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Studie odkanalizování obce Nasavrky / Study of sewerage in village NasavrkySedláček, Ondřej January 2014 (has links)
The author of master's thesis submit study of alternative solution sewerage in Nasarvky. He made passportization and he design gravity, pressure and vacuum sewerage for the area of interest. He deals with the problems about storm sewerage and he design suitable solution. The study content issues technical and economic variants valorization. Object of study is recommendation the best alternative sewerage in Nasavrky.
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Rekonstrukce železniční stanice Trutnov hl.n / Upgrading of Trutnov hl.n. Railway StationKrál, Vladimír January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is a design of the reconstruction railway station Trutnov main station for compliance with current operations and especially with regard to persons with reduced mobility. So it was necessary to design the platform edge with a height of 550 mm above rail level. The design also deals with the drainage of reconstructed tracks and sidings connection.
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Akumulace elektrické energie z obnovitelných zdrojů / Accumulation of electricity from renewable sourcesDědek, Dušan January 2008 (has links)
This work is specialized on problems accumulation electricity power from renewable sources and production electricity power from renewable sources for select object. First part describes renewable sources and their use in our conditions. Second part is specialized on accumulators specific for renewable sources. Third part compare to production electricity power from photovoltaic power station and windy power station and their combination for select object. Further accumulation these select sources. Final fourth part describe about their comparison from position how of technical so economic.
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Návrh modernizace železniční stanice Valašské Meziříčí / Design of modernization of Valašské Meziříčí Railway StationMálek, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
The theme of this thesis is to design modernization of Valašské Meziříčí Railway Station. This thesis includes reconstruction of both station heads and the design of the platforms for the safe movement of persons with reduced mobility with seven platform edges in total. The thesis deals with the construction of the railway superstructure and substructure, including drainage.
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Studie rekonstrukce ulice Jesenické v Šumperku / Šumperk Jesenická street - Reconstruction StudyVozdová, Klára January 2016 (has links)
The subject of thesis is the reconstruction study of Jesenická Street in Šumperk. The study deals with a traffic connection of existing bus and train station. The part of study is also a solution of parking area. Based on traffic census, there were processed four variants, which were assessed in terms of traffic capacity.
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Rekonstrukce autobusového nádraží v Českém Těšíně / Český Těšín Bus Terminal - Reconstruction StudySzturc, Václav January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the Diploma thesis is a study of the reconstruction of the bus station in the Český Těšín. This thesis deals with designing a suitable arrangement of bus stops. Part of the thesis are also adjustments to existing parking areas, adjustments of roads for pedestrians and a suitable proposal for the use of the remaining area.
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Forêts urbaines de loisirs : usages récréatifs et manières d'habiter / urban forests for leisure : Outdoor recreation and ways of livingLepillé, Romain 11 September 2017 (has links)
Ce travail analyse les recompositions territoriales que produisent l’augmentation et la diversification des usages sportifs des forêts urbaines. La thèse interroge conjointement les demandes et les usages des populations urbaines, la manière dont ils s’ajustent à des choix d’équipement et à des formes de gestion. La thèse rend compte des déterminations réciproques des cultures, des rapports sociaux et des rapports spatiaux à l’échelle d’une métropole, Rouen, dont la ceinture verte est classée « Forêt d’Exception® » et dont la démarche gestionnaire s’avère relativement pionnière. Le corpus comprend 43 entretiens semi-directifs, divers documents (articles de presse, bulletins d’information, rapports d’activités, etc.), ainsi que de nombreuses données obtenues par questionnaire. Ces dernières ont été produites à l’échelle de la métropole (n=5700), des quartiers de lisière (n = 661) et des pratiques (n=334).L’analyse, multiscalaire, révèle le fonctionnement de médiations territoriales originales, qui sont aussi des analyseurs de choix. La diversité des usages dévoile en premier lieu des territoires du quotidien et des manières d’habiter très différenciées. Leur émergence récréative permet également d’observer, à travers des profils de pratiquants, les recompositions des formes sportives de la vie urbaine contemporaine. À l’heure du numérique et au croisement des logiques de la socialisation (traces et images de soi), de l’événementiel (développement des fun runs) et de l’affirmation d’un échelon politique « métropolitain », on analyse enfin comment ces formes et ces logiques de communication affectent la prise en charge de ces espaces naturels, qu’elles tendent à constituer en « stations ». / This work examines territorial recomposition produced by augmentation and diversification of urban forest outdoor recreation. The thesis interrogates jointly claim and practice and residential ‘choices’, choices in terms of cities and space inside cities. We south to elucidate the reciprocal determination of the various cultures, social relationships and spatial relations in Rouen metropolis (France). Rouen green belt is classified “Exceptional Forest ®” and the forest management is relatively pioneer. The corpus contains 43 semi-structured interviews, documents from several sources (departments of urban planning, administrative reports, newspapers articles, etc.) and several surveys collected by the scale of Rouen metropolis (N=5700), forest-fringe residents (N=661) and outdoor recreation practitioners (N=334). A multi-scale approach reveal how territorial mediations operate as a decision analyser. Practice diversity reveals “territories of the everyday” and different ways of living. Outdoor recreation emergence also allows to observe the urban life physical activities restructuration through the description of the type of practitioners. At the crossing of the logic of socialization (tracks, self-images), the logic of event management (fun runs development) and the appearance of a new metropolitain political scale we analysed how communication affects natural landscape and tend to turn them into “resort”.
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Gerrymandering and Polling Station Closure in Texas Primaries: Two-factor Voter Suppression?DiBell, Alex K. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Network Authentication to the Physical WorldSandberg, Joakim January 2018 (has links)
Quick Response (QR) codes have been used for both non-authentication purposes and authentication & authorization of a user. The visual representation of a QR code requires a reader/decoder to convert the code to a readable resource for an application. This raises some concerns, such as: What kind of information and how much information can be stored in this representation? What kind of vulnerabilities are there when using this technology in some type of authentication? The concrete problem addressed in this thesis is whether a mobile device displaying a QR code can be used as an authenticator for an Axis Communications A8105-E Network Video Door Station. To solve this problem the thesis investigates the use of QR codes in authentication & authorization based upon displaying a QR code on a mobile device, scanning this code via a camera, and then verifying the code using a validation server. Two important issues were what information to put into the QR code (given that the QR code is to be read by a camera) and where the decoding process should be carried out. This thesis also considers multiple types of authentication. Moreover, the system contains multiple components which themselves rely on secure communication and well-designed protocols to ensure security (against popular methods of attack) and stability. A prototype of the proposed authentication process was evaluated using a testbed consisting of three door stations, an Android app, and a backend service for analysing QR codes and making an authentication & authorization decision. QR codes proved to be as secure as the current solutions, such as magnetic stripe or RFID access cards. Using QR codes together with the user’s mobile device also offered additional functionality, such as easy management of the device registration/deregistration and compatibility with multifactor authentication. The conclusion is with the current door station products and the finalized design of the software; it is possible to have a secure and scalable system which is also cost-effective by eliminating the need of human verification as well as equipment required for access card systems. / Quick-Response (QR) koder har använts både för icke autentiseringssyften men även för just autentisering av en användare. Den visuella representationen av en QR-kod behöver en läsare för att kunna omvandla koden till en läsbar resurs för en applikation. Detta leder till frågeställningarna: Vad för information och hur mycket kan man lagra i en QR-kod? Vilka sårbarheter finns det med användningen av denna teknologi inom autentisering? Det konkreta problemet i detta examensarbete är huruvida en mobil enhet som visar en QR-kod kan användas med en Axis Communications A8105-E Network Video Door Station. För att lösa detta problem så undersöker detta arbete användningen av QR-koder inom autentisering baserat på att visa QR koden på den mobila enheten, skanna denna kod med en kamera och validera denna kod med en valideringsserver. Två viktiga frågor var vilken information som skulle lagras i QR-koden samt vart avläsningen av en QR-kod tog plats. Detta arbete undersöker också olika typer av multifaktor autentisering. Systemet består vidare av flera komponenter som förlitar sig på säker kommunikation och väldesignade protokoll sam ger säkerhet (mot de mest populära nätverksattackerna) och stabilitet. Den tänkta autentiseringsprocessens prototyp evaluerades i en testmiljö bestående av tre Door Station, en Android applikation och en backend service för att analysera QR-koder samt hantera autentiserings och behörighetslogik. QR-koder bevisades vara lika säkert som befintliga lösningar som till exempel kort accesskort med magnetremsa och RFID chip. Användning av QR-koder med de mobila enheterna gör dessutom att hantering av registrering/avregistrering av enheterna kan ske på ett enkelt sätt samt även integreras med multifaktor autentisering. Slutsatsen är att med de befintliga Door Station enheterna och den slutgiltiga designen av mjukvaran ger det säkert och skalbart system som dessutom är kostnadseffektivt genom att behovet av en mänsklig verifiering samt de fysiska komponenterna av befintliga accesskortsystem, inte längre finns.
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Resenärers wayfinding-process i stationsmiljö utifrån rytm och manus : En observationsstudie av Stockholm City / Travelers’ wayfinding process in station environments based on script and rhythm : An observational study of Stockholm CityYousefi, Katajon, Eklind, Klara January 2021 (has links)
I juni år 2017 invigdes Citybanan och pendeltågsstationen Stockholm City. I samband med och efter stationens öppnande har flertalet synpunkter från resenärer samlats in gällande stationens utformning och trafikinformation efter att brister i stationens miljö upptäcktes. Konsultföretaget Sweco har därför på uppdrag av Trafikverket utrett bristerna på Stockholm City för att sedan komma med förbättringsförslag. Utredningen visade på en osäkerhet hos resenärerna för hur de skulle agera vid ankomster med korta pendeltåg. Det visade sig att resenärerna inte visste vart de skulle placera sig på stationen, att de ofta fick springa för att hinna med och ibland till och med missade ett kort pendeltåg på grund av bristfällig vägledning. Uppsatsen syftar därför till att undersöka hur människor agerar i stationsmiljö, mer specifikt på pendeltågsstationen Stockholm City genom observationer. Observationerna av totalt 800 resenärer skapar en förståelse för hur den fysiska miljön och trafikinformationen påverkar människans agerande när de ska placera sig på plattformen i väntan på sitt korta pendeltåg. Uppsatsens genomförda fältstudier och observationsstudier analyseras med metoden observiarie för att fånga upp enskilda resenärers ageranden och beteenden. De observerade resenärerna klustras sedan till fem olika resenärsidentiteter: den bestämda målsökaren, den självsäkra, gruppresenären, sökaren och den svårpåverkade för att förklara resenärernas agerande på en pendeltågsstation och varför somliga tycks missa sin avgång. / In June 2017, Citybanan and the commuter train station Stockholm City opened. In connection with the opening and after the opening, The Swedish Transport Administration gathered commuters' feedback regarding the station's overall design, environment and traffic information. The consulting company Sweco was also hired on behalf of the Swedish Transport Administration to identify the shortcomings of the station and to propose potential suggestions for further improvement. According to Sweco's investigation, there was uncertainty among travelers regarding how they should act upon arrivals with short commuter trains. The passengers did not know where to locate at the station, they often had to run to catch the train and sometimes some travelers even missed the short commuter train due to inadequate guidance and traffic information. This essay, therefore, aims to explore how individuals act in station environments, more specifically at Stockholm City commuter train station through observations. The observations of a total of 800 passengers help to create an understanding of how the physical environment and traffic information affect human actions when they have to navigate on the platform while waiting for a short commuter train. The essays completed field studies and observations are analyzed using observiarie as a method to capture the actions and behaviors of individual travelers. The passengers are then also clustered into five different passenger identities: the determined target seeker, the confident, the group traveler, the seeker, and finally the difficult to influence, to further explain passengers' actions at a commuter train station and explain why some travelers seem to miss their departure when short commuter trains arrives.
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