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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estimation and Compensation of Load-Dependent Position Error in a Hybrid Stepper Motor / Estimering och kompensering av lastberoende positionsfel i en elektrisk stegmotor

Ronquist, Anton, Winroth, Birger January 2016 (has links)
Hybrid stepper motors are a common type of electric motor used throughout industry thanks to its low-cost, high torque at low speed and open loop positioning capabilities. However, a closed loop control is often required for industrial applications with high precision requirements. The closed loop control can also be used to lower the power consumption of the motor and ensure that stalls are avoided. It is quite common to utilise a large and costly position encoder or resolver to feedback the position signal to the control logic. This thesis has explored the possibility of using a low-cost position sensor based on Hall elements. Additionally, a sensorless estimation algorithm, using only stator winding measurements, has been investigated both as a competitive alternative and as a possible complement to the position sensor. The thesis work summarises and discusses previous research attempts to adequately measure or estimate and control the hybrid stepper motors position and load angle without using a typical encoder or resolver. Qualitative results have been produced through simulations prior to implementation and experimental testing. The readings from the position sensor is subject to noise, owing to its resolution and construction. The position signal has been successfully filtered, improving its accuracy from 0.56° to 0.25°. The output from the sensorless estimation algorithm is subject to non-linear errors caused by errors in phase voltage measurements and processing of velocity changes. However, the dynamics are reliable at constant speeds and could be used for position control.

Vliv ploché nohy na stabilitu hlezna u hráčů florbalu / The effect of flat feet on the stability of the ankle joint of floorball players

Hanušová, Barbora January 2016 (has links)
Title: The effect of flat feet on the stability of the ankle joint of floorball players. Objectives: The main aim of this thesis is to determine whether a flat feet has any effects on the floorball players' ankle joint stability. Furthermore, the thesis focuses on the chronic ankle instability, other leg pathologies and on the options of therapeutic interventions. Eventually, the thesis provides summary and output data for physiotherapist, sport couches and the examined players. Methods: First a literature study was conducted to establish a theoretical framework. Based on the feature/aspect examination of longitudinal foot arching and an initial questionnaire 10 particular subjects aged 22 to 29 were selected, all of them form the TJ Tatran Střešovice team. The subjects were divided in 2 groups - with longitudinal flat feet and without longitudinal flat feet pathology. The examined subjects were scored with negative points according to occurrence of any pathologies. Both groups were also benchmarked in the Star Excursion Balance Test that determined feet dynamic stability index. Results: The examination proved that flat feet affects the stability of the ankle joint as the subjects of the group without longitudinal flat feet scored results that were 31% better than results of the subjects with...

Konstruktion och reglering av inverterad pendel

Hellmers, Robin, Boström, Viktor January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med projektet är att konstruera en inverterad pendel som sedan med hjälp av reglertekniska metoder ska stabiliseras. De linjära regulatorer som prövats är Proportionell, Integrerande och Deriverande (PID) -regulatorn och Linnear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) -regulatorn som båda är populära och beprövade i industrin. PID-regulatorn är den absolut mest använda regulatorn medan LQG-regulatorn är mer raffinerad och i vissa avseenden en optimal regulator. Regulatorerna programmerades in i mikrokontrollern Arduino Nano som skickar signaler till en motordrivare som styr den stegmotor som ska balansera pendeln. Mycket av arbetet har handlat om att skapa en uppställning som tillåter goda förutsättningar för att pröva regulatorerna. I uppställningen finns delar som utformats i Computor-Aided design (CAD) -verktyget OpenSCAD och skrivits ut på en 3D-skrivare. Den givare vi använt för att mäta pendelns vinkel är en potentiometer infäst i dessa 3D-utskrivna delar. Motorn kunde styras till sin maximala kapacitet och en uppställning har skapats. Dock skulle en starkare motor och en mer robust uppställning möjliggöra en avsevärt bättre reglering. Regulatorerna klarade inte av att stabilisera systemet mer än ett fåtal sekunder, detta bland annat pågrund av tidsbrist till att justera regleringsvariablerna.

Utveckling av återkopplad motormodul för styrning av mätantenn : En fallstudie hos företaget Combitech AB

Evegren, Adam January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka vilket motoralternativ som lämpar sig bäst för precis positionsstyrning av särskilda mätantenner, samt hur denna motor skall kunna drivas på ett funktionellt vis. Huvudresultatet som vill uppnås genom detta projekt är en generell motormodul kapabel att styra antennernas olika dimensioner utifrån användarens kommando genom seriell kommunikation från en PC. Studien har genomförts i samarbete med företaget Combitech AB.

Etude de microrésonateurs optiques polymères en anneaux en vue de leur intégration sur une plateforme de microfluidique digitale : application à la détection d'ions métalliques de Cr (VI) dans l'eau / Study of a polymer microring resonator for further integration in a digital microfluidic system : application to hexavalent chromium sensing in water

Meziane, Farida 26 February 2016 (has links)
La détection sensible et sélective des métaux lourds, en particulier les métaux detransition, est d’une grande importance pour la santé publique ainsi que pour la surveillancede l’environnement. Les méthodes actuelles de référence, de par leur non portabilité, limitentla possibilité de disposer de mesures à haute résolution spatiale et temporelle. Lesmicrocapteurs optiques offrent un moyen attrayant et pratique pour surmonter ces limitationsde coût global et de temps d’analyse, en permettant la mesure en temps réel sur site.Pour démontrer ce potentiel, ces travaux de thèse sont orientés sur la détermination duchrome hexavalent Cr(VI) en solution à l’aide d’une réaction colorimétrique avec le 1,5-diphénylcarbazide (DPC), permettant de créer un complexe présentant un maximumd’absorption dans le domaine du visible. Ces travaux s’inscrivent dans la volonté dedévelopper un véritable laboratoire sur puce, intégrant la fonction fluidique parélectromouillage sur diélectrique pour créer la réaction colorimétrique, ainsi que la fonctionde mesure par intégration d’un capteur optique dédié à la mesure d’absorption dans desmicrovolumes (< μL). Pour la mesure d'absorption sur de si faibles volumes, l'utilisation demicrorésonateurs vise à augmenter de façon importante le chemin optique effectif et ainsi lasensibilité du capteur.Nous décrivons nos travaux sur la conception, la fabrication de la plateformemicrofluidique digitale ainsi que du résonateur optique en anneaux à des dimensionssubmicroniques par photolithographie par projection. Les matériaux polymères sontprivilégiés pour une intégration totale bas coût à terme, ainsi qu’un substrat verre, dont lespropriétés sont particulièrement adaptées aux applications optiques dans le domaine duvisible. / The selective and sensitive detection of heavy metals, such as transition metals, is ofparamount importance for health and safety an environmental monitoring. Current referencemethods, due to their lack of portability, are limiting factors to obtain high-resolution spatialand temporal data. Optical sensors offer an attractive and convenient way to overcome theselimitations of cost and time per analysis by offering real time, on-site measurementcapabilities.In order to demonstrate this potential, this thesis is focused on the detection and quantificationof hexavalent chromium Cr(VI) in water samples by a colorimetric reaction based on areaction with the 1,5-diphenylcarbazide (DPC), that produces a complex possessing anabsorption maximum in the visible range. This works endorse the goal of creating a true labon-chip, integrating both the fluidic function based on ElectroWetting on Dielectric (EWOD)to create the colorimetric reaction, and the sensing function based on the integration of anoptical sensor able to measure absorption variations in micro-volumes (< μL). In order toobtain sufficient sensitivity on such small volumes, optical microring resonators are used inthis work, due to their ability to enhance the effective optical path length by constructiveinterferences.This thesis describes the conception and fabrication of the EWOD microfluidic platform, aswell as the conception, simulation and fabrication of submicronic microring resonators usingstepper lithography. Polymer materials and glass substrates are selected, due to their greatoptical properties in the visible range, their compatibility with the EWOD platform, and theirintegrability at a reasonable cost.

Developing a Graphical Application to Control Stepper Motors with Sensorless Load Detection

Adolfsson, Mattias January 2021 (has links)
For positioning of linear stages in absolute coordinates, there is a general need to find a reference position since the initial one is unknown. This is commonly called homing. To reduce costs and facilitate assembly, homing can be performed without additional sensors, known as sensorless homing. This thesis delves into sensorless homing, specifically with respect to stepper motors, and develops a graphical application for control of them. The commercial technology StallGuard is applied inconjunction with exploration into how it – and sensorless load detectionin general – functions. The resulting graphical application can be used to configure the stepper motors, perform homing using StallGuard, and automatically tune StallGuard to work despite varying conditions. In addition, rudimentary sensorless load detection independent from StallGuard is developed, demonstrating how it could work in practice. Testing shows homing with StallGuard resulting in a position within a ±5μm window in 94% of cases, less than 1/7 the width of an average strand of human hair. Additionally, homing is easily performed with a single button press from the graphical interface, with optional additional configuration available.

Vývoj systému řízení astronomického dalekohledu s možností sledování družic / Development of astronomical telescope control system with satellite tracking

Juráň, Jakub January 2018 (has links)
The focus of this thesis is a development of an electronic guiding unit for a mount of an astronomical telescope allowing observations of artificial satellites orbiting the Earth. It contains a theoretical study of methods developed for the description of positions of objects observable on the celestial sphere, including systems used for storage of this information and regaining it in order to point the telescope in a specific direction. The work includes an analysis of the present supply of commercial devices, followed by a detailed description of the design developed here and its components. Finally, there is outline of possibilities of a future development of the system, focusing on software components.

Vývoj testovacího přípravku délkového snímače / Development of the testing device for length measurement

Kirchner, Jan January 2018 (has links)
Aim of this thesis is a verification of possibility to measure displacement in small range using sensor based on the principle of strain gauge. For testing purspose, an evaluating unit was designed, made and assembled. This unit contains analog/digital converter, LCD and it has an abbility to move measuring plane using stepper motor. Next part of this thesis is about testing new prototype of strain gauge sensor, including evaluation of results of measuring. The performed measurements were measuring linearity, time stability and repeatability. Based on the results of the measurements, the possibility of using this type of length measuring device was confirmed for further development.

Řízení manipulátoru pro snímání sítnice oka / Manipulator Control for Acquisition of the Eye Retina

Malaník, Petr January 2020 (has links)
To use the image of the retina for biometric or medical purposes, it is necessary that the image is of the highest quality and ideally covers the largest possible area. It is therefore necessary to move the sensing device to the most suitable position while ensuring its stability. A laboratory handling platform is used for this purpose. The platform is moved by stepper motors. A control board equipped with a microcontroller has been developed for their control, which allows very fine movements. The theoretical accuracy of the manipulator is up to 20 nm. Since it is necessary for sensing, to have proper retina illumination, the control system also includes adjustable illumination elements in the infrared and visible spectrum. The resulting system allows scanning of the retina of the eye from multiple angles and thereby effectively increase the area on which it is possible to further look for diseases or biometric features.

Systém automatického řízení technologického zařízení / Automatic control system of technology facility

Brabec, Luboš January 2013 (has links)
This bachelor's thesis deals with problematics of technological procedures and techniques for modification of microelectrodes with nanostructures. Furthermore, it describes a device needed for automated production of nanosensors, their properties and communication with computer. These devices communicate through RS-232 and USB interfaces.

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