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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Trials of Pope Formosus

Monroe, William S. January 2021 (has links)
In 896 Pope Stephen VI put the corpse of his predecessor, Pope Formosus, on trial in a Church synod in Rome, known since as the Cadaver Synod. The pontificate and the ordinations of Formosus were annulled and he was reburied in a pilgrims' cemetery from which his body was quickly removed and thrown into the Tiber. It still is generally assumed that Formosus was tried as revenge for his having betrayed Lambert of Spoleto by inviting Arnulf of Carinthia to become emperor, and that Pope Stephen VI was carrying out the wishes of Lambert and his mother. This dissertation, by examining the entire career of Formosus as well as the manuscript evidence for the Cadaver Synod and the 898 Synod of Ravenna, which overturned it, will present a new view of what happened in this neglected period of European history. In so doing, it has reached very different conclusions about the trial and its purpose.

Damsel In Command :  The Characterization of Beverly Marsh in It and It Chapter 2

Almroth, Tove January 2022 (has links)
This essay analyzes the character of Beverly Marsh in Andrés Muschietti’s It and It Chapter 2. By using previous research on women in horror, Beverly’s character is dissected with regards to sexualization and agency. Both the films contrast the common trope of the weak sexualized woman in horror movies by staying away from over-sexualization and making Beverly an equal to her male counterparts.

SMB-Interp: an N-Th Order Accurate, Distributed Interpolation Library

McQuay, Stephen Mardson 10 August 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The research contained herein yielded an open source interpolation library implemented in and designed for use with the Python programming language. This library, named smbinterp, provides an interpolation to an arbitrary degree of accuracy. The library is parametric in that is can take input from the user to adjust the underlying interpolation mechanism. The characteristics and behavior of the library according to the adjustment of these parameters is presented herein, as well as the results of a mesh resolution study depicting the accuracy obtained by the library. The smbinterp library was designed with parallel computing environments in mind. The library includes modules that allow for its use in high-performance computing environments. These modules were implemented using built-in Python modules to simplify deployment. This implementation was found to scale linearly approximately 180 participating compute processes. The smbinterp library was designed to be mesh agnostic. A plugin system was implemented that allows end users to conveniently and consistently present their numerical results to the library for rapid prototyping and integration. Two plugins are provided as examples and for documentation of the plugin mechanism.

Stephen Markham: Man of Valour

Gifford, Mervin LeRoy 01 January 1975 (has links) (PDF)
This study is a biography of the life and activities of Stephen Markham, between the years of 1837 to 1878. During the Nauvoo period, Markham served as a bodyguard of Joseph Smith and held several commissioned offices in the Nauvoo Legion. He played an important role during the exodus of the Saints to the Great Basin, commanding a group responsible for providing food, lodging, and protection during the trek to the Rockies. While living in the Great Basin, he supervised the settlement of Palmyra, (located near the present site of Spanish Fork, Utah), served as a Bishop of a ward, became the leader (Major) of a home guard which protected the area against Indian raids, and was involved in the civic affairs of the community.Throughout his life Stephen Markham was known as "the Colonel." His generosity to the many homeless Saints was recognized as one of his strong qualities. At the time of his death, he was a strong advocate of the cause he had espoused in Ohio.

War Is Kind

Hinderlie, Sanford E. (Sanford Edward) 08 1900 (has links)
This composition is a single-movement work for three choirs and full orchestra, including celesta, piano, and four percussionists. Total duration is fifteen minutes. The music is divided into six sections, with the overall form being substantially influenced by the structure of the poem, War Is Kind, by Stephen Crane (1871-1900). Many devices are utilized to contrast tension and relaxation, as associated with ironic elements of the text, with repetition and development of musical elements and motives providing unity for the entire work.

Gazing at Beverly Marsh : A Comparative Study of Stephen King’s It and Andy Muschietti’s 2017 Film Adaptation

Lindqwister Viker, Freja January 2022 (has links)
This essay explores and compares the depiction of the character Beverly Marsh in Stephen King’s novel IT and Andy Muschietti’s 2017 film adaptation. The literary analysis uses the theoretical concepts of Mulvey’s the Male Gaze, Bartky’s sexual objectification theory, and Kristeva’s abjection. The Male Gaze describes how women are constantly looked upon by an implicit male subject, whether it be characters within the narrative or the spectator outside of it. Sexual objectification refers to how the body can become fragmented into sexual parts when described in an oppressive way. Feelings of abjection can occur when the concepts of subject and object, cultural norms, or sexual differences are challenged. The initial hypothesis was that King’s novel would lean more on patriarchal structures in the way femininity is described. However, the results show that both the original novel and the film depict Beverly in a sexually objectifying way, although the methods differ.

The L1 in L2 learning - Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices by Yanan Song and Stephen Andrews

McGarry, Theresa 01 January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Konkrétní situace v kázání - na příkladu významných svátků či událostí: Druhý svátek vánoční (Památka mučedníka Štěpána) / Particular Situation in Preaching on the Example of Important Holidays or Event: December 26th - St. Stephen's Day

Sabo, Martin January 2014 (has links)
The theme of the thesis, which you hold in your hands is particular situation of sermon on the occasion of December 26th with its specific topic about the first Christian martyr St. Stephen. The aim of this work is to explore, in discussion with experts and current Protestant preachers, the homiletic possibilities of how such specific situation should be addressed. Master thesis has four main parts. The first part investigates how available homiletic literature operates with the key terms: preaching, celebration and Stephen. New Testament biblical texts associated with Stephen are processed in this part as well. The second, more practical part, deals with particular sermons of contemporary Slovak and Czech ministers, and invites them into a conversation about a particular situation of both St. Stephen and the listener who is being addressed with these sermons. The third part of the thesis provides conclusion. The annex is important as well, for it provides a collection of sermons on this particular subject. Keywords Biblical text Listener Martyr Sermon Situation St. Stephen St. Stephen's Day Witness

François-Etienne de Lorraine (1708-1765) : l'éducation et la formation d'un prince lorrain à la cour des Habsbourg au XVIIIè siècle / Francis Stephen of Lorraine (1708-1765) : the education and the formation of a prince of Lorraine at the court of the Habsburg during the 18th century

Voisin, Amélie 24 March 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse trouve son origine dans l’étude d’une partie méconnue de la biographie d’un prince lorrain au XVIIIème siècle, dont le destin l’amène à la tête de l’une des puissances décisives de l’Europe, le Saint Empire romain germanique. François-Étienne de Lorraine, né en 1708 dans le duché de Lorraine, y passe les premières années de sa vie, principalement au château de Lunéville, avant, en 1723, d’être envoyé par son père à Vienne, en Autriche, pour poursuivre son éducation à la cour de l’empereur Charles VI. Plus qu’une poursuite de son éducation, il s’agit davantage d’une réorientation de cette éducation, animée par des desseins politiques qui dirigent les modalités et les contenus de la formation reçue par François-Étienne. Les travaux biographiques sur ce dernier se sont surtout focalisés sur le prince devenu adulte : son gouvernement de la Toscane, son rôle aux côtés de sa femme, Marie-Thérèse d’Autriche, ou encore, dans une moindre mesure, sa vie en tant qu’empereur du Saint Empire romain germanique, après son élection à la tête de celui-ci en 1745. Mais son enfance et le parcours qui l’ont amené jusqu’à ce point sont particulièrement méconnus.Ainsi, la première partie de la thèse est l’objet d’un retour sur les environnements dans lesquels François-Étienne évolue depuis sa naissance et pendant ses années de formation. L’éducation est en effet le résultat de plusieurs paramètres ; elle emprunte aux théories et aux idées des siècles passés, mais se renouvèle sans cesse par les réflexions philosophiques qui en changent les méthodes et les contenus, notamment au XVIIIème siècle, avec la nouvelle vision de l’éducation des philosophes des Lumières. Les environnements matériels participent aussi à définir l’éducation, tout comme les personnes cotôyées : celles-ci vont soit impulser ou limiter une forme de soif de savoirs, ou peuvent diriger les modalités de l’éducation.L’éducation est multiforme et ne se résume pas seulement à un enrichissement intellectuel. Avant même de s’intéresser à son esprit, c’est sur son corps que se focalisent toutes les attentions familiales. L’aspect physique du prince, sa maitrise de son comportement et de ses gestes sont des préalables à l’introduction dans la société des princes. L’esprit du prince n’est pas pour autant longtemps délaissé ; très tôt, il lui est inculqué des préceptes religieux d’abord, puis des savoirs et des connaissances dont il doit savoir faire usage afin de devenir un bon prince. Mais c’est aussi ses interactions avec le monde extérieur qui doivent être encadrées et guidées selon plusieurs niveaux d’intimité et de relations avec autrui.Afin de dépeindre ces trois niveaux de formation, dans deux mondes différents, les axes d’étude choisis ont principalement été les modalités, les moyens, les buts et les personnes qui encadrent cette éducation. Principalement à partir de deux fonds regroupant les sources issues des archives de Vienne et les sources présentes aux archives départementales de Meurthe-et Moselle, à Nancy, il a ainsi été possible de revenir sur l’enfance et les années de formation de François-Étienne. La bivalence volontaire de son parcours est peu fréquente pour un prince, et pose également la question du devenir de cette éducation à l’âge adulte ; à travers cette étude, il apparaît qu’aucune des deux formes d’éducation reçues ne prend réellement l’avantage sur l’autre, elles se confondent au contraire ou se distinguent selon les domaines.Enfin, c’est aussi la question de la transmission d’un modèle éducatif qui est à l’étude, ou plutôt de la volonté ou non de transmettre les mêmes axes, contenus et modalités à ses propres enfants, ainsi que des conséquences à plus long terme des premières années de l’empereur François-Étienne. / The aim of this thesis is to study the little-known part of a Lorrain prince’s life during the 18th century; destiny brought him to the head of one of the most powerful state in Europe, the Holy Roman Germanic Empire. Francis Stephen of Lorraine was born in 1708 in the duchy of Lorraine where he stayed for the first years of his life, mainly at Luneville castle; then, in 1723, his father sent him to Austria, in Vienna, at the court of the Emperor Charles VI, where his education was to proceed. But more than the next step to his education, a complete shift and reorganisation in methods and contents were operated, shift intended by his father who wanted a political ascension for his son. The biographies about Francis are more focused on his adult’s life, when he reigned in Toscana, when he became Holy Emperor after the 1745 election or his duties as Maria-Theresia’s husband. However, his childhood and education are particularly little-known.Thus, the first part of this thesis deals with his surroundings when he was a child. Education is the result of several factors, among which are the old theories and ideas, although these ideas are constantly renewed; this renewing is due to the philosophical reflection on education which changed the methods and contents, particularly in the 18th century, with the new philosophy of Enlightenment. The material conditions are very important too, as well as the persons involved in his tuition: these persons could act like a new impulse to the development of his eagerness to learn or a break to his progress, or could direct teaching methods.Education can be multiform and cannot be considered a mere intellectual enrichment. Before dealing with his mind, his family’s attention was drawn to his body. The prince’s physical aspect, the mastery of his behaviour and manners are paramount assets at court. Still, the education of his mind wasn’t left apart. Very early, he was taught religious precepts, then the learning he needed to become a good ruler. Moreover, his relationships with other people were controlled and supervised, according to different levels of intimacy and the relation to others.To depict these three levels of education in two different worlds, I have chosen to study the methods, the resources, the goals and the persons that took part in his education. I have exploited sources mostly from two different archives, one in Vienna and the other one at the departmental archives of Meurthe-et-Moselle, in Nancy. With these records, I have studied Francis-Stephen‘s childhood and education. The conscious bivalence of his life is quite unusual for a prince; this raises the issue of the evolution of this education when Francis Stephen became an adult: a priori, he assimilated both ways of training, with no predominance of one over the other.Finally, one can also wonder if Francis Stephen ‘s bicultural education became a model for his children or if he didn’t want to educate his sons and daughters with both influences, and as well what were its consequences on the first years of his reign as an emperor in the long run.

In the Culture of Truthiness: Comic Criticism and the Performative Politics of Stephen Colbert

Holcomb, Justine Schuchard 05 June 2009 (has links)
I analyze comedian Stephen Colbert's performances as the bloviating "fake" pundit, "Stephen Colbert." Colbert's work reflects the progression of personality-driven media and performance-driven society. His frequent shifts and blending of characters – from actor and entertainer to pundit and politician – call attention to the similarly character-driven nature of "real" figures in politics and media. Using Kenneth Burke's theory of tragic and comic frames of acceptance, I analyze three sets of Colbert's performances – hosting The Colbert Report, speaking at the White House Correspondents' Association dinner, and running for president – as well as the conventional situations and discourses he complicates. I argue that Colbert's comic critique provides perspective by incongruity about the processes of production, mediation, and persuasion in the business of news punditry – and the literal staging of politics performed as entertainment.

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