Spelling suggestions: "subject:"sucrose accumulation"" "subject:"ducrose accumulation""
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Coupling kinetic models and advection-diffusion equations to model vascular transport in plants, applied to sucrose accumulation in sugarcaneUys, Lafras 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Biochemistry))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The sugarcane stalk, besides being the main structural component of the plant, is also the major
storage organ for carbohydrates. Sucrose forms the bulk of stored carbohydrates. Previous
studies have modelled the sucrose accumulation pathway in the internodal storage parenchyma
of sugarcane using kinetic models cast as systems of ordinary differential equations. Typically,
results were analysed with methods such as metabolic control analysis. The present study extends
those original models within an advection-diffusion-reaction framework, requiring the use
of partial differential equations to model sucrose metabolism coupled to phloem translocation.
Let N be a stoichiometric matrix, v a vector of reaction rates, s a vector of species concentrations
and r the gradient operator. Consider a coupled network of chemical reactions where
the species may be advected with velocities, U, or diffuse with coefficients, D, or both. We
propose the use of the dynamic system, s + r (Us) + r (Drs) = Nv;
for a kinetic model where species can exist in different compartments and can be transported
over long distances in a fluid medium, or involved in chemical reactions, or both. Darcy’s
law is used to model fluid flow and allows a simplified, phenomenological approach to be
applied to translocation in the phloem. Similarly, generic reversible Hill equations are used to
model biochemical reaction rates. These are also phenomenological equations, where all the
parameters have operationally defined interpretations.
Numerical solutions to this formulation are demonstrated with time-courses of two toy
models. The first model uses a simple “linear” pathway definition to study the impact of
the system geometry on the solutions. Although this is an elementary model, it is able to
demonstrate the up-regulation of photosynthesis in response to a change in sink demand. The
second model elaborates on the reaction pathway while keeping the same geometry definition as
the first. This pathway is designed to be an abstracted model of sucrose metabolism. Finally,
a realistic model of sucrose translocation, metabolism and accumulation is presented, spanning
eight internodes and four compartments. Most of the parameters and species concentrations
used as initial values were obtained from experimental measurements.
To analyse the models, a method of sensitivity analysis called the Fourier Amplitude Sensitivity
Test (FAST) is employed. FAST calculates the contribution of the possible variation in
a parameter to the total variation in the output from the model, i.e. the species concentrations
and reaction rates.
The model predicted that the most important factors affecting sucrose accumulation are the
synthesis and breakdown of sucrose in futile cycles and the rate of cross-membrane transport
of sucrose. The models also showed that sucrose moves down a concentration gradient from
the leaves to the symplast, where it is transported against a concentration gradient into the
vacuole. There was a net gain in carbohydrate accumulation in the realistic model, despite an
increase in futile cycling with internode maturity.
The model presented provides a very comprehensive description of sucrose accumulation
and is a rigorous, quantitative framework for future modelling and experimental design. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Benewens sy strukturele belang, is die suikerrietstingel ook die primêre bergingsorgaan vir koolhidrate.
Die oorgrote meerderheid van hierdie koolhidrate word as sukrose opgeberg. Studies
tot dusver het die metabolisme rondom sukroseberging in die parenchiem van die onderskeie
stingellitte as stelsels gewone differensiaalvergelykings gemodelleer. Die resultate is ondermeer
met metaboliese kontrole-analise geanaliseer. Hierdie studie brei uit op die oorspronklike
modelle, deur gebruik te maak van ’n stromings-diffusie-reaksie-raamwerk. Parsiële differensiaalvergelykings
is geformuleer om die metabolisme van sukrose te koppel aan die vloei in die
Gestel N is ’n stoichiometriese matriks, v ’n vektor van reaksiesnelhede, s ’n vektor van
spesie-konsentrasies en r die differensiaalvektoroperator. Beskou ’n netwerk van gekoppelde
reaksies waar die onderskeie spesies stroom met snelhede U, of diffundeer met koëffisiënte D,
of onderhewig is aan beide prosesse. Dit word voorgestel dat die dinamiese stelsel,
_s + r (Us) + r (Drs) = Nv;
gebruik kan word vir ’n kinetiese model waar spesies in verskeie kompartemente kan voorkom
en vervoer kan word oor lang afstande saam met ’n vloeier, of kan deelneem aan chemiese
reaksies, of albei. Darcy se wet word gebruik om die vloeier te modeller en maak dit moontlik
om ’n eenvoudige, fenomenologiese benadering toe te pas op floëem-vervoer. Eweneens word
generiese, omkeerbare Hill-vergelykings gebruik om biochemiese reaksiesnelhede te modelleer.
Hierdie vergelykings is ook fenomenologies van aard en beskik oor parameters met ’n duidelike
fisiese betekenis.
Hierdie omvattende raamwerk is ondermeer gedemonstreer met behulp van numeriese oplossings
van twee vereenvoudigde modelle as voorbeelde. Die eerste model het bestaan uit ’n
lineêre reaksienetwerk en is gebruik om die geometrie van die stelsel te bestudeer. Alhoewel
hierdie ’n eenvoudige model is, kon dit die toename in fotosintese as gevolg van ’n verandering
in metaboliese aanvraag verklaar. Die tweede model het uitgebrei op die reaksieskema
van die eerste, terwyl dieselfde stelselgeometrie behou is. Hierdie skema is ontwerp as ’n abstrakte
weergawe van sukrosemetabolisme. Ten slotte is ’n realistiese model van sukrosevervoer, metabolisme en berging ontwikkel wat agt stingellitte en vier kompartemente omvat. Die meeste
parameters en konsentrasies van biochemiese spesies wat as aanvanklike waardes in die model
gebruik is, is direk vanaf eksperimentele metings verkry.
Die Fourier Amplitude Sensitiwiteits-Toets (FAST) is gebruik om die modelle te analiseer.
FAST maak dit moontlik om die bydrae van parameters tot variasie in modeluitsette soos
reaksiesnelhede en die konsentrasies van chemiese spesies te bepaal.
Die model het voorspel dat sintese en afbraak van sukrose in ’n futiele siklus, asook transmembraan
sukrosevervoer, die belangrikste faktore is wat sukrose-berging beïnvloed. Die model
het ook getoon dat sukrose saam met ’n konsentrasiegradiënt beweeg vanaf die blare tot by
die stingelparenchiem-sitoplasma, van waar dit teen ’n konsentrasiegradiënt na die vogselholte
(vakuool) vervoer word. Volgens die realistiese model was daar ’n netto toename in die totale
hoeveelheid koolhidrate, ten spyte van ’n toename in die futile siklus van sukrose in die ouer
Die model wat in hierdie proefskrif voorgestel word verskaf ’n uitgebreide, omvattende
beskrywing van sukroseberging. Voorts stel dit ’n rigiede kwantitatiewe raamwerk daar vir
toekomstige modellering en eksperimentele ontwerp.
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Regulação do acúmulo de sacarose em cana-de-açúcar e análise funcional de uma proteína quinase relacionada com o conteúdo de sacarose / Regulation of sugarcane sucrose acummulation and functional analysis of a kinase protein related to sucrose contentSato, Paloma Mieko 11 April 2012 (has links)
A cana-de-açúcar é uma gramínea C4 da família das Poaceae. Sua principal característica é a capacidade de estocar altas concentrações de sacarose no colmo. Devido à sua alta atividade fotossintética, ela consegue converter uma boa parte da radiação solar em biomassa. Assim, ela pode ser considerada um dos melhores modelos para os estudos da relação fonte-dreno. O Brasil é um dos maiores produtores e exportadores de álcool do mundo, e por isso a cana-de-açúcar é considerada uma das principais culturas atuais. A ausência de informações sobre a sua sequência genômica levou à criação do programa SUCEST no final de 1990, onde foram disponibilizadas aproximadamente 240,000 sequências denominadas ESTs (Expression Sequence Tags), uma cobertura de quase 90% do genoma expresso da cana-de-açúcar. Desta forma, foi possível desenvolver uma plataforma de microarranjo Agilent de oligonucleotídeos com componentes do SUCEST. Por meio do programa de melhoramento da RIDESA e a análise por microarranjos, foi possível a identificação de vias metabólicas que podem estar relacionadas com a regulação do acúmulo de sacarose em cana-de-açúcar, principalmente aquelas que envolvem os fitormônios auxina e etileno. A obtenção de dados agrotecnológicos e de fisiologia permitiu a observação de um trade off metabólico, onde o acúmulo de sacarose parece ocorrer em detrimento do acúmulo de fibra. A obtenção de plantas silenciadas e superexpressando uma quinase da família da SnRK1 levou, através da análise de microrarranjos, a identificação de genes diferencialmente expressos envolvidos no estresse por seca como uma PP2C e deidrina. Nas plantas superexpressando uma SnRK1, há um aumento do conteúdo de sacarose na planta 88, que talvez indique que a superexpressão dessa quinase leve a um aumento do conteúdo de sacarose em cana. Com a obtenção de sequências genômicas acima do sítio de início da transcrição dessa mesma SnRK1, e de uma subunidade regulatória Akinβγ, foi possível identificar por análise computacional sequências conservadas envolvidas na regulação hormonal, resposta à seca e reações de luz, indicando que a transcrição desse gene pode resultar de diferentes respostas da planta. Esse trabalho permitiu novas diretrizes no estudo do acúmulo de sacarose no colmo, indicando que vias de transdução de sinais conservadas, mediadas por hormônios e fosforilação, podem ser as principais responsáveis por esse fenômeno em cana-de-açúcar. / The sugarcane is a C4 grass of the Poaceae family. Its main feature is the ability to store high sucrose concentrations in the culm. Due to the elevated photosynthetic activity, it can convert a great portion of solar radiation into biomass. Thus, it can be considered one of the best models for studies of source-sink relationship. Brazil is one of the largest alcohol producers and exporters in the world, and sugarcane is considered one of the main current cultivars. The absence of information about its genome sequence led to the creation of the SUCEST program in late 1990, from which approximately 240,000 sequences called ESTs (Expression Sequence Tags) were made available, with a coverage of almost 90% of the sugarcane expressed genome. Thus, it was possible to develop a microarray platform with Agilent oligonucleotide with SUCEST components. Through the RIDESA improvement program and microarray analysis, it was possible to identify metabolic pathways that may be related to the regulation of sugarcane sucrose accumulation, especially those involving the plant hormones auxin and ethylene. The agro-technological and physiology data allowed the observation of a metabolic trade-off, where the sucrose accumulation appears to occur at the expense of fiber accumulation. The production of plants that are silenced or overexpressing a kinase from SnRK1 family, led by microrarray analysis, allowed the identification of differentially expressed genes that are involved in drought stress, such as a PP2C and dehydrin. In plants overexpressing a SnRK1, there is an increased sucrose content in the plant 88, which may indicate that overexpression of this kinase leads to an increase in leaf sucrose content. After obtaining the genomic sequence above the transcription start site of the same SnRK1, and a regulatory subunit Akinβγ, it was possible to identify by computer analysis conserved sequences involved in regulating hormonal response to dry and light responses, indicating that the gene transcription may arise from different plant responses. This work allowed new guidelines in the study of sucrose accumulation in the culm, suggesting that conserved signal transduction pathways and hormone mediated phosphorylation may be the main reason for this phenomenon in sugarcane.
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Regulação do acúmulo de sacarose em cana-de-açúcar e análise funcional de uma proteína quinase relacionada com o conteúdo de sacarose / Regulation of sugarcane sucrose acummulation and functional analysis of a kinase protein related to sucrose contentPaloma Mieko Sato 11 April 2012 (has links)
A cana-de-açúcar é uma gramínea C4 da família das Poaceae. Sua principal característica é a capacidade de estocar altas concentrações de sacarose no colmo. Devido à sua alta atividade fotossintética, ela consegue converter uma boa parte da radiação solar em biomassa. Assim, ela pode ser considerada um dos melhores modelos para os estudos da relação fonte-dreno. O Brasil é um dos maiores produtores e exportadores de álcool do mundo, e por isso a cana-de-açúcar é considerada uma das principais culturas atuais. A ausência de informações sobre a sua sequência genômica levou à criação do programa SUCEST no final de 1990, onde foram disponibilizadas aproximadamente 240,000 sequências denominadas ESTs (Expression Sequence Tags), uma cobertura de quase 90% do genoma expresso da cana-de-açúcar. Desta forma, foi possível desenvolver uma plataforma de microarranjo Agilent de oligonucleotídeos com componentes do SUCEST. Por meio do programa de melhoramento da RIDESA e a análise por microarranjos, foi possível a identificação de vias metabólicas que podem estar relacionadas com a regulação do acúmulo de sacarose em cana-de-açúcar, principalmente aquelas que envolvem os fitormônios auxina e etileno. A obtenção de dados agrotecnológicos e de fisiologia permitiu a observação de um trade off metabólico, onde o acúmulo de sacarose parece ocorrer em detrimento do acúmulo de fibra. A obtenção de plantas silenciadas e superexpressando uma quinase da família da SnRK1 levou, através da análise de microrarranjos, a identificação de genes diferencialmente expressos envolvidos no estresse por seca como uma PP2C e deidrina. Nas plantas superexpressando uma SnRK1, há um aumento do conteúdo de sacarose na planta 88, que talvez indique que a superexpressão dessa quinase leve a um aumento do conteúdo de sacarose em cana. Com a obtenção de sequências genômicas acima do sítio de início da transcrição dessa mesma SnRK1, e de uma subunidade regulatória Akinβγ, foi possível identificar por análise computacional sequências conservadas envolvidas na regulação hormonal, resposta à seca e reações de luz, indicando que a transcrição desse gene pode resultar de diferentes respostas da planta. Esse trabalho permitiu novas diretrizes no estudo do acúmulo de sacarose no colmo, indicando que vias de transdução de sinais conservadas, mediadas por hormônios e fosforilação, podem ser as principais responsáveis por esse fenômeno em cana-de-açúcar. / The sugarcane is a C4 grass of the Poaceae family. Its main feature is the ability to store high sucrose concentrations in the culm. Due to the elevated photosynthetic activity, it can convert a great portion of solar radiation into biomass. Thus, it can be considered one of the best models for studies of source-sink relationship. Brazil is one of the largest alcohol producers and exporters in the world, and sugarcane is considered one of the main current cultivars. The absence of information about its genome sequence led to the creation of the SUCEST program in late 1990, from which approximately 240,000 sequences called ESTs (Expression Sequence Tags) were made available, with a coverage of almost 90% of the sugarcane expressed genome. Thus, it was possible to develop a microarray platform with Agilent oligonucleotide with SUCEST components. Through the RIDESA improvement program and microarray analysis, it was possible to identify metabolic pathways that may be related to the regulation of sugarcane sucrose accumulation, especially those involving the plant hormones auxin and ethylene. The agro-technological and physiology data allowed the observation of a metabolic trade-off, where the sucrose accumulation appears to occur at the expense of fiber accumulation. The production of plants that are silenced or overexpressing a kinase from SnRK1 family, led by microrarray analysis, allowed the identification of differentially expressed genes that are involved in drought stress, such as a PP2C and dehydrin. In plants overexpressing a SnRK1, there is an increased sucrose content in the plant 88, which may indicate that overexpression of this kinase leads to an increase in leaf sucrose content. After obtaining the genomic sequence above the transcription start site of the same SnRK1, and a regulatory subunit Akinβγ, it was possible to identify by computer analysis conserved sequences involved in regulating hormonal response to dry and light responses, indicating that the gene transcription may arise from different plant responses. This work allowed new guidelines in the study of sucrose accumulation in the culm, suggesting that conserved signal transduction pathways and hormone mediated phosphorylation may be the main reason for this phenomenon in sugarcane.
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Bioinformática aplicada à biologia sistêmica para a identificação dos fatores regulatórios do acúmulo de sacarose no colmo da cana-de-açúcar / Bioinformatics applied to systems biology for regulatory factors identification of the sucrose accumulation in sugarcane stalkMoraes, Fabricio Edgar de 15 July 2016 (has links)
A cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum spp.) é uma das principais gramíneas cultivadas do mundo e o Brasil é seu maior produtor, ela se tornou uma importante cultura devido às altas taxas de assimilação de carbono permitindo a síntese e acumulação de grandes quantidades de sacarose em seus entrenós. Com isso, faz-se necessário uma melhor compreensão dos mecanismos moleculares que regulam o acúmulo de sacarose nesta planta. Tais mecanismos têm sido estudados em vários níveis, tais como, identificação e localização de genes, identificação de lócus controladores de características quantitativas, transcriptoma, proteôma, caracterização e identificação de metabólitos. Com todos esses estudos é evidente a necessidade de uma abordagem holística para o entendimento global da planta durante o acúmulo de sacarose. Assim este trabalho teve por objetivo integrar dados de metabolômica e proteômica de tecidos da cana-de-açúcar da variedade SP80-3280 durante o desenvolvimento e o acúmulo de sacarose, utilizando a bioinformática para unir esses resultados por meio da análise de correlação canônica regularizada em uma abordagem de biologia sistêmica. Os resultados obtidos indicam diferenças no perfil metabólico e proteico da cana-açúcar durante o desenvolvimento e acúmulo de sacarose. Foram propostas classes de metabólitos que podem estar relacionados com o acúmulo de sacarose na cana-de-açúcar tais como glicerolipídeos, glicerofosfolipídeos, cumarinas e derivados, esteroides e derivados de esteroides e acil graxos. Também foram propostas proteínas que podem estar relacionadas com o acúmulo de sacarose, onde as histonas foram as que mais se destacaram. Nas redes biológicas de correlações também foram observadas correlações entre possíveis metabólitos e proteínas que podem estar correlacionadas com o acúmulo de sacarose na cana-de-açúcar / Sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) is one of the most important cultivated grasses of the world and Brazil is the largest producer, it has become an important crop due to high carbon assimilation rates allowing the synthesis and accumulation of large amounts of sucrose in their internodes. Thus, it is necessary a high understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in the regulation of sucrose accumulation in this plant. These mechanisms have been studied at various levels, such as gene identification and localization, identification of quantitative trait locus controlling, transcriptome, proteome, characterization and metabolites identification. With all these studies is evident the necessity for a holistic approach to global understanding of the plant during the sucrose accumulation. Thus, this work aims to integrate metabolomics and proteomics data from tissues of sugarcane variety SP80-3280, during plant development and sucrose accumulation, using bioinformatics to link these results by regularized canonical correlation analysis in a systems biology approach. The results indicate differences in the metabolic and protein profile of sugarcane during development and sucrose accumulation. Metabolites classes have been proposed that may be related to sugarcane sucrose accumulation as glycerolipids, glycerophospholipids, coumarins and derivatives, steroids and steroid derivatives and fatty acyl. In addition, some proteins have been proposed that may be related to sucrose accumulation, where the most highlighted were the histones. In the biological correlations networks, have been also observed correlations between possible metabolites and proteins that can be correlated with the accumulation of sucrose in sugarcane
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Bioinformática aplicada à biologia sistêmica para a identificação dos fatores regulatórios do acúmulo de sacarose no colmo da cana-de-açúcar / Bioinformatics applied to systems biology for regulatory factors identification of the sucrose accumulation in sugarcane stalkFabricio Edgar de Moraes 15 July 2016 (has links)
A cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum spp.) é uma das principais gramíneas cultivadas do mundo e o Brasil é seu maior produtor, ela se tornou uma importante cultura devido às altas taxas de assimilação de carbono permitindo a síntese e acumulação de grandes quantidades de sacarose em seus entrenós. Com isso, faz-se necessário uma melhor compreensão dos mecanismos moleculares que regulam o acúmulo de sacarose nesta planta. Tais mecanismos têm sido estudados em vários níveis, tais como, identificação e localização de genes, identificação de lócus controladores de características quantitativas, transcriptoma, proteôma, caracterização e identificação de metabólitos. Com todos esses estudos é evidente a necessidade de uma abordagem holística para o entendimento global da planta durante o acúmulo de sacarose. Assim este trabalho teve por objetivo integrar dados de metabolômica e proteômica de tecidos da cana-de-açúcar da variedade SP80-3280 durante o desenvolvimento e o acúmulo de sacarose, utilizando a bioinformática para unir esses resultados por meio da análise de correlação canônica regularizada em uma abordagem de biologia sistêmica. Os resultados obtidos indicam diferenças no perfil metabólico e proteico da cana-açúcar durante o desenvolvimento e acúmulo de sacarose. Foram propostas classes de metabólitos que podem estar relacionados com o acúmulo de sacarose na cana-de-açúcar tais como glicerolipídeos, glicerofosfolipídeos, cumarinas e derivados, esteroides e derivados de esteroides e acil graxos. Também foram propostas proteínas que podem estar relacionadas com o acúmulo de sacarose, onde as histonas foram as que mais se destacaram. Nas redes biológicas de correlações também foram observadas correlações entre possíveis metabólitos e proteínas que podem estar correlacionadas com o acúmulo de sacarose na cana-de-açúcar / Sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) is one of the most important cultivated grasses of the world and Brazil is the largest producer, it has become an important crop due to high carbon assimilation rates allowing the synthesis and accumulation of large amounts of sucrose in their internodes. Thus, it is necessary a high understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in the regulation of sucrose accumulation in this plant. These mechanisms have been studied at various levels, such as gene identification and localization, identification of quantitative trait locus controlling, transcriptome, proteome, characterization and metabolites identification. With all these studies is evident the necessity for a holistic approach to global understanding of the plant during the sucrose accumulation. Thus, this work aims to integrate metabolomics and proteomics data from tissues of sugarcane variety SP80-3280, during plant development and sucrose accumulation, using bioinformatics to link these results by regularized canonical correlation analysis in a systems biology approach. The results indicate differences in the metabolic and protein profile of sugarcane during development and sucrose accumulation. Metabolites classes have been proposed that may be related to sugarcane sucrose accumulation as glycerolipids, glycerophospholipids, coumarins and derivatives, steroids and steroid derivatives and fatty acyl. In addition, some proteins have been proposed that may be related to sucrose accumulation, where the most highlighted were the histones. In the biological correlations networks, have been also observed correlations between possible metabolites and proteins that can be correlated with the accumulation of sucrose in sugarcane
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Análise do transcritôma e proteôma do colmo de cana-de-açúcar relacionada ao metabolismo da sacarose / Transcriptomic and proteomic analysis of sugarcane culm relationaded to sucrose metabolismBoaretto, Luis Felipe 21 December 2011 (has links)
A cana-de-açúcar é uma importante cultura na economia brasileira, tanto pela produção de açúcar como pela produção de biocombustíveis, contabilizando mais de US$ 20 bilhões por ano, colocando o Brasil como o país produtor mais importante deste mercado. Por outro lado, a cana-de-açúcar atingiu o limite na produção de sacarose, um efeito da exploração da estreita base de genes utilizados nos cruzamentos dos programas de melhoramento convencional. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a dinâmica da acumulação de sacarose nos colmos da cana-de-açúcar, através da investigação da expressão gênica nos parênquimas de estocagem dos colmos das plantas de cana-deaçúcar durante o desenvolvimento, utilizando técnicas de transcritômica e proteômica. A variedade SP80-3280 foi cultivada em condições de casa de vegetação e os internós de 4-a-9 foram coletados aos 4, 7 e 10 meses de idade. Com o intuito de aumentar o conteúdo de sacarose, as plantas de 10 meses de idade foram submetidas a um período de estresse hídrico antes da coleta. Para todos os internós foram avaliados o conteúdo de açúcares solúveis e os internós 5 e 9 foram usados para análises do transcritoma e proteoma. Os perfis de expressão dos genes envolvidos no ciclo da sacarose para 4, 7 e 10 meses de idade foram estudados utilizando-se qPCR. A técnica da proteômica de 2D-PAGE foi utilizada para a comparação do perfil de expressão das proteínas entre os internós maduros, nas idades de 7 e 10 meses, e os spots selecionados foram identificados por LC-ESI-Q-TOF-MS/MS. O total de açúcares solúveis no parênquima de estocagem aumentou cerca de 2,5 vezes quando comparamos os internós maduros do colmo das plantas de 7 e 10 meses de idade. Este aumento pode ser explicado pela mudança da expressão dos genes envolvidos no metabolismo da sacarose. Sinais endógenos e exógenos à planta são responsáveis por dispararem o mecanismo de síntese da sacarose, o qual é frequentemente regulado pelas enzimas. Nós identificamos 81 proteínas de 7 e 10 meses, as quais incluem proteínas diferencialmente expressas e preferencialmente expressas. Os dados gerados pelo perfil de expressão gênica e análise do proteoma foram comparados no sentido de entender o mecanismo molecular envolvido no processo de acúmulo de sacarose. / Sugarcane is a important crop in the Brazilian economy for both, sugar and green biofuel production, accounting for more than US$ 20 billions/year, placing Brazil as the most important country in this trade. On the other hand sugarcane has reached a limit in sucrose production, an effect of the narrow gene pool used in current commercial breeding programs. Our objective was to assess the dynamics of sucrose accumulation in sugarcane stalks, by investigating the gene expression in the storage parenchyma of sugarcane plants during development, using transcriptomic and proteomic approches. Sugarcane variety (SP80-3280) was cultivated under greenhouse conditions and internodes 4-to-9 were harvested at 4, 7 and 10 months. In order to increase the sugar content, 10 month old plants were subjected to a period of water stress before sampling. All internodes were analyzed to evaluate the soluble sugars content, the internodes 5 and 9 were used in transcriptomic, and 9 was used in proteomic analyses. Expression profiles of genes involved in sucrose cycling from the 4, 7 and 10 month old plants were studied using qRT-PCR. Proteomic approaches (2D-PAGE) were done by comparing protein expression profiles between mature internode in 7 and 10 month, and the selected spots were identified by LC-ESI-Q-TOF-MS/MS. Total soluble sugars in the storage parenchyma increased around 2,5-fold when 7 and 10 month old internodes were compared. This rise could be explained by a change in the expression of genes involved in sucrose metabolism. Endogenous and exogenous signals trigger the mechanism of sucrose synthesis which is often regulated by enzymes and signaling sugars. We identified 81 proteins from the 7 and 10 month old which included differentially expressed and exclusive spots. The data from the gene expression and proteome analyses are compared in order to understand the molecular mechanisms involved in sucrose storage.
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Análise do transcritôma e proteôma do colmo de cana-de-açúcar relacionada ao metabolismo da sacarose / Transcriptomic and proteomic analysis of sugarcane culm relationaded to sucrose metabolismLuis Felipe Boaretto 21 December 2011 (has links)
A cana-de-açúcar é uma importante cultura na economia brasileira, tanto pela produção de açúcar como pela produção de biocombustíveis, contabilizando mais de US$ 20 bilhões por ano, colocando o Brasil como o país produtor mais importante deste mercado. Por outro lado, a cana-de-açúcar atingiu o limite na produção de sacarose, um efeito da exploração da estreita base de genes utilizados nos cruzamentos dos programas de melhoramento convencional. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a dinâmica da acumulação de sacarose nos colmos da cana-de-açúcar, através da investigação da expressão gênica nos parênquimas de estocagem dos colmos das plantas de cana-deaçúcar durante o desenvolvimento, utilizando técnicas de transcritômica e proteômica. A variedade SP80-3280 foi cultivada em condições de casa de vegetação e os internós de 4-a-9 foram coletados aos 4, 7 e 10 meses de idade. Com o intuito de aumentar o conteúdo de sacarose, as plantas de 10 meses de idade foram submetidas a um período de estresse hídrico antes da coleta. Para todos os internós foram avaliados o conteúdo de açúcares solúveis e os internós 5 e 9 foram usados para análises do transcritoma e proteoma. Os perfis de expressão dos genes envolvidos no ciclo da sacarose para 4, 7 e 10 meses de idade foram estudados utilizando-se qPCR. A técnica da proteômica de 2D-PAGE foi utilizada para a comparação do perfil de expressão das proteínas entre os internós maduros, nas idades de 7 e 10 meses, e os spots selecionados foram identificados por LC-ESI-Q-TOF-MS/MS. O total de açúcares solúveis no parênquima de estocagem aumentou cerca de 2,5 vezes quando comparamos os internós maduros do colmo das plantas de 7 e 10 meses de idade. Este aumento pode ser explicado pela mudança da expressão dos genes envolvidos no metabolismo da sacarose. Sinais endógenos e exógenos à planta são responsáveis por dispararem o mecanismo de síntese da sacarose, o qual é frequentemente regulado pelas enzimas. Nós identificamos 81 proteínas de 7 e 10 meses, as quais incluem proteínas diferencialmente expressas e preferencialmente expressas. Os dados gerados pelo perfil de expressão gênica e análise do proteoma foram comparados no sentido de entender o mecanismo molecular envolvido no processo de acúmulo de sacarose. / Sugarcane is a important crop in the Brazilian economy for both, sugar and green biofuel production, accounting for more than US$ 20 billions/year, placing Brazil as the most important country in this trade. On the other hand sugarcane has reached a limit in sucrose production, an effect of the narrow gene pool used in current commercial breeding programs. Our objective was to assess the dynamics of sucrose accumulation in sugarcane stalks, by investigating the gene expression in the storage parenchyma of sugarcane plants during development, using transcriptomic and proteomic approches. Sugarcane variety (SP80-3280) was cultivated under greenhouse conditions and internodes 4-to-9 were harvested at 4, 7 and 10 months. In order to increase the sugar content, 10 month old plants were subjected to a period of water stress before sampling. All internodes were analyzed to evaluate the soluble sugars content, the internodes 5 and 9 were used in transcriptomic, and 9 was used in proteomic analyses. Expression profiles of genes involved in sucrose cycling from the 4, 7 and 10 month old plants were studied using qRT-PCR. Proteomic approaches (2D-PAGE) were done by comparing protein expression profiles between mature internode in 7 and 10 month, and the selected spots were identified by LC-ESI-Q-TOF-MS/MS. Total soluble sugars in the storage parenchyma increased around 2,5-fold when 7 and 10 month old internodes were compared. This rise could be explained by a change in the expression of genes involved in sucrose metabolism. Endogenous and exogenous signals trigger the mechanism of sucrose synthesis which is often regulated by enzymes and signaling sugars. We identified 81 proteins from the 7 and 10 month old which included differentially expressed and exclusive spots. The data from the gene expression and proteome analyses are compared in order to understand the molecular mechanisms involved in sucrose storage.
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Analyse des caractères d’intérêt morphogénétiques et biochimiques pour le développement des sorghos sucrés à double usage « grain-bioalcool » / Analysis of useful morphogenetic and biochemical traits for the development of dual-purpose “grain-bioethanol” sweet sorghumsGutjahr, Sylvain 05 July 2012 (has links)
Dans l'optique de produire des agro‐carburants, le sorgho sucré est aujourd'hui proposé comme une alternative à d'autres espèces cultivées à grande échelle comme la canne à sucre et le maïs car il présente plusieurs avantages : le sorgho est résistant à la sécheresse et à la chaleur, il nécessite peu d'intrants, a en moyenne un cycle de culture relativement court (3‐4 mois) comparé à la canne à sucre. Il offre une grande diversité génétique à explorer et exploiter, tout en étant génétiquement moins complexe que la canne à sucre. Finalement, il peut être cultivé pour un double usage, le grain pouvant être utilisé comme source d'alimentation pour l'homme ou le bétail (à partir du grain) et le jus sucré contenu par les tiges comme source d'agrocarburant. Cette polyvalence en fait une culture idéale pour lutter contre la compétition entre cultures énergétiques et cultures vivrières et assurer des rendements dans des environnements de culture sujets au stress hydrique et thermique comme c'est le cas en Afrique de l'Ouest. Cependant, le caractère sucré du sorgho est complexe, car sous l'influence d'interactions Génotype X Environnement (GxE). Aussi, les mécanismes métaboliques, morphologiques ou phénologiques constituant la cinétique d'accumulation des glucides dans la tige et son éventuelle compétition avec le remplissage des grains restent mal connus ou très controversés dans la littérature. La présente thèse, réalisée dans le cadre du projet européen Sweetfuel, vise à comprendre ces mécanismes, afin de contribuer à la définition d'idéotypes de sorgho double usage, pour les environnements soudano‐sahéliens.Sur la base d'études expérimentales au champ au Mali et en serre en France, il a pu être démontré que les glucides sont accumulés dans les entrenoeuds des tiges par un jeu d'activités enzymatiques (favorisant l'accumulation d'hexoses puis de saccharose) dès le début de leur élongation, donc potentiellement avant la floraison. Au Mali, l'étude au champ de 14 génotypes adaptés aux conditions locales, plus ou moins sensibles à la photopériode et semés à trois dates différentes, a démontré le bénéfice d'un rallongement de la phase végétative sur la quantité de sucre accumulée dans les tiges de la plante à floraison, du fait d'un plus grand nombre d'entrenoeuds allongés et du temps à leur disposition pour accumuler des glucides avant ce stade. Ce bénéfice était cependant plus lié à la plus grande quantité de biomasse accumulée (taille des tiges) qu'à la concentration en sucre dans les entrenoeuds (plutôt stable entre dates de semis).Ainsi, la durée de la phase végétative et la sensibilité à la photopériode sont proposés comme des paramètres clés favorisant la quantité de glucides accumulée dans les tiges de la plante à floraison. D'autre part, il a été montré que la quantité de glucides présente à maturité dans les tiges des mêmes génotypes ne différait pas ou peu de celle à floraison, une éventuelle réduction pour quelques génotypes n'étant généralement pas significative et évitable par l'allongement du cycle. De plus, cette quantité de glucides dans les tiges à maturité n'a tiré aucun bénéfice de l'ablation de la panicule à floraison chez les mêmes génotypes. Ces résultats suggèrent que la compétition entre le remplissage du grain et la production de sucre est faible chez le sorgho, d'autant plus faible que la plante présente de grandes tiges et donc un grand compartiment de stockage des glucides, tamponnant cette éventuelle compétition. D'ailleurs, à une échelle plus fine, aucune différence n'a pu être mise en évidence en termes d'activité des principales enzymes du métabolisme carboné dans la tige d'un génotype dans sa version stérile (pas de remplissage du grain) et fertile.Ce travail a démontré le potentiel du sorgho pour une double utilisation dans un contexte soudano‐sahélien et la pertinence d'exploiter la diversité génétique de cette espèce pour cette objectif de sélection. Les résultats ob / Sweet sorghum offers many advantages as an alternative to widely cultivated crops such as corn and sugarcane to produce biofuels: it is resistant to water stress, it requires few inputs; it has a shorter growth cycle compared to sugarcane in particular. Sorghum also exhibits a great genetic diversity and is genetically less complex than sugarcane. Finally, sorghum can be cultivated for dual‐purpose uses, using grains for food or feed and sweet juice for biofuel production. Hence, sorghum is a promising option to reduce the competition for land and (water) resource use between food and fuel, in particular in cropping environments with high drought and heat stress frequency, as in West Africa. However, stem sweetness is a complex trait prone to genotype x environment interactions (GxE). The metabolic, morphological and phenological mechanisms involved in the kinetic of stem sugar accumulation and its possible competition with grain filling are largely unknown or controversial in the literature. The present work is part of the European project Sweetfuel and aims at better understanding these mechanisms and contributing to define dual‐purpose sorghum ideotypes for soudano‐sahelian conditions.Based on field and greenhouse experiments respectively in Mali and France, it was found that sugars start accumulating in stem internodes at the onset of their elongation, i.e. potentially soon before the plant flowers. The successive accumulation of hexose and then sucrose in internodes could be dynamically explained by changes in the activity of key enzymes related to sucrose metabolism. In Mali, a field experiment performed on 14 genotypes, contrasted for photoperiod sensitivity and sown at three planting dates, highlighted the interest of increasing vegetative phase duration to increase sugar yield. This was explained first of all by the higher number of internodes that could expand during a longer vegetative phase, and thus, by the higher production of stem biomass, and, to a minor extent, by the longer time for internodes to mature and accumulate sugar (sugar concentration in the stem was however fairly stable across sowing dates). Also, vegetative phase duration and photoperiod sensitivity can be considered as two key parameters promoting stem sugar content before grain filling. In the same time, it was shown that stem sugar content kept remarkably constant between anthesis and maturity in most of studied genotypes and that the reduction observed for some genotypes was overcome with an early sowing. Moreover, sugar accumulation in the stem between flowering and maturity did not benefit from panicle pruning. These results together suggest that the competition for carbohydrates between stem sugar reserves and grain filling is weak; it is even weaker for big/large stem genotypes with huge sugar reserves in the stem that would buffer a post‐flowering allocation of sugar from the stem to the grains if required. This low competition was confirmed at a finer scale, as no differences were observed in the activity of key enzymes of sucrose metabolism between the sterile and the fertile line of a same genotype.This work demonstrates the potential of sorghum for dual‐purpose in particular for soudano‐sahelian cropping conditions and the interest of using its genetic diversity for this breeding purpose. It provides further knowledge for revisiting the phenotyping strategies to be adopted to investigate the genetic basis of sugar and grain production and their combination. The results are also currently used to improve the way the source‐sink relationships underlying this dual production are formalized in crop and plant models at CIRAD. Such models will be then useful to assist sorghum ideotype exploration for dual purpose.
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