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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Podpora inkluzivního vzdělávání v programu Začít spolu / Support of inclusive education in Step by Step programme

Dimelisová, Kristina January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals in detail with inclusive education in the Step by Step programme, especially with the intention to find out what means and arrangements the Step by Step programme uses to promote inclusive education. The theoretical background is focused on defining the key features of inclusive education, describing developments abroad and in the Czech Republic and showing the Finish education system as a good example of practice. Furthermore, the thesis deals with the brief characteristics of the Step by Step programme and compares its main principles with inclusive principles. For a deeper insight into inclusive education much of the work is devoted to analyse the main aspects of current legislation to support inclusive education, which includes evaluation of support arrangements based on literature. In connection with this, the support arrangements became the focus of the research section. For this reason a research was conducted in the practical part with the aim of mapping a system of support arrangements at a selected primary school with the Step by Step programme and to set out some recommendations for introducing functional inclusive education to other schools. For this research, semi-structured interviews and student case studies were chosen as concrete examples of successful...

Upplevelsen av förändring inom en lean organisation : En kvalitativ studie kring medarbetarnas upplevelse av förändring på de lägre hierarkiska nivåerna / The experience of change within a lean organization : A qualitative study of the employee experience of change within the lower hierarchical levels

Bäckius, Johan January 2020 (has links)
För att lyckas med ett förändringsarbete är det viktigt att fånga upp medarbetarnas upplevelse av förändringen. I leanorganisationer är förändring en kritisk och nödvändig del när det kommer till att göra bolaget mer lönsamt och konkurrenskraftigt på marknaden. Den här studien gräver djupare i hur medarbetare på de lägre hierarkiska nivåerna i en organisation upplever förändring i just lean organisationer. Forskningsområdet är motiverat av tidigare litteratur som betonar att mycket forskning inom området glömmer bort att lyfta medarbetarnas perspektiv i förmån för ledningens. I den här studien har fem medarbetare på en stor lean organisation givit sin input i semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Alla dessa representerar organisationens lägre hierarkiska nivåer. Syftet har varit att tillgodose akademin med mer empiri som ger en kvalitativ förståelse för deras upplevelse. Resultaten visar att den övergripande upplevelsen av förändringen var negativ. Majoriteten av respondenterna beklagade sig över hur förändringsarbetet hade skötts när det kom till kommunikation av visionen, att uppmuntra medarbetare att agera på visionen och att planera samt skapa kortsiktiga vinster. Utöver den kritik som framfördes mot hur ledningen hanterat dessa tre steg i Kotters 8-stegs modell för förändring, upplevde de också att det fanns ett stort gap mellan dem själva och ledningen. Något de upplevde som oerhört omotiverande. Dessa resultat bidrar inte enbart med nya insikter till litteraturen utan ger även praktiska implikationer för beslutsfattare som arbetar med förändringsledning. / A success factor when it comes to change is to pay attention to what the employees experi-ence during the process. For lean organizations, change is critical and an essential part of mak-ing the business more competitive and lucrative. This study deepens the understanding of how employees in the lower hierarchies experience a change process in a lean organization. Previous literature has justified the research field by putting an emphasis on that the employer perspective often is forgotten in relation to the management point of view. In this study, five employees from a larger lean organization has provided their input in semi-structured interviews as representatives of lower hierarchy workers. The aim was to get a qualitative understanding of their experience to provide the academic literature with a deeper understanding of their perspective on change. The results implicate that the overall experience of the change amongst these respondents was negative. The majority thought that the change has been managed poorly when it comes to communicating the vision, empowering employees to act on the vision and planning as well as creating short term wins. Also, apart from the poor management of these three steps in Kotter’s 8-step process of change, they felt like there was a huge gap between themselves and the top management which was demotivating. The findings of this study does not only provide new insights to the literature but also highlight some managerial implications for change managers.

Constructing a Computer Algebra System Capable of Generating Pedagogical Step-by-Step Solutions / Konstruktion av ett datoralgebrasystem kapabelt att generera pedagogiska steg-för-steg-lösningar

Lioubartsev, Dmitrij January 2016 (has links)
For the problem of producing pedagogical step-by-step solutions to mathematical problems in education, standard methods and algorithms used in construction of computer algebra systems are often not suitable. A method of using rules to manipulate mathematical expressions in small steps is suggested and implemented. The problem of creating a step-by-step solution by choosing which rule to apply and when to do it is redefined as a graph search problem and variations of the A* algorithm are used to solve it. It is all put together into one prototype solver that was evaluated in a study. The study was a questionnaire distributed among high school students. The results showed that while the solutions were not as good as human-made ones, they were competent. Further improvements of the method are suggested that would probably lead to better solutions. / För problemet att producera pedagogiska steg-för-steg-lösningar till matematiska problem inom utbildning, är vanliga metoder och algoritmer som används i konstruktion av datoralgebrasystem ofta inte lämpliga. En metod som använder regler för att manipulera matematiska uttryck i små steg föreslås och implementeras. Problemet att välja vilka regler som ska appliceras och när de ska göra det för att skapa en steg-för-steg-lösning omdefineras som ett grafsökningsproblem och varianter av algoritmen A* används för att lösa det. Allt sätts ihop till en prototyp av en lösare vilken utvärderas i en studie. Studien var ett frågeformulär som delades ut till gymnasiestudenter. Resultaten visade att även fast lösningar skapade av programmet inte var lika bra som lösningar skapade av människor, så var de anständiga. Fortsatta föbättringar av metoden föreslås, vilka troligtvis skulle leda till bättre lösningar.

Development of algorithm for a mobile-based estimation of heart rate / Utveckling av algoritm för en mobilbaserad pulsuppskattning

Håkansson, Dennis, Lövberg, Johan January 2021 (has links)
To perform a physical performance test is a good way to keep track of one’s health and can be beneficial to find evidence of deviations in the body. This thesis focuses on the development of a mobile-based heart rate algorithm that can be used with the Queens College Step Test, on the behalf of Mobistudy. Mobistudy wants to include such a test in their mobile application which aims to become a tool for researchers to use to gather data. The algorithm uses the mobile device’s camera to collect data from the user’s finger and uses that data to calculate the heart rate. The algorithm was first tested with data collected during the development and the results has an average error of less than 5% and a standard deviation of less than 3%. Two participants between the age of 20-25 performed three sets each of the Queens College Step Test and the results showed that the algorithm was accurate in its estimation of the heart rate after the test. / Genom att utföra ett test av ens fysiska prestanda kan man utvärdera ens hälsostatus och upptäcka indikationer på avvikelser i kroppen. Syftet med detta arbete är att utveckla en mobilbaserad algoritm som kan beräkna och uppskatta ens puls när man utför the Queens College Step Test på begäran av Mobistudy. Mobistudy vill inkludera detta test i deras mobilapplikation som fokuserar på att kunna användas som ett verktyg inom forskning för att samla in data. Algoritmen använder sig av mobilens kamera för att samla in data från användarens finger och använder den insamlade data för att beräkna pulsen. Algoritmen testades först gentemot data som samlades in vid utvecklingsstadiet och resultatet visade på att genomsnittliga felet var under 5% samt att standardavvikelsen var under 3%. Två deltagare mellan åldern 20 och 25 utförde tre tester var utav the Queens College Step Test och resultatet visade att algoritmen var tillräckligt noggrann i sin uppskattning av pulsen efter ett utfört test.

Rozvoj čtenářské gramotnosti ve vybraných alternativních vzdělávacích programech / Development of reading literacy in selected alternative educational programs

Horáková, Eva January 2022 (has links)
This Master's thesis examines options to advance reading literacy in schools with alternative education. Thesis is focused on teachers work and used methods. The aim of the thesis was to determine, how schools using alternative educational programs support the reading literacy. Theoretical part explores reading literacy, characteristics of alternative educational programs and schools -Montessori, Waldorf, Dalton and program Step by Step. It specifies RWCT - reading and writing to critical thinking program and method of advancement reading literacy and reading. The practical part evaluates surveys filled by teachers from alternative schools and teachers using alternative educational programs. Survey is focused on teacher's job, utilization of RWCT method in schools, working with reading literacy and support of reading.

Методика обучения описанию инфографики на иностранном языке с использованием мультимедийных средств : магистерская диссертация / Teaching methods of infographic description in a foreign language with the use of multimedia tools

Ушакова, А. Д., Ushakova, A. D. January 2021 (has links)
Международное сотрудничество в различных областях науки и экономики подразумевает наличие не только профессиональных компетенций у современных выпускников высших учебных заведений, но и умение наглядно демонстрировать результаты своей научной и профессиональной деятельности, в том числе, на иностранном языке. Умение описывать различные типы инфографики представляется актуальным направлением в обучении студентов высших учебных заведений. Целью данного исследования является теоретическое обоснование и разработка методики обучения описанию инфографики на иностранном языке с использованием мультимедийных средств. В работе рассмотрены понятие, история, функции и классификации инфографики, определены основные подходы и принципы методики обучения описанию инфографики на иностранном языке, обозначены необходимые мультимедийные средства и цифровые компетенции, разработана поэтапная методика обучения описанию инфографики на иностранном языке с использованием мультимедийных средств. Методика содержит различные типы заданий для каждого этапа. Эффективное применение инфографики на иностранном языке объединяет знания в области инфографики, информационно-коммуникационных технологий и лингвистических особенностей иностранного языка, что и определяет набор заданий на каждом этапе обучения. Методика была апробирована на студентах группы УГИ-104011, обучающихся по образовательной программе 44.03.01 «Методика преподавания иностранных языков». Анализ опросов студентов показал, что после ряда занятий по описанию инфографики изменилось отношение к ее применению для демонстрации результатов своих исследований. / International cooperation in various fields of science and economics implies not only the professional competence of modern graduates of higher education institutions but also the ability to demonstrate the results of their scientific and professional works in a foreign language. The ability to describe different types of infographics seems to be an actual trend in the education of students of higher education institutions. The purpose of this study is to provide a theoretical basis and develop a method of teaching the description of infographics in a foreign language with the use of multimedia tools. The paper considers the definition, history, functions and classifications of infographics, defines the basic approaches and principles of teaching methods for describing infographics in a foreign language, identifies the necessary multimedia tools and digital competencies. A step-by-step method of teaching the description of infographics in a foreign language with the use of multimedia tools has been developed. The method contains different types of tasks for each stage. Effective application of infographics in a foreign language combines knowledge in the field of infographics, information and communication technologies and linguistic features of a foreign language, which defines a set of tasks at each stage of training. The method was tested on the students of the UGI-104011 group studying on the educational programme 44.03.01 "Methods of teaching foreign languages." Analysis of student surveys showed that after a series of lessons on infographics description, the attitude towards its application to demonstrate the results of their research has changed.

Plutt: A tool for creating type-safe and version-safe microfrontends

Colliander Celik, Julius Recep January 2020 (has links)
Microfrontend applications are composed of multiple smaller frontend applications, which are integrated at run-time. As with microservices, microfrontends can be updated in production at any time. There are no technological restrictions for releasing API-breaking updates. Therefore it is difficult to trust microfrontend applications to perform reliably in run-time and to introduce API-breaking updates without the risk of breaking consumers. This thesis presents Plutt, a tool that provides automatic guarantees for safely consuming microfrontends, by ensuring that updates in run-time are compatible. By using Plutt, consumers can be confident that a provided microfrontend will per- form the same during production as in development. Likewise, microfrontend providers can release updates without being concerned about how it will affect consumers. Moreover, a comprehensive survey about microfrontends is presented, where five industry experts are interviewed. Aspects that are not found in existing literature are discovered, which contributes to a broader knowledge base that helps future microfrontend research. / Mikrofrontend-applikationer är sammansatta av flera mindre frontend-applikationer som integreras under exekvering. Precis som med mikrotjänster, kan mikrofrontends bytas ut i produktion när som helst. Det saknas teknologiska restriktioner för att publicera API-brytande uppdateringar. Därför är det svårt att lita på att en mikrofrontend-applikation beter sig tillförlitligt under exekvering samt att introducera API-brytande uppdateringar utan att riskera att förstöra konsumenter. Det här examensarbetet presenterar Plutt, ett verktyg som erbjuder automatiska garantier för att säkert konsumera mikrofrontends genom att säkerställa att uppdateringar som introduceras i körtid är kompatibla. Genom att använda Plutt, kan konsumenter vara trygga i vetskapen att en försedd mikrofrontend presterar likadant under produktion som i utveckling. Samtidigt kan utvecklare som förser mikrofrontends släppa uppdateringar utan att bekymra sig över hur det påverkar konsumenter. Utöver Plutt, presenteras en grundlig kartläggning över mikrofrontends, där fem experter från industrin är intervjuade. Aspekter som inte hittas i existerande litteratur är upptäckta, vilket kunskapsbas och framtida forskning om mikrofrontends.

Analysis of lower limb movement to determine the effect of manipulating the appearance of stairs to improve safety: a linked series of laboratory-based, repeated measures studies

Elliott, David, Foster, Richard J., Whitaker, David J., Scally, Andy J., Buckley, John 07 1900 (has links)
Yes / Falls on stairs are a common and dangerous problem for older people. This series of studies evaluated whether or not selected changes to the appearance of stairs could make them safer for older people to negotiate. Objectives: To determine the effect of (1) a step edge highlighter and its position and (2) an optimised horizontal–vertical (H–V) visual illusion placed on a step riser on gait safety during stair descent and ascent. Design: A series of studies using a repeated measures, laboratory-based design, investigating gait control and safety in independently mobile older people. Setting: The University of Bradford Vision and Mobility Laboratory. Participants: Fit and healthy older people aged 60 years of age or more, independently mobile, reasonably active and with normal healthy eyes and corrected vision. Interventions: A step edge highlighter in a variety of offsets from the stair edge and an optimised H–V visual illusion placed on the stair riser. The H–V illusion was provided on a staircase by horizontal step edge highlighters on the tread edges and vertical stripes on the step risers. Main outcome measures: Gait parameters that are important for safe stepping in ascent and descent, particularly toe clearance during stair ascent and heel clearance during stair descent. Results: The step edge highlighter increased the precision of heel clearance during stepping and its positioning relative to the tread edge determined the extent of heel clearance over the tread edge. Positioning the highlighter away from the tread edge, as is not uncommonly provided by friction strips, decreased heel clearance significantly and led to greater heel scuffs. Although psychophysics experiments suggested that higher spatial frequencies of the H–V illusion might provide greater toe clearance on stair ascent, gait trials showed similar increased toe clearances for all spatial frequencies. When a 12 cycle per step spatial frequency H–V illusion was used, toe clearance increases of approximately 1 cm (17.5%) occurred without any accompanying changes in other important gait parameters or stability measures. Conclusions: High-contrast tread edge highlighters present on steps and stairs and positioned flush with the edge of the tread or as near to this as possible should improve stair descent safety in older people. A H–V illusion positioned on the riser of a raised surface/walkway (e.g. kerbs) and/or the top and/or bottom of a stairway is likely to increase foot clearance over the associated step/stair edge, and appears not to lead to any decrement in postural stability. Thus, their use is likely to reduce trip risk and hence improve stair ascent safety. The effect of the step and stair modifications should be assessed in older people with visual impairment. The only other remaining assessment that could be made would be to assess fall prevalence on steps and stairs, perhaps in public buildings, with and without these modifications. / National Institute for Health Research, Public Health Research programme. PHR programme as project number 10/3009/06

Pre-growth structures for high quality epitaxial graphene nanoelectronics grown on silicon carbide

Palmer, James Matthew 07 January 2016 (has links)
For graphene to be a viable platform for nanoscale devices, high quality growth and structures are necessary. This means structuring the SiC surface to prevent graphene from having to be patterned using standard microelectronic processes. Presented in this thesis are new processes aimed at improving the graphene as well as devices based on high quality graphene nanoribbons. Amorphous carbon (aC) corrals deposited prior to graphene growth are demonstrated to control SiC step-flow. SiC steps are shown to be aligned by the presence of the corrals and can increase SiC terrace widths. aC contacts deposited and crystallized during graphene growth are shown as a way to contact graphene without metal lift-off. Observation of the Quantum Hall Effect demonstrates the high quality of the graphene grown alongside the nanocrystalline graphite contacts. Continuing the ballistic transport measurements on sidewall graphene nanoribbons, the invasive probe effect is observed using an atomic force microscope (AFM) based technique that spatially maps the invasive probe effect. Cleaning experiments demonstrate the role of scattering due to resist residues and environmental adsorbates on graphene nanoribbons. Finally, switches based on junctions formed in the graphene nanoribbons are shown as a route toward graphene based devices.

Examing Positive Psychological Constructs in the Context of 12-Step Recovery

Bietra, Danielle 01 January 2015 (has links)
Twelve step organizations such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous are free, community-based fellowships. Such organizations are the most widely sought recovery management options, surpassing professional treatment. The emerging evidence base suggests that involvement in such organizations is associated with positive substance-related outcomes (e.g., abstinence). Relatively speaking, however, far less is known about whether or not involvement is associated with other meaningful psychosocial constructs. The current study examined gratitude, meaning in life, life satisfaction, personal growth, and various other recovery and psychosocial constructs in a sample of self-identified NA members (N = 128) from 26 U.S. states, ranging in age from 22 to 64 years. The primary aim of the present study was to psychometrically evaluate and refine four distinct positive psychology instruments (i.e., Gratitude Questionnaire (GQ – 6), Meaning in Life Scale (MLQ), Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS), Personal Growth Initiative Scale (PGIS)). The current study contained three phases. First, the psychometric properties of each instrument were examined within an Item Response Theory measurement framework. The Rating Scale Model was used to evaluate the each instrument using WINSTEPS 3.74.01. With the exception of the Meaning in Life Questionnaire (which did not conform to an IRT measurement model), each instrument was iteratively refined based on statistical and clinical considerations, resulting in the collapse of response options and the removal of poorly fitting items. These refinements improved the psychometric properties of each instrument, resulting in a more reliable, accurate, and efficient way to measure gratitude, life satisfaction, and personal growth in clinical samples. Second, items from the GQ – 6, SWLS, and PGIS were examined concurrently using the PROC IRT procedure in SAS to explore whether the constructs were distinct from one another. Results provide support that gratitude, life satisfaction, and personal growth are unique and distinct constructs. Last, the study examined several recovery-related correlates of gratitude, life satisfaction, and personal growth. Hierarchical regression models assessed whether abstinence duration and other recovery-related variables accounted for significant incremental variance in gratitude, life satisfaction, and personal growth, over and above several covariates. As a block, abstinence duration and recovery predictors accounted for significant incremental variance in all of the constructs. These data suggest ongoing recovery involvement in 12-step organizations may be associated with positive outcomes beyond abstinence. Limitations and directions for future research are discussed.

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