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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influence of natural factors and anthropogenic stressors on sperm whale foraging effort and success at high latitudes

Isojunno, Saana January 2015 (has links)
Behavioural responses can reveal important fitness trade-offs and ecological traps in evolutionarily novel contexts created by anthropogenic stimuli, and are of increasing conservation concern due to possible links to population-level impacts. This thesis illustrates the use of proxies for energy acquisition and expenditure within multivariate and state-based modelling approaches to quantify the relative time and energetic costs of behavioural disturbance for a deep-diving marine mammal (Physeter macrocephalus) in foraging grounds in Kaikoura Canyon (New Zealand) and near Lofoten Islands (Norway). A conceptual framework is first developed to identify and explore links between individual motivation, condition and external constraints to behavioural disturbance [Chapter 1]. The following chapters then use data from behavioural response studies (BRS) to: 1) derive biologically relevant metrics of behaviour [all chapters], 2) investigate effects of boat-based focal follows and tagging procedures [Chapters 2-3], and 3) relate responses to specific disturbance stimuli (distance, approach, noise) from whale-watching [Chapter 2], naval sonar and playback of presumed natural predator (killer whale Orcinus orca) sounds [Chapter 4]. A novel hidden state model was developed to estimate behavioural budgets of tagged sperm whales from multiple streams of biologging (DTAG) data [Chapter 3]. Sperm whales traded off time spent at foraging depths in a non-foraging and non-resting state in response to both tag boat presence, 1-2 kHz naval sonar (SPL 131-165 rms re 1μPa) and mammal-eating killer whale sound playbacks, indicating that parallel non-lethal costs were incurred in both anthropogenic disturbance and presumed antipredatory contexts. While behavioural responses were highly variable by individual, biologically informed state-based models appeared effective to control for variability in energy proxies across different functional contexts. These results and Chapter 5 “linking buzzes to prey” demonstrate that behavioural context is a signal that can aid understanding of how individual non-lethal disturbance responses can impact fitness.


蔡禮聰 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用門檻迴歸模型 (Threshold Autoregression Model),試圖找出董監事等內部人之申報轉讓比率、持股比率及質押比率等門檻值,進而分析門檻值以內及以外,指標對於代理變數:融資成長率、營收成長率以及本益比與加權指數報酬率的影響程度與方向。本研究實證結果發現: 一、在申報轉讓比率方面: 當申報轉讓比率低於門檻值,存在所謂的群聚效果。當申報轉讓比率高於門檻值時,市場動能與加權指數報酬率無顯著關係,投資人於此階段進行投資決策時應該要謹慎小心。 二、在持股比率方面: 在持股比率低於門檻值時,加權指數報酬率對於前期營收成長率表現的修正幅度較大,意謂著董監事等內部人根據其對未來營收資訊掌握的優勢,反應其對營收資訊的真實性,而藉由持股轉讓的行為,使加權指數大幅度的修正。 三、在質押比率方面: 不管高於或低於門檻值,均無法利用董監事等內部人質押比率為門檻變數來分析本益比效果對加權指數報酬率的影響。造成其檢定失效的原因,可能是樣本小且模型受到極端值的影響所造成。

Australian takeover waves : a re-examination of patterns, causes and consequences

Duong, Lien Thi Hong January 2009 (has links)
This thesis provides more precise characterisation of patterns, causes and consequences of takeover activity in Australia over three decades spanning from 1972 to 2004. The first contribution of the thesis is to characterise the time series behaviour of takeover activity. It is found that linear models do not adequately capture the structure of merger activity; a non-linear two-state Markov switching model works better. A key contribution of the thesis is, therefore, to propose an approach of combining a State-Space model with the Markov switching regime model in describing takeover activity. Experimental results based on our approach show an improvement over other existing approaches. We find four waves, one in the 1980s, two in the 1990s, and one in the 2000s, with an expected duration of each wave state of approximately two years. The second contribution is an investigation of the extent to which financial and macro-economic factors predict takeover activity after controlling for the probability of takeover waves. A main finding is that while stock market boom periods are empirically associated with takeover waves, the underlying driver is interest rate level. A low interest rate environment is associated with higher aggregate takeover activity. This relationship is consistent with Shleifer and Vishny (1992)'s liquidity argument that takeover waves are symptoms of lower cost of capital. Replicating the analysis to the biggest takeover market in the world, the US, reveals a remarkable consistency of results. In short, the Australian findings are not idiosyncratic. Finally, the implications for target and bidder firm shareholders are explored via investigation of takeover bid premiums and long-term abnormal returns separately between the wave and non-wave periods. This represents the third contribution to the literature of takeover waves. Findings reveal that target shareholders earn abnormally positive returns in takeover bids and bid premiums are slightly lower in the wave periods. Analysis of the returns to bidding firm shareholders suggests that the lower premiums earned by target shareholders in the wave periods may simply reflect lower total economic gains, at the margin, to takeovers made in the wave periods. It is found that bidding firms earn normal post-takeover returns (relative to a portfolio of firms matched in size and survival) if their bids are made in the non-wave periods. However, bidders who announce their takeover bids during the wave periods exhibit significant under-performance. For mergers that took place within waves, there is no difference in bid premiums and nor is there a difference in the long-run returns of bidders involved in the first half and second half of the waves. We find that none of theories of merger waves (managerial, mis-valuation and neoclassical) can fully account for the Australian takeover waves and their effects. Instead, our results suggest that a combination of these theories may provide better explanation. Given that normal returns are observed for acquiring firms, taken as a whole, we are more likely to uphold the neoclassical argument for merger activity. However, the evidence is not entirely consistent with neo-classical rational models, the under-performance effect during the wave states is consistent with the herding behaviour by firms.

Die Erwartungstheorie der Zinsstruktur : variable Zeitprämien, Regimeunsicherheit und Markov-Switching-Modelle ; eine empirischen Analyse für den deutschen Rentenmarkt /

Perl, Robert. January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Techn. Univ., Diss.--München, 2002.

Nichtlineare Regimewechselmodelle : theoretische und empirische Evidenz am deutschen Kapitalmarkt /

Brannolte, Cord. January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--Kiel, 2001.

Uncertainty and the stability of financial markets in open economies : empirical evidence from regime-switching models /

Tillmann, Peter. January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Univ, Diss--Köln, 2003.

La prévision des périodes de stress fiscal : le rôle des indicateurs fiscaux, financiers et de gouvernance / Predicting fiscal stress events : the role of fiscal, financial and governance indicators

Cergibozan, Raif 12 December 2018 (has links)
L’Europe a subi la crise la plus sévère de sa récente histoire à la suite de la crise financière globale de 2008. C’est pourquoi cette thèse a l’objectif d’identifier de façon empirique les déterminants de cette crise dans le cadre de 15 principaux membres de l’UE. Dans ce sens, nous développons d’abord un index de pression fiscale continu, contrairement aux travaux empiriques précédents, afin d’identifier des périodes de crise dans les pays UE-15 de 2003 à 2015. Ensuite, nous utilisons trois différentes techniques d’estimation, à savoir Cartes auto-organisatrices, Logit et Markov. Nos résultats d’estimation démontrent que notre indicateur de crise identifie le timing et la durée de la crise de dette dans chacun des pays de UE-15. Résultats empiriques indiquent également que l’occurrence de la crise de dette dans l’UE-15 est la conséquence de la détérioration de balances macroéconomiques et financières sachant que les variables comme le ratio des prêts non-performants sur les crédits totaux du secteur bancaire, la croissance du PIB, chômage, balance primaire / PIB, le solde ajusté du cycle PIB. De plus, variables démontrant la qualité de gouvernance tel que participation et responsabilisation, qualité de la réglementation, et de l'efficacité gouvernementale, jouent également un rôle important dans l’occurrence et sur la durée de la crise de dette dans le cadre de l’UE-15. Étant donne que les résultats économétriques indiquent l’importance de la détérioration fiscale dans l’occurrence de la crise de dette européenne, nous testons la convergence fiscale des pays membre de l’UE. Les résultats montrent que Portugal, Irlande, Italie, Grèce et Espagne diverge des autres pays de l’UE-15 en termes de dette publique / PIB alors qu’ils convergent, à part la Grèce, avec les autres pays membres de l’UE-15 en termes de déficit budgétaires / PIB. / Europe went through the most severe economic crisis of its recent history following the global financial crisis of 2008. Hence, this thesis aims to empirically identify the determinants of this crisis within the framework of 15 core EU member countries (EU-15). To do so, the study develops a continuous fiscal stress index, contrary to previous empirical studies that tend to use event-based crisis indicators, which identifies the debt crises in the EU-15 and the study employs three different estimation techniques, namely Self-Organizing Map, Multivariate Logit and Panel Markov Regime Switching models. Our estimation results show first that the study identifies correctly the time and the length of the debt crisis in each EU-15-member country by developing a fiscal stress index. Empirical results also indicate, via three different models, that the debt crisis in the EU-15 is the consequence of deterioration of both financial and macroeconomic variables such as nonperforming loans over total loans, GDP growth, unemployment rates, primary balance over GDP, and cyclically adjusted balance over GDP. Besides, variables measuring governance quality, such as voice and accountability, regulatory quality, and government effectiveness, also play a significant role in the emergence and the duration of the debt crisis in the EU-15. As the econometric results clearly indicate the importance of fiscal deterioration on the occurrence of the European debt crisis, this study also aims to test the fiscal convergence among the EU member countries. The results indicate that Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, and Spain diverge from other EU-15 countries in terms of public debt-to-GDP ratio. In addition, results also show that all PIIGS countries except for Greece converge to EU-10 in terms of budget deficit-to-GDP ratio.

Regime shifts in the Swedish housing market - A Markov-switching model analysis / Regimskiften pa den svenska bostadsmarknaden - En analys med Markov-switchingmodeller

Stockel, Jakob, Skantz, Niklas January 2016 (has links)
Problem statement: Accurate and reliable forecasts of trends in the housing market can be useful information for market participants as well as policy makers. This information may be useful to minimize risk related to market uncertainty. Since the burst of the housing bubble in the early 1990s the price level of single-family houses has risen sharply in Sweden. The Swedish housing market has experienced an unusually long period of high growth rates in transaction prices which has opened up for discussions about the risk of another housing bubble. Business and property cycles have shown to contain asymmetries, which linear models are unable to pick up and therefore inappropriate to analyze cycles. Approach: Therefore, this study uses non-linear models which are able to pick up the asymmetries. The estimated models are variations of the Markov-switching regression model, i.e. the Markov-switching autoregressive (MS-AR) model and the Markov-switching dynamic regression (MS-DR) model. Results: Our ndings show that the MS-AR(4) model allowing for varying variance across regimes estimated using the growth rate of FASTPI produce superior forecasts over other MSAR models as well as variations of the MS-DR model. The average expected duration to remain in a positive growth regime is between 6.3 and 7.3 years and the average expected duration to remain in a negative growth regime is between 1.2 to 2.5 years. Conclusion: The next regime shift in the Swedish housing market is projected to occur between 2018 and 2019, counting the contraction period in 2012 as the most recent negative regime. Our ndings support other studies ndings which indicate that the longer the market has remained in one state, the greater is the risk for a regime shift. / Problemformulering: Noggranna och tillforlitliga prognoser om utvecklingen pa bostadsmarknaden kan vara anvandbar information for marknadsaktorer samt beslutsfattare. Denna information kan vara anvandbar for att minimera risken relaterad till osakerheten pa marknaden. Sen bostadsbubblan sprack i borjan av 1990-talet har prisnivan for smahus okat kraftigt i Sverige. Den svenska bostadsmarknaden har upplevt en ovanligt lang period av hog tillvaxt i transaktionspriser som har oppnat upp for diskussioner om risken for en ny bostadsbubbla. Konjunkturoch fastighetscykler har visat sig innehalla asymmetrier som linjara modeller inte kan uppfanga och darfor visat sig vara olampliga for att analysera cykler. Tillvagagangssatt: Darfor anvander den har studien icke-linjara modeller som kan uppfanga dessa asymmetrier. De skattade modellerna ar variationer av Hamiltons Markov-switchingmodell, dvs. en autoregressiv Markov-switchingmodell (MS-AR) och en dynamisk Markov-switchingmodell (MS-DR). Resultat: Resultatet visar att MS-AR(4)-modellen som tar hansyn till varierande varians over regimerna estimerad med tillvaxten av FASTPI producerar overlagsna prognoser jamfort med andra MS-AR-modeller samt variationer av MS-DR-modellen. Den genomsnittliga forvantade varaktigheten att benna sig i en positiv regim ar mellan 6,3 och 7,3 ar och den  genomsnittliga forvantade varaktigheten att benna sig i en negativ regim ar mellan 1,2 till 2,5 ar. Slutsats: Nasta regimskifte pa den svenska bostadsmarknaden beraknas ske mellan 2018 och 2019, antaget att nedgangen under 2012 ar den senaste negativa regimen. Resultatet stodjer tidigare studier, som tyder pa att ju langre marknaden har varit i ett tillstand, desto storre ar risken for ett regimskifte.


秦秀琪 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在於探討Put-Call Parity(PCP)所隱含的買權、賣權與標的資產間的價格變動關係。藉由探討PCP偏差程度的動態行為,推論若PCP的偏差為隨機漫步過程,則無法達到長期穩定,隱含PCP的廣義關係無法成立;反之,若PCP的偏差具有回歸平均特性,表示長期會達到穩定狀態,則PCP的廣義關係成立。 在研究方法上本文以變異數比率法檢定指數選擇權的PCP偏差是否為隨機漫步過程,採用隱含利率和實際無風險利率的差代表PCP的偏差程度,利用馬可夫轉換模型描繪PCP偏差的動態行為,並使用Gibbs Sampling演算法說明參數的不確定性。 本文以S&P500和DAX為研究標的,並探討股利不確定性是否影響PCP廣義關係,得到下列結論: 1、 對於S&P 500指數選擇權而言,不論是以日資料或週資料估計VR,S&P 500的PCP偏差都無法提供回歸平均的證據,隱含S&P 500的PCP廣義關係無法成立。 2、 對於DAX指數選擇權而言,檢定日資料的結果發現,DAX之PCP偏差在長期時(40~50日)有明顯的回歸平均的證據;而在檢定週資料時,使用原始資料法在90%信心水準下,不論取任何lag都可拒絕虛無假設,使用標準化資料則無法提供明顯的回歸平均證據。 3、 比較S&P 500和DAX,檢定日資料與週資料的結果都發現,DAX的p-value都比S&P 500小,並且S&P 500的PCP偏差都無法提供回歸平均的證據,而DAX有明顯回歸平均現象,隱含在消除股利的不確定性後,指數選擇權PCP的廣義關係式成立之證據較強烈。

Trois essais en économie des ressources naturelles

Atewamba, Calvin 05 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse est composée de trois articles en économie des ressources naturelles non-renouvelables. Nous considérons tour à tour les questions suivantes : le prix in-situ des ressources naturelles non-renouvelables ; le taux d’extraction optimal et le prix des res- sources non-renouvelables et durables. Dans le premier article, nous estimons le prix in-situ des ressources naturelles non-renouvelables en utilisant les données sur le coût moyen d’extraction pour obtenir une approximation du coût marginal. En utilisant la Méthode des Moments Généralisés, une dynamique du prix de marché derivée des conditions d’optimalité du modèle d’Hotelling est estimée avec des données de panel de 14 ressources naturelles non-renouvelables. Nous trouvons des résultats qui tendent à soutenir le modèle. Premièrement, le modèle d’Hotelling exhibe un bon pouvoir explicatif du prix de marché observé. Deuxièmement, bien que le prix estimé présente un changement structurel dans le temps, ceci semble n’avoir aucun impact significatif sur le pouvoir explicatif du modèle. Troisièmement, on ne peut pas rejeter l’hypothèse que le coût marginal d’extraction puisse être approximé par les données sur le coût moyen. Quatrièmement, le prix in-situ estimé en prenant en compte les changements structurels décroît ou exhibe une forme en U inversé dans le temps et semble être corrélé positivement avec le prix de marché. Cinquièmement, pour neuf des quatorze ressources, la différence entre le prix in-situ estimé avec changements structurels et celui estimé en négligeant les changements structurels est un processus de moyenne nulle. Dans le deuxième article, nous testons l’existence d’un équilibre dans lequel le taux d’extraction optimal des ressources non-renouvelables est linéaire par rapport au stock de ressource en terre. Tout d’abord, nous considérons un modèle d’Hotelling avec une fonction de demande variant dans le temps caractérisée par une élasticité prix constante et une fonction de coût d’extraction variant dans le temps caractérisée par des élasticités constantes par rapport au taux d’extraction et au stock de ressource. Ensuite, nous mon- trons qu’il existe un équilibre dans lequel le taux d’extraction optimal est proportionnel au stock de ressource si et seulement si le taux d’actualisation et les paramètres des fonctions de demande et de coût d’extraction satisfont une relation bien précise. Enfin, nous utilisons les données de panel de quatorze ressources non-renouvelables pour vérifier empiriquement cette relation. Dans le cas où les paramètres du modèle sont supposés invariants dans le temps, nous trouvons qu’on ne peut rejeter la relation que pour six des quatorze ressources. Cependant, ce résultat change lorsque nous prenons en compte le changement structurel dans le temps des prix des ressources. En fait, dans ce cas nous trouvons que la relation est rejetée pour toutes les quatorze ressources. Dans le troisième article, nous étudions l’évolution du prix d’une ressource naturelle non-renouvelable dans le cas où cette ressource est durable, c’est-à-dire qu’une fois extraite elle devient un actif productif détenu hors terre. On emprunte à la théorie de la détermination du prix des actifs pour ce faire. Le choix de portefeuille porte alors sur les actifs suivant : un stock de ressource non-renouvelable détenu en terre, qui ne procure aucun service productif ; un stock de ressource détenu hors terre, qui procure un flux de services productifs ; un stock d’un bien composite, qui peut être détenu soit sous forme de capital productif, soit sous forme d’une obligation dont le rendement est donné. Les productivités du secteur de production du bien composite et du secteur de l’extraction de la ressource évoluent de façon stochastique. On montre que la prédiction que l’on peut tirer quant au sentier de prix de la ressource diffère considérablement de celle qui découle de la règle d’Hotelling élémentaire et qu’aucune prédiction non ambiguë quant au comportement du sentier de prix ne peut être obtenue de façon analytique. / This thesis consists of three articles on the economics of nonrenewable natural re- sources. We consider in turn the following questions : the in-situ price of nonrenewable natural resources, the optimal extraction rate and the price of nonrenewable and durable resources. The purpose of the first article is to estimate the in-situ price of nonrenewable natural resources using average extraction cost data as proxy for marginal cost. Using the regime switching Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) estimation technique, a dynamic of the market price derived from the first-order conditions of a Hotelling model is estimated with panel data for fourteen nonrenewable resources. I find results that tend to support the model. First, it appears that the Hotelling model has a good explanatory power of the observed market prices. Second, although the fitted prices seem to be subject to structural breaks over time, this does not have a significant impact on the explanatory power of the model. Third, there is evidence that marginal extraction cost can be approximated by average extraction cost data. Fourth, when allowing for structural breaks, estimates of the in-situ price decrease or exhibit an inverted U-shape over time and appear to be positively correlated with the market price. Fifth, for nine of the fourteen minerals, the difference between the estimates of the in-situ price with and without allowing for structural breaks is a zero-mean process.

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