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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La forme des interrogatives dans le Corpus suisse de SMS en français : étude multidimensionnelle / A corpus-driven study of French interrogative structures in Swiss SMS messages

Guryev, Alexander 20 March 2017 (has links)
La présente thèse s’inscrit dans le projet FNS Sinergia 136230 “SMS communication in Switzerland: Facets of Linguistic Variation in a Multilingual Country”. Ella a pour but d’étudier la variabilité formelle des questions dans le Corpus suisse de SMS en français, en montrant comment l’analyse des données en provenance des interactions informelles autres que l’oral spontané – telles que messagerie instantanée, SMS, WhatsApp, etc. – peut nous permettre d’élargir les horizons et de porter un nouveau regard sur les phénomènes de la variation syntaxique. En effet, le français est réputé pour la variété importante de structures interrogatives : trois variantes pour la question totale (Tu vas au cours ?, Vas-tu au cours ?, Est-ce que tu vas au cours ?), et au moins six ou huit pour la question partielle (Tu vas où ?, Où tu vas ?, Où vas-tu ?, Où va ton frère ?, Où est-ce que tu vas ?, Qui va au cours ?, Où c’est que tu vas ?, C’est où que tu vas ?). Cette thèse vise, en conséquence, à comprendre comment les scripteurs de messages sont amenés à choisir entre les différentes variantes à disposition. L’hypothèse que nous faisons dans cette thèse est fonctionnaliste : elle postule que sous la pression de différents types de contraintes, aussi bien linguistiques que non linguistiques, le scripteur choisit telle variante qui lui permet de parvenir au mieux à ses fins communicatives. Afin d’identifier les différents types de contraintes ou de facteurs susceptibles d’avoir une incidence sur le choix des variantes, nous appliquons un modèle d’analyse multidimensionnel qui s’intéresse simultanément aux paramètres grammaticaux, interactionnels et sociolinguistiques. / This thesis is part of the project FNS Sinergia 136230 "SMS communication in Switzerland: Facets of Linguistic Variation in a Multilingual Country". The aim of the thesis is to provide analysis of the variety of French interrogative structures in the Swiss SMS Corpus. It also attempts to show how the data originating from spontaneous electronic interaction (instant messaging, texting, WhatsApp, etc.) allows us to broaden the scope and to take a new look at the phenomena of syntactic variation. The French language is known for the wide variety of interrogative structures: 3 variants for yes/no questions (Tu vas au cours ?, Vas-tu au cours ?, Est-ce que tu vas au cours ?), and at least six or eight variants for wh- questions (Tu vas où ?, Où tu vas ?, Où vas-tu ?, Où va ton frère ?, Où est-ce que tu vas ?, Qui va au cours ?, Où c’est que tu vas ?, C’est où que tu vas ?). Therefore, our goal is to understand how SMS writers make the choice between available French interrogative structures. The hypothesis of this study is functionalist: it postulates that under the pressure of various linguistic and non-linguistic constraints, the SMS writer chooses that variant which allows him to best achieve given communicative goals. In order to identify different types of constraints or factors that may influence the choice of variants, a multidimensional analysis model is applied which focuses simultaneously on grammatical, interactional and sociolinguistic parameters.

Ledföljdsvariation i svenska : Verb, semantik och syntax i samband med lång objektsflytt / Syntactic variation in Swedish : Verb semantics and syntax in Long Object Shift

Berger, Mikael January 2014 (has links)
The term ‘Object Shift’ means that a weak object pronoun has been raised to a position to the left of a sentence adverbial. Primarily, there are two positions to which a weak object pronoun can be raised; one of them is called Long Object Shift. In this paper, I primarily deal with finite verb frequencies in sentences with Long Object Shift in Swedish. Also, in order to further define the verbs in these sentences I discuss verb semantic and syntactic valence in relation to the shifted object. Furthermore, I discuss the search methods which have generated sentences with Long Object Shift in written sources in Swedish; an equivalent study has never been done before.   The most salient results of my study indicate that: verbs with physical denotation, and specifically vänta, möta and slå, frequently recur in sentences with Long Object Shift in written sources in Swedish; monotransitive verbs appear more often than ditransitive ones; shifted objects are most often assigned the semantic role of experiencer in the studied sentences; the search methods show divergent results, which indicates the significance of sentence adverbial initiating sentences with Long Object Shift. Lastly, the results show that semantic analyses, terminology and search methods need to be extended in order to further define the finite verb in sentences with Long Object Shift in Swedish.

Norma i variació sintàctiques: la concepció de Pompeu Fabra (1891-1948)

Costa Carreras, Joan 24 November 2005 (has links)
L'objectiu general de la tesi és analitzar els objectius i les hipòtesis de què Pompeu Fabra (1891-1948) va partir en la codificació de la sintaxi del català i la metodologia que va fer servir. Per fer-ho s'ha identificat, buidat i analitzat la terminologia de 995 textos de Fabra, classificats segons la seva importància. Com a resultat s'ha obtingut una descripció de les concepcions fabrianes de sintaxi i proposició, de canvi sintàctic, de variació sintàctica, de codificació sintàctica i de la relació que Fabra hi estableix. Els resultats d'aquesta descripció s'han contrastat amb els d'estudis anteriors de l'obra fabriana. Finalment, s'han establert les perspectives que aquest resultats obren a nous estudis sobre les fonts de l'obra de Fabra, les seves coincidències amb altres teòrics del món i la seva influència en obres catalanes posteriors. / The general purpose oh the thesis is to analyse the purposes and hypothesis assumed by Pompeu Fabra (1891-1948), and his methodology when codifying catalan syntax. To do that, the terminology of 995 fabrian texts (which have been classified according to its importance) has been identified, extracted, and classified. The result of these operations is that a description of Fabra's conceptions about syntax and sentence, syntactic change, syntactic variation, and syntactic codification, and of the relationship established by him between these conceptions, has been established. The results of this description have been compared with the results of previous studies on Fabra's works. Finally, we have established the fields of study that these results allow to undertake, on the sources of Fabra's work, the coincidencies of it with other scholars' works in the world and its influence on later catalan studies.

"Aber immer alle sagen das" The Status of V3 in German: Use, Processing, and Syntactic Representation

Bunk, Oliver 11 November 2020 (has links)
Für das Deutsche wird gemeinhin eine strikte V2-Beschränkung angenommen, die für deklarative Hauptsätze besagt, dass sich vor dem finiten Verb genau eine Konstituente befinden muss. In der Literatur werden häufig Beispiele angeführt, in denen sich zwei Konstituenten vor dem finiten Verb befinden und die somit gegen die V2-Beschränkung verstoßen. Diese syntaktische Konfiguration, so das Argument, führt zu Ungrammatikalität: (1) *Gestern Johann hat getanzt. (Roberts & Roussou 2002:137) Die Bewertung in (1) fußt jedoch nicht auf empirischer Evidenz, sondern spiegelt ein introspektives Urteil der Autor*innen wider. Daten zum tatsächlichen Sprachgebrauch zeigen, dass Sätze wie in (2) im Deutschen durchaus verwendet werden: (2) Aber immer alle sagen das. [BSa-OB, #16] Die Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit dem Status dieser V3-Deklarativsätze im Deutschen. Der Status wird aus drei einander ergänzenden Perspektiven auf Sprache untersucht: Sprachverwendung, Akzeptabilität und Verarbeitung. Hierzu werden Daten, die in einer Korpus-, einer Akzeptabilitäts- und einer Lesezeitstudie erhoben wurden, ausgewertet. Basierend auf den empirischen Befunden diskutiere ich V3-Modellierungen aus generativer Sicht und entwickle einen Modellierungsvorschlag aus konstruktionsgrammatischer Sicht. Die Arbeit zeigt, dass die Einbeziehung von nicht-standardsprachlichen Mustern wichtige Einblicke in die sprachliche Architektur gibt. Insbesondere psycholinguistisch gewonnene Daten als empirische Basis sind essenziell, um mentale sprachliche Prozesse zu verstehen und abbilden zu können. Die Analyse von V3 zeigt, dass solche Ansätze möglich und nötig sind, um Grammatikmodelle zu prüfen und weiterzuentwickeln. Untersuchungen dieser Art stellen Grammatikmodelle in Frage, die oft einer standardsprachlichen Tradition heraus erwachsen sind und nur einen Ausschnitt der sprachlichen Realität erfassen. V3-Sätze entpuppen sich nach dieser Analyse als Strukturen, die fester Bestandteil der Grammatik sind. / German is usually considered to follow a strict V2-constraint. This means that exactly one constituent must precede the finite verb in declarative main clauses. There are many examples for sentences that exhibit two preverbal constituents in the literature, illustrating a violation of the V2-constraint. According to the literature, these configurations lead to ungrammatical structures. (1) *Gestern Johann hat getanzt. (Roberts & Roussou 2002:137) However, the evaluation in (1) is not based on empirical evidence but is introspective and thus might not reflect the linguistic reality. Empirical data from actual language use show that German speakers indeed use these kinds of sentences. (2) Aber immer alle sagen das. [BSa-OB, #16] The dissertation explores the status of these V3 declaratives in German, with ‘status’ comprising three complementary perspectives on language: language use, acceptability, and processing. To this end, I analyze data from three studies: a corpus study, an acceptability judgment study, and a reading time study. Based on the empirical evidence, I discuss existing analyses of V3 and V3-modeling from the generative perspective and develop an analysis taking a construction-based approach. The dissertation shows that including patterns from non-standard language allows for valuable insights into the architecture of language. In particular, psycholinguistic data as an empirical basis are essential to understand and model mental linguistic processes. The analyses presented in the dissertation show that it is possible to follow such an approach in the field of syntactic variation, and it is indeed necessary in order to challenge and further develop existing grammatical theories and our understanding of grammar. Most grammatical models strongly rely on standard language, which is why they only capture a snippet of the linguistic reality. Taking empirical evidence into account, however, V3 sentences turn out to form an integral part of the German grammar.

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