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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Feature selection and clustering for malicious and benign software characterization

Chhabra, Dalbir Kaur R 13 August 2014 (has links)
Malware or malicious code is design to gather sensitive information without knowledge or permission of the users or damage files in the computer system. As the use of computer systems and Internet is increasing, the threat of malware is also growing. Moreover, the increase in data is raising difficulties to identify if the executables are malicious or benign. Hence, we have devised a method that collects features from portable executable file format using static malware analysis technique. We have also optimized the important or useful features by either normalizing or giving weightage to the feature. Furthermore, we have compared accuracy of various unsupervised learning algorithms for clustering huge dataset of samples. So once the clusters are created we can use antivirus (AV) to identify one or two file and if they are detected by AV then all the files in cluster are malicious even if the files contain novel or unknown malware; otherwise all are benign.

Stress and Sliding Stability Analysis of Songlin Rock-Filled Concrete Gravity Dam

Sundström, Max, Ivedal, Max January 2016 (has links)
The construction of Songlin rock-filled concrete gravity dam, located in the Yunnan province, China began in the end of 2015. In this master thesis the finite element method (FEM) based software Abaqus has been used to perform a computational analysis on tension stresses, compression stresses and sliding stability for static conditions. One overflow section and one non-overflow section of the dam have been analysed. The results of the analysis have been evaluated by comparing with Chinese standards for dam safety and is intended to help engineers with making decisions in the construction process of the dam. The measured compressive stress values of both the overflow and non-overflow section are not evaluated to be within safe levels, further evaluation is required to ensure the safety of the dam. The dam is considered to be safe from vertical tension in the analysed region, however an extended evaluation including the whole dam base is recommended. The analysed cross-sections for sliding stability can be considered safe, but further analysis is required to make a conclusion of the sliding stability of the full dam base.

Essais sur les incitations salariales

Hili, Amal 19 February 2013 (has links)
Nous nous proposons de modéliser différents types de mécanismes d'incitation salariale, de déterminer les conditions de leur mise en place et d'analyser leurs effets sur les efforts des salariés, la performance des firmes et le surplus collectif. Ces effets sont étudiés dans des cadres statique et dynamique. Les deux premiers chapitres (2 et 3) s'insèrent dans un cadre d'analyse statique. Dans les trois derniers chapitres (4, 5 et 6), nous intégrons une dimension temporelle dans l'analyse se passant dans un cadre dynamique. Dans le chapitre 2, nous analysons les déterminants de l'actionnariat salarié et évaluons son impact sur le bien être des différents agents économiques. Nous prouvons théoriquement et empiriquement, l'importance de considérer conjointement la désutilité à l'effort des salariés et la taille de l'entreprise pour expliquer l'actionnariat salarié. Nous montrons également que les entreprises assez larges vont distribuer à l'équilibre des parts de capital sous-optimales à leurs salariés. Nous comparons dans le chapitre 3, du point de vue des différents agents économiques, deux scénarios de partage du profit: un premier où la part de profit résulte d'une négociation et un second où cette part est fixée unilatéralement par les capitalistes. Nous montrons que les capitalistes peuvent préférer la négociation alors qu'il est possible pour les salariés de préférer une fixation unilatérale. Nous justifions également la nécessité d'une intervention de l'Etat, les intérêts des deux capitalistes et du planificateur social n'étant jamais convergents. / We aim at modeling various incentive mechanisms, determining the conditions of their implementation and analyzing their effects on employees’ efforts, the firm’s performance and the social welfare. These effects are studied in static and dynamic frameworks. The first two chapters (2 and 3) are parts of the static analysis. In the last three chapters (4, 5 and 6), we take into account a temporal dimension. In the chapter 2, we analyze the factors which determine the employee ownership implementation and estimate its impact on agents’ welfare. We prove the importance to consider jointly the effort disutility and size in the explanation of employee ownership implementation. We also show that large firms are going to distribute sub-optimal capital shares to their employees. We compare in the chapter 3, from the viewpoint of the various economic agents, two scenarios of profit sharing: the first one where the part of profit results from a negotiation and the second where this part is unilaterally fixed by capitalists. We show that those shareholders may prefer bargaining while it is possible for the employees to prefer a unilateral fixing of profit shares. We also justify the necessity of a regulator’s intervention as the interests of both capitalists and social planner never converge. The chapter 4 examines the optimal strategy of divesting actions by the large shareholder in an infinite horizon game where divesting shares allows an increase in the company’s value through its incentive effect on the managers’ efforts.


ORIVALDE SOARES DA SILVA JÚNIOR 06 September 2013 (has links)
[pt] Nesta tese são propostos diversos algoritmos para resolver as versões estática e dinâmica de roteirização de veículos com janelas de tempo. Estes problemas têm como objetivo determinar rotas de custo mínimo para uma frota homogênea, atendendo a demanda de um conjunto de clientes dentro de intervalos de tempo determinados, chamados de janelas de tempos. Além disto, na versão dinâmica no problema, novos clientes podem ser atendidos durante a execução das rotas pelos veículos. Para a versão estática do problema propôs-se um algoritmo híbrido utilizando otimização por colônias de formigas e o método de descida em vizinhança variável aleatória. Os resultados computacionais mostram que o algoritmo foi capaz de encontrar soluções muito boas ou mesmo as melhores soluções conhecidas de instâncias usadas como benchmarking na literatura. Para a versão dinâmica do problema foram propostos seis algoritmos, baseados em métodos de inserção, de otimização por colônia de formigas e das versões sequencial e aleatória do método de busca em vizinhança variável. Os resultados computacionais mostram que a maior parte dos algoritmos propostos é competitiva com os algoritmos propostos na literatura, pois produzem soluções de boa qualidade e com esforço computacional reduzido. / [en] This thesis proposes several algorithms to solve the vehicle routing with time windows static and dynamic versions. These problems involve determining minimum cost routes for a homogeneous fleet in order to meet the demand of a set of customers within specified time intervals popularly called time windows. In addition, in the dynamic version of the problem, new customers can be assigned to vehicles during the execution of the routes. For the static version it was proposed a hybrid algorithm using ant colony optimization and the random variable neighborhood search method. The computational results show that the algorithm was able to find very good or even the best known solutions to benchmark instances. For the dynamic version it was proposed six algorithms, based on an insertion procedure, ant colony optimization and random and sequential versions of variable neighborhood search methods. Computational results show that most of the proposed algorithms are competitive regarding the state of the art, providing solutions of good quality with low computational effort.


RAFAEL DE PINHO ANDRE 21 August 2014 (has links)
[pt] Em um sistema de informação, falhas podem ocorrer pela diferença de entendimento das partes envolvidas em relação ao significado de um dado. Este é um problema bem conhecido pela engenharia de software, e defeitos deste tipo já foram responsáveis por falhas catastróficas, como a do Mars Climate Orbiter em 1999. O atual cenário de intercâmbio e processamento de dados, com grande volume de informação e heterogeneidade de participantes, cria um estado de suscetibilidade a estes defeitos. Entretanto, as técnicas de garantia de qualidade de software são tipicamente dirigidas à estrutura e às propriedades físicas dos dados, e não são eficientes ao observar questões semânticas. Este trabalho tem como intuito avaliar o uso de análise estática na detecção de conflitos semânticos em tipos de dados, e para validar sua eficácia esta abordagem foi comparada com outras técnicas de garantia de qualidade em um estudo qualitativo. A ferramenta de análise estática VERITAS (VERIficador estTÁtico Semântico) e a notação SemTypes foram desenvolvidas exclusivamente para tratar do problema de conflitos semânticos, adicionando controle de tipo semântico aos tipos reconhecidos por compiladores, e são apresentadas neste trabalho. / [en] Within information system, faults can occur by the difference in understanding of the parties involved regarding the meaning of data. This is a well-known problem for software engineering and defects of this type have been responsible for catastrophic failures, such as the Mars Climate Orbiter in 1999. The current scenario of data processing and exchange, with high information traffic volume and heterogeneous participants, increases system’s vulnerability to these defects. Besides that, techniques of software quality assurance are typically oriented to data structure and physical properties, failing to efficiently address semantics issues. This work has the objective to evaluate the use of static analysis to detect semantic conflicts in data types, investigating its efficacy through an qualitative study comparing different software quality assurance approaches. The static analysis tool VERITAS (VERIficador esTÁtico Semântico) and the SemTypes notation were exclusively developed to address the problem of semantic conflicts - adding a semantic control to the types recognized by compilers – and are presented in this work.

Imagerie à éclairements structurés inconnus / Blind-structured illumination microscopy for super-resolution imaging

Labouesse, Simon 06 November 2017 (has links)
La microscopie à éclairements structurés (SIM) permet théoriquement de doubler la résolution d’un microscope optique standard. Pour atteindre cette limite théorique, le SIM requière un contrôle très précis des illuminations, ce qui le rend coûteux et difficile à calibrer. Cette thèse cherche à simplifier drastiquement le principe du SIM en proposant une approche « aveugle » qui reconstruit une image de l’échantillon à partir d’éclairements aléatoires, i.e., très facile à générer. Cette stratégie permet en théorie l’imagerie super-résolue tout en réduisant fortement le coût de l’instrument. Nous avons étudié du point de vu théorique et algorithmique les performances et les limitations d’un estimateur joint de l’objet et des illuminations (estimateur Blind-SIM joint). Notamment, une reformulation mathématique du problème d’estimation jointe a été proposée qui permet d’analyser l'origine de la super-résolution mais également de proposer des nouvelles stratégies de mises en œuvre très rapides. Une étude empirique a mis en lumière l’impact de la parcimonie et du contenue fréquentielles des illuminations sur le niveau de super-résolution obtenu. L’estimateur joint étant asymptotiquement inconsistant, nous nous sommes également intéressé à définir un « critère de contraste » pour ce problème permettant d’estimer uniquement l’objet d’intérêt. Une étude mathématique de la capacité de super-résolution de ce type d'estimateur a été conduite. Enfin, on a observé un effet de super-résolution en condition réelles sur de nombreux objets, 2 ou 3D, fixe ou mobile, biologique ou non tel que des billes, des podosomes, de l’actine. / Structured illumination microscopy (SIM) allow theoretically to double the super-resolution of a standard optical microscope. However, to reach this theoretical limit, SIM require a precise knowledge of the illuminations, making it costly and difficult to calibrate. The aim of this thesis is to simplify the use of SIM by using a blind approach who allow the use of random illuminations to reconstruct a super-resolved image of the object. This strategy theoretically allow the super-resolution, while maintaining a low cost instrumentation. During those three years of thesis, we have studied theoretically and algorithmically the performances and the limitations of a joint estimator of the objet and the illuminations (joint Blind-SIM estimator). A mathematically equivalent reformulation of the joint problem was proposed allowing us to study the super-resolution origin and to propose a fast and parallelizable new approach. An empirical study has highlighted the impact of parsimony and of the frequency content of the illuminations on the reached super-resolution level. Because the joint estimator is asymptotically not consistent, we also studied a contrast criterion for our problem (typically a marginal likelihood), here only the object of interest is estimated. We have mathematically studied the super-resolution capacity of this kind of estimators. Finally, real data using random illuminations where acquired and we have observed a super-resolution effect using our algorithms on multiples real objects of different kind, 2 or 3D, fix or mobile, biological or not, like beads, podosomes, actines.

Análise linear estática e dinâmica de placas utilizando o elemento finito prismático regular linear /

Silva, Marcelo Cavalcanti da. January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Jefferson Sidney Camacho / Resumo: Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal analisar o comportamento linear estático e dinâmico de placas, com carregamento perpendicular ao seu plano médio, realizando a discretização estrutural com o elemento finito prismático regular linear. Na dedução das matrizes de rigidez e de massas do elemento finito em questão, utiliza-se a formulação com parâmetros generalizados e com coordenadas homogêneas, cujas funções aproximadoras com vinte e quatro monômios, respectivamente, foram extraídos do polinômio algébrico cúbico em “x”, “y” e “z”. Para a consideração do amortecimento utiliza-se o Método de Rayleigh e para a integração numérica ao longo do tempo utiliza-se o Método de Newmark, via algoritmo previsor / corretor. Ao final deste trabalho foram elaborados exemplos elucidativos visando uma análise quantitativa e qualitativa dos resultados obtidos, que foram comparados com os valores determinados do elemento finito de placa retangular. Como conclusões finais, para placas muito delgadas deve-se utilizar o elemento finito de placa retangular; em placas delgadas é possível a utilização dos elementos finitos de placa retangular e o prismático regular linear; e para placas espessas deve-se utilizar o elemento finito prismático regular linear. / Abstract: The main objective of this work is to analyze the static and dynamic linear behavior of plates with perpendicular loading to its mean plane, performing the structural discretization with the regular linear prismatic finite element. In the deduction of the stiffness and mass matrices of the finite element, it is used the formulation with generalized parameters and with homogeneous coordinates, whose approximate functions with twenty-four monomials, respectively, were extracted from the cubic algebraic polynomial in x, "y" and "z". For the damping consideration, it is used the Rayleigh Method and for the numerical integration by along the time it is used the Newmark Method, via forecaster / corrector algorithm. At the end of this work, elucidative examples were elaborated aiming a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the obtained results which were compared with the finite element determined values of rectangular plate. As final conclusions, for very thin plates must use the rectangular plate finite element; in thin plates it is possible to use the rectangular plate finite elements and the linear regular prismatic; and for thick plates the linear regular prismatic finite element must be used. / Mestre

Efeitos da interação de estímulos acústicos e visuais na estimação subjetiva de tempo de indivíduos treinados e não treinados em dança / Effects of interaction of acoustic and visual stimuli in the subjective time estimation of individuals trained and not trained in dance

Moretto, Mariana dos Santos 04 August 2011 (has links)
Estudos sobre a estimação subjetiva de tempo, sob a abordagem da Nova Estética Experimental, utilizam obras de arte (músicas, esculturas e pinturas) como estímulos, buscando revelar quais os processos psicológicos envolvidos na apreciação artística. Alguns desses estudos mostraram que a percepção de movimento de corpos humanos em posições de balé influencia a estimação subjetiva de tempo e que há um efeito do treinamento em artes dos participantes nestas estimações. Outros estudos que utilizaram estímulos acústicos (músicas clássicas de complexidades distintas) também revelaram que a estimação subjetiva de tempo pode estar relacionada com as características das composições. Alguns estudos que abordam a interação som/imagem indicam um domínio do estímulo acústico sobre o visual em tarefas que requerem percepção temporal. O presente estudo propõe a utilização de estímulos acústicos e visuais, com o objetivo de verificar se trechos musicais de diferentes andamentos (rápido e lento) e imagens estáticas com distintas representações de movimento, conjuntamente, afetam a percepção subjetiva de tempo de indivíduos treinados e não treinados em Balé Clássico. No primeiro experimento participaram 58 indivíduos não treinados em dança, e no segundo experimento participaram 49 indivíduos treinados em dança, todos com idade entre 18 e 38 anos de ambos os sexos, os quais foram submetidos a seqüências randômicas de estímulos compostos por um trecho de música clássica e uma imagem de posição de balé clássico. A tarefa dos participantes foi reproduzir o tempo de apresentação dos estímulos sob o paradigma prospectivo. Para controle experimental foram feitos dois grupos: Grupo Controle Imagem (GCI) com 32 participantes e um Grupo Controle Música (GCM) com 25 participantes. A análise dos resultados indica que tanto para bailarinos, como para pessoas não treinadas em dança, o movimento representado nas imagens exerce um efeito nas estimações temporais dos participantes, que pode ser mais ou menos evidenciado dependendo do tipo de andamento musical com o qual é apresentado simultaneamente. Para pessoas não treinadas em dança, a música em andamento lento (Adágio) exerceu um efeito sobre as estimações das imagens que foram estimadas com a mesma duração do tempo real, enquanto que para os indivíduos treinados em dança, foi a música em andamento rápido (Allegro) que exerceu tal efeito. Estes efeitos distintos do andamento musical nas estimações das imagens podem estar relacionados com o treinamento dos participantes, em função da congruência entre o movimento representado nos estímulos e visuais e o andamento musical do estímulo acústico / Subjective Time studies, under the approach of the New Experimental Aesthetics, has been using works of art (music, sculptures and paintings) as stimuli, which seek to reveal the psychological processes involved in artistic appreciation. Some of these studies showed that the perception of motion of human bodies in positions of Ballet influences the subjective estimation of time and that there is an effect of the training in arts by the participants in these estimations. Other studies that used acoustic stimuli (classical music of different complexities) also revealed that the subjective estimation of time may be related to the characteristics of the compositions. Some studies on the interaction sound / image indicate a domination of an acoustic stimulus on the visual tasks which require time perception. This study proposes the use of acoustic and visual stimuli, in order to verify pieces of music of different tempos (fast and slow) and still images with different representations of motion, together, affect the subjective perception of time by trained individuals and not trained in Classical Ballet. In the first experiment involving 58 individuals not trained in dance and in the second experiment involved 49 individuals trained in dance, all aged between 18 and 38 years of both sexes, who were subjected to random sequences of stimuli consisting of a piece of music and an image of classical ballet position. The participants\' task was to reproduce the time of presentation of stimuli under the prospective paradigm. For experimental control groups were made, a Picture Control Group (ICG) with 32 participants and a Music Control Group (GCM) with 25 participants. The results indicate that both dancers and for people not trained in dance, the movement represented in the images has an effect on participants\' time estimations that may be more or less evident depending on the tempo of the music with which it is presented simultaneously. For people not trained in dance the slow music tempo (Adagio) has an effect on the estimations of the images that were estimated with the same length of real time, while those trained in dance, the acoustic stimulus that exerted such influence over the estimates of the temporal images was the music in fast tempo (Allegro). These distinct effects of the tempo of the music in the estimations of the images may be related to the training of participants, depending on the congruence between movement and visual stimuli represented in the tempo of the music and the acoustic stimulus

A estrutura da memória de trabalho visual: evidências baseadas no efeito do ruído visual dinâmico / The structure of visual working memory: evidences based on dynamic visual noise effect.

Vasques, Rafael 28 April 2014 (has links)
O modelo de memória visuoespacial de Logie integra de forma coerente uma grande quantidade de dados experimentais, contudo tem dificuldades em explicar os efeitos de informações visuais irrelevantes, tal como o Ruído Visual Dinâmico (RVD). O RVD interfere em memórias criadas a partir de imagens mentais, mas tem efeito menos consistente nas tarefas de memória visual. Uma das suposições para a ausência do efeito do RVD em tarefas de memória visual é que os estímulos visuais são codificados inicialmente, por um curto intervalo de tempo, em uma memória visual pré-semântica e, em seguida, armazenados em uma memória semântica mais estável, não acessível à informação visual irrelevante. Neste estudo avaliamos o efeito do RVD sobre o desempenho em tarefas de memória com estímulos com diferentes níveis de nomeabilidade. Nossa suposição era que estímulos mais facilmente nomeáveis seriam mais rapidamente codificados em termos semânticos, e portanto ficariam menos tempo expostos aos efeitos do RVD. Matrizes do Visual Patterns Test, classificadas em função da nomeabilidade, foram utilizadas como estímulos em tarefas de memória de reconhecimento (Exp. 1), de recordação (Exp. 2) e de recordação baseada em dicas verbais (Exp.3). O efeito do RVD foi contrastado com o efeito de um Ruído Visual Estático (RVE) no Exp. 1 e com uma situação sem ruído nos Exp. 2 e 3. A carga de memória, estimada pela complexidade das matrizes memorizadas, foi manipulada nos Exps. 1 e 2. No Exp. 1 o RVD prejudica o desempenho apenas dos estímulos de baixa nomeabilidade. No Exp. 2 a presença do ruído é mais prejudicial nas provas com estímulo de baixa nomeabilidade, sendo que o desempenho é o mesmo nas provas com RVD e com o RVE. A interação entre o tipo de interferência e a carga de memória mostra que a presença do ruído interfere mais nas provas com maior carga de memória. No experimento 3, a recordação baseada em dicas não foi afetada pela presença da interferência visual. Nossos resultados sugerem, em termos metodológicos, que as técnicas de interferência visual irrelevante, tanto o RVD como o RVE, embora úteis no estudo da memória visuoespacial, apresentam algumas questões que permanecem por serem melhor determinadas, assim como o papel da nomeabilidade dos estímulos visuais. Em termos da estrutura da memória de trabalho visuoespacial nossos resultados sugerem a necessidade de um componente no qual estímulos visuais são codificados em uma memória visual pré-semântica acessível a estímulos do ambiente, portanto a necessidade de um visual buffer. / Logies visuospatial memory model coherently integrates a large amount of experimental data, however, it has difficulties explaining the effects of irrelevant visual information, such as Dynamic Visual Noise (DVN). DVN interferes with memories created from mental images, but has less consistent effects on visual memory tasks. One assumption for the lack of DVN effect on visual memory is that the visual stimuli are initially coded, for a short time, at a pre-semantic visual memory and then stored in a semantic memory more stable, not accessible to irrelevant visual information. We evaluated DVN effect on performance in memory tasks using stimuli with different nameability levels. Our assumption was that most readily nameable stimuli would be faster encoded in semantic terms, and therefore would be less time exposed to the DVN effects. Visual Patterns Test matrices, classified according to nameability, were used as stimuli in recognition (Exp. 1), recall (Exp. 2) and recall based on verbal cues (Exp.3) memory tasks. DVN effect was contrasted with Static Visual Noise (SVN) effect in Exp. 1 and to a situation without noise in Exps. 2 and 3. Memory load, estimated by the complexity of stored matrices, was manipulated in Exps. 1 and 2. In Exp. 1 DVN impairs performance only with low nameability stimuli. At Exp. 2 the noise is more damaging with low nameability stimulus and the performance is the same in trials with DVN and SVN. The interaction between interference type and memory load shows that the noise interferes more in trials with greater memory load. Our results suggest, in methodological terms, that irrelevant visual interference techniques, both DVN and SVN, although useful in visuospatial memory study, have some issues that remain to be better determined, as well as the role of visual stimuli nameability. In terms of visuospatial working memory structure our results suggest the need for a component in which visual stimuli are encoded in a pre-semantic visual memory accessible to environmental stimuli, thus the need for a visual buffer.

Analyse statique et dynamique de code et visualisation des logiciels via la métaphore de la ville : contribution à l'aide à la compréhension des programmes / Static and Dynamic Analysis of Source Code and Software Visualization using the City Metaphor : contribution to enhance program understanding

Caserta, Pierre 07 December 2012 (has links)
Ce travail s'inscrit dans le cadre des recherches menées autour de l'analyse et la visualisation des logiciels, notamment les logiciels à objets, et en particulier Java. Très brièvement, on peut dire que le but de cette thèse revient à tenter de répondre à une question fondamentale: comment faire pour faciliter la compréhension du logiciel par ses développeurs et concepteurs ? Ce travail de recherche est basé en grande partie sur deux axes principaux. Le premier consiste à analyser l'exécution des programmes, non seulement au niveau de la méthode, mais bien au niveau du bloc de base, pour recueillir des données d'exécutions avec un maximum de précision comme par exemple les différents types d'instances sur les sites d'appels. Le second axe considère l'utilisation des informations apportées par notre analyse dynamique de l'exécution pour permettre la visualisation de ces données. En effet, ces informations offrent des détails intéressants sur le fonctionnement du programme et aident à expliquer le comportement du logiciel, aussi bien pour déceler les problèmes de performance que les problèmes de codages. Nous proposons une technique souple et efficace qui effectue une analyse dynamique de l'exécution de programmes Java. Nous introduisons ainsi une nouvelle technique et un nouvel outil permettant de recueillir des informations encore non proposées par d'autres analyseurs. Cette approche trace l'exécution précise des programmes tout en ayant une baisse des performances d'exécution acceptable, laissant le programme final utilisable. De plus, nous proposons et expérimentons une approche basé sur la visualisation des relations au sein d'une représentation du logiciel par une métaphore de ville. Nous introduisons une nouvelle technique de représentation des relations nommée "3D HierarchicalEdge Bundles" qui est basée sur une représentation 2D existante nommée "HierarchicalEdge Bundles". Cette approche conserve la puissance de visualisation du logiciel offerte par la métaphore de la ville tout en ajoutant la représentation des relations, et cela d'une façon lisible. Ces travaux sont validés entre autres par le développement d'un outil d'analyse nommé VITRAIL JBInsTrace et d'un outil de visualisation nommé VITRAIL Visualizer. Ces outils sont la base de nos recherche actuelles sur l'étude de l'exécution des programmes objets / This work falls within the scope of research pertaining to the analysis and the visualization of software systems, especially for object oriented languages, and more precisely Java. In a nutshell, it can be said the aim of this thesis is to try to answer a fundamental question: what can we do to ease the understanding of software by its designers and developers ? This research work is mainly based on two axes. The first axis consists in analyzing software runtime, not only at method level, but also at basic bloc level, so as to be able to get meaningful and precise information about the runtime. For instance, we can acquire the different types of instances on call sites at runtime. The second axis considers the use of information coming from our dynamic analyzer of software runtime and allowing the visualization of these data. Indeed, this kind of information offers important details about software functioning and provide a way to explain the behavior of software, so as to identify performance, coding and even design and architecture issues. We propose a technique that allows flexible and efficient dynamic analysis of the execution of Java programs. We thus introduce a new technique and tool for gathering information not yet offered by other analyzers. This approach precisely traces the execution of programs with acceptable performance penalty, that is while keeping the traced programs usable. In addition, we propose and experiment an approach based on visualizing relationships within a software city representation. We introduce a new technique for representing relationships in 3D named the "3D Hierarchical Edge Bundles" that is based on an existing 2D technique, the "Hierarchical Edge Bundles". This approach keeps the power of the software city metaphor while adding the representation of the relationships within the software, in a readable way. These works are validated by, among others things, the development of a tracer and analyzer tool called VITRAIL JBInsTrace and a visualization tool called VITRAIL Visualizer. These tools are used on our current researches which consist in studying runtime of object-oriented programs

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