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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Success factors in sustaining strategic alliances between large and small businesses in the IT sector in South Africa

Smith, Esme Joy 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Collaborative strategies such as strategic alliances are being adopted by small and large companies to gain a competitive advantage in a fast changing global and local business environment. Companies are recognising the value of achieving their business goals through mutually beneficial strategic alliances. Strategic alliances provide a more flexible, non-permanent means through collaborative engagement between companies to attain complementary services, skills, products and resources. This study aimed to contribute to an understanding of the nature of strategic alliances between large and small companies within the information technology (IT) sector in South Africa and to highlight the particular dynamics, challenges and success factors from the perspective of these companies. The research question posed was: "What are the success factors that impact on the sustainability of strategic alliances between large and small companies within the IT industry in South Africa?" In this study, a strategic alliance was defined as a "co-operative arrangement between two or more local and / or global firms that invest in a collaborative effort to achieve their individual and mutual goals and positively impact their competitive positioning". Limited research had been conducted on strategic alliances in South Africa in general and no research was available on the IT sector. This exploratory research study was conducted to provide an overview of the dynamics and issues related to strategic alliances keeping the respective contexts of small and large companies in mind. This study contributes to an understanding of the respective contributions of small and large companies in complementing their respective strengths and experiences to achieve business objectives. This area of study supports government policies and initiatives in promoting the collaboration between large and small companies in developing the economy and the small business sector in particular. Within a dynamic and fast-growing information communications technology (ICT) sector, there are increasing opportunities for strategic alliances between small and large companies within the IT sub-sector. A qualitative, inductive research approach was used to determine the kind of alliances that existed, test the themes identified in the literature review in relation to the South African context and identify new insights based on the experiences of respondents engaged in strategic alliance relationships. This approach supported the assumption that the circumstances explored are complex and dynamic and require flexibility both in the approach and methods used. Semi-structured, face-to-face interviews were used as the instrument or method of data collection. An interviewer guide was developed to direct the interview. Themes and key factors identified through the literature review provided input into the structure and content of the interviews. Three small and three large companies from the IT sector were interviewed as part of this study. The number of employees was used as the primary indicator of company size using the guidelines provided by the DTI. Research results indicated that the main motivations for engaging in strategic alliances included risk sharing, access to new markets, expanded product service offerings, complementary skills and learning, funding support and enhancing competitive positioning. The primary motivator that all respondents identified was 'collaborative bidding for business'. Forty-three percent of alliances of the small and large companies interviewed were with small companies. Small companies indicated a wider range of alliances and included partnering with micro enterprises to large multinationals in their alliance formations. Strategic alliances were monitored and measured by all respondents. Quantitative measures were used most frequently and included measures such as profitability, delivery to project deadlines, meeting service levels and delivery to baseline commitments made in the solutions submitted to clients. Qualitative measures were identified but applied in a less structured way. Challenges identified by small and large companies included achieving an understanding of the culture and needs of small and large companies, managing the financial challenges, relationship management and dealing with co-opetition where competitors are incorporated into the strategic alliance. Respondents all indicated that the value of strategic alliances outweigh the cost of establishing and managing strategic alliances particularly between small and large companies. The success factors identified were largely similar between small and large companies. The highest ranked factors identified by small companies were partner selection and benefit analysis whereas leadership and strategy were the main priority factors for large companies. It is recommended that further research be conducted into measuring and monitoring methods that assists in monitoring the effectiveness of alliances and to develop the capacity of strategic alliance managers in managing the complex of relationships between alliance members, alliance delivery performance and client demands and influences on the strategic alliance. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Klein en groot maatskappye gebruik toenemend samewerkingstrategiee soos strategiese alliansies om 'n kompeterende voorsprong te verkry in 'n vinnig veranderende globale en plaaslike besigheidsomgewing. Maatskappye besef die waarde daarvan om hulle besigheidsdoelwitte te bereik deur wedersydse voordelige strategiese alliansies. Strategiese alliansies verskaf 'n buigsamer, nie-permanente metode, deur middel van samewerking tussen maatskappye, waarmee bykomende dienste, vaardighede, produkte en hulpbronne verkry kan word. Hierdie studie beoog om by te dra tot die begrip van die aard van strategiese alliansies tussen groot en klein maatskappye in die Informasie Tegnologiesektor (IT-sektor) in Suid-Afrika en om die spesifieke dinamika, uitdagings en suksesfaktore vanuit die perspektief van hierdie maatskappye te belig. Die navorsingsvraag is: "Wat is die suksesfaktore wat 'n impak het op die volhoubaarheid van strategiese alliansies tussen groot en klein maatskappye in die IT-bedryf in Suid-Afrika?" In hierdie studie word 'n strategiese alliansie gedefinieer as 'n "samewerkingsooreenkoms tussen twee of meer plaaslike en / of globale maatskappye wat bele in 'n samewerkingspoging om hulle individuele en gesamentlike doelwitte te bereik en wat 'n positiewe uitwerking het op hulle kompeterende posisionering." Beperkte navorsing is al gedoen oor strategiese alliansies in Suid-Afrika in die algemeen en geen navorsing was beskikbaar oor die IT-bedryf nie. Hierdie ondersoekende navorsingstudie is gedoen om 'n verkennende oorsig te verskaf van die dinamika en kwessies verwant aan strategiese alliansies, spesifiek binne die konteks van onderskeidelik klein en groot maatskappye. Hierdie studie dra by tot 'n begrip van die onderskeie bydraes van klein en groot maatskappye in soverre hulle onderskeie sterk punte en ervarings mekaar komplementeer om besigheidsdoelwitte te bereik. Die navorsingsveld ondersteun ook die regering se beleid en inisiatiewe om samewerking tussen groot en klein maatskappye te bevorder en daardeur die ekonomie, spesifiek die kleinsakesektor, te ontwikkel. Binne 'n dinamiese en snelgroeiende Informasie- en Kommunikasiesektor (IKT-sektor), is daar toenemend geleenthede vir strategiese alliansies tussen klein en groot maatskappye binne die IT-subsektor. 'n Kwalitatiewe, inleidende navorsingsbenadering is gebruik om die tipe alliansies wat bestaan te bepaal, die geidentifiseerde temas uit 'n literatuurstudie, toegespits op die Suid-Afrikaanse situasie, te toets en nuwe insigte, gebaseer op die ervarings van die respondente in strategiese alliansieverhoudings, te identifiseer. Hierdie benadering het die aanname bevestig dat die omstandighede wat ondersoek is, kompleks en dinamies is, en buigsaamheid in beide die benadering en metodiek, vereis. Gedeeltelik gestruktureerde, persoonlike onderhoude is gebruik as die navorsingsinstrument of -metode van dataversameling. 'n Vraelys is opgestel as riglyn vir die onderhoude. Die temas en kernfaktore, wat geidentifiseer is uit die literatuuroorsig, het insette vir die struktuur en inhoud van die onderhoude verskaf. Drie klein en drie groot maatskappye in die IT-bedryf is as deel van hierdie studie nagevors. Die getal werknemers is gebruik as die belangrikste bepaler van die maatskappy se grootte volgens die riglyne verskaf deur die Departement van Handel en Nywerheid (DHN). Die navorsingsresultate het aangedui dat die belangrikste beweegredes vir die sluit van strategiese alliansies die volgende is: gedeelde risiko's, toegang tot nuwe markte, uitgebreide produk- / diensaanbiedings, aanvullende vaardighede en opleiding, steun vir befondsing en die bevordering van kompeterende posisionering. Die belangrikste beweegrede wat alle respondente geidentifiseer het, was "gesamentlike tender vir besigheid" . Drie-en-veertig persent van die alliansies van die klein en groot maatskappye wat ondersoek is, was met klein maatskappye. Klein maatskappye het 'n wyer verskeidenheid van alliansies, insluitend vennootskappe van mikro-ondernemings tot groot multinasionale maatskappye, in hulle alliansievormings, ingesluit. Strategiese alliansies is deur alle respondente gemonitor en gemeet. Kwantitatiewe meetinstrumente is die meeste gebruik en het maatstawwe bevat soos winsgewendheid, lewering binne die projek se spertye, die nakom van diensvlakvereistes en die nakom van die aanvanklike ooreenkoms in die oplossings voorgehou aan die kliente. Kwalitatiewe meetinstrumente is ook geidentifiseer, maar minder gestruktureerd toegepas. Die volgende uitdagings is deur beide klein en groot maatskappye geidentifiseer: om'n begrip te vorm van die kultuur en behoeftes van klein en groot maatskappye, bestuur van die finansiele uitdagings, verhoudingsbestuur en die hantering van kooptering waar mededingers in die strategiese alliansie ingesluit is. Al die respondente het aangedui dat die waarde van strategiese alliansies die koste verbonde aan die sluit en bestuur van strategiese alliansies oortref, veral tussen klein en groot maatskappye. Die suksesfaktore wat geidentifiseer is, was hoofsaaklik dieselfde by klein en groot maatskappye. Die faktore wat die meeste waardeer is deur die klein maatskappye, was die keuse van vennote en voordele-analises, terwyl leierskap en strategie die twee hooffaktore vir die groot maatskappye was. Daar word aanbeveel dat verdere navorsing gedoen word oor meetinstrurnente en moniteringmetodes wat kan help om die effektiwiteit van alliansies te monitor. Die kapasiteit van strategiese alliansiebestuurders om die verskeidenheid van verhoudings tussen alliansielede, alliansie-diensleweringvermoens en klientvereistes en invloede op die strategiese alliansie, te bestuur, moet ook ontwikkel word.

經理人權益基礎薪酬與策略聯盟之關聯性研究 / An Empirical Study of the Association between Executive Equity-based Compensation and Strategic Alliances

陳襄瑋, Chen, Hsiang Wei Unknown Date (has links)

A case study of PC industry strategic alliance

Yeung, Chung-yun., 楊鐘仁. January 1995 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Business Administration / Master / Master of Business Administration

Strategic supplier alliances in the Hong Kong electronics industry

Lee, Ka-chun, 李家駿 January 2004 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy

Study of the possibillity of container port alliance

Chao, Chung-min, Christina., 趙仲敏. January 2006 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Transport Policy and Planning / Master / Master of Arts in Transport Policy and Planning

Riscos corporativos em alianças estratégicas: o caso envolvendo a gestiona - pequena empresa e a PricewaterhouseCoopers / Corporate risks in strategic alliances: the case involving gestiona - small business and pricewaterhouse coopers

Silva, Sidirley Fabiani da 16 November 2016 (has links)
Diante do aumento da concorrência e da complexidade dos projetos e especificidades dos serviços business-to-business, o empreendedor pode adotar estratégias corporativas para manter a competitividade e superar barreiras comerciais para atuar em novos mercados e acessar clientes de grande porte, por meio, por exemplo, de alianças estratégicas, ou seja, acordos de cooperação entre empresas para o compartilhamento de riscos e investimentos, complementaridade de competências e acesso a recursos, mercados e clientes não disponíveis de forma independente. No entanto, tais alianças, ao mesmo tempo que apresentam oportunidades como ampliação do mercado e do escopo de atuação, também implicam riscos corporativos para os agentes envolvidos, especialmente o pequeno empreendedor quando associado a uma empresa de grande porte. Este estudo tem como finalidade propor uma estrutura para analisar os principais riscos corporativos envolvidos no processo de formação e ao longo da aliança estratégica entre uma empresa de pequeno porte e uma empresa de grande porte. Para tanto, realizou-se um estudo de caso único com base no processo de formação e desenvolvimento da aliança estratégica firmada entre a Gestiona, consultoria brasileira de pequeno porte que atua no setor de gestão da inovação para empresas fixadas em território nacional de todos os portes e setores, e a PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). Sendo assim, este estudo identifica os elementos estruturais da aliança estratégica entre a Gestiona e a PwC, bem como os principais riscos corporativos, com forte ênfase para o relacionamento interpessoal, além de propor uma estrutura de riscos corporativos para análise de contextos correlatos. Por fim, também é objeto de investigação deste estudo o nível de maturidade dessa aliança estratégica. / Faced with increased competition and complexity of the projects and specificities of business-to-business services, the small entrepreneur can adopt corporate strategies to remain competitive and overcome trade barriers to operating in new markets and access large clients through, for example, strategic alliances, that is cooperation agreements between companies with risk-sharing objectives and investments, complementary skills and access to resources, markets and customers not available independently. However, such alliances, while presenting opportunities such as market expansion and scope of action, also imply corporate risks for the agents involved, especially the small entrepreneur when associated with a large company. This study aims to propose a structure to analyze the main corporate risks involved in the training process and throughout the strategic alliance between a small company and a large company. A single case study was carried out based on the training and development process of the strategic alliance signed between Gestiona, a small Brazilian consultancy that operates in the innovation management sector for companies established in national territory of all sizes and sectors, and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). Thus, this study identifies the structural elements of the strategic alliance between Gestiona and PwC, as well as the main corporate risks, with a strong emphasis on interpersonal relationships, as well as proposing a corporate risk structure to analyze related contexts. Finally, the study also investigates the level of maturity of this strategic alliance.

Substitui????o da for??a de venda pr??pria por distribuidores : um estudo de caso

Siqueira, Nilza Aparecida dos Santos 07 October 2002 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-03T18:33:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Nilza_Aparecida_dos_Santos_Siqueira.pdf: 992313 bytes, checksum: 97a3bf8961129952babbee21e53890c2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2002-10-07 / The channels of marketing or distribution, that can be seen as an open system formed by a set of interdependent, involved companies in the process to become a product available for use or consumption, if well chose and managed they can be considered as source of competitive advantage to the companies. The present work is focused on the study of the channels of marketing as sustainable competitive strategy for the Brazilian nourishing industry. Being highlighted the results got through the change of distribution channel, with substitution of the proper force of sales for deliverers and by the formation of strategical alliances firmed between the industry and its intermediate, for the rank of the product in the retail market. The research was of exploratory nature, with bibliographical revision on channels of distribution, competitive advantage and on the basis of a study of case in a company of the nourishing branch. The conclusive data on the case study had been collected in internal reports of the organization and carried through discursive interviews with employees who had worked in the searched company, in the period whom they had occurred to the alterations in its channels of distribution. It was verified that, in the case of the searched company, the substitution of its proper sales forces for deliverers, resulted in an increase of the numerical distribution, with bigger covering of the market, considerable increase of the sales volume and making profits of the sales of the products, besides the strengthening of the mark and of the company valuation. / Os canais de marketing ou distribui????o, que podem ser vistos como um sistema aberto formado por um conjunto de empresas interdependentes, envolvidas no processo de tornar um bem dispon??vel para uso ou consumo, desde que bem escolhido e administrado podem ser considerados como fonte de vantagem competitiva ??s empresas. O presente trabalho est?? voltado ao estudo dos canais de marketing como estrat??gia competitiva sustent??vel para a ind??stria aliment??cia brasileira. Destacando-se os resultados obtidos atrav??s da mudan??a de canal de distribui????o, com substitui????o da for??a de venda pr??pria por distribuidores e da forma????o de alian??as estrat??gicas firmadas entre a ind??stria e seus intermedi??rios, para a coloca????o do produto no mercado de varejo. A pesquisa foi de natureza explorat??ria, com revis??o bibliogr??fica sobre canais de distribui????o, vantagem competitiva e com base em um estudo de caso em uma empresa do ramo aliment??cio. Os dados conclusivos sobre o estudo de caso foram coletados em relat??rios internos da organiza????o e em entrevistas discursivas realizadas com funcion??rios que trabalharam na empresa pesquisada no per??odo que ocorreram as altera????es em seus canais de distribui????o. Verificou-se que no caso da empresa pesquisada a substitui????o da sua for??a de vendas pr??pria por distribuidores resultou em aumento da distribui????o num??rica, com maior cobertura do mercado, aumento consider??vel do volume de vendas e gera????o de lucros na venda dos produtos, al??m de fortalecimento da marca e valoriza????o da empresa.

Práticas de gestão econômica e financeira adotadas por redes de empresas estabelecidas no estado do Rio Grande do Sul

Menegotto, Margarete Luisa Arbugeri 14 July 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2015-05-18T11:46:50Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Margarete MenegottoContabeis.pdf: 692048 bytes, checksum: 27f41fb59683bb30748c0b82b5e0b656 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-18T11:46:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Margarete MenegottoContabeis.pdf: 692048 bytes, checksum: 27f41fb59683bb30748c0b82b5e0b656 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-07-14 / Nenhuma / O presente estudo teve por objetivo identificar quais práticas de gestão econômica e financeira são adotadas por redes de empresas do Rio Grande do Sul. O uso das práticas de gestão econômica e financeira permite aos gestores a avaliação das ações implementadas e a obtenção de informações necessárias para a tomada de decisão. Para a obtenção dos dados sobre a utilização dessas práticas pelas redes de empresas, foi utilizada a técnica de levantamento de dados por meio de entrevistas estruturadas, aplicadas em 21 redes de empresas do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, que compuseram a amostra da pesquisa. O instrumento de coleta de dados abordou aspectos referentes a motivos da formação das redes de empresas; forma de escolha dos associados; estrutura e formalização das redes; práticas de gestão econômica e financeira; governança corporativa; características gerais das redes e perfil dos respondentes. Os dados coletados foram submetidos à análise descritiva, na qual se calculou o Ranking Médio de utilização, bem como percentuais de graus de utilização, ambos baseados nas respostas obtidas na escala Likert. Foi realizada ainda a análise fatorial com intuito de reduzir o número de variáveis e formar fatores, os quais foram submetidos a múltiplas correlações bivariadas no intuito de verificar a relação entre estes. Baseado nessas análises pode-se constatar que as redes de empresas são constituídas com o objetivo principal de aumentar a competitividade, minimizar custos e obter parcerias. Constatou-se que 76% da amostra é formada por associações, e que as redes que possuem volume de transações superior a R$ 10 milhões/ano utilizam as práticas de gestão econômica e financeira com maior intensidade do que as que possuem um volume inferior. Com relação às práticas de gestão econômica e financeira, verificou-se que as cotações de preços com fornecedores potenciais e o fluxo de caixa são as mais utilizadas pela amostra. Os resultados permitem supor, ainda, que quando se trata de gestão econômica e financeira de redes o foco está voltado para o curto prazo, visto que na classificação dos rankings, as três primeiras colocações apresentam esta indicação. / The objective of the present study was to identify which practices of economic and financial management are used by business networks in Rio Grande do Sul. The usage of practices of the economic and financial management allows the evaluation of the actions as well as the obtainment of needed information for decision-making. Structured interviews were used to obtain the data about the usage of these practices.The interviews were applied to 21 business networks in Rio Grande do Sul, which composed the sample of this research. The data collection instrument took into account the aspects referring to the reasons of business network formation; different forms on choosing the associates; structure and formalization of the networks; practices of economic and financial management; corporate governance; general characteristics of networks and respondents’ profile. The data collected was submitted to the descriptive analysis where middle ranking and the percentage of usage were calculated based on the answers obtained on the Likert scale. The factorial analysis was performed in order to reduce the number of variables as well as to form factors which underwent multiple bivariate correlations in order to examine the relationship among them. Based on these analyses, it was possible to verify that business networks are established to increase competitiveness, reduce costs and achieve partnerships. It was found that 76% of the sample is composed of associations, and that the networks that have transaction value exceeding R$ 10 million per year used the practices of economic and financial management with greater intensity than those with less volume. With respectto the practices of economic and financial management, it was found that the price quotation with potential suppliers and cash flow are most used by the sample. The results suggest that, when it comes to economic and financial management of networks, the focus is on short term, since the first three positions have this statement in the rankings classification.

Coexistência de aspectos relacionais e transacionais em alianças estratégicas internacionais marcadas pelo rígido controle de custos

Calvilho, Eduardo Magalhaes 24 May 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Fabricia Fialho Reginato (fabriciar) on 2015-08-05T01:23:08Z No. of bitstreams: 1 EduardoCalvilho.pdf: 1038907 bytes, checksum: 42aa99d4bd73dde5b305062373fa2c0e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-08-05T01:23:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 EduardoCalvilho.pdf: 1038907 bytes, checksum: 42aa99d4bd73dde5b305062373fa2c0e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-05-24 / Nenhuma / Os países em desenvolvimento têm se mostrado como um ótimo investimento para empresas multinacionais que desejam ampliar sua área de atuação. A limitação de certos recursos tecnológicos nesses países somada à dificuldade de penetração de organizações estrangeiras faz com que as Alianças Estratégicas Internacionais (AEI) despontem como boa opção para as empresas de ambas nacionalidades. Segundo o estudo da Booz & Company Consultoria o cenário decorrente da exploração do Pré-sal demandará por tecnologia de ponta e investimentos da ordem de US$ 500 bilhões no setor de Exploração e Produção (E&P) de Petróleo. Entender então que pontos deveriam ser observados antes de criar e ao conduzir as Alianças Estratégicas (AE) demandadas por esse novo ambiente trará vantagens competitivas e maior probabilidade de sucesso às organizações. A literatura aponta a divergência cultural como um item importante a ser considerado no processo de formação de alianças. Há uma relação direta entre a cultura e as estrutura de governança das organizações, a qual define princípios e comportamentos que nortearão a gestão da aliança. (LANGFIELD-SMITH, 2008). Estudos desenvolvidos por Ness e Haugland (2005), Poppo e Zenger (2002) e Roath et al. (2002) apontaram como sendo duas as dimensões de estrutura de governança das organizações: foco no contrato (transacional) e foco no relacionamento. Para investigar como as diferentes culturas organizacionais (relacional e transacional) interagem em AEs ou AEIs foram investigadas seis alianças que foram constituídas para prestação de serviços especializados para uma empresa do governo. O autor identificou que todas as alianças operaram em ambientes predominantemente transacionais. As divergências de culturas entre as empresas nacionais e internacionais não afetou o desempenho das alianças. Entretanto, o desequilíbrio de forças provocado pela empresa do governo resultou na elevação dos custos para alianças no primeiro momento. Para recuperação dos resultados as alianças se valeram de comportamentos oportunistas aproveitando indefinições nos contratos de serviços, aumentando os custos ex post para o cliente em um segundo momento. Por fim, a análise dos achados permitiu a identificação de três formas como se estabelece a estrutura de governança das alianças, definido pela cultura, pela situação ou pela estratégia. / The developing countries are presenting themselves as a good investment option to international companies which are aiming for expanding their busines area. The technological limitation of those countries added to the difficulties that the foreign companies have to access the local market make the International Strategic Alliances (ISA) become as a good option for companies of both nationalities. According to Booz & Company Consulting study, the Pre-salt exploration scenario will demand not only for high technology, but also for financial investments around US$ 500 billion on the Exploration and Production (E&P) sector. So that, understanding which points should be observed after the Strategic Alliances (SA) creation and when running an alliance will result in competitive advantage and in an additional chances of the organizations success. The literature points out to cultural divergence as an important issue to be considered on the alliances process formation. There is a close relation between the organization culture and its Governance structure and this defines principles and behaviors which guide the alliance management. (LANGFIELD-SMITH, 2008). The studies of Ness and Haugland (2005), Poppo and Zenger (2002) and Roath et al. (2002) indicated two governance structure dimensions, contract oriented (transactional) and relations oriented. To investigate how different organizational cultures (contractual or relational) interact in SA or in ISA were researched six alliances. These SA were established to perform specialized services to a governmental company. The author found out that all alliances had run on scenarios predominantly transactional. The cultural divergences between national and international companies didn’t seem to affect the alliances performance. The unbalance of power situation created by the governmental company resulted in costs raise to the alliances at the first time. To recover the revenue the alliances had to use opportunistic behaviors, by means of taking advantage of lack of details of the service contract, raising the ex post costs to the customer afterwards. In the end, the findings analysis led the author to identify three different ways how the alliances’ governance structure is established, defined by culture, by the situation or by the strategy.

Fomento público à inovação tecnológica

Mazon, Tânia Ishikawa 18 March 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:23:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tania Ishikawa Mazon.pdf: 1618843 bytes, checksum: 86eff0883936b6eccaf1343b2447eb20 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-18 / In the 1990s of the twentieth century the term innovation became to be used frequently and attract increasing attention of policymakers and the productive sector in Brazil. Having as background the State's promotion of scientific development, research and technological expertise recommended by the Federal Constitution of 1988 and the São Paulo State Constitution of 1989 and the urgent need for the country to innovate more and more, this study was developed with the purpose of analyzing the administrative function of support and, in particular, the construction of specialized and cooperative environments of innovation in the light of Federal Law N° 10973/2004 and the Complementary State Law N° 1049/2008. It was also reviewed the role of Law in developing strategic alliances and cooperative projects of innovation, as well as in the building of research networks, business incubators, technology parks, partnership agreements and minority stake of the Government in the capital of the privately held company, by highlighting controversies arising from the implementation of those laws, as well as parameters to guide public promotional activities. At the end, the findings obtained during the work were listed / Na década de 90 do século XX o termo inovação passou a ser utilizado com frequência e a atrair a crescente atenção de formuladores de políticas públicas e do setor produtivo no Brasil. Tendo como pano de fundo o estímulo do Estado ao desenvolvimento científico, à pesquisa e à capacitação tecnológicas preconizado pelas Constituições Federal de 1988 e Paulista de 1989 e a necessidade premente de o País inovar cada vez mais, o presente estudo foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de analisar a função administrativa de fomento e, especialmente, a construção de ambientes especializados e cooperativos de inovação, à luz da Lei Federal nº 10.973/2004 e da Lei Complementar Paulista nº 1.049/2008. Foi também examinado o papel do Direito na constituição de alianças estratégicas e de projetos cooperativos de inovação, assim como na formação de redes de pesquisa, incubadoras, parques tecnológicos, acordos de parceria e na participação minoritária do Poder Público no capital de empresa privada, apontando polêmicas surgidas na aplicação das leis citadas, assim como parâmetros para orientar a atuação promocional pública. Ao final, foram arroladas as conclusões obtidas ao longo do trabalho

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