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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The new East Window of St Martin-in-the-Fields Church, London : a window of opportunity for developing ordinary theology through a visual image

Betts, Edmund John January 2014 (has links)
Ordinary theology is a developing concept focusing on people’s explicit religious beliefs, and relying on anecdotal evidence and other academic writers to bridge the gap with academy theology. It has influenced empirical studies of ordinary people’s experience with the Bible, doctrine and cathedral visiting. A feminist qualitative ethnographic study and action research provide other voices as alternatives to this empiricism. Theologians-in-the-arts have appropriated art to illustrate their academic theology. This thesis takes further the use of a visual image, with a recently commissioned non-figurative designed window, by a female Iranian-born artist, in an well-known London church. It enquires how far a non-specific doctrinal and non-narrative window encourages wider public participation in meaning making and metaphor generation, challenging the current static concept of ordinary theology. An interpretative paradigm with perspectives from constructivism, phenomenology, and hermeneutics shapes an inductive and qualitative approach to give attention to regular worshippers and visitors. A visual ethnographic method elicits data through semi-structured questionnaires, interviews, and journal writing. Adopting a ‘lay’ outsider participant role during the fieldwork, unstructured situational interviews with passers-by, street traders and church staff were also undertaken. Interpretive lenses of framing, the pastoral cycle, ethnomethodology, and nitty-gritty hermeneutics assisted in analysing the data. The window attracted a high degree of participation, engaging people in reflection. Over 85% of participants were professional/university and technically educated and competent in academic disciplines other than theology. The respondents initially made non-religious statements challenging ordinary theology, which focussed on explicit religion. When respondents viewed it a second time, they used religious concepts. The analysis led to the construction of ordinary portraits constructed of previously not heard voices and challenged the earlier faces of academic partners. The window is a dialogically framed ‘lived experience’ breaking the ‘is’ of metaphor and the gestalt law of closure. This research explores the ‘is not’ of metaphor. It explores the relationship of image, metaphor and concept by focussing on window parts; the images of centre, line and web. The window becomes both a working metaphor and a model of working metaphors extensively used by these participants. Ordinary theology discovers through feminist metaphorical theology that concepts are metaphorical, focusing on both dissimilarities and similarities. The window as a visual image provides an opportunity to extend the concept and metaphor of ordinary theology. It invites academic professionals to an intensive fieldwork experience using a visual image to rediscover a general process of reflection and to reveal people’s indirect and implicit metaphorical ordinary theology.

Sovietinio vitražo likimas / Destiny of soviet stained glass

Žuramskienė, Eglė 03 July 2014 (has links)
Po nepriklausomybės atgavimo, daugelį pastatų privatizavus, atsirado grėsmė juose esantiems dailės kūriniams. Svarbus yra ir visuomenės požiūris į sovietinį, mums svetimą, paveldą. Vitražai išmontuojami vien todėl, kad primena praeitį. Be politinių aspekto, Sovietinio paveldo išlikimą lemia ir ekonominiai veiksniai. Daug kur vitražai išmontuoti renovuojant pastatus ir teisinantis, kad jų restauracijai trūksta lėšų. Nors sovietmetis tituluojamas lietuviško vitražo „aukso amžiumi”, dabartinė šio laikotarpio kūrinių padėtis sudėtinga. Pradėjus išsamiau domėtis sovietinio vitražo dabartine būkle susiduriama su medžiagos trūkumu. Renkant medžiagą apie sunaikintus, restauruotus vitražus iškilo ir paveldo apsaugos klausimas. Kaip ir kiek sovietinį paveldą įstatymais gali apsaugoti valstybė ir ar gali tuo pasirūpinti pats darbų autorius. Pirmoje darbo dalyje aptariamas sovietinis vitražas ir jo klestėjimo prielaidos, trumpai supažindinama su tuo metu kūrusiais vitražistais, jų ryškiausias darbais. Išskiriamos dvi pagrindinės prielaidos: valstybiniai užsakymai ir glaudus architektų bei vitražistų bendradarbiavimas. Pateikiama ryškesnių to meto architektų ir vitražistų bendradarbiavimo pavyzdžių. Antroje darbo dalyje aprašomi sovietinių vitražų sunaikinimo, rekonstravimo, perkėlimo atvejai. Pateikiama sunaikintų, rekonstruotų vitražų pavyzdžių. „Išlikusių vitražų pavyzdžiai ir objektyvios jų išlikimo sąlygos. Nagrinėjamos vitražo sunaikinimo priežastys. Trečioje darbo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / A lot of public places there privatized after the restoration of independence in Lithuania. A real threat occurred for monumental artworks in architecture after the biulding was privatized. In this situation a public opnion about soviet heritage is really important. Despite the political aspect, there is economical factors as well. Stained glass windows, can’t be fixed because of lack of finance. Though soviet times in Lithuania was „golden age“ for stained glass it has real preservation problem in nowdays. There is a lack of information about these days soviet stained glass situation. The first part of this work contains short history of soviet stained glass and the sources of prosperity. There was two main assumptions for prosperity of stained glass in soviet times: first was orders from soviet goverment and the second was artist and architectures cooperation. The exposition part is illiustration about stained glass destruction, and real situation of soviet stained glass in these days. The final part of the work is about the heritage of soviet art works and preservation of stained glass.

Le phénomène de brunissement des vitraux médiévaux : critères d’identification et nature de la phase d’altération / The browning phenomenon of medieval stained glass windows : identification criteria and nature of the alteration phase

Ferrand, Jessica 10 December 2013 (has links)
Les vitraux du Moyen Âge, dont les pièces de verre contiennent du manganèse, sont fréquemment atteints d'une pathologie communément appelée «brunissement ». Ce phénomène, qui se traduit par la présence de taches brunes riches en manganèse en surface ou subsurface du verre limitant le passage de la lumière et gênant la lisibilité de l'œuvre, est peu documenté et son occurrence parmi les vitraux n'est pas précisément connue. Un des problèmes majeurs pour ce qui concerne la conservation/restauration des œuvres est l'absence de traitements efficaces et durables pour cette pathologie. En France actuellement, l'absence de traitement est donc préconisée, ce qui ne satisfait ni les architectes, ni les conservateurs, ni les restaurateurs. La connaissance approfondie des processus physico-chimiques à l'origine du phénomène de brunissement est donc nécessaire pour proposer des réponses aux questions et aux attentes des conservateurs/restaurateurs. Au cours de cette thèse un panel de 24 échantillons de verres de vitraux historiques et de 3 échantillons archéologiques ont été étudiés par des méthodes microscopiques et spectroscopiques afin i) d'établir des critères d'identification du phénomène de brunissement dû au manganèse et ii) d'obtenir des informations sur la nature des phases brunes et sur le degré d'oxydation du manganèse dans ces phases. Parallèlement à l'étude des échantillons anciens, des verres modèles de composition proche de celle des vitraux médiévaux ont été synthétisés avec deux objectifs : i) la compréhension de la réaction entre le manganèse et le fer et de l'influence des paramètres de fabrication sur la couleur des verres et ii) l'étude de l'influence que peuvent avoir les bactéries dans le développement du phénomène de brunissement / The medieval stained glass windows, which glass composition contain manganese, are often affected by an alteration commonly designated as "browning". This phenomenon results in the presence of Mn-rich brown spots at the surface or subsurface of the glass thus limiting the passage of light and hindering the interpretation of the artwork. Poorly documented, the occurrence of browning among stained glass windows is not precisely described. Currently, one of the major problems in terms of conservation and restoration is that long-term treatments are not available. In these conditions, the recommendations are not to treat the affected glasses, a solution that satisfies neither the architects nor the curators, nor the restorers. In order to answer the questions and expectations of curators and restorers the comprehension of this phenomenon is essential. In this work, a panel of 24 historical and 3 archaeological stained glass samples were studied by microscopic and spectroscopic methods in order to i) establish reliable criteria for identifying the browning phenomenon due to manganese and ii) obtain information on the nature of the dark phases and the oxidation state of manganese in these phases. In parallel with the study of ancient samples, synthetic glasses with medieval-like compositions were synthesized for: i) understanding the reaction between manganese and iron, as well as the influence of the process parameters on the color of glasses and ii) studying the influence of bacteria in the development of the browning phenomenon


Zhe Li (6581093) 10 June 2019 (has links)
In recent years, DNA nanotechnology has emerged as one of the most powerful strategies for bottom-up construction of nanomaterials. Due to the high programmability of DNA molecules, their self-assembly can be rationally designed. Engineered 3D DNA crystals, as critical products from the design of DNA self-assembly, have been proposed as the structural scaffolds for organizing nano-objects into three-dimensional, macroscopic devices. However, for such applications, many obstacles need to be overcome, including the crystal stability, the characterization methodology, the revision of crystal designs as well as the modulation of crystallization kinetics. My PhD research focuses on solving these problems for engineered 3D DNA crystals to pave the way for their downstream applications.<br>In this thesis, I started by enhancing the stability of engineered 3D DNA crystals. I developed a highly efficient post-assembly modification approach to stabilize DNA crystals. Enzymatic ligation was performed inside the crystal lattice, which was designed to covalently link the sticky ends at the crystal contacts. After ligation, the crystal became a covalently bonded 3D network of DNA motifs. I investigated the stability of ligated DNA crystals under a wide range of solution conditions. Experimental data revealed that ligated DNA crystals had significantly increased stability. With these highly stabilized DNA crystals, we then demonstrated their applications in biocatalysis and protein encapsulation as examples.<br>I also established electron microscope imaging characterization methods for engineered 3D DNA crystals. For crystals from large-size DNA motifs, they are difficult to study by X-ray crystallography because of their limited diffraction resolutions to no better than 10 Å. Therefore, a direct imaging method by TEM was set up. DNA crystals were either crushed or controlled to grow into microcrystals for TEM imaging. To validate the imaging results, we compared the TEM images with predicted models of the crystal lattice. With the advance in crystal characterization, DNA crystals of varying pore size between 5~20 nm were designed, assembled, and validated by TEM imaging.<br>The post-assembly ligation was further developed to prepare a series of new materials derived from engineered 3D DNA crystals, which were inaccessible otherwise. With the directional and spatial control of ligation in DNA crystal, I prepared new DNA-based materials including DNA microtubes, complex-architecture crystals, and an unprecedented reversibly expandable, self-healing DNA crystal. The integration of weak and strong interactions in crystals enabled a lot of new opportunities for DNA crystal engineering.<br>In the final chapter, I investigated the effect of 5’-phosphorylation on DNA crystallization kinetics. I found that phosphorylation significantly enhanced the crystallization kinetics, possibly by strengthening the sticky-ended cohesion. Therefore, DNA crystals can be obtained at much lower ionic strength after phosphorylation. I also applied the result to controling the morphology of DNA crystals by tuning the crystallization kinetics along different crystallographic axes. Together with previously methods to slow down DNA crystallization, the ability to tune DNA crystallization kinetics in both ways is essential for DNA crystal engineering.

Följsamheten till riktlinjer för anläggande av blodtomt fält: en observationsstudie / Adherence with guidelines for the construction of bloodless surgical field: an observation study

Oskarsson, Pauline, Stark, Frida January 2018 (has links)
Introduktion: Dagligen utförs operationer av extremiteter som opereras i blodtomt fält vilket ger ett optimalt synfält i operationsområdet men innebär risker för patienten som kan leda till skador. Riksföreningen för operationssjukvårds riktlinjer om åtgärder vid anläggande av blodtomt fält syftar till att säkerställa en god och säker vård för patienten och riktlinjerna finns för operationsteamet att tillgå. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka operationsteamets följsamhet till de riktlinjer som Riksföreningen för operationssjukvård tagit fram i samband med anläggande av blodtomt fält. Metod: En kvantitativ icke experimentell, strukturerad observationsstudie utfördes. 52 observationer genomfördes på två sjukhus. Inhämtad data analyserades i statistikprogrammet SPSS. Resultat: Följsamheten till riktlinjer för anläggande av blodtomt fält har visat en variation från 0 till 100 procent avseende de 18 variablerna. Hälften av variablerna visade en följsamhet på över 70 procent. Tre variabler uppvisade en statistisk signifikant skillnad mellan sjukhusen vilka var Manschettstorlek efter form och omfång, Extremiteten töms på blod med elastisk linda eller högläge &gt;30 sek samt Dubbel elastisk skrynkelfri strumpa anpassad till extremitet. Likaså sågs en skillnad mellan grupp 1 och 2 vad gäller användandet av Dubbel elastisk skrynkelfri strumpa anpassad till extremitet. Konklusion: Då följsamheten till riktlinjer för anläggande av blodtomt fält visat sig variera mellan teamen finns ett behov av att öka kunskapen om riktlinjerna hos operationsteamen för att bidra till en säker och god vård för patienten. / Introduction: Daily surgery of extremities are performed in a blood-stained field, which provide an optimal field of view in the operation area but poses a risk that may lead to injury of the patient. The Swedish Operating Room Nurses Association guidelines on measures for the construction of blood-stained fields aim to ensure good and safe care for the patient and the guidelines are available for the team. Aim: The aim was to investigate the surgical team´s adherence with the guidelines developed by the Swedish Operating Room Nurses Association for the construction of bloodless surgical field. Method: A quantitative, non-experimental, structured observation study was performed. 52 observations at two hospitals were performed. The statistical analyses were performed with the SPSS statistic software package. Result: The adherence with guidelines for the construction of blood-stained field has shown a variation of 0 to 100 percent for the 18 variables. Half of the variables showed an adherence of over 70 percent. Three variables had a statistically significant difference between the hospitals which were Cuff size by shape and range, Limb is emptied on blood with an elastic padding or by high position &gt; 30 sec as well as Double elastic wrinkle-free padding suited to the limb. Similary, there was a difference between the teams regarding the use of double elastic wrinkle-free padding suited to the limb. Conclusion: As the adherence with guidelines for the construction of blood-stained fields has been shown to vary between the teams, there is a need to increase knowledge about the guidelines for the operating team to contribute to safe and good care for the patient.

Living (Rose Bengal Stained) Benthic Foraminifera in Sediments off the Southwestern Taiwan and Dongsha Atoll

Lin, Juei-Chun 04 September 2011 (has links)
The subject of this study was to investigate the species composition and spatial distribution pastern of iving (Rose Bengal stained) benthic foraminifera in sediment surface samples (0-1 cm) off the Southwestern Taiwan and Dongsha Atoll. The main objectives of this study was to document the living benthic foraminiferal assemblages off the Southwestern Taiwan and Dongsha Atoll and to examine their distribution in relation to environmental parameters. Four benthic foraminiferal biofacies were recognized within the substrate type in Dongsha Atoll: A1 (Fine-grained) is represented by Pseudomassilina spp. - Quinqueloculina parkeri, A2 (Fine-grained) is represented by Hauerina spp. - Pseudomassilina spp., B1 (Coarse-grained) is characterised by Calcarina spp. - Quinqueloculina spp., B2 (Coarse-grained) is characterised by Amphistegina spp. - Quinqueloculina spp. Sediment surface samples off the Southwestern Taiwan during May 2009 led to the identification of four assemblages. Assemblage A is characterised by Ammonia spp. - Bolivina spp., Assemblage B between is characterized by Asterorotalia spp. - Globobulimina spp., Assemblage C is represented by Cibicides spp. - Nummulites spp., Assemblage D is represented by Ammonia spp. - Cibicides spp. Sediment surface samples off the Southwestern Taiwan during Nov. 2009 led to the identification of three assemblages. Assemblage A is dominated by Ammonia spp. - Cibicides spp., Assemblage B is characterised by Ammonia spp. - Bolivina spp., Assemblage C is characterised by Asterorotalia spp. - Bolivina spp. Stained benthic foraminifera form Dongsha Atoll correlated with current wave, collected site, coarse fraction and TOC contents. Living benthic foraminifera off the Southwestern Taiwan seems not to be related with TOC contents and coarse fraction, the assemblages were found to be more related to tidal energy and lateral transport.

Modernaus lietuvių vitražo ir architektūros sąveika kompozicinių sprendimų aspektu / Compositional interaction between modern staideng glass and architecture in Lithuania

Magelinskaitė, Vilma 31 July 2013 (has links)
Magistrinio darbo teorinėje dalyje nagrinėjama Lietuvos moderniosios architektūros ir vitražo tarpusavio ryšys, bei priklausomybė vienas nuo kito. Nuo XX a. 6-ojo dešimtmečio Lietuvoje užsimezgęs glaudus architektūros ir vitražo ryšys, kai vitražas tapo neatsiejama architektūros dalis, šiandieninėje visuomenėje yra visiškai pakitęs. Remiantis modeliuojamomis meninės raiškos priemonių atžvilgiu, darbe trumpai apžvelgiama architektūros ir vitražo raida nuo XX a. 6-ojo dešimtmečio iki šių dienų. Pateikta glausta apžvalga indentifikuoja vitražo priklausomybę nuo architektūrinių formų bei tendencingą jo kitimą priklausomai nuo vyrayjančių meno srovių šioje meno srityje. Tai pat pateikiami besikeičiančių meno srovių architektūros ir vitražų darbų pavyzdžiai Lietuvoje. Pagrindinę magistro teorinę dalį sudaro dvi architektūros ir vitražo simbiozės analizės, kurios nagrinėjamos formaliaja metodika. Pagrindiniu aspektu traktuojami kompoziciniai sprendimai ir jų poveikis bendrai meninei sąveikai. Analizuojami du visuomeninės paskirties architektūros objektai, kuriuose integruoti Lietuvos vitražistų stiklo darbai: Vilniaus Santuokų rūmų ir Eugenijaus Konstantino Šatūno stiklo darbai bei Nidos Švc. Mergelės Marijos krikščionių pagalbos bažnyčios ir Algirdo Dovydėno vitražai. Analizuojant dviejų meno šakų darnią simbiozę, dėmesys akcentuojamas į kompozicinę plastiką, jos tarpusavio panašumus ir skritumus, kurie turi įtakos lygiaverčiui architektūros ir vitražo užmegztam „pokalbiui“... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In the theoretical part of the work the main attention is put on the relation between modern Lithuanian architecture and stained glass. The work analyses how these two art forms influence and complement each other. From the 1950s stained glass became the integral part of architecture but nowadays this connection is completely changed. The main focus of the work is to show the evolution of architecture and stained glass from 1950s until today by analyzing formal elements, aesthetic principles and symbolic signs. The analysis represents stained glass dependence on architectural forms and dominant art tendencies. Various works of architecture and stained glass in Lithuania are also discussed as examples of these tendencies. The main theoretical part of the work is dedicated to analysis of symbiosis between architecture and stained glass from formal perspective. Firstly, the analysis deals with compositional solutions and their effect on general artistic interaction. The base of analysis are two buildings created for public use: Vilnius Santuokų rūmai and glass work by Konstantinas Šatūnas, Saint Mary Church in Nida and stained glass works by Algirdas Dovydėnas. Analysing the relation between two art forms, the emphasis is put on compositional expression, its differences and similiarities that influence the conversation between architecture and stained glass. The analysis is based not only on information found in specific literature and other sources but also on personal remarks... [to full text]

Fiat lux climatic considerations in medieval stained glass aesthetics /

Simmons, Christopher Thomas. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc.). / Written for the Dept. of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. Title from title page of PDF (viewed 2008/12/08). Includes bibliographical references.

Os vitrais dos séculos XV e XVI do Mosteiro de Santa Maria da Vitória-estudo sobre o seu significado cultural e artístico, e sobre a sua conservação

Silva, Pedro Redol Lourenço da January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

Prostorová vitráž z tabulového skla na téma SEN / Spatial stained sheet of glass on a dream

SOMMEROVÁ, Zuzana January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with a dream. It is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part consists of basic knowledge of the dream in terms of physiological and psychological. There is also mention the phenomenon of dreams as a source or subject in the historical development of visual arts. The theoretical part also discusses author?s personal relationship to dreams, the choice of materials, techniques and rationale for selection of space for indoor installation. Practical part of the author's realization of spatial stained glass plate combined with concrete. Workflow is completed the drawing designs and photographs.

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