Spelling suggestions: "subject:"struvite"" "subject:"struvites""
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Opportunities for Nutrient Recovery from Post-Digestion Sludge Handling: Analysis and Feasibility Study Using Municipal Scale Aerobic and Anaerobic DigestersStarman, David 23 June 2009 (has links)
The wastewater treatment process has developed with the primary goals of protecting receiving water ecosystems and human health. Over time, there have been continuous innovations in process efficiencies, energy recovery, and nutrient removal. Wastewater offers opportunity for recovery of resources of various economic values, and recent research aims at process innovation to optimize resource recovery while still achieving the primary goals of the treatment process. The objective of this study is to assess the logistical and economic feasibility of recovery of nitrogen and phosphorus at two municipal treatment plants in the Tampa Bay area, one employing aerobic digestion and the other anaerobic digestion. The study is conducted using literature review of applicable processes, mass balance on the fate of nutrients (N and P) through the treatment plants and special attention to sludge handling. Based on the whole-plant mass balance conducted at the facilities, it is estimated that over 80% of the nutrient influent is routed to the solids handling side of the plant, warranting special attention to this area for nutrient recovery. Sludge digested through anaerobic and anaerobic processes have distinctly different characteristics and opportunities for resource recovery are specific to each process. Mass balances for nitrogen in the anaerobic digestion process show a high concentration of dissolved ammonia. The feasibility of struvite precipitation by addition of phosphate and magnesium compounds is evaluated through batch reaction using anaerobic sludge filtrate. Aerobic sludge contains most of the nutrient resources in the solid phase, ready for recovery if handled properly. Phosphorus release is a potential concern and specific phosphorus release rates are evaluated for a municipal scale aerobic digester.
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Novel phosphate bonding compositesJoshua, Nilmini Sureka, University of Western Sydney, Faculty of Science and Technology January 1997 (has links)
A cement material has been developed that has a controllable set time, compressive strength of about 50 MPa and shrinkage of under 2% when heated to 960 degrees centigrade. The main compound of this material has been shown to be the potassium analogue of struvite, in which potassium ion is substituted for the ammonium ion. The cement is formed by reacting a slurry made with potassium carbonate and monoammonium phosphate with magnesium oxide. Ihe amount and rate of addition of water to the mixture is controlled to determine the set time. It has been demonstrated that this cement may be used as a matrix in conjunction with cenospheres or cellulose fibres to form a low density composite material, and with silica powder to form a high strength composite. As well as optimising the cement mix for maximum strength and minimum shrinkage, a variety of properties of the K-cement were investigated. It was found that long term exposure of the cement to the atmosphere does not result in the formation of magnesium carbonate, but long term exposure to saline solutions can result in the formation of dypingite on the surface. No effect on strength was observed as a consequence of the age of the slurry or the cement, within 1-2 weeks / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Optimering av biologisk fosfor och kvävereduktion i ett reningsverk för hushållsspillvatten / Optimization of biological phosphorus and nitrogen reduction in a WWTPSjöstrand, Alexandra January 2006 (has links)
In connection with Henriksdals wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) a smaller plant is situated called Sjöstadsverket where new methods for wastewater treatment are tested and evaluated in different process lines. On one of the lines experiments with enhanced biological phosphorous removal (EBPR), have been carried out to evaluate if it is a good alternative to traditional chemical phosphorus removal. This thesis evaluates the results from the experiments conducted during fall 2005. The incoming water from Hammarby Sjöstad consists of only household wastewater, which gives a wastewater with high concentrations of nutrients and organic carbon. This is partly positive, because one of the limiting factors for effective biological phosphorus removal is the lack of easily biodegradable organic carbon. The high concentrations of ammonium and phosphorus demand a high reduction to achieve the requirements of outgoing concentration. To optimize the process experiments with different recirculations and different aeration techniques have been made. The experiments have shown that it is possible to obtain good results, with periods of very low outgoing phosphorus concentrations below 0,15 mg/L. It was, however, hard to obtain a stable process and to keep a good sludge quality during the period. Primary sludge was hydrolysed to increase the amount of easily degradable organic material into the biological step of the process. The hydrolyse had a high efficiency during the test period, but with big variations. The most desirable fraction of organic material, VFA, increased to approximately 1500 mg/L during the best periods. This is only 9 % of the amount VFA in the primary sedimentation, but could be increased with a higher flux. When the bioP sludge is fermented as a part of sludge treatment, a supernatant from digester sludge with high concentrations of phosphorus is received. To avoid to return phosphor into the activated sludge process and to recycle phosphorus, experiments with phosphorus precipitation were made. By using struvite precipitation up to 92 % of the phosphorus in the supernatant was reduced and precipitated. This was 12 % of the total amount of incoming phosphourus and was achieved at a pH just over 9 in the experiment tank and a Mg:P quote of 1:1. / I anslutning till Henriksdal’s reningsverk ligger Sjöstadsverket som är ett mindre reningsverk där nya reningsmetoder testas och utvärderas i på ett antal olika försökslinjer. På en av linjerna har försök med biologisk fosforrening, även kallat BioP, utförts för att undersöka om det är ett alternativ till konventionell kemisk rening av fosfor. Detta arbete sammanfattar resultaten från de experiment som utförts under hösten 2005. I Hammarby Sjöstad, som förser Sjöstadsverket med avloppsvatten, separeras dag och spillvatten, vilket bidrar till ett näringsrikt vatten med en hög halt organiskt material. Detta är delvis positivt, då en av de begränsande faktorerna för en effektiv biologisk fosforrening är bristen på lättillgängligt organiskt material. De höga halterna inkommande fosfor och kväve kräver dock en högre reningsgrad för att de stränga utsläppsmålen ska nås. För att optimera processen har försök med olika inställningar på recirkulationsgrader genomförts och försök med olika luftningsstrategier. Försöksperioden har visat att det går att få mycket bra resultat, med periodvis utgående fosfathalter under 0,15 mg/L. Det har dock varit svårt att få en stabil process och behålla en bra slamkvalitet under hela försöksperioden. Primärslam från försedimenteringen har hydrolyserats för att öka mängden lättillgängligt organiskt material in till det biologiska reningssteget. Hydrolysen fungerade bra under hela försöksperioden, dock med stora variationer. Den mest önskvärda fraktionen lättillgängligt organiskt material, VFA, hade under de bästa perioderna ökat till ca 1500 mg/L i hydrolysen. Detta utgör approximativt 9 % av mängden VFA i försedimenteringen, men skulle kunna ökas vid ett större flöde. Då BioP-slammet rötas som en del av slambehandlingen fås ett fosforrikt rejektvatten. För att undvika att få in fosfor till aktivslamprocessen och för att ta till vara på fosfor som näringsämne har försök med fosforåtervinning från rejektvatten gjorts. Genom att använda sig av struvitfällning kunde upp till 92 % av fosforn i rejektvattnet reduceras och fällas ut. Detta motsvarar 12 % av den totala inkommande fosforhalten och uppnåddes vid pH strax över 9 i struvitfällningstanken och med en Mg:P kvot på 1:1.
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Removal And Recovery Of Nutrients As Struvite From Anaerobic Digestion/co-digestion Residues Of Poultry ManureYilmazel, Yasemin Dilsad 01 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The main objective of this study was to investigate the removal and recovery of nutrients from anaerobic digestion residues of poultry manure through struvite (MgNH4PO4.6H2O, MAP) precipitation. To this purpose, three sets of laboratory experiments were conducted.
In the first set, separate and co-digestion of poultry manure and sewage sludge were studied in laboratory-scale mesophilic anaerobic batch reactors and subsequent struvite precipitation experiments were conducted with the reactors effluents. The effects of important parameters on struvite precipitation were investigated and it is illustrated that up to 89 % of NH4-N, 84 % PO4-P and 42 % COD removals were possible. In the second set, the effluents of a full-scale co-digestion plant utilizing poultry manure and maize silage were subjected to struvite precipitation experiments. Acidic phosphorus-dissolution process was successfully applied to the solid phase effluents to obtain phosphorus-enriched solution. By the addition of external Mg and P more than 90% of NH4-N and PO4-P were recovered from phosphorus-enriched solution, whereas the addition of only Mg led to partial recovery of NH4-N. In the third set, the effluents of a full-scale poultry manure digester were subjected to struvite precipitation experiments. The findings illustrated that Ca has inhibitory effects on the struvite reaction and lead to formation of hydroxlyapatite and amorphous calcium phosphates together with struvite.
Based on the results obtained in this study, it is postulated that, struvite precipitation is a viable option for the recovery of the nutrients in the anaerobically digested poultry manure. This study illustrated that, poultry manure, if managed properly, could meet one-fourth of Turkey& / #8217 / s domestic fertilizer demand.
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Struvit i Skövde biogasanläggning : En studie av struvitpåväxt i rör och alternativa lösningar för att minska problemet och dess uppkomstKajsa, Ignberg January 2015 (has links)
Målet med denna undersökning har varit att finna metoder för rening av struvitpåväxt i rör på Skövde biogasanläggning samt metoder för att undvika uppkomst av struvit. Detta för att man på anläggningen ska kunna öka verkningsgraden och fungera mer resursoptimerat för att på så sätt komma närmare en hållbar samhällsutveckling. Struvit (magnesiumammoniumfosfat hexahydrat) är ett vitt hårt mineral som vanligtvis förekommer i rör, värmeväxlare, pumpar och centrifuger på vattenreningsanläggningar och efter rötningsprocess på biogasanläggningar. Struvit fäller ut som en följd av bland annat pH, temperatur, koncentration och övermättnad. Även rörmaterial kan ha en påverkan på struvitfällning. Undersökningen har genomförts med hjälp av studiebesök samt analys av biogödsel och struvit på Skövde biogasanläggning. Detta för att ta fram den mängd struvit som kan fälla och vart på anläggningen detta sker. En enklare benchmarking har genomförts som har visat att struvitfällning på biogasanläggningar främst uppstår i värmeväxlare och att påväxten där är temperaturberoende. Material och kemikalier har undersökts för att ta fram metoder för rening och hindrande av uppkomst av struvit. Undersökningen har visat på att struvit främst uppkommer i värmeväxlaren och i rörkrökar på anläggningen och att detta är beroende av de pH, övermättnad, temperaturer och höga koncentrationer av fosfor, magnesium och ammonium som finns. Utifrån studien har en teori skapats om att mineralet först uppkommer i kammaren mellan rötkammare och mellantank. Undersökningen visar vidare på att de metoder som är mest effektiva för borttagning av påväxt struvit är att hacka loss mineralen alternativt byta ut rören. För att hindra att påväxt på rör sker rekommenderas att en kombination av metoder genomförs, vilka minskar energianvändningen på anläggningen och hindrar stopp i biogasproduktionen. Kemikalier bör användas om kristallbildning helt ska hindras. Dessa bör tillsättas i nämnda kammare. Till detta bör planerade underhåll ske för att minimera redan påväxt struvit. De rör som byts på anläggningen bör i främsta hand bytas mot plastmaterial. På så sätt kan anläggningen fungera mer resurseffektivt och onödig miljöpåverkan undviks. I studien har endast en grov kostnadsanalys kunnat genomföras. För att vidare understödja ovanstående metod rekommenderas därför en djupare ekonomisk analys genomföras. Denna bör även innefatta studier av kemikaliedos samt undersökning av kontrollplatser för planerade underhåll. / The goal with the study has been to find methods for cleaning and prevention of struvite at Skövde biogasanläggning (biogas plant). This to increase the efficiency and resource optimize the biogas plant and in that way get closer to a sustainable development of the society. Struvite (magnesiumammoniumphosphate hexahydrate) is a white, harsh mineral that commonly occurs in pipes, heat exchangers, pumps, and centrifuges at wastewater plants and after digestion processes at biogas plants. Struvite precipitates as a result of pH, temperatures, concentrations and supersaturation. Pipe material can also contribute. The study has been conducted through study visits and analyses of digestate and struvite at Skövde biogasanläggning to find the amount of struvite that can precipitate and where at the plant this happens. A simple benchmarking has been conducted, which shows that struvite precipitation at biogas plants mainly occurs in heat exchangers and that the fouling is temperature dependent. Materials and chemicals have been studied to find methods for cleaning and prevention of struvite. The study has shown that struvite mainly occurs in the heat exchanger and in pipe bends at the biogas plant and that it is dependent of the pH, supersaturation, temperature and high concentrations of phosphorous, magnesium and ammonium. A theory has been made from the study that the mineral first appears in the chamber between the digesters and heat storage tank. The study further shows that the most effective methods to clean fouling of struvite is to by hand chip the mineral alternatively replace the pipes. To prevent fouling of pipes a combination of methods is recommended, which minimizes the energy usage at the plant and prevent stops in the biogas production. Chemicals should be used if crystallization is to be completely stopped. The chemicals should be added in the above- mentioned chamber. Also planned maintenance should be conducted to minimize fouling. The pipes that are to be replaced should be replaced with pipes made of plastic materials. By doing this the resource efficiency increases and unnecessary environmental impact of the plant is avoided. The study has only included a rough cost analysis. To further support the above- mentioned methods a deeper economic analysis is recommended, which should include a study of chemical dosage and inspection sites for planned maintenance.
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Σταθεροποίηση εδαφών με ταυτόχρονη ανάκτηση φωσφορικών από αστικά υδατικά απόβληταΔημητριάδου, Ευανθία 10 March 2009 (has links)
Ο φώσφορος είναι ένα από τα βασικά συστατικά σε σημαντικές συγκεντρώσεις που απαντώνται σε βιομηχανικά υγρά απόβλητα και αστικά λύματα. Η παρουσία του, όπως και του αζώτου, παρουσιάζει συχνά ιδιαίτερο πρόβλημα μιας και ευθύνεται για φαινόμενα ευτροφισμού στους φυσικούς αποδέκτες, με ιδιαίτερα καταστροφικά αποτελέσματα για το περιβάλλον.
Η απομάκρυνση του φωσφόρου από υγρά απόβλητα πραγματοποιείται κυρίως με βιολογικές – βιοχημικές μεθόδους οι οποίες αφορούν τη χρήση μικροβιακών οργανισμών. Ωστόσο η απομάκρυνση δεν είναι πλήρης και η παρουσία του φωσφόρου εξακολουθεί να είναι ιδιαίτερα σημαντική (περίπου 7 mg/lt) ύστερα από τη δευτεροβάθμια επεξεργασία των υγρών αποβλήτων.
Τα τελευταία χρόνια πολλές βιομηχανίες στην Ευρώπη και την Ιαπωνία έχουν επικεντρώσει τις προσπάθειές τους στην ανάπτυξη μονάδων ανάκτησης φωσφόρου σε ανακυκλώσιμη μορφή. Ο πιο οικολογικός τρόπος ανακύκλωσης του φωσφόρου είναι σε γεωργικές εφαρμογές ως λίπασμα. Μια από τις βασικές μεθόδους ανάκτησης φωσφορικών σε ανακυκλώσιμη μορφή είναι η καταβύθισή τους υπό μορφή κρυστάλλων στρουβίτη.
Η δομή της εν λόγω εργασίας αποτελείται από τρία κύρια μέρη. Αρχικώς ορίζεται με σαφήνεια το πρόβλημα που καλούμαστε να αντιμετωπίσουμε και παρατίθενται ορισμένες γενικές πτυχές αυτού. Στη συνέχεια γίνεται μια εκτενής παρουσίαση θεωρητικών αρχών που διέπουν τη φύση του θέματός μας. Τελευταίο μέρος είναι τα πειράματα που έχουν ως απώτερος στόχο την ανάκτηση του φωσφόρου από αστικά υδατικά λύματα. Η παρούσα εργασία αφορά τη μελέτη της κινητικής αυθόρμητης καταβύθισης κρυστάλλων στρουβίτη σε αντιδραστήρα διαλείποντος έργου (batch) σε σταθερή θερμοκρασία Τ = 250C και σε pH = 9. Επίσης στη συγκεκριμένη εργασία μελετάται η καταβύθιση των κρυστάλλων στρουβίτη σε στερεά υποστρώματα , όπως το ανθρακικό ασβέστιο σε αντιδραστήρα διαλείποντος έργου, σε συνθήκες σταθερού υπερκορεσμού και σε σταθερή θερμοκρασία Τ = 250C, και σε διαφορικές κλίνες που έχουν ως πληρωτικό υλικό στερεό υπόστρωμα, όπως το ανθρακικό ασβέστιο, η άμμος και η silica. / The phosphorus is one from the basic components in important concentrations that are answered in industrial humid outcast and urban sewages. Its presence, as the nitrogen, presents often particular problem of one and is accountable for phenomena of eutrophication in the natural recipients, with particularly devastating results for the environment.
The removal of phosphorus from humid waste is realised mainly with biological –biochemical methods what concerns the use of microbial organisms. However the removal is not complete and the presence of phosphorus continues being particularly important (roughly 7 mg / lt) after the secondary treatment of humid waste.
The last years a lot of industries in Europe and Japan have focused their efforts in the growth of units of recovery of phosphorus in a recycling form. The most ecological way of recycling of phosphorus is in agricultural applications as fertilizer. One of the basic methods of recovery of phosphorus in a recycling form is their sinking under form of crystals struvite.
The structure of work in question is constituted by three main parts. Initially is fixed with clarity the problem that we were called to face and are mentioned certain general aspects of this. Then becomes an extensive presentation of theoretical beginnings that conditions the nature of our subject. The last part they constitute the experiments that aim at as final the recovery of phosphorus from urban liquid sewages and the export of corresponding conclusions.
The present work concerns in the study of kinetic spontaneous sinking of crystals struvite in a batch reactor in constant temperature T = 250C and in pH = 9. Also in the particular work is studied the sinking of crystals struvite in solid sublayers, as carbonic calcium in a batch reactor, in conditions constant supersaturation and in constant temperature T = 250C, and in differential beds that have as material solid sublayer, as carbonic calcium, the sand and silica.
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Ανάκτηση ανόργανων φωσφορικών από υδατικά διαλύματα / Phosphorus recovery from aqueous mediaΚοφινά, Αικατερίνη-Κανέλλα 11 March 2009 (has links)
Η δέσμευση του P με την μορφή του στρουβίτη θεωρείται από τις εναλλακτικές μεθόδους ανάκτησης του P από τα υγρά απόβλητα. Ο στρουβίτης χρησιμοποιείται ως αργά αποδεσμευόμενο λίπασμα, ως υλικό για την σταθεροποίηση αμμωδών εδαφών και συμβάλλει στην αειφόρο ανάπτυξη. Η καταβύθιση του στρουβίτη σε υπέρκορα διαλύματά του υπό σταθερή θερμοκρασία εξαρτάται από τον υπερκορεσμό και από την παρουσία ξένων ιόντων ή ουσιών. Στόχος της παρούσας διατριβής, ήταν η μελέτη της κινητικής της καταβύθισης του στρουβίτη σε συνθήκες σύστασης αντίστοιχες των αστικών αποβλήτων. Η θερμοδυναμική ανάλυση γίνεται με μοντελοποίηση του ειδομορφισμού της υδατικής φάσης ενώ η μελέτη της κινητικής με την μέθοδο του σταθερού υπερκορεσμού η οποία επιτρέπει την διερεύνηση του ρόλου των ιόντων Ca, των βαρέων μετάλλων και οργανικών υδατοδιαλυτών ενώσεων με μεγάλη ακρίβεια και επαναληψιμότητα. Επίσης, διερευνήθηκε ο ετερογενής σχηματισμός του στρουβίτη με την χρήση κρυσταλλικών φύτρων στρουβίτη, SiO2, CaCO3 και πυριτικής άμμου για την μελέτη της πρόσφυσης του καταβυθιζόμενου στερεού στα υποστρώματα αυτά. Προσδιορίστηκε επίσης το γινόμενο διαλυτότητας του στρουβίτη προσεγγίζοντας την ισορροπία από υπέρκορα και ακόρεστα διαλύματα σε διαφορετικές τιμές ιονικής ισχύος. Με την ενζυμική υδρόλυση πολυφωσφορικών οξέων από ειδικά ένζυμα, τις φωσφατάσες, και την σταδιακή απελευθέρωση φωσφορικών ιόντων επετεύχθη ελεγχόμενη καταβύθιση του στρουβίτη σε υψηλούς υπερκορεσμούς. Τέλος, μελετήθηκε η κινητική της διάλυσης του στρουβίτη σε ακόρεστα διαλύματα συνθετικού αποβλήτου και σε διαφορετικές τιμές pH. Από τα κινητικά αποτελέσματα, με βάση την κλασσική θεωρία τη πυρηνογένεσης, προέκυψαν στενά όρια μεταστάθειας του συστήματος και η επιφανειακή διάχυση των δομικών μονάδων ότι είναι το βραδύ στάδιο, το οποίο ελέγχει την καταβύθιση. Το ποσοστό απομάκρυνσης φωσφόρου ήταν 60-65% και από τις δοκιμές συσσωμάτωσης, προέκυψαν ελαφρά σταθεροποιημένα δοκίμια κατάλληλα για εφαρμογές σε καλλιεργήσιμα εδάφη. / Phosphorus precipitated in the form of struvite is a new prospective alternative in phosphorus recovery from wastewaters. Struvite may be used as a slow-released fertilizer, as fitment for stabilization of sandy soil areas and contributing towards sustainable development. Struvite precipitation in supersaturate solution at constant temperature depends on the supersaturation and the presence of foreign ions or substrates. The aim of this thesis was the investigation of struvite precipitation kinetics at conditions similar to municipal wastewaters. The thermodynamic analysis had been done by suitable speciation of aqueous medium while the kinetics of precipitation was investigated with constant solution supersaturation method. This method provides reliable and highly reproducible kinetics results of the effect of calcium ions, heavy metals and organic soluble compounds on the spontaneous precipitation of struvite. The heterogeneous formation of struvite was also investigated in order to examine struvite precipitated adhesion at different substrates. Struvite crystals, SiO2, CaCO3, and silicate sand were used to inoculate the supersaturated solutions. The thermodynamic solubility product of struvite was determined once equilibrium had been attained, when undersaturated and supersaturated solutions were allowed to reach equilibrium, at different ionic strengths values. Controlled struvite precipitation in solutions highly supersaturated was also achieved by the slow evolution of the supersaturation when sufficient phosphate was released from the enzymic action through the phosphatase mediated decomposition of polyphosphates. Finally, the kinetics of struvite dissolution was examined in undersaturate synthetic wastewater solutions at different pH values. The kinetics results, according to the classical nucleation theory, showed that the system stability range was very narrow and a surface diffusion controlled mechanism. A phosphorus recovery corresponding to 60-65% of the initially present phosphorus is feasible. Laboratory experiments using loose sand packs showed mildly consolidated agglomerates that can be used properly for cultivable land.
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Precipitation of Phosphate Minerals from Effluent of Anaerobically Digested Swine ManureLin, Alex Y. 01 January 2012 (has links)
Swine production represents approximately 40% of the world's meat production, and its wastes contain high concentrations of organic carbon, nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P). Anaerobic digestion is an increasingly popular technology for treating animal wastes while simultaneously generating energy. Its propagation and ability to solubilize organic N and P make adding a struvite recovery process attractive. Recovering struvite (MgNH4PO4) from anaerobically digested swine waste can address global P shortages, meet P discharge guidelines, and produce slow-release fertilizer, which can be sold for revenue.
Anaerobic digesters were operated with at organic loading rates of 3.4-3.9 g volatile solids per liter per day to provide consistent effluent for struvite precipitation studies. Three research questions about struvite precipitation were addressed in this study, specifically what is the (1) required Mg:PO4 ratio, (2) effect of organic matter, and (3) effect of storage time and conditions on struvite precipitation from effluent of anaerobically digested swine manure? Mg:PO4 ratios between 1.3-1.8 were determined to be the economic optimum and precipitated 81-90% of P from synthetic wastewater with calcium phosphate minerals dominating. Under P-limited conditions, a chemical equilibrium model (Visual MINTEQ v.3.0) predicted over 99% P removal with a precipitate mixture of struvite, calcium phosphates, and magnesite. Synthetic wastewater experiments without organic matter removed approximately 85% P with a precipitate mixture of struvite, dolomite, calcite, brucite, and calcium phosphates. Real swine effluent removed more than 95% of P and had a similar mixture of precipitates as synthetic wastewater, but in different concentrations. Organic acids were suspected to prevent struvite formation. Stored anaerobically digested swine wastewater under varying conditions all suggest calcium phosphates form naturally over time. Precipitation of struvite is best carried out as soon as possible to increase the purity of struvite. Although struvite recovery was possible, the conditions for struvite precipitation must be controlled carefully to obtain highly pure struvite.
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Šunų šlapimo takų akmenligė / Canine urolithiasisŠaumanaitė, Kristina 05 March 2014 (has links)
Tyrimas atliktas Lietuvos Sveikatos Mokslų Universitete, šio tyrimo duomenys surinkti iš veterinarijos klinikos „Veterinarinės Medicinos Centras“, 2011 – 2013 metų laikotarpiu. Darbo apimtis 30 puslapių, kuriuose yra 1 lentelė ir 10 diagramų.
Darbo tikslas buvo išnagrinėti šunų susirgimo šlapimo takų akmenlige 2011 – 2013 metais sergamumą. Tiriamojo darbo uždaviniai buvo suformuluoti norint nustatyti šlapimo takų akmenligės pasireiškimo dažnumą, priklausomai nuo kitų urogenitalinės sistemos sutrikimo atvejų; kokių tipų akmenys ir/ar kristalai buvo nustatyti tyrimo eigoje, bei susidariusių susirgimų priklausomybę nuo amžiaus, lyties bei veislės.
Išanalizavus 138 ligos istorijas susijusias su urogenitalinės sistemos problemomis, buvo nustatyti 47 (34,058%) šlapimo takų akmenligės atvejai. Visi sergantieji buvo išskirstyti į keletą skirtingų grupių, remiantis trimis pagrindiniais skirtumais: lytis, amžius ir veislė. Grupės skirstomos: I) pagal lytį, patelės (n=21) ir patinėliai (n=26); II) pagal amžių, buvo sudarytos keturios grupės: nuo 0 iki 3 metų (n=12), nuo 4 iki 6 metų (n=17), nuo 7 iki 10 metų (n=17) ir virš 11 metų (n=1); III) pagal veislę, buvo išskirstyta į dvi pagrindines grupes 1) grynakraujai (n=38), 22 skirtingos veislės ir 2) mišrūnai šunys (n=9).
Apibendrinus tyrimo metu gautus rezultatus buvo padaryta išvada, kad šlapimo takų akmenligė pasireiškė 34,058% pacientams, iš visų susirgimų šlapimo sistemos ligomis. Iš visų tiriamųjų gausiausiai sirgo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Summury
The study was fufilled at Lithuanian University of Health Sciences , the study material collected from the veterinary clinic „Veterinarės Medicinos Centras“, time period of 2011 – 2013 years. Thesis volume of 30 pages, containing 1 table and 10 figure.
The aim was to examine the canine urolithiasis morbidity in 2011 - 2013 years . Research work tasks have been formulated to identify urinary tract stones , depending on the frequency of occurrence of other urogenital system disruptions , what types of stones and/or crystals have been identified during the course of the study , and the resulting onset of age, sex and breed.
An analysis of 138 case histories associated with urogenital problems were identified 47 ( 34,058%) of urolithiasis cases . All the patients were broken down into several different groups based on the three main differences: gender , age and breed . Sets are : I) according to gender, females ( n = 21 ) and males ( n = 26 ), II ) according to age, was formed four groups : 0 to 3 years ( n = 12) from 4 to 6 years of age ( n = 17 ) , from 7 to 10 years ( n = 17 ) and over 11 years ( n = 1 ) and III) according to the breed was split into two main groups 1 ) pure breed ( n = 38 ) , 22 different varieties and 2 ) mixed breed dogs ( n = 9).
Summarizing the research results , it was concluded that urolithiasis patients experienced 34,058 % of all patients with urinary system diseases. Among the most heavily suffered from 80.851 % pure breed dogs ( p < 0.001 )... [to full text]
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Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第16386号 / 工博第3467号 / 新制||工||1524(附属図書館) / 29017 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科都市環境工学専攻 / (主査)教授 清水 芳久, 教授 田中 宏明, 教授 藤井 滋穂 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当
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