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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh zařízení pro měření smáčivosti povrchů / Design equipment for measurement the surface wettability

Šubrt, Kamil January 2013 (has links)
This paper describes the design of equipment for measuring the wettability of surfaces. Surface wettability is determined by analyzing the profile drops, in an image taken with a digital camera. After the equipment is required to automatically find and focus the analyzed drops, taking the image, measuring wettability and save the image analysis, including measurement results to a file for subsequent offline analysis and archiving. The proposed facility is designed as a three-axis manipulator. For the driving the axes are chosen stepper motors. A key factor in achieving the highest possible speed measurement is very smooth movement of the manipulator, which is achieved by controlling of motors in microstepping mode with very high resolution. Software entire system is designed in the NI LabVIEW development environment for image processing was used module NI Vision.

Počítačem řízená frézka / Milling machine

Homola, Stanislav January 2015 (has links)
This goal of the diploma thesis is to design, to construct and write control program for CNC milling machine designed for machining aluminum, wood and plastic. Entire structure of machine is designed and made of steel. The main table consists of an aluminum plate and aluminum structural profiles. Spindle of milling machine is a high speed motor from ATAS a.s. company. Milling machine is controlled by the program made in TwinCAT environment from Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG.

Mikročerpadlo pro účely medikamentózní terapie / Micropump for Medicamentous Therapy

Ondrák, Tomáš January 2010 (has links)
This doctoral thesis originated as a requirement of micropump for artificial heart with using a suitable type of electric drive. It is an interdisciplinary cooperation of FSI Brno, Department of Fluid Engineering of Viktor Kaplan, FEKT Brno, Department of Power Electronics and finally the doctors from Cardiology Medical Center in St. Ann’s Hospital. FSI Brno made mechanical solutions of micropump, FEKT Brno solved electric drive and Cardiologic Medical Center gave the knowledge of human anatomy. Work deals with design, creation and testing of various types micropumps for medicamentous using. In this thesis was suggested various solutions of electric drive for micropump, its structure and function. Work is primarily experimental in nature and is heavily supported by a creative approach in creating a variety of proposed solutions. Several proposals of micropump have been made with different types of electric drives (DC motors, hybrid stepper motor, piezomotors). Finally, from the technical and economical point of view was chosen the most suitable type of electric drive and it was created a functional prototype of the double-action pump and its properties were tested.

Návrh a realizace software pro řízení ablační cely / Design and implementation of software for ablation cell control

Sýkora, Ota January 2016 (has links)
The essence of this diploma thesis is the design and implementation of software for laser ablation control. The paper describes laser ablation, hardware specifications of device and application requirements. The second part provides description of design and implementation of the actual application in NI LabView.

Návrh a výroba modulu pro řízení motorů na nízká napětí / Design and fabrication of the module used for the low voltage electric motors

Ludva, Stanislav January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to design and implement a universal driver unit designed to control electric motors of small voltages – electronically commutated, DC and stepper. This involves creating topology and selecting appropriate components based on the required parameters. It also includes the manufacture of printed circuit board (PCB), soldering of the components and programming of the necessary functions. Thesis contains the analysis of three selected types of motors – the principle of operation, wiring and control. Testing of the control unit was performed at the end of the work.

Design and Construction of an Autonomous Sentry Turret Utilising Computer Vision / Design och konstruktion av ett autonomt vakttorn nyttjande datorseende

Bermhed, Carl, Holst, Jacob January 2023 (has links)
The design and manufacture of a sentry gun turret capable of accurately and rapidly tracking and shooting moving targets was a challenging task that required delving into various engineering disciplines. This bachelor's thesis explores this challenge by presenting the process of construction, as well as the performance results of a turret created using a combination of 3D printing, laser cutting, and metal workshop manufacturing. The subject was chosen to include different aspects of the engineering fields relating to mechatronics, and for the challenge of implementing and designing multiple systems that interconnect to effectively engage with a target. The turret was created as a two-axis robot driven by stepper motors, with a gun driven by compressed air firing 6 mm plastic airsoft pellets using a clocked timing mechanism for rapid automatic firing. It was controlled by a system separated into two parts: a PC running facial recognition and colour identification software as well as performing movement calculations through python and an Arduino micro-computer running C++ controlling stepper motors and other hardware. The turret can accurately identify a target within five meters and with great speed home in and fire at the target with significant power. / Utvecklingen av ett autonomt vakttorn som med god precision och upprepbarhet kan hitta och följa ett mål var en utmanande uppgift som krävde användning av många delar av olika ingenjörsmässiga områden. Denna kandidatexamensuppsats utforskar utmaningen genom att presentera design och framtagningsprocessen samt redovisa prestandan av ett vakttorn tillverkat med 3D-utskrift, metallverkstadsmaskiner, och laserskärning. Ämnet valdes för att inkludera olika fält i nära relation till mekatronik samt för utmaningen i att implementera och integrera elektriska och mekaniska system och på så sätt effektivt hitta och hantera ett mål. Vakttornet är en tvåaxlig robot styrd med stegmotorer som har ett mekaniskt indexerad lufttrycksvapen som helautomatiskt avfyrar 6 mm airsoftkulor. Det mekaniska systemet kontrolleras av ett tvådelat kontrollsystem: en PC som kör ansiktsigenkänning och färgidentifiering i Python samt utför beräkningar för förflyttning utifrån kameradatan, samt en Arduino mikrodator med programvara i C++ som driver stegmotorerna utifrån förflyttningsinstruktionerna. Tornet kan med god precision identifiera, sikta mot och skjuta ett mål inom fem meter med en projektil av noterbar styrka.

Redeveloping a mixing system in a biomedical device to improve system control and increase its intelligence and effectiveness : Redeveloping a mixing mechanism using ESP32, TMC5130, Bluetooth and CAN-bus

Bahtiti, Aref January 2023 (has links)
Biogas is a renewable energy source produced by decomposing organic matter in the absence of oxygen. Without oxygen, organic matter is broken down in this process, producing a mixture of gases that may be used for a variety of tasks, such as heating, cooking, and producing power. In contrast to conventional fossil fuels, biogas is economical and sustainable. Additionally, it may be produced from waste products like animal manure and agricultural wastes, which has considerable economic advantages. Due to its capacity to lower greenhouse gas emissions and solve climate change challenges, biogas has grown in popularity. To find the most effective source of biogas, scientists are constantly studying different types of bacteria and organic waste. The biologists can receive assistance from technicians to expedite the development of this field. Assistance can be provided by enhancing the laboratory equipment to make them more intelligent, user-friendly, and productive, which is the focus of this research endeavour. This study's state-of-the-art is an Automatic Methane Potential Test System currently utilised in laboratories and available for purchase. This project aims to redesign the blending mechanism of the Automatic Methane Potential Test System. The system is designed to operate independently using CAN communication and an edge device (a smartphone) that connects to the system via Bluetooth. The application for smartphones is designed to communicate with a master controller using Bluetooth Classic to send and receive data. Which, in turn, uses CAN-bus to interact with 18 bioreactors remotely. The TMC5130 stepper motor controller is utilised in this project, offering cutting-edge characteristics that meet the project's needs. The system's components have each been individually tested on a prototype. The result is encouraging and shows that, with modest adjustments, the conceptual design might one day successfully replace the current system.

Robot Vacuum cleaner / Robotdammsugare

Bergman, Joel, Lind, Johan January 2019 (has links)
Although a robot vacuum cleaner is a well-known product, development is still interesting. Better working sensors and more sophisticated algorithms and sensors are used in new cleaners. The purpose with this thesis was to learn more about different sensors, algorithms, and designs of robot vacuum cleaners, to try ideas and to find improvements to implement on the demonstrator. The initial work was to make a market investigation to find customer needs and expectations. Also making a rough design and layout for the mechanical and electrical system. The budget for the demonstrator was 1000 SEK. Using laser cut plastic sheets, 3D printed parts, and receiving motors for free, costs did not exceed budget. Literature and theses in the area of interest were studied to find answers to some of the research questions. The theses studied subjects such as driving pattern and designs to find back to charge station. Some ideas for driving patterns were implemented on a demonstrator. The development method used was iteration of finding useful information, testing components, codes and also the complete demonstrator. The components used were DC motor, stepper motors, ultrasonic sensors, Arduino mega micro controller, switches and AA batteries. The different components required different voltage and the stepper motors used driver cards. / Även om robot dammsugare är en välkänd produkt är produktutveckling fortfarande intressant. Bättre sensorer och mer sofistikerade algoritmer och sensorer används i dammsugare. Syftet med denna avhandling var att lära sig mer om olika dammsugare, algoritmer och konstruktioner av robot dammsugare, för att prova idéer och möjliga hitta förbättringar att implementera på demonstranten. Det första arbetet var att göra en marknadsundersökning för att hitta kundens behov och förväntningar. Även att göra en grov design och layout för det mekaniska och elektriska systemet. Budgeteringen för demonstranten var 1000 kr. Kostnaderna översteg inte budgeten eftersom vi använde oss av laser skurna plastplattor, 3D-printade delar och erhöll motorer utan kostnad. Sex olika avhandlingar studerades för att hitta svar på några av frågorna. Avhandlingarna studerade ämnen som körmönster och mönster för att hitta tillbaka till laddstationen. Vissa idéer för körmönster implementerades på demonstranten. Den använda utvecklingsmetoden var iteration av att hitta användbar information, testa komponenter, koder och även den fullständiga demonstranten. De komponenter som användes var likströmsmotor, stegmotorer, ultraljudssensorer, Arduino mega-mikrokontroller, strömbrytare och AA-batterier. De olika komponenterna krävde olika spänningar och stegmotorn använder ett specifikt drivkort.

Picasso : CNC plotter

PERSSON, LINUS, ZIVANOVIC, NATALIJA January 2018 (has links)
In today’s society, CNC machines are used for various purposes. In this project, a CNC plotter is created to analyze how the performance of the plotter differs when using two different motors: a DC motor controlled by a potentiometer in the horizontal direction and a stepper motor in the vertical direction. A CNC plotter is built and used to do tests in order to answer the research question. The results show that a DC motor with a potentiometer is more precise than a stepper motor and the mean value of the relative errors in the vertical direction is always higher. The values differ with 1 percentage point to 3 percentage points. The difference in the performance of the two motors depend on several factors and one of the main factors is considered to be the fact that the stepper motor sometimes skips steps. / I dagens samhälle används CNC-maskiner för olika ändamål. I detta projekt skapades en CNC-plotter för att analysera hur plotterns prestanda skiljer sig vid användning av två olika motorer: en DC motor kontrollerad av en potentiometer i horisontell riktning och en stegmotor i vertikal riktning. En CNC-plotter byggdes och användes för genomförande av tester för att kunna svara på forskningsfrågan. Resultaten visar att en DC motor med en potentiometer är mer exakt än en stegmotor och medelvärdet av de relativa felen i vertikala riktningen är alltid högre. Värdena skiljer sig från 1 procentenhet till 3 procentenheter. Skillnaden i prestanda för de två motorerna beror på flera faktorer och en av huvudfaktorerna anses vara det faktum att stegmotorn ibland hoppar över steg.

Picasso : CNC plotter

Persson, Linus, Zivanovic, Natalija January 2018 (has links)
In today’s society, CNC machines are used for various purposes.In this project, a CNC plotter is created to analyzehow the performance of the plotter differs when using twodifferent motors: a DC motor controlled by a potentiometerin the horizontal direction and a stepper motor in thevertical direction. A CNC plotter is built and used to dotests in order to answer the research question. The resultsshow that a DC motor with a potentiometer is more precisethan a stepper motor and the mean value of the relative errorsin the vertical direction is always higher. The valuesdiffer with 1 percentage point to 3 percentage points. Thedifference in the performance of the two motors depend onseveral factors and one of the main factors is considered tobe the fact that the stepper motor sometimes skips steps. / I dagens samhälle används CNC-maskiner för olika ändamål.I detta projekt skapades en CNC-plotter för att analyserahur plotterns prestanda skiljer sig vid användning avtvå olika motorer: en DC motor kontrollerad av en potentiometeri horisontell riktning och en stegmotor i vertikalriktning. En CNC-plotter byggdes och användes för genomförandeav tester för att kunna svara på forskningsfrågan.Resultaten visar att en DC motor med en potentiometer ärmer exakt än en stegmotor och medelvärdet av de relativafelen i vertikala riktningen är alltid högre. Värdena skiljersig från 1 procentenhet till 3 procentenheter. Skillnaden iprestanda för de två motorerna beror på flera faktorer ochen av huvudfaktorerna anses vara det faktum att stegmotornibland hoppar över steg.

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