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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

I Krishnas tjänst : En etnografisk studie av en grupp svenskars väg från ett liv i drogberoende till hinduiskt klosterliv i Radhakund

Lundström Wigh, Christian January 2016 (has links)
In the following essay, I will present my fieldwork that I've conducted in Radhakund India. For three weeks I was living in a hindu monastery (eg. ashram) that primarily houses a group of swedes who have formerly suffered from substance-abuse and have gone through medical detoxification, rehabilitation and 12-step treatment. They have all eventually taken up the religious/spiritual practice that the monastery focuses on; meditative and ritual practice in the tradition of gaudiya-vaishnavism. The monastery, namned Bhajan Kutir Ashram, was formed by the psychologist and author Torbjörn Fjellström, who himself is a practitioneer of gaudiya-vaishnavism. Besides rituals and meditation, pilgrimage to Radhakund is part of the religious practice and tradition these people adhere to. My ambition has been to investigate if their religious/spiritual practice in this tradition has been helpful in their recovery. My conclusion is that they have recovered through the cognitive and emotive tools, analytically called Sense of Coherence (SOC) that are found both in the 12-step treatment and the gaudiya-vaishnava-tradition. While the 12-step treatment has helped the respondents to recover from substance-abuse, their religious/spiritual practice in the context of gaudiya-vaishnavism is seen as a natural continuation of the 12 steps and a deepening of its principles. Another theoretical conclusion drawn from the material is that the way the respondents describe recovery, is practically impossible to separate from their religious/spiritual practice and perspectives.


Xia, Jingxin 01 January 2006 (has links)
The accurate estimation of travel time is valuable for a variety of transportation applications such as freeway performance evaluation and real-time traveler information. Given the extensive availability of traffic data collected by intelligent transportation systems, a variety of travel time estimation methods have been developed. Despite limited success under light traffic conditions, traditional corridor travel time prediction methods have suffered various drawbacks. First, most of these methods are developed based on data generated by dual-loop detectors that contain average spot speeds. However, single-loop detectors (and other devices that emulate its operation) are the most commonly used devices in traffic monitoring systems. There has not been a reliable methodology for travel time prediction based on data generated by such devices due to the lack of speed measurements. Moreover, the majority of existing studies focus on travel time estimation. Secondly, the effect of traffic progression along the freeway has not been considered in the travel time prediction process. Moreover, the impact of incidents on travel time estimates has not been effectively accounted for in existing studies.The objective of this dissertation is to develop a methodology for dynamic travel time prediction based on continuous data generated by single-loop detectors (and similar devices) and incident reports generated by the traffic monitoring system. This method involves multiple-step-ahead prediction for flow rate and occupancy in real time. A seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average (SARIMA) model is developed with an embedded adaptive predictor. This predictor adjusts the prediction error based on traffic data that becomes available every five minutes at each station. The impact of incidents is evaluated based on estimates of incident duration and the queue incurred.Tests and comparative analyses show that this method is able to capture the real-time characteristics of the traffic and provide more accurate travel time estimates particularly when incidents occur. The sensitivities of the models to the variations of the flow and occupancy data are analyzed and future research has been identified.The potential of this methodology in dealing with less than perfect data sources has been demonstrated. This provides good opportunity for the wide application of the proposed method since single-loop type detectors are most extensively installed in various intelligent transportation system deployments.


GAMA ARACHCHIGE, NALIN SURANJITH 01 January 2013 (has links)
The primary aims of this dissertation were to (1) identify and characterize the water-gap complex in seeds of Geraniaceae, (2) investigate its role in physical dormancy (PY) break and (3) develop a new classification system for water-gap complexes in seeds of angiosperms. The winter annuals Geranium carolinianum and G. dissectum were selected as the main representative species for the study, and seeds of an additional 29 species from the Geraniaceae were used to compare the water-gap complex within the family. A new classification system for water-gap complexes in species with PY was developed by comparing the morpho-anatomical features of PY seeds and fruits of 16 families. The water-gap complex of G. carolinianum was identified as a micropyle-hinged valve gap complex, and only a slight morpho-anatomical variation was observed within the family. Ontogenetic studies of the seed coat of G. carolinianum revealed that the water-gap region of Geraniaceae develops as an entity of the micropyle. The timing of seed germination with the onset of autumn can be explained by PY-breaking processes involving (a) two-temperature-dependent steps in G. carolinianum, and (b) one or two moisture-dependent step(s) along with the inability to germinate under high temperatures in G. dissectum. Step-I and step-II in PY-breaking of G. carolinianum are controlled by chemical and physical processes, respectively. This study indicates the feasibility of applying the developed thermal time model to predict or manipulate sensitivity induction in seeds with two-step PY-breaking processes. The model is the first and the most detailed one yet developed for sensitivity induction in PY-break. Based on the morpho-anatomical features, three basic water-gap complexes (types I, II and III) were identified in species with PY in 16 families. Depending on the number of openings involved in initial imbibition, the water-gap complexes were subdivided into simple and compound. The new classification system enables the understanding of relationships between water-gap complexes of taxonomically unrelated species with PY.

多國製藥公司邁向國際化的路程 -- 以必治妥施貴寶為例 / The Path towards Internationalization of a Multinational Pharmaceutical Firm – The Case of Bristol-Myers Squibb

許仲豪, Taylor Chung-Hao Hsu Unknown Date (has links)
本碩士論文裡的研究主要設計用來檢測目前現有的國際化理論,以依據公司1970至1999年的母公司年報來研究一間多國企業的藥廠 — 必治妥施貴寶其部分具有知名度的代表性產品之國際化路徑如此的研究方法。本論文的最終目標就是透過這樣的實務研究來回答以下問題來挖堀出現有國際化理論的一些缺口及提供寶貴的意見來修正這些缺口,研究問題如下: i. 一間多國企業藥廠通常採用何種進入策略,而這些策略是否會隨著時間而改變?是否有任何經驗傳承的證據? ii. 多國企業所選擇進入的外國市場是否會隨著時間的改變而改變?如果有,是否一間多國企業會先選擇進入與其母國文化較相近或地理位置較相近的國家? iii. 哪一個國際化理論比較適合用來描述必治妥施貴寶其國際化路徑? 本研究的結果有以下四項重要的發現: 1. 在某些國家的進入策略的改變是循序漸進的,但是在某些國家則是有同時間採用兩種以上不同的進入策略。 2. 循序漸進進入策略的改變在九十年代必不明顯。 3. 必治妥施貴寶所選擇進入的外國市場會隨著時間的改變而改變,而且其新產品會選擇與其母國美國文化距離較近的國家先進入,然後再慢慢的選擇進入離美國文化距離較遠的國家。但是這樣的證據並不是相當明顯。其他的因素也會影響一家多國企業在國外市場選擇的決定。 4. 部分結果顯示出一些經驗傳承的現象,在九十年代必治妥施貴寶所開發出的產品相對於八十年代所開發出的產品在全球上市所花的時間明顯較短。 結論就是本研究結果有部分與循序漸進理論為主的國際化理論 – ‘The Stages Internationalization Theory’一致,此理論主張國際化是一種循序漸進對於國際市場知識的累積及資源的投入。部分結果則顯示出此理論尚有其不足之處。此理論是在七十年代被Johanson及Vahlne兩位學者所提出,當時的國際企業環境與現在比起有相當大的差異,因此此理論在某種程度上太過簡化,而且並不適用於所有的產業。有許多會影響某企業其國際化路徑的因素應該一併納入,尤其在面對像製藥產業如此特別的產業,因素例如不同國家的製藥產業法規、產品特性、專利保護、在不同時間點的國際企業環境都會影響企業的國際化路徑的發展。因此後續與本碩士論文類似的實務研究需要更充分的資料來檢測現有國際化理論的主張。 / This Master thesis is designed to test the currently existing internationalization theory by studying the internationalization processes of some of the representative products of a foreign multinational pharmaceutical firm – The Bristol-Myers Squibb using the data contained in the annual reports of the period from 1970’s to 1990’s. By answering the following questions, the ultimate goal is to provide useful suggestions that will help to make corrections to any possible flaws in the Internationalization theory as they are uncovered during the course of this study by answering the following questions: i. What entry modes to foreign markets does a multinational pharmaceutical firm adopt and do entry modes change over time? Is there any sign of experience transfer? ii. Do foreign markets served by a multinational pharmaceutical firm also change over time? iii. Which theory depicting the internationalization process of firms is more applicable to Bristol-Myers Squibb? The results of the analysis of the data show four important findings: 1. Progressive changes in entry modes took place in certain countries and the employment of multiple entry modes was also observed. 2. The progressive changes in entry mode were barely observed during the 1990’s. 3. The choices of foreign markets did change over time and the marketing activities of new products tended to commence in countries that are the most culturally proximal from the U.S., and then gradually shifted to countries that are more culturally distant from the U.S. However, other factors might also influence a firm’s choice in the foreign markets apart from culture. 4. There seemed to be a sign of experience transfer since the some of the results showed that the time it took to introduce a product developed in the 1980’s in foreign markets was relatively shorter than the time it took to launch a product of the 1990’s. In conclusion, the results of study were partly consistent with ‘The Stages Internationalization Theory’ which argued that the internationalization was a process of knowledge accumulation of foreign markets and resource commitment gradually. However, there might be some flaws in the theory which needed to be refined. The theory was developed in the 70’s and it might not be perfectly applicable to describe the internationalization processes of the firms in every industry. It should also take other factors apart from culture into considerations such as the nature of products, regulations and policies of different countries, competitive scope of the industry or the international business environment at different time points, especially when dealing with some special industries such as that of the pharmaceuticals in which regulations of different countries, patent protection and the nature of the products might influence the pattern of internationalization of the firms. However, further empirical studies with more adequate data would be necessary in the future in order to justify the propositions of different theories of internationalization.

Proposition de chaîne numérique pour la fabrication additive

Bonnard, Renan 12 October 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Les procédés par ajout de matière sont soumis à des changements majeurs depuis ces dernières années. En effet, ils sont passés de procédés de prototypage rapide, à des procédés de fabrication additive pour la réalisation de pièces fonctionnelles. Ces changements ont entraîné de nouvelles attentes en termes de maîtrise de ces procédés. Dans le même temps, il subsiste certains problèmes dus à leur non-intégration dans une chaîne numérique complète et robuste. Ce point ne leur permet pas à l'heure actuelle de rattraper leur retard en terme de développement par rapport aux procédés plus traditionnels. Les limites de la structure actuelle au niveau de la commande numérique (s'appuyant sur le STL) des machines de fabrication additive ont été identifiées par les travaux de recherche de plusieurs groupes internationaux. La grande majorité a conclu au nécessaire développement d'une nouvelle structure de données basée sur le format STEP, qui apparaît comme étant un format adapté pour obtenir une chaîne numérique complète, robuste et s'appuyant sur des données de haut niveau conceptuel. Le but des travaux de thèse est donc de proposer une nouvelle structuration des données pour le procédé par ajout de matière basée sur le format STEP-NC puis dans le même temps de mettre en place une nouvelle chaîne numérique STEP-NC s'appuyant sur des DCN génériques du même type que ceux utilisés en usinage. La première partie du travail est la mise en place d'un modèle hiérarchisé des données nécessaire pour la description des procédés par ajout de matière. Ce modèle hiérarchisé permet d'identifier et de hiérarchiser toutes les données utiles à l'élaboration d'un projet de fabrication additive. La seconde étape consiste à partir des données du modèle hiérarchisé à la proposition d'un modèle de données STEP-NC pour l'introduction des procédés de fabrication additive dans la norme ISO 14649. Pour réaliser une chaîne numérique complète basée sur le STEP-NC, les travaux de l'équipe (qui concernent non seulement la fabrication additive mais aussi l'usinage) ont conduit à la mise en place d'une plateforme appelée SPAIM (STEP-NC Platform for Advanced and Intelligent Manufacturing). Dans cette plateforme la chaîne numérique complète (CAO-FAO-DNC) est intégrée autour d'un unique fichier STEP-NC sans perte d'information. Cette plateforme a de plus l'avantage de pouvoir être intégrée sur toutes les machines de nouvelle génération de fabrication additive équipées avec des DCN génériques.

Processing and properties of nanostructured zirconia ceramics

Paul, Anish January 2009 (has links)
The term nanoceramics is well known in the ceramic field for at least two decades. Even though there are many reports that nanoceramics are superior in terms of mechanical and other properties, no comprehensive and conclusive study on the grain size dependent variation in mechanical properties. So this study was an attempt to study the property variation with grain size and yttria content for a well known ceramic, yttria stabilised zirconia. High solids content but low viscosity YSZ nanosuspensions have been slip cast into -52% dense, very homogeneous green bodies in sizes up to 60 mm in diameter. Sintering cycles have been optimised using both hybrid and conventional two-step heating to yield densities >99.5% of theoretical whilst retaining a mean grain size of <100 nm. The sintered samples have been characterised for hardness, toughness, strength, wear resistance and hydrothermal ageing resistance. The results have been compared with that of a submicron zirconia ceramic prepared using a commercial powder. The strength of the nanoceramics has been found to be very similar to that of conventional submicron ceramics, viz. -10Pa, although the fracture mechanism was different. Two toughness measurement approaches have been used, indentation and surface crack in flexure. The results indicate that the nano 1.5YSZ ceramics may be best viewed as crack, or damage, initiation resistant rather than crack propagation resistant; indentation toughness measurements as high as 14.5 MPa m 112 were observed. Micro-Raman mapping was demonstrated to be a very effective technique to map the phase transformations in zirconia. The wear mechanism of nanozirconia has been observed to be different compared to that in conventional, submicron YSZ and the wear rates to be lower, particularly under wet conditions. In addition, and potentially most usefully, the nan03YSZ ceramics appear to be completely immune to hydrothermal ageing for up to 2 weeks at 245°C & 7 bar; conditions that see a conventional, commercial submicron ceramic disintegrate completely within 1 hour.

Channel form, flow and sediment transport in a step-pool stream

Dudley, John Richard January 2007 (has links)
The influence of channel morphology and hydraulics on sediment transport within steep upland streams is investigated. Step-pools are the most common bedform in such streams. Bedload transport processes operating in a perennial step-pool stream in central England are established using magnetically-tagged particles and bedload pit samplers. Water-surface slope in two step-pool streams is monitored in detail. Water-surface slope measurements show that step-pool bedforms cause large spatial variations in flow depth during floods, and that the temporal variation of watersurface slope during a flood wave differs diametrically from the pattern found in lowgradient rivers that have little roughness. These results demonstrate that it is difficult to estimate the forces acting on the streambed in steep, rough streams and, therefore, conventionally established flow variables cannot be used to predict bedload transport . rates in step-pool channels. Particle tracing experiments are used to determine the control that step-pool morphology and flow hycfraulics have on particle displacements. Step-pool streams exhibit smaller particle travel distance per flood event than low-gradient rivers. This difference reflects the greater flow resistance and bed rugosity of step-pool streams. Bed morphology dictates flood particle displacement at step-pool bedform scale. It is shown that entrainment, pool export rates and transport distances of coarse sediment are dependent on downstream step dimensions, step permeability and pool form. Large variations in bedload transport rates at any given flow strength are associated with variable sediment supply, and particle tracing demonstrates that sediment availability is controlled at unit pool scale. Bedload consists of fine gravel moving over a stable bed surface at low discharges, while, at higher discharges, bedload coarsens, approaching the size of the pool bed material as the bed surface is partially mobilized. Step framework clasts are stable features of the streambed. Results from this study are incorporated into a descriptive model of discharge-related bedload transport phases in step-pool streams.

Combining capillary electrochromatography with ion trap accumulation and time-of-flight mass spectrometry

Simpson, David C. January 2003 (has links)
Capillary electrochromatography (CEC) is a rapidly developing liquid chromatographic technique in which electroosmotic flow (EOF) is used to propel mobile phase through the chromatographic column. The use of EOF results in reduced band dispersion when compared with pressurised flow, but narrow capillaries are required to avoid dispersion due to heating that arises from the required application of high electrical potentials. Measurement of UV absorbance in these narrow capillaries is therefore relatively insensitive, demanding improved detection methods. This work presents an alternative strategy that is based on the combination of ion trap accumulation with time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Electrospray is most often used to transfer analytes from solution to the gas phase, concomitant with ionisation, when interfacing CEC to mass spectrometry. The small volumetric flow rates encountered in CEC, however, raise the possibility of other types of interface being effective. The work presented here describes the development of a novel interface in which a pulsed IR laser is used to vaporise chromatographic eluent, followed by ionisation using a pulsed UV laser. Vaporisation and ionisation both occur within the ion trap to remove the possibility of transmission losses. Ionisation laser wavelength is varied to impart a degree of selectivity. The presence of vaporised solvent and analyte ions inside the trap offers the possibility of performing ion-molecule chemistry. In developing this instrument, the electrochromatographic column was separated from the interface by an electrically grounded junction and a transfer capillary. To preserve chromatographic efficiency, the fluid dynamics of this junction between the column and the transfer capillary were investigated both computationally and experimentally. Simulations of the fluid dynamics of the junction are presented. In order to test the interface without the intermittent, chromatographic, delivery of analyte, a continuous leak inlet was employed. The performance of the instrument was evaluated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons because they are important environmental pollutants and because they are amenable to laser ionisation at 266 nm. Expressed as a number of theoretical plates per metre, an average chromatographic efficiency of 95,000 was obtained with a test mixture that consisted of acenaphthene, biphenyl, fluorene, naphthalene and phenanthrene. Furthermore, using the leak inlet, naphthalene was detected as a 100 nM solution in acetonitrile.

Integrating life cycle analysis and the ecological footprint calculator to foster sustainable behaviors

Anderle, Kathryn 12 1900 (has links)
Many tools have been developed to assess global, national or regional sustainable development policies. However, as governments develop sustainable policies, individuals must also feel empowered to affect their personal impact on the planet. This thesis integrates three sustainability concepts that lend themselves to individual sustainability: The natural step, life cycle assessment, and the ecological footprint. TNS serves to provide the meaning and substance toward sustainable development. LCA helps provide the framework for assessing sustainability. The EF calculator determines the driving components and measures the qualitative decisions made through TNS and LCA. From the analysis of the household footprint calculator a simplified footprint calculator was developed to assist individuals and communities in setting benchmarks and goals as they move away from over-consumption and towards a sustainable lifestyle.

Le transport des sédiments, les structures sédimentaires et la stabilité dans les cours d'eau de morphologie en step-pool

Lamarre, Hélène January 2006 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

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