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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Design of regulated velocity flow assurance device for petroleum industry

Yardi, Chaitanya Narendra 17 February 2005 (has links)
The petroleum industry faces problems in transportation of crude petroleum be- cause of the deposition of paraffins, hydrates and asphaltenes on the insides of the pipeline. These are conventionally removed using either chemical inhibitors or mechani- cal devices, called pigs, which travel through the pipeline and mechanically scrape away the deposits. These pigs are propelled by the pipeline product itself and hence travel at the same velocity as the product. Research has indicated that cleaning would be better if the pigs are traveling at a relatively constant velocity of around 70% of the product velocity. This research utilizes the concept of regulating the bypass flow velocity in order to maintain the pig velocity. The bypass flow is regulated by the control unit based on the feedback from the turbine flowmeter, which monitors the bypass flow. A motorized butterfly valve is used for actually controlling the bypass flow. In addition to cleaning, the proposed pig utilizes on-board electronics like accelerom- eter and pressure transducers to store the data gathered during the pig run. This data can then be analyzed and the condition of the pipeline predicted. Thus, this research addresses the problem of designing a pig to maintain a constant velocity in order to achieve better cleaning. It also helps gather elementary data that can be used to predict the internal conditions in the pipe.

Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of a Variable Displacement Hydraulic Bent Axis Pump Linked to High Pressure and Low Pressure Accumulators

Abuhaiba, Mohammad 16 June 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Conception et optimisation des matériaux et structures composites pour des applications navales : effet du slamming / Design and optimisation the composite material structures for naval applications : effects of slamming

Al-Dodoee, Omar Hashim Hassoon 28 June 2017 (has links)
L'interaction fluide-structure vise à étudier le contact entre un fluide et un solide. Ce phénomène est très présent lors de l’impact d’une vague sur une structure ou l’inverse. La réponse de la structure peut être fortement affectée par l'action du fluide. L'étude de ce type d'interaction est motivée par le fait que les phénomènes résultants sont parfois catastrophiques pour les structures composites ou constituent dans la majorité des cas un facteur dimensionnant important. Le fluide est caractérisé par son champ de vitesse et de pression. Il exerce des forces aérodynamiques ou hydrodynamiques sur l'interface de la structure qui subit des déformations sous leurs actions. Ces déformations peuvent affecter localement le champ de l'écoulement et donc les charges appliquées. Ce cycle des interactions entre le fluide et le solide est caractéristique du phénomène de slamming. Pour une conception optimale des structures marines, la vitesse du navire est devenue un paramètre important. Par conséquent, les exigences de conception ont été optimisées par rapport au poids structurel. D'autre part, l'apparition des structures composites au cours des dernières décennies a favorisé l'exploitation de ces matériaux dans les grands projets de construction pour les applications marines et aérospatiales. Ceci est dû à la nature de leurs propriétés mécaniques, car elles présentent un rapport rigidité / poids élevé. En revanche, l'interaction entre les structures déformables et la surface libre de l'eau peut affecter le flux du fluide en contact avec la structure ainsi que et les charges hydrodynamiques estimées par rapport au corps rigide, en raison de l'apparition des effets hydro-élastiques. En outre, ces structures sont toujours soumises à des mécanismes de dommages différents et complexes sous un chargement dynamique. Pour ces raisons, la flexibilité et les modes de défaillance dans les matériaux composites présentent une complexité supplémentaire pour prédire les charges hydrodynamiques lorsqu'il y a une interaction avec un fluide (l'eau). Ceci a présenté un défi majeur pour utiliser ces matériaux dans les applications maritimes. Par conséquent, une attention particulière doit être accordée dans la phase de conception et l'analyse des performances pendant l'utilisation à vie. Les principales contributions de ce travail sont l’étude expérimentale et numérique du comportement dynamique des panneaux composites et la quantification de l'effet de la flexibilité de ces panneaux composites sur les charges hydrodynamiques et les déformations résultantes. Pour étudier ces effets, des panneaux composites stratifiés et sandwichs avec deux rigidités différentes sont soumis à diverses vitesses d'impact à l'aide d'une machine de choc équipée d'un système de contrôle de la vitesse. La résistance dynamique a été analysée en termes de charges hydrodynamiques, de déformations dynamiques et de mécanismes de défaillance pour différentes vitesses d'impact. L'analyse des résultats expérimentaux a montré que l’effort maximal augmente avec l’augmentation de la flexibilité des panneaux. D'autre part, le modèle numérique de tossage a été implémenté dans le logiciel Abaqus / Explicit basé sur l'approche du modèle Couplé Euler Lagrange (CEL). En outre, différents modes de défaillance des matériaux composites ont été développés et implémentés à l'aide d'une subroutine « VUMAT » définie par l'utilisateur et mis en œuvre dans le code de calcul éléments finis. Pour couvrir tous les modes de défaillance possibles dans les structures composites, l’implémentation de l’endommagement comprend : la rupture intralaminar, la décohésion de l'interface peau / âme et le cisaillement de l’âme. La confrontation des résultats expérimentaux avec les modèles numériques sur la prédiction de la force hydrodynamique et de la déformation du panneau valide l’approche adoptée. / Generally, when marine vessels encounter the water surface on entry and subsequently re-enter the water at high speed (slamming), this can subject the bottom section of the vessels to both local and global effects and generate unwanted vibrations in the structure, especially over very short durations. In marine design, the vessel speed has become an important aspect for optimal structure. Therefore, design requirements have been optimized in relation to the structural weight. In other hand, the appearance of the composite structures in the last decades has encouraged the exploitation of these structures in major construction projects for lightweight marine and aerospace applications. This is due to the nature of their mechanical properties which shows a high stiffness-to-weight ratio. In contrast, the interaction between deformable structures and free water surface can be modified the fluid flow and changed the estimated hydrodynamic loads comparing with rigid body, due to appearance of hydroelastic effects. Moreover, these structures are always subject to different and complex damage mechanisms under dynamic loading. For these reasons, the flexibility and the damage failure modes in composite materials introduce additional complexity for predicting hydrodynamic loads when interactive with water. This considered a key challenge to use these materials in marine applications. Therefore, special attention must be taken in the design phase and the analysis of performances during lifetime use. The main contributions of this work are the experimental and numerical study of the dynamic behavior of composite panels and the quantification of the effect of the flexibility of these structures on the hydrodynamic loads and the resulting deformations. To study these effects, laminate composite and sandwich panels with two different rigidities and subjected to various impact velocities have been investigated experimentally using high speed shock machine with velocity control system. The dynamic resistance was analysed in terms of hydrodynamic loads, dynamic deformation and failure mechanisms for different impact velocities. The general analysis of experiment results were indicated that more flexible panel has a higher peak force as velocity increases compared with higher stiffness panels. On the other hand, the slamming model was implemented in Abaqus/Explicit software based on Coupled Eulerian Lagrangian model approach (CEL). In addition, different damage modes are developed and constructed using a user-defined material subroutine VUMAT and implemented in Finite element method, including the intralaminar damage, debonding in skin/core interface, and core shear to cover all possible damage modes throughout structures. The numerical model gave a good agreement results in judging with experimental data for prediction of the hydrodynamic force and panel deformation. Additionally, this study gives qualitative and quantitative data which provides clear guidance in design phase and the evolution of performances during lifetime of composite structures, for marine structure designers.

AI based prediction of road users' intents and reactions

Gurudath, Akshay January 2022 (has links)
Different road users follow different behaviors and intentions in the trajectories that they traverse. Predicting the intent of these road users at intersections would not only help increase the comfort of drive in autonomous vehicles, but also help detect potential accidents. In this thesis, the research objective is to build models that predicts future positions of road users (pedestrians,cyclists and autonomous shuttles) by capturing behaviors endemic to different road users.  Firstly, a constant velocity state space model is used as a benchmark for intent prediction, with a fresh approach to estimate parameters from the data through the EM algorithm. Then, a neural network based LSTM sequence modeling architecture is used to better capture the dynamics of road user movement and their dependence on the spatial area. Inspired by the recent success of transformers and attention in text mining, we then propose a mechanism to capture the road users' social behavior amongst their neighbors. To achieve this, past trajectories of different road users are forward propagated through the LSTM network to obtain representative feature vectors for each road users' behaviour. These feature vectors are then passed through an attention-layer to obtain representations that incorporate information from other road users' feature vectors, which are in-turn used to predict future positions for every road user in the frame. It is seen that the attention based LSTM model slightly outperforms the plain LSTM models, while both substantially outperform the constant velocity model. A comparative qualitative analysis is performed to assess the behaviors that are captured/missed by the different models. The thesis concludes with a dissection of the behaviors captured by the attention module.

Evaluation of Target Tracking Using Multiple Sensors and Non-Causal Algorithms

Vestin, Albin, Strandberg, Gustav January 2019 (has links)
Today, the main research field for the automotive industry is to find solutions for active safety. In order to perceive the surrounding environment, tracking nearby traffic objects plays an important role. Validation of the tracking performance is often done in staged traffic scenarios, where additional sensors, mounted on the vehicles, are used to obtain their true positions and velocities. The difficulty of evaluating the tracking performance complicates its development. An alternative approach studied in this thesis, is to record sequences and use non-causal algorithms, such as smoothing, instead of filtering to estimate the true target states. With this method, validation data for online, causal, target tracking algorithms can be obtained for all traffic scenarios without the need of extra sensors. We investigate how non-causal algorithms affects the target tracking performance using multiple sensors and dynamic models of different complexity. This is done to evaluate real-time methods against estimates obtained from non-causal filtering. Two different measurement units, a monocular camera and a LIDAR sensor, and two dynamic models are evaluated and compared using both causal and non-causal methods. The system is tested in two single object scenarios where ground truth is available and in three multi object scenarios without ground truth. Results from the two single object scenarios shows that tracking using only a monocular camera performs poorly since it is unable to measure the distance to objects. Here, a complementary LIDAR sensor improves the tracking performance significantly. The dynamic models are shown to have a small impact on the tracking performance, while the non-causal application gives a distinct improvement when tracking objects at large distances. Since the sequence can be reversed, the non-causal estimates are propagated from more certain states when the target is closer to the ego vehicle. For multiple object tracking, we find that correct associations between measurements and tracks are crucial for improving the tracking performance with non-causal algorithms.

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