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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Systémy řízení jakosti ve vybraném podniku / Quality management systems in the choosen company

EDROVÁ, Veronika January 2009 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to assess existing quality management system, the possibility of applying new approaches to quality management in the selected company, the proposal process for their implementation. This thesis is focused on quality management. Implementation and application of the model EFQM (European Foundation for quality management) in the company LINET spol. s r.o. Evaluation of the implementating process and its contribution to improving efficiency, quality and image.

Diagnostic de défauts par les Machines à Vecteurs Supports : application à différents systèmes mutivariables nonlinéaires / Fault diagnosis using Support Vector Machines : application to different multivariable nonlinear systems

Laouti, Nassim 21 September 2012 (has links)
Les systèmes réels sont généralement de nature non-linéaire, et leurs modélisations etsurveillance restent une tâche difficile à accomplir. Néanmoins, avec les progrès technologiqueson dispose maintenant d'un atout de taille sur ces systèmes qui est les données.Ce travail présente une technique de diagnostic de défaut et de modélisation basée en grandepartie sur la méthode d'apprentissage automatique « Les Machines à Vecteurs de Support,SVM » qui est basée sur les données. La méthodologie proposée est appliquée à différentessystèmes multivariables et non linéaires, à savoir : un procédé de traitement des eaux usées, unsystème éolien et un réacteur chimique parfaitement agité.L'objectif de cette thèse de doctorat est d'examiner la possibilité d'extraire le maximumd'information à partir de données afin de surveiller efficacement le comportement de systèmesréels et de détecter rapidement tout défaut qui peut compromettre leur bon fonctionnement. Lamême méthode est utilisée pour la modélisation des différents systèmes. Plusieurs défis ont étérelevés tels que la complexité du comportement des systèmes, le grand nombre de mesuresvariant à différentes échelles de temps, la présence de bruit et les perturbations. Une méthodegénérique de diagnostic de défauts est proposée par la génération des caractéristiques de chaquedéfaut suivie d’une étape d'évaluation de ces caractéristiques avec une amélioration du transfertde connaissances en modélisation.Dans cette thèse ont a démontré l'utilité de l'outil Machines à Vecteurs de Support, enclassification par la construction de modèles de décision SVM dédiés à l'évaluation descaractéristiques de défaut, et aussi en tant qu'estimateur non linéaire/ou pour la modélisation parl'utilisation des machines à vecteurs de support dédiés pour la régression (SVR).La combinaison de SVM et d’une méthode basée sur le modèle "observateur" a été aussi étudiéeet a été nécessaire dans certains cas pour garantir un bon diagnostic de défauts. / Real systems are usually nonlinear and their modeling and monitoring remains adifficult task. However, with advances in technology and the availability of big amounts of data,we have a facility to operate these systems.This work presents a methodology for fault diagnosis and modeling which is in large part basedon the method of Support Vector Machines (SVM) which data-based. The proposedmethodology is applied to various nonlinear multivariable systems including: wastewatertreatment processes, wind turbines and stirred tank reactors.The objective of this PhD is to examine the possibility of extracting the maximum of informationfrom data to effectively monitor the behavior of real systems and rapidly detect any faults whichmay impair their proper functioning. The same method is used for modeling the differentsystems. Several challenges were identified and surmounted such as the complexity of thesystem behavior, large amount of data varying at different time scales, the presence of noise anddisturbances. A generic method of fault diagnosis is proposed for the generation of the faultcharacteristics followed by an evaluation of these characteristics as well as an improved transferof knowledge in modeling.In this thesis the usefulness of the tool Support Vector Machines in Classification has beendemonstrated by the construction of decision models dedicated to evaluating the characteristicsof faults, and also its usefulness for modeling/ or as estimator for the nonlinear systems usingsupport vector machines dedicated for regression (SVR).The combination of SVM and a method based on models “observer” was also considered andwas found to be interesting in some cases to ensure proper fault diagnosis.

Objective assessment of disordered connected speech / Evaluation objective des troubles de la voix dans la parole connectée

Alpan, Ali 07 February 2012 (has links)
Within the context of the assessment of laryngeal function, acoustic analysis has an important place because the speech signal may be recorded non-invasively and it forms the base on which the perceptual assessment of voice is founded. Given the limitations of perceptual ratings, one has investigated vocal cues of disordered voices that are clinically relevant, summarize properties of speech signals and report on a speaker's phonation in general and voice in particular. Ideally, the acoustic descriptors should also be correlates of auditory-perceptual ratings of voice. Generally speaking, the goal of acoustic analysis is to document quantitatively the degree of severity of a voice disorder and monitor the evolution of the voice of dysphonic speakers.<p><p><p>The first part of this thesis is devoted to the analysis of disordered connected speech. The aim is to investigate vocal cues that are clinically relevant and correlated with auditory-perceptual ratings. Two approaches are investigated. The variogram-based method in the temporal domain is addressed first. The second approach is in the cepstral domain. In particular, the first rahmonic amplitude is used as an acoustic cue to describe voice quality. A multi-dimensional approach combining temporal and spectral aspects is also investigated. The goal is to check whether acoustic cues in both domains report complementary information when predicting perceptual scores.<p><p><p>Both methods are tested first on a corpus of synthetic sound stimuli that has been obtained by means of a synthesizer of disordered voices. The purpose is to learn about the link between the signal properties (fixed by the synthesis parameters) and acoustic cues.<p>In this study, we had the opportunity to use two large natural speech corpora. One of them has been perceptually rated. <p><p><p>The final part of the text is devoted to the automatic classification of voice with regard to perceived voice quality. Many studies have proposed a binary (normal/pathological) classification of voice samples. An automatic categorization according to perceived degrees of hoarseness appears, however, to be more attractive to both clinicians and technologists and more likely to be clinically relevant. Indeed, one way to reduce inter-rater variability of an auditory-perceptual evaluation is to ask several experts to participate and then to average the perceptual scores. However, auditory-perceptual evaluation of a corpus by several judges is a very laborious, time-consuming and costly task. Making this perceptual evaluation task automatic is therefore desirable. <p>The aim of this study is to exploit the support vector machine classifier that has become, over the last years, a popular tool for classification, to carry out categorization of voices according to perceived degrees of hoarseness. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Statické řešení rodinného domu / Static solution of family house

Formánek, Pavel January 2018 (has links)
Master´s thesis is divided into two parts. In first part is author focusing on designing load-bearing structures that are made of reinforced concrete (floor slab, external wall, stairway). The assessments of those structures were made according to valid standard of ČSN EN 1992-1-1 and structural part of design documentation to those constructions were processed. In second, theoretical, part are different models of reinforced concrete slab in 3D (as part of whole construction) and in 2D created. The main task was to compare influence of different support´s stiffness in models on internal forces (bending moments) and on deflection of slab.

Porovnání návrhu ŽB konstrukcí podle EN a ACI / Comparison of RC structure design approach according to EC and EN

Hamrlík, Martin January 2015 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the opinion of an office building from the perspective of two different standards and comparing their approaches. These standards is a currently valid European Standard EN 1992-1-1 (EC2) and standard according to US standards ACI 318-11. In this work were considered pillars in the second basement and on the first floor. Was also assessed locally supported slab above the 1st floor and staircase connects the individual floors. All the completed elements were assessed according to the 1st ultimate limit state.

Návrh výměníku tepla dle ČSN EN 13 445 / Design of heat exchanger after ČSN EN 13 445

Lošák, Pavel January 2010 (has links)
Diploma thesis is fucused on strength calculation of the heat exchanger according to ČSN EN 13 445. Introductory part introduce problems with the design of heat exchangers. In other parts there are a strength calculation of the heat exchanger according to ČSN EN 13 445, the results of the analysis with their appreciation. Annexes included output logs from the program Sant 'Ambrogio, and drawings documentation.

Návrh výměníku tepla / Design of heat exchanger

Klučka, Ivan January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the thermal-hydraulic and construction design of heat exchanger with floating head. The introductory part is dedicated to the design of heat exchangers. Next part is focused on the thermal-hydraulic design created in HTRI software (module Xist. The next section is the strength calculation of selected components of the heat exchanger according to EN 13445 in software Sant'Ambrogio. The following part describes each of the analysis in software Ansys Workbench. The final part contains complete manufacturing documentation of heat exchanger.

Bici Decoraciones SAC

Cortez Salas, María Teresa Ysabel, Llano Canahuate, Julio Elmer, Garamendi Tomas, Wendy Yahaira, Grabau, César Rody 11 July 2020 (has links)
El presente proyecto del curso de Desarrollo de Negocios 2 de la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, consiste en la creación de un soporte de madera para bicicletas que serán elaboradas con tableros OSB que nos asegura una alta resistencia en los soportes. Cabe recalcar, que nos vamos a dirigir a Lima Metropolitana en los distritos de mayor población en el uso de bicicletas y que además cuentan con acceso de ciclovías, tales como Surco, La Molina, San Isidro, San Borja y Miraflores, asimismo nos dirigiremos a los sectores socioeconómicos A y B, con un rango de edad de los 18 hasta los 45 años. El proyecto es viable, puesto que según la entrevista a profundidad que se realizó, se identificó un gran porcentaje de personas que usan la bicicleta como medio de transporte; parte de ello, la investigación también indica que los usuarios tienen dificultades para guardar sus bicicletas ya que no cuentan con el espacio adecuado en sus hogares. Por un lado, para la puesta en marcha del proyecto se necesitará una inversión inicial de S/. 51,884 soles, que será financiado al 100% por los accionistas sin necesidad de ser financiado por entidades bancarias. A su vez, tenemos en cuenta que los meses Diciembre, Enero, Marzo y Julio tendremos ventas elevadas que demostrada que el negocio es rentable. Por otro lado, el área de marketing hará uso de la publicidad digital, para ello se empleará las herramientas web como Facebook, Google Adwords, Landing Page y Community Manager, que nos permita una mejor difusión del producto. La distribución será coordinada directamente con el cliente a través de las redes sociales; también es importante indicar que se contará con distribuidores externos tales como Maestro y Sodimac. / The present Project of the Business Development course 2 of the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences, consists in the creation of a wooden support for bicycles that will be made with OSB boards that ensures high resistance in the supports. It should be noted that we are going to head to Metropolitan Lima in the districts with the largest population in the use of bicycles and that also have access to bicycle paths, such as Surco, La Molina, San Isidro, San Borja and Miraflores, we will also go to socioeconomic sectors A and B, with an age range of 18 to 45 years. The project is viable, since according to the in-depth interview that was carried out, a large percentage of people who use the bicycle as a means of transportation was identified; Part of it, the research also indicates that users have difficulty storing their bikes as they do not have adequate space in their homes. On the one hand, for the start-up of the project an initial investment of S /. 51,884 soles, which will be financed 100% by shareholders without the need to be financed by banks. At the same time, we take into account that the months of December, January, March and July will have high sales, which has proven that the business is profitable. On the other hand, the marketing area will make use of digital advertising, for this we will use web tools such as Facebook, Google Adwords, Landing Page and Community Manager, which allows us to better disseminate the product. The distribution will be coordinated directly with the client through social networks; It is also important to indicate that there will be external distributors such as Maestro and Sodimac. / Trabajo de investigación

A Collaborative Approach to Address Student Behavior and Academic Achievement across Systems

Okereke, Beverly Ngozi 01 September 2016 (has links)
Academic achievement and in-classroom behaviors are two significant child outcomes that affect student success in school. According to Systems Theory, in order to truly understand the factors that affect these outcomes for children, one must look to the major systems that encapsulate the child (including their school and home environments). This project is a meta-analytic review that examined the effectiveness of measures representing each system in predicting child achievement and behavior: School-Wide Positive Behavior Supports (SWPBS) for the school as a system, level of parent involvement (high versus low) for the home system, and student motivation (intrinsic versus extrinsic) for the child system. Archival research was used to examine children who attended K-12 schools in various Westernized countries. A total of 15 studies were examined to compute the effect sizes which were combined to examine the relative strength of each factor on the two outcome variables. For academic achievement, it was found that effect sizes were very large for SWPBS (0.768) and student motivation (0.807), and were large (0.589) for parent involvement. For behavior, SWPBS was associated with a very large effect size (-0.780). In other words, SWPBS is strongly associated with both increased academic achievement and decreased problem behavior, whereas parent involvement and student motivation are strongly associated with increased academic achievement. A suggested systems approach including the school counselor is proposed that meshes the effects of these three child systems into a more fluid, collaborative model that address child academic achievement and behavioral concerns.

Nosná železobetonová konstrukce objektu administrativní budovy / Load bearing RC structure of office building

Ferencz, Balázs January 2014 (has links)
The Master’s thesis is focused on the analysis and design of selected members of load-bearing structure of an administration building according to the ultimate limit states (ULS) and seviceability limit states (SLS). The calculation and the analysis was supported by design software SCIA ENGINEER 2012. Structural analysis deals with the design of the reinforced concrete (RC) flat slab above the 4rd strorey which is particularly supported by RC columns and particularly lies on RC walls. Furthermore, the Master’s thesis contains analysis of some selected columns of last three storeys, column of lowest storey, construction of stairway between 4rd and 5th storeys. The work beside this deals with the calculation and design of foundation of the object. The rest parts of the load-bearing structure are not solved in the Master’s thesis.

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