Spelling suggestions: "subject:"sustained"" "subject:"substained""
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Preparação e caracterização de nanocapsulas de poly(D,L-lactideo) no encapsulamento de palmitato de retinila / Preparation and characterization of poly(D,L-lactide) nanocapsules encapsulating retinyl palmitateCamargo, Zaine Teixeira 14 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Nelson Eduardo Duran Caballero, Silvia Stanisçuaski Guterres / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Quimica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-14T14:13:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Camargo_ZaineTeixeira_D.pdf: 3911237 bytes, checksum: 891d323a5b01460e5b5c5e924fab41ac (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: Nesse trabalho, foram preparadas nanocápsulas (NC) que consistem em um núcleo oleoso (sistema reservatório) e uma parede polimérica, nas quais se empregou o óleo palmitato de retinila (PR) e o polímero biodegradável poli(D,L-lactídeo) (PLA). Além desse sistema, nanoemulsões (NE, sem a parede polimérica) e nanoesferas (NS, matriz polimérica) foram preparadas para efeito de comparação. Utilizou-se ainda, moléculas modelos solubilizadas no núcleo oleoso do PR, a benzofenona-3 (BZ3) e a baicaleína (BAI). As NC foram caracterizadas quanto à eficiência de encapsulamento, estabilidade física e química, distribuição de tamanhos e potencial zeta. As NC e NE apresentaram tamanhos médios de 200 nm (P.D.I=0,1), potencial zeta de aproximadamente -10 mV (emprego de surfactante não-iônico), sendo estáveis físico-quimicamente por 4 meses a aproximadamente 4 °C e 28 °C. Realizou-se ensaios de citotoxicidade e fototoxicidade das nanoestruturas em queratinócitos (HaCat) e fibroblastos (BALB/c 3T3), observando-se que as NC apresentam citotoxicidade apenas a elevadas concentrações, sendo assim, apresentam-se viáveis para aplicação dérmica. Medidas de calorimetria diferencial de varredura (DSC) evidenciaram que as nanoestruturas apresentam abaixamento de picos de fusão em comparação às misturas físicas e que devido à baixa proporção, a BZ3 não influencia os eventos térmicos das nanoestruturas, enquanto que o surfactante Span 60 aumenta a largura do pico de fusão do PR, o que sugere sua solubilização no núcleo das NC. A análise morfológica das partículas pela técnica de microscopia eletrônica de transmissão (TEM) mostrou que as NC apresentam capacidade de deformação. Para melhor investigação desta propriedade, utilizou-se experimento de extrusão em membranas de poros de menores tamanhos. No ensaio, observou-se que as NC permeiam as membranas de policarbonato quando adicionado PEG-8L, um surfactante empregado para aumentar a permeação de lipossomas elásticos devido ao aumento da molhabilidade dos poros da membrana. Preparou-se o derivativo polimérico com o cromóforo azul do Nilo (AN) através da formação de ligação covalente dos ácidos carboxílicos terminais e amina do AN. Tal polímero foi empregado em ensaio de permeação cutânea por célula de difusão vertical de Franz e sua avaliação por microscopia de varredura a laser confocal (CLSM). Os ensaios revelaram que a fluorescência da parede polimérica e a do PR apresentam-se em mesma profundidade na pele, o que evidencia a permeação do carreador ao invés de uma liberação do ativo. Em quantificação das NC na pele, observou-se que, o PR atinge a célula receptora e é encontrado em camadas da epiderme/derme e camada córnea. Desta forma, esse trabalho contribuiu através da obtenção de um sistema de NC bastante promissor para o armazenamento da vitamina A, bem como no carreamento de bioativos a camadas mais profundas da pele. / Abstract: In this work, we have prepared nanocapsules (NC) that are drug-reservoir vesicular systems, in which the shell is polymeric. Retinyl palmitate (RP) was encapsulated for the first time as an oil core with poly(D,L-lactide) (PLA) shell. Nanospheres (NS, without oil core), nanoemulsions (NE, without polymer shell) and niosomes (NI, without oil and polymer) were prepared for comparison. Further, NC were used to encapsulate two model molecules, benzophenone-3 (BZ3) and baicalein (BAI). These systems were characterized and tested by a range of techniques, including encapsulation efficiency and stability by HPLC dosage, pH, size distribution and zeta potential measurements. Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) measurements on the nanocapsules showed a monomodal peak at 200 nm (polydispersity = 0.10). The zeta potential was -10 mV (by using non-ionic surfactant). The NC system was stable for at least 4 months around 4 °C and 28 °C . Cytotoxicity and phototoxicity assays were performed in keratinocytes (HaCat) and fibroblasts (BALB/c 3T3), showing that the NC are cytotoxic only at high concentrations. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) showed a decrease in the fusion temperatures of the nanostructures in comparison to mixed raw materials. BZ3 incorporation did not change thermal events, and also larger fusion peak of RP was observed by incorporating liposoluble surfactant Span 60. In addition, TEM images suggested that the PLA nanocapsules display some elastic characteristic. For a better investigation, permeation through 50 nm pores of two crossed membranes at transepidermal pressure were evaluated and showed that NC are able to cross the membranes when PEG-8L is used, which is a surfactant commonly used in order to increase the pore wettability in assays with elastic liposomes. The PLA were additionally functionalized with Nile blue dye (NB) by a covalent bond formation. This PLA-NB labeled material was used in the nanostructures preparations before permeation studies by Franz diffusion cells. Both fluorescence from the RP and functionalized polymer, were found in the same depth in the skin, showing that the nanocarrier is able to permeate the skin, instead of a release of the active. The quantification by HPLC showed that after 24 h permeation studies the RP is found in the receptor chamber. Overall, these novel and versatile polymeric NC show a huge potential for pharmaceutical applications due to their excellent permeation through the skin which makes this system particularly attractive for drug delivery applications, such as in transcutaneous applications. / Doutorado / Físico-Química / Doutor em Ciências
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Desenvolvimento de nanopartículas poliméricas contendo amitraz, fluazuron e/ou violaceína para o uso na pecuária / Development of polymeric nanoparticle contain amitraz, fluazuron and/or violacein for livestock usingBerni Neto, Elias Antonio, 1983- 27 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Nelson Eduardo Durán Caballero / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Química / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-27T11:57:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
BerniNeto_EliasAntonio_D.pdf: 2747484 bytes, checksum: 572541fe31adfbc199cbcb02da6c1cbe (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: O Brasil se destaca por ter uma das maiores pecuárias bovinas do mundo,movimentando cerca de R$ 164 bilhões ao ano. Contudo, este setor apresenta ainda algumas dificuldades, principalmente relacionadas com a sanidade dos animais. Dentre as principais patologias responsáveis por perdas podemoscitar o ataque de ectoparasitas,como o Boophilumicroplus, que gera perdas da ordem de US$ 4 bilhão ao ano, e a mastite bovina (inflamação no ubre de vacas) causada por microorganismos como Staphylococcus aureus e a Escherichia colie que gera perdas nos valores de U$ 185 por animal ao ano. Baseado nesses fatos, a área de nanoliberação ou drug release foi escolhida como alternativa para aumentar a eficácia dos carrapaticidas e dos medicamentos usados no combate a mastite. Com o uso de nanopartículas poliméricas de poli(?-caprolactona) (PCL) eutilizando a técnica de nanoprecipitação ou deslocamento do solvente recobertas com o polímero quitosana, foi possível aumentar tanto a estabilidade como asolubilidade dos ativos, bem como diminuir sua toxicidade contra células 3T3. Foram estudados 4 sistemas distintos, QS_PCLnp (sem ativo), QS_PCLnp _ami (contendo o ativo amitraz), QS_PCLnp_flu (contendo o ativo fluazuron) e QS_PCLnp_vio (contendo o ativo violaceína). O sistema QS_PCLnp_vioapresentou um tamanho de 260±10 nm e carga superficial de +30±2 mV, com uma concentração final de violaceína de 180 ?g mL-1eeficiência de 91±1% para uma capacidade de encapsulamento de 11±1% em relação a massa de PCL, sendo testado contra as bactérias E. coli e S. aureus no combate a Mastite bovina. O sistemaQS_PCLnp_amiapresentou o tamanho de 275±30 nm e carga superficial de +43±7 mV, com uma concentração final de amitraz de 1,0 mg mL-1e eficiência de 77±1% para uma capacidade de encapsulamento de 39±1% com relação a massa de PCL. Já o sistema QS_PCLnp_flu apresentou o tamanho de 295±35nm com um potencial zeta de +44±10econcentração de 0,5 mg mL-1 de fluazurono, onde obteve-se uma eficiência de 89±1% para uma capacidade de encapsulamento de 22±1% com relação a massa de PCL. Sendo que os sistemas QS_PCLnp_ami e QS_PCLnp_flu foram usados no combate ao carrapato B. microplus. Em todos os sistemas contendo ativos foi observado que os mesmos estavam dispersos molecularmente na matriz polimérica interna de PCL bem como na camada superficial de quitosana, influenciando na estabilidade estérica das nanopartículas no pH acima de 7. Todos os sistemas se mostraram estáveis em soluções salinas deconcentração de 1,25 mol L-1de NaCl e com o aumento da temperatura até 50°C. No estudo da mastite,o sistema QS_PCLnp_vio mostrou uma maior ação contra a S. aureus, enquanto que a violaceína pura se mostrou mais eficaz contra a E. coli,resultados que possibilitam um estudo de um sistema híbrido contendoQS_PCLnp_vio e violaceína pura. No caso do combate ao carrapato B. microplus o uso dos sistemas QS_PCLnp_ami e QS_PCLnp_flu em conjunto, possibilitou uma dose menor do ativo fluazuron do que a praticada comercialmente, deixando o animal livre de carrapatos por um período de 28 dias, necessitando de espaços maiores entre os banhos daqueles praticados atualmente / Abstract: Brazil plays a pivotal role in livestock market, moving around R$ 164 billions per year. However, this market shows yet some difficulties, mainly related to the health of animals being the main pathologies which affect the ectoparasites such as Boophilus microplus that generates losses of US$ 4 billion per year, and bovine mastitis (inflammation of the udders of cows) caused by microorganisms such as Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli, that generates losses in the amounts of US$ 185 per cow per year. For this reason the drug release was chosen as an alternative to increase the effectiveness of acaricides and drugs used against bovine mastitis. Using polymeric nanoparticles of poly (?-caprolactone) (PCL) coated with the polymer chitosan, and synthesized by displacement solvent technique was possible to increase both stability and solubility assets as well as decreasing its toxicity against 3T3 cells. In this work, 4 different systems were studied, QS_PCLnp (without assets), QS_PCLnp_vio (containing the active violacein) QS_PCLnp_ami (containing the active amitraz) and QS_PCLnp_flu (containing the active fluazuron). The QS_PCLnp_vio system showed a size of 260±10 nm and surface charge of +30±2 mV, with a final concentration of 180 mg mL-1 of violacein and efficiency of 91±1% for a loading capacity of 11±1% compared with PCL mass, this system were being tested against the bacteria S. aureus and E. coli against bovine mastitis. The QS_PCLnp_ami system shows a size of 275±30 nm and surface charge of +43±7 mV, with a final concentration of 1.0 mg mL-1 of amitraz, and an efficiency of 77±1% for a loading capacity of 39±1 % compared with PCL mass, while QS_PCLnp_flu shows a size of 295±35 nm and surface charge of +44±10 mV and 0.5 mg ml-1 of fluazuron, which gave an efficiency of 89±1% for a loading capacity of 22±1% compared with PCL mass. Both system QS_PCLnp_ami and QS_PCLnp_flu were used against B. microplus. All systems shows molecularly dispersed active compound in the polymer matrix of PCL inside and the surface layer of chitosan influencing the steric stability of nanoparticles in pH above 7. All systems were stable in saline concentration of 1.25 mol L-1 of NaCl and with temperature increase up to 50°C. In the study of mastitis, the QS_PCLnp_vio system showed greater activity against S. aureus, while the pure violacein is more effective against E. coli. This result motivates a study of a hybrid system contain QS_PCLnp_vio and pure violacein. In the case of B. microplus tick were used QS_PCLnp_ami and QS_PCLnp_flu together, which provided a lower dose of the active fluazuron than commercially practiced, leaving the animal free of ticks for a period of 28 days, requiring larger spaces between the bathing those currently practiced nowadays / Doutorado / Físico-Química / Doutor em Ciências
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Produção de sistemas híbridos à base de hidrogel de Pluronic e nanopartículas porosas de sílica para aplicação antitumoral / Production of hybrid systems based on Pluronic hydrogel and porous silica nanoparticles for anticancer applicationBueno, Camila Pedroso Silveira, 1989- 03 March 2015 (has links)
Orientador: Nelson Eduardo Durán Caballero / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Química / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-27T13:02:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Bueno_CamilaPedrosoSilveira_M.pdf: 80017692 bytes, checksum: afdb5714b60ba879bf69cbd031077a1d (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015 / Resumo: Um dos principais problemas da quimioterapia, atualmente, é o uso de fármacos extremamente citotóxicos, cuja falta de especificidade acarreta na ação sob todos os tipos de células, incluindo as saudáveis, gerando efeitos colaterais intensos, que prejudicam a terapia em si. Nesse sentido, os nanomateriais oferecem uma opção terapêutica valiosa, pois podem conjugar especificidade e liberação sustentada do fármaco, prevenindo-o de ser degradado prematuramente e permitindo o uso de menores doses. A fim de desenvolver um sistema do tipo drug depot que servisse como plataforma para a liberação sustentada de fármacos, foram produzidas, neste trabalho, formulações baseadas em nanopartículas mesoporosas de sílica e hidrogel de Pluronic F-127, associadas a dois fármacos individualmente: doxorrubicina e sildenafila. As nanopartículas mesoporosas de sílica são boas alternativas para uso médico, pois são biocompatíveis e possuem grande volume de poros, atuando como carreadoras, promovendo a liberação sustentada do fármaco. O Pluronic F-127 atua como agente gelificante e promove uma liberação prolongada das nanopartículas e do fármaco incorporado, uma vez que é um polímero termo-reversível que permite a formação de um hidrogel à temperatura ambiente. A doxorrubicina é um antibiótico antitumoral de largo espectro, amplamente usada no tratamento de diversos cânceres, que atua ligando-se ao DNA e induzindo apoptose celular. Por sua vez, a sildenafila faz parte de uma classe de inibidores da enzima fosfodiesterase-5, cuja expressão aparece aumentada em diversos carcinomas e, por isso, seu papel na progressão tumoral vem sendo amplamente estudado. Após estudar os aspectos físico-químicos envolvendo os componentes dos sistemas, como estabilidade coloidal e interações entre as nanopartículas e biomoléculas presentes no meio biológico, as formulações foram testadas contra câncer de próstata quimicamente induzido em ratos. Os resultados mostram que as nanopartículas possuem um papel determinante no quadro de melhora de tumor, minimizando, também, a toxicidade do antitumoral / Abstract: One of the largest problems of chemotherapy currently is the use of highly cytotoxic drugs with lack of specificity, thus damaging all kinds of tissues, including healthy cells. This leads to aggressive side effects that jeopardize the therapy itself. In this context, nanomaterials emerge as a valuable therapeutic option, as they can provide the specificity to target tumor tissues and a sustained release of the drug, preventing the drugs premature degradation and allowing lower doses. Aiming to develop a drug depot system that would act as platform for the sustained release of drugs, this project proposed to develop formulations based on mesoporous silica nanoparticles and Pluronic F-127 hydrogels, associated with two drugs individually: doxorubicin and sildenafil. The mesoporous silica nanoparticles are good alternatives for biomedical use because of their biocompatible features and their great pore volume, acting as carriers and providing sustained release. Pluronic F-127 acts as the gelling agent and provides a prolonged release of the nanoparticles and the loaded drug, since it is a thermo-reversible polymer that allows the formation of a hydrogel at room temperature. Doxorubicin is an antibiotic and antitumor of large spectra, largely used to treat several types of cancer and acts binding the DNA and inducing cell apoptosis. Sildenafil, in turn, is part of a class of inhibidors of the enzyme phosphodiesterase-5, which expression is increased in many carcinomas and which role in tumor progression has been largely studied. After studying physico-chemical aspects involving the systems produced, such as the colloidal stability, release profile, and the interactions of the nanoparticles with the biomolecules present in biological medium. The formulations were also tested in rats with chemically induced prostate cancer. The results show that the nanoparticles play a determinant role on the improvement of tumor conditions, also reducing doxorubicin's toxicity / Mestrado / Físico-Química / Mestra em Química
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Du rendement soutenu à l'aménagement forestier durable : Quelle gouvernance pour le Québec ? / From Sustained Yield to Sustainable Forest Management : What Form of Governance for Quebec ?Gassama, Ibrahima 16 September 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse est une exploration pour rendre opérationnel le concept d'aménagement forestier durable, en dépassant les perspectives proposées par le rendement soutenu. Dans ce cadre, la démarche n'est pas de calculer l'évolution de la production des volumes de bois pour en garantir un flux constant, mais bien la définition, par la diversité des acteurs, de la cohérence dans le développement d'une diversité d'activités forestières. Cette démarche nécessite non seulement un éclairage associé à la connaissance experte, mais aussi à la connaissance provenant des acteurs des activités forestières et des acteurs de la gouvernance pour comprendre les effets de tels développements sur le territoire. La réalité, sur le terrain montre que la préoccupation des acteurs du milieu forestier va au-delà de la préservation des volumes de bois.Ainsi, la durabilité forestière englobe d’autres valeurs et usages non ligneuses et non monétaires. Une évaluation de ces autres valeurs ne saurait se faire sans la création d’une démarche participative dont la finalité est de construire les préférences par les acteurs eux-mêmes. Ainsi, l’aménagement forestier durable devient un problème de choix social afin d’identifier les formes d’aménagement acceptables par les acteurs du territoire. Cette recherche s’attèlera à ressortir ces préférences sociétales sur le territoire pilote du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean par une démarche délibérative et des outils multimédias de la médiation des connaissances. / This thesis is an exploration to operationalize the concept of Sustainable Forest Management, overcoming the prospects offered by the concept of Sustained Yield. In this context, the approach is not to calculate the evolution of production volumes of wood to ensure a constant flow, but to define by the diversity of stakeholders, the consistency in the development of multiple forest activities. This approach requires an associated lighting expert knowledge but also knowledge from actors in forestry and governance stakeholders to understand the effects of such developments in the area. The reality on the ground shows that the concern of forest stakeholders goes beyond the preservation of wood volumes.Thus, forest sustainability encompasses other non-timber and non-monetary values and uses. An evaluation of these other values cannot be achieved without the creation of a participatory process whose aim is to build preferences by the actors themselves. Thus, Sustainable Forest Management becomes a social choice problem to identify acceptable forms of development by local actors. This research will strive to highlight the societal preferences on the pilot territory of Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean by a deliberative approach and multimedia tools of mediation of knowledge.
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Relationship between media multitasking and functional connectivity in the dorsal attention network / メディアマルチタスク傾向と背側注意ネットワークの機能的結合性の関係Kobayashi, Kei 25 January 2021 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(医学) / 甲第22885号 / 医博第4679号 / 新制||医||1048(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学専攻 / (主査)教授 伊佐 正, 教授 古川 壽亮, 教授 高橋 淳 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DFAM
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Adipogenesis using human adipose tissue-derived stem cells sustaining release of basic fibroblast growth factor / 脂肪由来幹細胞、徐放性線維芽細胞増殖因子を用いた脂肪形成Ito, Ran 24 March 2014 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(医学) / 甲第18133号 / 医博第3853号 / 新制||医||1001(附属図書館) / 30991 / 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学専攻 / (主査)教授 坂田 隆造, 教授 瀬原 淳子, 教授 開 祐司 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DGAM
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Efficacy of gelatin gel sheets in sustaining the release of basic fibroblast growth factor for murine skin defects / マウス皮膚欠損創モデルにおける塩基性線維芽細胞増殖因子(bFGF)徐放性ゼラチンゲルシートの有効性Sakamoto, Michiharu 23 September 2016 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(医学) / 乙第13051号 / 論医博第2117号 / 新制||医||1017(附属図書館) / 33141 / (主査)教授 別所 和久, 教授 椛島 健治, 教授 開 祐司 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DFAM
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Efficacy of the dual controlled release of HGF and bFGF impregnated with a collagen/gelatin scaffold / コラーゲン/ゼラチン足場材料からの肝細胞増殖因子と塩基性線維芽細胞増殖因子の2種類のサイトカイン徐放の有効性Ogino, Shuichi 23 January 2018 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(医学) / 甲第20807号 / 医博第4307号 / 新制||医||1025(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学専攻 / (主査)教授 椛島 健治, 教授 瀬原 淳子, 教授 上杉 志成 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DFAM
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No description available.
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Ibrutinib is the first Bruton`s tyrosine kinase (BTK) inhibitor for oral administration approved by FDA in 2014. It is the first-line treatment for B-cell malignancies, which are the most common hematologic neoplasia. Ibrutinib is a relatively safe alternative for currently used treatment modalities that are associated with long-term toxicity and resistance. However, ibrutinib is considered as BCS class II drug and has very low solubility in an aqueous medium (13 μg/ml at PH 8.0) and has six different polymorphic forms. Furthermore, recommended daily dose of ibrutinib is about 420 mg to 560 mg, which causes severe GI disturbances, with poor patient compliance. This represent a major critical concern because drug is used chronically. Increasing drug solubility and controlling rate of drug release may improve both bioavailability at significantly lower daily administered doses and by implication could minimize GI side effects and improve patient compliance.The objective of this study is to utilize Hot Melt Extrusion (HME) to develop a stable amorphous solid dispersion (ASD) of ibrutinib using Copovidone (PlasdoneTM S-630 Ultra) as a carrier for inclusion into a hydrating matrix for sustained release delivery. Development of ASD based on HME is an efficient method to overcome poor solubility problem and stabilize the drug`s metastable polymorphic states. It is known that amorphous systems are energetically at a higher thermodynamic state and can dissolve to a much greater extent relative to their crystalline counterpart. A stable sustained-release ASD based system may offer many advantages, including reduction in frequency of administration and GI disturbances with propensity to enhance solubilization while suppressing recrystallization.
The ASD systems prepared in this study was stable, amorphous, and single-phase systems up to 60% API load as confirmed by X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), modulated differential scanning calorimetry (mDSC), and rheological analysis. Supersaturated micro-dissolution testing of melt-extruded powder in fasted state simulated intestinal fluid demonstrated up to 70% increase in supersaturation solubility than the saturation solubility of crystalline counterparts. In addition, dissolution data based on the standard USP paddle method for the formulated SR tablets demonstrated a prolonged release up to six hours and a maximum of 53% higher drug release than crystalline ibrutinib.
In conclusion, the results of this study indicate that ibrutinib amorphous solid dispersion developed utilizing hot-melt extrusion technology and Copovidone (PlasdoneTM S-630 Ultra) as a carrier is able to produce stable and homogeneous single-phase ASD system with enhanced solubility and desirable sustained drug release rate. / Pharmaceutical Sciences
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