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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Managing Change in the Recording Industry : response measures to the impact of downloading

Helgesson, Mattias, Mattsson, Daniel January 2005 (has links)
<p>Sedan 2001 har skivindustrin förlorat en tredjedel av sin totala försäljning och framtiden för musikkonsumering är näst intill dagligen debatterad i media. På ena sidan finner man förespråkare för fri nedladdning och fildelning över Internet, medan den andra sidan består av artister och skivbolag som förklarar att man inte kan klara sig utan intäkter för musiken som produceras. Ett försenat lagförslag, ämnat att träda i kraft i juli 2005, som skulle förbjuda nedladdning av otillåtet material på Internet behandlas just nu av riksdagen. Framtiden är oviss, men det råder inga tvivel om att musikindustrin just nu undergår stora förändringar.</p><p>Syftet och avsikten med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka hur stora skivbolag i Sverige hanterar de omvärldsförändringar som skett till följd av nedladdning över Internet. Vårt fokus ligger på strategiska val, aktiviteter och organisatoriska förändingar som implementeras av ledningsgrupperna på respektive företag.</p><p>Vi har använt oss av tidigare studier och teorier inom strategi och change management som en plattform för att analysera företagens aktiviteter och inställning till nedladdningsfeno-menet sedan problemet identifierades. På deras respektive huvudkontor i Stockholm intervjuade vi representanter från de tre största skivbolagen i Sverige; EMI, Universal Music och Sony BMG. Datan som samlades in baserades på de frågor vi formulerat med hänvisningar till olika delar av managementteorin som behandlar diskontinuerlig förändring.</p><p>En slutsats som vi dragit är att skivbolagen reagerat för sent för att till fullo ta tillvara på möjligheterna som musikdistribution over Internet trots allt besitter. Anledningarna är många, men deras relativt statiska strukturer och det faktum att man varit fast i gamla mönster är en stor del av förklaringen. Trots att man från skivbolagens sida reagerade ganska sent på förändringen så har man nu hunnit i kapp utvecklingen avsevärt och efter att ha tagit många strategiska steg på rätt väg är man nu till en större utsträckning förberedd att möta framtida behov. Den här uppsatsen innehåller mer detaljer och specifika element av deras strategiska respons, bland annat personalbyten, tydligare omvärldsanalyser och strategiförändringar.</p> / <p>Since 2001 the recording industry has lost a third of its total sales and the future of music consumption is almost daily debated in media. On one side there are voices proclaiming free downloading and music sharing over the Internet and on the other side there are artists and record companies explaining that they need the revenues to survive. A currently delayed law proposal to illegalise unauthorized downloading, planned to be implemented from July 2005, is being considered by the Parliament. The future outcome is uncertain, but the music industry is currently and unquestionably experiencing big change.</p><p>The purpose and intention with this thesis is to examine how major record companies in Sweden are managing the environmental change, imposed by downloading over the Internet, focusing on strategic choices, actions and organizational change implemented by subsidiary level top management.</p><p>We have used previous research and theories within the area of strategy and change management as a platform for analyzing what approach these companies have to this phenomenon and also what measures have been implemented since the problem was first recognized. In Stockholm we met with representatives from the three largest record companies in Sweden; EMI Sweden, Universal Music and Sony BMG. Our data was collected from these interviews, which were based on our questions referring to different parts of the management process when experiencing big change.</p><p>One conclusion we have drawn is that the reaction from the recording industry has been too slow in order to fully capitalize on the possibilities in music distribution over the Internet. The reasons for this are many, but their relatively static structure and the fact that they have been caught up in old patterns are certainly part of the explanation. However, even though the record companies were somewhat slow from the beginning, they have now caught up substantially and since many of the measures suggested by previous research have been implemented, they are now to a larger extent equipped to meet the future needs. This thesis contains more specific elements on what responses to downloading the record companies are currently working with, such as restaffing procedures, rethinking the operational environment and reshaping strategies.</p>

The local newspaper, captured by the net? : A quantittive study about Swedish local newspapers and the competition faced from new media. / Lokaltidningen, fångad av nätet? : En kvantitativ studie om svenska lokaltidningar och konkurrensen de möter från nya media.

Olsson, Christoffer, Jacobsson, Karl January 2006 (has links)
<p><b>Inledning</b> Lokala dagstidningar har varit en naturlig del av vårt moderna samhälle i många årtionden och de flesta av oss tar därför den lokala tidningens framtid för given. Lokaltidningar har dock problem med att attrahera nya, speciellt yngre, prenumeranter. Detta samtidigt som denna grupp spenderar mer tid uppkopplad till internet, eller med andra former av ny media. Lokaltidningen har varit dödsdömd flera gånger då ett nytt media har introducerats men, som vi vet, överlevt. Skillnaden denna gång är att alternativet är gratis. Ny media växer generellt mycket snabbt. Vissa lokala tidningar följer den tekniska utvecklingen och har lanserat en nätupplaga som del av sin långsiktiga strategi, medan andra har valt att endast fokusera på papperstidningen.</p><p><b>Syfte</b> Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka och analysera vilka ledningsbeslut och strategier lokala tidningar implementerar idag för att möta konkurrensen från ny media. Syfte är dessutom att undersöka och analysera vad de borde göra i framtiden.</p><p><b>Metod</b> Vi har, för att uppfylla syftet, genomfört en kvantitativ, telefonbaserad, undersökning med ett standardiserat frågeformulär. Vi har intervjuat 30 utav Sveriges 36, till upplagan största, lokala tidningar, jämt spridda över landet.</p><p><b>Slutsatser</b> Mer än två tredjedelar av all lokala dagstidningar representerade i vår undersökning har förlorat prenumeranter sen 2000 och nästan tre fjärdedelar tror att dessa inte kommer att återkomma i framtiden. 90 % av dagstidningarna upplever press på deras största kund, annonsörerna, och 66 % upplever press på prenumeranterna, på grund av internet.</p><p>87 % av våra respondenter har en webbupplaga av sin dagstidning. Trots att respondenterna uppger pris som den största anledningen till det minskande antalet prenumeranter, tar 32 % redan betalt för delar av sin webbupplaga, och 80 % utav de som inte tar betalt idag, har för avsikt att göra det inom fem år.</p><p>En stor majoritet av respondenterna har, trots den negativa trenden, en positiv inställning till framtiden. Omvandlingen från traditionell lokal dagstidning till ett modernt media hus tycks vara nyckeln till framgång i framtiden.</p> / <p><b>Introduction</b> Local newspapers have been a natural part of a modern society for many decades and most thus take the printed local newspapers’ future for granted. Local newspapers do however have problems attracting new, especially younger, subscribers. At the same time this group spends more time online and with other forms of new media. The local newspaper has been domed several times a new media has entered the market but as we know always survived. The difference this time is that the alternative is free. New media is generally gaining ground very rapidly. Some local newspapers follow the technical evolution by launching web-editions of their newspaper as part of their long-term strategy, while others decide only to focus on the printed edition.</p><p><b>Purpose</b> The purpose of this thesis is to research and analyse what managerial choices and strategies local newspapers are implementing today to meet the competition from new types of media. The purpose is furthermore to research and analyse what they ought to do in the future.</p><p><b>Method</b> We have, to fulfil the purpose, conducted a quantitative, telephone based, research with a standardised questionnaire. We have interviewed 30 out of Sweden’s 36, based on circulation, largest local newspapers, geographically spread all over Sweden.</p><p><b>Conclusions</b> More than two third of all local newspapers represented in our research have lost subscribers since 2000 and almost three quarters believe that these subscribers will not come back in the future. 90 % of the newspapers experience pressure on their biggest customer, advertisers, and 66 % experience pressure on subscribers, because of internet.</p><p>87 % of our respondents have an online edition of their newspaper. Even though the respondents state that the biggest reason for future decrease in subscription is price, 32 % already charge a fee for parts of their web-edition and 80 % of those respondents who do not charge anything today, state that they will charge within five years.</p><p>A large majority of the respondents have, despite the negative trend, a positive attitude towards the future. The transformation from a traditional local newspaper to a modern media house appears to be the key to success in the future.</p>

Radikala ändringar av marknadsförhållanden och strategiska förändringar / Radical alterations of market conditions and strategic change

Curtsdotter, Jenny, Kihlborg, Louise January 2002 (has links)
<p>There is much literature covering strategic change under different circumstances but very little concerning how companies act strategically under sudden and radical changes to market conditions. Based on three different events (the terrorist attack in the USA September 11th 2001, the Tjernobyl accident April 26th 1986 and the Islamic revolution in Iran 1979) with such radical changes as a result we chose three companies that were affected (SAS, Asea Atom and Atlas Copco). The result of the events that were studied in this thesis is extremely unusual to their character. The events themselves were sudden and of a temporary nature but the results were long term changes of market conditions. Through personal interviews the authors have tried to establish how the companies have perceived the events and how the top management has strategically handled the situation. It seems like the interpretation of the importance the event will have on the company's future has been the basis for what measures that where taken. Furthermore, the authors have, after having compared the actions of the companies with some already established theories concerning strategic change, been able to see that the existing theories cannotcompletely explain the actions of the companies and reactions under such extreme conditions. The time aspect and the resistance to change are factors that are affected by the radical changes of market conditions, since the planning of the changes takes place under a very compressed period of time, and the resistance to change that becomes unusually low within the company.</p>

Jumping the tracks : capability of employeeship during a strategic change / Urspårad : förmågan av medarbetarskap vid en strategisk förändring

Pedersen, Anja Panduro January 2015 (has links)
Employeeship is a growing organizational resource. Yet many organizations forget to focus on their employees during change processes. In modern society change has become an inherent feature in most organizations and employees are expected to be competent and adapt. They are expected to maintain their capability of practising employeeship during changes. The study aimed at gaining an understanding of how employees experience their capability of employeeship during a strategic organizational change. The study built on a recent development in Denmark as changes where implemented in the Danish public school system. Building on theories about employee capability and employeeship the study examined how teachers experienced their own capability of adapting to and performing during changes. The study examined how employees experience their own employeeship. To analyse the experienced employeeship a qualitative study was carried out with semi-structured interviews of six public school teachers. A hermeneutic approach was applied to the study in order to gain a holistic understanding of the experienced capability of employeeship. The result shows that strategic changes in organizations not only involves changes to organizational structures. It also involves changes to how employees experience their own capability of employeeship. It changes the balance of their lived worlds. / Medarbetarskap är en växande resurs inom organisationer. Ändå glömmer många organisationer att fokusera på medarbetarna i förändringsprocesser. I det moderna samhället är förändring nu mer en naturlig del av organisationer och medarbetarna förväntas vara kompetenta och anpassa sig. De förväntas upprätthålla förmågan att utöva medarbetarskap under en förändring. Studien syftar att uppnå förståelse för hur medarbetarna själva uppfattar förmågan till medarbetarskap under en strategisk förändring i en organisation. Studien baserades på en nyligen genomförd utveckling i Danmark där nya reformer implementerats i den danska grundskolan. Teorier om medarbetarförmåga och medarbetarskap ligger som grund till studien som undersökte hur lärare uppfattar den egna förmågan att anpassa sig och utföra arbetet under en förändringsprocess. Studien undersökte hur medarbetare uppfattar det egna medarbetarskapet. För att analysera uppfattningen av medarbetarskap användes en kvalitativ metod och halvstruktuerade intervjuer med sex grundskolelärare. Studien har en hermeneutisk ansats för att uppnå helhetsförståelse av uppfattningarna. Resultaten visade att strategiska förändringar i organisationer inte enbart medför ändringar på organisationens struktur: utan även förändringar av hur medarbetarna uppfattar den egna förmågan av medarbetarskap. Det förändrar hur de uppfattar balansen i sin livsvärld.

Från produkt till tjänst : utveckling av affärs- och miljöstrategier i produktorienterade företag /

Söderström, John, January 2003 (has links)
Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögsk., 2004.

Processos de sensemaking e sensegiving para stakeholders internos e externos : o caso do PROMOEX no Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Rondônia

Melo, Janilene Vasconcelos de January 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho propõe e aplica um framework para compreender como se dá o processo de sensemaking, sensegiving e sensemaking estratégico para stakeholders internos e externos, em um processo de mudança estratégica decorrente da implementação do Programa de Modernização do Sistema de Controle Externo dos Estados, Distrito Federal e Municípios Brasileiros (PROMOEX), no Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Rondônia-TCE-RO. A base teórica desta pesquisa divide-se em construções conceituais distintas, mas que se interrelacionam - sensemaking, sensegiving, sensemaking estratégico e teoria dos stakeholders. Tais opções teóricas consideram que as mudanças organizacionais são feitas com base na criação de sentido e realizadas a partir de atividades estratégicas junto aos stakeholders. A pesquisa se justificou por preencher um gap teórico assentado na abordagem sensemaking no setor público que impacta os stakeholders internos e externos. Realizou-se uma pesquisa exploratória, através de um estudo de caso, utilizando-se abordagens qualitativa e quantitativa que se complementam, isso porque o estudo qualitativo gerou questões que foram aprofundadas quantitativamente. A coleta dos dados qualitativos teve como técnica entrevistas semiestruturadas. Para a sistematização fez-se uso do software Atlas.ti e posterior análise de conteúdo. Na abordagem quantitativa aplicou-se questionário com perguntas fechadas e uma aberta. Para o tratamento dos dados utilizou-se o software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences-SPSS. Assim, a pesquisa constitui-se de três fases: a primeira com os Pioneiros do PROMOEX, a segunda com os integrantes do TCE-RO e a terceira com os stakeholders externos, constituídos de jurisdicionados e representantes da sociedade. Com base nos dados obtidos, foram feitas as análises buscando compreender as relações envolvidas na criação de sentido, compartilhado a partir das mudanças oriundas da implementação do PROMOEX no Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Rondônia. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam para a compreensão do PROMOEX desde sua concepção, a partir da aplicabilidade dos conceitos teóricos, bem como das mudanças ocorridas no TCE-RO, com a implementação do programa. As contribuições teóricas foram a aplicação das teorias estudadas e o seu inter-relacionamento no nível interno e a análise doentendimento de stakeholders (internos e externos) no nível externo. No campo prático, as contribuições referem-se ao contexto público brasileiro, com as melhorias na fiscalização dos recursos públicos, surgidas a partir da adequação dos Tribunais de Contas à Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal-LRF, com a importância dada à utilização da tecnologia de informação para promoção e implementação de processos de mudança, bem como o conceito de modernidade que o PROMOEX trouxe aos Tribunais de Contas do Brasil, destacando-se a visibilidade da Corte de Contas rondoniense e o estreitamento dos laços que unem as Cortes de Contas brasileiras. / This paper proposes and implements a framework to understand how the sensemaking, strategic sensemaking to internal and external sensegiving are to internal and external to stakeholders in a process of strategic change resulting from the implementation of the Modernization Program of External Control System of the States, Federal District and Brazilian Municipalities (PROMOEX), the Court of Auditors of the State of Rondonia-TECRO. The theoretical basis of this research, is divided into distinct conceptual constructions, but which are inter relation-sensemaking, sensemaking, sensegiving and the Stakeholder´s Theory. Such theoretical options consider that organizational changes are made based on the creation of meaning and realized from strategic activities with stakeholders. The research is justified by filling out a gap in the theoretical approach sensemaking, seated in the public sector that impacts the internal and external stakeholders. We conducted an exploratory research through a case study, using qualitative and quantitative approaches that complement each other, this is because the qualitative study generated questions that were deeply quantitatively. The technique for qualitative data collection was semi-structured interviews. For the systematization, it was made use of the Atlas.ti software and subsequent content analysis. For the quantitative approach there were questionnaires applied with closed questions and one open question. For the data processing we used the Statistical Package for Social Sciences-SPSS. Thus, the research consists of three phases, the first with the Pioneers PROMOEX, the second with the members of the TCE-RO and the third with the external stake holders, made up of jurisdictional representatives and society. Based on the data, analyzes were performed in order to understand the elements and the relationships involved in creating a shared sense of the changes arising from the implementation of the PROMOEX in the Court of Auditors of the State of Rondônia. The survey results point to understanding PROMOEX since its conception, from the applicability of theoretical concepts, as well as changes in the TCE-RO, with the implementation of the program. The theoretical contributions were applied to the theories studied and their interrelationships on an internal level and understanding and analysis of the stakeholders (internal and external), in the external level. In the practical field, the contributions refer to the public Brazilian context, with the improvements in the oversight of public resources, emerged from the adaptation of the Court of Auditors Fiscal Responsibility Law, with the importance given to the use of information technology to promote and implement the change processes. As well as the concept of modernity that PROMOEX brought to the Court of Auditors of Brazil, highlighting the visibility of the Court of Auditors "rondoniense" and the closer ties between the Courts of Auditors in Brazil.

Processos de sensemaking e sensegiving para stakeholders internos e externos : o caso do PROMOEX no Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Rondônia

Melo, Janilene Vasconcelos de January 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho propõe e aplica um framework para compreender como se dá o processo de sensemaking, sensegiving e sensemaking estratégico para stakeholders internos e externos, em um processo de mudança estratégica decorrente da implementação do Programa de Modernização do Sistema de Controle Externo dos Estados, Distrito Federal e Municípios Brasileiros (PROMOEX), no Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Rondônia-TCE-RO. A base teórica desta pesquisa divide-se em construções conceituais distintas, mas que se interrelacionam - sensemaking, sensegiving, sensemaking estratégico e teoria dos stakeholders. Tais opções teóricas consideram que as mudanças organizacionais são feitas com base na criação de sentido e realizadas a partir de atividades estratégicas junto aos stakeholders. A pesquisa se justificou por preencher um gap teórico assentado na abordagem sensemaking no setor público que impacta os stakeholders internos e externos. Realizou-se uma pesquisa exploratória, através de um estudo de caso, utilizando-se abordagens qualitativa e quantitativa que se complementam, isso porque o estudo qualitativo gerou questões que foram aprofundadas quantitativamente. A coleta dos dados qualitativos teve como técnica entrevistas semiestruturadas. Para a sistematização fez-se uso do software Atlas.ti e posterior análise de conteúdo. Na abordagem quantitativa aplicou-se questionário com perguntas fechadas e uma aberta. Para o tratamento dos dados utilizou-se o software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences-SPSS. Assim, a pesquisa constitui-se de três fases: a primeira com os Pioneiros do PROMOEX, a segunda com os integrantes do TCE-RO e a terceira com os stakeholders externos, constituídos de jurisdicionados e representantes da sociedade. Com base nos dados obtidos, foram feitas as análises buscando compreender as relações envolvidas na criação de sentido, compartilhado a partir das mudanças oriundas da implementação do PROMOEX no Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Rondônia. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam para a compreensão do PROMOEX desde sua concepção, a partir da aplicabilidade dos conceitos teóricos, bem como das mudanças ocorridas no TCE-RO, com a implementação do programa. As contribuições teóricas foram a aplicação das teorias estudadas e o seu inter-relacionamento no nível interno e a análise doentendimento de stakeholders (internos e externos) no nível externo. No campo prático, as contribuições referem-se ao contexto público brasileiro, com as melhorias na fiscalização dos recursos públicos, surgidas a partir da adequação dos Tribunais de Contas à Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal-LRF, com a importância dada à utilização da tecnologia de informação para promoção e implementação de processos de mudança, bem como o conceito de modernidade que o PROMOEX trouxe aos Tribunais de Contas do Brasil, destacando-se a visibilidade da Corte de Contas rondoniense e o estreitamento dos laços que unem as Cortes de Contas brasileiras. / This paper proposes and implements a framework to understand how the sensemaking, strategic sensemaking to internal and external sensegiving are to internal and external to stakeholders in a process of strategic change resulting from the implementation of the Modernization Program of External Control System of the States, Federal District and Brazilian Municipalities (PROMOEX), the Court of Auditors of the State of Rondonia-TECRO. The theoretical basis of this research, is divided into distinct conceptual constructions, but which are inter relation-sensemaking, sensemaking, sensegiving and the Stakeholder´s Theory. Such theoretical options consider that organizational changes are made based on the creation of meaning and realized from strategic activities with stakeholders. The research is justified by filling out a gap in the theoretical approach sensemaking, seated in the public sector that impacts the internal and external stakeholders. We conducted an exploratory research through a case study, using qualitative and quantitative approaches that complement each other, this is because the qualitative study generated questions that were deeply quantitatively. The technique for qualitative data collection was semi-structured interviews. For the systematization, it was made use of the Atlas.ti software and subsequent content analysis. For the quantitative approach there were questionnaires applied with closed questions and one open question. For the data processing we used the Statistical Package for Social Sciences-SPSS. Thus, the research consists of three phases, the first with the Pioneers PROMOEX, the second with the members of the TCE-RO and the third with the external stake holders, made up of jurisdictional representatives and society. Based on the data, analyzes were performed in order to understand the elements and the relationships involved in creating a shared sense of the changes arising from the implementation of the PROMOEX in the Court of Auditors of the State of Rondônia. The survey results point to understanding PROMOEX since its conception, from the applicability of theoretical concepts, as well as changes in the TCE-RO, with the implementation of the program. The theoretical contributions were applied to the theories studied and their interrelationships on an internal level and understanding and analysis of the stakeholders (internal and external), in the external level. In the practical field, the contributions refer to the public Brazilian context, with the improvements in the oversight of public resources, emerged from the adaptation of the Court of Auditors Fiscal Responsibility Law, with the importance given to the use of information technology to promote and implement the change processes. As well as the concept of modernity that PROMOEX brought to the Court of Auditors of Brazil, highlighting the visibility of the Court of Auditors "rondoniense" and the closer ties between the Courts of Auditors in Brazil.

Processos de sensemaking e sensegiving para stakeholders internos e externos : o caso do PROMOEX no Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Rondônia

Melo, Janilene Vasconcelos de January 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho propõe e aplica um framework para compreender como se dá o processo de sensemaking, sensegiving e sensemaking estratégico para stakeholders internos e externos, em um processo de mudança estratégica decorrente da implementação do Programa de Modernização do Sistema de Controle Externo dos Estados, Distrito Federal e Municípios Brasileiros (PROMOEX), no Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Rondônia-TCE-RO. A base teórica desta pesquisa divide-se em construções conceituais distintas, mas que se interrelacionam - sensemaking, sensegiving, sensemaking estratégico e teoria dos stakeholders. Tais opções teóricas consideram que as mudanças organizacionais são feitas com base na criação de sentido e realizadas a partir de atividades estratégicas junto aos stakeholders. A pesquisa se justificou por preencher um gap teórico assentado na abordagem sensemaking no setor público que impacta os stakeholders internos e externos. Realizou-se uma pesquisa exploratória, através de um estudo de caso, utilizando-se abordagens qualitativa e quantitativa que se complementam, isso porque o estudo qualitativo gerou questões que foram aprofundadas quantitativamente. A coleta dos dados qualitativos teve como técnica entrevistas semiestruturadas. Para a sistematização fez-se uso do software Atlas.ti e posterior análise de conteúdo. Na abordagem quantitativa aplicou-se questionário com perguntas fechadas e uma aberta. Para o tratamento dos dados utilizou-se o software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences-SPSS. Assim, a pesquisa constitui-se de três fases: a primeira com os Pioneiros do PROMOEX, a segunda com os integrantes do TCE-RO e a terceira com os stakeholders externos, constituídos de jurisdicionados e representantes da sociedade. Com base nos dados obtidos, foram feitas as análises buscando compreender as relações envolvidas na criação de sentido, compartilhado a partir das mudanças oriundas da implementação do PROMOEX no Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Rondônia. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam para a compreensão do PROMOEX desde sua concepção, a partir da aplicabilidade dos conceitos teóricos, bem como das mudanças ocorridas no TCE-RO, com a implementação do programa. As contribuições teóricas foram a aplicação das teorias estudadas e o seu inter-relacionamento no nível interno e a análise doentendimento de stakeholders (internos e externos) no nível externo. No campo prático, as contribuições referem-se ao contexto público brasileiro, com as melhorias na fiscalização dos recursos públicos, surgidas a partir da adequação dos Tribunais de Contas à Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal-LRF, com a importância dada à utilização da tecnologia de informação para promoção e implementação de processos de mudança, bem como o conceito de modernidade que o PROMOEX trouxe aos Tribunais de Contas do Brasil, destacando-se a visibilidade da Corte de Contas rondoniense e o estreitamento dos laços que unem as Cortes de Contas brasileiras. / This paper proposes and implements a framework to understand how the sensemaking, strategic sensemaking to internal and external sensegiving are to internal and external to stakeholders in a process of strategic change resulting from the implementation of the Modernization Program of External Control System of the States, Federal District and Brazilian Municipalities (PROMOEX), the Court of Auditors of the State of Rondonia-TECRO. The theoretical basis of this research, is divided into distinct conceptual constructions, but which are inter relation-sensemaking, sensemaking, sensegiving and the Stakeholder´s Theory. Such theoretical options consider that organizational changes are made based on the creation of meaning and realized from strategic activities with stakeholders. The research is justified by filling out a gap in the theoretical approach sensemaking, seated in the public sector that impacts the internal and external stakeholders. We conducted an exploratory research through a case study, using qualitative and quantitative approaches that complement each other, this is because the qualitative study generated questions that were deeply quantitatively. The technique for qualitative data collection was semi-structured interviews. For the systematization, it was made use of the Atlas.ti software and subsequent content analysis. For the quantitative approach there were questionnaires applied with closed questions and one open question. For the data processing we used the Statistical Package for Social Sciences-SPSS. Thus, the research consists of three phases, the first with the Pioneers PROMOEX, the second with the members of the TCE-RO and the third with the external stake holders, made up of jurisdictional representatives and society. Based on the data, analyzes were performed in order to understand the elements and the relationships involved in creating a shared sense of the changes arising from the implementation of the PROMOEX in the Court of Auditors of the State of Rondônia. The survey results point to understanding PROMOEX since its conception, from the applicability of theoretical concepts, as well as changes in the TCE-RO, with the implementation of the program. The theoretical contributions were applied to the theories studied and their interrelationships on an internal level and understanding and analysis of the stakeholders (internal and external), in the external level. In the practical field, the contributions refer to the public Brazilian context, with the improvements in the oversight of public resources, emerged from the adaptation of the Court of Auditors Fiscal Responsibility Law, with the importance given to the use of information technology to promote and implement the change processes. As well as the concept of modernity that PROMOEX brought to the Court of Auditors of Brazil, highlighting the visibility of the Court of Auditors "rondoniense" and the closer ties between the Courts of Auditors in Brazil.

Strategic change in the public service : differential roles of human resource and line managers

Nkosi, Sizwe Victor January 2016 (has links)
Introduction Change is theorised as being inevitable and constant, yet it can be managed either proactively or reactively. It can occur incrementally as a process, or drastically and radically; this invariably affects the systems and sub-system. Most managers in the Public Service (PS), officials, consultants and practitioners conceptualise change management with minimal strategies of how to deal with it, especially when it occurs in an organisation. Change management needs key role players with respective roles to manage change within an organisation. Change management in this study is in the context of organisational strategic change, where human resource (HR) and line managers are regarded as key stakeholders in dealing with change, particularly strategic change, in the PS. Failed change efforts are due to inadequate change management competence, which ultimately demands effective change management solutions, tailor-made programmes and specific actions, including skills and roles that need to be applied. If change is not managed in an organisation, it creates resistance that is associated with negative emotions where individuals and collectives experience fear, anxiety, insecurity, loss of control, constant routines, traditions, lack of support, confidence and trust. At an organisational level it can result in inadequate performance due to unclear goals and affected employees not being involved in the planning of change, as well as poor management style and political dynamics within the organisation. The PS is in flux and is affected by the rapid pace of social, political and technological change. Change should be managed by HR and line managers in the PS. Research Purpose The aim of this study was to determine the different roles that HR and line managers play during various phases of strategic change in the context of the PS and to further explore if they actually fulfil those theoretically determined roles. Motivation for the Study The PS has undergone tremendous change, mainly to adapt its service delivery machinery to government’s broadened mandate to serve all of the people of South Africa. Therefore, the motivation of this study is based on the lack of success in the PS in delivering services as required. This necessitates change efforts to improve service delivery. The failure of change efforts due to insufficient change solutions by management in the PS creates a gap in knowledge about change management solutions in the PS. This knowledge gap exists as result of the fact that there has been no research that has explored, in any detail, specifically how HR and line managers go about managing change on a day-to-day basis. This indicates that there is a scarcity of prior empirical studies exploring how change should be managed in organisations, including the PS. Leaders and managers in the PS do not understand the complexities they are facing when dealing with change due to the lack of capacity in terms of roles in leading and managing the change process. Hence the motivation of the study seeks to determine change management solutions through key stakeholders, by exploring the roles of HR and line managers in managing and leading change in the Public Service. / Dissertation (MPhil)--University of Pretoria, 2016. / Human Resource Management / MPhil / Unrestricted

Visual Change Management in Dutch Retail Organizations : an Exploratory Study on Using Visualizations as a Strategic Tool During Change

van der Schans, Caitlin January 2020 (has links)
Background: Organizations today are having to initiate the necessary changes as they are pressured to keep up with market environments that often yield unpredictable and complex events. When initiating, and more importantly, attempting to implement these changes, the theory states that 70% of these efforts fail. One of the reasons behind this high rate of failure is the ineffective internal communication during strategic change, which results in misunderstandings and perhaps even resistance among employees. Here, building on previous research, it is argued that visual management can play an important role. However, the current theory lacks empirical research that investigates or examines the current usage of visualizations as a strategic tool during change, as the majority focuses on providing literature reviews or theoretical frameworks. Research question: To what extend do organizations use visualizations within the process of organizational change? Purpose: The purpose of this dissertation is to get a better understanding of the usage of visualizations as a strategic tool during the process of organizational change. Method: In order to fulfil the purpose of the thesis and to be able to explore the research question, a quantitative research design was chosen. The data for this thesis was collected through a web-based questionnaire among organizations situated in The Netherlands. A specification was made towards organizational structure whereas the retail sector can be characterised as having multiple hierarchical levels. The survey consisted of three parts each dedicated to a sub-question relating to the main research question. In total, 282 respondents participated in the research. Theoretical framework: An overview of the current literature is provided starting with describing the topic of change, where several aspects such as the factors supporting and hampering change and the process of strategic change are discussed. In addition, a specification is made towards communication, where especially internal communication during change is highlighted. The final component in this theoretical framework is visualizations, which is discussed by summarizing what the current theory states regarding characteristics, types, strategic usage and the field of visual management. All of this through a strategic scope and within the setting of organizational or strategic change. Findings: In this dissertation, it was discovered that a very low amount of organizations perceives their change efforts to be successful. This may be due to things not always going according to plan, where interestingly, a high number of organizations did state that plans are created during strategic or organizational change. Secondly, the data showed how organizations are already showing a significant use of visualizations as a strategic tool during change. However, the more ‘complex’ visualizations scored noticeably lower on usage and frequency. Lastly, within the findings of this thesis it became apparent that organizations perceive the usage of visualizations during change to be very positive. Especially high numbers were found on how using visualizations can lead to employees better understanding why the changes are needed.

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