Spelling suggestions: "subject:"aurface mining"" "subject:"asurface mining""
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Remote Sensing Techniques for Monitoring Coal Surface Mining and Reclamation in the Powder River BasinAlden, Matthew G. January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Analysis of Reconstructed Mine Soils on Reclaimed Coal and Mineral Sands Mined Lands in VirginiaAngel, Hannah Zoe 01 September 2022 (has links)
Post-mining land use potentials are greatly influenced by mine soil properties. I analyzed and classified coal mine soils in SW VA and mineral sands mine soils in SE VA to aid development of appropriate post-mining land use interpretations. For coal mine soils, long-term pedogenesis was assessed in sandstone (SS) and/or siltstone (SiS) spoils with and without surface amendments. For mineral sands mined lands, I evaluated their spatial variability with respect to underlying relic mining influences and rowcrop productivity. Coal mine subsoils densified as root-limiting layers formed that were not observed initially and all soils had weak pedogenic development (^Bw; cambic horizons), particularly SS derived soils. Initial rock spoil type strongly influenced coal mine soils over time (i.e., SS had coarser textures and lower subsoil pH vs. SiS). However, most soil chemical properties (e.g., pH, EC, CEC) became similar in ^A horizons over time. Fe-oxides increased, and extractable-P decreased with weathering, raising concerns for long-term P-availability. Organic amendments applied to rock spoil surfaces sustained higher total-N (sawdust and biosolids) and extractable P (biosolids). Soil carbon sequestration rates did not differ among rock types or amendments (0.16 to 0.28 Mg ha yr-1). Further, mineral sands mine soils were limited by densic contacts and short-range variability of important properties (texture) appeared related to underlying relic mining features (pits and berms). Yields in reclaimed soils were more variable than in adjacent undisturbed farmland, but mean yields were only slightly reduced for soybean in 2020. Coloration and Fe-oxide spectral indices had weak to moderate negative correlations with yield. Berm positions supported better soybean growth (three out of five sites), while pit positions were redder/darker (one out of five sites). Current Soil Taxonomy conveys anthropogenic origins at the family (e.g., spolic) and subgroup (e.g., Anthroportic) levels. Existing taxa and proposed Artesols order criteria both acknowledge effective soil depth x compaction limitations (Anthrodensic subgroup), but Artesols more effectively recognizes pedogenesis (Inceptic subgroup) and acknowledges mine soils at the highest level. The biggest management limitation for both mine soil types is root-limiting compaction; thus, future efforts should focus on defining depth ranges and taxonomic interpretations for densic contacts. / Doctor of Philosophy / Surface mining results in drastic disturbances to the original soil, land, and water features. Actual impacts vary due to local site conditions and methods used for mineral extraction and reclamation. Advancing reclamation science requires an understanding of the resulting mine soil properties and how they vary spatially and develop over time. This research program involved two very different mining scenarios and resultant mine soil types in Virginia that were both evaluated in terms of soil properties, taxonomic placements, and land use interpretations. First, I assessed Appalachian coal mine soils in southwestern Virginia following 34 years of soil development in sandstone (SS) and/or siltstone (SiS) derived overburden with and without surface amendments. Over time, rocky mine spoils transformed into weakly developed soil profiles, commonly with four to five total distinct layers (horizons), along with apparent "self-compacted" layers at depth. SS soils were coarser textured with somewhat better subsoil structure, while SiS soils were finer textured and had higher subsoil pH. However, many chemical properties were similar in the soil surface. Organic amendments and topsoil return imparted only subtle differences over time. A secondary objective was to assess mineral sands mine soils, which originate from recombined Coastal Plain sediments. Due to the nature of their wet deposition during final reclamation, these mine soils exhibited high variability across local landforms. Soil profiles over former berm positions were composed mostly of sandier materials, while pit positions had more variable materials and features. Reclaimed rowcrop yields were moderately correlated with bare soil remotely sensed variables. Soils in pit positions were redder in color due to higher clay. While yields were variable, especially in drier years, berms appeared to support better soybean growth, but results were inconsistent across fields. For both mine soil types, root-limiting compaction is their biggest impediment to productive use. Forestry is the predominant post-mining land use on former coal mines, while rowcrop production is becoming more common on former minerals sands mines. Since these two different post-mining environments present unique challenges for correctly interpreting their post-disturbance land-uses, it is important to convey their special properties (e.g., densic contacts) and limitations in their classification.
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Examining the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem: Associations Between Surface Mining and Birth Outcomes in Central Appalachia at Multiple Spatial ScalesMcKnight, Molly Xi 19 June 2020 (has links)
Health studies often rely on aggregated instead of individual-level data to protect patient privacy. However, aggregated data are subject to the modifiable areal unit problem (MAUP), meaning results of statistical analyses may differ depending on the data's scale and areal unit. Past studies have suggested MAUP is context-specific and analyzing multiple spatial scales may provide richer understandings of examined phenomena. More research is needed to understand the role of scale and areal unit in health-related analyses.
This study examines associations between surface mining and birth outcomes from 1989 to 2015 in Central Appalachia at the individual; postal; county; and county-sized, non-administrative scales. Evidence from previous studies suggests associations exist between health outcomes and county-level measures of mining activity. This is the first study to examine associations between mining and birth outcomes at more spatially refined exposure estimates.
We identified surface mines using Landsat imagery and geocoded birth records. Airsheds, used to quantify the influence area of potential airborne pollutants from surface mining activity, were built using HYSPLIT4. The frequency values of each airshed that intersected each geocoded birth record were summed. These cumulative frequency airshed values were then aggregated. Finally, we implemented multiple regression models, each at a different scale, to examine associations between airsheds and birth outcomes.
Results suggest MAUP has minimal impacts on the statistical results of examining associations between surface mining and birth outcomes in Central Appalachia. Results also indicate surface mining is significantly associated with preterm birth and reduced birthweight at each scale. / Master of Science / Health studies often rely on data that has been grouped together within political boundaries (e.g. counties) instead of individual-level data to protect patient privacy. However, results from analyses using grouped data may differ depending on the data's scale and areal unit, which describes the modifiable areal unit problem (MAUP). Past studies have suggested MAUP is specific to the situation being analyzed and examining multiple scales may provide richer understandings of the situation. More research is needed to understand the role of scale and areal unit choice in health-related analyses.
This study examines associations between surface mining and birth outcomes from 1989 to 2015 in Central Appalachia at the individual; postal; county; and county-sized, non-administrative scales. Evidence from previous studies suggests associations exist between health outcomes and county-level measures of mining activity. This is the first study to examine associations between mining and birth outcomes at finer scales.
Surface mines were identified using satellite images, and we identified the locations of birth records using the mother's home address. Airsheds, used to determine the influence area of airborne pollutants from surface mining activity, were created. We then used statistical models, to examine associations between airsheds and birth outcomes at four spatial scales.
Results suggest MAUP has minimal impacts on the statistical results of examining associations between surface mining and birth outcomes in Central Appalachia. Results also indicate surface mining is significantly associated with preterm birth and decreased birthweight in grams at each scale.
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Sediment transport from source to sink in the Lake Baikal basin : Impacts of hydroclimatic change and miningPietroń, Jan January 2017 (has links)
Different magnitude, intensity and timing of precipitation can impact runoff, hillslope erosion and transport of sediment along river channels. Human activities, such as dam construction and surface mining can also considerably influence transport of sediment and sediment-bound contaminants. Many river basins of the world are currently subject to changes in climate at the same time as pressures from other human activities increase. However, because there are often complex interactions between such multiple drivers of change, it is challenging to understand and quantify contributions of individual drivers, which is needed in predictive modelling of future sediment and contaminant flows. This thesis considers sediment transport in the Lake Baikal basin, which is hydrologically dominated by the transboundary Selenga River of Russia and Mongolia. The Selenga River basin is, for instance, subject to climate change and increasing pressures from mining, but process complexity is reduced by the fact that the river basin is one of few large basins in the world that still is essentially undammed and unregulated. A combination of field measurement campaigns and modelling methods are used in this thesis, with the aim to: (i) identify historical hydroclimatic trends and their possible causes, (ii) analyse the spatial variability of riverine sediment loading in the mining affected areas, and (iii) investigate sediment transport and storage processes within river channels and in river deltas. Results show that, during the period 1938-2009, the annual maximum daily flow in the Selenga River basin has decreased, as well as the annual number of high flow events, whereas the annual minimum daily flow has increased. These changes in discharge characteristics are consistent with expected impacts of basin-scale permafrost thaw. Both field observations and modelling results show that changes in magnitude and number of high-flow events can considerably influence the transport of bed sediment. In addition, the average discharge has decreased in the past 20 years due to an extended drought. Under conditions of low flow, metal-enriched sediment from mining areas was observed to dominate the river water. If discharge will continue to decrease in the Selenga River (or other mining-impacted rivers of the world), further increases in riverine metal concentrations may hence be one of the consequences. Furthermore, under current conditions of extended drought, less sediment may have been distributed over the floodplain wetlands in the Selenga River delta. Present estimates, however, show that sediment can still be transported to, and deposited within, the banks and water bodies located in the backwater zone of the Selenga River delta. This can aid bank and levee stabilization, support the development of wetlands and foster net sedimentation. / Nederbördens olika magnitud, intensitet och tidpunkt kan påverka ytavrinning, vattenerosion och transport av sediment längs flodkanaler. Mänskliga aktiviteter, som dammkonstruktion och gruvdrift i dagbrott kan också påtagligt påverka transport av sediment och sedimentbundna föroreningar. Många avrinningsområden i världen påverkas för närvarande av klimatförändringar samtidigt som trycket från andra mänskliga aktiviteter ökar. Men eftersom det ofta förekommer komplexa interaktioner mellan sådana multipla orsaker till förändring, är det utmanande att förstå och kvantifiera bidrag från enskilda orsaker, vilket behövs vid prediktiv modellering av framtida sediment- och föroreningsflöden. Denna avhandling behandlar sedimenttransport i Bajkalsjöns tillrinningsområde, som hydrologiskt domineras av den internationella Selengafloden i Ryssland och Mongoliet. Selengaflodens tillrinningsområde är exempelvis påverkat av klimatförändringar och ökat tryck från gruvdrift, men processkomplexiteten reduceras av det faktum att tillrinningsområdet är ett av världens få stora som fortfarande väsentligen saknar dammar och flödesreglering. I denna avhandling används en kombination av fältmätningskampanjer och modelleringsmetoder, i syfte att: (i) identifiera historiska hydroklimattrender och deras möjliga orsaker, (ii) analysera den rumsliga variationen i flodens sedimentbelastning inom de gruvpåverkade områdena, och (iii) undersöka sedimenttransport- och retentionsprocesser inom flodkanaler och i floddeltan. Resultaten visar att det årliga maximala dygnsflödet, liksom det årliga antalet högflödeshändelser, har minskat i Selengafloden under perioden 1938-2009, medan det årliga minimala dygnsflödet har ökat. Dessa förändringar i flödeskaraktäristika överensstämmer med förväntade effekter av storskaligt tinande permafrost. Både fältobservationer och modelleringsresultat visar att förändringar i högflödeshändelsers magnitud och årligt antal kan påverka transporten av bottensediment påtagligt. Dessutom har medelflödet minskat under de senaste 20 åren på grund av långvarig torka. Under lågflöden observerades metallberikat sediment från gruvområdena dominera flodvattnet. Om flödena fortsätter att minska i Selengafloden (eller andra gruvdriftspåverkade floder i världen), kan således ytterligare ökningar av flodvattnens metallkoncentrationer vara en av konsekvenserna. Under den långvariga torka som nu råder mängden sediment som fördelats över våtmarkerna i Selengaflodens delta ha minskat. Sediment beräknas dock fortfarande kunna transporteras till och deponeras inom flodbankar och vattenkroppar i Selengadeltats backwaterområden. Detta kan bidra till stabilisering av bankar och skyddsvallar, stödja våtmarkers utveckling och främja nettosedimentering. / Wielkość, czas trwania oraz intensywność opadów atmosferycznych oddziałuje na charakter odpływu, erozję oraz transport osadów rzecznych. Również ingerencja człowieka w środowisko – np. budowa zapór i zbiorników wodnych, czy górnictwo odkrywkowe – w różnym stopniu może wpływać na transport osadów oraz powiązanych z nimi zanieczyszczeń. Wiele dorzeczy na Ziemi, będących pod wpływem obecnych zmian klimatycznych, jest jednocześnie poddawanych narastającej antropopresji. W celu przewidywania przyszłych zmian w transporcie osadów i powiązanych z nimi zanieczyszczeń, potrzeba dogłębnego zrozumienia i oceny wpływu poszczególnych czynników powodujących te zmiany. Taka analiza jest jednak często utrudniona ze względu na złożone interakcje pomiędzy czynnikami powodującymi zmiany. Niniejsza rozprawa doktorska przedstawia wyniki badań związanych z analizą transportu osadów rzecznych w zlewni jeziora Bajkał, zdominowanej hydrologicznie transgraniczną rzeką Selengą, przepływającą przez tereny Rosji i Mongolii. Zlewnia rzeki Selengi podlega współczesnym zmianom klimatycznym oraz wzrastającej presji związanej z górnictwem. Złożoność procesów hydrologicznych jest jednak w tym wypadku ograniczona, ponieważ zlewnia Selengi jest jednym z nielicznych, względnie dużych dorzeczy na świecie, którego przepływy są – jak dotychczas – naturalne, nieuregulowane przez żadne zapory lub zbiorniki wodne. Dla poszczególnych celów: (i) identyfikacji historycznych trendów hydroklimatycznych i ich przyczyn, (ii) analizy przestrzennych zmian w transporcie osadów rzecznych w części zlewni dotkniętej górnictwem odkrywkowym oraz (iii) badania procesów transportu i magazynowania osadów w korycie i delcie rzeki; zostały w pracy zastosowane hydrometryczne dane pomiarowe, dane pochodzące z badań terenowych oraz metody modelowania. Wyniki badań wskazują na to, że w latach 1938-2009 zmalały roczne przepływy maksymalne oraz liczba wezbrań, podczas gdy w tym samym czasie wzrosły roczne przepływy minimalne. Powyższe zmiany są zgodne z oczekiwanym wpływem rozmarzania wiecznej zmarzliny na ustrój przepływów rzecznych. Analiza danych pomiarowych oraz wyników modelowania wskazują na to, że obecne zmiany dotyczące liczby oraz wielkości wezbrań mogą znacznie wpłynąć na transport osadów dennych w korytach rzek. Dodatkowo, w ciągu ostatnich 20 lat (1995-2014), średnie roczne przepływy znacznie spadły ze względu na przedłużający się okres suszy na terenie zlewni. Analiza danych terenowych pochodzących z obszarów górniczych wykazała, że podczas obniżonych przepływów, w zanieczyszczonych znaczną ilością metali osadach rzecznych, dominuje materiał pochodzący z działalności człowieka (około 80\% transportowanych osadów). Należy zatem przewidywać, że jeśli obecne zmiany w ustroju przepływów w dorzeczu Selengi (lub w innych podobnych dorzeczach na świecie) będą postępować, to ich następstwem może być dalszy wzrost koncentracji zanieczyszczeń (metali pochodzących z obszarów górniczych) rzek. Ponadto, w obecnym okresie obniżonych przepływów, na terenach zalewowych i jeziorach delty rzeki Selengi zatrzymuje się prawdopodobnie mniej osadów. Wyniki badań wskazują jednak na to, że osady rzeczne mogą być wciąż transportowane do brzegów i obszarów wodnych znajdujących się w strefie, w której stany wodne cieków delty są pod wpływem stanów wodnych jeziora Bajkału. Akumulacja materiału w tych częściach delty Selengi może pozytywnie wpływać na stabilizację naturalnych wałów oraz mokradeł i zwiększać sedymentację netto. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 4: Manuscript.</p>
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Contribution to the capacity determination of semi-mobile in-pit crushing and conveying systemsRitter, Robert 01 November 2016 (has links)
As ore grades decline, waste rock to ore ratios increase and mines become progressively deeper mining operations face challenges in more complex scenarios. Today´s predominant means of material transport in hard-rock surface mines are conventional mining trucks however despite rationalisation efforts material transportation cost increased significantly over the last decades and currently reach up to 60% of overall mining. Thus, considerations and efforts to reduce overall mining costs, promise highest success when focusing on the development of more economic material transport methods.
Semi-mobile in-pit crusher and conveyor (SMIPCC) systems represent a viable, safer and less fossil fuel dependent alternative however its viability is still highly argued as inadequate methods for the long term projection of system capacity leads to high uncertainty and consequently higher risk.
Therefore, the objective of this thesis is to develop a structured method for the determination of In-pit crusher and conveyor SMIPCC system that incorporates the random behaviour of system elements and their interaction. The method is based on a structured time usage model specific to SMIPCC system supported by a stochastic simulation.
The developed method is used in a case study based on a hypothetical mine environment to analyse the system behaviour with regards to time usage model component, system capacity, and cost as a function of truck quantity and stockpile capacity. Furthermore, a comparison between a conventional truck & shovel system and SMIPCC system is provided.
Results show that the capacity of a SMIPCC system reaches an optimum in terms of cost per tonne, which is 24% (22 cents per tonne) lower than a truck and shovel system. In addition, the developed method is found to be effective in providing a significantly higher level of information, which can be used in the mining industry to accurately project the economic viability of implementing a SMIPCC system.
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Communicating Sensitive Topics in Polarized Settings: Gauging Environmental Attitudes and Actions among Conservative Community LeadersMandeville, Tristan 01 June 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Understanding Invasive Species Impacts on Reclaimed Surface-Mined LandsFranke, Morgan 11 July 2016 (has links)
Mining has caused ecosystem losses worldwide, with surface mining disturbing >2.4 million hectares in the United States since 1930. The Appalachian region of the US is home to extensive temperate deciduous forests that provide many ecosystem services and economic benefits. However, >400,000 hectares of forest have been lost due to surface coal mining, with most not being restored back to native forests or other productive land uses. These areas are left fragmented, heavily modified, unmanaged, and densely invaded by non-native plants. Autumn olive (Elaeagnus umbellata) is one of the most prevalent invasive species on reclaimed mines in Appalachia and viewed as one of the main hindrances to the successful reclamation of mined land to restore native forests. In order to better assess the impact autumn olive can have on reclamation success, we characterize autumn olive's performance in various reclamation scenarios and also how the management of autumn olive affects hardwood tree establishment. We review how exotic species impact restoration outcomes, and advocate for a better understanding of how these species could contribute towards a more ecological understanding of reclamation. Reclamation goals are currently assessed after 5 years, prioritizing short-term goals (e.g. erosion control) instead of longer-term goals such as the return of ecosystem function. With a better understanding of plant function and ecological processes, we hope to continue to advance successful reclamation on surface mined lands. / Master of Science in Life Sciences
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Toxicokinetics and Bioaccumulation of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds in Wood Frog Tadpoles (Lithobates sylvaticus) Exposed to Athabasca Oil Sands SedimentBilodeau, Julie January 2017 (has links)
Many polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) are toxic, carcinogenic, and mutagenic. As a result, their effects on aquatic biota and ecosystems are of great concern. Research on PACs in aquatic biota often overlooks the role of amphibians, alkylated PACs, and sediment as an uptake route. In order to study the accumulation and toxicokinetics of PACs following sediment and aqueous exposure, and to compare the bioaccumulation potentials of parent and alkyl PACs, two accumulation-elimination experiments using wood frog tadpoles (Lithobates sylvaticus) of Gosner stage 28-32 were conducted (one evaluating exposure to contaminated sediment and water, and the other to contaminated water alone). A complementary field study was then conducted near Fort McMurray, Alberta to assess PAC body burdens in field-collected amphibian larvae, and to determine whether PAC body burdens are related to exposure to sediment and/or water in the field.
The results of our studies showed that PAC concentrations and uptake rates in wood frog tadpoles were highest when they were exposed to PAC-contaminated sediment. Consequently, we determined that the dominant route of exposure of wood frog tadpoles to PACs is sediment rather than water. This finding supports other studies that have shown dietary uptake to be an important route of PAC exposure in other aquatic organisms. In both the laboratory and field study, alkyl PAC concentrations exceeded those of parent PACs in wood frog tadpoles, which also demonstrated petrogenic PAC profiles. Interestingly, parent PACs seemed to have greater bioaccumulation potential than alkyl PACs in the laboratory-exposed wood frog tadpoles (in relation to sediment), possibly due to greater bioavailability or lower metabolism of parent PACs or alternatively, due to a saturation in uptake of alkyl PACs. Nevertheless, only a few compounds, including anthracene, fluoranthene, retene, and C1-benzofluoranthenes/benzopyrenes, were found to have higher bioaccumulation potentials. Lithobates sylvaticus tadpoles seemed to be efficient at eliminating and metabolizing both parent and alkyl PACs. However, the elimination of some compounds, such as C4-naphthalenes, was not as efficient.
Furthermore, C3-fluorenes and C2-dibenzothiophenes were isolated as potential markers of amphibian larvae exposure to PAC-contaminated sediment due to their positive correlation with the wetland sediment concentrations. Additional field collections in the Athabasca oil sands are warranted to verify the utility of these markers in the natural environment. Evidently, this thesis highlights the importance of including sediment exposure and alkylated PACs in toxicological and field studies of benthic and epibenthic organisms. The results of this study are the largest, most comprehensive set of toxicokinetic and bioaccumulation information of PACs (52 analytes) in the amphibian larvae Lithobates sylvaticus obtained to date.
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Rekultivierung von Tagebaufolgeflächen mit verschiedenen Bodenhilfsstoffen und Baumarten / Reclamation of surface mining areas with different soil additives and tree speciesKirscht, Meike 31 March 2011 (has links)
Tagebaumaßnahmen führen durch Entfernung des Oberbodens, Vermischung von Bodenschichten bei der Wiederverfüllung von Restlöchern und Maschineneinsatz dazu, dass auf Tagebaufolgeflächen meist extrem schwierige Standortbedingungen für Pflanzenwachstum herrschen. Dazu zählen v.a. Bodenverdichtung und Bodenversauerung durch die Verwitterung von Eisensulfiden, was Ernährungsstörungen und Belastungen mit Schwermetallen und anderen Schadstoffen zur Folge hat. Die Bodenbedingungen sind auf kleinem Raum sehr heterogen. Das ungünstige Mikroklima der vegetationsfreien Flächen verstärkt die durch Bodenverdichtung schwierige Wasserversorgung. Mykorrhiza-Pilze fehlen oft zunächst. Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Entwicklung eines möglichst wenig aufwendigen Konzeptes, um mit Hilfe geeigneter Baumarten und Bodenhilfsstoffe zumindest auf kleiner Fläche eine Begrünung von Kippen-Rohböden zu erreichen, um so Startpunkte einer Sukzession zu etablieren. Zu diesem Zweck wurden verschiedene Baumarten (Quercus robur, Acer platanoides, Sorbus aucuparia, Alnus glutinosa, Pseudostuga menziesii und Pinus sylvestris) und Bodenhilfsstoffe zur Verbesserung der physikalischen (Perlit, Wasserspeichersubstanzen: sowohl herkömmliches, petrochemisches Hydrogel als auch neuartiger Superabsorber aus pflanzlicher Stärke), chemischen (Kalk), physikalischen und chemischen (Kompost) sowie biologischen (Mykorrhiza-Impfung) Bodeneigenschaften getestet. Die Bodenhilfsstoffe wurden einzeln und miteinander kombiniert eingesetzt. Auf auch Jahre nach der Ablagerung des Haldensubstrats noch vegetationsfreien Flächen im ehemaligen Ronneburger Uranerz-Abbaugebiet wurden Freilandversuche mit knapp 1.000 Bäumen angelegt; Topfversuche im Gewächshaus dienten der Begleitung und Vertiefung. Die physikalischen und chemischen Bodeneigenschaften der Versuchsflächen wurden analysiert, die Effekte der Bodenhilfsstoffe darauf im Topfversuch überprüft. Die Entwicklung der Versuchspflanzen wurde über zwei Jahre hinweg durch regelmäßige Vitalitätsschätzungen auf einer 5-stufigen Skala, Messungen verschiedener Wuchsparameter und Analysen der Elementgehalte in den Assimilationsorganen untersucht. Die Böden wiesen eine sehr geringe Wasserspeicherkapazität und eine stark gestörte Infiltrations- und Wasserleitfähigkeit auf. Das Nährstoffpotential war mit Ausnahme sehr geringer Stickstoff-Gehalte gut. Eine sehr starke Versauerung sowie stark belastende Kupfer- und Schwefel-Gehalte waren die Haupt-Probleme. Auffällig waren hohe Magnesium-Gehalte und -Sättigungen. Die Versuchspflanzen waren entsprechend sehr stark mit Schwefel und Kupfer sowie mit Eisen, Aluminium und teilweise Mangan belastet und zeigten auffallend hohe Magnesium-Gehalte. Sie wiesen Ernährungsdefizite auf, die auf die geringe Stickstoffversorgung, Nährstoffantagonismen/Ionenkonkurrenz und Toxizität zurückgeführt werden können. Im Verlauf des Versuchs entwickelte sich auf einigen Versuchsflächen in Teilbereichen Spontanvegetation (Moose, Calamagrostis epigejos). Bodenuntersuchungen ergaben leicht höhere pH-Werte und eine entsprechend günstigere Ernährungssituation in diesen Bereichen, vermutlich aufgrund einer unregelmäßigen Flächenkalkung einige Jahre vor Versuchsbeginn. Die Entwicklung der Versuchspflanzen wurde stark von den Standortunterschieden beeinflusst. Kalk und Kompost hatten deutlich positive Effekte auf die chemischen Bodenbedingungen und die Pflanzenentwicklung. Mit Kompost war der Einfluss vor allem bei den anspruchsloseren Baumarten Eberesche, Schwarz-Erle und Wald-Kiefer oft größer. Daneben zeigten Mykorrhiza-Impfungen eine starke Wirkung, vor allem in Kombination mit Kalk und/oder Wasserspeichersubstanzen. Die positiven Wirkungssynergismen von Mykorrhiza-Impfungen und Wasserspeichersubstanzen auch ohne Kalk-Gaben waren angesichts der sehr stark sauren Standortverhältnisse bemerkenswert. Darüber hinaus hatten Wasserspeichersubstanzen wie auch Perlit keine, teilweise sogar negative Effekte durch Herabsetzung der Kalk-Wirkung in kombinierten Varianten. Zudem wiesen die mit Perlit oder Wasserspeichersubstanzen gepflanzten Bäume teils hohe Schadstoff-Belastungen auf. Die Bodeneigenschaften wurden nicht beeinflusst; die feinbodenreichen Lehmböden mit ihrer geringen Infiltrationsfähigkeit durch Zerscherung der Grobporen bei Verdichtung schienen für den Einsatz von Wasserspeichersubstanzen weniger geeignet zu sein. Das Vorhandensein von Pilz-Partnern zur Mykorrhiza-Bildung ist auf diesen schwierigen Standorten offenbar von besonderer Bedeutung, da diese Symbiose die Wasserversorgung von Pflanzen verbessern kann, außerdem ihre Ernährung fördert und die Schadstoff-Aufnahme hemmt, wie im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit bestätigt werden konnte. So konnten durch kombinierte Mykorrhiza-Impfungen teilweise selbst die extremen Schwefel-Gehalte auf ein normales Maß gesenkt werden, was mit Kalkung allein nicht der Fall war. Die obligat Mykorrhiza bildenden Rot-Eichen und Wald-Kiefern, zwei eigentlich zur Tagebaurekultivierung sehr geeignete und viel verwendete Baumarten, zeigten insgesamt hohe Ausfallraten. Bei den Eichen spielte dabei die schlechte Qualität des Pflanzenmaterials, bei den Kiefern wahrscheinlich starke Trockenheit zum Zeitpunkt der Versuchsanlage im Frühjahr 2005 eine Rolle. Bei den ebenfalls obligat Mykorrhiza bildenden Douglasien war der Standort in günstigeren Bereichen, in denen sich auch Spontanvegetation entwickeln konnte und in die nachweislich Mykorrhiza-Pilze einwanderten, von großer Bedeutung. Wie die als einzige Baumart nicht mit Kupfer belastete Eberesche und die durch ihre Symbiose mit Stickstoff-fixierenden Bakterien sehr gut geeignete Erle, die von allen Baumarten die besten Ergebnisse zeigte, konnte sich auch die Douglasie auf diesen etwas besseren Standorten selbst ohne Bodenhilfsstoffe zufrieden stellend entwickeln. Angesichts des extremen Sommers 2006 kam vermutlich auch ihre Trockenheitstoleranz zum Tragen. Die Spitz-Ahorne zeigten hohe Schadstoff-Belastungen, kaum Wachstum und eine stark gestörte Wurzel-Ausformung. Die Baumart wurde zudem stark verbissen und erwies sich insgesamt als wenig geeignet. Auf Grundlage der Ergebnisse der auf den Ronneburger Tagebaufolgeflächen durchgeführten Untersuchungen wird für die Rekultivierung dieser und vergleichbarer Standorte eine Mischung aus Erlen, Ebereschen und Douglasien empfohlen, wobei die Erle auch aufgrund ihrer Standort verbessernden Eigenschaften den größten Anteil einnehmen sollte. In stärker versauerten (pH KCl < 4), frei von Bodenvegetation bleibenden Bereichen sollte einige Zeit im Vorfeld der Pflanzungen eine Kalkung mit aufgrund der Bodengehalte magnesiumfreiem Kalk erfolgen, um die Voraussetzungen für Bodenvegetation und Mykorrhiza-Pilze zu verbessern. Bei den Ebereschen und Erlen ist eine Kompost-Gabe ins Pflanzloch als Starthilfe sinnvoll. Zumindest bei den Douglasien sollten Mykorrhiza-Impfungen durchgeführt werden, die generell auf diesen Standorten empfehlenswert sind und somit auch für die Ebereschen und Erlen sehr vorteilhaft sein können. Die Dauer der Wirkung der Bodenhilfsstoffe und die über die beobachtete Zeit hinaus gehende Entwicklung der Bäume sind unter den gegebenen, sehr schwierigen Standortbedingungen mit fortschreitender Pyrit-Verwitterung und damit Bodenversauerung offen.
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Aplicación de fragmentador de roca, Plasma FRAG BE, en sectores productivos de la Compañía Minera Cerro de Pasco cercanas a zonas urbanas para reducir impactos generados durante la fragmentación del macizo rocosoCueva Rojas, Alexander, Huaynate Ríos, Andree William 20 December 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación se desarrolló en Compañía Minera Cerro de Pasco (CMCP) donde se busca aplicar el uso del Plasma como agente de fragmentación de macizo rocoso en sectores productivos de la mina cercanas a zonas de expansión urbanas. La finalidad del estudio consiste en comparar los valores de Velocidad Pico Partícula (VPP) entre el uso de Plasma Frag Be vs el ANFO a una distancia promedio igual en ambos casos. En tal sentido, se construye el modelo matemático Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (ICA) – linear, el cual permite estimar valores de VPP y a su vez modificar las variables de entrada como el burden, el espaciamiento, la longitud de taco, el factor de carga, la cantidad máxima de Plasma por disparo y la distancia entre el punto de fragmentación y la ubicación del sismógrafo. El modelo ICA-linear queda validado mediante la aplicación de 4 indicadores de rendimiento estadísticos los cuales son: el coeficiente de determinación, el error cuadrático medio, el error absoluto medio y el error porcentual absoluto medio cuyos resultados son 0.817, 5.001, 1.979 y 14% respectivamente. Los resultados de comparar los valores de VPP a una distancia promedio de 172 metros como se determinó según el estudio, en el caso del Plasma Frag Be los valores estimados son nulos, es decir no se registrarán valores a dicha distancia, mientras que en el caso del ANFO los registros muestran un valor promedio de 8.802 mm/s para la misma distancia mencionada, lo cual demuestra que los valores de VPP en el caso del uso del Plasma como fragmentador de macizo rocoso son considerablemente menores que cuando se utiliza ANFO. / The present research was developed at Compañía Minera Cerro de Pasco (CMCP) where the aim is to apply the use of Plasma as a rock fragmentation agent in productive sectors of the mine close to urban expansion areas. The purpose of the study is to compare the values of Peak Particle Velocity (PPV) between the use of Plasma Frag Be vs ANFO at an equal average distance in both cases. In this sense, the Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (ICA) - linear mathematical model is built, which allows estimating PPV values and in turn modifying the input variables such as the burden, spacing, stemming, power factor, maximum charge of Plasma per delay and the distance from the blast-point to the seismograph. The ICA-linear model is validated by applying 4 statistical performance indicators which are: the determination coefficient, the mean square error, the mean absolute error and the mean absolute percentage error whose results are 0.817, 5.001, 1.979 and 14% respectively. The results of comparing the PPV values at an average distance of 172 meters as determined by the study, in the case of Frag Be Plasma the estimated values are zero, that is, no values will be recorded at that distance, while in the case of ANFO the records show an average value of 8,802 mm/s for the same distance mentioned, which shows that the PPV values in the case of the use of Plasma as a rock mass fragmentation device are considerably lower than when ANFO is used. / Tesis
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