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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur man lär sig spanska ur ett elevperspektiv : 18 elevers upplevelse och erfarenhet av inlärning i grundskolan / How one learns Spanish from a student’s perspective. 18 students’ experience on learning in compulsory school

Sánchez Hermansson, Felicia January 2024 (has links)
I det här examensarbetet har en studie om elevers perspektiv på spanskundervisning och övningar för språkinlärning på högstadiet genomförts. Studien inkluderar 18 elevers svar på en enkät följt av fem fördjupande intervjuer. Resultaten indikerar att eleverna utsätts för en hög grad av läsövningar och grammatikövningar medan de identifierar att de lär sig bäst genom glosor och att lyssna. Input av spanska utanför klassrummet är låg och användningen av målspråket som arbetsspråk i klassrummet är inte alltid så hög som den skulle kunna vara. Slutsatsen är att den kontinuerliga användningen av visst material, eller läromedel, kan vara en bidragande del av de internationellt låga resultaten för svenska elever i spanska. Framtida forskning kan vara att fokusera på lärarens perspektiv på övningar och används i klassrummet. / In this study, an investigation about students’ perspective on Spanish teaching and exercises in compulsory school has been carried out. The study includes 18 students’ responses to a survey followed by five in-depth interviews. The results indicate that students are exposed to a high level of reading and grammar practice while they identify that they learn best thorough vocabulary and listening. Input of Spanish outside the classroom is low and the use of the target language as a working language in the classroom is not always as high as it could be. The conclusion is that the continuous use of certain teaching material can be a contributing factor to the internationally low results for Swedish students in Spanish. Future research may be to focus on the teacher´s perspective on exercises and their use in the classroom.

Delaktighet ur ett elevperspektiv : Kooperativt lärande på mellanstadiet / Participation from a student perspective : Cooperative Learning in Elementary school

Gille, Sofia January 2024 (has links)
This qualitative study examines, by analyzing 30 transcribed interviews, participation in Elementary school from a student perspective, and in teaching characterized by Cooperative Learning. Student participation is a goal in the Swedish curriculum and is seen as essential for fulfilling learning outcomes, and research shows that students’ participation is limited and strictly controlled by the teachers. The study concerns itself with three dimensions of participation: the social dimension, the political and the epistemological dimension. The analysis highlights different aspects of participation which are all important to the students. The aspects of social participation concern safety, respect, and responsibility within the social community. Continuity within the cooperating groups seems to be a prerequisite for these aspects, as they are all built up over time. The political aspects of participation that emerge from analyzing the interviews revolve around questions of influence in the form of co-determination, self-determination, and leadership. Although these aspects all seem to be of importance to the students, they are not specifically prioritized in Cooperative Learning within the studied schools. Epistemological participation is made visible in the analysis of the data through the descriptions of students’ willingness to learn, and curiosity about the new and previously unknown. The students’ statements are characterized by a desire to experience meaning in their schoolwork, by among other things understanding the benefits and future use of the knowledge they are supposed to develop. When the groups are exposed to stressful situations, like when their work is to be assessed, it appears to hinder epistemological aspects of participation. The results show that there are opportunities for all three dimensions of participation to occur within cooperative learning, but there are also challenges. The students’ pursuit of efficiency in work, constitutes an obstacle to their ability to participate, which should have otherwise been made possible by Cooperative Learning. Students also need to have the opportunity to express their opinions about the teaching in their classroom, as well as to be able to have an impact on their future lesson plans. This includes allowing students to take part in conversations about the purpose of school, both in the long term, and in relation to current projects. Since education is multidimensional, it is important to work for a greater representativity for all societal groups, and especially for those who the education concerns, the students, as a way to make the discussion more multidimensional. This, in turn, can contribute to making students’ social, political, and epistemological participation possible at a larger extent than what is seen in today’s schools.

Att räkna med datorn : En fokusgruppstudie om elevers upplevelse av digitala läroböcker i matematikundervisningen / To count on the computer : A focus group study about students’ experience of digital textbooks in mathematics education

Downing, Jennifer January 2023 (has links)
Elevers inflytande på matematikundervisningen är önskvärd men föga undersökt. Syftet med examensarbetet var således att undersöka elevers upplevelse av att ha digitala läroböcker i matematikundervisningen. Undersökningen genomfördes med hjälp av fokusgruppsintervjuer med elever på gymnasiet. Tre klasser på teknikprogrammet intervjuades. Intervjuerna bearbetades med hjälp av innehållsanalys. Resultatet analyserades utifrån den didaktiska tetraedern med den digitala läroboken som artefakt. Resultatet visade att elever anser att läroböcker ska hjälpa dem lösa och förstå matematikuppgifter. Digitala läroböcker upplevdes ha goda förutsättningar att förklara matematik genom exempelvis anpassade förklaringar, ledtrådar och återkoppling. Däremot upplevdes digitala läroböcker ha sämre förutsättningar att lösa uppgifter eftersom risken att distraheras av annat på datorn var stor, svarsinmatningen var bristfällig, läroboken kunde vara oåtkomlig eller att förklaringar och uppgifter inte nödvändigtvis matchade varandra. För att ge elever inflytande på matematikundervisningen bör dessa aspekter beaktas vid val av läromedel genom övervägande av den digitala lärobokens utformning, implementering samt när en tryckt lärobok är att föredra. / Students’ influence on mathematics teaching is desirable but not extensively researched. The purpose of the thesis was therefore to investigate students' experience of using digital textbooks in mathematics education. The study was carried out using focus group interviews with Swedish upper secondary school students. Three classes from the technology program were interviewed. The interviews were processed using content analysis. The results were analysed using the didactic tetrahedron with the digital textbook as the artifact. The results showed that students believe that textbooks should help them solve and understand mathematics exercises. Digital textbooks were perceived to be well suited to explain mathematics by, for example, customized explanation, clues, and feedback. On the other hand, digital textbooks were felt to provide a worse environment for solving exercises. Reasons given include the risk of being distracted by other things on the computer was high, the ability to input answers was inadequate, the textbook could be inaccessible or that explanations and tasks did not necessarily match each other. To give students an influence on mathematics teaching, these aspects should be factors to consider when choosing teaching materials in terms of the digital textbook's design, implementation and when a printed textbook is preferable.

Distance students' experiences on a learning management system : Focusing on Moodle from user experience perspective

Jung, Yongho January 2021 (has links)
Distance learning offered to students by Swedish universities has continued to increase, which has led to an increase in the use of learning management system (LMS). Recently, due to the pandemic, many universities have temporarily made university classes compulsory as distance through remote learning, and the importance of LMS is also emerging. However, there is a problem that the dropout rate of remote students is significantly higher than that of on-campus students. Therefore, this qualitative study aims to propose various suggestions to enhance students' learning experience by understanding their perception and experience of using Moodle, one of the popular LMS platforms, for the distance students of Information system master program of Linnaeus university. When evaluating the system as a model for this study, David (1989)'s Technology acceptance model (TAM), which has already been verified in many studies, was considered first, but this model does not take into account the feelings of system users. After that, Hassenzhal's UX model was finally adopted as a model for this study. However, this study shows that Hedonic attributes, one of the elements of Apparent product character of this UX model, does not play any role for evaluating UX in LMS platforms such as Moodle. The reason for this is that users think of Moodle as a learning information tool only for their study purpose, and their identification and social communication are significantly poor in the platform. Also, Moodle does not provide any stimulation to their feeling. As the research method, semi-structured interviews were conducted through Skype or Zoom with 7 Moodle users from 5 different nationalities who voluntarily applied for the interviews. As a result, it was found that 8 issues (Usability and design of the main page and dashboard, information distributed across multiple platforms, notification and landing issue, lack of awareness of students about some features of Moodle, presence of unnecessary features, slow website speed, low use of mobile applications, non-standardized course page design) on Moodle through their past experiences that could be detrimental to the user experience. Based on the findings, this paper will discuss various suggestions to improve Moodle's UX for distance students’ better learning experience.

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