Spelling suggestions: "subject:"8trategic apositioning"" "subject:"8trategic depositioning""
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The Study of the Business Model and Strategy: A Single Women's Virtual CommunityHo, Pei-Chih 02 July 2010 (has links)
The population of late-married or non-married women is growing in the current society. Considering single women¡¦s unique consumer psychology and consumer behaviors, the researcher aimed to investigate the feasibility of a single women¡¦s virtual community by employing the web 2.0 and the visual community with a focus on its economic characteristics. The data were collected through the observations of related industries, interviews with experts and targeted groups, questionnaire investigation, and operation proposals. The results of the study were classified into two categories: the business model and the position strategy.
The business model (a) can enhance increasing returns effects of the dynamic circle and the lock-in circle and accumulate members, (b) plays a role of informational intermediatry who integrates contents with strategic alliances, and (c) offers E-commence with which to satisfy users¡¦ dynamic needs. Three main phases¡Xexperience economy, reputation economy, and profit-earning¡Xare developed through such an advantage. The position strategy is to provide single women with an informational platform which addresses convenience, affinity, diversity, accuracy, safe-transaction, and customized-services.
The platform includes four main topics: health, entertainment, self-growth, and investment. Therefore, it is able to meet single women¡¦s needs regarding health, travel, learning, and finance. The study also offers four suggestions for people who want to manage the virtual community. First, the virtual community should be developed based on market segmentation and take customers¡¦ intentions into account. Second, it should offer customized services and promote the worth of using experiences. Third, it should be a friendly, risk-free platform in which varied, up-dated information is given. Fourth, it should offer customers easy-using ways and allow them to share information as well as interact with others.
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The strategic positioning of the new technology-based firm¡Xusing the capacitive touch screens industry as research caseKuo, Kuang-Liao 12 August 2005 (has links)
By the advantage of technology innovation, the New Technology-Based Firms can not only win the competitive advantage but also make a great contribution to the national economic growth. (Rickne & Jacobsson,1996¡FAutio & Yli-Renko,1998¡FAcs,1999¡FFontes & Coombs,2001)¡C
The technology of touch screens originated in military use, but it has been extensively applied to consumer, commercial, and public products. Among the touch screens, the capacitive touch screens are the best and the most expensive product. There used to be a single producer in the industry. But now, there is another company with the key manufacture technology and this company is also our study case.
This study used the descriptive case-study method to analyze the strategic positioning of the New Technology-Based Firm in the industry. This study suggests the ¡§Focus Strategy¡¨ to be the strategic positioning of the new technology-based Firm in the capacitive touch screens industry, including the ¡§Cost Focus Strategy¡¨ for the cost advantage of customizing sizes and the ¡§Focus Differentiation Strategy¡¨ for the customization policy.
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[pt] A indústria de telecomunicações no Brasil vem passando
por profundas
transformações desde meados da década de 1990, quando da
alteração da
regulamentação e da privatização do monopólio estatal
prestador de serviço
telefônico fixo comutado (STFC). No arcabouço regulatório
da indústria, estas
alterações implicaram em grandes transformações no
ambiente competitivo e
nas estratégias competitivas adotadas pelas empresas
originárias a partir deste momento.
A partir do estudo de caso de uma empresa concessionária
privatizada em
1998, procurou-se identificar alterações em suas
estratégias competitivas, em
seu ambiente competitivo e no desempenho desta empresa,
antes e após a
A identificação das estratégias competitivas foi baseada
na classificação
da empresa, a partir de 20 variáveis estratégicas,
segundo a tipologia de Porter
(1986), em entrevistas com funcionários e ex-funcionários
da empresa
selecionada, concorrentes e consultorias especializadas
no setor.
No período anterior à privatização (1996-1998), dado o
regime de
monopólio estatal no qual a empresa selecionada operava,
não foi possível
identificar um posicionamento estratégico bem definido,
apesar da proximidade
com a estratégia de diferenciação. Já no período
posterior à privatização (1999-
2003), a empresa busca um posicionamento estratégico de
apesar de algumas ações táticas inconsistentes com esta
A comparação dos indicadores de desempenho apurados antes
e após a
privatização indica que, apesar da empresa adotar com
sucesso um
posicionamento de diferenciação, a significativa
transformação do ambiente
competitivo foi desfavorável, tornando o ambiente
competitivo mais hostil e
prejudicando os resultados da empresa. / [en] The telecommunications industry in Brazil had been through
changes during the mid-1990's and the beginning of the 21st
century, due to a
new regulation and the privatization of the state-owned
telephony monopolistic
operators. These regulatory changes caused a major
transformation in this
industry's competitive environment and in the recently
privatized operators
competitive strategies.
This dissertation seeks to identify changes in the
competitive environment
by means of a more detailed analysis of a privatized
operator, this company's
competitive strategies and performance indicators through a
comparison of two
distinct periods - before (1996-1998) and after (1999-2003)
the privatization.
In order to identify the competitive strategies, the
selected company was
classified under 20 strategic variables, according to
Porter's (1980) typology.
The research is based on interviews with current and former
employees from the
selected company, its competitors and the industry's
consulting firms.
During the period that preceded the privatization process
(1996-1998), the
company's strategy can not be classified under Porter's
(1980) typology due to
the monopolistic regime in which the company provided its
services, although it
was possible to infer that the company's strategy seems
closer to a differentiation
strategy than other generic strategies. On the other hand,
during the period
following the privatization (1999-2003), the company
positioned itself on a
differentiation strategy, although some adopted tactics
might diverge from this
In spite of successfully adopting a differentiation
strategy, the company's
results have decreased, as shown by a comparison of
performance indicators
from both periods. These poorer results after the new
regulation are mainly due
to a much more hostile competitive environment than before.
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[pt] O propósito desse estudo foi analisar a influência das estratégias competitivas
implementadas por empresas de petróleo na percepção de valor dos seus acionistas.
Para isso, foi adotada uma linha de investigação através da qual foi associado um
conjunto de variáveis, mensuráveis através de dados contábeis, a posicionamentos
estratégicos relevantes visando à identificação de grupos estratégicos na indústria
petrolífera. Este trabalho adotou como base a tipologia de estratégias genéricas
desenvolvida por Chrisman et al. na identificação dos grupos estratégicos. O conceito
de percepção de valor dos acionistas aqui abordado foi retratado pelo Q de Tobin,
razão entre o valor de mercado das empresas e o valor de reposição dos seus ativos.
Foram adotados indicadores de desempenho amplamente utilizados nos estudos de
finanças corporativas, tais como retorno sobre capital empregado, faturamento e lucro
líquido. O método de análise utilizado constituiu-se numa revisão bibliográfica para
identificação de variáveis estratégicas e de desempenho e do levantamento de uma
base de dados obtida a partir de relatórios de atividades e demais informações
relevantes publicadas por essas empresas. Uma vez selecionados, os dados de cada
empresa foram submetidos a procedimentos estatísticos visando à identificação das
estratégias competitivas adotadas. Basicamente, foram utilizados três métodos
estatísticos: a análise de cluster, o teste de Wilcoxon Sign e o teste de Kruskal-Wallis,
respectivamente, na identificação da composição dos grupos estratégicos, na
verificação da coerência dos mesmos com as características apontadas pela tipologia
adotada e na comparação do desempenho das empresas de cada grupo. Foram
desenvolvidas análises anuais dos posicionamentos estratégicos das empresas, bem
como análise de longo prazo considerando a formação de grupos estratégicos
baseados no posicionamento mais freqüente das mesmas em todo o período estudado.
Uma vez identificados os grupos estratégicos, foi verificado se a percepção do
investidor foi afetada pelo posicionamento estratégico das empresas através da
comparação dos valores do Q de Tobin dos diferentes grupos formados e na
observação das demais variáveis de desempenho. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que,
em uma perspectiva de longo prazo, é possível afirmar que os acionistas percebem
valor nas estratégias adotadas pelas empresas de petróleo, ao passo que, em uma base
anual, não é possível confirmar, com confiabilidade estatística, esta mesma
afirmação. / [en] The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of the competitive
strategies implemented by oil companies in the value perception of their
shareholders. For that, an investigation line was adopted where a group of
variables, measurable through accounting data, was associated to important
strategic positionings seeking to the identification of strategic groups in the oil
industry. This work adopted the typology developed by Chrisman et al. in the
identification of the strategic groups. The concept of value perception of the
shareholders was portrayed by Q of Tobin, the reason between the market value of
the companies and the replacement value of their assets. Perform indicators
widespread used in the studies of corporate finances, such as return on employed
capital, revenue and net profit, were adopted to complement Tobins q analysis.
The analysis method used was a bibliographical revision for identification of
strategic variables and the prospection of a database obtained from reports of
activities and other important information published by the companies. Basically,
three statistical methods were used: cluster analysis, Wilcoxon Sign Test and
Kruskal-Wallis Test, respectively, in the identification of the composition of the
strategic groups, in the verification of the coherence of the same ones with
expected characteristics for the adopted typology and in the comparison of
companies s perform in each group. Annual analyses of the strategic positionings
of the companies were developed, as well as long period analysis considering the
formation of strategic groups based on the most frequent positioning in the whole
studied period. Once identified the strategic groups, was verified if the investors
perception was affected by the strategic positioning of the companies through the
comparison of the values of Q of Tobin of the different strategic groups and in the
observation of the other performance variables. The obtained results suggest that,
in a perspective of long period, it is possible to affirm that the shareholders notice
value in the strategies adopted by the oil companies, while, in an annual base, it is
not possible to confirm, with statistical reliability, this same statement.
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A Study on the Competitive Strategies of Taiwan IC Packaging New Entrants Based on Path Dependence TheoryChen, Yeh-shun 01 September 2004 (has links)
Taiwan¡¦s IC foundry has truly emerged as important roles in Taiwan¡¦s electronic industries, whose fast growth has successfully been in the construction of Taiwan¡¦s economic miracle. Through the differentiation strategy, TSMC, the largest and most successful dedicated IC foundry in the world, expands and develops its business from bottom to top. It also has well driven IC industries a Cluster Effect, prosperously fostering the industries in its supply chain, from IC design and manufacturing to packaging and testing, even rapid growth of Taiwan¡¦s personal computer and peripheral industries relatively.
Long-term, increasing growth for IC industries had earned many companies to invest low entry barrier factories - IC packaging that needs lower technical expertise and less capital. However, against semiconductor industrial booming and bust cycles, and the phenomenon known as the Bullwhip Effect in supply chains, most packaging factories have been confronting with the challenges in worse and more competitive environments. Those factories, even the same for the new entrants, actively adopted all different types of competitive, cooperative and integrated strategies, not only for profits but survival.
In this study, based on path dependence theory, the competitive strategies among ten new IC packaging companies were introduced to discuss, examine, and more further verify the linkages between their competitive strategies and developing paths. The conclusion indicates that competitive strategies of positive developing path may offer new entrants a successful, experienced model to copy with.
1.The advancement of Taiwan IC packaging new entrants gave evidence for developing path¡¦s model. That is to say, different competitive strategies will result in different developing paths.
2.The competitive strategies of the positively developing path¡¦s model are helpful for new entrants to develop positively. Strategic positioning helps to concentrate company¡¦s resources onto her beneficial path to develop. Innovative strategies will help to break through the limitations of path and guide the developing path to success. Competitive advantage helps the developing path come into positive cycles.
3.IC packaging companies have to review and react very often to manage their competitive strategies when the developing path is influenced by the variances of inner and outer environments.
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Reduced Financial Resources and the Strategic Position of Community Colleges: How an "Embedded Community College" Can Neutralize External PressuresNamuo, Clyne Gill Hanalei January 2013 (has links)
This multi-site case study is really the story of three same-state community colleges (Bridge and Buffer Community College, Grants and Reserves Community College, and Crystal Ball Community College) two years after they suffered a potentially catastrophic 50% reduction in state allocations. This study examined their responses to those reductions and attempted to frame those responses according to existing research on strategic activity and strategic positioning. The theoretical framework used, referenced as a theoretical mesh, consisted of academic capitalism (Slaughter & Leslie, 1997; Slaughter & Rhoades, 2004), resource dependence theory (Pfeffer & Salancik, 1978), state relative autonomy perspective (Dougherty, 1994), and neo-institutional theory (DiMaggio & Powell, 1983). The synthesis of these theories facilitated the analysis of the findings of this study. This study identified three key phenomena: The Quartering of Community Colleges to conceptualize and organize the abundance of external pressures facing community colleges, Mandates to Neutralize to explain the importance of an aggressive and formal approach to neutralizing external pressures, and Embedded Community Colleges whose strategic positions are strengthened through a deliberate, committed approach to fostering close relationships with their local communities.
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Posicionamento estratégico das redes varejistas Lojas Colombo e Magazine LuizaCasa, Enio Francisco January 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho analisa o posicionamento estratégico de duas grandes redes pertencentes ao ramo varejista de bens duráveis: Lojas Colombo e Magazine Luiza, no intuito de identificar através de informações coletadas em entrevistas, reportagens das principais revistas e jornais, como estas empresas buscam obter vantagens competitivas num cenário altamente concorrido como o atual. A análise usa como referencial teórico as idéias de posicionamento estratégico de M. Porter e a exploração de vantagens de custos e benefícios para obtenção de vantagens competitivas e melhor posicionamento no mercado. O referencial escolhido mostrou-se bastante útil para entender as escolhas de estratégia das empresas estudadas. As análises realizadas com base em informações obtidas levaram ao entendimento que as Lojas Colombo têm como foco de atuação a competição por benefícios, optando pela diferenciação. Já o Magazine Luiza tem um posicionamento estratégico voltado para a competição por custos, considerando os mesmos critérios de avaliação para as duas empresas. / This paper examines strategic positioning applied to two well-established rival Brazilian companies that belong to retail trade market of durable goods. We collected information from newspapers and magazines in order to identify how those companies obtain competitive advantages in such a dynamic today’s market scenario. Our analysis is based on M. Porter's ideas of strategic positioning and competitive advantages in cost and benefits, focusing on how to achieve a better position in the local market. Porter's theory turned out to be the best choice for understanding these company approaches. As a result we found out different initiatives between the two studied chains. The first one, called Lojas Colombo, focuses on competitive benefits while the second, called Magazine Luiza, establishes competitive costs. We considered the same assessment criteria for both companies.
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Posicionamento estratégico das redes varejistas Lojas Colombo e Magazine LuizaCasa, Enio Francisco January 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho analisa o posicionamento estratégico de duas grandes redes pertencentes ao ramo varejista de bens duráveis: Lojas Colombo e Magazine Luiza, no intuito de identificar através de informações coletadas em entrevistas, reportagens das principais revistas e jornais, como estas empresas buscam obter vantagens competitivas num cenário altamente concorrido como o atual. A análise usa como referencial teórico as idéias de posicionamento estratégico de M. Porter e a exploração de vantagens de custos e benefícios para obtenção de vantagens competitivas e melhor posicionamento no mercado. O referencial escolhido mostrou-se bastante útil para entender as escolhas de estratégia das empresas estudadas. As análises realizadas com base em informações obtidas levaram ao entendimento que as Lojas Colombo têm como foco de atuação a competição por benefícios, optando pela diferenciação. Já o Magazine Luiza tem um posicionamento estratégico voltado para a competição por custos, considerando os mesmos critérios de avaliação para as duas empresas. / This paper examines strategic positioning applied to two well-established rival Brazilian companies that belong to retail trade market of durable goods. We collected information from newspapers and magazines in order to identify how those companies obtain competitive advantages in such a dynamic today’s market scenario. Our analysis is based on M. Porter's ideas of strategic positioning and competitive advantages in cost and benefits, focusing on how to achieve a better position in the local market. Porter's theory turned out to be the best choice for understanding these company approaches. As a result we found out different initiatives between the two studied chains. The first one, called Lojas Colombo, focuses on competitive benefits while the second, called Magazine Luiza, establishes competitive costs. We considered the same assessment criteria for both companies.
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Posicionamento estratégico das redes varejistas Lojas Colombo e Magazine LuizaCasa, Enio Francisco January 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho analisa o posicionamento estratégico de duas grandes redes pertencentes ao ramo varejista de bens duráveis: Lojas Colombo e Magazine Luiza, no intuito de identificar através de informações coletadas em entrevistas, reportagens das principais revistas e jornais, como estas empresas buscam obter vantagens competitivas num cenário altamente concorrido como o atual. A análise usa como referencial teórico as idéias de posicionamento estratégico de M. Porter e a exploração de vantagens de custos e benefícios para obtenção de vantagens competitivas e melhor posicionamento no mercado. O referencial escolhido mostrou-se bastante útil para entender as escolhas de estratégia das empresas estudadas. As análises realizadas com base em informações obtidas levaram ao entendimento que as Lojas Colombo têm como foco de atuação a competição por benefícios, optando pela diferenciação. Já o Magazine Luiza tem um posicionamento estratégico voltado para a competição por custos, considerando os mesmos critérios de avaliação para as duas empresas. / This paper examines strategic positioning applied to two well-established rival Brazilian companies that belong to retail trade market of durable goods. We collected information from newspapers and magazines in order to identify how those companies obtain competitive advantages in such a dynamic today’s market scenario. Our analysis is based on M. Porter's ideas of strategic positioning and competitive advantages in cost and benefits, focusing on how to achieve a better position in the local market. Porter's theory turned out to be the best choice for understanding these company approaches. As a result we found out different initiatives between the two studied chains. The first one, called Lojas Colombo, focuses on competitive benefits while the second, called Magazine Luiza, establishes competitive costs. We considered the same assessment criteria for both companies.
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Estudo do posicionamento estratégico das cooperativas agropecuárias de leite do Agreste pernambucanoLEITÃO, José Marcelo Gonçalves 31 May 2010 (has links)
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Jose Marcelo Goncalves Leitao.pdf: 1105247 bytes, checksum: ea17ba11d52b7ac760deeab07b5e1e2d (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2010-05-31 / The production of dairy products is a key economic supporters of rural region in Pernambucano where Ipanema Valley and Ipojuca Valley concentrate 53% of the total of produced milk in the state. In the current economic market of dairy products, cooperatives, as well as companies in general, need to develop new business models in order to reach an administrative direction of its executives and associates to grow and to develop. Therefore, the adoption of strategies enhancing the standards of competitiveness, as well as administrative and management competence are needed to achieve a better market position and compete on equal terms with companies. This research studied the Competitive Positioning of the three cooperatives in activity in these microregions: COOP ANEMA, COOPLESA and COOPSAL. Thus, this study aims to examine the competitiveness of Milk Agricultural Cooperatives in Central and South Rural regions of Pemambuco, through its competitive factors, identifying their vulnerability and capability in marketing their products facing large buyers and evaluating how economic results interfere with social outcomes. The methodology in this analysis was qualitative, with the use of questionnaires and interviews with presidents, directors and associates of the three cooperatives. With these results we can verify that the cooperatives, besides being located in different microregions they differ in their structures, and in structures and in the commercialization ofthe products. However, they have similarities in relation to partnerships in training members, adoption of generic strategies of focus and leadership in total cost and suffer from high informallity in the sector. Therefore, it is necessary to promote cooperative campaigns with official institutions responsible for inspection and health monitoring for quality assurance of products and also to defme strategies aiming to increase herd productivity, besides training in management tools for their managers. / A produção de leite e derivados constitui um dos principais suportes econômicos do Agreste Pemambucano onde as microrregiões do Vale do Ipanema e Vale do Ipojuca concentram 53% do volume total de leite produzido no Estado. Na atual conjuntura econômica do mercado de leite e derivados, as cooperativas, assim corno as empresas de uma forma geral, precisam desenvolver novos modelos de gestão visando um direcionamento administrativo de seus executivos e associados em busca do seu crescimento e desenvolv.imento. Portanto, a adoção de estratégias valorizando os padrões de competitividade, além de competência administrativa e gerencial, são fundamentais para se conseguir um melhor posicionamento no mercado e competir em condições de igualdade com as empresas. Diante desta realidade, esta pesquisa estudou o Posicionamento Competitivo das três cooperativas em atividade nestas microrregiões: COOP ANEMA, COOPLESA e COOPSAL. Sendo assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a competitividade das Cooperativas Agropecuárias de Leite nos Agrestes Central e Meridional de Pemambuco, através de seus fatores competitivos, identificando a sua vulnerabilidade e potencialidade na comercialização dos seus produtos diante dos grandes compradores e avaliando como os resultados econômicos interferem nos resultados sociais. A metodologia utilizada nessa análise foi através de pesquisa qualitativa, com utilização de questionários e entrevistas a presidentes, diretores e associados das três cooperativas. O modelo de análise utilizado se baseou na estrutura das cinco forças que interagem com os negócios de uma instituição empresarial/cooperativa. Através dos resultados encontrados pode-se verificar que as cooperativas além de estarem localizadas em microrregiões diferentes apresentam divergências tanto em suas estruturas, quanto na comercialização dos seus produtos principais. Porém, as mesmas possuem convergências em relação às parcerias em capacitação para os associados, adoção das estratégias genéricas de enfoque e liderança no custo total e sofrem com a elevada informalidade no setor. Sendo assim, toma-se necessário que as cooperativas promovam campanhas com órgãos oficiais responsáveis pela inspeção e vigilância sanitária para garantia da qualidade dos produtos, e que defmam estratégias de atuação para os associados, objetivando o aumento da produtividade do rebanho, além de promover treinamentos em ferramentas gerenciais para os seus dirigentes.
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