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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Establishment of Acoustic Measurement Procedure and System for Underwater Targets

Chang, Chia-Wei 04 August 2007 (has links)
The aim of this research is to establish a measurement system to acquire 2-D sound scattering field by an underwater target. In the system, A 3-DOF (degree of freedom) block is remotely orientated by Borland C++ Builder programming language and the batch-processing for signals is used to estimate strength by programing language, Matlab. The process of experiment is simplified by standard operating procedure and the safty of facilities is controled by monitor. Based on the improvements above-mentioned, we can develop an more automatical system to save time effectively, better work conditions, reduce personnel cost, and acquire more objective outcomes. We set up experiment in an water tank of dimension 4mx3.5mx2 m, located in National Sun Yat-sen University, and choose a copper sphere of diameter 60 mm as target. The projector and receiver both are iTP-192k transducer with directivity and frequency response at 192k Hz. In order to measure the 2-D scattering field at 1 m from target without strong boundary interference, projector transmits 64 sine waves at 3.8 Hz and receiver changes direction by block and rotating mechanisms. The effects of direct signal in forward scattering field can be reduced by modified signal process according to Ding (JASA, 101(6), pp.3398-3404, 1997). The difference between actual and theoretical magnitude, based on Hickling (JASA, 34(10), pp.1582-1592, 1962), is 2~3 dB in most of backward scattering region and parts of forward scattering region (30¢X~60¢X and 300¢X~330¢X), and 5~10 dB in else forward scttering range. Generally speaking, that experimental result displays symmetrical distribution corresponds with theory and indicates the design of mechanism, software and procedure in this study practicable and useful for further research in the future.

The effects of concurrent training on sprint performance in moderately trained cyclists

Dias-Johnson, Georgy January 2013 (has links)
Aim: The purpose of the present study was to compare the effects of an 8 week period of combined endurance and resistance training (concurrent training) with that of only endurance training on both maximum strength (1 RM) in the leg press test and performance in the 30 s Anaerobic Wingate Test (WANT) in moderately trained endurance cyclists. Method: Twenty male moderately trained cyclists were recruited for the investigation and were assigned to either an Endurance training group (E; n=10) or an Endurance Resistance training group (ER; n=10).  Subjects underwent 8 weeks (2 training sessions per week, 16 sessions in total) of concurrent training (60 min steady state cycling session followed by 6 sets 12 repetitions of leg press) or cycling only. Furthermore the subjects of the intervention completed both Pre and Post intervention testing in the 1RM leg press and the Wingate 30 s cycle test which was conducted twice (SRM cycle sprint 1 and SRM cycle sprint 2) within each testing session. Results: The results attained from the intervention were that the ER group demonstrated an increase in concentric leg strength within the one repetition maximum (1 RM) leg press test by 18.7 % from pre-test values 339 ± 42 to post test values 402 ± 59 kg. With regard to the Wingate cycle sprints there was significant improvement from pre to post test results in peak power of cycle sprint 1 from 1019 ± 110 watt to 1077 ± 153 watt 5.7 % and cycle sprint 2 from 1001 ± 131 to 1054 ± 161 watt, 5.3 % (P < 0.05) respectively. The E group showed no significant change in l RM or the Wingate cycle sprints after training. Conclusions: The main findings of the study is that an 8-week concurrent training intervention can lead to significant concentric strength gains in 1 RM leg press development and increased peak power within the Wingate 30 s cycle sprint when conducted by moderately trained cyclists.

Clinical application of cross-education to unilateral limb immobilization

2013 January 1900 (has links)
Cross-education is a neural adaptation defined as the increase in strength or functional performance of the untrained contralateral limb after unilateral training of the opposite homologous limb. Since cross-education can improve strength in an untrained limb, there is therapeutic potential to apply cross-education to clinical rehabilitation settings; however, a large gap in the literature remains. The first objective of this thesis was to determine if cross-education could improve strength and functional performance (i.e. active range of motion (AROM), self-reported function) of an immobilized limb using a shoulder sling model in both healthy and injured participants. The second objective was to determine if cross-education could improve strength and functional performance (i.e. AROM, self-reported function) of wrist fracture rehabilitation after unilateral training of the non-fractured limb. Study 1 applied cross-education to non-injured participants who wore a shoulder sling and swathe and strength trained the non-immobilized limb. Strength (NORM dynamometer), muscle size (ultrasound), electromyography, and interpolated twitch were measured. Results showed cross-education increased strength and maintained muscle size in the immobilized limb after training the non-immobilized limb. Study 2 applied cross-education using a clinically relevant at-home resistance tubing shoulder strength training program to healthy participants. Results showed significant cross-education effects for untrained shoulder external and internal rotation strength (handheld dynamometer), and increased muscle size (ultrasound) in the trained supraspinatus and anterior deltoid. Study 3 applied cross-education using the clinically relevant strength training program (in Study 2) to post-shoulder surgery rehabilitation and measured strength (handheld dynamometer), muscle size (ultrasound), AROM (goniometer), and self-reported function (Western Ontario Rotator Cuff Questionnaire) (WORC). Results showed the training group had significantly greater supraspinatus muscle thickness at 6 months post-surgery compared to the control group; however, there were no cross-education effects for strength, AROM, or the WORC. Study 4 applied cross-education during rehabilitation from wrist fractures and measured strength (handgrip dynamometer), AROM (goniometer), and self-reported function (Patient Rated Wrist Evaluation) (PRWE). Results showed cross-education improved strength and AROM in the fractured limb 12 weeks post-fracture. In conclusion, there was evidence for cross-education to benefit a healthy immobilized limb and to use a clinically relevant shoulder strength training program to produce cross-education effects. When cross-education was applied to shoulder surgeries there were improvements in muscle size but no effect for strength, AROM or function. However, when applied to wrist fractures, strength and AROM were improved for the injured limb. These findings represent the first well-controlled evidence that cross-education may improve rehabilitation after unilateral injuries.

The effect of the modified "LORS" structured group process on ego-strength and prejudice of college students / LORS structured group process on ego-strength and prejudice of college students.

Radebaugh, Kenneth M. 03 June 2011 (has links)
This study was conducted to determine the effects of participation in a series of five structured group experiences in a modification of the LORS Experiential Technique (Hollis, 1975) on the levels of ego-strength and prejudice of college students. The study was conducted during the Winter Quarter of 1978 at Ball State University in 'Muncie, Indiana. A pool of 96 volunteer subjects were administered the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI). The complete battery of three testings was completed by 55 of the original 96 subjects. Subjects were male and female undergraduate students residing in university residence halls, including both coeducational and female residence halls. Most of the subjects were freshmen women.A modification of the quasi-experimental pretest-posttest control group design (Campbell & Stanley, 1963) was employed. The control group was administered the independent variable following the presentation of the treatment to the experimental group. Specifically, three comparisons were made: 1) between experimental and control groups after the treatment condition was presented to the experimental group, 2) between experimental and control groups after both groups experienced treatment, and 3) between the experimental-group data collected immediately following presentation of the treatment and data collected two weeks later.Two hypotheses, each subdivided into three parts, were tested using a t-test for the differences between proportions (Walpole, 1968). The alpha level was set at .05 for statistical significance. The major operational hypotheses predicted that ego-strength would increase and prejudice would decrease following subject exposure to the experimental treatment. Statistical analysis did not support these hypotheses.In addition to the data gathered from the Ego-strength and Prejudice Scales, subjects completed questionnaires at the beginning of each meeting designed to assess certain effects of the previous meeting. An additional questionnaire was administered three months after the experiment to assess subjects' perceptions of the LORS experience after a lapse of time. Generally, subjects reported that the LORS technique helped increase their (1) awareness of their own and others' values, (2) awareness of "group interactions," and (3) self confidence.The experimental treatment consisted of a series of five situations constructed by the researcher with the editorial assistance of the author of LORS. Each situation was designed to focus on an issue of relevance to college students college student held in the residence halls of the subjects over a two-week Issues were based on theory and research on personality development.Group sessions lasted one hour and a half and were period. Advanced graduate students in the Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services at Ball State University served as group facilitators.

Operation, modeling and automatic control of complete and partial nitrification of highly concentrated ammonium wastewater

Jubany Güell, Irene 03 May 2007 (has links)
El tema d'estudi d'aquesta tesi és l'eliminació biològica de nitrogen d'aigües amb alta càrrega d'amoníac, més concretament, el procés de nitrificació (l'oxidació de l'amoni a nitrat). Aquesta reacció en dos passos, catalitzada per dos tipus de microorganismes (AOB i NOB), pot patir problemes d'inhibicions per amoníac i àcid nitrós. Això és especialment important quan es tracta aigua amb alta concentració d'amoni i per tant, es necessita un control del procés adequat. Tot i així, aquestes inhibicions es poden utilitzar per a aconseguir nitrificació parcial (l'oxidació de l'amoni a nitrit), la qual combinada amb el procés de desnitrificació, aporta beneficis importants pel què fa a la utilització dels recursos.En aquesta tesi es mostra el desenvolupament i calibratge d'un model matemàtic per a descriure la cinètica i l'estequiometria de la nitrificació considerant les inhibicions mencionades anteriorment i tenint en compte els dos tipus de bacteris nitrificants i també els bacteris heteròtrofs. Es varen dissenyar experiments específics per a l'optimització dels paràmetres del model i amb l'ajuda d'eines d'identificabilitat de paràmetres, aquests experiments es van analitzar i millorar. Les constants d'afinitat pel substrat i els coeficients d'inhibició per substrat es van determinar dues vegades utilitzant biomasses diferents i es van obtenir resultats diferents. Això indicà que aquests paràmetres són variables i depenen de l'aclimatació de la biomassa. Es va utilitzar la tècnica d'hibridació fluorescent in situ (FISH) per a la detecció i quantificació de les fraccions bacterianes. Per a la detecció de la fluorescència es van utilitzar un microscopi d'epifluorescència, un microscopi confocal i un citòmetre de flux. Els resultats obtinguts es van comparar entre ells i es van discutir els seus avantatges i inconvenients tenint en compte la precisió dels resultats, la velocitat de l'anàlisi i la disponibilitat de l'equip. La millor metodologia va resultar ser l'observació del FISH amb el microscopi confocal encara que la citometria de flux no es va poder investigar prou a fons. El model matemàtic desenvolupat i calibrat en aquesta tesi es va utilitzar per a l'optimització de la posada en marxa d'un sistema de nitrificació completa. Es van optimitzar dues estratègies de control que posteriorment es van implementar experimentalment partint d'un inòcul procedent dels llots d'una estació de tractament d'aigües residuals urbanes. El controlador dissenyat es basava en la mesura de la velocitat del consum d'oxigen (OUR) en l'últim reactor del sistema i actuava sobre la càrrega d'entrada. Els resultats obtinguts es van comparar amb els resultats d'una posada en marxa amb control manual i es va demostrar que el control automàtic permet disminuir el temps de posada en marxa i augmentar l'estabilitat del procés. Posteriorment, els resultats experimentals es van simular amb el model matemàtic obtenint un bon ajust. Finalment, el nou model es va utilitzar per a fer prediccions del comportament del sistema a curt i llarg termini. L'enriquiment de la biomassa en microorganismes nitrificants es va comprovar mitjançant el FISH i la microscòpia confocal. La biomassa que es va obtenir després de la última posada en marxa del sistema es va utilitzar per a aconseguir la nitrificació parcial treballant a 25 ºC, 1.1 mg O2 L-1, pH de 8.3 i amb un set point d'OUR apropiat en el control automàtic. La nitrificació parcial es va mantenir de forma estable durant uns 120 dies amb una càrrega mitjana de 0.5 g N g-1 SSV d-1. L'anàlisi microbiològic amb FISH va demostrar que la població de NOB havia estat eliminada del sistema. Posteriorment, el sistema de control es va millorar amb l'adició de dues regles de control expert que van permetre l'operació estable del sistema davant d'importants pertorbacions externes. / Biological nitrogen removal of high-strength ammonium wastewater was studied in this thesis, particularly, the nitrification process (the oxidation of ammonium to nitrate). This two-step reaction, catalyzed by two kinds of bacteria (AOB and NOB), can suffer serious inhibition problems due to ammonia and nitrous acid when dealing with highly concentrated ammonium wastewater and therefore it requires adequate process control. However, these inhibitions can be used to achieve partial nitrification (the oxidation of ammonium to nitrite), which coupled to a denitrifying process leads to significant benefits in terms of use of resources.A mathematical model describing the kinetics and the stoichiometry of the nitrification process was developed and calibrated. It considered the aforementioned inhibitions and took into account both kinds of nitrifying bacteria and also heterotrophic bacteria. Specific experiments were designed for parameter estimation and parameter identifiability tools were used to analyze and improve them. Optimal experimental designs were used to calibrate most of the model parameters and the obtained values were compared with values found in the literature. Affinity constants for substrate and substrate inhibition coefficients were estimated twice using different sludges and, as a result, different values were found indicating that they change depending on the biomass acclimation. This model was coupled to the hydraulic model of the experimental system (pilot plant) and was implemented in Matlab ®. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was used for bacterial fractions detection and quantification. Several equipments were used for fluorescence detection: an epifluorescence microscope, a confocal microscope and a flow cytometer. Biomass fractions were determined with each of the equipment and also with simulations. Obtained results were compared and the advantages and disadvantages of the tested methodologies were discussed considering the accuracy of the results, the speed of the analysis and the availability of the equipment. FISH combined with confocal microscopy turned out to be the best technique for nitrifying biomass quantification although flow cytometry could not be extensively investigated.The start-up of a complete nitrification system was optimized by means of mathematical simulation using the previously developed and calibrated method. Two automatic control strategies were optimized and implemented in the experimental system by using sludge from a municipal wastewater treatment plant as inoculum. The controller was based on the measurement of the oxygen uptake rate (OUR) in the last reactor of the system and actuated over the nitrogen loading rate. Results were compared with a start-up performed with manual control and it was demonstrated that automatic control decreased the length of the start-up and increased its stability. Then, experimental results were simulated with the nitrification model. Model predictions agreed well with experimental data. The final model was useful for both long- and short-term prediction. The sludge enrichment in nitrifying bacteria was checked with FISH and confocal microcopy.The nitrifying sludge obtained after the last start-up contained both AOB an NOB and was used to achieve partial nitrification. Some environmental conditions and the automatic control strategy were changed in order to inhibit NOB and wash them out of the system. Partial nitrification with an effluent devoid of nitrate was achieved at 25 ºC, 1.1 mg O2 L-1 and pH of 8.3 using the appropriate OUR set point for the automatic controller. Partial nitrification was run for 120 days with an averaged nitrogen loading rate of 0.5 g N g-1 VSS d-1. FISH analysis demonstrated that NOB were completely washed out. The control strategy was improved by the addition of two expert rules and stable operation was maintained even when external disturbances were provoked. Finally, a model-based study was performed to test the partial nitrification start-up strategy under different conditions and system configurations.

Interaction Between Forming and Crashworthiness of Advanced High Strength Steel S-Rails

Grantab, Rassin January 2006 (has links)
This thesis presents the results of experimental and numerical investigations carried out to assess the effects of tube bending and hydroforming on the crash performance of s-rail structures manufactured from three different advanced high strength steels, namely DDQ, HSLA350, and DP600. The main impetus for this project is to reduce vehicle weight through material substitution and, in order to do so, the effects of material strength on crashworthiness, as well as the interaction between forming processes and crash response must be well understood. To this end, in the current research, s-rails were fabricated through tube bending and hydroforming experiments conducted on DDQ, HSLA350, and DP600 steels with a nominal wall thickness of 1. 8mm, as well as HSLA350 steel with a nominal wall thickness of 1. 5mm. Impact experiments were subsequently performed on non-hydroformed and hydroformed s-rails to examine the effects of the forming processes and material substitution on the crushing loads and levels of absorbed energy. All forming and crash experiments were simulated using numerical finite element methods which provide additional insight into various aspects of the crash response of these structures. In particular, crash simulations were used to show the effects of work-hardening, material thickness changes, and residual stresses incurred during the forming operations. <br /><br /> The numerical tube bending simulations accurately predict the results of the tube bending and hydroforming processes for all materials, particularly for the DP600; the predictions for the DDQ material are the least accurate. Both simulations and experiments show that material thinning occurs on the tensile side of the bend, and material thickening on the compressive side of the bend; the level of thickness change is unaffected by material strength or initial material thickness. The low-pressure hydroforming process does not greatly affect the thickness and strain distributions of s-rails. <br /><br /> The crash simulations provide predictions that are in excellent accord with the measured results, with a maximum error of ±10% in the peak loads and energies; simulations of DP600 s-rails are the most accurate, while simulations of DDQ s-rails are the least accurate. Through simulations and experiments, it is shown that material thickness has the greatest effect on the crash performance of s-rail structures, while material strength plays a secondary role. A 20% increase in the wall thickness of HSLA350 s-rails amounts to a 47% increase in energy absorption. Substituting HSLA350 and DP600 steels in place of DDQ steel leads to increases in energy absorption of 31% and 64%, respectively, for corresponding increases in strength of 30% and 76%. Neglecting material strain-rate effects in the numerical models lowers the predicted peak loads and energies by roughly 15%. By performing a numerical parametric study, it is determined that a weight reduction of 22% is possible by substituting thinner-gauge DP600 s-rails in place of DDQ s-rails while maintaining the energy absorption of the structures.

Development and evaluation of a puncture strength test method for sterilization paper

Khan, Kashif January 2011 (has links)
The main objective of this research project, carried out at Karlstad University was to investigate which paper property has the best correlation with the package integrity failure (puncture hole). To achieve this goal, a simple equipment was designed at Karlstad University. This research project was divided into two phases, more precisely first a test design with investigation of suitable parameters to carry out the tests with the newly designed equipment and secondly with the help of those parameters the investigation of paper properties which will have direct connection with puncture strength. Results showed that Tensile Energy Absorption (TEA) has the best correlation with puncture strength as compared to other paper properties used in this research project i.e. burst strength, strain at break, tear strength, and tensile strength. In real it seems to be reasonable as tensile energy absorption (TEA) is the amount of energy absorbed during straining until it breaks. Higher the tensile energy absorption, higher will be the resistance against puncture. Furthermore sack paper proved to be the type of paper grade that has the strongest resistance against package integrity failure, as it has the highest tensile energy absorption (TEA) as compared to other paper grades used in this research project. It was also observed that paper in a package should be stretched in order to minimize the risk of puncture hole.

Interaction Between Forming and Crashworthiness of Advanced High Strength Steel S-Rails

Grantab, Rassin January 2006 (has links)
This thesis presents the results of experimental and numerical investigations carried out to assess the effects of tube bending and hydroforming on the crash performance of s-rail structures manufactured from three different advanced high strength steels, namely DDQ, HSLA350, and DP600. The main impetus for this project is to reduce vehicle weight through material substitution and, in order to do so, the effects of material strength on crashworthiness, as well as the interaction between forming processes and crash response must be well understood. To this end, in the current research, s-rails were fabricated through tube bending and hydroforming experiments conducted on DDQ, HSLA350, and DP600 steels with a nominal wall thickness of 1. 8mm, as well as HSLA350 steel with a nominal wall thickness of 1. 5mm. Impact experiments were subsequently performed on non-hydroformed and hydroformed s-rails to examine the effects of the forming processes and material substitution on the crushing loads and levels of absorbed energy. All forming and crash experiments were simulated using numerical finite element methods which provide additional insight into various aspects of the crash response of these structures. In particular, crash simulations were used to show the effects of work-hardening, material thickness changes, and residual stresses incurred during the forming operations. <br /><br /> The numerical tube bending simulations accurately predict the results of the tube bending and hydroforming processes for all materials, particularly for the DP600; the predictions for the DDQ material are the least accurate. Both simulations and experiments show that material thinning occurs on the tensile side of the bend, and material thickening on the compressive side of the bend; the level of thickness change is unaffected by material strength or initial material thickness. The low-pressure hydroforming process does not greatly affect the thickness and strain distributions of s-rails. <br /><br /> The crash simulations provide predictions that are in excellent accord with the measured results, with a maximum error of ±10% in the peak loads and energies; simulations of DP600 s-rails are the most accurate, while simulations of DDQ s-rails are the least accurate. Through simulations and experiments, it is shown that material thickness has the greatest effect on the crash performance of s-rail structures, while material strength plays a secondary role. A 20% increase in the wall thickness of HSLA350 s-rails amounts to a 47% increase in energy absorption. Substituting HSLA350 and DP600 steels in place of DDQ steel leads to increases in energy absorption of 31% and 64%, respectively, for corresponding increases in strength of 30% and 76%. Neglecting material strain-rate effects in the numerical models lowers the predicted peak loads and energies by roughly 15%. By performing a numerical parametric study, it is determined that a weight reduction of 22% is possible by substituting thinner-gauge DP600 s-rails in place of DDQ s-rails while maintaining the energy absorption of the structures.

Engineering properties of high performance concrete containing large volume of Class C fly ash

Makrides-Saravanos, Elli 01 January 1996 (has links)
This investigation for the use of large volume of fly ash in concrete in combination with superplasticizer, was for the purpose of optimizing its mechanical properties while reducing its cost. Several concrete mixtures using coarse/fine aggregate ratio of 1.22 and aggregate/binder ratio of 5.1 were investigated. Fly ash was used as a partial replacement of type 10 Portland cement at levels ranging between 20-60% by weight of the total cementitious materials in the mixture. Use of superplasticizer allowed a reduction of the water/binder ratio to 0.28-0.33, while the K-slump of fresh concrete was kept at a practical level of 25%. The effect of fly ash on the development of the compressive strength of the hardened concrete was determined. The selection of a concrete mixture with an optimum fly-ash/cement ratio was based on compressive strength results and cost. Concrete with compressive strength levels of 50 MPa, applicable to mid-rise buildings, mine structural components and bridge construction, was obtainedby taking advantage of the water reducing properties of superplasticizers, and by replacing 50% of the cement with Class C fly ash. The 28-day compressive strength of the resultant concrete was approximately 80% of the strength of the identical control mixture containing no fly ash replacement of the cement; at 56 and 91 days, the strength of the resultant mixture improved and eventually became identical to that of the control mixture. The above results were achieved with a 10% reduction in cost, which is a significant savings for the construction industry. The selected mixture was tested for its engineering properties of strength, elasticity, shrinkage and creep, and the results were compared to the same properties of a control mixture. Creep and shrinkage are important concrete properties in prestressed and reinforced concrete structures. Time-dependent deformation of concrete due to creep and shrinkage, results in partial loss of the prestress force and produces significant changes in deflection. In reinforced concrete structures a slow growth of deflection with time may lead to eventual unsatisfactory performance of the structure. Creep and shrinkage of concrete are affected by time, stress intensity, temperature and humidity. In the present study it is indicated that fly ash concrete produced lower creep and drying shrinkage strains than the control concrete under sustained loads at room temperature while its creep increased with a rise in sustained temperatures. Durability tests were performed using freezing-and-thawing and sulphate resistance experiments. The results were compared to the same properties of a control mixture containing superplasticizer and 100% type 10 Portland cement. The frost resistance of fly ash concrete was found to be comparable tothe control mixture. The presence of a large volume of fly ash improved the sulphate resistance of the hardened concrete. Microstructural studies were concurrently conducted in order to determine and explain the effects of superplasticizer and fly ash in producing high performance concrete.

Styrketräning en gång per vecka förbättrade anaerob kapacitet hos cyklister och triathleter : En 12 veckor lång interventionsstudie / Strength training once a week improved anaerobe capacity in cyclists and triathletes : An 12 week long intervention study

Almström, Jennie, Gustavsson, Simon January 2012 (has links)
Triathleter och cyklister är uthållighetsidrottare med extrem träningsvolym och stort krav på aerob kapacitet, dock krävs även anaerob- power och muskelstyrka för delmoment som backar och tempoväxlingar. Många uthållighetsidrottare tvekar över att implementera styrketräning i tron att effekten ska påverka deras prestation negativt, dessutom gör den höga träningsvolymen det svårt att kombinera. Styrketräning som komplement till uthållighetsträning har dock visats ge positiv effekt och kan förslagsvis förbättra prestation. Syftet var att undersöka huruvida ett styrketräningspass per vecka kan förbättra anaerob kapacitet hos cyklister och triathleter samt om en eventuellt ökad benstyrka kan påverka simtiden hos triathleter. Metoden var en interventionsstudie med pre- och posttest där deltagarna fick genomföra ett styrketräningspass innehållandes tre övningar, en gång per vecka under 12 veckors tid, som komplement till ordinarie träning. Resultatet vid test av maximal styrka i benpressmaskin påvisade en signifikant ökad benstyrka för interventionsgruppen med p = 0,001, en styrkeförbättring på 16,5 %. Wingate- testet visade signifikant förbättring för maxeffekt, p = 0,003, en förbättring med 11,1 % samt maxeffekt per kilo kroppsvikt, p = 0,001, en förbättring på 11,9 %. För kontrollgruppen sågs inga noterbara förändringar och inget samband kunde heller ses mellan en ökad benstyrka och simprestation.Vår styrketräning i kombination med deras ordinarie träning kan förslagsvis fungera synergiskt och optimera prestationen. / Triathletes and cyclists are endurance athletes with extreme training volume and high demands on aerobic capacity but the sport also requires anaerobic power and muscular strength for example hills or changes in tempo. Many endurance athletes do hesitate to implement strength training with the belief that the effect will negatively affect their performance, the high training volume also makes it difficult to combine. Strength training as a complement to endurance exercise has been shown to have a positive effect and may improve performance. The aim was to investigate whether strength training once a week can improve anaerobic capacity among cyclists and triathletes, and if any potential increase in strength capacity may affect swim performance in triathletes. The method was an interventional study with pre and post-test in which participants had to conduct a workout consisting of the three exercises, once a week for 12 weeks, in addition to regular exercise. The results from the test of maximum strength in the leg press showed a significantly increased strength in the intervention group, p = 0.001, a strength improvement of 16.5%. The Wingate test showed a significant improvement in maximum power, p = 0.003, an improvement of 11.1%, and the maximum power per kilogram bodyweight, p = 0.001, an improvement of 11.9 %. For the control group, there were no noticeable changes and no association was seen between increased strength and swim performance. Our strength training in combination with the regular workout can probably work synergistically and optimize their performance.

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