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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra and mycobacterial culture in routine clinical practice at a Tertiary Paediatric Hospital

Enimil, Anthony Kwame 10 February 2022 (has links)
Introduction World Health Organization approved the use of Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra (Ultra) in children due to quick turn-around time, improved yield over smear microscopy, and ability to detect rifampicin resistance despite culture being the “gold standard”. This study reviewed published literature on current childhood tuberculosis diagnostic modalities. It also retrospectively compared demographic, clinical, and radiological features of children with confirmed and unconfirmed PTB, reviewed criteria for microbiologically unconfirmed PTB, and assessed incremental microbiological yield on second and third Ultra and/or mycobacterial culture results in routine clinical care at a tertiary paediatric hospital. Method For the review on childhood TB diagnostic modalities, PubMed was searched using Boolean terms OR/AND between childhood tuberculosis and words such as diagnosis, polymerase chain reaction, molecular, histology, imaging, and cultures. All abstracts were read after which selected articles that met the objectives of the thesis were fully reviewed and referenced appropriately. The retrospective study was conducted in children (0 to 13 years) treated for Pulmonary TB (PTB) between 1 February 2018 and 31 January 2019 and who had at least one respiratory specimen investigated by Ultra and/or mycobacterial culture before TB treatment was commenced. Relevant demographic, clinical information, tuberculin skin test results and laboratory results were abstracted from paper-based medical records and electronic database. Baseline chest radiographic findings were obtained from the radiology digital imaging database. All data was entered anonymously into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and exported to R-statistical software for statistical analysis. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used in the analysis. Incremental yield of Ultra and/or mycobacterial cultures on sequential respiratory specimens was determined. Results Ultra is an important diagnostic method for confirming TB in children even though mycobacterial culture, molecular, and histology tests are also available. Other modalities such as imaging and immunologic tests support the diagnosis of microbiologically unconfirmed TB. 174 children with PTB ± EPTB were included in the retrospective study. The median age was 2.5 years. Tuberculosis was microbiologically confirmed in 93 (53.4%). Yield on Ultra in first respiratory specimens was 39.1%. When the results of Ultra and mycobacterial culture on first respiratory specimens were combined, 47.1% (82/174) had microbiologically confirmed TB. Microcytic anaemia and pulmonary pathology were more common in confirmed TB. Of 81 children with microbiologically unconfirmed TB, 31 (38.3%) met a consensus definition of unconfirmed intrathoracic TB formulated by an international expert committee. In the subset of children (n=70) who were screened by Ultra on two sequential respiratory specimens, the incremental yield was 30.3%. When the results of Ultra and mycobacterial culture were combined the incremental yield in children who had 2 sequential respiratory specimens tested was 24.4% and 3.1% on Ultra and mycobacterial culture, respectively. Conclusion Ultra and/or mycobacterial culture on single respiratory specimens resulted in high microbiological yield. Ultra on second sequential respiratory specimens increased microbiological confirmation. The value of additional Ultra and/or mycobacterial culture testing in routine clinical practice requires further study.

Les stratégies d’apprentissage chez les apprenants du FLE en milieu universitaire irakien : étude multifactorielle qualitative et quantitative à partir de questionnaires, d’entretiens et d’observations / Learning strategies of learners of FFL in Iraqi universities : qualitative and quantitative multifactorial study based on questionnaires, interviews and observations

Bali, Wadeea Younus Daham 11 March 2016 (has links)
Chacun a sa propre façon d'apprendre. Une particularité vient de multiples différences. Chaque différence engendre une différence. L’utilisation des stratégies d'apprentissage est un type de différences. Notre étude explore les stratégies utilisées par l’apprenant irakien du FLE. Trois principaux objectifs sont poursuivis. Le premier objectif vise à attirer l'attention sur la notion de stratégie et son rôle déterminant dans la réussite scolaire. Le deuxième objectif vise à amorcer un modèle pédagogique pour l'apprentissage des stratégies. À cette fin, le troisième et dernier objectif vise à déterminer quelles sont les stratégies les plus et les moins utilisées par l’apprenant irakien et si leur utilisation est influencée par certaines variables individuelles et situationnelles. Les données quantitatives sont obtenues à l'aide de deux questionnaires différents. Les données qualitatives sont obtenues à l'aide d’entretiens et d'observations. L'analyse des données quantitatives a montré (1) une différence significative dans le nombre et la fréquence d’utilisation des stratégies, (2) une différence significative entre l’utilisation des stratégies et le sexe, (3) une différence significative entre l’utilisation des stratégies et le niveau de compétence linguistique, (4) une différence significative entre l’utilisation des stratégies et la scolarité antérieure (5) une différence significative entre l’utilisation des stratégies et la méthode d’enseignement, (6) aucune différence significative n’a été décelée entre l’utilisation des stratégies et le stage linguistique. Elle a montré aussi que les enseignants (1) connaissent peu les stratégies, (2) ne savent pas comment les enseigner, (3) considèrent les stratégies comme une méthode d'apprentissage, (4) ont besoin d'être initiés à la psychologie de l'éducation, (5) souffrent de l'absence d'un cadre commun de référence pour les stratégies. L’analyse des données qualitatives a montré qu’un peu moins de la moitié des apprenants s'intéresse aux stratégies de planification, d’organisation et d'autocontrôle, les autres ne les envisagent pas, croient qu’il vaut mieux les confier à l’enseignant. La majorité d'entre eux préfèrent se reposer sur le savoir de leur enseignant que recourir au concept d'auto-apprentissage. Plus de la moitié des apprenants s'engage à utiliser les stratégies d’auto-évaluation visant à mesurer l'efficacité. Ce choix s’explique par le climat de compétition et l'intensité des examens qui poussent les apprenants à faire le suivi et à donner le meilleur d'eux-mêmes. / We all have our own ways of learning. This peculiarity comes from many differences. Each difference creates a difference. The use of learning strategies constitutes a type of differences. Our study aimed to explore the learning strategies employed by Iraqi learners of French as a foreign language. Three main purposes are pursued. The first purpose is to draw attention to the concept of strategy in order to take full advantage of these tools to learn French. The second purpose is to develop a method for teaching and learning strategies. To that end, the third and final purpose is to determine the most and the least frequent strategies and whether their use is influenced by some individual and situational variables. The quantitative data was collected using two different questionnaires. The qualitative data was collected using interviews and classroom observations. Analysis of data received from quantitative methods showed that there was (1) statistically significant difference between strategy groups, (2) statistically significant difference between strategy use and sex, (3) statistically significant difference between strategy use and language proficiency level, (4) statistically significant difference between strategy use and antecedent academic, (5) statistically significant difference between strategy use and teaching method, (6) no statistically significant relationship between strategy use and language training. It also showed that professors (1) know little about the strategies, (2) have no idea about its teaching, (3) see the learning strategies as a learning method, (4) didn't have a scientific base in educational psychology, (5) suffer from the lack of a common base for strategies. Analysis of data received from qualitative methods showed that a little less than half of learners use management, planning and self-monitoring strategies, while others entrust it to teacher or institution. The most of the students prefer to receive knowledge from their professors rather than engaged in self-directed learning. More than half of learners use self-evaluation strategies to measure self-efficacy. This choice work well with the environmental competition and the relative intensity of tests.

家長對幼兒的學習期望與期望確認之研究 / Early Learning Expectation and Outcomes Confirmation:Parent's Perspective

黃侑華 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討幼兒家長對幼兒的學習期望與如何確認期望達成之歷程。因過去的相關文獻以量化調查研究為主,缺乏質性觀點;又過去多以消費者行為模式探討選擇幼兒園的決策行為,但不能深入了解家長選擇這些因素背後的想法。因此本研究以質性訪談的方式,探究家長對幼兒的教育期望、對幼兒園的課程期望與這些期望如何被達成或期望是否改變的歷程,試圖建構家長在選擇幼兒園與對幼兒期望之間的關係。 研究設計上,先就過去文獻之研究進行整理與分析,提出尚未被探究及可深入探究的議題,蒐集相關資料而擬定訪談大綱,針對台北市公私立幼兒園大班家長進行深入訪談,公私立幼兒園各兩所共計十四位家長。 本研究結論可歸納為下列五點: 一、教育期望:公私立家長對幼兒學習的教育期望主要皆為生活自理、人際互動、品格個性與認知學習等等;而在認知學習上公私立幼兒園家長看法不同。 二、課程期望:公私立家長對幼兒學習的課程期望都會先要求教學方式,再要求與教育期望相關的課程內容,其中,私立家長進而要求認知方面的課程;此外,公私立家長都會期望園所在音樂或工作等美感領域課程上進行多元化或才藝教學。 三、期望確認:公私立家長都會將選擇幼兒園前的期望與選擇後的經驗做確認,確認方式以觀察幼兒在學校或家庭中的行為表現為主,而參與園所活動也是家長了解課程的一種方式。四、滿意度:樣本家長對幼兒園滿意度高,滿意的項目集中在課程與師資上;而期望確認及其歸因推論影響滿意度。五、期望改變:公立幼兒園家長對幼兒的課程期望會因園所特色而改變,並隨著上小學的時間拉進,公私立家長皆會增加與銜接小學相關的新期望。 根據研究結論,本研究對幼兒園提出以下建議,做為增進幼兒園品質參考: 一、幼兒園需要了解家長的期望,跟著家長一起做確認,幫助教師與園所看見家長觀點進而反思與成長。二、建立園所教學特色並努力發展,成為有深度的課程。 三、教師應幫助家長用更多的方式來確認學習,以客觀的資料去補充主觀的觀察結果。四、教師應讓家長看見教學的多元化,用不同的方式讓家長了解音樂或美術等方面的課程是包含在原本的課程規劃中;教師也應加強美感領域課程的專業能力。 / The purpose of this study is to inquire parent's perspective of early children’s learning expectation and outcomes confirmation. There are many quantitative studies about this process, while few are conducted qualitatively. In the past few years, most research focus on how to make a decision to choose kindergartens by consumer’s decision behavior. But we can’t understand what the real reasons of the parents’ decision. This study explores the parents’ educational expectations on early children in a qualitative way, including curriculum expectations and how these expectations will be achieved or changed, attempt to construct the relationship between the choice of kindergartens and child learning expectations. In this research, we review prior studies and purpose issues that has not yet been explored and can be in-depth inquired, gathering relevant information and arranging the interview outline for the Taipei public and private kindergarten parents, a total of fourteen parents in two public and two private kindergartens. The conclusions of this study can be summarized as the following five points: First, educational expectations: public and private kindergarten parents have different views on the cognitive learning. Second, the curriculum expectations: In addition to the curriculum related to educational expectations, parents would expect the music or arts-type learning, they hope kindergarten provide the field of diversified curriculum or skills and talent teaching. Third, expectation confirmation: parents really do expect confirmation, confirm the performance of the main way to observe the behavior of children in school or at home, and participate in kindergarten activities also the way of parents to confirm the curriculum. Forth, satisfaction: parents kindergarten satisfaction is high, satisfactory project focused on curriculum and teacher; expect recognition and attributed inference affect satisfaction. Fifth, the expectations change: the curriculum expectations of public kindergarten parents will change with kindergarten’s features, and parents would increase the new expectations related to the convergence Primary.

Snižování hluku kolejových vozidel v traťových obloucích / Reduction of noise of the railway vehicles in line arcs

Navrátil, Václav January 2019 (has links)
reducing noise, noise in railway transport, management of application of products for modification of adhesion

Evaluation of Target Tracking Using Multiple Sensors and Non-Causal Algorithms

Vestin, Albin, Strandberg, Gustav January 2019 (has links)
Today, the main research field for the automotive industry is to find solutions for active safety. In order to perceive the surrounding environment, tracking nearby traffic objects plays an important role. Validation of the tracking performance is often done in staged traffic scenarios, where additional sensors, mounted on the vehicles, are used to obtain their true positions and velocities. The difficulty of evaluating the tracking performance complicates its development. An alternative approach studied in this thesis, is to record sequences and use non-causal algorithms, such as smoothing, instead of filtering to estimate the true target states. With this method, validation data for online, causal, target tracking algorithms can be obtained for all traffic scenarios without the need of extra sensors. We investigate how non-causal algorithms affects the target tracking performance using multiple sensors and dynamic models of different complexity. This is done to evaluate real-time methods against estimates obtained from non-causal filtering. Two different measurement units, a monocular camera and a LIDAR sensor, and two dynamic models are evaluated and compared using both causal and non-causal methods. The system is tested in two single object scenarios where ground truth is available and in three multi object scenarios without ground truth. Results from the two single object scenarios shows that tracking using only a monocular camera performs poorly since it is unable to measure the distance to objects. Here, a complementary LIDAR sensor improves the tracking performance significantly. The dynamic models are shown to have a small impact on the tracking performance, while the non-causal application gives a distinct improvement when tracking objects at large distances. Since the sequence can be reversed, the non-causal estimates are propagated from more certain states when the target is closer to the ego vehicle. For multiple object tracking, we find that correct associations between measurements and tracks are crucial for improving the tracking performance with non-causal algorithms.

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