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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sverigedemokraterna: Från högerextremister till radikala högerpopulister : – En idealtypsanalys av partiets politiska program

Palani, Naser January 2011 (has links)
The Sweden Democrats (Sverigedemokraterna) has for a long time been the subject of study by political scientists. In the meantime they have been categorized as National Socialists, Fascists, right-wing extremists and more recently radical right populists. But it has not been categorized according to the theories that I expect. The purpose of this essay is to study how well Sweden Democrats policies match with ideas that are typical for radical right populist parties. The main research question is:- Are Sweden Democrats showing details which are typical for radical right populist parties?To be able to answer those questions, I have used an ideal type analysis and developed an analysis instrument according the theoretical approach and the methods in Bergström & Boréus book. This instrument helps me to make three ideal type schedules that can sort details which I am looking for in the text.The conclusion of this essay is that, Sweden Democrats has all those characteristics which is typical for radical right populist parties and can regard as a radical right populist party.

Välfärd - ett begrepp i förändring : En diskursanalys av LSS

Löfstrand, Lisa January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Reexamining Nordic Security : A Case Study on Contemporary Nordic Security Cooperation

Björnstjerna, Magnus January 2011 (has links)
This study explores the driving forces and motives behind contemporary Nordic security cooperation. It asks and investigates whether the security cooperation has a foundation based on a shared (peace) identity or is founded on rational and functionalistic calculations. Through applying a theoretical model based on the theory of Regional Security Complexes the study reveal how external and internal transformations affect the Nordic nations and forces them to respond. The study reveals how both these factors are important when explaining the responses of the Nordic states and the development of the Nordic security cooperation. While national strategies differ there is a need to look to the own region which has led the Nordic states to search for a security structure at home. The study concludes that all of the Nordic nations have had to respond to a changing external environment which has put pressure on their defense budgets which problematizes their national foreign policy and security strategies. A strong Nordic amity and tradition of cooperation has eased a stronger formal structure which increases cost-effectiveness and functionalism for the Nordic states security structures. This structure has replaced older identity based and influence searching structures. Conclusively, contemporary Nordic security cooperation can be said to increase the Nordic states‟ security while simultaneously letting them follow their national security strategies. Norden is thus regaining importance and Nordic security cooperation show that the region is both active and proactive in dealing with their regional issues.

Skolen som lærende organisasjon : En studie av utvalgte rektorer og læreres oppfatninger av forutsetninger for organisasjonslæring i skolen

Grimsmo, Aslaug, Erichsen, Cecilie W January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Den finansiella nedgångens påverkan för politikers aktivitet : En studie av LiV

Bozorgi, Ronak January 2008 (has links)
Essay in political science, C-level, by Ronak Bozorgi, fall semester 2007. Tutor: P.O. Norell. “The affect of financial decline on politician’s activity. A study of LiV.” The purpose of this essay is to examine if financial decline affect the activity of the politicians. It is important to shed light on politician’s activity since it is connected to the principal of representation. I study if the decline affects the activity in a specific case, landstinget i Värmland (LiV), and my method is thereby a case study. Activity is measured as raising bills and more precisely I measure three aspects of this particular form of activity. The aspects lead to the specific questions (1) Does financial decline lead to fewer raised bills in the case landstinget i Värmland? (2) Dose financial decline affect the characteristic of the bills in the case landstinget i Värmland? (3) Dose financial decline affect how the politicians in the bills express there own representative roll in the case landstinget i Värmland? The theoretical framework is based on theories about financial problems (besparingsteorier) and their hypothesis that financial decline leads to a lower degree of activity is in focus for analyse of the first question. The technique I use to answer the questions is to examine the financial situation parallel to the numbers of bills raised, the characteristic of the bills and the roll expressed in the bills. In this way it will be reviled if the aspects do change at a decline or not. For the empirical part of the study I use primary sources in the form of economic accounts and bills. Other sources are academic literature, a rapport and oral sources between others. The two most important delimitations of the study is the time frame which reaches from the year 1982 up to 2007 and the fact that activity is measured at raising bills. My conclusion is that financial decline does affect the activity of the politicians in the case landstinget i Värmland, but that the hypothesis of the theories about financial problems is falsified. The decline does not lead to fewer raised bills (the empirical results indicate the opposite), it does affect the characteristics of the bills and it also affect how the politicians express their representative roll.

Spelar geografi roll? : En studie av Bolognaprocessen ur ett policy transferperspektiv / Does Geography Matter? : A study of the Bologna Process from a Policy Transfer Perspective

Högå, Beatrice January 2007 (has links)
Abstract Does Geography Matter? A Study of the Bologna Process from a Policy Transfer Perspective. Essay in Political Science (D-level) at Karlstad’s University by Beatrice Högå, Spring 2007 Tutor: Susan Marton The purpose of this essay is to generally see how theories of policy transfer can help us to better understand the process through which the Bologna Process is being spread throughout Europe, and to specially see if geographic placement, i.e. in the heart of Europe, plays a role in how well and how fast the Bologna Process is implemented. To be able to answer the purpose, I have used Evans and Davies theoretical model on policy transfer network to describe the Bologna Process. Furthermore, Sweden and France are the countries being examined when they differ on the independent variable. From there, I have applied an analytical tool, namely process tracing, to examine whether there are differences in the two countries’ work with the implementation of the Bologna Process. I have designed six specific research questions: Have France performed more extensive work than Sweden when it comes to implement the two-cycle system? Have France performed this work earlier? Have France performed more extensive work than Sweden when it comes to recognize awards and periods of study? Have France performed this work earlier? Have France performed more extensive work than Sweden when it comes to quality assurance? Have France performed this work earlier? After applying the analytical tool to be able to answers these research questions, the answer to the general question Does geographic placement, i.e. in the heart of Europe, play a role in how well and how fast the Bologna Process is implemented? is negative. In this case, there are no unambiguous results to support that idea.

En europeisk identitet : en studie av Manuel Castells kriterier vid skapandet av en europeisk identitet

Saagpakk, Helena January 2007 (has links)
Abstract A European identity A study of Manuel Castells criteria’s to create a European identity C-Essay in Political Science, by Helena Saagpakk, August 2007 Supervisor: Björn Åkerberg Philosophers and visionaries dreamt early on the idea about a united Europe. This dream was destroyed by the two world wars during the first half of the 20th century. The first community was established in 1950 after the Second World War. This was the beginning of a peaceful cooperation between the member states, and the community later developed into the European Union. “We are not bringing together states, we are uniting people”, said Jean Monnet back in 1952, which is one of the union’s greatest challenges, i.e. to unite the citizens around the European idea and raising public awareness about the European union. The purpose of the essay is to examine if the Constitution Treaty contributes to a developed European identity. The investigation has been performed by comparing the consolidated treaties with the Constitution treaty. To be able to investigate the purpose have I used five of Manuel Castells criteria’s for making a European identity; education, diversity in ethnicity and culture, the geographical movement of the labour force, the political identity and a common foreign politics. The comprehensive question of the study is: Does the Constitution treaty promote a European identity in the European Union? The result of the study shows that of the five criteria’s are there three criteria’s, diversity in ethnicity and culture, the political identity and a common foreign politics, that are promoting a European identity more in the Constitution treaty than in the consolidated treaties. The result of the study shows, therefore, that the Constitution treaty promotes a European identity in the European Union. A European identity can only develop if the criteria’s are invested equally or bigger in the Constitution treaty than in the consolidated treaties. After an implementation of the Constitution treaty in the union and in the member states, can the criteria’s have an effect on the integration of the citizens in the union and the feeling of a European identity.

Det nya arbetarpartiet? : En studie om det moderata samlingspartiets arbetsmarknadspolitiska ideér och dess ideologiska förändring

Ljung, Jenny January 2007 (has links)
”The new labour party? A study of the labor-market policy ideas of the Moderata samlingspartiet and their ideological change” Thesis in Political Science (C-level) at Karlstad University by Jenny Ljung, Fall 2006 Tutor: Susan Marton The labour-market policy of the Swedish Moderaterna may have undergone changes in the liberal ideology. During the election the year 1991 Moderaterna focused upon questions that concerned the economic growth and the free market. In the election at year 2006 Moderaterna appointed themselves as “the new labour party” and were called social liberals by several critiques. The statement by the liberal think-tank Timbro’s head Maria Rankkas in the fall 2006 “the Moderaterna have never been neo-liberals” made me wonder if this was true or not and if Timbro’s foundation in the liberal ideology were close to Moderaterna´s or not. The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether an ideological change has occurred in the labours-market policy of the Moderaterna, and if the then has become more social liberal than neo-liberal compared to the election 1991 and to the think-tank Timbro. The main research-question, which I intend to answer, is: • In what way has the labour-market policy of the Moderaterna changed relative to their ideological foundation in the liberal ideology? To be able to answer the main question I also have two precise research questions that I intend to answer: • Has the labour-market policy of the Moderaterna gone from neo-liberal foundation to the benefit of social liberal foundation, compared to the liberal think-thank Timbro? • How does Moderaterna versus Timbro argue in their publications about the labour-market policy during the early 90`s and the year 2006? The material from Moderaterna that I have chosen to study the government’s declarations, the manifestos from the elections and the political platform. The material from Timbro includes articles about labour-market policy from Timbro’s website. The research method I used is the ideological text analysis. After analyzing the material I present an answer to the main research question: The Moderaterna has changed in their ideological foundation in the liberal ideology and have become more social liberal than before. Notice that I say more social liberal. They still have traces from neo-liberalism but are far more social liberal in their labour-market policy in 2006 than 1991.

Påtvingad demokrati : en fallstudie om Irak / Democracy by force : a case study of Iraq

Kringsberg, Lisa January 2007 (has links)
Essay in political science, C-level by Lisa Kringsberg, spring semester 2007. Tutor: Susan Marton. “Democracy by force – A case study of Iraq” The purpose of this essay is to examine how the new Iraq strategy, formed by the United States, is going to effect Iraqs possibilities to become a democracy. To come to any conslusions about this I ask two questions: 1) Did the United States take in considiration what researchers think should improve the possibilities for a country to develop democracy? and 2) Did the United states take in consideration researchers presumptions in relation to Iraqs possibilities to become a democracy? My examination is a case study of the Iraq strategy from 2007. By using theories about possibilitys for democarcy I will be able come to a conslusion and thereby fulfill the purpose of my essay. The result of my study, and the answer to my questions is that the government of the United States in many cases did take what researchers think should improve the possibilites for a country to develop a democracy in considiration making the Iraq strategy. They did not, in most cases, take the Iraqs possibilites in considiration. It is very hard to come to any conslusion about the effects of the Iraq strategy on Iraqs possibilitys to become a democarcy, but I think that the lack of considiration of the possibilites in Iraq will make the nation building process more difficult.

HIV och könsojämlikheter; en dödlig kombination? : En studie av patriarkal dominans i den internationella diskussionen om HIV/AIDS

Linde, Ellen January 2007 (has links)
Abstract Essay in political science, C-level, by Ellen Linde, spring semester 2007. Tutor: Susan Marton. “HIV and gender inequalities; a lethal combination? A study of the patriarchal dominance in the international discussion on HIV/AIDS” The purpose of this essay is to study to what extent a patriarchal discourse is present in the international discussion on how to best fight the spread of HIV/AIDS. To determine if a patriarchal discourse is present or not I have used a feminist theory on patriarchal dominance. I have concentrated on the United Nations resolutions about HIV/AIDS. My focus has particularly been on the meeting about the shaping of the last resolution in 2006 where the members states made statements about their opinions on the matter. I’m asking the question; Is there a patriarchal dominans in the countries statements about UN:s resolution about HIV/AIDS? The question is asked to three different groups of countries, catholic counties in Africa, catholic counties in Europe and non-catholic countries. My study shows that there is a strong tendency of patriarchal dominance in the statement from the catholic countries in Europe and an even stronger tendency in the statements from the catholic countries in Africa. That tendency could not be found in the statements from the non-catholic countries. The conclusion is that there are two discourses present in the international discussion on how to best fight the spread of HIV/AIDS, one patriarchal discourse and one non-patriarchal discourse. However, there can be no generalizations drawn from the results of this study because to few countries have been studied.

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