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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ice load prediction for design of ice-going ships for inland waterways

Zhang, Meng January 2019 (has links)
With increasing interest in utilizing the inland waterways (IWW) in European countries, the design of IWW vessels gains attention both from a transport efficiency and an emission control point of view. However, unlike in western and central European countries, in Nordic countries, e.g. Sweden, IWW ships must deal with ice on the fairway during every winter. Usually, IWW ships are designed without ice concerns and are structurally weaker compared to ships designed according to ice class notification from the classification societies. Developing such ships requires particular concerns since there is no strict requirements regarding ice class notifications for IWW ships. A primary challenge is to estimate both the global and local ice loads acting on the ship hull structure. To consolidate the design problems for IWW ice-going ships, Lake Mälaren is selected. Ice conditions, i.e. ice type and concentration, and ice data, e.g. ice thickness and ice flexural strength, are extracted and analysed for the ice load estimation. The ice mechanical properties have great influence on the ice load. Ice characteristics are studied based on empirical formulae and properties are calibrated by reference data. The deterministic approach is widely used to predict the ice loads. It is suitable when all variables, i.e. ship geometry and ice properties, are known and refers to rule-based design hereby. For first year light ice conditions in Lake Mälaren, the Finnish Swedish Ice Class Rule (FSICR) is widely used. The thesis uses guidelines from the Finnish Swedish Ice Class Rules as a reference and compare the results with other methods. The probabilistic approach, on contrary, is useful when certain variables are unknow, which are interpreted as random variables, for instance ice breaking pattern. Here the probabilistic method and ice-hull interaction mechanism are studied. The probabilistic method simplifies the ice pressure in relation to the contact area between the ice and the ship hull. It predicts maximum ice pressure acting on the ship hull based on field ice test data and ice exposure conditions. Such semi-empirical method can be used regardless of ship type and size. For this, a numerical model is introduced based on ice-hull collision mechanisms and the essential ice breaking characteristics. The physical mechanism is studied for idealizing ship-ice impact model. The idealization model includes the ice failure process, ice conditions and ship geometry. The ice failure is assumed to be initiated by crushing ice and followed by breaking due to bending failure. Ice properties are set as constant values without any variations. The stochasticity in interact process is represented by randomness in collision location and number of pieces of ice floe formed after breaking. An energy method is used to calculate the ice crushing force, indentation displacement and contact area. The ice bending scenario is simplified as an infinite plate resting on an elastic foundation under a concentrated load. Ice impact load and critical load can be obtained for global and local structural assessment respectively. The structural responses and structural strength of a representative panel at linear and nonlinear contexts are investigated as well. Ship structure is commonly designed with material yield strength as limit. However, the study shows a lighter structure can be achieved if plastic deformation is allowed without causing failure. Therefore, the design can be optimized with regards to ice loading capacity and weight control.

Uncertainty Quantification in Flow and Flow Induced Structural Response

Suryawanshi, Anup Arvind January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Response of flexible structures — such as cable-supported bridges and aircraft wings — is associated with a number of uncertainties in structural and flow parameters. This thesis is aimed at efficient uncertainty quantification in a few such flow and flow-induced structural response problems. First, the uncertainty quantification in the lift force exerted on a submerged body in a potential flow is considered. To this end, a new method — termed here as semi-intrusive stochastic perturbation (SISP) — is proposed. A sensitivity analysis is also performed, where for the global sensitivity analysis (GSA) the Sobol’ indices are used. The polynomial chaos expansion (PCE) is used for estimating these indices. Next, two stability problems —divergence and flutter — in the aeroelasticity are studied in the context of reliability based design optimization (RBDO). Two modifications are proposed to an existing PCE-based metamodel to reduce the computational cost, where the chaos coefficients are estimated using Gauss quadrature to gain computational speed and GSA is used to create nonuniform grid to reduce the cost even further. The proposed method is applied on a rectangular unswept cantilever wing model. Next, reliability computation in limit cycle oscillations (LCOs) is considered. While the metamodel performs poorly in this case due to bimodality in the distribution, a new simulation-based scheme proposed to this end. Accordingly, first a reduced-order model (ROM) is used to identify the critical region in the random parameter space. Then the full-scale expensive model is run only over a this critical region. This is applied to the rectangular unswept cantilever wing with cubic and fifth order stiffness terms in its equation of motion. Next, the wind speed is modeled as a spatio-temporal process, and accordingly new representations of spatio-temporal random processes are proposed based on tensor decompositions of the covariance kernel. These are applied to three problems: a heat equation, a vibration, and a readily available covariance model for wind speed. Finally, to assimilate available field measurement data on wind speed and to predict based on this assimilation, a new framework based on the tensor decompositions is proposed. The framework is successfully applied to a set of measured data on wind speed in Ireland, where the prediction based on simulation is found to be consistent with the observed data.

Análisis de la implementación de disipadores fluido-viscosos en el comportamiento torsional de una edificación de 5 niveles localizada en Lima / Analysis of the implementation of viscous fluid dissipators in the torsional behavior of a 5-level building located in Lima

Orihuela Allende, Giuliana Mercedes, Velazque Olarte, Cristopher Guy 14 April 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo, consiste en la implementación de estos disipadores fluido-viscosos en una edificación con predominación de muros estructurales de 5 niveles que presenta un comportamiento torsional. El diseño de estos disipadores, parten con el objetivo de diseño de daño moderado y bajo un sismo de 475 años de periodo de retorno, es decir que la deriva objetivo necesario para el diseño es 0.58%. Se analiza bajo la colocación en diagonal para amortiguadores lineales y no lineales. La colocación se hace de manera uniforme, y de manera que compense el movimiento torsional. Se colocaron un total de 40 disipadores en todo el edificio. Entre los principales resultados, la fuerza fuerzas en los disipadores fueron en un orden de 213 ton-f y comportamiento torsional debido a zonas frágiles de la estructura fueran reducidas en 80%. La implementación de los disipadores fluido-viscosos permiten reducir la deriva en 60% y todas las derivas se mantienen por debajo de 0.58%, en teoría. En un futuro, en el Perú, será necesario implementar una normativa para el diseño y el aporte de amortiguamiento en el edificio. / The present work consists of the implementation of these fluid-viscous dissipators in a building with a predominance of structural walls, of 5 levels that presents a torsional behavior, as well as fails to comply with the permissible drift limit established by Norma Técnica E.030. The design of these dissipators starts with the design objective of moderate damage and under an earthquake of 475 years of return period, whose corresponding objective drift assumes a value of 0.58%. It is discussed under diagonal placement for linear and nonlinear dampers. The placement is done uniformly, and in a way that compensates for torsional movement. A total of 40 heatsinks were placed throughout the building, 8 per floor. Among the main results, the forces in the dissipators were in the order of 200 ton-f and torsional behavior due to flexible areas of the structure were reduced by 80%. The implementation of fluid-viscous heatsinks allows the drift to be reduced by 60%, and all drifts are kept below 0.58%, that is, both linear and non-linear devices meet the target drift, even though the latter have a higher drift, given their lower C, therefore, lower force, less drift control, even so, they are efficient, both structurally and economically, given their lower strength. In the future, in Peru, it will be necessary to implement a regulation for the design and the cushioning contribution in the building. / Trabajo de investigación

Conception et optimisation des matériaux et structures composites pour des applications navales : effet du slamming / Design and optimisation the composite material structures for naval applications : effects of slamming

Al-Dodoee, Omar Hashim Hassoon 28 June 2017 (has links)
L'interaction fluide-structure vise à étudier le contact entre un fluide et un solide. Ce phénomène est très présent lors de l’impact d’une vague sur une structure ou l’inverse. La réponse de la structure peut être fortement affectée par l'action du fluide. L'étude de ce type d'interaction est motivée par le fait que les phénomènes résultants sont parfois catastrophiques pour les structures composites ou constituent dans la majorité des cas un facteur dimensionnant important. Le fluide est caractérisé par son champ de vitesse et de pression. Il exerce des forces aérodynamiques ou hydrodynamiques sur l'interface de la structure qui subit des déformations sous leurs actions. Ces déformations peuvent affecter localement le champ de l'écoulement et donc les charges appliquées. Ce cycle des interactions entre le fluide et le solide est caractéristique du phénomène de slamming. Pour une conception optimale des structures marines, la vitesse du navire est devenue un paramètre important. Par conséquent, les exigences de conception ont été optimisées par rapport au poids structurel. D'autre part, l'apparition des structures composites au cours des dernières décennies a favorisé l'exploitation de ces matériaux dans les grands projets de construction pour les applications marines et aérospatiales. Ceci est dû à la nature de leurs propriétés mécaniques, car elles présentent un rapport rigidité / poids élevé. En revanche, l'interaction entre les structures déformables et la surface libre de l'eau peut affecter le flux du fluide en contact avec la structure ainsi que et les charges hydrodynamiques estimées par rapport au corps rigide, en raison de l'apparition des effets hydro-élastiques. En outre, ces structures sont toujours soumises à des mécanismes de dommages différents et complexes sous un chargement dynamique. Pour ces raisons, la flexibilité et les modes de défaillance dans les matériaux composites présentent une complexité supplémentaire pour prédire les charges hydrodynamiques lorsqu'il y a une interaction avec un fluide (l'eau). Ceci a présenté un défi majeur pour utiliser ces matériaux dans les applications maritimes. Par conséquent, une attention particulière doit être accordée dans la phase de conception et l'analyse des performances pendant l'utilisation à vie. Les principales contributions de ce travail sont l’étude expérimentale et numérique du comportement dynamique des panneaux composites et la quantification de l'effet de la flexibilité de ces panneaux composites sur les charges hydrodynamiques et les déformations résultantes. Pour étudier ces effets, des panneaux composites stratifiés et sandwichs avec deux rigidités différentes sont soumis à diverses vitesses d'impact à l'aide d'une machine de choc équipée d'un système de contrôle de la vitesse. La résistance dynamique a été analysée en termes de charges hydrodynamiques, de déformations dynamiques et de mécanismes de défaillance pour différentes vitesses d'impact. L'analyse des résultats expérimentaux a montré que l’effort maximal augmente avec l’augmentation de la flexibilité des panneaux. D'autre part, le modèle numérique de tossage a été implémenté dans le logiciel Abaqus / Explicit basé sur l'approche du modèle Couplé Euler Lagrange (CEL). En outre, différents modes de défaillance des matériaux composites ont été développés et implémentés à l'aide d'une subroutine « VUMAT » définie par l'utilisateur et mis en œuvre dans le code de calcul éléments finis. Pour couvrir tous les modes de défaillance possibles dans les structures composites, l’implémentation de l’endommagement comprend : la rupture intralaminar, la décohésion de l'interface peau / âme et le cisaillement de l’âme. La confrontation des résultats expérimentaux avec les modèles numériques sur la prédiction de la force hydrodynamique et de la déformation du panneau valide l’approche adoptée. / Generally, when marine vessels encounter the water surface on entry and subsequently re-enter the water at high speed (slamming), this can subject the bottom section of the vessels to both local and global effects and generate unwanted vibrations in the structure, especially over very short durations. In marine design, the vessel speed has become an important aspect for optimal structure. Therefore, design requirements have been optimized in relation to the structural weight. In other hand, the appearance of the composite structures in the last decades has encouraged the exploitation of these structures in major construction projects for lightweight marine and aerospace applications. This is due to the nature of their mechanical properties which shows a high stiffness-to-weight ratio. In contrast, the interaction between deformable structures and free water surface can be modified the fluid flow and changed the estimated hydrodynamic loads comparing with rigid body, due to appearance of hydroelastic effects. Moreover, these structures are always subject to different and complex damage mechanisms under dynamic loading. For these reasons, the flexibility and the damage failure modes in composite materials introduce additional complexity for predicting hydrodynamic loads when interactive with water. This considered a key challenge to use these materials in marine applications. Therefore, special attention must be taken in the design phase and the analysis of performances during lifetime use. The main contributions of this work are the experimental and numerical study of the dynamic behavior of composite panels and the quantification of the effect of the flexibility of these structures on the hydrodynamic loads and the resulting deformations. To study these effects, laminate composite and sandwich panels with two different rigidities and subjected to various impact velocities have been investigated experimentally using high speed shock machine with velocity control system. The dynamic resistance was analysed in terms of hydrodynamic loads, dynamic deformation and failure mechanisms for different impact velocities. The general analysis of experiment results were indicated that more flexible panel has a higher peak force as velocity increases compared with higher stiffness panels. On the other hand, the slamming model was implemented in Abaqus/Explicit software based on Coupled Eulerian Lagrangian model approach (CEL). In addition, different damage modes are developed and constructed using a user-defined material subroutine VUMAT and implemented in Finite element method, including the intralaminar damage, debonding in skin/core interface, and core shear to cover all possible damage modes throughout structures. The numerical model gave a good agreement results in judging with experimental data for prediction of the hydrodynamic force and panel deformation. Additionally, this study gives qualitative and quantitative data which provides clear guidance in design phase and the evolution of performances during lifetime of composite structures, for marine structure designers.

Behaviour of three-dimensional concrete structures under concurrent orthogonal seismic excitations

Zaghlool, Baher SalahElDeen Othman Ahmed January 2007 (has links)
This thesis is a study into the response and seismic safety of three-dimensional multi-storey concrete structures under concurrent orthogonal seismic excitations. It employs the nonlinear time-history method as its analysis tools. Time-history analyses rely heavily on their utilised earthquake records. Accordingly, this study examines the different approaches of selecting earthquake suites and develops a methodology of selecting representative earthquake scenarios. This methodology is credibly implemented in selecting a far- and a near field suites representative of the New Zealand seismic hazard. The study investigates the response of 6-, 9- and 12-storey concrete structures of different n-X-bays × m-Y-bays. Bidirectional responses of these considered structures are examined and consequently the current combination rules are scrutinised. Consequently this study strongly recommends the use of the 40-percent combination rule in lieu of the widely used 30-percent rule; and the use of time-history analysis in lieu of quasi/equivalent static and response modal analysis methods to avoid their strong dependence on combination rules. An intensive study is conducted employing the incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) technique to investigate structural demands of interstorey drifts, lateral storey drifts and storey accelerations. The study utilises the developed far-field suite and identifies the 50th and 90th percentile demands. Hence it provides easy-to-use expressions to facilitate rapid calculation of the structural demands and the effects of biaxial interactions. An implementation into the Demand and Capacity Factor Design (DCFD) format is presented that infers confidence in the performance levels of the considered structures. The study also draws attention to the importance of considering storey accelerations as their storey values reach as high as 10 × PGA. A sensitivity study is conducted by repeating the IDA investigation while using the developed near-field suite. Subsequently a comparison between the near- and the far-field results is conducted. The results were markedly similar albeit of less magnitudes until the (seismic hazard) intensity measure IM = Sa(T₁) = 0.4g when the near-field results show sudden flat large increase in demands suggesting a brittle collapse. This is attributed to the higher content of the higher mode frequencies contained in near-field ground motions. Finally, the study examines the (vectorial) radial horizontal shear demands in columns and beam-column joints of the previous far- and near-field studies. The combined radial shear demands in corner, edge and internal columns and joints are evaluated that roughly show a square-root proportional relationship with IM that exhibit somewhat brittle failure at IM ≥ 0.35g. Shears demands in the (4-way) internal columns and the (2-way) corner joints show highest magnitude in their respective class. The results suggest transverse joint shear reinforcement of 1.5, 1.0 and 0.5 of the longitudinal reinforcement of the neighbouring beam respectively for corner, edge and internal joints. An implementation of a proposed practical (and simpler) DCFD format shows satisfactory confidence in columns performance in shear up to IM = 0.35g, conversely to joints unsatisfactory performance in shear at the onset of inelastic behaviour (IM > 0.05g).

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