Spelling suggestions: "subject:"stock exchange"" "subject:"stock cxchange""
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Indexeffektens inverkan på reviderade aktier i OMXS30 / The impact of the Index Effect on revised stocks in OMXS30Broman, Albin, Nilson, Albin January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker indexeffektens påverkan på reviderade aktier i OMXS30 under åren 1995–2023. Shleifer (1986) är en av pionjärerna att finna stöd för denna anomali. Shleifer fann stöd för indexeffektens existens på S&P 500. Detta resultat går emot vad effektiva marknadshypotesen av Fama (1970) som menar på att detta inte ska vara möjligt på en effektiv marknad. Problematiken med denna teori är antaganden om hur samtliga intressenter på en marknad besitter samma kunskap, vilket studiens resultat likt Shleifer (1986) visar på inte stämmer i praktiken. Stockholmsbörsen är inte en effektiv marknad och vilket gör det möjligt för denna typ av anomali att existera. Shlefiers studie visar hur det är indexfonderna som handlar upp stora delar av utbudet av aktier tillgängliga på marknaden, vilket leder till ett minskat utbud. Det nya utbudet kan inte bemöta efterfrågan, vilket resulterar i att priset stiger. Denna studie visar på en positiv avvikelseavkastning för aktier som inkluderas i OMXS30, där den stora förändringen sker mellan dag -3 och -1 från eventdagen, det vill säga från att revideringen sker. Studiens resultat visar att mellan dag -3 och -1 har aktier som inkluderats en positiv kumulativ avvikelseavkastning på 3,118%. Detta i enighet med tidigare studier som på andra index funnit liknande resultat. Som förklaring till denna avvikelseavkastning har studien även funnit stöd för att det sker en förändring i antalet investerande inhemska institutioner. Likt Shleifers (1986) resultat visar även denna studie att indexfonders ökade intresse vid inkluderingar är en bidragande faktor till prisförändringen som uppstår, detta trots att ingen ny information om framtida avkastning tillkommit marknaden. Det som skiljer denna studies resultat från föregående studier är att denna även finner stöd för en negativ avvikelseavkastning för exkluderade aktier ur indexet under hela eventfönstret. De exkluderade aktierna har en signifikant negativ avvikelseavkastning mellan dagarna - 3 till -1 som är -2,125%. Dock ingen signifikant förändring i antal investerande institutioner. / This study examines the impact of the index effect on revised stocks in OMXS30 during the period 1995 to 2023. This study demonstrates a positive abnormal return for stocks included in OMXS30, with the greatest change occurring between day -3 and -1 from the event day, which corresponds to the inclusion. The results show that during this period, included stocks have a positive cumulative abnormal return of 3.118%. This is consistent with previous studies on other indices. The study also finds support for a change in the number of domestic institutional investors as an explanation for this abnormal return. Similar to Shleifer's (1986) findings, this study shows that the increased interest from index funds in the event of an inclusion contributes to the observed price change, despite no new information about future returns being introduced to the market. What sets this study apart from previous ones is that it also finds evidence for a negative abnormal return for excluded stocks throughout the event window. Excluded stocks have a significantly negative abnormal return between day -3 and -1, which is -2.125%. However, no significant change in the number of investing institutions is observed when it comes to excluded stocks.
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Marknadsreaktioner vid omvända aktiesplittar : Ett resultat av tidigare prestationer?Halldin, Alexander, Svensson, Axel January 2023 (has links)
En omvänd aktiesplit minskar antalet aktier i ett företag samtidigt som värdet per aktie ökar. Företag genomför vanligen omvända aktiesplittar för att justera prisintervallet, förbättra aktiens anseende och minska transaktionskostnader. Trots dessa fördelar, och att processen i sig enbart är en redovisningsmässig åtgärd som inte påverkar värdet av företag, visar tidigare forskning att både offentliggörandet och genomförandet av en omvänd aktiesplit kan resultera i avvikande avkastning. Den avvikande avkastningen som uppstår vid offentliggörandet av omvända aktiesplittar kan förklaras av signaleringsteorin, att händelsen signalerar ny information till investerare gällande företagens förväntade oförmåga att höja aktiekursen genom egen prestation. Däremot är det anmärkningsvärt att avvikande avkastning också upptäckts vid genomförandet, eftersom marknaden redan borde ha anammat den nya informationen. Studien undersöker om avvikande avkastning förekommer vid omvända aktiesplittar på London Stock Exchange under åren 2016 till 2021, och om företagets tidigare prestation mätt i räntabilitet på totalt kapital kan påverka marknadsreaktionen vid offentliggörandet. Genom att använda eventstudier finner studien resultat som stöder att det förekommer negativ avvikande avkastning vid offentliggörandet, och att företagets tidigare prestationer kan påverka den avvikande avkastningen. Det upptäcktes dock inte signifikanta reaktioner vid genomförandet, vilket kan indikera att marknaden är effektiv i sin halvstarka form. För att säkerställa denna slutsats krävs dock ytterligare studier.
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Testing the weak-form of the efficient market hypothesis on the Johannesburg stock exchange after the global financial crisisGgayi, Collin Mugga January 2021 (has links)
Magister Commercii - MCom / The efficient market hypothesis (EMH) is a controversial theory in Finance.
Advocates of the EMH argue that it provides a basis for understanding financial
markets while critics suggest that the hypothesis is unreasonable in its assumptions
of the real function of these markets. Although the EMH may not be perfect, it
provides a sufficient baseline against which financial markets may be analysed.
Over the past couple of years, academics have broadly examined the EMH in both
developing and developed financial markets. However, limited research has been
done on African markets. Therefore, this study examines the weak-form EMH of
the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) after 2008 to ascertain the impact the 2008
global financial crisis had on its efficiency. This study analysed the JSE using
weekly and monthly returns of the three major indices (RESI 10, FINI 15, INDI 25)
as well as the individual companies under these indices from 30th January 2009 to
30th January 2019. Analysis was carried using various statistical tests i.e., runs test,
variance ratio test, unit root tests, and a GARCH model which revealed mixed
Results of the unit root tests (ADF and PP) confirm that the JSE is weak-form
efficient when both the weekly and monthly data of the indices and individual
companies are analysed. The results of the runs test reveal that all the weekly and
monthly data apart from the weekly data of the companies under RESI 10 index
exhibit weak-form efficiency. The variance ratio test confirms weak-form
inefficiency when weekly data is used while the monthly data confirms weak form efficiency of the JSE and shows that the market moves from periods of efficiency
to periods of relative predictability. The results of the GARCH model on the other
hand confirm the weak-form efficiency of the JSE when both the weekly and
monthly data of the indices are analysed.
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Оптимизация работы брокеров на фондовом рынке в современных условиях : магистерская диссертация / Optimizing the work of brokers on the stock market in modern conditionsБаклыков, В. В., Baklykov, V. V. January 2021 (has links)
Исследование посвящено исследованию развития работы брокеров на фондовом рынке в современных условиях. Предметом исследования являются экономические отношения, связанные с исследованием издержек и рисков, возникающих между инвестором и рыночной структурой в момент совершения инвестиционных операций. Основной целью магистерской диссертации является разработка комплексной концепции развития доступной для инвестора ликвидности в кризисные ситуации на рынках и в экономике. В заключении подводятся итоги проведенного исследования, даются практические рекомендации для сокращения торговых издержек в существующих реалиях нашего рынка. / The research is devoted to the study of the development of brokers in the stock market in modern conditions. The subject of the study is the economic relations associated with the study of the costs and risks that arise between the investor and the market structure at the time of investment transactions. The main goal of the master's thesis is to develop a comprehensive concept for the development of liquidity available to investors in crisis situations in the markets and in the economy. In conclusion, the results of the study are summarized, and practical recommendations are given to reduce trading costs in the current realities of our market.
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No description available.
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Even though many stock markets in the world adopted involuntary cross-listing with minimal application procedures, the cross-listing literature has widely ignored this activity. The gap in the literature is critical to U.S. restaurant companies since the number of involuntary cross-listings has significantly increased during the last ten years, despite the corporations' decisions not to cross-list or to change strategies to eliminate cross-listings. Direct communication with those foreign-listed U.S. restaurants reveals that they are unaware of involuntary cross-listing. This research uncovers the phenomenon of U.S. restaurants' involuntary cross-listing with a focus on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, in which a majority of U.S. restaurant shares have cross-listings. Specifically, the current dissertation provides trajectories of U.S. restaurant companies' cross-listing, discovers determinants of involuntary cross-listing that are specific to U.S. restaurant companies, and investigates the consequences of informational asymmetry in the U.S. and Germany, specifically the dynamics of stock prices in the two stock markets. The current dissertation finds that U.S. restaurant companies have widely chosen not to list their shares on foreign exchanges, while many of their shares are subject to involuntary cross-listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange by German financial institutions. This study also finds that German financial institutions consider U.S. restaurant companies' sizes, industry growth opportunities, and overall U.S. economic conditions. In addition, the current research finds that U.S. stock prices of U.S. restaurant companies lead the German stock prices of cross-listed U.S. restaurant firms. Empirical findings of this study have valuable theoretical, managerial, and regulatory implications. Theoretically, the research advances understanding of the economic consequences of involuntary cross-listing, to which the cross-listing literature has paid little attention. Specifically, this dissertation provides sharp insights into German financial institutions and German investors involved in the involuntary cross-listing. The current research also confirms the role of information asymmetry and trading volume on the dynamics of stock prices in multiple stock markets. Practically, this study's contribution to U.S. restaurant industry occurs through acknowledgement and evidence of the involuntary cross-listing phenomenon in which more and more U.S. restaurant companies unknowingly engage. The findings also prompt the Frankfurt Stock Exchange to reconsider their policies regarding involuntary cross-listing, and assist U.S. and German investors to understand better the dynamics of stock prices in both countries. / Business Administration/Strategic Management
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The applicability, purpose and impact of bond options : the South African perspectiveErasmus, Coert Frederik 11 1900 (has links)
In South Africa, over-the-counter (OTC) bond options may be used in order to either hedge or speculate. However, since 2001, this market deteriorated significantly. The current research assessed the role of the local bond option market, reasons for the deterioration of the South African OTC bond option market, and how this bond option market could possibly be restored as a primary hedging instrument. The opinions of individuals operating in this market were obtained using a questionnaire. In the opinion of the respondents, wide bid–offer spreads, regulatory interferences and poor participation within this market caused market deterioration. The market could be restored as a hedging instrument if effective market integration exists, interbank trading regularly takes place, liquidity was enhanced, transparency increased and investor knowledge improved. Future research could focus on regulatory transformation, the types of derivatives used for hedging, and an assessment of appropriate continuous professional development interventions for investors. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)
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Logistic regression to determine significant factors associated with share price changeMuchabaiwa, Honest 19 February 2014 (has links)
This thesis investigates the factors that are associated with annual changes in the share price of Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) listed companies. In this study, an increase in value of a share is when the share price of a company goes up by the end of the financial year as compared to the previous year. Secondary data that was sourced from McGregor BFA website was used. The data was from 2004 up to 2011.
Deciding which share to buy is the biggest challenge faced by both investment companies and individuals when investing on the stock exchange. This thesis uses binary logistic regression to identify the variables that are associated with share price increase.
The dependent variable was annual change in share price (ACSP) and the independent variables were assets per capital employed ratio, debt per assets ratio, debt per equity ratio, dividend yield, earnings per share, earnings yield, operating profit margin, price earnings ratio, return on assets, return on equity and return on capital employed.
Different variable selection methods were used and it was established that the backward elimination method produced the best model. It was established that the probability of success of a share is higher if the shareholders are anticipating a higher return on capital employed, and high earnings/ share. It was however, noted that the share price is negatively impacted by dividend yield and earnings yield. Since the odds of an increase in share price is higher if there is a higher return on capital employed and high earning per share, investors and investment companies are encouraged to choose companies with high earnings per share and the best returns on capital employed.
The final model had a classification rate of 68.3% and the validation sample produced a classification rate of 65.2% / Mathematical Sciences / M.Sc. (Statistics)
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CSR:s påverkan på investerare : En empirisk studie om sambandet mellan investerare och företags sociala samhällsansvarHerrgård Stjärnstråle, Sofia, Lorenz, Sara January 2016 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien är att genom en eventstudieundersöka om och i sådan fall hur investerare låter sina investeringsbeslut påverkas av positiva respektive negativa sociala CSR-händelser, denna reaktion antas avspeglas i förändringar av aktiekurser. Teori: Den effektiva markandshypotesen och IntressentmodellenMetod: Undersökningens metod har utgått ifrån en kvantitativ ansats. Studiens empiri består av 86 sociala CSR händelser där den genomsnittliga ackumulerade abnormala avkastningen har mätts genom en eventstudie. I empiri-kapitlet finns även studiens hypotesprövning med enkelt t-test. Empiri: Eventstudienfinner ett samband mellan sociala CSR-händelser och investerares investeringsbeslut. Sambandet ger en negativ effekt på aktiekurserna. Effekten är starkare vid negativa sociala-CSR händelser än vid positiva. Hypotesprövningarna resulterade i att samtliga tre hypoteser förkastades, vilket innebär att det inte finns något samband mellan sociala CSR-händelser och investerares investeringsbeslut. Analys: Marknaden antas vara semi-effektiv, något mer vid negativa sociala CSR-händelser än positiva. Investerarna som är en primär intressent i ett företag värderar inte socialt CSR-arbete. Eventuellt ser de till och med det som värdeförstörande. Det är någon annan intressent än investerarna som driver på arbetet med socialt CSR hos ett företag. Slutsats: Eventstudienfinner ett samband mellan sociala CSR-händelser och investerares investeringsbeslut. Hypotesprövningarna resulterade i att samtliga tre hypoteser förkastades, vilket innebär att det inte finns något samband mellan sociala CSR-händelser och investerares investeringsbeslut. De motstridiga resultaten leder till slutsatsen att det inte med säkerhet går att besvara det undersökta problemet. / Purpose: The purpose of the study is, through an event study to determine whether if, and in such case how investors let their investment decisions be influenced by positive and negative social CSR events. This reaction is assumed to be reflected in changes of share prices. Theory: Theefficient market hypothesis model and the stakeholder theory.Method: A quantitative approach in the methodology has been undertaken. The study's empirical data consists of 86 social CSR events, where the average cumulative abnormal return has been measured by an event study. Three hypotheses has been tested using the simple t-test. Empiricism: The event study finds a correlation between social CSR events and investor's investment decisions. The correlation has a negative effect on stock prices. The effect is stronger for the negative social CSR events than for the positive events. Hypothesis tests resulted in that all three hypotheses were rejected, which means that there is no connection between the social CSR events and investor's investment decisions. Analysis: The market proves to be semi-strong efficient, slightly more so for negative social CSR events than for positive events. Investors as a primary stakeholder in a company do not value social CSR-work. Possibly they even see it as value destructive. There is other stakeholders than investors in companies, that are initiating working with social CSR. Conclusion: The event study finds a correlation between social CSR events and investor's investment decisions. The hypothesis tests resulted in that all three hypotheses were rejected, which means that there is no connection between the social CSR events and investor's investment decisions. The conflicting results leads to the conclusion that it is not possible to answer the investigated problem with sertainty.
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Analýza vývoje na rakouském kapitálovém trhu a jeho měnových souvislostí (v období do roku 1918)." / The analysis of development of the Austrian capital market and its monetary consequences (in the period before 1918)Čajka, Martin January 2005 (has links)
The dissertation thesis is considered with the development of capital markets in Austria before 1918. The Austrian capital market originated during the 18th century as the place for distribution of government securities. In 1771 the Vienna Stock Exchange was established as the first organized place for securities trading in the former Austrian Monarchy. The government securities remained the major investment instrument traded till 1918. In primary decades the Austrian capital market was nearly connected with the development of Austrian currency especially in times before the Austrian state bankruptcy in 1811 and then in times of the following effort of the Austrian government aiming the correction of Austrian currency. This aiming culminated in establishing of the Privileged Austrian National Bank as the first central bank in the former Austrian Monarchy. From about 1830 private securities were traded in the Vienna Stock Exchange as well. In primary decades these private securities were especially represented by equities and bonds of railway companies. The peak of private emissions related to the Austrian capital markets could be documented round 1870 in the framework of the so called founder times. These founder times were ended in Mai 1873 by the crisis on the Vienna Stock Exchange. After 1873 the Austrian capital market went back to the situation from the early 19th century, i.e. it can be seen the dominant role of government securities connected with the decrease of importance of the Austrian capital market as the place for company finance funding. After 1880 there is the origin of the very strong connection between the industrial companies on the one side and the banking sector on the other side which was typical not only for the former Austrian -- Hungarian Monarchy but also for German Empire and for other Middle European countries. The decrease of importance of the private securities was also caused by the nationalization of the Austrian railway companies after 1879. During the World War I the Vienna Stock Exchange as well as other stock exchange in the Monarchy was out of business. During this time the Austrian public debt was multiplied and the Austrian currency under strong inflation. After 1918 the Vienna Stock Exchange lost much from its former importance to the prejudice of the Prague Stock Exchange above all.
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