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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Viral Abrogation of Stem Cell Transplantation Tolerance Causes Graft Rejection and Host Death by Different Mechanisms: A Dissertation

Forman, Daron 22 May 2002 (has links)
Tolerance-based stem cell transplantation using sub-lethal conditioning is being considered for the treatment of human disease, but safety and efficacy remain to be established. In order to study these two issues, we first established that mouse bone marrow recipients treated with sub-lethal irradiation plus transient blockade of the CD40-CD154 costimulatory pathway develop permanent hematopoietic chimerism across allogeneic barriers. Our conditioning regimen of 6 Gy irradiation, a short course of anti-CD154 mAb and 25 million fully allogeneic BALB/c bone marrow cells consistently produced long-term, stable, and multilineage chimerism in C57BL/6 recipients. Furthermore, chimeric mice displayed donor-specific transplantation tolerance, as BALB/c skin allografts were permanently accepted while third-party CBA/JCr skin allografts were promptly rejected. We next determined both the safety and efficacy of this protocol by infecting chimeric mice with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) either at the time of transplantation or at several time points afterwards. Infection with LCMV at the time of transplantation prevented engraftment of allogeneic, but not syngeneic, bone marrow in similarly treated mice. Surprisingly, infected allograft recipients also failed to clear the virus and died. Post-mortem study revealed hypoplastic bone marrow and spleens. Hypoplasia and death in these mice required the combination of 6 Gy irradiation, LCMV infection on the day of transplantation, and an allogeneic bone marrow transplant but did not require the presence of anti-CDl54 mAb. Allochimeric mice infected with LCMV 15 days after transplantation were able to survive and maintain their bone marrow graft, indicating that the deleterious effects of LCMV infection on host and graft survival are confined to a narrow window of time during the tolerization and transplantation process. The final section of this thesis studied the mechanisms of graft rejection and death in sublethally irradiated recipients of allogeneic bone marrow and infection with LCMV at the time of bone marrow transplantation. Infection of interferon-α/β receptor knockout mice at the time of transplantation prevented the engraftment of allogeneic bone marrow, but the mice survived. Therefore, IFN-αβ is involved in the development of marrow hypoplasia and death, whereas a second mechanism is involved in blocking the development of chimerism in these mice. Through the use of depleting mAb's and knockout mice we demonstrate that three types of recipients survived and became chimeric after being given sublethal irradiation, anti-CD154 mAb, an allogeneic bone marrow transplant and a day 0 LCMV infection: mice depleted of CD8+ T cells, CD8 knockout mice, and TCR-αβ knockout mice. Our data indicate that the mediator of bone marrow allograft destruction in LCMV-infected mice treated with costimulatory blockade is a radioresistant CD8+ NK1.1- TCRαβ+ T cell. We conclude that a non-cytopathic viral infection at the time of transplantation can prevent engraftment of allogeneic bone marrow and result in the death of sub-lethally irradiated mice treated with costimulation blockade. The abrogation of allogeneic bone marrow engraftment is mediated by a population of CD8+ NK1.1- TCRαβ+ T cells and the mediator of hypoplasia and death is viral induction of IFN-αβ.

Reconstrução de defeitos ósseos cranianos em ratos com células-tronco de polpa dentária humana: estudo experimental de neoformação óssea / Reconstruction of cranial defects in rats with human dental pulp stem cells: experimental design of bone regeneration

André de Mendonça Costa 15 December 2009 (has links)
Os defeitos da calota craniana causados por traumas severos, neoplasias, cirurgias ou deformidades congênitas representam um grande desafio para os cirurgiões. O uso de enxertia óssea autóloga continua sendo o método de tratamento padrão ouro, embora apresente morbidade na área doadora e seja considerado insuficiente para reconstrução de grandes defeitos. Recentemente, com o advento da bioengenharia tecidual, novas expectativas surgiram na regeneração óssea. O objetivo deste estudo foi desenvolver um modelo experimental em ratos para o estudo de deformidades craniofaciais e verificar se as células-tronco humanas provenientes de dentes decíduos seriam capazes de regenerar defeitos críticos em calota craniana de ratos não imunossuprimidos. Foram realizados dois defeitos ósseos de espessura total com diâmetro de 5 x 8 mm na região biparietal. O lado esquerdo foi preenchido com membrana de colágeno, enquanto o lado direito com membrana de colágeno associada a células-tronco humanas provenientes de dentes decíduos. Essas células foram caracterizadas previamente in vitro como células mesenquimais. A eutanásia dos animais foi realizada no 7º, 21º, 30º e 60º dia de pós-operatório e amostras de tecido ósseo foram extraídas para realização da análise histológica. A análise da presença de células humanas no novo osso formado foi confirmada através do estudo molecular. A linhagem de células-tronco humanas provenientes de dentes decíduos foi positiva para células-tronco mesenquimais e sua diferenciação em tecido ósseo também foi evidenciada in vitro. Foi observada a formação óssea após 21 dias de cirurgia nos dois lados, sendo o lado direito um osso mais maduro. A reação da cadeia de polimerase para DNA humano foi amplificada apenas no lado direito demonstrando que existiam células humanas nesse novo osso formado. O uso de células-tronco de dentes decíduos humanas em ratos não imunossuprimidos não evidenciou rejeição durante o período estudado. Os achados sugerem que o modelo experimental descrito poderá ser utilizado para o estudo dos defeitos ósseos cranianos em cirurgia craniofacial e que o uso de células-tronco humanas provenientes de dentes decíduos associado à membrana de colágeno parece representar uma importante estratégia para a reconstrução de tecidos ósseos e seu uso pode ser considerado uma opção para o reparo de grandes defeitos ósseos cranianos. / Repair of bone defects caused by severe trauma, resection of tumors, and congenital deformity remains a big challenge to surgeons. As a gold standard for the treatment of bone defects in clinic, autologous bone grafts are usually limited by considerable donor site mobility and available supply of tissue that can be harvested. Recently, tissue engineering has become a promising approach for bone regeneration. The main aim of this study is to create an experimental surgical protocol and evaluate the capacity of human dental pulp stem cells isolated from deciduous teeth, to reconstruct critical size cranial bone defects in nonimmunosuppressed rats. Bilateral 5 x 8 mm cranial full-thickness defects of parietal bone were created. The left side was supplied with collagen membrane only and the right side with collagen membrane and human dental pulp stem cells. Cells were used after in vitro characterization as mesenchymal cells. Animals were euthanized at 7, 21, 30 and 60 days postoperatively and cranial tissue samples were taken from the defects for histologic analysis. Analysis of the presence of human cells in the new bone was confirmed by molecular analysis. The human dental pulp stem cells lineage was positive for the four mesenchymal cell markers tested and showed osteogenic in vitro differentiation. The bone formation was observed 21 days after surgery on both sides, but a more mature bone was present in the right side. Human DNA was polymerase chain reaction-amplified only at the right side, indicating that this new bone had human cells. The use of human dental pulp stem cells in nonimmunosuppressed rats did not cause any graft rejection during this period. Our findings suggest that surgical protocol created may ultimately be used in experimental studies of cranial bone defects in craniofacial surgery and the use of human dental pulp stem cells together with collagen membrane seems to be a promising strategy for in vivo bone tissue reconstruction and their use might provide an option to repair human large cranial bone defects.

Aplicação de ensaio imunoenzimático para detecção de anticorpos contra o vírus respiratório sincicial em repectores de transplante de células tronco-hematopoéticas / Enzime-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of respiratory syncytial virus antibodies in hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients

José de Paula Paz Junior 18 August 2008 (has links)
O vírus respiratório sincicial (RSV) é responsável por importante morbidade em receptores de transplante de células tronco-hematopoéticas (TCTH), especialmente no período que antecede a enxertia. A imunidade induzida pela infecção pelo RSV é transitória e as reinfecções são freqüentes. O comportamento e papel dos anticorpos anti-RSV em receptores de TCTH é desconhecido. Em amostras de soro estocadas, ensaio imunoenzimático (ELISA) foi aplicado para detecção de anticorpos anti-RSV para avaliar a dinâmica desses anticorpos antes e após o TCTH, em pacientes com e sem infecção pelo RSV, bem como a resposta de anticorpos específicos nos pacientes com infecção pelo RSV diagnosticada por imunofluorescência direta. A mediana do tempo de coleta das amostras pré-TCTH foi de -35 e -44 dias nos casos e controles, respectivamente, com média de títulos de anticorpos anti-RSV de 2490 UA/mL e 2872 UA/mL, respectivamente. Após o transplante, as medianas de tempo das 3 amostras analisadas dos pacientes com infecção pelo RSV foram d+14, d+52 e d+89 e os respectivos títulos de anticorpos foram 2457 UA/mL, 2715 UA/mL e 2950 UA/mL. Nos pacientes sem infecção pelo RSV (controles), as medianas de tempo das 3 amostras analisadas foram d+9, d+69 e d+93 e os respectivos títulos de anticorpos foram 2738 UA/mL, 2794 UA/mL e 2642 UA/mL. Não houve diferença estatística entre os dois grupos. Nenhum dos pacientes com infecção pelo RSV apresentou elevação de quatro vezes nos títulos de anticorpos / Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection can cause significant morbidity and mortality in haematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) recipients, especially when upper respiratory tract infection (RTI) progresses to lower RTI, which is expected to occur in more than 50% of the patients. The humoral immunity induced by RSV infection is transient and reinfections are frequent. The dynamics and role of anti-RSV antibodies in HSCT recipients are unknown. In stored serum samples, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (EIA) was applied to evaluate the dynamics of anti-RSV antibodies in HSCT recipients with and without RSV infection, as well as the specific humoral response in HSCT recipients with RSV infection diagnosed by direct immunofluorescent assay in nasal wash samples. Pre-transplant samples were selected at a median time of 35 and 44 days and the mean concentration of RSV antibodies were 2490 AU/mL and 2872 AU/mL, in cases and controls, respectively. After HSCT, serum samples from patients with RSV infection (cases) were evaluated at median time of 14, 52 and 89 days, and the respective mean concentrations of anti- RSV antibodies were 2457 AU/mL, 2715 AU/mL and 2950 AU/mL. In patients without RSV (controls), serum samples were evaluated at median time of 9, 69 and 93 days, and the respective mean concentrations of anti-RSV antibodies were 2738 AU/mL, 2794 AU/mL e 2642 AU/mL. Difference was not statistically significant. No patient developed a four-fold rise in RSV antibody titers

Avaliação da função tímica em pacientes com diabetes mellitus tipo 1 submetidos ao transplante autólogo de células-tronco hematopoéticas / Evaluation of thymic function in type 1 diabetes mellitus patients following autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.

Júlia Teixeira Cottas de Azevedo 19 August 2013 (has links)
O diabetes mellitus tipo 1 (DM-1) é uma doença autoimune órgão-específica caracterizada pela destruição seletiva das células pancreáticas produtoras de insulina. A imunossupressão em altas doses seguida do transplante autólogo de células-tronco hematopoéticas (TACTH) constitui uma alternativa terapêutica recente e promissora para o DM-1 recém-diagnosticado, impedindo a progressão da destruição das células pancreáticas produtoras de insulina e induzindo independência insulínica por um período prolongado na maioria dos pacientes. O princípio dessa terapia baseia-se na eliminação das células autorreativas pela imunossupressão intensa e na reconstituição de um sistema imunológico novo e tolerante após o transplante. Com o objetivo de avaliar a função do timo e sua contribuição na geração do repertório de células T nos pacientes com DM-1 após o TACTH, nesse trabalho foram avaliados os níveis de T cell receptor excision circles (TRECs) em células T do sangue periférico e a diversidade do repertório de células T dos pacientes com DM-1 (n=23) antes e em diversos períodos após o transplante. A quantificação absoluta dos níveis de TRECs (número de moléculas de TRECs/100g de DNA) foi realizada pela técnica de PCR em tempo real e a avaliação do repertório de células T foi realizada pela técnica de TCRBV CDR3 Spectratyping. Dentre os vinte e três pacientes, vinte alcançaram a independência insulínica por períodos variáveis de tempo e três não responderam ao tratamento. Não foi observada a restrição do repertório de células T nos pacientes com DM-1 no período pré-transplante, ou seja, quando recém-diagnosticados. Foram identificadas cinco famílias V (7, 18, 19, 20 e 22) em expansão clonal nos pacientes com DM-1. As famílias V 7, 18, 19, 20 apresentaram-se em expansão clonal antes do transplante e se mantiveram com frequência elevada após o transplante, enquanto a família V 22 apresentou aumento da frequência somente nos períodos mais tardios após o transplante. Nos primeiros meses após o transplante, houve redução do número de moléculas de TRECs e restrição do repertório de células T. Contudo, um ano após o transplante, o número de moléculas de TRECs atingiram valores normais e o repertório de células T apresentou-se com ampla diversidade. Nossos resultados mostraram que o TACTH foi capaz de induzir mudanças na composição do repertório de células T dos pacientes com DM-1 após a terapia de IAD/TACTH, evidenciadas por alterações qualitativas e quantitativas dos picos de CDR3 do TCR, sugerindo a reconstituição de um repertório de células T diverso até dois anos pós-transplante. Embora tenha ocorrido reativação da função tímica após o transplante, evidenciada pelo aumento dos níveis de TRECs de um ano e meio a cinco anos pós-transplante, a diversidade do repertório das células T diminuiu a partir de dois anos e meio pós-transplante, sugerindo uma reconstituição tímica de novo de células T naive que expressam preferencialmente algumas cadeias V. Estas evidências imunológicas poderiam explicar a melhora clínica (independência insulínica) temporária observada na maioria dos pacientes após a terapia de IAD/TACTH. / Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D) is an organ-specific autoimmune disease characterized by insulin-producing pancreatic cell destruction. High-dose immunosuppression followed by autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (AHSCT) is a recent and promising therapeutic approach for treatment of T1D, preventing the progress of destruction of pancreatic cells and inducing insulin independence for a prolonged period in most patients. The rationale of the AHSCT is based on the elimination of autoreactive cells by the intense immunosuppression and on the reconstitution of a new and tolerant immune system after transplantation. Aiming at assessing the thymic role in the production of new T cell repertoire in T1D patients after AHSCT, in this study was evaluated the levels of T cell receptor excision circles (TRECs) in T cells of peripheral blood as well as the clonality and diversity of T cell repertoire in T1D patients (n=23) before and several periods after transplantation. The absolute quantification of TRECs levels (number of molecules of TRECs/100ng of DNA) was performed by real-time PCR and the analysis of T cell repertoire was performed by TCRBV CDR3 Spectratyping. Among the twenty-three patients, twenty achieved insulin independence for variable periods and three did not respond to the treatment. The T cell repertoire in T1D patients was not restricted in pre-transplantation, i.e., when newly diagnosed. It was identified five V families (7, 18, 19, 20 e 22) in the clonal expansion in T1D patients. The V families 7, 18, 19, 20 were in clonal expansion before transplantation and maintained with high frequency after transplantation, whereas the V 22 family increased its frequency only in the later periods after transplantation. It was observed that the numbers of molecules of TRECs decreased and the T cell repertoire was restricted in the early months after transplantation. However, the levels of TRECs were normalized and the T cell repertoire showed diversity one year after transplantation. Our results indicate that AHSCT was able to induce changes in the composition of the T cell repertoire of patients after AHSCT, evidenced by qualitative and quantitative changes in the composition of T-cell receptor -chain CDR3 peaks, suggesting the reconstitution of diverse T cell repertoire up to two years after transplantation. Although there was reactivation of thymic function after transplantation, as evidenced by increased levels of TRECs from one and a half year to five years after transplantation, the diversity of the T cells repertoire decreased from two and a half years after transplantation, suggesting a reconstruction of new naive T cells that preferentially express some V chains. These immunological evidences could explain the temporary clinical improvement (insulin independence) observed in most patients after IAD / AHSCT therapy.

Avaliação da interface osso- implante em mandíbula de miniporcos irradiados e o uso de células-tronco mesenquimais associadas ao plasma rico em plaquetas na osseointegração / Evaluation of the bone-implant contact in the mandible of irradiated minipigs and the use of mesenchymal stem cells associated with platelet-rich plasma on osseointegration

Roberta Targa Stramandinoli Zanicotti 24 January 2014 (has links)
Introdução: Pacientes com câncer na região de cabeça e pescoço normalmente são tratados por combinação de cirurgia, radioterapia (RT) e quimioterapia. Em muitos casos, a reabilitação oral com próteses implanto-suportadas representa a melhor opção para uma recuperação funcional adequada. Entretanto, em pacientes irradiados procedimentos como exodontias e instalações de implantes dentários são fatores de risco ao desenvolvimento de osteorradionecrose. Diversos estudos experimentais têm demonstrado que o uso de células-tronco mesenquimais (CTMs) associadas a fatores de crescimento como plasma rico em plaquetas (PRP) proporciona melhora no reparo ósseo e na osseointegração, podendo ser considerada uma alternativa viável para defeitos ósseos ou injúria. Objetivos: Isolar e caracterizar as CTMs da medula óssea (MO) de miniporcos brasileiros (Minipigs BR-1), avaliar a interferência da RT e o efeito da associação de CTMs-MO+PRP no processo de osseointegração de implantes instalados em alvéolos frescos em mandíbulas de miniporcos, por análise histológica e histomorfométrica da interface osso-implante. Métodos: CTMs-MO de 12 miniporcos adultos machos foram isoladas da crista ilíaca. Após 21 dias de cultura, o potencial de diferenciação celular foi avaliado por meio de coloração e RT-PCR. O perfil imunofenotípico foi caracterizado por citometria de fluxo. Os animais foram divididos em três grupos: Grupo A (grupo controle, sem RT), Grupo B (implantes instalados 15 dias antes da RT) e Grupo C (implantes instalados três meses após a RT). A dose total de radiação para cada lado da mandíbula foi de 24 Gy, divididos em três doses de 8 Gy com intervalo de 7 dias entre as doses, a qual equivale biologicamente a aproximadamente 56 Gy, com 28 exposições de 2 Gy cada. Quatro implantes de titânio foram instalados nos alvéolos frescos, imediatamente após as extrações dos terceiro e quarto pré-molares, totalizando 48 implantes controles e 48 experimentais (uso de CTM-MO+PRP). Os animais foram eutanasiados 90 dias pós-implantação. Foram analisados o percentual de implantes perdidos (PIP), o contato osso-implante (COI), e a densidade óssea no interior das roscas (DOIR). Resultados: A eficiência de isolamento das CTMs-MO foi de 100% e em cultura as células apresentaram morfologia fibroblastóide. As células foram positivas para CD90 (88,6%), CD29 (89,8%), CD44 (86,9%) e negativas para CD34 (1,6%), CD45 (1,8%), CD14 (1,8%) e MHC-II (2,7%). As células foram diferenciadas em adipócitos, demonstrado pela presença de vacúolos lipídicos no interior das células; osteoblastos, pela mineralização da matriz extracelular e condrócitos pela presença de lacunas ao redor dos condrócitos jovens. A maior expressão gênica de AP2, ALP e COL II em células induzidas também confirmou o potencial de diferenciação (p < 0,001; p < 0,001; p = 0,031; respectivamente). Os PIP nos lados controle e experimental foram respectivamente 25,0% e 18,7% no grupo A (p = 0,686), 31,2% e 25,0% no grupo B (p=0,686) e 68,7% e 68,7% no grupo C (p =1,000). Na comparação entre os três grupos, o PIP apresentou diferença estatisticamente significante tanto no lado controle (p=0,041) como no experimental (p = 0,047). Os percentuais de COI nos lados controle e experimental foram respectivamente 39,0 e 27,7 no grupo A (p = 0,110); 20,9 e 16,7 no grupo B (p=0,347) e 16,0 e 7,1 no grupo C (p = 0,310), com diferença estatística entre os grupos tanto no lado controle (p = 0,033) quanto no experimental (p=0,046). As DOIR nos lados controle e experimental foram respectivamente 46,8 e 36,5 no grupo A (p = 0,247); 29,3 e 24,1 no grupo B (p = 0,379) e 21,0 e 11,6 no grupo C (p = 0,421), porém com diferença estatisticamente significante entre os três grupos somente no lado controle (p=0,025). Conclusões: As CTMs-MO de Minipigs BR-1, obtidas com o protocolo utilizado neste estudo são células-tronco, podendo ser aplicadas em ensaios pré-clínicos na medicina regenerativa. Os resultados mostraram um efeito negativo da radiação ionizante na neoformação óssea periimplantar tanto no grupo B quanto no C. Após a RT a perda de implantes foi três vezes maior que em osso não irradiado. A RT realizada 15 dias após a instalação dos implantes não interferiu na perda de implantes, sugerindo que este seria o melhor momento para reabilitação bucal com implantes dentários. Com a metodologia empregada, o uso da associação CTMs-MO+PRP previamente à instalação de implantes não apresentou efeito positivo significante na neoformação óssea periimplantar / Introduction: Patients with head and neck cancer are usually treated by a combination of surgery, radiotherapy (RT) and chemotherapy. In many cases, oral rehabilitation with implant-supported prostheses is the best option for a proper functional recover. However, in irradiated patients procedures as dental extractions and implants are risk factors for developing osteoradionecrosis. Several experimental studies have shown that the use of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) associated with growth factors such as platelet-rich plasma (PRP) provides improvement in bone regeneration and osseointegration, being considered an alternative to bone defects or injury. Objectives: To isolate and characterize MSCs from bone marrow (BM) of Brazilian minipigs (Minipigs BR-1), to evaluate the effect of RT and of BM-MSCs+PRP in the osseointegration of implants placed in fresh sockets, by histological and histomorphometric analysis of the bone-implant interface. Methods: BM-MSCs from 12 adult male minipigs were isolated from the iliac crest. After 21 days of culture, cell differentiation potential was assessed by staining and RT-PCR. The immunophenotypic profile was characterized by flow cytometry. The animals were divided into three groups: Group A (control group, no RT), Group B (implants placement 15 days before RT) and Group C (implants placement three months after RT). The total radiation dose for each side of the mandible was 24 Gy, divided into 3 doses of 8 Gy with a 7 dayinterval for each dose, which is biologically equivalent to approximately 56 Gy, with 28 sections of 2 Gy each. Four titanium implants were installed in the alveoli fresh, immediately after the extraction of the third and fourth premolars of each hemimandible, totalling 48 implants on the control side and 48 on the experimental side (using BM-MSCs+PRP). The animals were euthanized 90 days post-implantation. The implant loss rate (ILR), the bone-implant-contact (BIC) and bone density inside the threads (BDIT) were determined in each group. Results: The efficiency of the isolation of BM-MSCs was 100%, and in culture, the cells showed fibroblastoid morphology. Cells were positive for CD90 (88.6%), CD29 (89.8%), CD44 (86.9%) and negative for CD34 (1.6%), CD45 (1.8%), CD14 (1.8%) and MHC-II (2.7%). Cells were differentiated into adipocytes, as demonstrated by the presence of lipid vacuoles in the cells, osteoblasts, by mineralization of extracellular matrix and chondrocytes, by the presence of gaps around the young chondrocytes. The higher gene expression of AP2, ALP and COL II at induced cells also confirmed the differentiation potential (p < 0.001, p < 0.001, p=0.031; respectively). The ILR in control and experimental sides were respectively 25.0% and 18.7% in group A (p=0.686), 31.2% and 25.0% in group B (p = 0.686) and 68.7% and 68.7% in group C (p =1.000), with a statistically significant difference between the three groups at the control side (p = 0.041) and at the experimental side (p = 0.047). The percentage of BIC in control and experimental sides were respectively 39.0 and 27.7 in group A (p = 0.110), 20.9 and 16.7 in group B (p = 0.347) and 16.0 and 7.1 in group C (p = 0.310), with statistical significance between the groups at the control side (p = 0.033) and at the experimental side (p = 0.046). The BDIT in experimental and control sides were respectively 46.8 and 36.5 in group A (p = 0.247), 29.3 and 24.1 in group B (p = 0.379) and 21.0 and 11.6 in group C (p = 0.421), with statistical significance between the three groups only at the control side (p = 0.025). Conclusions: The BM-MSCs of Minipigs BR-1 obtained with this protocol can be used in pre-clinical regenerative medicine since they are stem cells. The results showed a negative effect of RT in peri-implant bone regeneration in group B and C. The implant loss was three times higher in irradiated bone than in non-irradiated one. The RT performed 15 days after implant placement did not interfere with implant loss, suggesting that this would be the best time for oral rehabilitation with dental implants. With this methodology, the use of BM-MSCs+PRP before the implant placement did not show any significant positive effect on peri-implant bone regeneration

Contribution de l’approche transcriptomique dans la physiopathologie et le traitement des hémopathies malignes / Transcriptomic approach contribution in the physiopathology and treatment of hematological malignancies

Labiad, Yasmine 08 November 2016 (has links)
L’objectif général de cette thèse a été de mettre en évidence la contribution de l’approche transcriptomique dans la physiopathologie et le traitement des hémopathies malignes. En particulier, comment la technologie des microarrays nous a aidée à étudier diverses problématiques en onco-hématologie.Dans la première partie, notre objectif était d’étudier les cellules Natural killer (Nk) chez les patients atteints de leucémie aiguë myéloïde (LAM). Nous avons comparé la signature transcriptomique des cellules Nk de patients LAM à celle des cellules Nk de sujet sains et suggéré que le facteur de transcription ETS-1 est un bon candidat capable de réguler les récepteurs activateurs NCR (natural cytotoxicity receptors) dont les gènes sont situés sur deux chromosomes différents, même si leur expression reste fortement cordonnée.Dans la seconde partie, nous nous sommes intéressés à la prédiction du sepsis en utilisant une approche transcriptomique dans le cadre de l’autogreffe de cellules souches hématopoïétiques (auto-CSH). En utilisant le même modèle, dans la troisième partie, nous avons mis en évidence l’effet du melphalan en tant que chimiothérapie de conditionnement sur les cellules mononuclées du sang périphérique et identifié un marqueur potentiel de rechute précoce chez les patients atteints de myélome dans le cas de l’auto-CSH. Enfin, dans la dernière partie, notre objectif a été d’analyser le profil d’expression génique des lymphomes B diffus à grandes cellules liés à l’infection par le VIH afin de vérifier ou pas l’existence des sous-types décrits chez les patients immunocompétents. / The aim of this research is to demonstrate transcriptomic approach contribution in the physiopathology and treatment of hematological malignancies. In particular, how microarrays technology is used to study several oncohematology difficulties; which remain deaths-related infection, as well as the failure to obtain remission and death related relapse. In the first part, our focus was to study natural killer cells (Nks) in patients affected with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). We compared transcriptomic AML-NKs signature with healthy donors-NKs signature and suggested that ETS-1 transcription factor is a good candidate able to regulate the natural cytotoxicity receptors (NCRs), whose coding genes, are located on two different chromosomes even if their expression remain strongly coordinated.Our second part, aimed to predict sepsis using a transcriptomic approach in the case of autologous stem cell transplantation (auto-HSCT). Using the same model, in the third part, we highlighted the melphalan high-dose chemotherapy effect on peripheral blood mononuclear cells and identified a potential good biomarker of early relapse in patients affected by myeloma in the case of auto-HSCT.Our final focus was to analyze gene expression profile of HIV-related large diffuse B-cell lymphoma type in order to verify the existence of subgroups described in immune-competent patients.

Medidas utilizadas na prevenção de infecções em transplante de células-tronco hematopoéticas: evidências para a prática / Infection prevention measures used in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: evidences for practice

Livia Maria Garbin 30 June 2010 (has links)
O transplante de células-tronco hematopoéticas (TCTH) consiste em um procedimento complexo e relacionado à ocorrência de diversas complicações, dentre elas os processos infecciosos decorrentes do longo período de imunossupressão vivenciado após a instituição do regime de condicionamento. Inúmeras medidas têm sido empregadas visando à prevenção e controle de infecções, porém, observam-se divergências em relação à utilização das mesmas; sendo que o emprego da prática baseada em evidências possibilita ao profissional tomar decisões em relação à sua prática fundamentadas em resultados de pesquisas científicas atuais. Esta revisão integrativa da literatura teve como objetivo identificar e avaliar as evidências disponíveis na literatura e publicadas nos últimos 20 anos em relação ao uso de três medidas de prevenção de infecção em pacientes submetidos ao TCTH durante o período de internação: uso de filtros de ar de alta eficiência, isolamento protetor e máscaras. Para a seleção dos artigos foram utilizadas as bases de dados LILACS, PUBMED, CINAHL, EMBASE e a Biblioteca Cochrane. A amostra foi composta por 15 estudos, sendo que apenas um apresentou nível de evidência forte (nível I), dois apresentaram nível de evidência moderado (nível IV e V) e doze consistiram em estudos com evidências fracas (nível VI e VII). Dez estudos abordaram a utilização dos filtros HEPA, sendo recomendado seu emprego para pacientes submetidos ao transplante alogênico durante o período de neutropenia. A necessidade de seu uso para pacientes submetidos ao transplante autólogo ainda é controversa. Nove trabalhos abordaram o uso do isolamento protetor e, embora alguns autores relatem que o emprego do mesmo parece apresentar benefícios quando não se dispõe de filtros HEPA, a utilização desta medida já não é mais indicada tanto pelos Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) quanto pela maioria dos estudos analisados. Em relação à utilização de máscaras por pacientes, profissionais de saúde ou visitantes dentro das unidades de internação para TCTH, não foram encontrados estudos com evidências fortes que justifiquem o seu uso. No entanto, recomenda-se que sejam seguidas as diretrizes dos CDC quanto ao uso de respiradores especiais (como as máscaras N95) pelos pacientes imunocomprometidos submetidos ao TCTH ao deixar a unidade de transplante provida de filtro HEPA quando próximo a ela houver áreas de construção/reforma ou atividades geradoras de poeira. Embora os dados evidenciados auxiliem na tomada de decisão para a implementação da assistência de enfermagem a estes pacientes, verificou-se a necessidade de realização de estudos com nível de evidência forte que comprovem ou refutem a efetividade destas medidas. / Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is a complex procedure related to the occurrence of different complications, including infectious processes deriving from the long period of immunosuppression experienced after the establishment of the conditioning regimen. Countless measures have been used for infection prevention and control, but divergences are observed with regard to their use; evidence-based practice allows professionals to make decisions for practice based on current scientific research results. This integrative literature review aimed to identify and assess evidence available in literature and published in the last 20 years about the use of three infection prevention measures in patients submitted to HSCT during hospitalization: use of high-efficiency air filters, protective isolation and masks. LILACS, PUBMED, CINAHL, EMBASE and the Cochrane Library were used to select the articles. The sample comprised 15 studies, only one of which presented strong evidence (level I), while two presented moderate evidence (levels IV and V) and twelve were studies with weak evidence (levels VI and VII). Ten studies discussed the use of HEPA filters, recommended for patients submitted to allogeneic transplantation during the neutropenia period. It remains controversial whether these filters need to be used for patients submitted to autologous transplant. Nine studies addressed the use of protective isolation and, although some authors report that using this measure can be beneficial when HEPA filters are unavailable, neither the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) nor by most of the studies under analysis indicate it any longer. With regard to the use of masks by patients, health professionals or visitors inside HSCT hospitalization units, no studies with strong evidence were found that justify its use. However, it is recommended that CDC recommendations be followed regarding the use of special respirators (like N95 masks) by immunocompromised patients submitted to HSCT when they leave the transplantation unit with a HEPA filter in case of nearby construction/reform areas or activities that generate dust. Although the evidenced data support decision making with a view to nursing care delivery to these patients, research with strong evidence is needed to prove or reject the efficacy of these measures.

Modulation de l’effet des lymphocytes T régulateurs par la voie TNFα/TNFR2 : une nouvelle immunothérapie en allogreffe de cellules souches hématopoïétiques / Modulation of regulatory T cells function through the TNFα/TNFR2 pathway : a new immune therapy for allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

Leclerc, Mathieu 21 June 2017 (has links)
Les lymphocytes T régulateurs (Treg) jouent un rôle majeur dans la modulation de l’alloréactivité après allogreffe de cellules souches hématopoïétiques et permettent notamment de contrôler la réaction du greffon contre l’hôte (GVH) dans des modèles expérimentaux. Le potentiel thérapeutique des Treg est donc très important dans ce domaine, mais aussi dans l’auto-immunité ou en cancérologie. Cependant, de nombreuses barrières rendent difficile l’élaboration de stratégies thérapeutiques reposant sur le transfert adoptif de Treg chez l’homme et une meilleure compréhension des facteurs et mécanismes contrôlant la prolifération et les capacités suppressives de ces cellules permettrait de les cibler directement et si possible spécifiquement in vivo.Dans ce travail, après avoir élaboré un nouveau système d’évaluation clinique de la GVH chez la souris et démontré sa simplicité, sa reproductibilité et sa performance, nous avons pu montrer que l’action suppressive des Treg dans la GVH dépendait de l’interaction entre le TNFα produit par les lymphocytes T conventionnels (Tconv) du donneur et le récepteur TNFR2 exprimé par les Treg. En effet, en bloquant cette interaction de 3 façons différentes, à savoir par un anticorps monoclonal bloquant anti-TNFR2, ou en utilisant soit des Treg n’exprimant pas TNFR2 soit des Tconv ne produisant pas de TNFα, nous avons à chaque fois montré que l’effet protecteur des Treg était aboli en l’absence du signal TNF. Le récepteur TNFR2 étant exprimé préférentiellement par les Treg par rapport aux Tconv, nos résultats ouvrent la voie au ciblage des Treg in vivo via TNFR2, soit pour activer ce récepteur par un agoniste et donc stimuler les Treg afin de contrôler la GVH, soit à l’inverse pour bloquer l’axe TNFα/TNFR2 par un antagoniste et ainsi inhiber les Treg, ce qui permettrait alors de lever un frein à l’alloréactivité dans les situations où l’on cherche à la stimuler pour renforcer l’effet anti-tumoral, comme par exemple dans le cas des rechutes post-allogreffe. / Regulatory T cells (Tregs) are key players involved in the modulation of alloreactivity after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Indeed, Tregs can prevent graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) in experimental models. Therefore, the therapeutic potential of these cells in GVHD is substantial, as it is in other fields like auto-immunity or oncology. However, many obstacles still make the application of cellular therapy strategies based on the adoptive transfer of Tregs in humans quite complicated. A better understanding of factors and mechanisms that control the proliferation and suppressive capacities of Tregs could allow for a direct and specific targeting of these cells in vivo.In this work, after designing a new clinical grading system for murine GVHD and demonstrating its ease of use, reproducibility and performance, we have shown that the suppressive action of Tregs in GVHD depends on the interaction between TNFα produced by donor conventional T cells (Tconvs) and TNFR2 expressed by Tregs. Using 3 different ways to block this interaction, i.e. with an anti-TNFR2 blocking monoclonal antibody, or Tregs that do not express TNFR2 or donor Tconvs that cannot produce TNFα, we were able to show in each situation that blocking TNF signaling resulted in a loss of protection by Tregs. TNFR2 being highly expressed by Tregs as compared with Tconvs, our results pave the way for in vivo targeting of Tregs through TNFR2, either to activate this receptor with an agonist and therefore stimulate Tregs to control GVHD, or to block the TNFα/TNFR2 axis with an antagonist and in this case inhibit Tregs, which could boost alloreactivity, as expected in some particular settings like post-transplant relapse.

Natural Killer Cells for Therapy of Leukemia

Suck, Garnet, Linn, Yeh Ching, Tonn, Torsten 05 August 2020 (has links)
Clinical application of natural killer (NK) cells against leukemia is an area of intense investigation. In human leukocyte antigen-mismatched allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantations (HSCT), alloreactive NK cells exert powerful anti-leukemic activity in preventing relapse in the absence of graft-versus-host disease, particularly in acute myeloid leukemia patients. Adoptive transfer of donor NK cells post-HSCT or in non-transplant scenarios may be superior to the currently widely used unmanipulated donor lymphocyte infusion. This concept could be further improved through transfusion of activated NK cells. Significant progress has been made in good manufacturing practice (GMP)-compliant large-scale production of stimulated effectors. However, inherent limitations remain. These include differing yields and compositions of the end-product due to donor variability and inefficient means for cryopreservation. Moreover, the impact of the various novel activation strategies on NK cell biology and in vivo behavior are barely understood. In contrast, reproduction of the thirdparty NK-92 drug from a cryostored GMP-compliant master cell bank is straightforward and efficient. Safety for the application of this highly cytotoxic cell line was demonstrated in first clinical trials. This novel ‘off-theshelf’ product could become a treatment option for a broad patient population. For specific tumor targeting chimeric-antigen-receptor-engineered NK-92 cells have been designed.

Klinischer Nutzen von Abdomensonographie und Leberelastographie zur Prädiktion und Diagnostik von Komplikationen bei allogener Stammzelltransplantation

Kunde, Jacqueline 17 December 2015 (has links)
Die vorliegende medizinische Dissertation untersucht nicht-invasive bildgebende Verfahren wie die konventionelle Sonographie, die Acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI)-Elastographie sowie die Transiente Elastographie (TE) zur Detektion von Komplikationen in der Frühphase nach allogener Stammzelltransplantation. Dem kurativen Therapieansatz der Stammzelltransplantation steht ein hohes Komplikationspotential gegenüber. Besonders hepatobiliär treten Graft-versus-host Erkrankungen (GvHD) sowie Gefäßkomplikationen (VOD) auf. Der bisherige diagnostische Goldstandard, die Leberbiopsie, ist als invasives Verfahren mit einer hohen Intra- und Inter-Untersucher-Variabilität sowie der geringen Repräsentativität als Screeningmethode ungeeignet. Die Elastographieverfahren ARFI und TE als nicht-invasive Alternativen ermitteln die Lebergewebesteifigkeit als Surrogatparameter fibrotischer Veränderungen und wurden bereits in zahlreichen Studien als geeignete Diagnoseverfahren für Leberfibrose und -zirrhose unterschiedlicher Ätiologie definiert. Ziel dieser prospektiven Pilotstudie war die Evaluation der genannten Methoden zur Detektion von Frühkomplikationen nach allogener Stammzelltransplantation. Die Ergebnisse der Studie zeigen, dass sowohl die konventionelle Sonographie als auch die Transiente Elastographie pathologische Organveränderungen vor allem des hepatobiliären Systems detektieren können. Allerdings erscheinen diese Veränderungen unspezifisch. Es bestehen keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen Patienten mit und ohne Komplikationen. Anders bei der ARFI-Elastographie. Hier zeigten die Messwerte im linken Leberlappen signifikant höhere Werte bei Patienten mit Komplikationen. Zusammenfassend ist die ARFI-Elastographie zur Prädiktion möglicher Komplikationen nach allogener Stammzelltransplantation geeignet, sollte allerdings mit anderen diagnostischen Verfahren ergänzt werden.:III. Inhaltsverzeichnis I. Vorbemerkungen 2 II. Bibliographische Beschreibung 3 III. Inhaltsverzeichnis 4 IV. Abkürzungsverzeichnis 5 1. Einleitung 1.1. Hämatopoetische Stammzelltransplantation 6 2. Komplikationen nach allogener Stammzelltransplantation und deren Diagnostik 2.1. Akute Komplikationen 8 2.2. Akute und chronische Graft-versus-host Erkrankung 9 2.3. Hepatobiliäre Komplikationen 12 2.3.1. Veno-occlusive disease 12 2.3.2. Drug-induced liver injury 14 2.3.3. Problematik der Diagnostik 16 3. Risikostratifizierung bei Stammzelltransplantation 16 3.1. Karnovsky Index und Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Index 16 3.2. Hematopoietic cell transplantation comorbidity index 17 3.3. Leberspezifisches Risikoassessment 18 4. Nicht-invasive Leberdiagnostik 19 4.1. Konventionelle Sonographie 19 4.2. Elastographie 20 4.2.1. Transiente Elastographie 21 4.2.2. Acoustic radiation force impulse imaging 22 5. Prospektive Studie: Sonographische Evaluation von Komplikationen in der Frühphase nach allogener Stammzelltransplantation 23 5.1. Methodik 24 5.2. Eigener Arbeitsanteil 24 6. Publikationsmanuskript 25 7. Zusammenfassung 32 8. Literaturverzeichnis 36 9. Selbständigkeitserklärung 44 10. Lebenslauf 45 11. Danksagung 46

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