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Propriedades mecânicas de dois padrões de sutura e dois tipos de fios aplicados às tenorrafias de equinos / Mechanical properties of two patterns and two suture material applied in equine tenorrhaphiesRodrigo Romero Corrêa 11 May 2012 (has links)
As lesões traumáticas do membros que resultam em secções tendíneas são problemas comuns na clínica equina. Estas lesões podem ser tratadas de forma conservativa ou cirúrgica. Diversas complicações tem sido associadas às técnicas cirúrgicas, como ruptura do fio de sutura, ruptura do coto tendíneo suturado, infecções da ferida, entre outros. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar biomecanicamente a combinação entre os padrões de sutura locking loop duplo e locking loop simples com sutura de epitendão, com os fios de sutura polipropileno e poliglactina 910, ambos de número 2, visando estipular a melhor combinação entre as variáveis quando aplicadas ao tendão flexor digital profundo de equinos. Os corpos de prova foram submetidos a ensaios mecânicos de tração, onde determinaram-se valores de força mínima, força máxima e pico de força durante o afastamento de 3 milímetros entre os cotos suturados, além do afastamento observado entre os cotos durante o pico máximo de força. Quando avaliada a força máxima, observaram-se maiores valores (p0,05) nos grupos onde foi utilizado o padrão locking loop simples com sutura de epitendão, e também quando a sutura foi realizada com polipropileno. Para a força mínima, o padrão simples também se mostrou superior, não havendo diferença significativa quando variaram-se os fios de sutura. Quando avaliado o pico de força, as suturas duplas foram superiores, não havendo diferença estatística quando comparadas com a sutura simples realizada com polipropileno. Os padrões duplos permitiram maior afastamento que os padrões simples com sutura de epitendão. O padrão locking loop simples, com sutura de epitendão, atinge maiores valores de força enquanto o afastamento é de até 3 milímetros. Quando realizado com polipropileno, este padrão suporta maior carga do que quando realizado com poliglactina. / The traumatic lesions of the limbs that result in tendon sections are common problems in equine medicine. These lesions can be treated with clinical or surgical procedures. Several complications, as rupture of the suture material, rupture of the tendon extremity and wound infection have been associated with the technique. The objective of this study was evaluate biomechanically the locking loop suture and the locking loop with epitendon suture, when performed with polypropylene and polyglactin 910 suture material, number 2, looking for the best combination between the variables when applied to equine deep digital flexor tendon. The specimens was submitted to a strain test. Values of minimum strength, maximum strength and force peak were measured during 3 millimeters of separation between the tendon extremities, and the gap was observed between the tendon extremities during the maximum peak force. During maximum strength evaluation, the higher values (p0,05) were observed in groups which were used simple locking loop pattern associated with epitendon suture, and also when the suture was performed with polypropylene. For the minimum strength, the simple pattern was also better, showing no significant difference between the types of suture material. When the peak force was measured, the double sutures were better, and there was no statistic variation when compared with the suture performed with polypropilene in a simple pattern. The double patterns allowed higher separation than the simple patterns associated with epitendon suture. The simple locking loop pattern, with epitendon suture, reaches higher values of strength when there is 3 millimeters of separation. When performed with polypropylene, this pattern supports higher load than when performed with polyglactin.
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Estudo comparativo entre sutura mecânica e manual em brônquio após pneumonectomia esquerda em cães (Canis familiaris): uma avaliação anatomo-patológica, paramétrica, radiológica e broncoscópica / Comparative study between mechanical and manual sutures in the bronchus after left pneumonectomy in the dogs (Canis familiaris): a pathological-anatomic, parametric, radiological and bronchoscopic evaluationSimões, Edson Azevedo 26 August 2003 (has links)
Em cães, os estudos experimentais comparativos dos diferentes tipos de sutura para a síntese do brônquio principal são escassos, quando não ausentes nesta espécie. Além disso, existem possíveis complicações decorrentes da má cicatrização do brônquio. O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar um estudo experimental comparando-se sob o ponto de vista anatomo-patológico, paramétrico, radiológico e broncoscópico as suturas manual e mecânica em brônquio principal após pneumonectomia esquerda em cães. Foram utilizados 18 cães, sadios, machos e fêmeas, adultos, sem raça definida, pesando entre 9 e 27,5 kg. Os cães foram submetidos à intubação seletiva e toracotomia esquerda no 5º espaço intercostal, onde foi feita a pneumonectomia. Foram separados em 2 grupos de 9 cães, de acordo com o tipo de sutura empregada: Grupo A - sutura manual do coto brônquico principal esquerdo com pontos separados \"em 8\" com fio polipropileno 5-0; Grupo B - sutura mecânica do coto brônquico principal esquerdo com grampeador mecânico modelo TL-30 com grampos dispostos em fileira dupla. Cada grupo foi subdividido em 3 subgrupos de 3 animais, sendo estabelecido estudo temporal aos 7, 15 e 36 dias de pós-operatório, onde foi realizado a avaliação anatomo-patológica da cicatrização das suturas manual e mecânica, bem como, a avaliação paramétrica (antes da indução da anestesia, imediatamente após o final do ato cirúrgico, 48 horas, 7, 15 e 36 dias após o procedimento cirúrgico), avaliação radiológica ( 24 horas antes e com 7, 15 e 36 dias após o procedimento cirúrgico) e avaliação broncoscópica (após indução anestésica e com 7, 15 e 36 dias após o procedimento cirúrgico), consideradas importantes para avaliar possíveis complicações decorrentes deste tipo de procedimento cirúrgico. Estas avaliações foram realizadas de acordo com o estudo temporal nos diferentes subgrupos. A avaliação paramétrica foi realizada através da mensuração da temperatura, hematócrito, hemoglobina, freqüências cardíaca e respiratória. Na avaliação histopatológica foram avaliados qualitativamente e semi-quantitativamente a intensidade da inflamação, fibrose, vasos neoformados e a presença ou não de tecido de granulação, granuloma tipo corpo estranho e necrose. Os resultados encontrados foram analisados estatisticamente. Apesar das alterações dos índices paramétricos, todos os cães apresentaram evolução pós-operatória satisfatória. Com relação à análise histopatológica, ocorreu a formação de granuloma tipo corpo estranho no coto brônquico esquerdo em 88,9% dos cães submetidos à sutura manual e em nenhum dos cães submetidos à sutura mecânica. Houve ainda, diferença estatística significativa nos cães dos Grupos A e B em relação à intensidade da inflamação, sendo de maior intensidade nos cães submetidos à sutura manual. Os resultados obtidos mostraram não haver diferença estatística significativa nas avaliações radiográficas e broncoscópicas entre os Grupos A e B. Não foram observadas intercorrências no trans e pós-operatório. Concluiu-se que os 2 tipos de sutura promoveram cicatrização adequada do coto brônquico principal esquerdo, embora tenha ocorrido maior intensidade de inflamação e maior ocorrência de granuloma tipo corpo estranho nos cães submetidos à sutura manual, permitindo evolução paramétrica, radiológica, broncoscópica pós-operatória satisfatória e sem diferença nos cães dos Grupos A e B. / In dogs, comparative experimental studies of the different types of sutures for the synthesis of the main bronchus are scarce, when not all available in this species. Furthermore, there are possible complications due to the poor healing of the bronchus. The objective of this study was to perform an experimental study to be compared under the pathological-anatomic, parametric, radiological and bronchoscopic point of views, the manual and mechanical sutures in the main bronchus after left pneumonectomy in dogs. Eighteen adult mongrel, healthy dogs, both male and female, were utilized weighing from 9 to 27.5 kg. The dogs were submitted to a selective intubation and left thorax incision in the 5 th intercostal space where a pneumonectomy was performed. Were separated into 2 groups of 9 dogs according to the type of suture employed: Group A - a manual suture of the main left bronchial stump with separate stitches \"in 8\" with polypropylene 5-O; Group B - a mechanical suture of main left bronchial stump with a mechanical stapler, model TL-30 arranged in a double file. Each group was subdivided into 3 subgroups of 3 animals and a temporal postoperative study was established at 7, 15 and 36 days where an pathological-anatomic evaluation was made on the healing of the manual and mechanical sutures as well as a parametric evaluation (before the induction of anesthesia, immediately after the final surgical act, 48 hours, 7, 15 and 36 days after the surgical procedure), radiological evaluation (24 hours before and with 7, 15 and 36 days after the surgical procedure), and bronchoscopic evaluation (after the induction of anesthesia and with, 7, 15 and 36 days after the surgical procedure), considered important to evaluate possible complications due to this type of surgical procedure. These evaluations were made according to the temporal study in the subgroups. The parametric evaluation was made through the mensuration of temperature, hematocrit, hemoglobin, heart and respiratory rate. During the histopathological evaluation, the intensity of inflammation, fibrosis, neoformed vessels, and the presence or absence of granulation tissue, foreign body reaction and necrosis were evaluated qualitatively and semi-quantitatively. The results found were analyzed statistically. Although the difference observed in the parametric evaluations, all the dogs showed good recovery postoperative. Regarding the histopathologic analysis, foreign body reaction occured in the left bronchial stump in 88,9% of the dogs submitted to a manual suture and in none of the dogs submitted to a mechanical suture. There is still, significant statistical difference in the dogs in Groups A and B in relation to the intensity of the inflammation, the greatest intensity being in the dogs submitted to the manual suture. The results obtained showed that there was no significant statistical difference in the radiographic and bronchoscopic evaluations between Groups A and B. No intercurrences were observed in the trans and postoperative period. It is concluded that both types of sutures brought an adequate healing of the main left bronchial stump, although there was a greater intensity of inflammation and a greater occurence of foreign body reaction in the dogs submitted to the manual suture, permitting satisfactory parametric, radiological and bronchoscopic postoperative evolution and there is no difference in all of the dogs in Groups A and B.
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Definition of topographic organization of skull profile In normal population and its implication on the role of sutures in skull morphologyPirouzmand, Farhad 02 January 2007
Objectives<p>The geometric configuration of skull is complex and unique to each individual. The main objectives of this study are two fold: 1) to provide a new technique to define the outline of skull profile and 2) to find the common factors defining the ultimate skull configuration in adult population. The secondary objective was to explore the effect of age and sex on skull shape formation.<p>Materials & Methods <p>Ninety-three lateral skull x-ray from the CT scan films were selected and digitized. The lateral skull surface was divided into 3 regions based on the presumed location of coronal and lambdoid sutures. A software program (Canvas 7) was used to match the outer surface of lateral skull with circular curves. Three main curvatures (frontal, parietal, occipital) were consistently identified to overlap the skull periphery. The radius, cord length and inclination of each curvature were measured.. Factor analysis technique was also used to reduce the number of variables explaining the overall shape of skull. Student t-test and regression analysis was also used to explore the effect of sex and age on skull shape. <p>Results <p>There were total of 93 patients in this study (54% male). The average values for three defined curvatures of the skull profile were recorded. Factor analysis produced 3 factors. The first factor explained 32% of total variance and was related to the overall size of the head as represented by total length and the radius of the curvature in vertex and back of the head. The second factor covered 26% of the variance representing the inverse correlation between the angle of the frontal and parietal curves. The third factor revealed the direct correlation of occipital and parietal angle. In all of these factors, the frontal zone variation was independent or opposite of the parieto-occipital zone. A strong direct association between the total length of skull, occipital curve radius and length with the sex was shown. No age related variable was identified.<p>Conclusions <p>There is a large variation in the values of different part of the skull. The skull profile topography can be defined mathematically by two distinct territories: frontal and parieto-occipital zones. These territories hinge on the coronal suture. Therefore, coronal suture may play a dominant role in final skull configuration.
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Definition of topographic organization of skull profile In normal population and its implication on the role of sutures in skull morphologyPirouzmand, Farhad 02 January 2007 (has links)
Objectives<p>The geometric configuration of skull is complex and unique to each individual. The main objectives of this study are two fold: 1) to provide a new technique to define the outline of skull profile and 2) to find the common factors defining the ultimate skull configuration in adult population. The secondary objective was to explore the effect of age and sex on skull shape formation.<p>Materials & Methods <p>Ninety-three lateral skull x-ray from the CT scan films were selected and digitized. The lateral skull surface was divided into 3 regions based on the presumed location of coronal and lambdoid sutures. A software program (Canvas 7) was used to match the outer surface of lateral skull with circular curves. Three main curvatures (frontal, parietal, occipital) were consistently identified to overlap the skull periphery. The radius, cord length and inclination of each curvature were measured.. Factor analysis technique was also used to reduce the number of variables explaining the overall shape of skull. Student t-test and regression analysis was also used to explore the effect of sex and age on skull shape. <p>Results <p>There were total of 93 patients in this study (54% male). The average values for three defined curvatures of the skull profile were recorded. Factor analysis produced 3 factors. The first factor explained 32% of total variance and was related to the overall size of the head as represented by total length and the radius of the curvature in vertex and back of the head. The second factor covered 26% of the variance representing the inverse correlation between the angle of the frontal and parietal curves. The third factor revealed the direct correlation of occipital and parietal angle. In all of these factors, the frontal zone variation was independent or opposite of the parieto-occipital zone. A strong direct association between the total length of skull, occipital curve radius and length with the sex was shown. No age related variable was identified.<p>Conclusions <p>There is a large variation in the values of different part of the skull. The skull profile topography can be defined mathematically by two distinct territories: frontal and parieto-occipital zones. These territories hinge on the coronal suture. Therefore, coronal suture may play a dominant role in final skull configuration.
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Characterizations of Biomechanical Properties of Bones in MammalsWu, Yii-der 17 January 2007 (has links)
Pigs, mice and human beings are all vertebrate mammals. More than 90% of genomes in pigs and mice are the same as human beings. Experiment pigs and mice are with advantages in purebloods, small size, high reproductive capacity and short life cycle, etc. The tissue structure and metabolism of physiology in pig and mice are similar to human as well. Therefore, laboratory pigs and mice are often used to substitute human beings for biomedical engineering test. The research topics of this thesis are in the area of biomechanical properties of bones in mammal. The objectives of the study are to reveal the biomechanical properties of various types of bones and discuss its implication to human development.
The entire thesis is divided into three parts. The first topic used micro-indentation test and FEM analysis for the determination of biomechanical properties of controlled cartilages in pigs. The second topic applied (a) three-point-bend failure test to study the age-related radius strength in mice, (b) tensile test to study the mechanical response of cranial sutures in mice, and (c) optical interferometry for 3D profile determination of mouse cranium. The third topic is for quantitative analysis of patterns in cranial sutures using DFT (Discrete Fourier Transform).
The mechanism of diseases (such as osteoporosis, craniosynostosis, etc.) and the complexity of patterns in human cranial sutures in different age groups are discussed.
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The Dynamics of Allochthonous Terranes in the Pangean Suture Zone of Southern IberiaBraid, James A. 02 December 2010 (has links)
Most researchers contend that the destruction of the Rheic Ocean culminated in the formation of the supercontinent Pangea. However, despite the importance of this ocean, there are major uncertainties in the identification of its margins, mechanisms and timing of its formation, and the geodynamics of its closure. Rocks recording the evolution of the Rheic are excellently preserved in the southern Iberian peninsula of Western Europe. Here, the Ossa Morena (OMZ) is separated from the South Portuguese (SPZ) zone by a sequence of polydeformed rocks know as the Pulo do lobo Zone (PDLZ). The PDLZ isinterpreted as a late Paleozoic accretionary prism, which contains potential vestiges of the ancient Rheic Ocean (ophiolites). The objective of this study is to better understand the processes associated with the formation of Pangea by determining the lithotectonic histories of both the PDLZ and SPZ. New field, geochronological and geochemical data are used to test and further constrain current models for the evolution of Pangea as recorded in the Variscan orogen. Fieldwork and geochronological data indicate that the PDLZ was derived from neither the OMZ (Gondwana) nor the SPZ suggesting that if the PDLZ is an accretionary prism it was not derived from the upper or lower plate. This apparent conundrum can be reconciled by a model involving excision of a crustal fragment during collision between an Iberian indenter (Gondwana) with Laurussia during the formation of Pangea. Geochronological and Geochemical data from the SPZ indicate that the lower crust isnot compositionally similar to the overlying Devonian-Carboniferous continental detritus. This unusual relationship is similar to the relationship between the relatively juvenile basement and ancient upper crust documented in the exposed portion of the Meguma terrane in the northern Appalachians, which paleogeographic reconstructions show was immediately outboard of southern Iberia in the Late Devonian. Taken together with the suggested complex tectonic history of the PDLZ the results of this thesis provide important insight into the geometry and timing of the formation of Pangea and indicate that re-interpretation may be required for what is known concerning the tectonic evolution of both the Variscan and Appalachian orogens.
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Vascular changes following mucoperiosteal flap surgery a fluorescein angiographic and histoangiographic study : a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment ... periodontics ... /McLean, Thomas N. January 1985 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Michigan, 1985.
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Evidence for an Archean Himalayan-style orogenic event in the northern Teton Range, WyomingFitz-Gerald, Dudley Braden. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Wyoming, 2008. / Title from PDF title page (viewed on Mar. 26, 2010). Includes bibliographical references (p. 113-120).
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Structural evolution of the Salmon River suture zone, Idaho, USA implications for the tectonics of obliquely-convergent boundaries /Giorgis, Scott. January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Wisconsin--Madison, 2003. / Includes bibliographical references. Also available on the Internet.
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Vascular changes following mucoperiosteal flap surgery a fluorescein angiographic and histoangiographic study : a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment ... periodontics ... /McLean, Thomas N. January 1985 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Michigan, 1985.
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