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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Essays in historical finance

Waldenström, Daniel January 2003 (has links)
This dissertation concentrates on the interplay between politics and financial markets using various empirical tools applied on historical financial statistics. The first essay examines the effect of stock transaction taxation on trading activity and asset prices, specifically focusing on the case of early 20th century Sweden. The main finding is that the tax substantially reduced trading as well as the level of asset prices. In the second essay, modern ex post historical writing is contrasted with the ex ante views of contemporaries which are estimated from historical price data. The specific case study is the events around World War II related to the Nordic countries and Germany. The comparisons point out considerable differences between the assessments of historical events in the ex post and ex ante approaches. The third essay is an empirical study of price controls on asset price movements and how these controls affect asset returns. The study finds that the controls have large significant effects which even may influence estimates of the long-run equity premium. Altogether, this raises concerns about the use of century-long series of asset returns without correcting for the impact of institutional variation and market constraints. Finally, the fourth essay examines the growth effects of international financial liberalization and integration using a large country- industry sample from the 1980s. The main result is that industries highly dependent on external financing do not experience higher value added growth in countries with liberalized financial markets. Liberalization does, however, increase the growth rates of both output and firm creation among externally dependent industries. These results are consistent both with increased competition and increased outsourcing. / <p>Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Handelshögskolan, 2003</p>

Essays in long memory : evidence from African stock markets

Thupayagale, Pako January 2010 (has links)
This thesis explores various aspects of long memory behaviour in African stock markets (ASMs). First, we examine long memory in both equity returns and volatility using the weak-form version of the efficient market hypothesis (EMH) as a criterion. The results show that these markets (largely) display a predictable component in returns; while evidence of long memory in volatility is mixed. In general, these findings contradict the precepts of the EMH and a variety of remedial policies are suggested. Next, we re-examine evidence of volatility persistence and long memory in light of the potential existence of neglected breaks in the stock return volatility data. Our results indicate that a failure to account for time-variation in the unconditional mean variance can lead to spurious conclusions. Furthermore, a modification of the GARCH model to allow for mean variation is introduced, which, generates improved volatility forecasts for a selection of ASMs. To further evaluate the quality of volatility forecasts we compare the performance of a number of long memory models against a variety of alternatives. The results generally suggest that over short horizons simple statistical models and the short memory GARCH models provide superior forecasts of volatility; while, at longer horizons, we find some evidence in favour of long memory models. However, the various model rankings are shown to be sensitive to the choice of error statistic used to assess the accuracy of the forecasts. Finally, a wide range of volatility forecasting models are evaluated in order to ascertain which method delivers the most accurate value-at-risk (VaR) estimates in the context of Basle risk framework. The results show that both asymmetric and long memory attributes are important considerations in delivering accurate VaR measures.

Modeles économétriques pour l'inflation : anticipations rationnelles et croyances adaptatives dans le cadre de la nouvelle courbe de philips keynesienne / Econometric models for the inflation : rational expectations and adaptive beliefs in the new keynesian phillips curve framework

Gbaguidi, David 25 October 2011 (has links)
Le premier chapitre consiste en une brève revue de littérature dont les éléments sont repris dans les différentes introductions des études empiriques proposées dans la suite de la thèse. L'objet de cet état des lieux est de fixer le cadre général des analyses macro-économétriques opérées dans la thèse. Ce cadre nous permet d'une part, d'envisager une adéquate intégration des anticipations des agents économiques dans le raisonnement ayant mené aux modèles keynésiens actuels et d'autre part, d'effectuer des estimations des principales versions de la courbe de Phillips introduites dans la littérature macro-économique post-seconde guerre mondiale. Dans cette optique, la thèse est constituée de trois études empiriques. Dans la première de ces études, nous nous plaçons au sein d'un cadre uni-varié et tentons de discriminer entre plusieurs spécifications, proposant différentes caractérisations économétriques de la dynamique du taux d'inflation U.S. Essentiellement, trois types de spécifications, théoriquement associés à trois évolutions possibles du taux d'inflation espéré (anticipé), sont mis à l'épreuve. Les résultats de cette première étude montrent que la dynamique du taux d'inflation peut être pertinemment décrite à l'aide d'un modèle à changements de (trois) régimes markoviens dans les dérives (Intercepts) d'un processus autorégressif (d'ordre deux), soit le modèle MSI(3)-AR(2). La deuxième étude s'opère dans le cadre multi-varié d'une Nouvelle Courbe de Phillips Keynésienne à Inflation tendancielle Positive (NKPC-PI). Au sein de ce cadre, la relation d'arbitrage Inflation/Activité réelle est estimée suivant une procédure en deux étapes. Dans la première, nous identifions des régimes distincts du taux d'inflation U.S. à l'aide d'un modèle à changements de (trois) régimes markoviens dans les dérives d'un processus vectoriel autorégressif (d'ordre deux), soit le modèle MSI(3)-VAR(2). Dans la seconde étape, nous estimons les paramètres structurels de cette économie keynésienne afin d'extraire la courbe de Phillips résultante des changements de régimes initialement identifiés. Les résultats de cette deuxième étude nous amènent à conclure à une non-négligeable instabilité de la courbe de Phillips au cours de la période post-seconde guerre mondiale. La troisième étude se présente comme un prolongement et/ou un approfondissement des deux premières. Aussi, dans sa première partie, nous revenons sur les dynamiques tendancielles individuelles des quatre variables intervenant dans le cadre de modélisation NKPC-PI. Les résultats issus de ces premières estimations en contextes uni-variés montrent que seule la dynamique du taux d'inflation et, dans une moindre mesure, celle du coût marginal réel semble obéir à des changements de régimes. La spécification retenue pour l'inflation est celle de la première étude (MSI(3)-AR(2)), tandis que la dynamique du coût marginal réel pourrait être approchée à l'aide d'un modèle à changements de (deux) régimes dans les dérives d'un processus autorégressif (d'ordre deux), soit le modèle MSI(2)-AR(2). Les dynamiques du taux d'actualisation nominal et du taux de croissance de l'output (les deux autres variables du modèle NKPC-PI) semblent, quant à elles, être assez bien caractérisées par des spécifications linéaires autorégressives à deux retards (AR(2)). Sur la base de ces premiers résultats, nous estimons, dans la deuxième partie de l'étude, la nouvelle courbe de Phillips keynésienne en considérant que les processus générateurs des quatre séries du modèle peuvent répondre à de possibles intégrations fractionnelles. Les résultats de ces dernières estimations montrent que la prise en compte simultanée des changements de régimes et de la longue mémoire dans les dynamiques des variables du modèle apporte certains éclairages sur l'évolution du débat mené autour de la relation d'arbitrage post-seconde guerre mondiale. / This PhD thesis proposes, through her three articles, a macro-econometric framework of integrating, in the most adequate way to our sense, the expectations of the economic agents in the reasoning having led to current New-Keynesian models. Upon this specified frame of analysis, we evaluate the effectiveness of various versions of the Phillips curve introduced into the macroeconomic literature. The first study of this thesis takes place in a univariate context and we seek to determine an econometric model leading to best characterize the U.S inflation rate dynamic. In order to achieve this, three types of specifications, associated with three possible evolutions of the expected rate are considered. The first allows an overall instability of the trend or the expected inflation rate. The second considers an alternative specification in which the expected inflation rate is unstable in periodic segments of the sample. Finally, the last specification allows instability of a "mixed type" in which the trend inflation rate is assumed to be random or subject to a probability schema. The results of our study indicate that this last specification is the one that gives the most adequate characterization of the inflation rate dynamic. The inflation rate then appears generated by a second order autoregressive process with, on the one hand, unchanging lag coefficients and, on the other, an unconditional mean which switch between three global regimes of different frequencies of accession. Based on these first results, we extend the analysis in a multivariate framework. The main topics of the second paper are to challenge the rational nature of the agents expectations and the structural effectiveness of the behaviorally micro-based New Keynesian Phillips Curve with a Positive steady state Inflation (NKPC-PI). We then model the trade-off between the U.S inflation rate and a Unit Labor Cost-based measure of the real activity through Markov Switching - Vectorial AutoRegressive (MS-VAR) specifications. These specifications allow to adequately capturing the rationality in the agents expectations process as they underlie a finite number of expected inflation rate regimes, which highlight the agents adaptive beliefs on the achievements of these regimes. Moreover, the results confirm the structural stability of the NKPC-PI over the inflation rate regimes as its deep parameters seem to be unaffected by the regimes switching (Cogley & Sbordone (2005) and Groen & Mumtaz (2008)). In the third study, we extend the analysis of the Phillips curve trade-off. First, we look at determining econometrics models leading to characterize the dynamics of all the variables underlying the trade-off in univariate contexts. As a result, it appears that an adequate way to characterize the agents expectations regarding the dynamics of these variables is to consider a combination of some fixed levels (regimes) in the variables evolutions with an agents adaptive beliefs notion. Finally, based on the implied expectations values of the variables, we show that the Phillips curve seems to disappear when the impact of the expected inflation rate on its current value converges to its long-term value.

Price Transmission within selected Agricultural Markets of Latin America / Price Transmission within selected Agricultural Markets of Latin America

Hernández-Villafuerte, Karla 01 February 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Essays on environmental and development economics / Essais en économie de l'environnement et du développement

Hamit-Haggar, Mahamat 25 September 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse comporte quatre essais et porte sur les questions fondamentales sur la relation entre l’environnement et le développement économique. Le premier chapitre cherche à identifier les déterminants individuels et contextuels qui affectent la volonté de contribuer des gens à la lutte contre la pollution environnementale. Nos résultats révèlent que les individus riches, les personnes éduquées ainsi que les personnes possédant des valeurs post-matérialistes sont plus susceptibles d’être préoccupées par la pollution environnementale. On remarque que la caractéristique du pays de ces individus affecte leur volonté à contribuer. Ainsi, dans les pays à forte démocratie avec une forte stabilité gouvernementale, les individus sont réticents à faire des dons pour prévenir les dommages environnementaux. Le deuxième chapitre examine la relation entre la croissance économique et la dégradation de l’environnement en s’interrogeant sur la relation U inversée de Kuznets. Nos résultats empiriques ne révèlent aucune preuve de ladite relation. Cependant, nous notons l’existence d’une relation non linéaire entre la croissance économique et la dégradation de l’environnement. Les émissions ont tendance à augmenter un rythme plus rapide dans les premiers stades de la croissance économique puis dans les dernière étapes, cette hausse persiste mais à un rythme plus lent. Le troisième chapitre étudie la relation de causalité de long terme entre la consommation d'énergie propre et la croissance économique dans un groupe de pays de l’Afrique subsaharienne. Le résultat révèle l'existence d'une relation d'équilibre à long terme entre la consommation d'énergie propre et la croissance économique. En outre, la dynamique de court terme et de long terme indiquent une relation de causalité à la Granger unidirectionnelle de la consommation d'énergie propre vers la croissance économique sans aucun effet rétroactif. Le dernier chapitre de cette thèse cherche à investiguer sur la convergence des émissions de gaz entre les provinces canadiennes. L'étude montre que les émissions de gaz des provinces canadiennes sont caractérisées des convergences de clubs. En d'autres termes, on détecte l'existence d'une segmentation des émissions entre les provinces canadiennes. / This thesis comprises four empirical essays on environmental and development economics. In the first chapter, we examine to what extent individual and contextual level factors influence individuals to contribute financially to prevent environmental pollution. We find that rich people, individuals with higher education, as well as those who possess post-materialist values are more likely to be concerned about environmental pollution. We also observe the country in which individuals live matter in their willingness to contribute. More precisely, we find democracy and government stability reduce individuals’ intention to donate to prevent environmental damage mainly in developed countries. The second chapter deals with the relation between economic growth and environmental degradation by focusing on the issue of whether the inverted U-shaped relation exist. The study discloses no evidence for the U-shaped relation. However, the empirical result points toward a non-linear relationship between environmental degradation and economic growth, that is, emissions tend to rise rapidly in the early stages with economic growth, and then emissions continue to increase but a lower rate in the later stages. The third chapter investigates the long-run as well as the causal relationship between energy consumption and economic growth in a group of Sub-Saharan Africa. The result discovers the existence of a long-run equilibrium relationship between clean energy consumption and economic growth. Furthermore, the short-run and the long-run dynamics indicate unidirectional Granger causality running from clean energy consumption to economic growth without any feedback effects. The last chapter of this thesis concerns with convergence of emissions across Canadian provinces. The study determines convergence clubs better characterizes Canadian’s emissions. In other words, we detect the existence of segmentation in emissions across Canadian provinces.

A study of trends of consumer credit with a focus on the increase in unsecured lending in South Africa

Francis, Zharina 10 1900 (has links)
The objective of this research is to investigate the existence of structural changes in unsecured lending time series data and analyse the impact thereof on trends in consumer demand for unsecured credit spanning the years from 2008 to 2015. This is achieved by identifying dates when structural changes occurred over this period. The identified structural break date is linked to an influential economic event or monetary policy change that took place in South Africa of which the impact on three unsecured credit categories are analysed. Unsecured credit growth in South Africa has been subjected to intensive scrutiny since the inception of the National Credit Act (Act No. 34 of 2005) by various regulatory bodies. In 2012 the National Credit Regulator (NCR) commissioned a research study into examining the impact that the National Credit Act (Act No. 34 of 2005) has had on the consumer credit market. The empirical part of this study involved the gathering of time series data on unsecured loans approved, unsecured credit granted per income category and unsecured credit granted from the National Credit Regulator (NCR) database and performing descriptive and econometric analysis. The Zivot-Andrews (1992) and augmented Dickey-Fuller tests determined the break dates which were linked to a significant economic event while the one sample t-test of means compared average loan values before and after the break date. Results of the study indicate that the break dates determined coincided with economic events and monetary policy changes in South Africa, such as the collapse of African Bank, the implementation of the National Credit Amendment Act, prime interest rate movements and the introduction of a debt counselling program by the government. These events, coupled with stricter lending criteria and no further loans being granted to customers already more than three months in arrears, restrained the uptake of unsecured loans to lower and middle income groups. The introduction of new affordability criteria and increasing interest rates in 2014 further negatively impacted demand for unsecured loans. However, higher income earners had the advantage of being able to apply for higher loan amounts. Findings could be used by monetary policymakers and financial institutions to constantly monitor credit trends, improve credit assessment techniques and review lending criteria. / Business Management / M. Com. (Financial Management)

Essays on Government Growth, Fiscal Policy and Debt Sustainability

Kuckuck, Jan 29 April 2015 (has links)
The financial crisis of 2007/8 has triggered a profound debate about public budget finance sustainability, ever-increasing government expenditures and the efficiency of fiscal policy measures. Given this context, the following dissertation provides four contributions that analyze the long-run growth of government spending throughout economic development, discuss potential effects of fiscal policy measures on output, and provide new insights into the assessment of debt sustainability for a variety of industrialized countries. Since the breakout of the European debt crisis in 2009/2010, there has been a revival of interest in the long-term growth of government expenditures. In this context, the relationship between the size of the public sector and economic growth - often referred to as Wagner's law - has been in the focus of numerous studies, especially with regard to public policy and fiscal sustainability. Using historical data from the mid-19th century, the first chapter analyzes the validity of Wagner's law for five industrialized European countries and links the discussion to different stages of economic development. In line with Wagner's hypothesis, our findings show that the relationship between public spending and economic growth has weakened at an advanced stage of development. Furthermore, all countries under review support the notion that Wagner's law may have lost its economic relevance in recent decades. As a consequence of the 2007/8 financial crisis, there has been an increasing theoretical and empirical debate about the impact of fiscal policy measures on output. Accordingly, the Structural Vector Autoregression (SVAR) approach to estimating the fiscal multipliers developed by Blanchard and Perotti (2002) has been applied widely in the literature in recent years. In the second chapter, we point out that the fiscal multipliers derived from this approach include the predicted future path of the policy instruments as well as their dynamic interaction. We analyze a data set from the US and document that these interactions are economically and statistically significant. In a counterfactual simulation, we report fiscal multipliers that abstract from these dynamic responses. Furthermore, we use our estimates to analyze the recent fiscal stimulus of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). The third chapter contributes to the existing empirical literature on fiscal multipliers by applying a five-variable SVAR approach to a uniform data set for Belgium, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom. Besides studying the effects of expenditure and tax increases on output, we additionally analyze their dynamic effects on inflation and interest rates as well as the dynamic interaction of both policy instruments. By conducting counterfactual simulations, which abstract from the dynamic response of key macroeconomic variables to the initial fiscal shocks, we study the importance of these channels for the transmission of fiscal policy on output. Overall, the results demonstrate that the effects of fiscal shocks are limited and rather different across countries. Further, it is shown that the inflation and interest rate channel are insignificant for the transmission of fiscal policy. In the field of public finances, governmental budgetary policies are among the most controversial and disputed areas of political and scientific controversy. The sustainability of public debt is often analyzed by testing stationarity conditions of government's budget deficits. The fourth chapter shows that this test can be implemented more effectively by means of an asymmetric unit root test. We argue that this approach increases the power of the test and reduces the likelihood of drawing false inferences. We illustrate this in an application to 14 countries of the European Monetary Union as well as in a Monte Carlo simulation. Distinguishing between positive and negative changes in deficits, we find consistency with the intertemporal budget constraint for more countries, i.e. lower persistence of positive changes in some countries, compared to the earlier literature.

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