Spelling suggestions: "subject:"state aid"" "subject:"itate aid""
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Inovace v EU a možnosti využití jejich podpory v ČR / Innovations in the EU and possibilities of their support in the Czech RepublicČermáková, Barbora January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with the topic of innovations in the EU and the instruments of their support. The aim of this paper is to sum up the results of the support which was provided for innovations in the last decade and to identify possible problematic areas which hinder achieving the stated goals in this field. In the first part, after a short introduction where innovations and related terms are defined, innovations are put in context with the Lisbon strategy and the strategy Europe 2020 - the key European strategic documents. The second part focuses on the description of the EU financial instruments which are used to support the R&D&I in the Czech Republic. The final part deals with analysis of the current position of the European Union in the area of innovations and identifies the problematic areas.
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Ochrana hospodářské soutěže a úloha poskytování státních podpor podnikům / The protection of the economic competition and the role of providing of state aid to enterprisesPaneš, Patrik January 2004 (has links)
State aid is the government intervention, which affects the economic competition because of the preference of certain market subjects. The European Union has concluded that if there exists any violation of competition in the international scale, it would be the reason for constitution of supranational regulation of its providing. The economic policy of subsidizing of chosen market subjects could be in principle taken into account as the subset of the industrial economic policy. Through it, the governments fulfill their miscellaneous structural intentions, from aborning industries helping till the declining industries saving. However, this type of the economic policy seems to be contrary to the protection of the economic competition, which has been declared as the one of key segments of the economic policy of the European Union. Selective privileges constitute anti-competition policy, so thus has been their control incorporated within the policy of the protection of competition. During the reviewing of the legality of provided state aid, we could see that the authorities prefer simpler, just legal review of the problem instead of the deeper economic testing of the given case. And that is the reason (together with the high recency of the theme), why this dissertation aims the generally neglected, economical aspect of the problem. I.a. it concentrates itself on the sight from the perspective of the Public Choice economic theory, which studies the interrelationship between the worlds of politics and economics. This important relation could not be marginalized and during the research work abstracted. Logical structure of exposed dissertation follows: first ordinary chapter focuses on the theoretical concepts of the state aids. It regards chosen questions from the point of view of different streams of the economic thoughts. It devotes itself especially to the effects of the state aids on the economy from the light of macroeconomics, microeconomics and international economics. It contains also conclusions of some empirical analyses. Next chapter focuses on the legal environment of the branch of subsidizing. Primary it contains communitary regulations of the European Union, secondary the list of legislation relevant for the Czech Republic and within the World Trade Organization, which has constituted unique system of countervailing measures. Next part of the dissertation maps different possibilities of measurement of the extent of granted state aids. With the stipulation of calculation difficulty and resulting lower ability of comparability, it uses subsequently four sources of data. One part of the dissertation is especially devoted to the analytical statistical system of the European Union, which is called the Scoreboard. First, there is characterized its methodology, and further, there is -- with the use of this database -- analyzed the structure of state aid granting within the area of the European Union. Its development is compared with the aim of the Lisbon strategy from the year of 2000. Last ordinary chapter represents the attempt -- on the base of the enterprise data -- to elementary research of the existence of the link between state aid and final market. Analysis could be characterized as the contribution to the -- yet more likely occasionally -- research of the effects of subsidizing within the context of competitiveness of target industry. Tested hypotheses are: larger industries receive more subsidies and industries receiving subsidies do not improve their competitiveness. For the case study has been the combination of four data sources used. The goal of this dissertation is the description of the questions of state aid provision from the highest possible number of different points of view, of course with the accent on the economics and with the stipulation of constraint of (un)availability of relevant data. In the end of the dissertation there are submitted some practical economic policy suggestions. During its elaboration there was wide variety of specialized literature used and great number of relevant thought and data sources processed, after all as the enclosed list at the very end of this thesis could show. The value added of exposed dissertation and its contribution to the existing research of chosen theme is namely the complexity of analysis, the compilation of previously developed knowledge, and also empirical findings.
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Leadership Adaptation to Changes in Public Funding of Community CollegesSimpson, James Hightower 01 January 2017 (has links)
Although growth in U.S. community colleges has been exponential, a major challenge accompanying that growth has been the source of funding, which has consisted of shifting proportions of tuition, local taxes, and state aid. The shift away from state aid toward fundraising, profit-oriented research, sophisticated financing, and higher tuition presents challenges and unintended consequences. This shift could threaten the community college access mission and contribute to a perception of higher education as a private good rather than a public good. With a framework of academic capitalism and resource dependency theories, the purpose of this basic qualitative interview study with 7 leaders from executive teams in community colleges was to explore strategies used in adapting to the changes in funding models. Participants were recruited using snowball sampling, and interview data were analyzed to identify recurring themes. Findings indicated a need for strategies to replace state funding; grants and fundraising were not considered sufficient. Strategies such as working cash bonds, prioritization studies, and differential tuition programs were reported to have long-term potential, but their efficacy remained to be confirmed. Restoring state funding would require that colleges align interests with legislators and donors, research and develop bold initiatives, craft successful communication and marketing strategies, and facilitate a culture shift within their institution that embraces the need for alternative revenue streams. This study raises awareness that rising tuition and education costs in general may threaten the community college mission, limiting access to higher education for students, especially for lower SES students who cannot afford the debt to fund the higher tuition.
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EC State aid rules : An analysis of the selectivity criterionAldestam, Mona January 2005 (has links)
The application of Art. 87(1) EC to taxes above all is connected to the application of the derogation method, which appears to be part of the selectivity criterion. This dissertation examines the application of the derogation method and the assessment of the selectivity criterion applied to taxes, primarily de lege lata, but also de lege ferenda. It begins with an analysis of the relationship among the criteria of Article 87(1) EC and continues with an analysis of the relationship between the derogation method and the assessment of the selectivity criterion applied to taxes. Several scholars have criticised the application of the derogation method because of the difficulty of identifying a derogation and of establishing the benchmark against which the derogation should be assessed. In this dissertation both the benchmark and the establishment of a derogation is analysed, partly with reference to the tax expenditure debate that occurred in the subject area of international taxation during the 1970s and 1980s. The selectivity criterion applied to taxes contains an assessment of justification, whereby the selective nature of a measure can be justified on the basis of the nature or general scheme of the system: Therfore the meaning and implications of this assessment are also examined. After all these issues have been examined de lege lata, the extents to which the application of the derogation method and the assessment of the selectivity criterion follow a logical system are discussed and recommendations for eliminating the identified deficiences are put forward.
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The Texas State Program of Aid to Dependent Children, With Special Emphasis Upon Erath CountySpencer, Lela M. 08 1900 (has links)
"The problem of this study is to determine whether or not the financial grants available under the Texas state program of aid to dependent children are adequate to meet the needs of the persons receiving such grants. In accomplishing this objective, it became necessary to make a survey of the Texas state program of aid to dependent children as administered by the Texas State Department of Public Welfare. The basis upon which aid is granted, the amount of grants available, and a study of legislation governing the state program of aid to dependent children will be given prominence in this investigation. Likewise, a somewhat detailed study of twenty families who are recipients, or who have recently been recipients of aid to dependent children, all located in Erath County, Texas, will be presented as typical representations of such families all over the state of Texas who receive grants of aid for dependent children."-- leaf 1.
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Hodnocení efektivity vybraného podnikatelského subjektu / Evaluation of the efectiveness of a companySYSLOVÁ, Jana January 2009 (has links)
The aim of my diploma thesis named ``Evaluation of the Efficiency of a Company{\crq}q is to evaluate a situation of financial health of the farming business. Seeing that many financing arrangements are directed at this economic field by Common Agricultural Policy, this diploma work is taking into account questions of the impact of the grants-in-aid. The theoretical part is concerning with problems of financial analysis, European grants and state-aid. The practical part applies this knowledge to data evaluation. By means of analysis of balance sheet, profit and loss account and cash-flow statement the financial analysis was made and evaluated. On the bases of these results recommendations were proposed.
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Kritérium selektivity v oblasti státní pomoci ve světle judikatury SDEU / The selectivity criterion in the field of State aid in the light of the ECJ's case-lawHlista, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
The selectivity criterion is one of the defining elements of State aid within the meaning of Article 107(1) TFEU. The selectivity criterion is considered to be the most important and the most problematic in its application in the assessment of Member States' measures at the same time. The aim of this work is to analyze the development of ECJ's case-law and the Commission's decisional practice related to the selectivity criterion and by means of their analysis to point out the disputableness and lack of clarity of the selecivity criterion and to critically assess the unpredictability and questionable character of certain judgments of the ECJ. The first chapter deals with an introduction to the issue of State aid, subsumes it under the system of competition and describes the defining elements of State aid. The second chapter analyzes one of the two features, into which the selectivity criterion divides, referred to as an advantage. It describes both the broad concept of advantage and also a way how to identify an advantage. It also addresses the exceptions and specific regimes to which the provisions on State aid in principle do not apply. The third chapter considers general issues relating to the second feature of the selectivity criterion, which is selectivity (in the strict sense). It also pays...
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Politika hospodářské soutěže EU v oblasti státní podpory / Competition policy of EU in the field of state aidŠtěpánková, Veronika January 2009 (has links)
This thesis deals with competition policy in the field of state aid. The objective is to outline how the system of granting the state aid works and how the regulations are anchored in the legislation of EU. On the other hand the thesis wants to offer different points of view on the policy. The second half of the paper focuses on the Czech banking sector -- it studies the environment of late 90s and compares the positions of big bank before their privatization. The case of Komerční banka has been chosen to analyze the specific impacts of granted state aid.
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Optimalizace financování bydlení / Optimization of housing financeRoubcová, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the possibilities of financing their own housing. The theoretical part will explain the basic concepts of housing finance. The work is described in the financing of legal entities and individuals. A separate chapter is devoted to mortgage loans. A separate chapter is devoted to building savings, which is more often used variant of housing finance. The practical part will be finding funding options to purchase their own home. Self housing will work in this particular object that will be compiled as part of the work and budget. On the basis of specific conditions, will be offered by banks mortgage loans. At the conclusion of the chosen optimal financing plan.
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Markanvisningspolicys och EU:s statsstödsregler : Hur förhåller sig kommuner till EU:s statsstödsregler vid markanvisningar? / Land allocations and EU state aid rules : How do municipalities relate to EU state aid rules for landallocations?Lagerfelt, Sara, Tillman, Sofi January 2017 (has links)
År 2015 trädde lag (2014:899) om riktlinjer vid kommunala markanvisningar i kraft vilken innebär att samtliga kommuner som använder sig av markanvisningar ska ta fram en policy som ska innefatta grundläggande bestämmelser kring markanvisningar. Lagen tar upp vissa specifika faktorer som ska finnas med i markanvisningspolicyn för att underlätta för allmänheten, byggherrar samt för kommunerna själva. Vid kommunala markanvisningar ska hänsyn även tas till EU:s statsstödsregler, statsstödsreglerna innebär att konkurrensförhållandena på en marknad inte på något vis får snedvridas samt att det ska vara förenligt med den inre marknaden. Detta anpassas av kommunerna genom att de bland annat säljer fastigheten till ett marknadspris. I arbetet görs en kartläggning av nio stycken kommuners markanvisningspolicys i Stockholms län för att kunna avgöra hur kommunerna förhåller sig till EU:s statsstödsregler. En intervju ska även genomföras med kommunerna för att kunna få en klarhet i hur stor förståelse kommunerna har av statsstödsreglerna samt för att förtydliga respektive kommuns markanvisningspolicy. Genom undersökningen i arbetet konstateras det att det inte finns något lagkrav på att EU:s statsstödsregler ska nämnas och förklaras i en kommuns markanvisningspolicy, men att om kommunerna gör detta kommer det att underlätta för samtliga parter och även bidra med kunskap kring statsstödsreglerna i samband med markanvisningar. Samtliga kommuner i undersökningen har anpassat sig genom att följa det som är lagstadgat i lag (2014:899) om riktlinjer för kommunala markanvisningar, vilket bland annat är att förklara hur en kommun prissätter marken vid anvisningar. Kommunerna har kunskap om att försäljning av mark ska ske till ett marknadspris samt att en kommun ska främja god konkurrens. Det som dock diskuteras är om det är tillräckligt tydligt. Majoriteten av kommunerna nämner även i sina markanvisningspolicys att kommunen ska främja god konkurrens och att kommunen ska sälja mark till ett marknadspris, dock framgår det inte varför. Slutsatsen tar upp att ett förtydligande skulle kunna behöva genomföras i respektive kommuns markanvisningspolicy. Förtydligandet skulle kunna omfatta hur kommunerna anpassat sig till EU:s statsstödsregler vid kommunala markanvisningar. Det anses att de flesta kommunerna i undersökningen inte har varit tillräckligt tydliga angående vad statsstödsreglerna innebär och varför kommunerna måste följa dessa. Det finns dock inget krav på att kommunerna måste förklara vad statsstödsreglerna innebär i en markanvisningspolicy. Genom detta förtydligande skulle EU:s statsstödsregler lättare att kunna följas av allmänheten och kommunerna skulle bättre kunna förhålla sig till statsstödsreglerna. Byggherrar skulle även få en bättre förståelse i hur kommunen arbetar och varför kommunerna uttrycker sig på olika vis i deras markanvisningspolicy, som till exempel att kommunerna ska främja god konkurrens och att försäljning av mark ska ske till ett marknadspris. / In January the first, 2015, an act (2014:899) was put into effect which implicates that all the municipalities that uses land allocation shall publish a policy, which should include basic provisions for land allocations. The act addresses certain specific factors that should be included in the land allocation to facilitate the public, builders and the municipalities themselves. The municipalities should also take EU state aid rules into account when they use land allocation, which means that a competition in a market can not be distorted in any way and also that it is compatible with the internal market. This is adapted by the municipalities by selling the property at a market price. In this study, a survey of nine municipalities landmark policy in Stockholm County is made to determine how the municipalities relate to EU state aid rules. An interview is also being conducted with the municipalities in order to get clarity on the understanding of the municipalities in the EU state aid rules and to clarify the respective municipality's land allocation policy. Through the survey in this study it is observed that there is no legal requirement for EU state aid rules to be mentioned or explained in a municipality's land allocation policy, but if the municipalities mentions the EU state aid rules in their land allocation policy, it will facilitate all parties and also contribute knowledge about the rules in connection with land allocations. All the municipalities in the survey have adapted to the act (2014:899), for instance by explain how they price the land when they use land allocations. The municipalities have understood that the sale of land must be at a market price and that they have to promote good competition. What is discussed, however, is whether it is clear enough. The majority of the municipalities mention in their land allocation policy that they should promote good competition and that they have to sale land to a market price, without mentioning the reason why. The conclusion of the study states that a clarification might to be carried out in each municipality's land allocation policy. The clarification could include how the municipalities adapted to the EU state aid rules in land allocation policies. It is considered that all the municipalities have not been sufficiently clear about what the rules mean and why the municipalities must follow them. However, there is no requirement that the municipalities have to explain what EU state aid rules mean in a land allocation policy. Through this clarification, EU state aid rules could be easier to follow by the public and municipalities could be better able to comply with the rules. Builders might also get a better understanding of how a municipality works and why the municipalities express themselves in a certain way in their land allocation policy, such as promoting good competition and selling land at a market price.
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