää onnistu.
Väitöskirjan päätavoitteena on siis kehittää tulostuksen ja valokuvauksen kestäviä vesileimausmenetelmiä erityisesti niitä tilanteita varten, jolloin kuvauskulma on suuri. Tämä ongelma sisältää olosuhteet, joissa synkronointi menetetään, ja kun kameran linssi ei ole kohdistunut oikein.
Työssä yhdistetään digitaalinen kuvien vesileimaus, laskennallinen valokuvaus ja matkapuhelimet. Tutkimus voidaan jakaa kahteen osa-alueeseen: Ensimmäisessä kehitetään kaksi tulostuksen ja valokuvauksen kestävää menetelmää, joista toinen perustuu kehykseen ja toinen autokorrelaatioon synkronoinnin säilyttämiseksi. Toisessa osassa näitä menetelmiä hyödynnetään algoritmissa, joka kykenee vesileiman lukemiseen myös silloin kun kameran kiertyminen on voimakasta ja objektiivin kapea tarkennussyvyys aiheuttaa sumeita alueita kuvassa. Tutkimustyön lopussa tätä algoritmia viedään eteenpäin ja testataan matkapuhelinalustalla. Tulokset osoittavat menetelmän kestävän kameran kiertymistä 60°:seen saakka suoritusajoilla, jotka ovat hyväksyttäviä sovelluskäyttöön.
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Development of a Z-Stack Projection Imaging Protocol for a Nerve AllograftSelvam, Selvaanish 31 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Technical decision-making in startups and its impact on growth and technical debt / Tekniskt beslutsfattande i startups och dess påverkan på tillväxt och teknisk skuldHultberg, Carl January 2021 (has links)
The rapid pace of digitalization has resulted in increased management of software development, and today a majority of startups are reliant on software. How to manage software development projects is a well-researched area and agile methods are widely adopted by companies in all industries and sizes. However, prior to working with agile methods or any other software development methodology, the founders and management of a startup have to make several technical decisions that could potentially affect the whole software development process and the company's success. Furthermore, studies show that only three programming languages are known by more than 50% of developers, suggesting that the potential effects of technical decisions stretch outside the software development process. By performing a multiple-case study on startups with a mixed-methodology approach, the researcher has analyzed the literature, interviewed several founders and Chief Technology Officers, and quantitatively analyzed hundreds of thousand lines of code, to find how to organize to make better technical decisions in order to enhance growth and generate less technical debt. The results show that the effects of technical decisions stretch outside the software development process, having an apparent effect on a startup's ability to attract and retain talent. Furthermore, the results show that access to talent is an important but not deciding factor in technical decision-making. Additionally, it is found that in the initial stage of a startup, ease of development and speed are important factors in technical decisions as the main objective is to find product-market fit. When product-market fit has been found and the startup matures, the focus shifts and quality and durability are becoming prominent factors. It is found that scooping features only to implement the absolute core functionality is an effective approach to develop quickly and generate less technical debt while maintaining customer satisfaction. Lastly, it is found that programming language affects the number of issues generated per line of code and the time spent on building features. However, as found in the literature, there is no evidence of this being related to the type of programming language. The findings have both practical and academic implications. In academics, this thesis lays the foundation for further studies and provides new insights into the field of startups in general, and technical decision-making in particular. For practitioners, this thesis provides a basis for discussion and execution of technical decisions in the early stages of a startup. / Den snabba digitaliseringen har resulterat i en ökad ledning av mjukvaruutveckling och idag är majoriteten av startups beroende av någon form av mjukvara. Hur man leder mjukvaruutvecklingsprojekt är ett välutforskat område och agila metoder är välanvända i företag i alla industrier och storlekar. Innan man arbetar med agila metoder eller någon annan mjukvarutvecklingsmetod så måste grundarna och ledningen ta flera tekniska beslut som potentiellt kan påverka hela mjukvaruutvecklingsprocessen och företagets framgång. Samtidigt finns det studier som visar att endast tre programmeringsspråk hanteras av mer än 50% av utvecklarna, vilket indikerar att de potentiella effekterna av tekniska beslut sträcker sig långt utanför mjukvaruutvecklingsprocessen. Genom att utföra en flerfallsstudie på startups med både kvalitativa och kvantitativa moment, har forskaren analyserat literaturen, intervjuat flertalet grundare och tekniska chefer, och kvantitativt analyserat hundratusentals rader kod, för att undersöka hur startups kan organisera sig för att ta bättre tekniska beslut som förbättrar tillväxten samt genererar mindre teknisk skuld. Resultaten visar att effekten av tekniska beslut sträcker sig långt utanför mjukvaruutvecklingsprocessen genom att ha en direkt påverkan på startups möjlighet att attrahera och behålla talang. Tillgången till talang visar sig även vara en viktig faktor i teknisk beslutsfattande, däremot är den inte en avgörande faktor. Dessutom visar resultaten att i det initiala stadiet av en startup så är enkelhet och hastighet viktiga faktorer i tekniskt beslutsfattande eftersom fokus ligger på att hitta produkt-marknads-anpassning. När produkt-marknads-anpassning är funnen och startupen mognar, så skiftar dessa faktorerna över till kvalité och hållbarhet. Resultaten visar även att en effektiv metod för att utveckla snabbt och skapa mindre teknisk skuld är att skala ner förfrågningar till dess absolut grundfunktionalitet, samtidigt visade det sig att kundnöjdheten inte minskade. Slutligen visar resultaten att val av programmeringsspråk har en effekt på antalet issues genererade per rad kod och även tiden spenderad för att bygga features. Däremot, precis som i tidigare forskning, finns det inga bevis på att det är relaterat till typen av programmeringsspråk. Resultaten har både praktiska och akademiska implikationer. I den akademiska världen så lägger detta arbetet en grund för framtida forskning och ger nya insikter i startupfältet generellt, och tekniskt beslutsfattande i startups i synnerhet. För utövare, lägger detta arbetet en bra bas för diskussion och verkställande av tekniska beslut i startups.
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Requirements and challenges on an alternative indirect integration regime of low-k materialsHaase, Micha, Ecke, Ramona, Schulz, Stefan E. 22 July 2016 (has links) (PDF)
An alternative indirect integration regime of porous low-k materials was investigated. Based on a single Damascene structure the intra level dielectric SiO2 or damaged ULK was removed by using HF:H2O solutions to create free standing metal lines. The free spaces between the metal lines were refilled with a spin-on process of a low-k material. The persistence of barrier materials and copper against HF solutions, the gap fill behavior of the used spin on glass on different structure sizes and the main challenges which have to solve in the future are shown in this study.
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Modelling price dynamics through fundamental relationships in electricity and other energy marketsCoulon, Michael January 2009 (has links)
Energy markets feature a wide range of unusual price behaviour along with a complicated dependence structure between electricity, natural gas, coal and carbon, as well as other variables. We approach this broad modelling challenge by firstly developing a structural framework to modelling spot electricity prices, through an analysis of the underlying supply and demand factors which drive power prices, and the relationship between them. We propose a stochastic model for fuel prices, power demand and generation capacity availability, as well as a parametric form for the bid stack function which maps these price drivers to the spot electricity price. Based on the intuition of cost-related bids from generators, the model describes mathematically how different fuel prices drive different portions of the bid stack (i.e., the merit order) and hence influence power prices at varying levels of demand. Using actual bid data, we find high correlations between the movements of bids and the corresponding fuel prices (coal and gas). We fit the model to the PJM and New England markets in the US, and assess the performance of the model, in terms of capturing key properties of simulated price trajectories, as well as comparing the model’s forward prices with observed data. We then discuss various mathematical techniques (explicit solutions, approximations, simulations and other numerical techniques) for calibrating to observed fuel and electricity forward curves, as well as for pricing of various single and multi-commodity options. The model reveals that natural gas prices are historically the primary driver of power prices over long horizons in both markets, with shorter term dynamics driven also by fluctuations in demand and reserve margin. However, the framework developed in this thesis is very flexible and able to adapt to different markets or changing conditions, as well as capturing automatically the possibility of changes in the merit order of fuels. In particular, it allows us to begin to understand price movements in the recently-formed carbon emissions markets, which add a new level of complexity to energy price modelling. Thus, the bid stack model can be viewed as more than just an original and elegant new approach to spot electricity prices, but also a convenient and intuitive tool for understanding risks and pricing contracts in the global energy markets, an important, rapidly-growing and fascinating area of research.
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Theory and methods of frequency-dependent AVO InversionWilson, Adam January 2010 (has links)
Amplitude-versus-offset, AVO, approximations allow the estimation of various properties from pre-stack seismic gathers. Recently it has been suggested that fluid mobility is a controlling factor in pore pressure equalisation and can result in anomalous velocity dispersion in the seismic bandwidth. However, current approximations all assume an elastic subsurface and are unable to account for velocity dispersion. I have applied existing methodologies to a real dataset to qualitatively detect and interpret spectral amplitude anomalies. Three areas had AVO and spectral signature consistent with frequency-dependent AVO theory. The results suggest that it is feasible to measure such effects on real data in the presence of random noise. It would imply that the relaxation parameter, tau, is larger in the field than has been measured in water-saturated real and synthetic sandstones in the laboratory. I extended a two-term AVO approximation by accounting for velocity dispersion and showed how the resultant reflection coefficient becomes frequency-dependent. I then used this to measure P- and S-wave reflectivity dispersion using spectrally-balanced amplitudes. The inversion was able to quantify the affect of the P-wave velocity dispersion as an instantaneous effect on the reflection. NMO stretch was an issue at the far offsets and I limited myself to the near offsets and effectively measured only the P-wave reflectivity dispersion. I showed how the P-wave reflectivity dispersion signs depend on the AVO classification of the reflection whilst the magnitude depends on the crack density of my model. I showed how the effect of noise and thin-bed tuning can enter uncertainties into the interpretation of spectral anomalies. Whilst it is possible to detect frequency-dependent AVO signatures on pre-stack gathers, the interpretation remains non-unique. I have quantitatively measured a new physical property, reflectivity dispersion, from pre-stack seismic data. I have presented a method of detecting and measuring velocity dispersion in pre-stack gathers but there remain ambiguities in the interpretation of such results. The approach incorporates spectrally decomposed data in an extended AVO inversion scheme. Future work should investigate the application of the methodology to a real seismic dataset.
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Design and development of a 100 W Proton exchange membrane fuel cell uninterruptible power supplyDu Toit, Johannes Paulus 01 1900 (has links)
M. Tech. (Engineering Department Applied Electronics and Electronic Communication, Faculty of Engineering) Vaal University of Technology / This study presents the design of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack that can
be used to replace conventional sources of electrical energy in an uninterruptible
power supply system, specifically for use in the telecommunications industry. One of
the major concerns regarding the widespread commercialization of fuel cells is the high
cost associated with fuel cell components and their manufacturing. A fuel cell design is
presented in which existing, low-cost, technologies are used in the manufacture of cell
components. For example, printed circuit boards are used in the manufacturing of
bipolar flow plates to significantly reduce the cost of fuel cells.
The first objective was to design, construct and test a single fuel cell and small fuel
cell stack in order to evaluate the use of printed circuit boards in bipolar plate
manufacturing. Since the use of copper in a fuel cell environment was found to reduce
the lifetime of the cells, the bipolar plates were coated with a protective layer of nickel
and chrome. These coatings proved to increase the lifetime of the cells significantly.
Power outputs of more than 4 W per cell were achieved.
The second objective was to analyze a small fuel cell stack in order to obtain a model
for predicting the performance of larger stacks. A mathematical model was developed
which was then used to design an electronic circuit equivalent of a fuel cell stack. Both
models were adapted to predict the performance of a fuel cell stack containing any
number of cells. The models were proven to be able to accurately predict the
performance of a fuel cell stack by comparing simulated results with practical
performance data.
Finally, the circuit equivalent of a fuel cell stack was used to evaluate the capability of
a switch mode boost converter to maintain a constant voltage when driven by a fuel
cell stack, even under varying load conditions. Simulation results showed the ability of
the boost converter to maintain a constant output voltage. The use of supercapacitors
as a replacement for batteries as a secondary energy source was also evaluated.
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