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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gobi : Automatic sand-spreading robot / Automatiserad sandspridare för snö

Naser, Tim, Ntouvas, Stavros January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this report was to research through the construction of a prototype the technical challenges associated with creating a robot that distributes sand on patios after snowfall. A robot that could complete this task should be able to know its position in an unknown terrain and traverse it in a predictable manner that allows for the even spread of the sand. In order to achieve stability and predictability of movement, stepper motor driven wheels were chosen as the steering method. The sand-spreading mechanism consists of a DC Motor connected to a 3D-printed disc with rectangular extrusions at its base. The wheels and chassis of the robot were likewise 3D-printed. Lastly, an Arduino MEGA board was the controller of choice. / Syftet med denna rapport var att genom konstruktionen aven prototyp undersöka de tekniska utmaningarna för att skapa en robot som distribuerar sand på uteplatser efter snöfall. En robot som kan slutföra denna uppgift bör kunna känna till sin position i en okänd terräng och färdas på den på ett förutsägbart sätt som möjliggör en jämn spridning av sanden. För att uppnå stabilitet och förutsägbarhet för rörelse valdes stegmotordrivna hjul som styrmetod. Sandspridningsmekanismen består av en likströmsmotor ansluten till en 3D-utskriven skiva med rektangulära extruderingar vid basen. Robotens hjul och chassi var också 3D-utskrivna. Slutligen var ett Arduino MEGA-kort den valfriastyrenheten.

Kinetic Art Table : Polar sand plotter

Türk, Serhat, Müller, Kristoffer January 2021 (has links)
CNC machines are used with plenty of different implementations, one of which is in this project where a polar CNC machine was used to draw mesmerizing patterns on a table with fine sand. This construction read G-code and converted it to polar coordinates. The capabilities of what the plotter could draw were tested, everything from ODE plots to custom-made patterns and drawings with the help of Sandify. Although the patterns were drawn properly with small errors the ODE was too difficult to draw because it required a smaller magnetic ball and an even more precise system than what was used. This machine also generated noise at roughly 33 dB when it was in use. / CNC-maskiner används med massor av olika implementationer, en av dem är i det här projektet där en polar CNC maskin användes för att rita fascinerande mönster på ett bord fylld med fin sand. Denna konstruktion läste in G-kod och konverterade det till polära koordinater. Förmågan av vad maskinen kunde rita testades, allt från ODE grafer till specialtillverkade mönster och ritningar med hjälp av Sandify. Aven om de olika mönstren ritades ordentligt men med mindre små fel var ODE för svårt att rita på grund av att det krävde en mindre magnetisk kula och ännu mer noggrannhet jämfört med detta system. Denna maskin alstrade också ljud på cirka 33 dB under användning.

Automatic Light-Controlled Venetian Blind : Design and construction of a light-controlled Venetian blind / Automatiska ljusstyrda persienner

WRASE, JACOB, AVDIC, AMIR January 2020 (has links)
The demand for automated home solutions is growing and it has created a market for automated blinds. For now most of these solutions seem to focus on fully opening and closing, either rolling blinds or slat blinds, with different electronic solutions. There doesn’t seem to be many solutions for continuously regulating light inlet based on ambient light. This project examined the possibilities of continuously regulating the amount of natural light let through a window. This was tested by measuring ambient light on one side of the blind with light dependant resistors (LDR’s) and regulating a Venetian blind based on measured light intensity. A feed-forward controller was implemented, programmed on an Arduino Uno board, to control sensors and actuators that regulate the blind. A prototype unit was built on a window-resembling wooden frame to evaluate the performance of the controller. The light sensitivity of LDR’s were sufficient for measuring differences in ambient light in different conditions where an automated blind could be used. The final prototype could be set to adjust light inlet in increments for changes in ambient light, thereby opening up to uses beyond simply closing and opening a light inlet. Future improvements could be to implement a feedback controller (e.g. a PID controller). The controller could be set to a certain reference as preferred ambient lighting in a room, thereby letting the controller adjust the blinds towards that reference value while conditions outside and inside change during the day. This could also be implemented in already existing smart home solutions. / Efterfrågan på automatiserade hemmalöningar är växande och det har skapat en marknad för automatiserade persienner. För nuvarande verkar det de flesta lösningarna fokusera på att helt öppna eller stänga, antingen rullgardiner eller persienner, med olika elektriska lösningar. Det verkar inte finnas många lösningar med kontinuerlig justering av inkommande omgivningsljus. Detta projekt utforskar möjligheterna för kontinuerlig justering av mängden naturligt ljus som släpps igenom ett fönster. Detta gjordes genom att mäta omgivande ljus på ena sidan av persiennen med fotoresistorer och reglera persiennen baserat på den uppmätta ljusintensiteten. Framkopplad styrning implementerades, programmerad på en Arduino Uno, för att styra sensorer och ställdon som reglerar persiennen. En prototypenhet byggdes på en fönsterliknande träram för att utvärdera prestandan av styrenheten.  Ljuskänsligheten i fotoresistorerna var tillräcklig för att mäta skillnader i omgivningsljus för de olika förhållanden där automatiserade persienner skulle kunna användas. Den slutgiltiga prototypen kunde ställas in att justera ljusinsläppet stegvis för skillnader i omgivningsljus, vari nya användningsområden öppnas upp utöver att endast stänga och öppna ett ljusinsläpp.  Framtida förbättringar skulle kunna vara att implementera en återkopplande styrning (t.ex. PID-styrning). Styrenheten skulle kunna ställas in till ett specifikt referensvärde på önskat omgivande ljus i ett rum, vari kontrollern justerar persiennerna för att hålla det önskade referensvärdet medan förhållanden utomhus och inomhus varierar under dagen. Detta skulle även kunna implementeras i redan befintliga smarta lösningar för hemmet.

Sodoku Robot

LAURENT, EMELIE, RAMSKÖLD, MAGNUS January 2020 (has links)
Sudoku is a popular puzzle game where the aim is to fill a board with numbers from one to nine with some mathematical rules to obey. The difficulty level of a Sudoku is affected by the amount of digits in the beginning, called clues. Mathematically there exists different algorithms and methods to solve a Sudoku. In this project some of the methods are investigated and compered to each other in time to find the fastest and most suitable for this project. A construction was built to be able to print out a non solved puzzle. Due to the current situation in society with Covid-19, the project has been affected negatively. The construction became very time consuming due to lack of tools and material. That affected the finished construction and the implementation of the code written in Python. After all the robot was able to print a Sudoku puzzle that can be solved. The printing time was decreased to 3 minutes after some tests with different delays. All the research questions were answered and the goal of the project which was to be able to print a Sudoku was reached. / Sudoku är ett populärt pussel där målet är att fylla i ett rutnät med siffror från ett till nio med vissa matematiska regler att följa. Svårighetsgraden av ett sudoku påverkas av antalet siffror från början, ledtrådar. Matematiskt finns det olika algoritmer och metoder för att lösa ett sudoku. I det här projektet undersöktes några metoder och jämfördes tidsmässigt med varandra för att hitta den snabbaste och mest passande för det här projektet. En konstruktion byggdes för att kunna skriva ut ett icke löst pussel. På grund av den rådande situationen i samhället med Covid19 så har projektet påverkats negativt. Konstruktionen blev väldigt tidskrävande på grund av brist på verktyg och material. Detta påverkade den slutgiltiga konstruktionen och implementeringen av koden skriven i Python. Trots allt så kunde roboten skriva ut ett Sudoku som kan lösas. Tiden att skriva ut ett Sudoku minskades till 3 minuter efter ett antal tester med olika fördröjningar. Alla forskningsfrågor kunde besvaras och målet med projektet som var att kunna skriva ut ett Sudoku nåddes.

Automatiserat plocksystem för dagligvaruhandel / Automated Picking System for Grocery Stores

Wennerbo, Theodor, Bildhjerd, Martin C. January 2024 (has links)
This is a bachelor's thesis in the area of electrical engineering as well as automation. This thesis investigates motor choice, sensor choices, and the methodology of automating a grocery store picking system prototype. The general structure of the system is composed out of two shelfs with a plane, between them, that is movable in the vertical direction. On the movable plane a conveyor belt was installed. We evaluated the motor choice for the application and the safety aspects of the system to gather a general understanding of potential risk factors involved in realizing a system that can work autonomously. It includes both electrical safety factors as well as mechanical safety factors. Additionally, we considered safety precautions to prevent malfunctions that can lead to these risks. To realize the prototype, a prestudy to investigate motor alternatives was conducted to determine the best motor choice for the application. The chosen motor was a DC steppermotor with snail gearbox. This will ensure simple regulation of the motor to sufficiently handle the weights the system needs to manage. The snail gearbox can eliminate some mechanical risk factors due to its self-locking mechanism, ensuring that if there is an electrical malfunction, such as a power failure, the system will not collapse on itself and drop the payload flat on the floor. Also, a model of the large prototype was made in a 3D-drawing software, which was then 3D-printed and set up to mimic the large prototype. The goal of the miniature model is to test the functionality and evaluate if the algorithms described in this thesis can be preserved and re-used for the large system and prototype.

Tiesiaeigio žingsninio variklio jėgų tyrimas / Research of linear stepper motor forces

Šepronas, Marius 26 June 2009 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjamos statinės ir dinaminės jėgos veikiančios tiesiaeigiame žingsniniame variklyje (TŽV). Apžvelgiami žingsninių variklių tipai, jų savybės ir charakteristikos. Analizuojamos variklio postūmio ir traukos jėgos bei matematinio modelio sudarymas. Tiriamojoje dalyje tiesiaeigiuose žingsniniuose varikliuose veikiančios jėgos tiriamos sudarant matematinius modelius, visi skaičiavimai atlikti naudojant programinį paketą MATHCAD. Ekperimento metu gautų rezultatų apdorojimui naudojamas programinis paketas DynaMax. Gautos statinės jėgos dedamųjų Fx, veikiančios išilgai judėjimo krypties, ir Fy, veikiančios vertikaliąja ašimi, priklausomybės nuo polių postūmio danties atžvilgiu, keičiant įvairius parametus (poliaus ir danties pločių santykį, magnetinę įtampą, oro tarpą). Taip pat atlikti tyrimai, parodantys kaip kinta dinaminė jėga, esant skirtingoms apvijos maitinimo įtampoms. Teoriniai skaičiavimai palyginti su eksperimentiniais tyrimo rezultatais. Išnagrinėjus teorinius ir praktinius matavimus pateikiamos baigiamojo darbo išvados ir pasiūlymai. Darbą sudaro 6 dalys: įvadas, teorinė dalis, tiriamoji dalis, išvados ir pasiūlymai, literatūra, priedai. Darbo apimtis – 70 psl. teksto be priedų, 45 iliustr., 14 lent., 14 bibliografiniai šaltiniai, 11 internetinių prieigų. Atskirai pridedami darbo priedai. / At the final Master's work dealt with the static and dynamic forces acting linear stepper motor (LSM). Overview of types of stepping motors, their properties and characteristics. Examines the push and pull the engine and the power of the mathematical model. The exploratory part of rectilineal stepping motors operating in the force under investigation for the mathematical models, all calculations performed using the software package MathCAD. Experimentation of the results of treatment using the software package DynaMax. The resulting static force added Fx, acting along the direction of movement, and the Fy in the vertical axis of dependence on the poles pull the tooth, the modification of various parameters (polarity, and the tooth width ratio, magnetic tension, the air space). Studies also showing changes in dynamic forces at different supply voltage windings. Theoretical calculations compared with experimental test results. The examination of the theoretical and practical measurements are presented on the final conclusions and proposals. Structure: introduction, theoretical part, searching part, conclusions and suggestions, references, appendix. Thesis consist of: 70 p. text without extras, 45 pictures, 14 tables, 14 bibliographical entries and 11 internet entries. Appendixes included.

Žingsninio variklio tyrimas / Stepper motor research

Gelgota, Vytenis 10 June 2004 (has links)
The most widely used variable reluctance and permanent magnet stepper motors of different design types are discussed in the theoretical part of this work. It also overviews a constructional diversity of these motors, the fundamentals of operating modes and characteristics. This part discuses features of stepper motors as a part of automation control system, presents the main counting equations and applications with stepper motors. The practical part includes the mathematical model of stepper motor and the Simulink model that was developed for software package “Matlab”. Those models formed the basis for analysis of stepper motor dynamic characteristics in various operating modes (wave drive, full step drive, half step drive, microstepping, reversing, braking).

Elektromagnetinio žingsninio variklio tyrimas / Investigation of electromagnetic stepper motor

Kureckas, Tadas 20 June 2005 (has links)
Analysis of electromagnetic stepper motor at work have been performed. Types of stepper motors and its characteristics have been described generally. The programmes of modelling have been searching using internet and analysed. The programme QuickField 5.2 Studen‘s edition is in consort to demands and requests. Using QuickField 5.2 Student‘s edition the model of electromagnetic motor have been created and experimentations have been performed. Varying displacement of motor magnetic part the distribution of magnetic flux density and magnetic field lines have been analysed. The experimentations involving change of motors mechanical characteristics too (varying air gap between magnetic circuit and secondary part). Teoretical characteristics of distribution of magnetic field energy density, strenth and magnetic flux have been maked and compared. The conclusions and theoretical results specifying operating principle facility of electromagnetic motor. Characteristics of distribution of magnetic field and energy can be used for rating of influence to operation of motor.

Rotační manipulátor pro ruční svařování bubnů zakladače EXYZ / Rotary manipulator for manual welding of hoist drums for EXYZ storage machine

Pečenka, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
The main aim of this diploma thesis is to design rotary manipulator for manual welding of hoist drums for EXYZ storage machine. The rotary manipulator is designed for improving of the quality of welds, which have been made in the static bearing welding process of hoist drum. The first part is concerned on the critical research of welding manipulators, which could be founded on the market. In the next part, there are sketched possible construction designs of welding manipulator based on the market offer. The main part of the diploma thesis is own construction design, which is made on the base of suggested concept of construction design.

Konstrukční návrh portálové CNC frézky s posuvným stolem / Design of the gantry CNC milling machine with sliding table

Kolář, David January 2017 (has links)
This master’s thesis is focused on design of gantry CNC milling machine with sliding table. Thesis includes the review of components of this machines and comparsion of their options. Servo motors , ball screws and linear guides parameters are calculated. Also the suitable software and hardware for the machine control is chosen. Main parts of the machine were analysed using finite elements method. 3D model, drawings and documentation of machine build are included.

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