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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação do crescimento físico de crianças nascidas com peso insuficiente, do nascimento até o início da idade escolar / Evaluation of the physical growth of insufficient birth weight children, from birth until the beginning of the scholar age

Renato Minoru Yamamoto 13 March 2008 (has links)
O peso de nascimento insuficiente é decorrente, principalmente em países em desenvolvimento, da restrição de crescimento intrauterino. Embora as crianças nascidas com peso insuficiente correspondam a 30% dos nascimentos, o seu crescimento até a idade escolar tem sido pouco estudado. Não há informações sobre as diferenças existentes entre o crescimento das crianças nascidas com peso insuficiente e as nascidas com peso adequado. Neste estudo, foi avaliado o crescimento alcançado na idade pré-escolar por 323 crianças nascidas com peso insuficiente, comparado-o com o crescimento de 886 crianças nascidas com peso adequado, tendo como referencial os valores do NCHS 2000. Foi analisada a influência do sexo, idade, idade materna ao nascimento da criança, tempo de aleitamento materno, morbidade, escolaridade materna, número de pessoas na casa e há quanto tempo freqüentava a creche no crescimento alcançado pelas crianças nascidas com peso insuficiente na idade pré-escolar. No conjunto, o crescimento alcançado pelas crianças com peso de nascimento insuficiente foi menor que o observado para as crianças com peso de nascimento adequado, tanto em peso quanto em estatura. O tempo que a criança freqüenta a creche e o número de pessoas na casa foram fatores de risco associados ao menor crescimento entre as crianças com peso de nascimento insuficiente. A idade da criança foi associada também, porém, como fator de proteção. O crescimento ponderal deficiente teve o tempo que a criança freqüenta a creche como fator de risco e a idade da criança e a escolaridade materna como fatores de proteção. Se comparados com crianças de condição sócio-econômica semelhante que apresentaram peso de nascimento adequado, as crianças com peso de nascimento insuficiente são de risco para retardo de crescimento até a idade pré-escolar, evidenciando a necessidade de receber uma atenção diferenciada nos programas de atenção à saúde, incluindo a monitorização do crescimento. / The insufficient birth weight is decurrent, mainly in developing countries, of the intrauterine growth restriction. Although they mean 30% of the births, the growth of insufficient birth weight children has been little described, also until the scholar age. The influence of the demographic and socioeconomic variables in the growth of this group, until the scholar age, also needs to be established. There are not informations on the existing differences between the growth of the insufficient birth weight children and that observed for the adequate birth weight ones. In this study, the growth reached until the preschool age of 323 insufficient birth weight children was evaluated, compared with referential NCHS 2000 and to the growth of 886 adequate birth weight children. It was analyzed the influence of the sex, age, maternal age at the birth of the child, breast feeding duration, diseases, maternal literacy, number of people in the house and time of frequency to the day-care center on the growth reached for the insufficient birth weight children, until the scholar age. The reached linear growth until the scholar age for the insufficient birth weight children was inferior to the expected values of the NCHS 2000 referential. The growth reached by the insufficient birth weight children was inferior to the observed for the adequate birth weight children, in weight, stature and body mass index. The time that the child attends the day-care center and the number of people in the house were risk factors associated to growth retardation, among the insufficient birth weight children. The age of the child was also associated, however, as protection factor. The deficient weight evolution had the time that the child attends the day-care center as risk factor and the age and maternal literacy as protection ones. If compared to children of similar socioeconomic condition, but of adequate birth weight, the insufficient birth weight children are of risk to growth retardation until the scholar age. Thus, the insufficient birth weight children must have a differential attention in the growth monitoring programs.

Curvas padrão pôndero-estatural de portadores de Síndrome de Down procedentes da região urbana da cidade de São Paulo / Growth charts (standard grown curves) of children with down Syndrome deriving from São Paulo\'s Urban area

Mustacchi, Zan 29 November 2002 (has links)
De fato, por não existir um levantamento antropométrico de crianças com síndrome de Down no Brasil, foi realizado em São Paulo um estudo biométrico prospectivo que permitiu a elaboração de curvas antropométricas avaliando taxas de peso, estatura e perímetro cefálico elaboradas por tabelas e gráficos com valores lapidados de 4 percentis de dois grupos etários de ambos os sexos divididos de 0-24 meses e de 2-8 anos respectivamente.o estudo considerou e excluiu, quando pertinente, fatores ambientais ou genéticos paralelos que eventualmente pudessem interferir nas variáveis avaliadas. A ampla revisão bibliográfica e a comparação dos dados antropométricos permitiram enfatizar a importância de curvas padrões nacionais para estatura, peso e perímetro cefálico de crianças com síndrome de Down, facilitando o diagnóstico diferencial entre outros comprometimentos clínicos, auxiliando na intervenção clínico-Iaboratorial, na prevenção e acompanhamento médico. / Considerint that there is any anthropometrical evaluation in children with Down\'s syndrome in Brazil, the objective of this prospective biometric investigation was to construct anthropometrical curves for weight, stature and cephalic perimeter in children with Down\' s syndrome living in São Paulo urban area. Ali measurements were obtained from January 1980 to December 1999. Ali height or cephalic perimeter values 10% below or above and weight values 16% below or above of the 1st and 3rd quartile were excluded. Tables for each sex during 0-24 months and 2-8 years were presented in mean, standard deviations, percentiles and quartiles and graphics were presented in percitiles. Environmental and genetic factors associated that could interfere in development were identified and the proband excluded from the sample. The employing of a national pattem curve of stature, weight and cephalic perimeter for individuaIs with Down\' s syndrome would be useful in differential diagnosis among other clinical disorders associated to this genetic malformation providing better clinical intervention and prevention of comorbidity.

Preditores do ganho estatural em crianças nascidas pequenas para a idade gestacional tratadas com hormônio do crescimento humano recombinante / Height gain predictors in children born small for gestational age treated with recombinant human growth hormone

Aragão, Luciana Felipe Férrer 18 October 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Crianças nascidas pequenas para a idade gestacional (PIG) possuem risco aumentado de apresentar baixa estatura na vida adulta. O benefício do tratamento com rhGH (recombinant human growth hormone) está bem estabelecido nas crianças nascidas PIG e com inadequação do catch up de crescimento, sendo importante estudar as variáveis preditoras de ganho estatural nesses indivíduos. OBJETIVO: Avaliar resposta terapêutica e variáveis clínicas associadas à recuperação do crescimento em dois anos de tratamento com rhGH em um grupo de crianças nascidas PIG. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionadas 35 crianças nascidas PIG em uso de rhGH há pelo menos dois anos e avaliadas as seguintes variáveis: sexo, idade gestacional, SDS de peso ao nascimento, SDS de comprimento ao nascimento, índice ponderal ao nascimento, idade cronológica no início do tratamento, SDS de estatura-alvo, dose de rhGH, relação entre idade óssea e idade cronológica, delta SDS de IGF-I. RESULTADOS: A média do SDS de estatura teve um incremento significante de 0,55 SDS (p < 0,01) e 0,86 SDS (p < 0,01), no primeiro e segundo anos de tratamento com rhGH, respectivamente. A dose de rhGH foi identificada como preditora de ganho estatural após um ano de tratamento, enquanto o SDS de comprimento ao nascimento e a idade gestacional se mostraram preditoras de crescimento após dois anos de rhGH. CONCLUSÃO: Foi confirmada uma resposta de crescimento positiva ao tratamento com rhGH nas crianças nascidas PIG sem catch up de crescimento nos primeiros dois anos de vida. A avaliação de características individuais ao nascimento e ao início do rhGH, assim como a identificação das variáveis preditoras do crescimento, são importantes na decisão e otimização do tratamento / INTRODUCTION: Children born small for gestational age (SGA) are at increased risk for short stature in adulthood. Treatment benefits with rhGH (recombinant human growth hormone) is well established in children born SGA and inadequate growth catch up, therefore it is very importante to study height gain predictors in these individuals. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate therapeutic response and clinical variables associated with growth recovery in two years of rhGH treatment in a group of children born SGA. METHODS: Thirty-five children born SGA in use of rhGH for at least two years were selected and the following variables were evaluated: gender, gestational age, birth weight SDS, birth length SDS, birth weight index, chronological age at the beginning of treatment, target-height SDS, rhGH dose, chronological age and bone age relation, and delta IGF-I SDS. RESULTS: The mean height SDS had a significant increase of 0.55 SDS (p < 0.01) and 0.86 SDS (p < 0.01) in the first and second year of treatment with rhGH, respectively. The rhGH dose was identified as a height gain predictor after one year of treatment, while birth length SDS and gestational age were predictors of growth gain after two years of rhGH. CONCLUSION: A positive growth response to rhGH treatment was confirmed in children born SGA with no growth catch up in their first two years of life. Evaluation of individual characteristics at birth and in the beginning of rhGH treatment, as well as the identification growth predictors, are important for the decision and treatment optimization

Preditores do ganho estatural em crianças nascidas pequenas para a idade gestacional tratadas com hormônio do crescimento humano recombinante / Height gain predictors in children born small for gestational age treated with recombinant human growth hormone

Luciana Felipe Férrer Aragão 18 October 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Crianças nascidas pequenas para a idade gestacional (PIG) possuem risco aumentado de apresentar baixa estatura na vida adulta. O benefício do tratamento com rhGH (recombinant human growth hormone) está bem estabelecido nas crianças nascidas PIG e com inadequação do catch up de crescimento, sendo importante estudar as variáveis preditoras de ganho estatural nesses indivíduos. OBJETIVO: Avaliar resposta terapêutica e variáveis clínicas associadas à recuperação do crescimento em dois anos de tratamento com rhGH em um grupo de crianças nascidas PIG. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionadas 35 crianças nascidas PIG em uso de rhGH há pelo menos dois anos e avaliadas as seguintes variáveis: sexo, idade gestacional, SDS de peso ao nascimento, SDS de comprimento ao nascimento, índice ponderal ao nascimento, idade cronológica no início do tratamento, SDS de estatura-alvo, dose de rhGH, relação entre idade óssea e idade cronológica, delta SDS de IGF-I. RESULTADOS: A média do SDS de estatura teve um incremento significante de 0,55 SDS (p < 0,01) e 0,86 SDS (p < 0,01), no primeiro e segundo anos de tratamento com rhGH, respectivamente. A dose de rhGH foi identificada como preditora de ganho estatural após um ano de tratamento, enquanto o SDS de comprimento ao nascimento e a idade gestacional se mostraram preditoras de crescimento após dois anos de rhGH. CONCLUSÃO: Foi confirmada uma resposta de crescimento positiva ao tratamento com rhGH nas crianças nascidas PIG sem catch up de crescimento nos primeiros dois anos de vida. A avaliação de características individuais ao nascimento e ao início do rhGH, assim como a identificação das variáveis preditoras do crescimento, são importantes na decisão e otimização do tratamento / INTRODUCTION: Children born small for gestational age (SGA) are at increased risk for short stature in adulthood. Treatment benefits with rhGH (recombinant human growth hormone) is well established in children born SGA and inadequate growth catch up, therefore it is very importante to study height gain predictors in these individuals. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate therapeutic response and clinical variables associated with growth recovery in two years of rhGH treatment in a group of children born SGA. METHODS: Thirty-five children born SGA in use of rhGH for at least two years were selected and the following variables were evaluated: gender, gestational age, birth weight SDS, birth length SDS, birth weight index, chronological age at the beginning of treatment, target-height SDS, rhGH dose, chronological age and bone age relation, and delta IGF-I SDS. RESULTS: The mean height SDS had a significant increase of 0.55 SDS (p < 0.01) and 0.86 SDS (p < 0.01) in the first and second year of treatment with rhGH, respectively. The rhGH dose was identified as a height gain predictor after one year of treatment, while birth length SDS and gestational age were predictors of growth gain after two years of rhGH. CONCLUSION: A positive growth response to rhGH treatment was confirmed in children born SGA with no growth catch up in their first two years of life. Evaluation of individual characteristics at birth and in the beginning of rhGH treatment, as well as the identification growth predictors, are important for the decision and treatment optimization

Μοριακοί μηχανισμοί ελέγχου της μετάδοσης του σήματος της αυξητικής ορμόνης σε παιδιά με σοβαρή ανεπάρκεια στην αύξηση

Καραγεώργου, Ιουλία 22 March 2011 (has links)
Περιγράψαμε την Διαταραχή Μεταγωγής Σήματος Αυξητικής Ορμόνης (GHTD), σε παιδιά με σοβαρή καθυστέρηση ανάπτυξης, φυσιολογική έκκριση αυξητικής ορμόνης (GH), χαμηλό IGF-I αλλά φυσιολογική ανταπόκριση IGF-I σε χορήγηση hGH, που παρουσιάζουν ελαττωματική φωσφορυλίωση του STAT3. Η διαταραχή θεραπεύεται με hGH. Οι CIS πρωτεΐνες είναι αρνητικοί ρυθμιστές του σηματοδοτικου μονοπατιού της GH που ανταγωνίζονται STATs για θέση πρόσδεσης με τον υποδοχέα GHR ή συμμετέχουν στην αποδόμηση του JAK2/GHR μέσω ουβυκουιτίνης/προτεασώματος. Η αδυναμία φωσφορυλίωσης του STAT3 και JAK2 φαινεται να προσπερνάται με χρήση εναλακτικής οδου. Με ‘διασυνομιλία’ της GH με το μονοπάτι του EGF. Συγκεκριμένα η GH φωσφωρυλιώνει το EGFR μέσω φωσφορυλίωσης JAK2. Τέλος, η φωσφορυλίωση STAT3 προκαλείται και από την 17β-οιστραδιόλη. Υπάρχει μία κλινική οντότητα της “καθυστέρησης της ήβης και ανάπτυξης” όπου γίνεται σημαντική επιτάχυνση στην ανάπτυξη μετά την εφηβεία όπου υπάρχει φυσιολογικό τελικό ανάστημα που ταιριάζει με την πορεία ενός ασθενή. Σκοπός: Μελετήθηκε η αρνητική ρύθμιση της GH σε ινοβλάστες παιδιών με GHTD και φυσιολογικών. Στη συνέχεια, η πιθανή συσχέτιση του σηματοδοτικού μονοπατιού της GH και EGF στα παιδιά και τέλος η πιθανή συσχέτιση των στερεοειδών του φύλου με το GH άξονα σε ένα GHTDπαιδί . Yλικά/μέθοδοι: Σε πρωτογενείς καλλιέργειες ινοβλαστών ούλων μαρτύρων και GHTD παιδιών μελετήσαμε την έκφραση και ενεργοποίηση της CIS και JAK2, με επαγωγή με hGH, με Western blot. Στη συνέχεια μελετήθηκε η έκφραση του EGF και pEGF στα κύτταρα των παιδιών και μαρτύρων με επαγωγή των κυττάρων με GH και EGF έλεγχος με Western blot και coimmunoprecipitation. Τέλος μελετήθηκε η φωσφoρυλίωση STAT3 και JAK2 σε ινοβλαστες (προεφηβικούς και εφηβικούς) του ασθενή με GH και 17-β οιστραδιόλη με Western immunoblotting. Αποτελέσματα: Η έκφραση του CIS με 200 ng/ml hGH έδειξε μόνο στους ασθενείς αύξηση της συνολικής CIS και της ουβικουτινυλιομενής μορφής της. Η έκφραση και ενεργοποίηση τoυ JAK2 μόνο στους ασθενείς με επαγωγή με hGΗ δείχνει καθυστερημένη ενεργοποίηση του. Το STAT3 φωσφωρυλιώνεται φυσιολογικά με επαγωγή των κυττάρων των ασθενών με EGF όχι με GH. Οι pEGFRs φωσφωρυλιώνουν φυσιολογικά το JAK2 στους ασθενείς, ενώ όχι στους μάρτυρες. Ο ένας ασθενής προεφηβικά δε φωσφωρυλιώνει το STΑT3 με GH. Εμφανίζει την ουβικουτινιλιωμένη μορφή του CIS. Δεν φωσφωρυλιώνει το STAT3 με 17β-οιστραδιόλη προ-εφηβικά, και εμφανίζει την ουβικουτινιλιωμένη μορφή του CIS. Ενώ εφηβικά φωσφορυλιώνει το STAT3 με 17β-οιστραδιόλη και δεν εμφανίζει την ουβικουτινιλιωμένη μορφή του CIS. Συμπεράσματα: Βρέθηκε καθυστερημένη ενεργοποίηση του GH άξονα σε 2 ασθενής με GHTD μαζί με υπερέκφραση της CIS και ουβικουτινυλιομενής CIS. Η σηματοδότηση της GH γίνεται φυσιολογικά στους μάρτυρες άρα δεν υπάρχει λόγος εναλλακτικής οδού, σε αντίθεση με ασθενείς που χρειάζεται να χρησιμοποιήσουν το μονοπάτι του EGF. Ο ένας ασθενής ξεπέρασε την αδυναμία να φωσφορυλιώσει το STAT3 χωρίς hGH αλλά με την έναρξη της εφηβείας. Ένας λόγος που το παιδί αυτό έδειξε σημαντική επιτάχυνση στην ανάπτυξη είναι ότι μετά την εφηβεία δεν υπήρχε υπερλειτουργία του ανασταλτικού μηχανισμού της GH, διαμέσου του Ub CIS. / We have previously described a new disorder (GHTD) in 4 children with growth delay, normal provoked and spontaneous GH secretion, and low IGF-I concentrations but normal IGF-I generation test results who have a defect in the phosphorylation of the signal transducer and activator of transcription STAT-3. These children respond with a significant increase in their growth velocity after administration of hGH. CIS proteins are inhibitors of the GH signal transduction pathway, by distinct mechanisms: by competition with STATs for common tyrosine-binding sites on the cytoplasmic tail of GHR or by a proteasome-dependent mechanism. Monoubiquitinated form of CIS protein was observed in 2 GHTD patients.Also STAT3 phosphorylation defect could be overcomed by using an alternative pathway the one of Epidermal Growth factor (EGF). Also in one patient its STAT3 defect was overcomed when he entered puberty, sex steroids may enhanced his growth. Objective: The purpose of the study was the characterization of the molecular mechanisms involved in GH signal transduction pathway in GHTD patients, as a possible cause of an increased expression of its inhibitors. Also to search if there is a possible crosstalk between GH and EGF growth transduction pathways. And finally the role of sex steroids in GH signalling in one GHTD patient. Patients/Material and Methods: In primary fibroblast cell cultures from gingival biopsies of the GHTD patients and age-matched normal children we studied: expression analysis, in cells inducted with GH, of CIS and JAK2 phosphorylationby western immunoblotting and RT-PCR. Also the cells of the same children and controls were inducted with EGF and STAT3 phosphorylation was studied. Finally the cells of one of the patients were inducted with GH and 17β-estradiole before and after puberty and its STAT3 phosphorylation and CIS expression were studied. Results: Expression analysis in the childrens’ fibroblasts showed an overexpression of CIS in 2 patients as compared to normal children. STAT3 defect was not present in the patients fibroblasts that were inducted with EGF. Also one GHTD patient that he couldn't phosphorylate in his inducted fibroblast with GH and 17-b estardiole STAT3 and ubiquitinated CIS was present to his cells before puberty this defect was overcomed after he entered puberty. Conclusions: The overexpression of CIS may inhibit the activation of STAT3 and may be involved in the pathogenesis of the severe short stature of the GHTD children. Also GH signalling pathway has no defect in control patients so there is no need of using an alternative pathway such as the one of EGF that occurs in GHTD patients. Also one GHTD patient that showed a STAT3 defect before puberty was overcomed after he entered puberty and without GH treatment. There is a clinical status that is called 'growth dealy' that matches this patients profile, that shows rapid growth after puberty. A probable cause could be that ubiquitinated form of CIS was not present after he entered puberty.

Efeito do tratamento com hormônio de crescimento na baixa estatura idiopática com deficiência moderada do GH ou insensibilidade parcial ao GH / Effect of the treatment with growth hormone in idiopathic short stature with moderate GH deficiency or partial GH insensitivity

Cardoso, Daniela Felix 01 June 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Idiopathic Short Stature is a heterogeneous set of conditions without obvious hormonal changes or defined etiologies. It may include the partial insensitivity to GH (PGHI) and the moderate GH deficiency (MGHD), both of them with low concentrations of growth factor like insulin type I (IGF-I) and hyper or sub-answer of GH on tests of stimulation, respectively. The objective of this study is to assess the response to treatment with GH in PGHI and MGHD, comparing them twith the results obtained in a group with severe GH deficiency (SGHD). It was studied in PGHI (GH peak ≥18 ng/ml) 20 individuals (14 boys), 12.07 (2.57-year-old); in MGHD (GH peak between 5 and 10 ng/ml) 12 (7 boys), 10.73 (1.79-year-old); and in SGHD (GH peak lower than 5 ng/ml) 19 (10 boys), 10.90-(3.51) yearold, treated with GH for one to ten years. The initial and present GH doses were, respectively, 43.33(10.00) and 49.61 (12.90) μg/kg/day in SGHD, 50.27 (11.76) and 57.27 (15.83) μg/kg/day in MGHD; and50.18 (6.99) and 55.66 (9.61) μg/kg/day in PGHI. The standard deviation score (SDS) of initial height of the SGHD group was lower than MGHD group (p< 0.01) and PGHI group (p <0.001).The SDS of initial IGF-I of SGHD was similar to MGHD and lower than PGHI group (p<0.0001).The initial bone age (BA) in SGHD group was similar to MGHD and lower than PGHI group GH (p < 0.01). GH treatment has brought about a lower increase in the height SSD and in the IGF-I SSD (both, p < 0.05) and in the bone age (p< 0.01) in the PGHI group than in the SGHD group, probably due to the more accentuated height deficit in the SGHD group and lower IGF-I increase in the PGHI group. Treatment response was similar in MGHD and SGHD groups. The lowest height gain in the PGHI suggests that the partial GH insensitivity needs higher GH doses to be effective. / A baixa estatura idiopática é um conjunto heterogêneo de condições sem evidentes alterações hormonais ou etiologias definidas. Pode incluir a insensibilidade parcial ao GH (IPGH) e a deficiência moderada de GH (DMGH), ambas com concentrações baixas de fator de crescimento semelhante à insulina tipo I (IGF-I) e hiper ou sub-resposta do GH aos testes de estímulo, respectivamente. O objetivo do presente trabalho é avaliar a resposta ao tratamento com GH na IPGH e DMGH, comparando-as com os resultados obtidos na deficiência grave de GH (DGGH). Foram estudados no grupo IPGH (pico de GH ≥18 ng/ml), 20 indivíduos (14 meninos), com 12,0 (2,57) anos de idade; no grupo DMGH (pico de GH entre 5 e 10 ng/ml), 12 (sete meninos), com 10,73 (1,79) anos; e no DGGH (pico de GH < 5 ng/ml), 19 (10 meninos), com 10,90 (3,51) anos, tratados com GH por um a dez anos. As doses de GH iniciais e atuais foram, respectivamente, 43,33 (10,00) e 49,61 (12,90) μg/kg/dia no DGGH; 50,27 (11,76) e 57,27 (15,83) μg/kg/dia no DMGH; e 50,18 (6,99) e 55,66 (9,61) μg/kg/dia no IPGH. O escore de desvio-padrão (EDP) da altura inicial do grupo DGGH foi menor do que no DMGH (p< 0,01) e no IPGH (p <0, 001). O EDP do IGF-I inicial do grupo DGGH foi similar ao DMGH e menor do que o do IPGH (p< 0, 0001). A idade óssea inicial no grupo DGGH foi similar ao DMGH e menor do que a do grupo IPGH (p < 0,01). O tratamento com GH propiciou um menor incremento no EDP da altura e no EDP do IGF-I (ambos, p < 0,05) e na IO (p< 0,01) no grupo IPGH do que no DGGH, provavelmente refletindo o maior déficit estatural no grupo com DGGH e menor aumento do IGF-I no grupo IPGH. A resposta ao tratamento nos grupos DMGH e DGGH foi semelhante. O ganho estatural menor no grupo IPGH sugere que a insensibilidade parcial ao GH necessitaria de doses mais altas de GH para ser vencida.

Curvas padrão pôndero-estatural de portadores de Síndrome de Down procedentes da região urbana da cidade de São Paulo / Growth charts (standard grown curves) of children with down Syndrome deriving from São Paulo\'s Urban area

Zan Mustacchi 29 November 2002 (has links)
De fato, por não existir um levantamento antropométrico de crianças com síndrome de Down no Brasil, foi realizado em São Paulo um estudo biométrico prospectivo que permitiu a elaboração de curvas antropométricas avaliando taxas de peso, estatura e perímetro cefálico elaboradas por tabelas e gráficos com valores lapidados de 4 percentis de dois grupos etários de ambos os sexos divididos de 0-24 meses e de 2-8 anos respectivamente.o estudo considerou e excluiu, quando pertinente, fatores ambientais ou genéticos paralelos que eventualmente pudessem interferir nas variáveis avaliadas. A ampla revisão bibliográfica e a comparação dos dados antropométricos permitiram enfatizar a importância de curvas padrões nacionais para estatura, peso e perímetro cefálico de crianças com síndrome de Down, facilitando o diagnóstico diferencial entre outros comprometimentos clínicos, auxiliando na intervenção clínico-Iaboratorial, na prevenção e acompanhamento médico. / Considerint that there is any anthropometrical evaluation in children with Down\'s syndrome in Brazil, the objective of this prospective biometric investigation was to construct anthropometrical curves for weight, stature and cephalic perimeter in children with Down\' s syndrome living in São Paulo urban area. Ali measurements were obtained from January 1980 to December 1999. Ali height or cephalic perimeter values 10% below or above and weight values 16% below or above of the 1st and 3rd quartile were excluded. Tables for each sex during 0-24 months and 2-8 years were presented in mean, standard deviations, percentiles and quartiles and graphics were presented in percitiles. Environmental and genetic factors associated that could interfere in development were identified and the proband excluded from the sample. The employing of a national pattem curve of stature, weight and cephalic perimeter for individuaIs with Down\' s syndrome would be useful in differential diagnosis among other clinical disorders associated to this genetic malformation providing better clinical intervention and prevention of comorbidity.

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