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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Impact of IT Governance on Strategic Aligment and Organization Performance

Chiu, Yi-chieh 19 January 2011 (has links)
In modern dynamic business environment, every enterprise needs to emphasize more on IT in order to increase the benefit. The well-performed IT governance is the key to effectively apply IT resource. This research focus on the following dimension: IT governance maturity, IT Governance Archetype, Strategic alignment and Organization performance. Accoridng to the literature, an empirical research was performed to examine the relation among these four dimensions. Through the empirical research, this research verify the significant positive relation among IT governance maturity, strategic alignment and organization performance. Also among IT governance Archetype (the level of centralized) and strategic alignment. As for IT governance Archetype (the level of professionalize), there is significant positive relation between IT governance Archetype (the level of professionalize) and stragic alignment and significant negative relation between IT governance Archetype (the level of professionalize) and organization performance.

The Relationship Between Strategic Alignment of Information Systems and Performance Impact in Hospitals

Huang, Ying-Hsiang 08 June 2006 (has links)
ABSTRACT The Relationship Between Strategic Alignment of Information Systems and Performance Impact in Hospitals Huang, Ying Hsiang The Taiwan government implemented the National Health Insurance (NHI) program in 1995 to provide comprehensive and uniform health services to the entire population. The ensuring phenomenon from the implementation of the NHI program is the furious competition in the healthcare market that has become matured. To survive, hospitals need to enhance efficiency and provide high quality of care to the patients. Often, hospitals cope with external environmental changes through the choice and application of appropriate strategies. Forming strategic alignment with resources is an increasingly adopted strategy by hospitals. The recognition of information systems (IS) as the most valuable resource has motivated hospitals to engage in their formal management. To achieve better hospitals¡¦ performance from managing IS, management strategists recommend that hospitals relate IS management with business activities in hospitals. As a resource, IS can be related to business through alignment (in terms of strategic alignment of IS), as is applicable to other resources such as manpower resources. Despite interest in managing IS, however, there has been little or not research about aligning IS with business in hospitals. Lack of empirical evidence creates a gap between the theory and practice of strategic alignment of IS. In this study, to integrated theories about IS and alignment to develop an alignment framework and model for IS alignment research, developed a strategic alignment construct, and empirically tested the alignment model within the mediation perspectives along with the Venkatraman¡¦s theory. Mediation was interpreted as the mechanism through which IS strategy could catalyze business strategy for the attainment of better performance. Data from hospitals¡¦ survey in Taiwan was analyzed using the variance-based partial least square and multiple regression method. IS strategy and business strategy in mediating the performance, the links were examined. Results indicate that strategic alignment of IS positively impact performance, explaining about 52.4% of its variation. In all models, the interactionist perspective as the better mediator of hospitals¡¦ performance. Through exploratory, an important management implication of this study is that it may make more sense for hospitals to orientate their business strategies and operations based on their IS resources strategic alignment rather than engage in IS function as a response to business needs since this study shows such strategic alignment of IS contributed on performance with 8.4% of its variation.

The impact of the business-project interface on capital project performance

Yun, Sungmin 19 December 2013 (has links)
A capital project represents a significant investment by a firm to create future economic benefits. Since the global economic recession begun in 2008, corporate owners have paid increased attention to business-project interfaces with the aim of improving alignment between business strategy and capital project development. Despite its importance, the business-project interface has not been quantitatively measured and no empirical evidence exists about its effects on performance outcomes. This dissertation intends to identify and quantify the business-project interfaces in the development of a capital project in terms of personnel involvement and task interaction, and to investigate its effects on performance outcomes and the value of best practices. To achieve these objectives, a conceptual framework for assessing the involvement and interaction on business-project interfaces was developed. Based on the conceptual framework, a questionnaire including quantitative measures for the assessment of personnel involvement and task interaction was designed. Supplemental survey responses were received for several industrial capital projects that had initially provided capital project data to the CII Benchmarking & Metrics database. The effects of the business-project interface in terms of cost, schedule, change, and business performance were documented. Data analyses show that project groups with high involvement by business personnel and high interaction between business and project units tend to show remarkably improved project performance. Furthermore, this dissertation presents confirmation that projects with high involvement of business unit personnel and intensive implementation of best practices tend to show superior project performance. The primary contribution of this research is to provide a quantitative assessment tool to assess the business-project interface and to document the interface throughout project life cycle. Another contribution is empirical evidence of the benefits on project performance from implementing best practices that were supported by management. / text

Alinhamento interno de estratégias emergentes: um estudo de caso em operadora de telecomunicações / Internal aligment of emerging strategies: a case study in telecommunications company

Débora Rodrigues 25 October 2016 (has links)
O setor de telecomunicações tem papel essencial na vida das pessoas e na economia mundial, uma vez que este diminui as distâncias e liga qualquer parte do mundo em questão de segundos. No Brasil este mercado é dominado por poucas e grandes empresas que enfrentam o dinamismo da alta competitividade entre elas, e de outras variáveis de mercado como, por exemplo, a agência reguladora do setor, Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações - ANATEL. Este cenário faz com que as empresas do setor sejam constantemente impactadas pela emergência de estratégias, ou seja, estratégias que não foram previamente planejadas. A agilidade no alinhamento destas estratégias se faz essencial para o sucesso da execução das mesmas e instigou esta pesquisa que buscou entender como o alinhamento de estratégias emergentes é feito em uma operadora de telecomunicações. Baseado em um referencial teórico que aprofundou conceitos de estratégia, estratégia emergente e alinhamento estratégico, este estudo de caso realizado em uma operadora de telecomunicações, através da análise de entrevistas aprofundadas sobre a realidade da empresa detectou que quatro características bastante fortes são as bases para que o alinhamento estratégico aconteça nesta empresa: Ausência de processos estruturados, autonomia dos agentes, priorização da agilidade e pré-disposição ao risco. A descoberta destas características veio de encontro com os objetivos desta pesquisa, que além de investigar e analisar como o alinhamento de estratégias emergentes é feito em uma operadora de telecomunicações, considerando todas as particularidades do setor, também buscava aprofundar conhecimento sobre as práticas do mercado de telecomunicações no que tange o alinhamento de estratégias emergentes, identificar práticas deste mercado que possam contribuir com melhores práticas em outros mercados e averiguar elementos provenientes da experiência prática que possam contribuir com as teorias exploradas. Por fim, em nome do objetivo específico de apontar com base na teoria oportunidades de melhorias práticas, foram estudados quatro modelos teóricos de alinhamento estratégico, encontrando assim qual seria o que melhor para a realidade da empresa. / The telecommunications industry plays a key role in people\'s lives and in the world economy. It reduces distance and connects anywhere in the world in a matter of seconds. In Brazil, this market is dominated by a few large companies that face the dynamism of high competitiveness between them, and the dynamism of other market variables as, for example, the sector\'s regulatory agency, the National Telecommunications Agency-ANATEL. This scenario ensures the companies within the telecommunications sector are constantly impacted by the emergence of strategies, i.e. strategies that were not planned in advance. The expeditious alignment of these strategies is essential to the success of their implementation and this fact encouraged this research to investigate and understand how the emerging strategies alignment is done in a telecommunications operator. Based on a theoretical framework that deepened on the concepts of strategy, emerging strategy and strategic alignment, this case study held in a telecommunications operator, through the analysis of in-depth interviews about the reality of the company, detected four strong characteristics that are the basis for strategic alignment to happen in this company: autonomy of agents, absence of structured processes, prioritization of expeditiousness, and predisposition to the risk. The discovery of these characteristics came to meet the objectives of this research. In addition to investigating and analyzing how the emerging strategies alignment is done in a telecommunications operator (considering all the particularities of the sector) this research also sought to deepen knowledge of the telecommunication market practices regarding the alignment of emerging strategies, identification of market practices that can contribute to best practices in other markets, and to find out elements from the practical experience that can contribute to the theories explored. Finally, on behalf of the specific goal that is to indicate based on theory, opportunities of practical improvement, four theoretical models of strategic alignment were studied, finding so which is the best for the company reality

Metodologia para formulação de estratégias de presença na internet: um estudo de caso / Methodology for web presence strategy formulation: a case study

Isabel de Meiroz Dias 20 August 2002 (has links)
O propósito desta pesquisa foi identificar como uma metodologia para a formulação da estratégia de presença de organizações na internet aborda os enfoques estratégicos e métodos analíticos necessários à compreensão e exploração das arquiteturas de negócios viabilizadas pela plataforma tecnológica da internet (PI). Através de revisão bibliográfica identificou-se que as principais possibilidades trazidas pela PI para as organizações estão relacionadas à facilitação da integração horizontal e vertical, propiciando a formação de redes estratégicas. Uma conseqüência direta é a oportunidade de geração de vantagem competitiva nas três funções das organizações: eficiência operacional, relacionamento com clientes e desenvolvimento de produtos. Para compreensão e exploração destas arquiteturas de negócios viabilizadas é conveniente adotar a perspectiva do modelo de negócios, subdividido nos públicos com os quais a organização mantém relacionamento. Esta unidade de análise congrega as diferentes visões presentes na literatura de estratégia a respeito da criação de valor. As quatro fontes de valor possibilitadas pela PI são: novidade, aprisionamento, complementaridade e eficiência. O estudo de caso da metodologia de Formulação de Estratégia de Presença, da Agência Click, descreveu a abordagem desta metodologia para os enfoques estratégicos e métodos analíticos identificados. / The objective of this research was to identify how a specific methodology of strategy formulation for the Internet addresses the Business Model concept. We see the Business Model concept as a basis for understanding and exploiting the value creation potential generated by the Internet technological platform (ITP). The main possibilities that the ITP offers organizations are related to the reduction of transaction and coordination costs, which facilitates the forming of strategic networks. In order to take advantage of the ITP , one should seek complementarity between the traditional activities of the organization and those based on the new platform, together with an in-depth revision of processes, searching for steps that may be optimized through the ITP. To understand and exploit the value creation potential, it is convenient to adopt the Business Model concept, analyzed from the point of view of each of the organization’s stakeholders. The Business Model as a unit of analysis integrates the different perspectives on value creation that can be found in the theory. The model suggests that the IPT value creation potential depends on four interdependent dimensions: novelty, lock-in, complementarities and efficiency. The case study of the Web Presence Strategy Formulation methodology, by AgenciaClick, an Internet development company in Brazil, describes how this methodology addresses the strategic concepts and analytical methods identified. The business model approach could cover some of the methodology’s gaps.


LIGIA CAMPOS WERNECK PEREZ 20 May 2005 (has links)
[pt] Presenciamos, atualmente, importantes mudanças no cenário competitivo das indústrias cimenteiras no Brasil, entre elas a falta de investimentos governamentais em infra-estrutura, o limitado poder aquisitivo da população, a crescente ameaça de novos entrantes, as preocupações e as oportunidades relacionadas às questões de meio-ambiente. Nesse contexto, utilizar sistemas de medição de desempenho adequados, que ajudem na gestão e no direcionamento da estratégia, permite estimular ações que impulsionem as transformações necessárias para um melhor desempenho da organização. O objetivo desta pesquisa é investigar se o sistema de medição de desempenho utilizado na Lafarge Brasil - empresa escolhida como foco nesta pesquisa - , mostra-se adequado à sua estratégia. As informações e os dados foram obtidos por meio de investigação documental e telematizada, levantamento de percepções com auxílio de questionários predominantemente estruturados e entrevistas, e foram tratados quantitativa e qualitativamente. As principais teorias sobre medição de desempenho e o modelo genérico integrativo de Macedo-Soares (2001b) compõem a fundamentação teórica da pesquisa, base para a análise e a interpretação dos dados coletados. A análise dos resultados mostrou que há um elevado grau de alinhamento entre o sistema de medição da empresa e a sua estratégia, ao identificar um grande número de fatores organizacionais que contribuem para a promoção deste alinhamento. Destacaremos ainda, na parte final do trabalho, as principais lições sobre a implementação e gestão de sistemas de medição que trouxe o estudo de caso na Lafarge Brasil. / [en] Currently, we have faced significant changes in the competitive arena of brazilian cement industry, from which we could highlight: lack of governmental investments on infrastructure, population economical restrictions, new entrants threats growth and concerns and opportunities related to environmental issues. In this way, the employment of suitable performance measurement systems, which can help on management and strategy focusing, can stimulate actions that will leverage the transformations needed to reach a better performance of the organization. The objective of this master´s thesis is to investigate if the performance measurement system adopted in Lafarge Brazil - company chosen for this research - is proper for its strategy. The information and the data were collected from primary and secondary sources, surveys and interviews with the company`s executives to capture their perceptions, which results were treated both by qualitative and quantitative analysis. The main theories related to performance measurement and the integrative generic model developed by Macedo-Soares (2001b) are the theoretical basis of this research, to analyze and to interpret the data collected. The results showed that there is a high alignment level between the company`s performance measurement system and its strategy as identify a large number of organizational factors that contribute to promote this alignment. We still highlight, in the final part of this work, the main lessons related to the implementation and management of the measurement systems which were brought by the case study of Lafarge Brazil.

Longitudinal analysis of eHealth Governance within healthcare organizations as a critical factor in the adaptation to the Information Society in Scotland

Beratarbide Sobrado, Maria Elena 04 May 2016 (has links)
[EN] EHealth plays an essential role in supporting healthcare in today's digital society; it is perceived as crucial for high quality and cost-effective healthcare. However, getting the expected benefits from eHealth has been difficult to demonstrate. There has been a raising interest in adopting eHealth Governance frameworks to obtain re-assurance that investments return the expected results in health care. How IT Governance is implemented within healthcare, the actual impact on strategic alignment and its influence to the information society progress, remains poorly understood. For this purpose we have explored the application of these frameworks within the National Health Service in Scotland and their impact on the following three aspects: eHealth Governance maturity, strategic alignment with healthcare and local progress of digital societies. This research is a longitudinal study (2008-2013), involving an exploratory and explanatory multi-case analysis of three representative organisations across Scotland. A combination of empiric methods has been used: semi-structured interviews with implementers, surveys (Strategic Alignment Model), cross-sectoral/national benchmarking based on a literature review and a qualitative analysis of established eHealth progress indicators. Ninety-two participants have been involved across three case studies. The outcomes of this study have been published over a period of 5 years representing a composite thesis based on relevant publications. Results sustain that EHealth Governance is in its infancy across sectors and countries. 80% of the organisations worldwide are in a transition point between a "committed" and an "established" process. Our results support that the more mature eHealth Governance is, the better the strategic alignment between eHealth and health care organisations (HCOs), hence the better progress of eHealth and the Digital Society. The Strategic alignment is slowly maturing across organisations (15% since 2008), indicating a faster development than the overall Digital Society (Scotland) progress indicators. The National eHealth Strategy shows signs of steady progress and very positive eHealth uptake in society with an overall growth of 12% since 2008, despite the deep economical recession within the period of this research. The conclusions of this study as a longitudinal analysis are limited and more research over the forthcoming years is required. For this purpose, a simplified and adapted method to monitor these trends in future HCOs research has also been provided. / [ES] La eSalud juega un papel esencial en el desarrollo de la asistencia médica en sociedades digitales; se percibe como un elemento crucial en la provisión de servicios médico-sanitarios alta calidad y costo-efectivos. A pesar de ello, hasta ahora ha sido difícil demostrar la materialización de los beneficios esperados de la eSalud, pero hay un interés creciente en la adopción de marcos de referencia basados en buenas prácticas, y estándares profesionales internacionales para la gestión y dirección de la eSalud, con el propósito de asegurar que las inversiones revierten los resultados esperados en el cuidado y servicios de la salud. Hasta ahora se sabe muy poco sobre el fenómeno de cómo la eSalud es integrada en el cuidado y servicios de la salud, y del impacto que esta tiene en la alineación estratégica de la eSalud. Igualmente, sabemos muy poco de la influencia real que estas prácticas tienen en el progreso de sociedades digitales. Este estudio se centra en explorar la aplicación de buenas practicas y estándares internacionales como marco de referencia en el gobierno de la eSalud en el servicio de salud Escocés; también contrastamos y comparamos el fenómeno con otros países y sectores. Esta investigación es un estudio longitudinal (2008-2013) que incorpora un análisis exploratorio y explicativo de casos. Se obtuvieron un total de noventa y dos participantes a lo largo de los tres casos estudiados, con representación de los principales grupos de interés (médicos y no médicos). Los resultados se han divulgado a lo largo del periodo de investigación en un compendio de publicaciones relevantes que conforman la tesis. Los principales hallazgos muestran que el gobierno de la eSalud está en su infancia en los sectores y países analizados: el 80% de las organizaciones a nivel mundial presentan este proceso en un punto de transición entre "comprometido" y "establecido" (Modelo SAM). Los resultados corroboran que cuanto más maduro es el gobierno de la eSalud, mayor alineación estratégica entre la eSalud y la organización, y mayor progreso de la variable eSalud en los indicadores de la sociedad de la información. La alineación estratégica esta madurando lentamente (15% desde 2008), sin embargo este crecimiento es mas rápido que el progreso observado en los indicadores de la sociedad digital (Escocia). La estrategia nacional Escocesa muestra signos de progreso sostenido y de integración (por uso o adopción) de las iniciativas de eSalud en la sociedad (crecimiento del 12% desde 2008), a pesar de la profunda depresión económica durante el periodo de investigación. Las conclusiones de esta investigación, como estudio longitudinal, son limitadas y requieren la captura de más datos y observaciones durante los próximos anos. Con el fin de facilitar este proceso, se ha propuesto un método simplificado y adaptado al sector salud, que permite capturar observaciones, comparar y monitorizar estas tendencias en futuras investigaciones en el sector salud. / [CAT] La eSalut juga un paper essencial en el suport a l'assistència sanitària a la societat digital de hui en dia; es percep com crucial per a l'alta qualitat i efectivitat del servicis de salut. No obstant això, ha estat difícil de demostrar la obtenció dels beneficis esperats de la eSalut. Hi ha hagut un interès en augmentar l'adopció de marcs de governança de la eSalut per obtenir re-assegurament que les inversions retornen els resultats esperats en els servicis sanitaris. Com s'implementa la governança de les TIC dins de l'assistència sanitària, l'impacte real en l'alineació estratègica i la seua influència en el progrés de la societat de la informació, continua sent poc conegut. Aquest estudi explora l'aplicació d'aquests estàndards i marcs de referència dins dels Serveis Nacionals de Salut d'Escòcia i el seu impacte en els tres aspectes següents: la maduresa de la governança de la eSalut", l'alineació estratègica amb l'assistència sanitària i, finalment, el progrés local de les societats digitals. Aquesta investigació és un estudi longitudinal (2008-2013), que implica una anàlisi multi cas exploratori i explicatiu de tres organitzacions representatives del servici nacional de salut de Escòcia. S'ha utilitzat una combinació de mètodes empírics: entrevistes semi estructurades, enquestes (Model SAM) comparatives de mercat intersectorial i internacional basat en una revisió bibliogràfica i, finalment, una anàlisi qualitativa dels indicadors de progrés eSalut. Noranta dos participants han informat a través de tres estudis de casos. Els resultats s'han divulgat al llarg del període d'investigació en un compendi de publicacions rellevants que conformen la tesi. Els resultats assenyalen que la governança de la eSalut està en la seua infància en tots els sectors i països. 80% de les organitzacions de tot el món es troben en un punt de transició entre un procés "compromès" i "establint". Els nostres resultats apunten que quan més madur es la governança de la eSalut, millor serà l'alineació estratègica entre la eSalut i les organitzacions d'atenció sanitària (HCOs), per tant el millor progrés de la sanitat electrònica a la Societat Digital. L'alineació estratègica està madurant lentament en les organitzacions (15% des de 2008); aquest desenvolupament és més ràpid que el progrés de la societat digital (Escòcia). L'estratègia Nacional de eSalut mostra signes de progrés constant i l'absorció de la eSalut en la societat es prou positiva, amb un creixement global del 12% des de l'any 2008, tot i la profunda recessió econòmica durant el període de temps d'aquesta investigació. Les conclusions d'aquest estudi com una anàlisi longitudinal són limitades i es requereix més investigació en els propers anys. / Beratarbide Sobrado, ME. (2016). Longitudinal analysis of eHealth Governance within healthcare organizations as a critical factor in the adaptation to the Information Society in Scotland [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/63456 / TESIS

Utmaningar med alignment av BI-system : En studie av konsulternas uppfattning av utmaningar med alignment arbete genom Strategic alignment model / Challenges faced with alignment of BI solutions : A study of the perception consultants’ work with IT alignment for their customers

Andersson, Marcus January 2023 (has links)
Det finns mycket publicerat om implementation och integration av IT-system generellt. Detta gäller även för Business intelligence (BI) system när det gäller den övergripande implementationen. Dock saknas forskning med större fokus på anpassning och alignment arbetet för att dessa system ska kunna brukas till full potential. Detta arbete syftar till att öka kunskaper gällande alignment och utmaningar som kommer med utveckling av BI lösningar för konsulter inom området. Detta görs genom en litteraturgenomgång som kompletteras med intervjuer av yrkesverksamma personer inom BI-utveckling, den insamlade empirin analyseras och tolkades för att identifiera och förstå utmaningarna.   Arbetet fokuserar endast på alignment delen av implementationsarbetet och är fokuserat på de IT relaterade faktorerna. Arbetet genomförs via ett konsultperspektiv, inte utifrån en specifik verksamhet.   Det som framkommit är vikten av kommunikation mellan konsult och kund för att på olika sätt motverka utmaningarna och bidra till ett effektivt arbetssätt som är mer optimalt. Detta genom att kommunikationen bidrar till ökad förståelse för kundernas verksamhet och hjälper konsulterna förstå och därmed hantera utmaningarna bättre. Kommunikationen bidrar även till att flera delar av processen fungerar effektivare och genererar bättre möjligheter för konsulterna att göra ett bra jobb genom att till exempel bidra till en bättre kravspecifikation och arbetsstruktur.

Mise à l'épreuve de l'alignement des usages du Système d'Information : le cas de sociétés ayant confié leur Système d’Information à un Centre de Services Partagés / Testing the alignment of usages of the Information System : the case of companies having entrusted their Information System to a Shared Services Center

Mathieu, Daniel 18 November 2013 (has links)
Notre travail de recherche a comme but d’améliorer la compréhension que nous avons sur les centres de services partagés (CSP), un mode d’organisation qui est en vogue ces dernières années. Plus spécifiquement, l’objet de notre travail est d’explorer la singularité qui existe entre ce mode organisationnel spécifique qu’est le centre de service partagés appliqué au système d’information (SI) et à l’alignement stratégique de celui-ci avec l’entreprise. Le thème de ce travail est donc de tester l’impact d’un CSP qui a en charge la SI dans l’alignement des usages (après la phase de gestion du changement et donc de bascule). En d’autres mots, nous testons le lien entre le fait de confier une partie de son SI à un CSP et la variation de l’alignement des usages du SI. Nous avons envisagé d’étudier notre problématique sous un aspect de la variation de l’alignement du SI et de la « satisfaction » des parties prenantes. Nous nous sommes focalisé sur la phase post-basculement (Alignement des Usages). Cette démarche inclut les termes « dynamique » et « usage » et prend en compte les dimensions temporelle et relationnelle. Nos travaux s’inscrivent dans un domaine de recherches émergent, ce qui leur confère un caractère exploratoire. Nous avons construit notre stratégie et notre objet de recherche de manière progressive. Comme préalable indispensable, il nous a paru fondamental de réaliser une exploration théorique des thèmes associés à notre recherche afin de constituer à la fois le fondement et la justification de la démarche proposée. Les connaissances que nous avons acquises nous ont conduit à élaborer des propositions conceptuelles (6 hypothèses) dans une perspective constructiviste. Celles-ci ont été construites lors de tests préalables puis ont fait l’objet de mises à l’épreuve auprès d’une sélection d’entreprises européennes utilisant un ou plusieurs CSP. Il nous a semblé plus riche de disposer de données issues de la complémentarité de deux approches qualitatives. Notre investigation s’est donc déroulée de façon duale. Nous avons d’une part étudié en détail une entreprise en particulier et, d’autre part, nous avons réalisé une étude pluri-organisationnelle composée de 5 études de cas menées à partir de 9 entretiens semi-directifs.La diversité des résultats obtenus tend à démontrer la singularité de notre travail de recherche. Deux propositions sont à mettre en évidence. La première est que l’alignement des usages à long terme est renforcé par l’utilisation d’une organisation insérant en son sein des CSP (hypothèse 1) et la deuxième est liée au fait que les parties prenantes externes peuvent être plus facilement manœuvrables par les entreprises clientes qui utilisent un CSP (hypothèse 3). Plus globalement, nous constatons deux autres contributions intéressantes de nos travaux. La première est liée à la plus grande stabilité dans le cadre de changements profonds des organisations qui font par exemple l’expérience d’une fusion ou d’une acquisition (hypothèses deux et six). Notre recherche académique arrive dès lors à la conclusion que le CSP est un facteur habilitant la stabilité de l’entreprise qui l’utilise. La seconde contribution est essentielle, elle couvre les problématiques d’interface entre le CSP et les autres acteurs, principalement les autres parties prenantes internes. Les liens entre les différentes parties sont fondamentaux pour obtenir et maintenir un bon alignement. / The aim of our research is to improve the understanding that we have towards the Shared Service Centers (SSC), a way of organization which has been the trend in the last years. To be more specific, the aim of our work is to explore the existing singularity between this specific organizational method, which is the SSC applied to the Information System (IS) and the strategic alignment with the enterprise. The objective of this paper is therefore to test the impact of the IS alignment in a company which uses the SSC. We have considered to study our question under the aspect of the variation of the IS alignment and the stakeholder’s “satisfaction”. We focalized on the postoperative handover (alignment of usages). This approach includes the “dynamic” and “usage” terms and takes into account the temporary and relational dimensions. Our work is inserted in a new research field that provides them with an explorative characteristic. We have built our strategy and our research study in a progressive way. Beforehand, it has seemed to us crucial to undergo a theoretic exploration of the subjects related to our research, in order to build simultaneously the basis and the purpose of the mentioned approach. The knowledge we have acquired has led us to elaborate conceptual proposals (6 hypotheses) from a constructivist perspective. These proposals were built during initial exploration tests and afterwards they were tested in European companies using one or more SSC. It seemed to us more logical to adopt the complementarity of a dual qualitative approach. On one hand, we studied in detail one company and, on the other hand, we have realized a poly organizational study, composed by 5 case studies, which were based on 9 semi-directive interviews.The variety of the results obtained tends to demonstrate the singularity of our research. Two proposals must be highlighted. The first one is that the strategic alignment in the long term is reinforced by the use of a SSC (hypothesis 1) and the second one is linked to the fact that the external stakeholders can be easily managed by the clients’ enterprises which use a SSC (hypothesis 3). More generally, we have verified two other interesting contributions during our research. The first one is linked to a larger stability in the case of deep changes as, for example, a merger or a takeover (hypothesis 2 and 6). Our academic research has reached the conclusion that the SSC is a factor which offers stability to the company that uses it. The second contribution is fundamental, that is, it covers the importance of the interfaces between the SSC and the other internal parties involved. The connections between the different groups are essential in order to obtain and to maintain a good alignment.

Mise à l'épreuve de l'alignement des usages du Système d'Information : le cas de sociétés ayant confié leur Système d’Information à un Centre de Services Partagés. / Testing the alignment of usages of the Information System : the case of companies having entrusted their Information System to a Shared Services Center.

Mathieu, Daniel 18 November 2013 (has links)
Notre travail de recherche a comme but d’améliorer la compréhension que nous avons sur les centres de services partagés (CSP), un mode d’organisation qui est en vogue ces dernières années. Plus spécifiquement, l’objet de notre travail est d’explorer la singularité qui existe entre ce mode organisationnel spécifique qu’est le centre de service partagés appliqué au système d’information (SI) et à l’alignement stratégique de celui-ci avec l’entreprise. Le thème de ce travail est donc de tester l’impact d’un CSP qui a en charge la SI dans l’alignement des usages (après la phase de gestion du changement et donc de bascule). En d’autres mots, nous testons le lien entre le fait de confier une partie de son SI à un CSP et la variation de l’alignement des usages du SI. Nous avons envisagé d’étudier notre problématique sous un aspect de la variation de l’alignement du SI et de la « satisfaction » des parties prenantes. Nous nous sommes focalisé sur la phase post-basculement (Alignement des Usages). Cette démarche inclut les termes « dynamique » et « usage » et prend en compte les dimensions temporelle et relationnelle. Nos travaux s’inscrivent dans un domaine de recherches émergent, ce qui leur confère un caractère exploratoire. Nous avons construit notre stratégie et notre objet de recherche de manière progressive. Comme préalable indispensable, il nous a paru fondamental de réaliser une exploration théorique des thèmes associés à notre recherche afin de constituer à la fois le fondement et la justification de la démarche proposée. Les connaissances que nous avons acquises nous ont conduit à élaborer des propositions conceptuelles (6 hypothèses) dans une perspective constructiviste. Celles-ci ont été construites lors de tests préalables puis ont fait l’objet de mises à l’épreuve auprès d’une sélection d’entreprises européennes utilisant un ou plusieurs CSP. Il nous a semblé plus riche de disposer de données issues de la complémentarité de deux approches qualitatives. Notre investigation s’est donc déroulée de façon duale. Nous avons d’une part étudié en détail une entreprise en particulier et, d’autre part, nous avons réalisé une étude pluri-organisationnelle composée de 5 études de cas menées à partir de 9 entretiens semi-directifs.La diversité des résultats obtenus tend à démontrer la singularité de notre travail de recherche. Deux propositions sont à mettre en évidence. La première est que l’alignement des usages à long terme est renforcé par l’utilisation d’une organisation insérant en son sein des CSP (hypothèse 1) et la deuxième est liée au fait que les parties prenantes externes peuvent être plus facilement manœuvrables par les entreprises clientes qui utilisent un CSP (hypothèse 3). Plus globalement, nous constatons deux autres contributions intéressantes de nos travaux. La première est liée à la plus grande stabilité dans le cadre de changements profonds des organisations qui font par exemple l’expérience d’une fusion ou d’une acquisition (hypothèses deux et six). Notre recherche académique arrive dès lors à la conclusion que le CSP est un facteur habilitant la stabilité de l’entreprise qui l’utilise. La seconde contribution est essentielle, elle couvre les problématiques d’interface entre le CSP et les autres acteurs, principalement les autres parties prenantes internes. Les liens entre les différentes parties sont fondamentaux pour obtenir et maintenir un bon alignement. / The aim of our research is to improve the understanding that we have towards the Shared Service Centers (SSC), a way of organization which has been the trend in the last years. To be more specific, the aim of our work is to explore the existing singularity between this specific organizational method, which is the SSC applied to the Information System (IS) and the strategic alignment with the enterprise. The objective of this paper is therefore to test the impact of the IS alignment in a company which uses the SSC. We have considered to study our question under the aspect of the variation of the IS alignment and the stakeholder’s “satisfaction”. We focalized on the postoperative handover (alignment of usages). This approach includes the “dynamic” and “usage” terms and takes into account the temporary and relational dimensions. Our work is inserted in a new research field that provides them with an explorative characteristic. We have built our strategy and our research study in a progressive way. Beforehand, it has seemed to us crucial to undergo a theoretic exploration of the subjects related to our research, in order to build simultaneously the basis and the purpose of the mentioned approach. The knowledge we have acquired has led us to elaborate conceptual proposals (6 hypotheses) from a constructivist perspective. These proposals were built during initial exploration tests and afterwards they were tested in European companies using one or more SSC. It seemed to us more logical to adopt the complementarity of a dual qualitative approach. On one hand, we studied in detail one company and, on the other hand, we have realized a poly organizational study, composed by 5 case studies, which were based on 9 semi-directive interviews.The variety of the results obtained tends to demonstrate the singularity of our research. Two proposals must be highlighted. The first one is that the strategic alignment in the long term is reinforced by the use of a SSC (hypothesis 1) and the second one is linked to the fact that the external stakeholders can be easily managed by the clients’ enterprises which use a SSC (hypothesis 3). More generally, we have verified two other interesting contributions during our research. The first one is linked to a larger stability in the case of deep changes as, for example, a merger or a takeover (hypothesis 2 and 6). Our academic research has reached the conclusion that the SSC is a factor which offers stability to the company that uses it. The second contribution is fundamental, that is, it covers the importance of the interfaces between the SSC and the other internal parties involved. The connections between the different groups are essential in order to obtain and to maintain a good alignment.

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