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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Critical Success Factors in ERP Systems Implementations in the Cypriot Public Sector

Papageorgiou, Sofronis January 2009 (has links)
One of the major advancements in the IT industry during the 1990s was the development of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. Beyond the high costs and significant amount of effort needed to implement such a system, the possible benefits for the organization in achieving more efficient operations and improving its competitive stance in the competitive business environment have been undoubted. The high failure rates of ERP systems implementations (Soh et al., 2000; Willis and Willis-Brown; 2002) have paved the way for a chase from both academicians and practitioners to understand and pinpoint the critical success factors that positively impact this type of projects’ success. Research has been done for ERP implementations in numerous environments but there is a serious gap in the literature regarding implementations in the Cypriot context. Furthermore, after the island’s accession to the European Union (EU) in 2004, the need for the governmental sector to harmonize its systems and processes according to EU directives and to provide efficient services through transparent processes to citizens of Cyprus urged public organizations to proceed with the adoption of ERP systems to serve these purposes from both technological and business aspects. This thesis aims to investigate the critical success factors that foster the successful rollout of ERP implementation projects in Cypriot public sector organizations. From the literature review a research proposition is devised through the development of a theoretical framework consisting of 10 critical success factors. These factors are examined in the specific project environment and their applicability and impact in successful implementations is determined. A qualitative approach has been followed, through a multiple-case study in three Cypriot public sector organizations, by conducting a set of 9 semi-structured interviews and analyzing the results to determine the theoretical framework’s fit in the particular context and furthermore to determine the criteria which are used to determine ERP implementation success in the specific projects. The results of the study indicate that project success is evaluated solely based on three criteria; time, cost and quality. In addition, 9 out of the 10 factors of the theoretical framework appear to be critical for implementation success.

Dressed for Success : A study of Success Factors For Small and Medium-sized Manufacturing Enterprises in Sweden

Lingegård, Sofia, Sandström, Emma January 2008 (has links)
The business climate of today, with increasing globalization, has resulted in structural changes in the commercial and industrial sectors. As a result, many large companies have moved their production abroad. Therefore the smaller companies have become increasingly important for growth and employment nationally. Small businesses are a significant contributor to the well-being of nations and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play an important role for Sweden, both in terms of economic contribution and employment. Success has been discussed and investigated for a long period of time and the question is how it should be defined and measured. Many theories have been produced including different definitions and research methods. For this thesis, however, success is defined as the growth and financial performance of a firm measured in volume growth, relative change in net turnover, and value growth, relative change in equity. As a side condition, profit margins must be positive for a company to be classified as successful. This thesis hence aims to determine which factors influence the success of small and medium-sized enterprises in Sweden and how they influence the success of these enterprises. Eleven manufacturing SMEs, seven successful and four unsuccessful, were investigated and analyzed separately and then compared with one another in an attempt to determine which specific factors contributed to their respective performance. The four unsuccessful companies were included in the investigation for comparison to be able to identify the specific factors for successful companies. The analyses resulted in the following areas: Organization, Vision and Strategy, Characteristics of the CEO, Core Competences, Recruiting, Product Development and Innovations and Market. Among these factors Vision and Strategy, Core Competences and Customer Interaction were identified as the factors that have the greatest impact on success. Additionally, two clear relations between factors could be determined, i.e. between Clear vision and strategy and Defined culture as well as a relation between Flexibility and Customer Interaction. The conclusions are generalizable to all manufacturing SMEs in Sweden since the sample selection is representative for the target population. Furthermore, the success factors could be applied to companies abroad as well if the business climate and the conditions are similar. Whether the factors can be applied to firms that act within different SNI-codes (Swedish Standard Industrial Classification) besides manufacturing is yet to be proved. For further research we suggest a deeper investigation, where the information is obtained from more than one sources within the company. Also, the external networks of the company could be of interest to interview. Other aspects to investigate further would be potential differences between small and medium-sized firms and whether or not the results are applicable for other industries.

Framgångsfaktorer med Business Intelligence- verktyget Qlikview inom offentlig verksamhet : Tillämpas teorin för att nå målen?

Millby, Mikael, Fülöp, Lars January 2013 (has links)
Introduction: Corporate limits becoming more diffuse due to the globalization taking place and requirements for analytical strategies are becoming more fundamental parts of organizations. Business Intelligence systems are hot and not without reason, today's world is spinning faster and with a flow of information that is constantly increasing Business Intelligence promises to introduce a support that will render a better decision-making, something that everyone wants. Problem Discussion: The local government business has today demands from the Swedish School-inspection to analyze and create adequate target images to the school and students meet curriculum goals and guidelines. Therefore, local government activities has increasingly begun to implement Business Intelligence tools, with the purpose to facilitate strategic and operational decisions were the result plays an increasing role in today's society. Purpose: This study evaluates how the analysis tool Qlikview fulfills the function of monitoring and controlling the improved student achievement in public schools. Method: The evaluation has been conducted qualitative interviews with staffs that have leadership positions in each municipality and management and possess a deep knowledge of the analysis tool and its processes. Conclusion: The evaluation has shown positive effects on the monitoring and control of student performance through better control of school operations.

Green energy initiatives in the hotel industry: factors influencing adoption decisions

Halbe, Akanksha 03 September 2013 (has links)
Adopting green energy initiatives is deemed significant in reducing the carbon footprint of the hotel industry. In general, energy-efficient and renewable energy technologies offer wide applications in the hotel industry. The adoption of these technologies improves energy performance and reduces dependence on fossil fuels. Hotel organizational commitment towards sustainability is highly inconsistent across the industry. Essentially, this industry represents a continuum of adopters; some hotels are leaders who proactively adopt innovative and state-of- the-art technologies, while others adopt only basic practices, such as reusing towels. There exist several challenges to shifting hotel organizations toward implementing green energy measures. Sharing best practices and learned lessons is essential to convince less committed hotel organizations to take action. Along with sharing information, it is important to identify similarities and differences in decision-making on green energy measures in both committed and less committed hotels. This study explores factors affecting decision-making on green energy measures in the hotel industry. In particular, it examines the business case for these measures and identifies challenges that prevent hotel managers from taking action. The study findings suggest that similarities and differences among best practice and other hotels are related to the approaches taken in decision-making by hotel managers in the adoption of green energy measures in terms of short/long term energy planning, resource intensity and views about sustainability. The study further highlights success factors contributing to increased use of green energy measures and areas that need to be addressed in order to encourage hotel managers to adopt green energy measures.

Kommunalt klimatarbete : Jämförande studie mellan tre kommuner med avseende på drivkrafter och framgångsfaktorer

Johansson, Kristina, Ghaderi, Midya January 2013 (has links)
The crucial factor for successful municipal climate work is that there are driving forces. Most importantly is that the senior officials and politicians in the municipality are dedicated to the cause considering that they have the power to influence and make a change. Besides proactive and committed individuals, it is necessary that the work is organized and anchored by clear and concrete documents and control systems. It is also important that the work is continuously monitored and evaluated. To collaborate with other municipalities, authorities or participate in various networks is another factor contributing to the improved climate work in the form of exchange of information, knowledge and experience. A major driving force for municipalities to improve themselves is the distribution of state aid and grants. Being able to measure and compare themselves with other municipalities is also important because it encourages and motivates further efforts. One problem today is that there are no clear definitions and guidelines for a completely objective assessment of the climate work. According to the UN's climate panel, global emissions of greenhouse gases must be reduced with several percent to prevent global temperature increases from causing catastrophic and irreversible consequences. The greatest hope is placed on technology and development including better and more efficient engines and fuel. A transfer between transport modes, for example, from road and air to rail plays another big part. Swedish studies also show that efficient transport planning and changing behavior is of great significance for achieving the national vision. Municipalities have a great responsibility considering they transfer the overall goals into local action plans. The report examines the climate work of the three municipalities; Örebro, Eskilstuna and Östersund. The aim is to study the factors and driving forces behind a successful climate work. The goal is to contribute to a greater understanding of the local participants. A sidetrack of the report was to highlight how municipalities relate to government authorities. One result of this was a desire for better collaboration, in this case between the Transport Administration, the Sweden Energy Agency, the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, but also towards the municipalities themselves. Instead of handing out manuals and guidelines the government authorities should take on a coordination role and help the municipalities to build a sustainable structure of their climate work. Municipalities in this report were selected because it is suggested that they conduct a both active and successful climate work. The scrutiny was done with focus on organization and arrangements and interviews with responsible municipal officials have been implemented. Despite differences in the municipal organizational model they are still very similar in terms of centralization of climate work permeated with great commitment, clarity and sustainability. / Den avgörande faktorn för ett framgångsrikt kommunalt klimatarbete är att det finns drivande eldsjälar.  Allra viktigast är att de ledande tjänstemännen och politikerna i kommunen är engagerade då det är de som sitter på makten att påverka och förändra. Utöver drivande och engagerade individer är det nödvändigt att arbetet organiseras och förankras genom tydliga och konkreta dokument och styrsystem samt att det genomförs kontinuerliga uppföljningar och resultatredovisningar av arbetet. Att samverka med andra kommuner, myndigheter eller delta i olika nätverk är en annan faktor som bidrar till förbättrat klimatarbete i form av informations- kunskaps- och erfarenhetsutbyte. En stor drivkraft för kommunerna att förbättra sig är utdelning av statliga stöd och bidrag. Att kunna mäta och jämföra sig med andra kommuner är också viktigt då det sporrar och motiverar till ytterligare ansträngning. Ett problem idag är dock att det inte finns tydliga definitioner och riktlinjer för en helt objektiv bedömning. Enligt FN:s klimatpanel måste de globala utsläppen av växthusgaser minska flera procent för att undvika att jordens medeltemperatur ökar så kraftigt att det medför katastrofala och oåterkalleliga konsekvenser. Störst förhoppning läggs på tekniken och utveckling av bland annat bättre och effektivare motorer och drivmedel. Överflyttningar mellan trafikslag, exempelvis från väg och flyg till järnväg är en annan stor del. Svenska studier visar också att transportsnål samhällsplanering och förändrade beteenden har stor betydelse för att nå den nationella visionen. Kommunerna har ett stort ansvar då det är de som bryter ner och översätter de övergripande målen till lokala handlingsplaner. I rapporten granskas tre kommuner och dess klimatarbete. Kommunerna är Eskilstuna, Örebro och Östersund. Syftet är att försöka se vilka faktorer och drivkrafter som ligger bakom ett framgångsrikt klimatarbete. Målet är att bidra med ökad förståelse för de lokala aktörerna. Ett sidospår med rapporten har varit att belysa hur kommunerna ser på statliga myndigheter. Ett resultat av detta var ett önskemål om bättre samverkan, i det här fallet mellan Trafikverket, Energimyndigheten, Boverket och Naturvårdsverket men även gentemot kommunerna själva. En samordningsroll från myndigheternas sida där man inifrån hjälper till att bygga upp en hållbar struktur hos kommunerna är att föredra framför goda idéer, handböcker och riktlinjer. Kommunerna är valda då det antytts att de bedriver ett både aktivt och framgångsrikt klimatarbete. Granskningen har skett med fokus på organisation, samverkan och åtgärder och intervjuer med ansvariga tjänstmän har genomförts. Trots olikheter i den kommunala organisationsmodellen finns stora likheter i form av en centralisering av klimatarbetet som genomsyras av stort engagemang, tydlighet och långsiktighet.

Framgångsfaktorer i e-handelssektorn

Jansson, Matilda, Madsen, Emelie January 2012 (has links)
The customer behavior is constantly changing along with the developement of new technical improvements. Together with knowledge and higher demands the physical store has received a viral competitor. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the phenomenon e-commerce and how it has developed in recent years. The study will focus on identifying different success factors relevant for this field of interest. Furthermore the purpose is to analyze how relationships, service and value in the e-commerce sector and how they are connected to each other. Method: The research has a qualitative approach in order to interpret and create a greater understanding of the subject. Analysis: Ten interviews have been made, five of which where with representatives from different e-businesses, four with frequent e-commerce customers and one with a business who is considered a special adviser. Together with teorethical resources the interviews resulted in  the basis for our analysis. Results: The analysis will show seven different factors that direct or indirect affects e-businesses. In addition we have developed a model to show how the three factors relationships, service and value are connected and how they constantly are affected by different elements. / Kandidatuppsats,  Ekonomihögskolan vid Linnéuniversitetet Kurs: Företagsekonomi, Marknadsföring III; examensarbete, VT12. Författare: Matilda Jansson och Emelie MadsenHandledare: Leif RyttingTitel: Framgångsfaktorer i e-handelssektorn Bakgrund: Under de senaste decennierna har internet blivit en stor del av vårt arbetsliv och i vår vardag. E-handeln är ett fenomen som blivit allt mer populärt hos dagens konsumenter och det finns många aktörer representerade på denna marknad. Den globala marknad som internet och e-handeln erbjuder leder också till en förändrad konkurrens och ett helt annat klimat som företag att vista sig i. Vi har med bakgrund av detta intresserat oss för vilka framgångsfaktorer som kan utrönas hos framgångsrika e-handelsföretag. Forskningsfråga: För denna uppsats lyder forskningsfrågan som följande; Vilka framgångsfaktorer är, ur ett marknadsperspektiv, relevanta för företag i e-handelssektorn? Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att klarlägga olika marknadsrelaterade faktorer som är betydelsefulla för framgångsrika e-handelsföretag i deras utveckling. Vidare är ambitionen att analysera och klarlägga eventuella kopplingar mellan e-handelsföretags relationsbyggande, servicelogik och värdeskapande. Metod: En kvalitativ forskningsmetod har antagits i denna uppsats. Vi har intervjuat fem personer från framgångsrika e-handelsföretag, en person som arbetar som konsult till e-handelsföretag samt genomfört fyra kundintervjuer med kunder som frekvent handlar över internet. Resultat, slutsatser: För att besvara först delen av syftet har vi presentera de marknadsrelaterade faktorerna som identifierats vara betydelsefulla för framgångsrika e-handelsföretag. Vi  har identifierat sju faktorer som har en direkt eller indirekt påverkan på e-handelsföretag och dess framgång, dessa är tillgänglighet, sortiment, synlighet, information, virtuell plattform, leverans och tid. Vidare har vi presenterat de kopplingar vi funnit mellan e-handelsföretags relationsbyggande, servicelogik och värdeskapande där olika inslag pekats ut som framgångsfaktorer. Forskningsfrågan har slutligen besvarats genom att presentera en modell över de identifierade framgångsfaktorerna och marknadsrelaterade faktorerna som tillsammans ses som en ständig process och ett ömsesidigt beroende.

Critical Success Factors in the Implementation of International Development Projects in Kazakhstan

Kazhibekova, Ainel, Jusufovic, Vildana January 2010 (has links)
International aids, which target socio-development in developing and/or underdeveloped countries, are generally undertaken through projects. These projects, which are named as international development projects (IDPs), are financed mainly by multilateral and bilateral development agencies. However, management of these projects, which have less tangible objectives and deliverables, differ drastically from traditional industrial-commercial project types, that have more tangible objectives and deliverables. Moreover, the intensive investments on IDPs have not yielded the expected progress yet. Therefore, ensuring a successful IDP management through the satisfaction of factors that are critical for project success becomes crucial for both sponsoring bodies and receiving countries. Nevertheless, the current literature provides only a limited number of studies, such as studies conducted by Diallo and Thuiller (2004; 2005), Do and Tun (2008), on this subject area. Then, this study following previous studies by Diallo and Thuiller (2004; 2005), Do and Tun (2008), aims to contribute to this gap in the literature through investigating critical success factors (CSFs) for implementation phase of international development projects (IDPs) in Kazakhstan. Not only the applicability of Do and Tun’s (2008) CSFs for IDP implementation phase to IDPs being implemented in Kazakhstan are tested but also a new set of CSFs is generated for the implementation phase of IDPs being implemented in Kazakhstan.

A Study on Technological Innovation for High-Performance Engineering Plastic Scrap Recovery Industry

Lin, Cheng-Hsiang 04 July 2010 (has links)
Abstract In general, plastic materials can be classified into two categories: "thermoplastic" and "thermosetting plastic", the former is usually recyclable, when the latter isn¡¦t, and which results the solid waste problem. In the same way in thermoplastic divided into: generic plastic, generic engineering plastic, high-performance engineering plastic three categories. As technology advances, a variety of industries flourish as the world trend, various products are gradually moves forward. To improve performance, high-performance engineering plastic is more widely used and occupied part of the product cost. However, all the using of high-performance engineering plastic in Taiwan relies on imports, as any discarded after use like bury or burn in the landfill and incinerator results waste of resources and pollution problems. Therefore, recycling has become an important tool to make full use of limited resources. In literature review, we discuss the theory of technological innovation, according to the data of high-performance engineering plastic scrap recovery industry, using the AHP model to identify key success factors, as a supplementary tool for corporate decision-making to reduce costs and increase product competitiveness. After the AHP analysis, this study found that high-performance engineering plastic scrap recovery industry in the technology innovation process should emphasize the principles according to the order of (1) Technology Innovation Strategy (2) Technology Innovation Investment (3) Sources of Technology Innovation (4) Organization Design and Culture, and found the indicators to access each of these four principles. Which allows us to create higher value, to maximize corporate profits, and lower raw material costs of manufacturing, to achieve great competitive in the market share when countries around the world are now confronted with the rising pressure of increasing oil prices and actively promoting the environmental protection, energy conservation, and carbon reduction.

The Study of Critical Success Factors of Initiating the Supply Chain Management System

Wu, Pei-kang 15 July 2010 (has links)

The key success factors of micro-enterprises in Taiwan _ a coffee ice cream shop in Kaohsiung as an example

Yeh, Chen-Hsiung 16 August 2010 (has links)
As Taiwan government has been actively expanding the liberalization of trade tariffs (as recently the ECFA or FTA), the SMEs ( Small and Medium Enterprises ) in Taiwan are facing pressure from global competitions , and the financial turmoil in recent years that caused the economic depression had deepen the difficulty of new small business operation , so the government has to actively help these micro-enterprises to transform to survive . Also the researcher of this paper had a Cafeteria running experience, but while management was poor, then he decided to close his business, and in order to understand the business management knowhow for improvement, then this case will be treated as not only his own research themes, but also the industry success and failure stories to comparison, hoping to find in the food service industry key success factors. In the research process, this thesis project adopted practical case study to deploy the whole structure, and the research used qualitative and quantitative methods in study. At the same time it introduced document analysis, interviews and questionnaires in data collection to the design process and analysis. In which not only the study of Leidecker & Bruno (1984) and other scholars was embedded , but also the resource base view and the concept of knowledge management had been applied as critical success factors of the main dimensions, and still the methods by scholars Hofer and Schendel (1985) of identifying the critical success factors forming an expert questionnaire survey to determine the strength of the critical success factors in the industry, By removing some factors which experts partially disagree, then we developed a depth interview questionnaire from which we obtained conclusions by comparative study of two operating businesses. That is how we can find the critical success factors in the industry that an entrepreneur must pay attention to. By the results of the study, we found the importance of these key factors developed from the five main dimensions are quite the same . Somehow observing from the weight dimension, we found that personality is that most experts believe the key to food and beverage service success factors, however, the nature of industry and the organizations type also play an important role. While for the object of study, the owners of the two venture firms selling coffee and gelato have similar personality traits, and enough innovation power, but the considerable difference was in expertise and professional technical team, and operating standards and the allocation of resources, ability to control the operation .By the way the operation mode and the store location or if products meet local demands are also the reasons why the two restaurants can keep running and sustained profitability or not.

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