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Construção automática de imagens de super-resolução a partir de mosaicos formados por sequências de imagens / Automatic construction of super-resolution images from mosaics formed by sequences of imagesLeandro Luiz de Almeida 30 September 2013 (has links)
As técnicas de super-resolução possibilitam combinar várias imagens de uma mesma cena para se obter uma imagem com resolução radiométrica e geométrica aumentada, denominada de imagem de super-resolução. Nessa imagem são realçadas características importantes possibilitando recuperar detalhes e informações. As aplicações envolvem diferentes áreas, tais como: na agricultura para identificar possíveis desmatamentos e controle de pragas, na área médica para a detecção de doenças em estágios iniciais, identificação facial de pessoas suspeitas em imagens de circuito fechado, reconstrução de filmes, identificação de placas de veículos, entre outras. No presente trabalho, é proposta uma metodologia para a geração de imagens de super-resolução a partir de uma região selecionada de um mosaico. Embora existam vários trabalhos publicados relacionados à geração de imagens de super-resolução, as metodologias não se aplicam para uma região específica do mosaico. E grande parte dos trabalhos utiliza uma imagem de referência, a partir da qual é gerada a imagem de super-resolução. Na metodologia proposta, inicialmente, é gerado um mosaico a partir de um conjunto de imagens baseando-se nos algoritmos SIFT ou SURF, BBF e RANSAC e é criada uma estrutura de dados, que organiza os pontos correlacionáveis das imagens com sobreposição, facilitando e simplificando o processo de fusão desses pontos para a obtenção da imagem de super-resolução. A ferramenta implementada a partir dessa metodologia, possibilita ao operador selecionar a região de interesse no mosaico, a partir da qual, é gerada a imagem de super-resolução utilizando as técnicas SIFT (ou SURF), interpolação Bicúbica e a fusão pelo valor mediano dos pontos da área com sobreposição das imagens da sequência. Para validar a metodologia, foram utilizados quatro conjuntos de imagens, que incluem imagens simuladas, obtidas com câmeras de baixa e alta resolução, imagens aéreas de áreas urbanas e rurais, coloridas e em escalas de cinza, e imagens contendo elementos textuais. Nas imagens simuladas foram adicionados ruídos e avaliada a imagem de super-resolução gerada por meio de duas métricas: raiz do erro médio quadrático (RMSE) e o índice de similaridade estrutural (SSIM). Os resultados mostraram que mesmo com valor de RMSE elevado, o SSIM foi acima de 70%, evidenciando o alto grau de similaridade. As imagens de super-resolução obtidas a partir de uma região dos mosaicos gerados foram comparadas com imagens superamostradas por meio de interpolações e avaliadas confrontando as imagens extrapoladas para verificação visual dos elementos da cena. Os resultados apresentados concluem que as imagens de super-resolução geradas, apresentam melhorias no que diz respeito à restauração das mesmas para futura análise de alvos de interesse, sem ter o retrabalho de adquirir novas imagens da cena, pois dependendo da cena analisada não será possível nova aquisição. O presente trabalho contribui com a geração de imagem de super-resolução, a partir de uma região do mosaico e com estruturas de dados e algoritmos que possibilitam a análise de regiões específicas do mosaico, sem que o mesmo tenha que ser processado integralmente. / Super-resolution techniques allow combining several images of the same scene in order to obtain an image with increased geometric and radiometric resolution, called super-resolution image. In this image are enhanced features allowing to recover important details and information. The applications involve different areas, such as: in the agriculture to identify possible deforestation and pest control, in the medical area to detect diseases in early stages, facial identification in images of suspects in closed loop, movies reconstruction, license plates recognition, among others. In this work, we propose a methodology for generating super-resolution images from a selected region of a mosaic. Although there are several published papers related to the generation of super-resolution images, the existing methodologies do not apply to a specific region of the mosaic. And the majority of studies use a reference image, from which is generated the super-resolution image. In the proposed methodology, initially, a mosaic is generated from a set of images based on the algorithms SIFT or SURF, BBF and RANSAC and creates a data structure that organizes the points correlate of the images with overlapping, facilitating and simplifying the fusion process of these points to obtain the super-resolution image. The tool implemented from this methodology allows to the operator to select the region of interest in the mosaic, from which is generated the image using super-resolution techniques SIFT (or SURF), Bicubic interpolation and fusion process by the median value of the points with overlapping area from the images of the sequence. In order to validate the methodology, we used four sets of images, including simulated images taken with cameras of low and high resolution, aerial images of urban and rural areas, color and grayscale images and images containing texts. In the simulated images were added noise and were evaluated the super-resolution image generated by two metrics: root mean square error (RMSE) and the structural similarity index (SSIM). The results showed that even with high RMSE value, the SSIM was above 70%, reflecting the high degree of similarity. The super-resolution images obtained from a region of the mosaics were compared with images generated by super-sampled interpolation and evaluated by comparing the images extrapolated to visual inspection of elements of the scene. From the results it can be concluded that the super-resolution images generated present improvements with regard to restoration of images for further analysis of targets of interest, without reworking to acquire new images of the scene, because depending on the analyzed scene it would not be possible a new acquisition. This work contributes to the generation of super-resolution image from a region of the mosaic and with data structures and algorithms which enable the analysis of specific regions of the mosaic without it has to be fully processed.
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Variação da distribuição de pressão em um aerofólio devido ao efeito coanda / not availableJoão da Silva Soares 11 December 2001 (has links)
O objetivo básico deste trabalho era verificar e quantificar o efeito coanda quando aplicado a um ambiente de atmosfera estagnada na qual a velocidade do escoamento livre é igual a zero. Um aparelho constituído da combinação de um motor e uma hélice combinados com um revestimento externo originalmente utilizado como um componente básico em um túnel de vento experimental. Uma seção de contração de madeira foi projetada e construída para ser unida logo à frente do conjunto hélice/motor, formando um jato retangular. Um aerofólio de seção constante foi testado, formando um jato retangular. Um aerofólio de seção constante foi testado, fixado imediatamente à frente do escoamento do bocal de saída, utilizando uma envergadura igual à largura do jato do bocal de saída. Foram feitas medições do perfil do limite do jato sobre uma distância que excede aquelas incluindo (ambas) as medidas da corda (conhecida do aerofólio). O perfil de velocidade do escoamento induzido sobre a superfície superior de um aerofólio de seção NASA GA(w)-1 foi tomado para um aerofólio limpo e com uma faixa com rugosidade num ponto próximo ao bordo de ataque. O aerofólio foi testado com e sem a faixa de rugosidade, com pontos de tomada de pressão estática ao longo de sua corda fornecendo assim sua distribuição de pressão. O aerofólio foi testado para ângulos de ataque entre zero a quarenta e cinco graus referentes à ilha do escoamento do jato. Os resultados foram registrados e analisados conseqüentemente. / The basic objective of this work was to verify and quantify the Coanda Effect when applied to a stagnent atmosphere in which the free stream velocity was zero. An apparatus consisting of a motor and fan combination combined with external fairings originally used in an experimental wind tunnel was used as the basic component. A wooden contraction section was designed and built to be joined immediately downstream of the fan/motor combination, providing a rectangular jet. A constant section airfoil was tested, suspended immediately downstream of the outlet mouth using a span length equal to that of the mouth of the jet. Measurements were made of the jet limit profile over a distance that exceeded that including the aerofoil chord. The velocity profile induced by the jet flow over the upper surface of a NASA GA(W)-1 section aerofoil was measured for the clean one and with a roughness strip in place near the leading edge. The aerofoil was tested with chordwise static pressure points along the centerline giving the respective pressure distribution, also with and without a roughness strip added. There were different tests for angles of attack with reference to the jet centerline between zero and forty five degrees. The results were registered and analysed accordingly.
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Partículss relativístivas com spin e campos tensoriais antissimétricos / Relativistic particles with spin and anti symmetric tensor fieldsLeonidas Sandoval Junior 24 September 1990 (has links)
Neste trabalho, fazemos um estudo dos campos tensoriais antissimétricos em geral e, em particular, do campo tensorial antissimétrico de ordem dois. Utilizando o método de quantização BRST-BFV para teorias redutíveis no formalismo hamiltoniano, mostramos a equivalência quântica do campo tensorial antissimétrico de ordem dois não-massivo ao campo escalar em 4 dimensões e ao campo vetorial no gauge de Lorentz em 5 dimensões. Também é mostrada a equivalência entre as formulações de 1ª e 2ª ordem do campo tensorial antissimétrico de ordem dois. Por fim, é efetuada a quantização BRST-BFV de um modelo de partícula relativística com spin com duas supersimetrias acrescido de um termo Chern-Simons, mostrando que a amplitude de transição obtida equivale à amplitude de transição do \"rotacional\" de um campo tensorial antissimétrico de ordem qualquer. O caso massivo também é tratado brevemente. / In this work, we make a study of anti symmetric tensor fields in general, and, in particular, of the anti symmetric tensor fields of order two. Using the BRST-BFV quantization method for reducible theories in the Hamiltonian formalism, we show the quantum equivalence of the massless anti symmetric tensor field of order two to the scalar field in 4 dimensions, and to the vector field in the Lorentz gauge in 5 dimensions. It is also shown the quantum equivalence between the 1st and 2nd order formulations for the anti symmetric tensor field of order two. Finally, it is made the BRST-BFV quantization of a model of relativistic spinning particle with two super symmetries with a Chern-Simons term, showing that the transition amplitude obtained is equivalent to the transition amplitude for the field strength of an anti symmetric tensor field of any order. The massive case is also treated in breaf.
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Obtenção de cerveja super concentrada com a utilização de xarope de milho como adjunto de malte / Obtaining super concentrated beer using corn syrup as adjunct of maltOrerves Martinez Castro 06 May 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho teve por objetivo a utilização de xarope de milho na elaboração de cerveja super concentrada. Para atingir este propósito foram realizados ensaios em escala de 5 litros, testando três proporções quanto à relação de extrato de malte e de xarope de milho. Para seguir a legislação brasileira de acordo com o Decreto 6.871, de 2009, foram propostos para a realização dos experimentos as proporções de 70/30, 55/45 e 20/80 de malte:xarope de milho. Na proporção 20/80, definida pelo referido Decreto como cerveja de milho foram avaliadas diferentes variantes para obter diferentes concentrações alcoólicas, obtendo resultados inadequados. As fermentações foram conduzidas em regime descontínuo alimentado, com a adição do xarope por cargas, e foi utilizada uma levedura com alta eficiência fermentativa que tem demonstrado alta tolerância a concentrações de álcool, classificada como PPB - 01. Para comparar com os mostos experimentais, foram elaborados mostos padrões nas proporções 70/30 e 55/45. Em escala piloto foi elaborada uma prova de cerveja super concentrada, para as proporções 70/30 e 55/45, malte/milho. Foram avaliados os parâmetros cinéticos dos processos. As eficiências de formação de álcool e de consumo de extrato foram acima dos 90%, o que garantiu um bom processo fermentativo. As cervejas obtidas na escala piloto foram submetidas a análises sensoriais e comparadas com uma cerveja comercial, obtendo ótimos resultados. As duas proporções aprovadas proporcionaram economia de energia térmica e elétrica, quando comparadas com as cervejas padrões. Os resultados obtidos no projeto demonstraram que é possível a aplicação desta tecnologia, aumentando a produtividade utilizando os mesmos equipamentos e obtendo benefícios energéticos, econômicos e meio ambientais. / The aim of this project was the use of corn syrup to develop super concentrated beer. Accomplishing this purpose was made initially two repeat experiments on a scale of 5 liters and testing three variants as regards the relationship of malt extract and corn. Following the Brazilian law in accordance with the Decree 6.871, 2009, was proposed for the realization of experiments the proportions of 70/30, 55/45 and 20/80 from malt and corn. In the proportion 20/80, defined by Decree as corn beer, were evaluated different variants for obtaining different alcohol concentrations, obtaining inadequate results. Fermentations were conducted in fed batch regime with the addition of the syrup in pulses, and was used one yeast with high efficiency of fermentation and tolerating of alcohol high concentrations, classified as PPB - 01. To compare with the experimental worts, were prepared standards worts for proportions 70/30 and 55/45. In pilot scale, were made experiments of super concentrated beer to the proportions 70/30 and 55/45, malt/corn. The kinetic parameters of the processes were evaluated. The efficiencies of formation of alcohol and consumption of extract were above 90%, which ensured a good fermentation. The experimental beers obtained in pilot scale were subjected to sensory analysis compared with a beer sold in trade, getting great results. The two proportions approved had saving thermal and electrical energy, when compared with standards beers. The results obtained in the project demonstrated that it is possible to apply this technology, increasing equipment productivity and getting energy, economic and environmental benefits.
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Parahyba masculina feminina neutra: cinema (in)direto, super 8, gÃnero e sexualidade (ParaÃba, 1979-1986) / Parahyba Masculina Feminina Neutra: (in)direct cinema, super 8 films, gender and sexuality (1979-1986)Laercio Teodoro da Silva 29 August 2012 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de NÃvel Superior / A presente dissertaÃÃo estuda a produÃÃo cinematogrÃfica em Super 8 no estado da ParaÃba, que se deu a partir de 1979 â ano de realizaÃÃo do documentÃrio Gadanho, de Pedro Nunes e JoÃo de Lima â e estendeu-se atà 1986. O estudo empreende a anÃlise das experiÃncias cinematogrÃficas superoitistas no estado a partir de seus diÃlogos com a cinematografia brasileira dos anos 1960 e 1970, pensando tambÃm o prÃprio cenÃrio paraibano. A produÃÃo superoitista na ParaÃba encontrou um campo cinematogrÃfico marcado por tradiÃÃes que remontam à dÃcada de 1960 e que concebe o documentÃrio Aruanda (1960), de Linduarte Noronha, como fundante de uma forma de pensar e fazer cinema. Focar-se-à os filmes Super 8 que versam sobre as representaÃÃes de gÃneros e expressÃes da sexualidade. A anÃlise apreende o processo de produÃÃo desses filmes e as representaÃÃes acerca do feminino e do masculino, que empreenderam uma crÃtica aos estereÃtipos sobre a mulher e o homem nordestino, em especial, o paraibano. Nesse sentido, esses filmes empenharam-se numa polÃtica da visibilidade, tendo como mote principal a desconstruÃÃo da personagem homossexual, lanÃando novos questionamentos sobre as prÃticas e representaÃÃes da sexualidade. Buscando compreender o processo de circulaÃÃo dessas obras, problematizaremos os espaÃos percorridos por essa produÃÃo, como a Universidade Federal da ParaÃba, os cineclubes e Mostras de Cinema Independente. Com efeito, problematizam-se as diversas leituras e as guerras de representaÃÃes acerca das temÃticas dos filmes e das prÃprias pelÃculas no formato Super 8 num processo de afirmaÃÃo da produÃÃo enquanto objeto cultural dentro do campo cinematogrÃfico. / The present study draws upon the Super 8 mm cinematographic production in the State of ParaÃba, Brazil, from 1979 â year in which the documentary Gadanho, by Pedro Nunes and JoÃo de Lima, was released â to 1986. The study analyzes the cinematographic experiences from their dialogs with the Brazilian production in the 1960âs and 1970âs, taking also into account the local scenario, which found a field marked by traditions which can be traced back to the 1960âs, when the documentary Aruanda (1960), by Linduarte Noronha, was released and became a marker of how cinema should be thought and made. The focus is on movies which tackle gender representations and expressions of sexuality. The analysis considers their making of process and their representations of femininity and masculinity, which criticize stereotypes of woman and of Brazilian Northeastern man, mainly, man from the State of ParaÃba. The films are committed to a visibility policy, aiming mainly at the deconstruction of the homosexual character, raising new issues on practices and on representations of sexuality. Targeting at comprehending the process of circulation of such films, the spaces where they were displayed, such as the Federal University of ParaÃba, cineclubs and independent film festivals were questioned. As a consequence, the following aspects were problematized too: the diverse interpretations and the wars of representations, not only in the theme of the films, but in the Super 8 films themselves, and, the process of affirmation of this production as a cultural object in the film field.
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O problema de Nathan Jacobson e questões relacionadas / On a problem by Nathan Jacobson and related questionsSolís, Victor Hugo López 30 October 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho consiste de três partes: Teoremas de coordenatização de Wedderburn e de Zorn, O problema de Nathan Jacobson e Teoremas de Fatorização de Kronecker para as superálgebras alternativas. Na primeira parte apresentamos os teoremas de coordenatização de Wedderburn e de Zorn e suas aplicações na teoria de representações das álgebras associativas e alternativas. Na segunda parte resolvemos um problema de longa data que foi anunciado por Nathan Jacobson sobre a descrição das álgebras alternativas que contém M₂(F ) (álgebra associativa de matrizes 2 × 2) com o mesmo elemento identidade. Na terceira parte damos uma prova independente que é válida em qualquer característica do clássico Teorema de Fatorização de Kronecker de Nathan Jacobson. Generalizamos esse resultado e provamos um teorema de Fatorização de Kronecker para as superálgebras alternativas cuja parte par contém O com o mesmo elemento identidade. Além disso, provamos um Teorema de Fatorização de Kronecker para as superálgebras alternativas que contêm a superálgebra associativa M(1|1)(F ) com o mesmo elemento identidade. Como Corolário desse resultado, respondemos a um análogo do problema de Jacobson para as superálgebras alternativas, isto é, descrevemos as superálgebras alternativas que contêm à superálgebra associativa M(1|1)(F ) com o mesmo elemento identidade. Finalmente, estudamos as representações das superálgebras alternativa simples O(4,4) e O[u]. Classificamos os bimodules sobre essas superálgebras e provamos alguns análogos do Teorema de Fatorização de Kronecker para as superálgebras alternativas que contenham O(4|4) ou O[u] com o mesmo elemento identidade / This work consists of three parts: Wedderburn and Zorn coordinatizations theorems, Nathan Jacobsons problem and Kroneckers Factorization theorems for alternative superalgebras. In the first part we present Wedderburn and Zorn coordinatizations theorems and their applications in the theory of representations of associative and alternative algebras. In the second part we solve a long standing problem that was announced by Nathan Jacobson on the description of alternative algebras containing M₂(F ) (associative matrix algebra 2 × 2) with the same identity element. In the third part we give an independent proof that is valid in any characteristic of Nathan Jacobsons classic Kronecker Factorization Theorem. We generalize this result and prove a Kronecker Factorization Theorem for alternative superalgebras whose even part contains O with the same identity element. In addition, we prove a Kronecker Factorization Theorem for alternative superalgebras containing the associative superalgebra M(1|1)(F ) with the same identity element. As a corollary of this result, we respond to an analogue of Jacobsons problem for alternative superalgebras, that is, we describe the alternative superalgebras containing the associative superalgebra M(1|1)(F ) with the same identity element. Finally, we study the representations of the simple alternative superalgebras O(4|4) e O[u]. We classify the bimodules on these superalgebras and prove some analogues of the Kronecker Factorization Theorem for alternative superalgebras containing O(4|4) or O[u] with the same identity element
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Segmentação de imagens de alta dimensão por meio de algorítmos de detecção de comunidades e super pixels / Segmentation of large images with complex networks and super pixelsLinares, Oscar Alonso Cuadros 25 April 2013 (has links)
Segmentação de imagens é ainda uma etapa desafiadora do processo de reconhecimento de padrões. Entre as abordagens de segmentação, muitas são baseadas em particionamento em grafos, as quais apresentam alguns inconvenientes, sendo um deles o tempo de processamento muito elevado. Com as recentes pesquisas na teoria de redes complexas, as técnicas de reconhecimento de padrões baseadas em grafos melhoraram consideravelmente. A identificação de grupos de vértices pode ser considerada um processo de detecção de comunidades de acordo com a teoria de redes complexas. Como o agrupamento de dados está relacionado com a segmentação de imagens, esta também pode ser abordada através de redes complexas. No entanto, a segmentação de imagens baseado em redes complexas apresenta uma limitação fundamental, que é o número excessivo de nós na rede. Neste trabalho é proposta uma abordagem de redes complexas para segmentação de imagens de grandes dimensões que é ao mesmo tempo precisa e rápida. Para alcançar este objetivo, é incorporado o conceito de Super Pixels, visando reduzir o número de nós da rede. Os experimentos mostraram que a abordagem proposta produz segmentações de boa qualidade em baixo tempo de processamento. Além disso uma das principais contribuições deste trabalho é a determinação dos melhores parâmetros, uma vez que torna o método bastante independente dos parâmetros, o que não fora alcançado antes em nenhuma pesquisa da área / Image segmentation is still a challenging stage of the pattern recognition process. Amongst the various segmentation approaches, some are based on graph partitioning, many of which show some drawbacks, such as the high processing times. Recent trends on complex network theory have contributed considerably to the development of graph-based pattern recognition techniques. The identification of group of vertices can be considered a community detection process according to complex network theory. Since data clustering is closely related to image segmentation, image segmentation tasks can also be tackled by complex networks. However, complex network-based image segmentation poses a very important limitation: the excessive number of nodes of the underlying network. In this work we propose a approach based on complex networks suitable for the segmentation of image with large dimensions that is accurate and yet fast. To accomplish that, we have incorporated the concept of Super Pixels aiming at reducing the number of the nodes in the network. The results have shown that the proposed approach delivered accurate image segmentation within low computational times. Another contribution worth mentioning is the determination of the best values for the parameters needed by the underlying graphbased segmentation and community detection algorithms, which enabled the proposed approach to become less dependent on the parameters. To the best of our knowledge, this is a new contribution to the field
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New approaches in super-resolution microscopy / Nouvelles approches microscope de super-résolutionYang, Bin 13 April 2015 (has links)
La première méthode vise à améliorer la vitesse d’imagerie de la microscopie super-résolue àtempérature ambiante pour des applications biologiques. En tant qu’une technique de scan, lamicroscopie STED a besoins d’être parallélisé pour faire de l’imagerie rapide en champ large. Nousavons obtenu une parallélisation massive de la microscopie STED en utilisant les réseaux d’optiqueavec une excitation en en champ large et une caméra rapide pour détection. Les images super-résoluesd’un champ de 3 μm par 3 μm sont acquises en scannant une maille élémentaire du réseau optique, quipeut être aussi petite que 290 nm * 290 nm. La microscopie Lattice-STED est démontrée avec unerésolution allant jusqu'à 70 nm à une cadence de 12,5 images par seconde.La deuxième méthode étend la microscopie super-résolue à la température de l’hélium liquide pourdes applications aux technologies quantiques. Des résolutions optiques à l'échelle nanométrique desémetteurs quantique est une étape cruciale vers le contrôle des états délocalisés formés par lesinteractions fortes et cohérentes entre des émetteurs. Dans ce contexte, nous avons développé unetechnique de microscopie à des températures cryogéniques, dénommée la microscopie Essat. Cettetechnique est basée sur la saturation optique de l'état excité des molécules fluorescentes uniques parl’excitation d’un faisceau en forme d’anneau. Une résolution moins de 10 nm est obtenue avec debasses intensités d'excitation, plus de millions de fois plus faibles que celles utilisées dans lamicroscopie STED à la température ambiante. Par rapport aux approches basées sur la superlocalisation,notre technique offre une occasion unique de résoudre sous la limite de diffraction lesmolécules uniques ayant des fréquences de résonance optiques qui se chevauchent. Ceci ouvre la voieà l'étude des interactions cohérentes entre émetteurs uniques et à la manipulation de leur degréd'intrication. / The first technique aims at improving the imaging speed of super-resolution microscopy at roomtemperature for biological applications. As a scanning technique, STED (Stimulated EmissionDepletion) microscopy needs parallelization for fast wide-field imaging. Using well-designed opticallattices for depletion together with wide-field excitation and a fast camera for detection, we achievelarge parallelization of STED microscopy. Wide field of view super-resolved images are acquired byscanning over a single unit cell of the optical lattice, which can be as small as 290 nm * 290 nm.Lattice-STED imaging is demonstrated with a resolution down to 70 nm at 12.5 frames per second.The second one extends super-resolution microscopy to liquid helium temperature for applications inquantum technologies. Optical resolution of solid-state single quantum emitters at the nanometer scaleis a challenging step towards the control of delocalized states formed by strongly and coherentlyinteracting emitters. ESSat (Excited State Saturation) microscopy operating at cryogenic temperaturesis based on optical saturation of the excited state of single fluorescent molecules with a doughnutshapedbeam. Sub-10 nm resolution is achieved with extremely low excitation intensities, more thanmillion times lower than those used in room temperature STED microscopy. Compared to superlocalisationapproaches, our technique offers a unique opportunity to super-resolve single moleculeshaving overlapping optical resonance frequencies, paving the way to the study of coherent interactionsbetween single emitters and to the manipulation of their degree of entanglement.
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Restoration super-resolution of image sequences : application to TV archive documents / Restauration super-résolution de séquences d'images : applications aux documents d'archives TVAbboud, Feriel 15 December 2017 (has links)
Au cours du dernier siècle, le volume de vidéos stockées chez des organismes tel que l'Institut National de l'Audiovisuel a connu un grand accroissement. Ces organismes ont pour mission de préserver et de promouvoir ces contenus, car, au-delà de leur importance culturelle, ces derniers ont une vraie valeur commerciale grâce à leur exploitation par divers médias. Cependant, la qualité visuelle des vidéos est souvent moindre comparée à celles acquises par les récents modèles de caméras. Ainsi, le but de cette thèse est de développer de nouvelles méthodes de restauration de séquences vidéo provenant des archives de télévision française, grâce à de récentes techniques d'optimisation. La plupart des problèmes de restauration peuvent être résolus en les formulant comme des problèmes d'optimisation, qui font intervenir plusieurs fonctions convexes mais non-nécessairement différentiables. Pour ce type de problèmes, on a souvent recourt à un outil efficace appelé opérateur proximal. Le calcul de l'opérateur proximal d'une fonction se fait de façon explicite quand cette dernière est simple. Par contre, quand elle est plus complexe ou fait intervenir des opérateurs linéaires, le calcul de l'opérateur proximal devient plus compliqué et se fait généralement à l'aide d'algorithmes itératifs. Une première contribution de cette thèse consiste à calculer l'opérateur proximal d'une somme de plusieurs fonctions convexes composées avec des opérateurs linéaires. Nous proposons un nouvel algorithme d'optimisation de type primal-dual, que nous avons nommé Algorithme Explicite-Implicite Dual par Blocs. L'algorithme proposé permet de ne mettre à jour qu'un sous-ensemble de blocs choisi selon une règle déterministe acyclique. Des résultats de convergence ont été établis pour les deux suites primales et duales de notre algorithme. Nous avons appliqué notre algorithme au problème de déconvolution et désentrelacement de séquences vidéo. Pour cela, nous avons modélisé notre problème sous la forme d'un problème d'optimisation dont la solution est obtenue à l'aide de l'algorithme explicite-implicite dual par blocs. Dans la deuxième partie de cette thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés au développement d'une version asynchrone de notre l'algorithme explicite-implicite dual par blocs. Dans cette nouvelle extension, chaque fonction est considérée comme locale et rattachée à une unité de calcul. Ces unités de calcul traitent les fonctions de façon indépendante les unes des autres. Afin d'obtenir une solution de consensus, il est nécessaire d'établir une stratégie de communication efficace. Un point crucial dans le développement d'un tel algorithme est le choix de la fréquence et du volume de données à échanger entre les unités de calcul, dans le but de préserver de bonnes performances d'accélération. Nous avons évalué numériquement notre algorithme distribué sur un problème de débruitage de séquences vidéo. Les images composant la vidéo sont partitionnées de façon équitable, puis chaque processeur exécute une instance de l'algorithme de façon asynchrone et communique avec les processeurs voisins. Finalement, nous nous sommes intéressés au problème de déconvolution aveugle, qui vise à estimer le noyau de convolution et la séquence originale à partir de la séquence dégradée observée. Nous avons proposé une nouvelle méthode basée sur la formulation d'un problème non-convexe, résolu par un algorithme itératif qui alterne entre l'estimation de la séquence originale et l'identification du noyau. Notre méthode a la particularité de pouvoir intégrer divers types de fonctions de régularisations avec des propriétés mathématiques différentes. Nous avons réalisé des simulations sur des séquences synthétiques et réelles, avec différents noyaux de convolution. La flexibilité de notre approche nous a permis de réaliser des comparaisons entre plusieurs fonctions de régularisation convexes et non-convexes, en terme de qualité d'estimation / The last century has witnessed an explosion in the amount of video data stored with holders such as the National Audiovisual Institute whose mission is to preserve and promote the content of French broadcast programs. The cultural impact of these records, their value is increased due to commercial reexploitation through recent visual media. However, the perceived quality of the old data fails to satisfy the current public demand. The purpose of this thesis is to propose new methods for restoring video sequences supplied from television archive documents, using modern optimization techniques with proven convergence properties. In a large number of restoration issues, the underlying optimization problem is made up with several functions which might be convex and non-necessarily smooth. In such instance, the proximity operator, a fundamental concept in convex analysis, appears as the most appropriate tool. These functions may also involve arbitrary linear operators that need to be inverted in a number of optimization algorithms. In this spirit, we developed a new primal-dual algorithm for computing non-explicit proximity operators based on forward-backward iterations. The proposed algorithm is accelerated thanks to the introduction of a preconditioning strategy and a block-coordinate approach in which at each iteration, only a "block" of data is selected and processed according to a quasi-cyclic rule. This approach is well suited to large-scale problems since it reduces the memory requirements and accelerates the convergence speed, as illustrated by some experiments in deconvolution and deinterlacing of video sequences. Afterwards, a close attention is paid to the study of distributed algorithms on both theoretical and practical viewpoints. We proposed an asynchronous extension of the dual forward-backward algorithm, that can be efficiently implemented on a multi-cores architecture. In our distributed scheme, the primal and dual variables are considered as private and spread over multiple computing units, that operate independently one from another. Nevertheless, communication between these units following a predefined strategy is required in order to ensure the convergence toward a consensus solution. We also address in this thesis the problem of blind video deconvolution that consists in inferring from an input degraded video sequence, both the blur filter and a sharp video sequence. Hence, a solution can be reached by resorting to nonconvex optimization methods that estimate alternatively the unknown video and the unknown kernel. In this context, we proposed a new blind deconvolution method that allows us to implement numerous convex and nonconvex regularization strategies, which are widely employed in signal and image processing
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Etude photophysique des protéines fluorescentes photoconvertibles utilisées en microscopie de super-résolution / Photophysical study of photoconvertible fluorescent proteins used as markers in super-resolution microscopyBerardozzi, Romain 02 December 2016 (has links)
La microscopie de super-résolution PALM (microscopie de localisation après photo-activation) est un outil performant pour l'étude des cellules à l'échelle nanométrique. Dans ses applications avancées, la microscopie PALM permet l'étude quantitative et dynamique des objets et événements biologiques. Ces applications sont cependant limitées par le comportement photophysique complexe des protéines fluorescentes photoconvertibles vert à rouge (PCFPs) utilisées comme marqueurs. En particulier, les transitions répétées et stochastiques des PCFPs entre un état sombre et un état fluorescent (scintillement) ainsi que l'incomplétude de photoconversion compliquent l'extraction d'informations quantitatives.Nos travaux combinant cristallographie aux rayons X des protéines et microscopie de localisation ont permis de mettre en évidence le rôle central d'un acide aminé conservé au sein des PCFPs, l'arginine 66, dans le contrôle du scintillement et du photoblanchiment de la forme rouge de deux PCFPs populaires: mEos2 et Dendra2.D'autre part, des résultats préliminaires suggèrent que dans leur formes vertes et dans les conditions d'illumination classiques PALM, les PCFPs entrent dans un état sombre de long temps de vie ce qui ralentit la photoconversion.Nos résultats ouvrent la porte à la conception raisonnée de nouvelles PCFPs optimisées pour les applications quantitatives et dynamiques du PALM. / Super-resolution PALM microscopy (photoactivated localization microscopy) is a powerful tool to investigate the cells with nanoscopic accuracy. Advanced PALM microscopy allows to quantitatively and dynamically study biological objects and events. These applications are nevertheless limited by the complex photophysical behavior of the green-to-red photoconvertible fluorescent proteins (PCFPs) used as markers. In particular, PCFPs red forms repeated and stochastic transitions between a fluorescent and a dark state (blinking) as well as photoconversion uncompleteness complicate the extraction of quantitative information.Our study, by combining X-ray crystallography and localization microscopy, evidences that a single aminoacid well conserved among PCFPs, the arginine 66, controls the blinking and photobleaching behavior of two popular PCFPs: mEos2 and Dendra2.Preliminary results suggest that in their green forms and under PALM classical illumination conditions, PCFPs switch to a long-lived dark state resulting in a photoconversion slowing down.Our results open the door to future rational engineering of enhanced PCFPs for quantitative and dynamic PALM.
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