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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Relevance of Citations : a case of study of stratospheric ozone monitoring

Philipson, Joakim January 1996 (has links)
A contextual citation analysis was performed on a sample of 68 articles citing either or both oftwo key papers from the research field of stratospheric ozone monitoring.The theoretical approach of each article was assessed as either chemical or dynamical, or wasleft unspecified. Functions of citations to the two key papers were classified into 13 categories,seen to express various kinds of relevance relationships. Topical relatedness between citedand citing articles was studied in terms of number of shared descriptors and the union overlapmeasure. A certain theory~dependence, in the sense of a relatively high degree of correspondence between the theoretical approach of citing and cited articles, was observed in the material. The correlation between topical relatedness and citation relationships appeared to beweak.

Response of a peatland ecosystem to stratospheric ozone reduction in Tierra del Fuego

Robson, Thomas Matthew 01 May 2004 (has links)
Tierra del Fuego, at the southernmost tip of South America, is influenced by ozone depletion. The landscape of southern and western Tierra de! Fuego is dominated by peatlands; they are important locally and in the context of global climate change, because they store large quantities of organic carbon. To determine the influence of solar ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B) on a Tierra de! Fuego peatland, we selectively filtered solar UV-Bin ten pairs of plots. Polyfluorine filters were used to create the Near-Ambient-UV-B Treatment ( 90% solar UV-B), and polyester filters to create the Reduced-UV-B Treatment ( 17% solar UV-B). These filters were first installed in October 1996, and were maintained, September-March, for six years. Following previous plant growth measurements and samples of selected microorganisms under the two UV-B treatments (1996-1999), this dissertation is an account of the more detailed measurements made during the second three-year period of treatments (1999-2001 ). Seasonal sampling of the plant community, microfungi, microfauna, and biogeochemistry of the water and nutrients held by the Sphagnum capitulum was introduced, in an attempt to better understand ecosystem function. Solar UV-B reduced Sphagnum height growth, but this was compensated by more compressed and densely packed Sphagnum capitula. Emergent vascular plants, Nothofagus, Empetrum, and Tetroncium, were more affected than Sphagnum by nearambient UV-B. Solar UV-B altered the Sphagnum-capitulum microenvironment, resulting in: more dissolved organic carbon and phosphorous, higher electrical conductivity, and greater acidity under near-ambient UV-B. Additionally, the populations of testate amoebae and some species of fungi were consistently increased; however, microfungal diversity and rotifer, nematode, and mite populations decreased under near-ambient UV-B. Generally, Sphagnum minimizes the leaching of nutrients by effectively holding water at the capitulum. Solar UV-B altered Sphagnum-capitulum morphology, increased the volume of water held, and made this water more acidic and richer in nutrients. Based on these results, if current trends in ozone depletion were to persist over several decades, a reduction in vascular plant growth, and changes in the trophic relationships of the microorganismal community of the Sphagnum capitulum, would be predicted. These responses have the potential to affect peatland carbon storage and nutrient cycling in Tierra del Fuego.

Klimavariabilität der Tropo- und Stratosphäre in einem globalen gekoppelten Atmosphäre-Ozean-Modell mit vereinfachter stratosphärischer Chemie / Tropo- and stratospheric climate variability in a global coupled atmosphere-ocean-model with simplified stratospheric chemistry

Brand, Sascha January 2007 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wurde die Variabilität der Atmosphäre in einem neuen gekoppelten Klimamodell (ECHO-GiSP) untersucht, welches eine vereinfachte Stratosphärenchemie (bis 80 km Höhe) enthält. Es wurden 2 Simulationen über 150 Jahre durchgeführt. In einer der Simulationen wurde die atmosphärische Chemie modelliert, hatte aber keinen Einfluß auf die Dynamik des Klimamodelles. In der zweiten Simulation wurde hingegen die Wirkung der Chemie auf die Klimadynamik explizit berücksichtigt, die über die Strahlungsbilanz des Modelles erfolgt. Dies ist die erste Langzeitsimulation mit einem voll gekoppelten globalen Klimamodell mit interaktiver Chemie. Die Simulation mit rückgekoppelter Chemie zeigt eine Abschwächung des atmosphärischen Variabilitätsmusters der Arktischen Oszillation (AO). Zudem kommt es in der Troposphäre zu einer Reduzierung der mittleren Windgeschwindigkeiten der gemäßigten Breiten aufgrund verringerter Temperaturgegensätze zwischen den Tropen und den Polargebieten. Auch in der Stratosphäre ergibt sich eine Abschwächung und Erwärmung des Polarwirbels. Diese Auswirkungen der Kopplung zwischen der atmosphärischen Chemie und der Dynamik des Klimamodelles sind eine wichtige Erkenntnis, da in früheren Klimasimulationen die Variabilität der AO oft zu stark ausgeprägt war. In der Stratosphäre reduziert sich infolge des abgeschwächten Polarwirbels auch die großräumige Zirkulation zwischen den beiden Hemisphären der Erde. In der Troposphäre werden hingegen die allgemeine Zirkulation, und damit auch die subtropischen Strahlströme des Windes verstärkt. Zudem kommt es in den Tropen zu Temperaturänderungen durch stratosphärische Ozonschwankungen in Abhängigkeit von der AO. Allgemein verändert sich die Kopplung zwischen Troposphäre und Stratosphäre, einschließlich des durch die Anregung von langen atmosphärischen Wellen erfolgenden vertikalen Energieübertrages aus der Troposphäre in die Stratosphäre. / In this work the atmospheric variability in a new coupled climate model (ECHO-GiSP) was analyzed, which includes a simplified stratospheric chemistry (up to 80 km height). Two simulations of 150 years were performed. In one of those simulations the atmospheric chemistry was modeled without having any influence back on the model dynamics. In the second simulation the impact of the chemistry on climate dynamics, taking place via the models radiation balance, was explicitly recognized. This is the first long term simulation using a fully coupled global climate model with interactive chemistry. The simulation with interactive chemistry shows a weakening of the Arctic Oscillation (AO) pattern of atmospheric variability. At the same time there is a reduction of the mean wind speeds in middle latitudes in the troposphere, which is caused by weaker temperature gradients between the tropics and the polar regions. Also, in the stratosphere a weakening and warming of the polar vortex is obvious. These effects of the coupling between atmospheric chemistry and the dynamics of the climate model are an important result, since in earlier climate simulations the variability of the AO often was overestimated. Due to the weakened polar vortex in the stratosphere also the large scale interhemispheric mean circulation is reduced. On the other hand, the tropospheric meridional mean circulation, and thus also the subtropical jetstreams of the zonal wind are enhanced. Furthermore there are tropical temperature variations in the troposphere and lower stratosphere, which are induced by stratospheric ozone variations associated to the phase of the AO. Generally, the coupling between tropo- and stratosphere is changed, which includes the vertical energy and momentum transfer by ascending planetary waves from the troposphere to the stratosphere.

Seasonal and inter-annual changes in the computation of Aura MLS HCl depletion and PSC-induced areas in the Antarctic polar stratosphere: 2005-2010 climate-chemistry assessment: the role of clouds in the Antarctic middle atmosphere

Arevalo Torres, Andolsa January 2012 (has links)
An examination of the seasonal and spatial distribution of Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSCs) inferred from standard temperature profiles in the lower-middle atmosphere above Antarctica, as derived from the Earth Observing System (EOS) Aura Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) satellite observations and NCEP/NCAR assimilations, is provided. Chemical volume mixing ratio (VMR) observations of EOS Aura MLS v2.2 hydrogen chloride (HCl) were used to show the interannual variability of PSC formation with respect to stratospheric chlorine partitioning during five Southern Hemisphere Antarctic seasons from 2005 to 2009. A remarkable first set of results, obtained from an algorithm developed for modelling HCl depletion areas in the Antarctic polar vortex region, and based on satellite observations, is presented. In particular, the analysis of HCl concentration data obtained from 2006 indicated that the area processed for HCl was larger than the area of PSC during some periods of Antarctic winter, and that this result was robust with respect to the various PSC formation and HCl depletion thresholds utilized. The results suggest that an underestimation in chlorine activation area can occur when temperature thresholds for PSC formation thresholds are employed. The work presented here also evaluated chlorine activation via sulfate aerosol (SA) in the Southern Hemisphere 2006 stratosphere, based on satellite measurements of water vapor (H2O) and constant values of SA, by implementing the TACL formula of Drdla and Müller [2010] in contrast to the TNAT formula of Hanson and Mauersberger [1988]. The results indicated that the former formula was not completely sufficient for accurately modeling areas of depleted HCl and chlorine deactivation for all pressure surfaces in the Antarctic stratosphere. Based on the results of this study, the role of SA in chlorine activation appears to be more important at lower altitudes than for areas higher in the stratosphere.

The Balloon-borne Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope and Its Rebirth as a Polarimeter

Thomas, Nicholas E 14 December 2011 (has links)
The Balloon-borne Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (BLAST) is a 1.8 meter Cassegrain telescope that operates in three bands (250, 350, and 500 μm), each with 30% bandwidth. The detection system is comprised of 280 silicon-nitride micromesh bolometers distributed on three focal plane arrays with 30”, 42”, and 60” FWHM (full width at half max) beam sizes, respectively. BLAST's goal is to study the evolutionary history and processes associated with star formation. Earth's atmosphere is opaque to submillimeter radiation and astronomical observations in this wavelength are best conducted at high altitudes. BLAST is designed to be flown above 99.5% of the atmosphere on a stratospheric balloon. BLAST has made three scientific flights and this thesis covers the last two. The second flight was made in 2006 from McMurdo, Antarctica and studied the evolutionary history and processes associated with star formation. For the third flight, BLAST was reconfigured as a polarimeter (BLAST-Pol) and was also launched from McMurdo in December 2010. BLAST-Pol's objective is to determine what role, if any, magnetic fields play in star formation. This thesis will describe the BLAST-Pol instrument and provide a summery of key observations made by the 2006 flight.

Optimal Estimation Retrieval of Aerosol Microphysical Properties in the Lower Stratosphere from SAGE II Satellite Observations

Wurl, Daniela January 2007 (has links)
A new retrieval algorithm has been developed based on the Optimal Estimation (OE) approach, which retrieves lognormal aerosol size distribution parameters from multiwavelength aerosol extinction data, as measured by the Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment (SAGE) II in the lower stratosphere. Retrieving these aerosol properties becomes increasingly more difficult under aerosol background conditions, when tiny particles (« 0.1 µm) prevail, to which the experiment is nearly or entirely insensitive. A successful retrieval algorithm must then be able (a) to fill the 'blind spot' with suitable information about the practically invisible particles, and (b) to identify 'the best' of many possible solutions. The OE approach differs from other previously used aerosol retrieval techniques by taking a statistical approach to the multiple solution problem, in which the entire range of possible solutions are considered (including the smallest particles) and characterized by probability density functions. The three main parts of this thesis are (1) the development of the new OE retrieval algorithm, (2) the validation of this algorithm on the basis of synthetic extinction data, and (3) application of the new algorithm to SAGE II measurements of stratospheric background aerosol. The validation results indicate that the new method is able to retrieve the particle size of typical background aerosols reasonably well, and that the retrieved uncertainties are a good estimate of the true errors. The derived surface area densities (A), and volume densities (V ) tend to be closer to the correct solutions than the directly retrieved number density (N), median radius (R), and lognormal distribution width (S). Aerosol properties as retrieved from SAGE II measurements (recorded in 1999) are observed to be close to correlative in situ data. In many cases the OE and in situ data agree within the (OE and/or the in situ ) uncertainties. The retrieved error estimates are of the order of 69% (σN), 33% (σR), 14% (σS), 23% (σA), 12% (σV), and 13% (σReff ). The OE number densities are generally larger, and the OE median particle sizes are generally smaller than those N and R retrieved by Bingen et al. (2004a), who suggest that their results underestimate (N) or overestimate (R) correlative in situ data due to the 'small particle problem'. The OE surface area estimates are generally closer to correlative in situ profiles (courtesy of T. Deshler, University of Wyoming), and larger than Principal Component Analysis (PCA) retrieval solutions of A (courtesy of L. W. Thomason, NASA LaRC) that have been observed to underestimate correlative in situ data by 40-50%. These observations suggest that the new OE retrieval algorithm is a successful approach to the aerosol retrieval problem, which is able to add to the current knowledge by improving current estimates of aerosol properties in the lower stratosphere under low aerosol loading conditions.

Lagrangian behaviour and properties of deep stratospheric intrusions

Trépanier, Pier-Yves. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc.). / Written for the Dept. of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. Title from title page of PDF (viewed 2008/12/10). Includes bibliographical references.

Analysis of the effect of solar irradiance variability on global sea surface temperature and climate : an investigation using the NASA, Goddard Institute for Space Studies General Circulation Model /

Tsuboda, Yukimasa. January 1995 (has links)
Thesis (Ed.D.)--Teachers College, Columbia University, 1995. / Typescript; issued also on microfilm. Sponsor: Warren E. Yasso. Dissertation Committee: O. Roger Anderson. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 95-109).

Mechanical design and construction of solar panel experiment in stratospheric conditions

Hultmar, Oscar, Paulsson, Johan, Sundell, Jonathan January 2018 (has links)
This project will be a part of the LODESTAR experiment. LODESTAR is one of the experiments scheduled to fly on the REXUS/BEXUS 26 high altitude balloon flight. The primary objective of the experiment is to investigate the effects of cosmic radiation on CIGS solar cells. The objective of this project is to build a mechanical design that can fulfill all requirements set by the ESA user manual. The mechanical design will first be drawn in mechanical CAD, where the drawing will be constructed from the ESA requirements. Later the design will be simulated in order to choose appropriate materials and a design that can withstand all simulations. Lastly the design will be built according to the drawings and tested according to the simulations. The mechanical design withstood all the simulations and verification tests with no visual deformation, except for the simulation and verification of the drop test. Both the drop simulation and verification test resulted in deformation in one of the aluminium plates. Since this mechanical design is constructed to be used only once, small deformations is within the margin of error. The deformation resulted by the simulation and verification of the drop test matched with a high precision. This is a good confirmation of the results of the drop test. In conclusion, the executed tests gave very promising results. Therefor the design constructed fits all the requirements to travel with solar panels in stratospheric conditions. / LODESTAR -BEXUS Project

Amplitude da maré semidiurna lunar durante eventos de aquecimento da estratosfera polar

Santos, Tarsus Klynger Sabino dos 26 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jean Medeiros (jeanletras@uepb.edu.br) on 2017-07-24T16:06:09Z No. of bitstreams: 1 PDF - Tarsus Klynger Sabino dos Santos.pdf: 20465997 bytes, checksum: d345b9827a4b8cb379191f40579bff42 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-24T16:06:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PDF - Tarsus Klynger Sabino dos Santos.pdf: 20465997 bytes, checksum: d345b9827a4b8cb379191f40579bff42 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-26 / The lunar atmospheric tide is characterized by significant changes that occur mainly in wind fields, temperature of the terrestrial atmosphere produced by the direct influence of the moon on the bodies present on this surface. Using twelve years of data acquired from the instrument SABER / TIMED is possible to identify results of lunar tidal amplification especially during the winter in the northern hemisphere. It is also known that especially in the winter season of the Arctic polar region is the phenomenon called stratospheric sudden warming (Sudden Stratospheric Warming), which corroborates in significant changes in atmospheric dynamics during its occurrence. Some studies have shown the connection between intense events of abrupt warming of the polar stratosphere of the northern hemisphere with the lunar atmospheric tide. Knowing these conditions, the aim of this study was to investigate possible effects produced by the abrupt warming of the polar stratosphere in atmospheric lunar semidiurnal tide in mesospheric region and lower thermosphere (MLT). In this sense, data temperatures estimated from measurements obtained with the instrument SABER / TIMED were analyzed along with data from the polar stratosphere, provided by the National Centre for Environmental Prediction (NCEP). Analyzing the results, it was found that during the occurrence period of the lunar atmospheric tide abrupt heating of the polar stratosphere, contributed in some cases and may contribute to a higher and a lower amplification lunar semidiurnal tide in the atmosphere compared to studies analyzing effects of lunar semidiurnal tide without taking into account the influence of stratospheric warming / A maré atmosférica lunar caracteriza-se em significativas mudanças que ocorrem principalmente nos campos de vento, temperatura da atmosfera terrestres produzida pela influência direta da Lua sobre os corpos presentes nesta superfície. Utilizando doze anos de dados adquiridos do instrumento SABER/TIMED é possível identificar resultados da amplificação de maré lunar principalmente durante o inverno no hemisfério norte . Sabe-se também que principalmente na estação de inverno da região polar ártica ocorre o fenômeno denominado aquecimento estratosférico súbito (Sudden Stratospheric Warming), o qual corrobora em expressivas mudanças na dinâmica atmosférica durante sua ocorrência. Alguns estudos evidenciaram conexão entre os eventos intensos de aquecimento abrupto da estratosfera polar do hemisfério norte com a maré atmosférica lunar. Sabendo destas condições, o objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar possíveis efeitos produzidos pelo aquecimento abrupto da estratosfera polar na maré atmosférica semidiurna lunar na região Mesosférica e baixa Termosfera (MLT). Neste sentido, dados de temperaturas estimadas a partir de medidas obtidas com o instrumento SABER/TIMED foram analisados juntamente com dados da estratosfera polar, fornecidos pelo National Centre for Environmental Prediction (NCEP). Analisados os resultados, verificou-se que durante o período de ocorrência da maré atmosférica lunar, os aquecimentos abruptos da estratosfera polar, contribuíram em alguns casos, corroborando para uma maior e menor amplificação da maré semidiurna lunar na atmosfera quando comparado com estudos que analisaram os efeitos da maré semidiurna lunar sem levar em conta a influência do aquecimento estratosférico.

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