Spelling suggestions: "subject:"disulfur."" "subject:"desulfur.""
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Comprehensive metabolite analysis in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii : method development and application to the study of environmental and genetic perturbationsBölling, Christian January 2006 (has links)
This study introduces a method for multiparallel analysis of small organic compounds in the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, one of the premier model organisms in cell biology. The comprehensive study of the changes of metabolite composition, or metabolomics, in response to environmental, genetic or developmental signals is an important complement of other functional genomic techniques in the effort to develop an understanding of how genes, proteins and metabolites are all integrated into a seamless and dynamic network to sustain cellular functions.
The sample preparation protocol was optimized to quickly inactivate enzymatic activity, achieve maximum extraction capacity and process large sample quantities. As a result of the rapid sampling, extraction and analysis by gas chromatography coupled to time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC-TOF) more than 800 analytes from a single sample can be measured, of which over a 100 could be positively identified. As part of the analysis of GC-TOF raw data, aliquot ratio analysis to systematically remove artifact signals and tools for the use of principal component analysis (PCA) on metabolomic datasets are proposed.
Cells subjected to nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), sulfur (S) or iron (Fe) depleted growth conditions develop highly distinctive metabolite profiles with metabolites implicated in many different processes being affected in their concentration during adaptation to nutrient deprivation.
Metabolite profiling allowed characterization of both specific and general responses to nutrient deprivation at the metabolite level. Modulation of the substrates for N-assimilation and the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway indicated a priority for maintaining the capability for immediate activation of N assimilation even under conditions of decreased metabolic activity and arrested growth, while the rise in 4-hydroxyproline in S deprived cells could be related to enhanced degradation of proteins of the cell wall.
The adaptation to sulfur deficiency was analyzed with greater temporal resolution and responses of wild-type cells were compared with mutant cells deficient in SAC1, an important regulator of the sulfur deficiency response. Whereas concurrent metabolite depletion and accumulation occurs during adaptation to S deprivation in wild-type cells, the sac1 mutant strain is characterized by a massive incapability to sustain many processes that normally lead to transient or permanent accumulation of the levels of certain metabolites or recovery of metabolite levels after initial down-regulation.
For most of the steps in arginine biosynthesis in Chlamydomonas mutants have been isolated that are deficient in the respective enzyme activities. Three strains deficient in the activities of N-acetylglutamate-5-phosphate reductase (arg1), N2 acetylornithine-aminotransferase (arg9), and argininosuccinate lyase (arg2), respectively, were analyzed with regard to activation of endogenous arginine biosynthesis after withdrawal of externally supplied arginine. Enzymatic blocks in the arginine biosynthetic pathway could be characterized by precursor accumulation, like the amassment of argininosuccinate in arg2 cells, and depletion of intermediates occurring downstream of the enzymatic block, e.g. N2-acetylornithine, ornithine, and argininosuccinate depletion in arg9 cells. The unexpected finding of substantial levels of the arginine pathway intermediates N-acetylornithine, citrulline, and argininosuccinate downstream the enzymatic block in arg1 cells provided an explanation for the residual growth capacity of these cells in the absence of external arginine sources. The presence of these compounds, together with the unusual accumulation of N-Acetylglutamate, the first intermediate that commits the glutamate backbone to ornithine and arginine biosynthesis, in arg1 cells suggests that alternative pathways, possibly involving the activity of ornithine aminotransferase, may be active when the default reaction sequence to produce ornithine via acetylation of glutamate is disabled. / Entwicklung und Anwendung von Methoden zur multiparallelen Analyse von Metaboliten in der einzelligen Grünalge Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, einem der wichtigsten Modellorganismen der Zellbiologie, sind Gegenstand dieser Arbeit. Metabolomanalyse, die umfassende Analyse von Veränderungen der Konzentrationen von Stoffwechselprodukten durch Umweltreize oder genetische und entwicklungsbedingte Signale, ist ein wichtiges Komplement anderer Genomanalysemethoden, um die Integration von Genen, Proteinen und Metaboliten in ein nahtloses und dynamisches Netzwerk zur Aufrechterhaltung der Lebensfunktionen eines Organismus zu verstehen.
Die Methode wurde im Hinblick auf schnelle Inaktivierung enzymatischer Aktivität, Maximierung der Extraktionskapazität und Behandlung großer Probenmengen optimiert. Im Ergebnis der Probenaufarbeitung, Extraktion und Analyse mittels Gaschromatographie und Time-Of-Flight-Massenspektrometrie konnten mehr als 800 analytische Signale in Einzelproben dargestellt werden, von denen über 100 identifiziert werden konnten. Die Arbeit stellt methodische Innovationen zur systematischen Erkennung von Artefakten in GC-MS Chromatogrammen und Werkzeuge zur Anwendung der Hauptkomponentenanalyse auf Metabolom-Daten vor.
Zellen unter Stickstoff- (N), Phosphor- (P), Schwefel- (S), oder Eisen- (Fe) Mangel zeigen deutliche Unterschiede in ihrer Metabolitenausstattung. Die Anpassung an die einzelnen Nährstoffmangelsituationen ist durch spezifische Änderungen einer Reihe von Metaboliten zentraler Prozesse des Primärstoffwechsels gekennzeichnet. Die Konzentrationsänderungen von Substraten für die Stickstoffassimilation und den oxidativen Pentosephosphatweg deuten darauf hin, dass die Fähigkeit zur schnellen Aktivierung der N-Assimilation auch unter Bedingungen herabgesetzter Stoffwechsel- und Wachstumsaktivität aufrechterhalten wird. Die Akkumulation von 4-Hydroxyprolin unter Schwefelmangel könnte im Zusammenhang stehen mit der Degradation von Proteinen der Chlamydomonas-Zellwand, deren wesentlicher Bestandteil hydroxyprolinreiche Glykoproteine sind und die unter Schwefelmangel aktiv umgebaut wird.
Die Anpassung an Schwefelmangel wurde mit größerer zeitlicher Auflösung in Wildtyp-Zellen und Zellen des sac1-Stammes untersucht. SAC1 ist ein zentraler Regulator der Schwefelmangelantwort in Chlamydomonas. Zeitgleiche Ab- und Zunahme von Metaboliten ist ein charakteristisches Element der Anpassung an Schwefelmangel in Wildtypzellen. Die Reaktion von SAC1-Mutanten auf Schwefelmangel ist durch weit reichenden Verlust zur Steuerung von Prozessen gekennzeichnet, die normalerweise zur vorübergehenden oder dauerhaften Anreicherung bestimmter Metabolite führen.
Die Verfügbarkeit von Chlamydomonas-Stämmen mit fehlender Enzymaktivität für fast jeden der Schritte der Argininbiosynthese eröffnet die Möglichkeit, das Potential der Metabolitenanalyse zur Untersuchung der Regulation der Aminosäurebiosynthese in photosynthetischen Eukaryoten zur Anwendung zu bringen. Drei Stämme, mit fehlender Aktivität für N-Acetylglutamat-5-phosphat Reduktase (arg1), N2 Acetylornithin-Aminotransferase (arg9) beziehungsweise Argininosuccinat Lyase (arg2) wurden in Bezug auf die Aktivierung ihrer endogenen Argininbiosynthese nach Entzug externer Argininquellen analysiert. Die einzelnen enzymatischen Blocks konnten durch Precursor-Anreicherung, wie die Anhäufung von Argininosuccinat in arg2-Zellen, und Erschöpfung von Intermediaten nachgelagerter Reaktionen, beispielsweise die deutliche Abnahme von N2-Acetylornithin, Ornithin und Argininosuccinat in arg9-Zellen charakterisiert werden. Das unerwartete Vorhandensein von zum Teil das Wildtyp-Niveau überschreitender Mengen von N2-Acetylornithin, Citrullin und Argininosuccinat, die Produkte bzw. Substrate dem enzymatischen Block nachgelagerter Reaktionen in arg1-Zellen sind, bot eine Erklärung für eine noch vorhandene Restkapazität zum Wachstum des arg1-Stamms auch ohne äußere Arginingabe. Der Nachweis dieser Verbindungen sowie die ungewöhnliche Anreicherung von N-Acetylglutamat, der ersten Verbindung, die das Glutamat-Gerüst für die Ornithin- und Argininsynthese bindet, in arg1-Zellen könnte auf alternative Reaktionen, möglicherweise unter Beteiligung von Ornithin-Aminotransferase, zur Synthese von Ornithin hindeuten, die in Erscheinung treten, wenn die Synthesekette nach Acetylierung von Glutamat blockiert ist.
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Charakterisierung der Funktion der Rhodanese YnjE für die Molybdänkofaktor Biosynthese in Escherichia coli / Characterization of the Rhodanese YnjE regarding Molybdenum Cofaktor Biosynthesis in E. coliUrban, Alexander January 2008 (has links)
Die ubiquitär verbreitete Molybdänkofaktorbiosynthese ist in Escherichia coli (E. coli) bisher am umfassendsten untersucht. Bislang war jedoch nicht bekannt, welche physiologische Schwefelquelle im zweiten Schritt dieses Syntheseweges zur Bildung der charakteristischen Dithiolengruppe genutzt wird. Erste Untersuchungen deuteten auf eine der Cysteindesulfurasen E. colis hin, welche in Verbindung mit einem rhodaneseähnlichen Protein den Schwefel in Form eines Persulfids übertragen. Ähnliche Mechanismen wurden bereits in der humanen Moco-Biosynthese und der Thiaminbiosynthese identifiziert.
In dieser Arbeit wurde das E. coli Protein YnjE näher charakterisiert. Es handelt sich bei YnjE um ein rhodaneseähnliches Protein aus drei Rhodanesedomänen. Durch Proteinkristallisation und anschliessender Röntgenstrukturanalyse wurde die Tertiärstruktur des YnjE-Proteins analysiert. Die hergestellten Kristalle konnten zur Gewinnung von Strukturdaten vermessen und eine Proteinkristallstruktur für YnjE berechnet werden. Desweiteren besitzt YnjE ein N-terminales Typ I Sekretionssystem abhängiges Sipnalpeptid. Durch Lokalisieungsexperimente wurde die Bedeutung des Signalpeptids für das YnjE-Protein untersucht. Dabei wurde festgestellt, dass endogenes YnjE sowohl im peri- als auch im cytoplasmatischen Raum lokalisiert ist. Auf Grund von vorhergehenden Studien, wurde eine Funktion des YnjE-Proteins innerhalb der Molybdänkofaktorbiosynthese in der Schwefelübertragung auf das Protein MoaD in E. coli vermutet und deshalb in dieser Arbeit näher untersucht. Es wurde eine Interaktion des YnjE-Proteins mit dem MoeB-Protein, welches für die Thiocarboxylierung des MoaD-Proteins essentiell ist, durch Tandem-Affinitätsreinigung und Antikörper-basierte Affinitätsreinigung nachgewiesen und ein signifikanter positiver Einfluss YnjEs auf die Bildung von Molybdopterin, einer Vorstufe des Molybdänkofaktors, bestätigt. Dabei wurde sowohl der Sulfurierungsgrad des MoaD-Proteins in YnjE und Cysteindesulfurase-knock-out Mutanten untersucht, als auch die Bildung von Molybdopterin in einem in vitro Ansatz in Abhängigkeit von steigenden YnjE-Konzentrationen analysiert. Im Ergebnis kann man daraus schließen, dass der Mechanismus der Schwefelübertragung ähnlich der Thiaminbiosynthese, über eine der drei Cysteindesulfurasen CsdA, SufS oder IscS geschieht, welche Schwefel in Form eines Persulfids auf YnjE übertragen können. Thiosulfat und Mercaptopyruvat, die Substrate für die beiden Familien der rhodaneseähnlichen Proteine, Thiosulfat-Sulfurtransferasen und Mercaptopyruvat-Sulfurtransferasen, dienen nicht als Substrate für eine Persulfurierung YnjEs. Durch eine Austauschmutante des Cysteinrestes der aktiven Schleife von YnjE konnte nicht bestätigt werden, dass dieser Aminosäurerest und damit die Bildung eines YnjE-gebundenen Persulfids für die positive Beeinflussung der MPT-Synthese essentiell ist. Vielmehr kann durch diese Arbeit von einer Vermittlung der Interaktionen zwischen MoeB, IscS und der MPT-Synthase durch YnjE ausgegangen werden wobei die Cysteindesulfurase IscS den Schwefel für die Thiocarboxylierung des MoaD-Proteins liefert. / The rhodanese-like protein YnjE was characterized in this study. After protein christallization the stucture of the YnjE protein was analyzed. Subzellular localization experiments revealed, that the YnjE protein is present both in cytoplasm and periplasm. Interaction studies and in vitro synthesis of Molybdopterin revealed an influence of YnjE on Molybdenum Cofactor Biosynthesis.A sulfur transfer from L-Cystein to YnjE by a Cystein desulfurase was not responsible for the the effects on Molybdenum Cofaktor Biosynthesis, since a YnjE cysteine 385 to alanine mutant showed the same effect on Molybdenum Cofaktor Biosynthesis.
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Biological Hydrogen Production By Using Co-cultures Of Pns BacteriaBaysal, Gorkem 01 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Biological hydrogen production is a renewable, carbon-neutral and clean route for hydrogen production. Purple non-sulfur (PNS) bacteria have the ability to produce biohydrogen via photofermentation process. The type of the bacterial strain used in photofermentation is known to have an important effect on hydrogen yield. In this study, the effect of different co-cultures of PNS bacteria on photofermentation process was investigated in search of improving the hydrogen yield.
For this purpose, growth, hydrogen production and substrate utilization of single and co-cultures of different PNS bacteria (R. capsulatus (DSM 1710), R. capsulatus hup-
(YO3), R. palustris (DSM 127) and R. sphaeroides O.U.001 (DSM 5864)) were compared on artificial H2 production medium in 150 mL photobioreactors under continuous illumination and anaerobic conditions.
In general, higher hydrogen yields were obtained via co-cultivation of two different PNS bacteria when compared with single cultures. Further increase in hydrogen yield was observed with co-cultivation of three different PNS bacteria.
Co-cultures of two different PNS bacteria have resulted in up to 1.4 and 2.1 fold increase in hydrogen yield and hydrogen productivity.
Whereas co-cultures of three different PNS bacteria have resulted in up to 1.6 and 2.0 fold increase in hydrogen yield and hydrogen productivity compared to single cultures.
These results indicate that, defined co-cultures of PNS bacteria produce hydrogen at a higher yield and productivity, due most probably to some synergistic relationship. Further studies regarding the physiological and molecular changes need to be carried out for deeper understanding of the mechanism of hydrogen production in co-cultures.
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Structure and bonding of sulfur-containing molecules and complexesDamian Risberg, Emiliana January 2007 (has links)
Synchrotron-based spectroscopic techniques enable investigations of the many important biological and environmental functions of the ubiquitous element sulfur. In this thesis the methods for interpreting sulfur K-edge X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectra are developed and applied for analyses of functional sulfur groups. The influence of coordination, pH, hydrogen bonding, etc., on the sulfur 1s electronic excitations is evaluated by transition potential density functional theory. Analyses have been performed of reduced sulfur compounds in marine-archaeological wood from historical shipwrecks, including the Vasa, Stockholm, Sweden and the Mary Rose, Portsmouth, U.K.. The accumulation of sulfur as thiols in lignin-rich parts of the wood on the seabed is also a probable pathway in the natural sulfur cycle for how reduced sulfur enters fossil fuels via humic matter in anaerobic marine sediments. Sulfur K-edge XANES spectra for several biochemical model compounds and for coexisting isomeric sulfur species in cysteine and sulfite(IV) aqueous solutions have been analyzed with the aid of theoretical calculations. Cysteine derivatives are important for biochemical detoxification, and mercury(II) cysteine complexes in solution have been structurally characterized by means of Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS), Raman and 199Hg NMR spectroscopy. Lanthanoid(III) ions were found to coordinate eight dimethyl sulfoxide oxygen atoms in a distorted square antiprism in the solid state and in solution, by combining crystallography, EXAFS, XANES and vibrational spectroscopy. The mean M-O bond distances for the disordered crystal structures are in good agreement with those from the lattice-independent EXAFS studies. The different sulfur K-edge XANES spectra for the dimethyl sulfoxide ligands in the hexasolvated complexes of the trivalent group 13 metal ions, Tl(III), In(III), Ga(III) and Al(III), were interpreted by theoretical calculations.
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Sulfur-Related Conservation Concerns in Marine Archaeological Wood : The Origin, Speciation and Distribution of Accumulated Sulfur with Some Remedies for the VasaFors, Yvonne January 2008 (has links)
Synchrotron-based sulfur spectroscopy reveals a common concern for marine archaeological wood from seawater: accumulation of reduced sulfur compounds in two pathways. The distribution of sulfur species in the oak wood cell structure was mapped by scanning x-ray spectro-microscopy (SXM). Organically bound sulfur was found within lignin-rich parts, identified mainly as thiols and disulfides by sulfur K-edge x-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy. Particles of iron sulfides, which may form in the presence of corroding iron, appeared in wood cavities. Cores scanned by x-ray fluorescence (XRF) show that high sulfur accumulation is restricted to the surface layers for the Swedish shipwreck Vasa, while the distribution is rather uniform throughout the hull timbers of the Mary Rose, U.K. Laboratory experiments, exposing fresh pine to simulated seabed conditions, show that the organically bound sulfur develop in reactions between lignin, exposed by cellulose-degrading erosion bacteria, and hydrogen sulfide produced in situ by scavenging sulfate reducing bacteria. With bacteria inoculated from shipwreck samples also iron sulfides formed. The iron sulfides oxidise in high humidity, and are the probable main cause of the numerous outbreaks on the Vasa’s hull of acidic sulfate salts, which were identified by x-ray powder diffraction (XRD). The iron ions catalyse several wood-degrading oxidative processes. Multi-elemental analyses were performed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (ESCA). The present amounts of total S remaining in the Vasa and the Mary Rose are estimated to at least 2 tonnes. After the Vasa´s spray treatment with polyethylene glycol solutions ceased in 1979, the continuing oxidation processes are estimated to have produced 2 tonnes of sulfuric acid in the wood. Laboratory experiments to gently neutralize acidic Vasa wood by ammonia gas have been conducted with promising results.
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Structural Driving Factors for the Coupled Electron and Proton Transfer Reactions in Mitochondrial Cytochrome BC1 Complex: Binding Geometries of Substrates and Protonation States of Ionizable Amino Acid Side Chains Near Qi and Qo SitesNguyen, Bao Linh Tran 16 April 2014 (has links)
Coupled electron and proton transfer (CEPT) events are fundamental for many bioenergetic conversions that involve redox reactions. Understanding the details underlying CEPT processes will advance our knowledge of (1) how nature regulates energy conversion; (2) our strategies for achieving renewable energy sources; (3) how to cope with CEPT dysfunction diseases. Studies of the detailed mechanism(s) of CEPT in biological systems is challenging due to their complex nature. Consequently, controversies between the concerted and sequential mechanism of CEPT for many systems remain. This dissertation focuses on the bovine mitochondrial cytochrome bc1 complex. CEPT in the bc1 complex operates by a modified "Q-cycle"(1) and catalyzes electron transfer from ubiquinol (QH2), to cyt c via an iron sulfur cluster (ISC) and to the low potential hemes of cyt b, where it reduces ubiquinone (UQ). The electron transfer is coupled to the translocation of protons across the mitochondrial inner membrane, generating a proton gradient that drives ATP synthesis. Although the Q-cycle is widely accepted as the model that best describes how electrons and protons flow in bc1, detailed binding geometries at the Qo site (QH2 oxidation site) and Qi site (UQ reduction site) remain controversial. The binding geometries play critical roles in the thermodynamic and/or kinetic control of the reaction and protonatable amino acid side chains can participate in the proton transfer. The central focuses of this dissertation are molecular dynamics simulations of cofactor binding geometries near the Qo and Qi sites, calculations of the pKa values of ionizable amino acid side chains implicated in cofactor binding, especially the ISC-coordinated histidines, and implications for the proposed mechanism(s) of CEPT. For the first time, pKa values of the ISC-coordinated histidines are differentiated. The computed pKa values of 7.8±0.5 for His141 and 9.1±0.6 for His161 agree well with experiment (7.63±0.15 and 9.16±0.28). Thus, His161 should be protonated at physiological pH and cannot be the first proton acceptor in the QH2 oxidation. Water mediated hydrogen bonds between substrate models and the protein and water accessibility to the Qo and Qi sites were maintained in simulations, implying that water molecules are likely the proton donors and acceptors. / Bayer School of Natural and Environmental Sciences; / Chemistry and Biochemistry / PhD; / Dissertation;
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Functional Materials for Rechargeable Li Battery and Hydrogen StorageHe, Guang January 2012 (has links)
The exploration of functional materials to store renewable, clean, and efficient energies for electric vehicles (EVs) has become one of the most popular topics in both material chemistry and electrochemistry. Rechargeable lithium batteries and fuel cells are considered as the most promising candidates, but they are both facing some challenges before the practical applications. For example, the low discharge capacity and energy density of the current lithium ion battery cannot provide EVs expected drive range to compete with internal combustion engined vehicles. As for fuel cells, the rapid and safe storage of H2 gas is one of the main obstacles hindering its application. In this thesis, novel mesoporous/nano functional materials that served as cathodes for lithium sulfur battery and lithium ion battery were studied. Ternary lithium transition metal nitrides were also synthesized and examined as potential on-board hydrogen storage materials for EVs.
Highly ordered mesoporous carbon (BMC-1) was prepared via the evaporation-induced self-assembly strategy, using soluble phenolic resin and Tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) as precursors and triblock copolymer (ethylene oxide)106(propylene oxide)70(ethylene oxide)106 (F127) as the template. This carbon features a unique bimodal structure (2.0 nm and 5.6 nm), coupled with high specific area (2300 m2/g) and large pore volume (2.0 cm3/g). The BMC-1/S nanocomposites derived from this carbon with different sulfur content exhibit high reversible discharge capacities. For example, the initial capacity of the cathode with 50 wt% of sulfur was 995 mAh/g and remains at 550 mAh/g after 100 cycles at a high current density of 1670 mA/g (1C). The good performance of the BMC-1C/S cathodes is attributed to the bimodal structure of the carbon, and the large number of small mesopores that interconnect the isolated cylindrical pores (large pores). This unique structure facilitates the transfer of polysulfide anions and lithium ions through the large pores. Therefore, high capacity was obtained even at very high current rates. Small mesopores created during the preparation served as containers and confined polysulfide species at the cathode. The cycling stability was further improved by incorporating a small amount of porous silica additive in the cathodes.
The main disadvantage of the BMC-1 framework is that it is difficult to incorporate more than 60 wt% sulfur in the BMC-1/S cathodes due to the micron-sized particles of the carbon. Two approaches were employed to solve this problem. First, the pore volume of the BMC-1 was enlarged by using pore expanders. Second, the particle size of BMC-1 was reduced by using a hard template of silica. Both of these two methods had significant influence on improving the performance of the carbon/sulfur cathodes, especially the latter. The obtained spherical BMC-1 nanoparticles (S-BMC) with uniform particle size of 300 nm exhibited one of the highest inner pore volumes for mesoporous carbon nanoparticles of 2.32 cm3/g and also one of the highest surface areas of 2445 m2/g with a bimodal pore size distribution of large and small mesopores of 6 nm and 3.1 nm. As much as 70 wt% sulfur was incorporated into the S-BMC/S nanocomposites. The corresponding electrodes showed a high initial discharge capacity up to 1200 mAh/g and 730 mAh/g after 100 cycles at a high current rate 1C (1675 mA/g). The stability of the cells could be further improved by either removal of the sulfur on the external surface of spherical particles or functionalization of the C/S composites via a simple TEOS induced SiOx coating process. In addition, the F-BMC/S cathodes prepared with mesoporous carbon nanofibers displayed similar performance as the S-BMC/S. These results indicate the importance of particle size control of mesoporous carbons on electrochemical properties of the Li-S cells.
By employing the order mesoporous C/SiO2 framework, Li2CoSiO4/C nanocomposites were synthesized via a facile hydrothermal method. The morphology and particle size of the composites could be tailored by simply adjusting the concentrations of the base LiOH. By increasing the ratio of LiOH:SiO2:CoCl2 in the precursors, the particle size decreased at first and then went up. When the molar ratio is equal to 8:1:1, uniform spheres with a mean diameter of 300-400 nm were obtained, among which hollow and core shell structures were observed. The primary reaction mechanism was discussed, where the higher concentration of OH- favored the formation of Li2SiO3 but hindered the subsequent conversion to Li2CoSiO4. According to the elemental maps and TGA of the Li2CoSiO4/C, approximately 2 wt% of nanoscale carbon was distributed on/in the Li2CoSiO4, due to the collapse of the highly ordered porous structure of MCS. These carbons played a significant role in improving the electrochemical performance of the electrode. Without any ball-mill or carbon wiring treatments, the Li2CoSiO4/C-8 exhibited an initial discharge capacity of 162 mAh/g, much higher than that of the sample synthesized with fume silica under similar conditions and a subsequent hand-mixing of Ketjen black.
Finally, lithium transition metal nitrides Li7VN4 and Li7MnN4 were prepared by high temperature solid-state reactions. These two compounds were attempted as candidates for hydrogen storage both by density functional theory (DFT) calculations and experiments. The results show that Li7VN4 did not absorb hydrogen under our experimental conditions, and Li7MnN4 was observed to absorb 7 hydrogen atoms through the formation of LiH, Mn4N, and ammonia gas. While these results for Li7VN4 and Li7MnN4 differ in detail, they are in overall qualitative agreement with our theoretical work, which strongly suggests that both compounds are unlikely to form quaternary hydrides.
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Improved Mouse Models for the Study of Treatment Modalities using Sulfur-containing Small-molecular-Weight Molecules for Passive Immune-mediated ThrombocytopeniaKatsman, Yulia 12 February 2010 (has links)
Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) is an autoimmune disease characterized by
autoantibody-mediated platelet destruction. To test the efficacy of novel sulfur compounds as
alternative treatments for ITP, we used a mouse model of passive immune thrombocytopenia
(PIT). Using this model, the platelet nadir could not be maintained, with platelet counts rising
after day 4, despite daily anti-platelet antibody administration. We examined reticulated platelet
counts by flow cytometry, and found increased thrombopoiesis in the bone marrow to be at least
partially responsible for this platelet rebound. Consequentially, two improved mouse models of
PIT were developed, where the platelet rebound is circumvented. The first model employs sublethal
total body gamma-irradiation in combination with daily antibody administration, while the
second model employs gradual escalation of the daily antibody dose. Finally, we show that none
of the tested candidate compounds show efficacy in elevating platelet counts in vivo, likely due
to their limited solubility.
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Reduction of TRS Emissions from Lime KilnsAminvaziri, Bahar 15 December 2009 (has links)
The pulp and paper industry has been struggling to meet the new and stringent TRS (Total Reduced Sulphur) emission compliance standards established in recent years. However, a new approach by some regulatory bodies gives intricate operational parameters a new and important role in achieving environmental compliance. TRS compounds that cause the distinctive pulp mill odour, originate from sodium sulphide in white liquor used in the kraft pulping process. Up to 20% of TRS emissions could originate from the lime kiln and lime mud solids content is one of the operational parameters that could help reduce the TRS emissions from the lime kiln. Residual sodium sulphide in the lime mud that results in TRS gases, is dissolved in the moisture content of the mud. Although efficient lime mud washing can remove most of the residual sodium sulphide, the remaining moisture content of the mud still contains some sodium sulphide. Therefore, improved lime mud dewatering can be effective in reducing the TRS emissions from the lime kiln. Data presented in this study confirms that as the lime mud solids content increases, TRS emissions from the lime kiln decrease. Data analysis demonstrates a negative linear correlation at 5% significance level between TRS emissions and lime mud solids.
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Exploring New Synthetic Routes to Frustrated Lewis PairsTanur, Cheryl 25 August 2011 (has links)
Gold(I) and copper(I) imidazolium complexes were synthesized and probed for use as bulky Lewis acids in frustrated Lewis pairs (FLPs) with bulky phosphines and amines. Their reactivity with small molecules was investigated and the compounds were fully characterized by multinuclear NMR spectroscopy, elemental analysis and X-ray crystallography. Secondly, a new methylene-linked boron-sulfur Lewis acid was synthesized. Its thermodynamic properties were determined and its reactivity with terminal and internal alkynes was demonstrated. Adducts and heterocycles of this boron-sulfur system were fully characterized by multinuclear NMR spectroscopy, elemental analysis and X-ray crystallography. The application of these new systems for the activation of small molecules is described in this thesis.
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