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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identifying challenges related to providing community-based environmental health education and promotion programmes

Witthuhn, Jacqueline 06 1900 (has links)
This research study was initiated by the desire to identify the constraining and enabling factors experienced by environmental health officers (EH Os) and their management in the implementation of environmental health education and promotion programmes in the environmental health sector. The research contextualises the issues of health promotion, the role of education in health promotion, and community-based environmental health service provision with specific reference to the role of the EHO in relation to these issues. The foremost value ofthis study lies in the fact that it profiles the need for change in the delivery of community-based environmental health education and promotion programmes and identifies distinctive policy changes and skills development needs in the field of environmental health promotion which are central to improved and sustainable community-based environmental health education and promotion. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Environmental Education)

An assessment of green procurement practices in South African metropolitan municipalities

Agyepong, Adelaide Owusu 09 1900 (has links)
Environmental degradation is a global challenge that affects all. One of the most prominent impacts of environmental degradation is the climate change phenomenon. The adverse impacts of climate change have given rise to responses aimed at retarding, halting and learning to live with the already present effects of climate change. These responses to climate change fall into two broad categories: mitigation and adaptation. Mitigation addresses the climate change challenge through seeking a reduction or elimination of anthropogenic generated greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. Adaptation on the other hand addresses climate change through reducing the adverse impacts of climate change as well as exploiting economic and social opportunities presented by climate change. Green procurement has been identified as one of the climate change intervention measures. This is because research shows that procurement policies and practices of both the public and private sectors have the potential to influence environmentally friendly modes of production and the provision of ‘greener’ goods and services that include infrastructure. In many developing countries the big spending power of the public sector, particularly municipalities, makes them influential players in the nature of goods and services production and provision. Against this background, this study investigates the role of South African metropolitan municipalities in addressing environmental decay through green procurement. Specifically, the study aims to assess the levels of green procurement practices of goods and services within South Africa metropolitan municipalities. This is achieved through; (i) determining the level of understanding of sustainable development, and (ii) determining the extent to which green procurement is practiced in South African metropolitan municipalities, and identifying policy and legislative requirements (if any) that support green procurement practices. Given the complexity of means, policy and practices around the green procurement drive; the study employed a mixed method approach. The mixed method approach employed three methods namely: document analysis, interviews and the use of a questionnaire. Analysis of data included content analysis, inductive thematic analysis and basic numerical analysis of the questionnaire, using MS Excel. The study made two broad findings; (i) there is generally a good understanding of the sustainable development discourse among South Africa’s metropolitan officials; and (ii) policy response to green procurement shows that the older metropolitans that include the City of Cape Town, City of Johannesburg, City of Tshwane, Ekurhuleni, eThekwini and Nelson Mandela Bay have made greater progress making explicit reference to green procurement in different policies compared to the younger metropolitans such as Buffalo City and Mangaung. Despite the general understanding of the sustainable development discourse and evidence of explicit reference to green procurement in some metropolitan policy documents there is a general lack of comprehensive implementation of green procurement practices across all the metropolitan municipalities. The current implementation is sporadic and largely through a number of projects that are not always linked to give rise to effective synergies. The study concludes that there is limited implementation of green procurement policies and strategies in all metropolitans. This may be attributed to limited policy understanding and lack of education and training around green economy transition and green procurement issues. The study recommends the mainstreaming of the green procurement concept into already existing policies and to establish new policies where there are none. There is a need to translate the policies into legislation and regulations that carry incentive to reward and encourage the desired green procurement practices. There is further need to put in place sanctions to discourage and halt undesired procurement practices. / Environmental Sciences / D. Litt. et Phil. (Environmental Management)

Intergovernmental relations : sustainable human settlements in the City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality in Gauteng Province

Senoamadi, Johannes Malose 12 1900 (has links)
This research is an examination of the practical application of intergovernmental relations (IGR) and co-operative government at the City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality (CTMM)’s Department of Housing and Human Settlements. By use of questionnaire and direct interviews, the research extracted responses from methodically selected employees and officials at the Department of Housing and Human Settlements in the CTMM. Literature study was combined with document analysis and a part of participant observation to gather data and information that has been examined and analysed in the study that has established the need for training and skilling for officials and employees in financial and project management. The need for the rolling back of political interference, regular review of legislation to keep abreast with the changing environment and international standards and improved institutional communication are but some of the observations and arguments that the research has established from a careful reading of data gathered. The enabling policies, laws and regulations that are in place remain largely good on paper, but still limited in their practical application. It is argued in this research that housing and human settlements are a provision that is central in the democratic and development life of the Republic of South Africa, and that the provision of sustainable human settlements enriches the livelihoods of communities in so far as other services such as education, recreation, health care, electricity, economic opportunities, safety, transport and communication are also dependent on the availability of sustainable human settlements and the amenities that comes with it. It is the recommendation of the present research that if the policies, regulations, laws and goals that govern the IGR towards the delivery of sustainable human settlements are to achieve maximum fruition, there is a need for vigorous monitoring and evaluation mechanisms that will ensure that budgets are efficiently used, that standing decisions are implemented and that partisan politics and corruption and opportunistic tendencies are eliminated as these hinder performance and delivery. / Public Administration / MPA

Comparative analysis of environmental impact assessment compliance by two developers in the Northern Cape province, South Africa

Shubane, Mahlatse Juddy 06 1900 (has links)
The study was undertaken to investigate the following: limiting factors faced by the developers in complying with the EIA conditions and to determine whether the various developers comply with the conditions. The study was undertaken by use of questionnaires, site visits, meetings, photographs, group interviews. Trained fields assistants were also used to administer the questionnaires in order to collect data. Data from two sites were collected between 2012 and 2014 and were intentionally collected in order to provide information regarding the implementation of mitigation measures. The collected data was subjected to SAS (statistical software). Chi-square test for independence was performed in order to compare the differences (Snedecor & Cocharen, 1978) between the two sites. Based on the results of the study, it is therefore recommended that competent authorities should consider drafting and supplying follow-up guidelines and these guidelines should also apply to all the relevant role players involved. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Management)

Water sustainability : measurement, management, engagement, and disclosure of selected water-intensive companies on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange

Askham, Theresa 01 1900 (has links)
Many parts of the world, but South Africa specifically, are facing a water crisis, not only because of the scarcity of water, but also the quality of the water that is available. Companies are the primary users of water and can therefore have the most significant impact on saving water. It is thus imperative to determine how companies are measuring, managing, engaging with their stakeholders and disclosing water-related risks in their businesses. This study was conducted on the premise that South African companies have not as yet grasped the seriousness of the water crisis. Thirty JSE-listed companies classified as being water intensive were selected for the study. Their sustainability/integrated/annual reports for 2011 and 2013 were downloaded from the internet and analysed to determine if and how they were mitigating their water-related risks. The Ceres Aqua Gauge™ was used as the framework for this study. It was established during the analysis of the selected companies’ reports that, with the exception of food producers and food retailers, the companies had grasped the seriousness of the water crisis. One area of particular concern that was evident in all the companies was the lack of attention directed towards supply chain water management. Companies need to address water risks in their supply chain, and to also turn the water crisis from a threat into an opportunity. Investors need to engage with and put pressure on companies to improve their water management practices. / Business Management / M. Ph. Accounting Sciences (Management Accounting)

Should we save nature while people go hungry? : an analysis of nature preservation and poverty within the South African context

Russol, Mahomed Raffee 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa is a land of stunning beauty and scenic wonder, with contrasts ranging from arid semi-desert areas to lush green forests; from flat plains to towering mountains. Socially and economically it is likewise a country of extreme contrasts (MacDonald 2002: 13). The South African Constitution, as adopted on 8 May 1996, grants every citizen basic, inalienable human rights. Under certain circumstances, however, some of these rights can come to stand in direct opposition to one another leaving us with a dilemma to choose between two compelling actions. In this context, the right to a secure, ecologically sustainable environment and the right to food and water is in conflict. The greatest challenge to face South Africa is to eradicate poverty and develop its people while ensuring that the natural environment is not destroyed in the process. There must be development for this generation, but not at the price of destroying the natural environment for the next generation. We have ample examples from the apartheid era of damage done both to people and to the environment through the "homeland policy". Millions of people were forced to eke out an existence on land that could not carry the number of people consigned to these remote areas. Erosion, deforestation and poverty are the heritage. There are increasing demands for development, but these demands are infinite while the resources of the world are finite. The question now arises whether the right to a safe environment or the right to sufficient food and water, both enshrined in the Constitution should be given preference. I aim to show that Holmes Rolston III's article "Feeding People versus Saving Nature?" and the points made in Hardin's "Tragedy of the Commons" fail to satisfy public norms and therefore fall short to help us in solving this dilemma. l propose the bioregional management approach that focuses upon the political means to promote restoration and maintenance of the natural systems that ultimately support the people and nature in each area. I believe that this strategy could succeed in solving the impasse that the South African society has reached in solving this very complex dilemma. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika is 'n land van ongelooflike skoonheid met kontraste wat wissel van droe semi-woestyne tot geil groen woude; van gelyk vlaktes tot hoe berge. Sosiaal en ekonomies is dit tegelyk 'n land van ekstreme kontraste (MacDonald 2002: 13). Die Suid-Afrikaanse Konstitusie, soos aanvaar op 8 Mei 1996, verseker elke burger van basiese, onvervreembare regte. Onder sekere omstandighede, egter, kan sommige van hierdie regte met mekaar in direkte konflik wees, en die dilemma bring mee dat ons tussen twee belangrike maar konflikterende optredes moet kies. In hierdie konteks is die reg op 'n veilige, ekologies volhoubare omgewing, en die reg tot voedsel en water, in konflik met mekaar. Die grootste uitdaging waardeur Suid-Afrika in die gesig gestaar word, is die gelyktydige uitwissing van armoede en die ontwikkeling van sy mense, terwyl verseker word dat die natuurlike omgewing nie in die proses vernietig word nie. Daar moet ontwikkeling wees vir die huidige generasie, maar nie teen die prys van die vernietiging van die natuurlike omgewing vir die volgende generasie nie. Ons het talle voorbeelde uit die apartheid-era van die skade wat aangerig is aan mense en hul omgewing deur die tuisland-beleid. Miljoene mense is geforseer om 'n bestaan te maak in gebiede wat nie die groot getalle wat na hierdie verafgelee areas gedwing is, kon akkomodeer nie. Die nalatenskap hiervan is erosie, ontbossing en armoede. Daar is toenemende eise vir ontwikkeling, maar hierdie eise is oneindig terwyl die bronne van die wereld eindig is. Die vraag wat nou ontstaan, is of daar voorkeur gegee moet word aan die reg tot 'n veilige omgewing of die reg op voldoende voedsel en water, soos wat beide hiervan beklemtoon word in die Konstitusie. Ek poog om aan te toon dat Holmes Rolston III se artikel "Feeding People versus Saving Nature?" en die punte gemaak in Hardin se "Tragedy of the Commons" nie daarin slaag om openbare norme te bevredig nie en dus nie daarin slaag om die dilemma te oorkom nie. Ek stel voor dat die dilemma benader moet word vanuit 'n bio-regionale perspektief waarin daar gefokus word op die politieke middele om die restorasie en voortbestaan van natuurlike sisteme te bevorder waardeur die mense en natuur in elke area uiteindelik ondersteun word. Ek glo dat hierdie strategie daarin sal slaag om die impasse op te hef waarin die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing verval het in hul poging om hierdie komplekse probleem op te los.

A study of the Drakenstein Local Municipality's five main urban economic sectors with special reference to the municipality's strategic objectives

Slinger, Ronel H. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Public and Development Management)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / 128 leaves printed single pages, preliminary pages i-ix and numbered pages 1-118. Includes bibliography and a list of figures in color and tables. Digitized at 300 dpi 24-bit Color to pdf format (OCR) using a Hp Scanjet 8250 Scanner, and digitized at 600 dpi grayscale to pdf format (OCR), using a Bizhub 250 Konica Minolta Scanner. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: "The South African Constitution (1996) promotes the improvement of liVing environments and livelihoods for all constituents by means of a developmental approach to local governance" (IDASA, 2005:2). The development role of local government can be understood through the consideration of four basic drivers which includes planning for development, governance and administration, regulation and service delivery. The Drakenstein Local Municipality is committed to ensure sustainable economic growth and development by increasing national and provincial competitiveness as well as the reduction of poverty. Key to this process is the retention and expansion of existing businesses as well as the attraction of new investment. The main focus of this research study is the promotion of business development as it forms part of local economic development (LED) and is also an integral part of integrated development planning (IDP) at local government level. The introduction of proposed targeted investment incentives is aimed at facilitating the implementation of the Drakenstein Local Municipality's strategic development objectives. The proposed intervention options should be a special effort to attract investment to the study area which will result in a positive spill-over effect in the Drakenstein Local Municipality's local economy. Intervention options can be developed in terms of investment incentives that can bring about job creation, economic development and poverty alleviation in the study area as set out in their strategic deveiopment objectives.

The role of social capital in the creation of sustainable livelihoods : a case study of the Siyazama Community Allotment Gardening Association (SCAGA)

Jacobs, Cindy 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Sociology and Social Anthropology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / Cape Town’s growing economy has benefited greatly from its natural resources. The city boasts the unique Table Mountain; Blue Flag beaches; and the distinctive fynbos of the Cape Floral Kingdom, all of which have contributed considerably to the revenue generated by the tourism industry. Even though the city’s economy appears robust, many people living in townships on the Cape Flats continue to face a reality of being trapped in a state of deprivation; unable to access those natural resources as a means to make a living; and unable to cope with shocks, trends and seasonality in a dynamic, vulnerable society plagued by inequitable distribution of wealth and environmental degradation. Yet, while access to financial, natural (and other) assets is limited, poor people can rely upon their social assets – or Social Capital (SC) in order to make a living. This case study explores the three types of Social Capital – (i) Bonding SC (between project beneficiaries), (ii) Bridging SC (between project beneficiaries and implementing agents) and (iii) Linking SC (between implementing agents and local government organs) – in an attempt to understand their impact on the livelihoods of project beneficiaries involved in the Khayelitsha-based Siyazama Community Allotment Gardening Association (SCAGA). This was done with the purpose of enabling development practitioners, government officials and local people to work together to plan sustainable initiatives that enhance peoples’ quality of life. Although case studies have been criticised by some authors as lacking scientific rigor and do not address generalisability, this study employed a case study approach due to its appropriateness when dealing with a small number of participants and the specific context of their complex real-life activities in great depth. By taking a post-positivistic stance, the researcher was able to appreciate the different constructions and meanings that people place upon their life experiences.

The sustainability balanced scorecard : its theory and applications to companies operating within the South African fishing industry

Esterhuyse, Willem Petrus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2008. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Verskeie korporatiewe fiaskos gedurende die afgelope dekade het wêreldwye opskudding veroorsaak met die gevolg dat daar vanaf ‘n nuwe oogpunt gekyk word na die wyses waarop korporasies bestuur word. Terselfdertyd is daar ‘n wêreldwye belangstelling gekweek in volhoubare ontwikkeling en korporasies se bydrae daartoe. Dit, tesame met korporatiewe bestuur, het tot die gevolg gehad dat die fokus vanaf die tradisionele finansiële verslaggewing geskuif het na rapportering op die sogenaamde “Tripple Bottom Line” en meer en meer maatskappye oor die wêreld genereer en publiseer deesdae op hul ekonomies-, maatskaplike-, omgewingsverantwoordelikhede en prestasies. Gou is daar egter besef dat rapportering en die opstel van beleide self nie genoeg is nie en een van die die grootste uitdagings aan korporatiewe bestuurders tans is om te verseker dat hul korporatiewe bestuurstelsels hul volhoubare strategieë ondersteun om te verseker dat die strategieë in hul maatskappystelsels en prosesse geintegreer is. Kaplan en Norton het in 1992 die Gebalanseerde Telkaart ontwikkel. Die telkaart is as instrument voorgestel om strategieë in aksie oor te skakel. Die telkaart erken dat die tradisionele finansiële maatstawwe nie voldoende is om die volhoudbare sukses van die maatskappy te verseker nie en skep ‘n balans tussen nie-tradisionele maatstawwe oor vier areas: finansieël, kliënte, interne prosesse en leer en groei. Alhoewel daar verskeie gevallestudies in literatuur voorkom waar Gebalanseerde Telkaart implementering gefaal het, het navorsing bewys dat in gevalle waar dit wel suksesvol geimplementeer is, die telkaart ‘n dramatiese verskil aan die maatskapy se prestasie gemaak het. Daar moet dus besef word dat die telkaart wel sy tekortkominge het en dat die implementering daarvan oordeelkundig moet geskied. Gedurende die 21st eeu het outeurs die potensiaal van die Gebalanseerde Telkaart om korporatiewe volhoudbaarheidsstrategië in aksie oor te skakel raakgesien om sodoende die gaping tussen volhoudbare korporatiewe bestuur en die integrasie van beleid en strategieë in die maatskappy prosesse en -stelsels te oorbrug met die integrasie van volhoudbare maatstawwe in die Gebalanseerde Telkaart. Wêreldwyd is die visvangbedryf gedurig onder die kollig vanweë sy impak op die omgewing en die Suid-Afrikaanse visvangbedryf word nie uitgesluit nie. Die visbedryf is ‘n bron afhanklike bedryf en maatskappye moet teen mekaar meeding vir toegang tot die ontgunning van die bron. Vanuit ‘n ekonomiese en ‘n omgewings oogpunt is dit dus van uiters belang dat maatskappye in die bedryf volhoudbare strategieë toepas om die hernubaarheid van die bron te verseker. Suid-Afrikaanse maatskappye bevind hulself egter in ‘n unieke situasie in terme van maatskaplike verantwoordelikheid vanweë die onregmatighede van die apartheidstelsel en maatskaplike verantwoordelikheid moet dus transformasie insluit. Daarvoor het die Departement van Handel en Industrie reeds Die Swart Ekonomiese Bemagtigings Telkaart ingestel om die vordering van maatskappye te meet. Hierdie telkaarte vorm dus ‘n uitstekende basis vir die volhoudbaarheids gebalanseerde integrasie, nie net om te voldoen aan die legislatiewe regulasies nie, maar ook om die geleenhede wat daaruit kan voortspruit ten volle te benut. Hierdie navorsingsverslag ondersoek dus die skakels tussen korporatiewe bestuur en korporatiewe volhoudbaarheid, die teorië rondom die Volhoudbaare Gebalanseerde Telkaart en die moontlike toepassing daarvan op die Suid-Afrikaanse visbedryf. / ENGLISH SUMMARY: Over the past decade outrageous corporate fiascos has resulted in a renewed interest in Corporate Governance and the way Corporates are managed. At the same time sustainable development and the Corporate contribution and Corporate sustainability has gathered worldwide interest in both institutional and corporate spheres. This has triggered new expectations for business transparency and has shifted the focus from traditional financial reporting to reporting on the organization’s impact and performance on the triple bottom line. More companies from across the globe are developing and reporting on their economic, social- and environmental responsibility and performance. It soon became clear that reporting on broad policy is simply not enough and one of the biggest challenges of corporate managers today are to ensure that their sustainable strategies and policies are integrated into their organizational governance structures and processes. Kapland and Norton have developed the Balanced Scorecard in 1992 to provide business managers with a management tool to translate their strategies into action. The scorecard recognizes that traditional financial measurements is not enough to ensure the continued success of organizations and creates a balance between non traditional measurements across four perspectives: financial, customers, internal processes and learning and growth. Although various case studies exist about Balanced Scorecard implementation, empirical research have indicated substantial performance improvement at organizations that have successfully implemented the Balanced Scorecard. Implementation thereof therefore has to be carried out with caution. During the 2000’s authors has recognized the potential of the Balanced Scorecard to translate Corporate sustainability strategies into action and bridge the gap between the way corporates are governed and sustainability by integrating sustainability measures into the Balanced Scorecard for the creation of the sustainability Balanced Scorecard. Fisheries, world wide are continually under the spotlight as a result of their impact on the environment and the South African fishing industry is certainly not excluded. Fisheries are a resource dependent industry and companies have to compete against each other for access to these resources. Apart from its environmental impact it is therefore of outmost importance that managers within the industry considers all the sustainability aspects in their organizational structures. This research report thus explores the link between Corporate Governance and Corporate Sustainability, the theory surrounding the sustainability Balanced Scorecard and the possible application thereof in order to ensure the long term sustainability of the industry.

Synergies between biodiversity conservation and sustainable rural development of adjacent communities: a case study of the Tsitsikamma National Park

Faasen, Helena 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScConsEcol (Conservation Ecology and Entomology)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa promotes participatory, cooperative governance and environmental conservation. This constitutional directive is enhanced into the National Environmental Management Act and other conservation laws. These legal requirements for active community participation in natural resources management, including benefit sharing are sufficiently captured in the SANParks’ policy and strategy for the management of national parks.

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