Spelling suggestions: "subject:"atemsystem amodelling"" "subject:"atemsystem bmodelling""
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Pravděpodobnostní přístup pro hodnocení zemnících soustav / Probabilistic Approach for Assessment of Earthing System DesignVyčítal, Václav January 2020 (has links)
This dissertation thesis deals with application of probabilistic approach to assessment of earthing system safety in distribution networks, especially for cases with common earthing of high and low voltage side of distribution transformers HV/LV. In these cases, the increased potential during fault might be transferred from high voltage to low voltage network and thus the individuals from public can be exposed to increased risk. Thus, for these cases were in this thesis defined expectable touch scenarios together with the resulting risk imposed on individuals from the public. Based on the results it seems that adoption of probabilistic approach for these cases of earthing systems might be more suitable compared to the conventional deterministic worst case approach. In accordance to the aims of the thesis, a thorough analysis of currently adopted probabilistic approaches was carried out as well and it was pointed out to some new possible simplifications in the adopted probabilistic based methodologies. For example, it seems that appropriate modelling of human body resistance by the full lognormal distribution is not completely necessary and similar results can be obtained when only the resistance for 50 % of population together with c3 and c4 fibrillation curves are used. Much of the work was also devoted to the determination of possible uncertainty of calculated risk of evaluated earthing system, especially due to inappropriate modelling of earthing system. The appropriateness of different earthing system modelling methods together with other parameters on the value of calculated risk was investigated through conducting sensitivity analysis. Based on the analysis results it seems, that due to using more, or less simplified modelling method, a possible underrating in the resulting risk of about 40 % (about half an order/decade) is expectable. On the other hand, the change of parameters related directly to calculation of fibrillation probability seems to exhibit greater change in calculated risk by up to units of orders/decades.
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Modellierung modularer Materialfluss-Systeme mit Hilfe von künstlichen neuronalen NetzenMarkwardt, Ulf 29 September 2004 (has links)
Materialfluss-Systeme für den Stückgut-Transport auf der Basis von Stetigförderern sind meist modular aufgebaut. Das Verhalten gleichartiger Materialfluss-Elemente unterscheidet sich durch technische Parameter (z.B. geometrische Größen) und durch unterschiedliche logistische Belastungen der Elemente im System. Durch die in der Arbeit getroffenen Modellannahmen werden für die Elemente nur lokale Steuerungsregeln zugelassen und für das System Blockierfreiheit vorausgesetzt. Das Verhalten eines Materialfluss-Elements hängt dann nicht mehr von Zuständen anderer Elemente des Systems ab sondern nur noch von den stochastischen Prozessen des Eintreffens von Transporteinheiten. Die Auslastung eines Elements, die Quantile der Warteschlangenlängen an seinen Eingängen und die Variationskoeffizienten seiner Abgangsströme sind statistische Kenngrößen. Sie hängen im Wesentlichen nur von der Klasse des Elements, seinen technischen Parametern, den Parametern der Eingangsströme und der lokalen Transportmatrix ab. Diese funktionellen Abhängigkeiten sind im Allgemeinen nicht analytisch handhabbar. Da diese Funktionen stetig differenzierbar und beschränkt sind und von relativ viele Eingansgrößen anhängen, sind neuronale Netze gut geeignet für numerische Näherungen. Mit Hilfe von einfachen neuronalen Netzen können die statistischen Kenngrößen numerisch approximiert werden. Aus einzelnen Teilmodellen kann ein hybrides Modell des gesamten Systems zusammengesetzt werden. Anhand von einigen Beispielen wird die Güte der Modellierung bewertet. / Material flow systems are normally built with a modular structure. The behavoir of similar elements only differs by technical parameters (e.g. geometriy), and by different logistic loads of the elements in the system. In this paper, a new model is being developed for a non-blocking system with non-global control rules. The behavior of a flow of a material flow element is assumed not to depend on the conditions of other elements of the system, but only on stochastic processes of the arrival of transportation units. The rate of utilization of an element, the quantiles of the queue lengths at its inputs, and the dispersion of its output stream are statistic characteristics. They depend only on the type of the element, its technical parameters, the parameters of the input streams, and the local transportation matrix. These functional dependencies are not analytically manageable. But due to their properties, neural nets are well suited for numeric approximations of these statistic functions. The single models can be used to compose a hybrid model of the whole system. A few examples show the quality of the new modeling technique.
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The Role of Creativity in Cooperative Foresight Activities in Living LabsSkulimowski, Andrzej M. J. January 2012 (has links)
This paper presents the cooperative modelling methodology used in the Information Society foresight carried out within the research project SCETIST. The class of models here presented used the concept of group decision creativity that has been elaborated for the use in a Living Lab. The trends and scenarios are discussed and refined during cooperative activities, finally verified using the simulation of a hybrid system consisting of qualitative information processing, and a discretetime- control system with a discrete-event component.
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Flexibility Options in Energy Systems: The influence of Wind - PV ratios and sector coupling on optimal combinations of flexible technologies in a European electricity systemZöphel, Christoph 01 March 2022 (has links)
Within the present work, the main objective is to identify interactions between flexibility demand and flexibility supply. Therefore, three research fields regarding the future transformation of the European energy system are addressed. First, an expansion of intermittent renewable energy sources (iRES) is discussed taking the potentials of wind and PV technologies into account. The analysis is based on fundamental considerations of generation characteristics as well as available potentials across 17 countries in central-western Europe. To emphasis the differences in electricity generation between wind and PV, an iRES expansion model is developed coping for geographically highly resolved weather data as well as for limitations of iRES potentials due to land-use restrictions and for energy-policy constraints. Three scenarios with varying Wind-PV ratio in total iRES electricity generation are evaluated. Second, the options to provide flexibility to balance the flexibility demand are introduced and mathematically implemented in ELTRAMOD. Therefore, the model was adjusted to represent multiple flexible technologies for upward, downward and shifting flexibility provision to cover the residual load. In a system perspective and a greenfield approach, the linear electricity market model enables the analysis of cost-optimal combinations of flexibility options against the background of scenarios with different flexibility demands. In addition, the third research field addresses the emerging developments of sector coupling by including selected Power-to-X technologies. A second scenario dimension analyses the role of energy storages in the energy end-use sectors for a more flexible sector coupling. The results underline the importance of the Wind-PV ratios in electricity generation when assessing flexibility demand and flexibility supply in model-based energy system analysis. Due to the higher seasonality of PV, the residual load parameter indicate higher iRES integration challenges in terms of flexible capacity requirements. Particularly the provision of spatial and temporal balancing flexibility is significantly influenced by a higher wind or a higher PV share in the iRES mix. With sector coupling, the value of temporal shifting is increasing. Hourly storages are not only highly sensitive to the Wind-PV ratio, but in addition strongly impacted by sector coupling. In both dimensions, a higher PV share is increasing the value for short-term shifting. Furthermore, sector coupling increases the need for additional electricity generation. Thereby, for peak-load capacity provision gas-fuelled power plant are optimal in the present work increasing the total emissions especially with higher PV shares. The sensitivity analysis shows the value of additional iRES capacities as well as of storage cost reductions to further reduce emissions.
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Demand Side Management in Deutschland zur Systemintegration erneuerbarer EnergienLadwig, Theresa 10 July 2018 (has links)
Durch den Ausbau an Wind- und PV-Anlagen in Deutschland wird der Flexibilitätsbedarf im Stromsystem steigen. Der Flexibilitätsbedarf kann zum einen durch verschiedene Technologien, z.B. Speicher oder Netze, und zum anderen durch die Stromnachfrage bereitgestellt werden. Eine gezielte Steuerung der Stromnachfrage wird als Demand Side Management (DSM) bezeichnet. Der zunehmend wetterabhängigen und fluktuierenden Stromerzeugung in Deutschland steht jedoch eine bis heute weitgehend unelastische Nachfrage gegenüber.
In der Literatur sind verschiedene Arbeiten zu finden, die das Potential zur Lastabschaltung und verschiebung in Deutschland untersuchen. Hierbei liegt der Fokus auf absoluten Werten. Saisonale oder tageszeitliche Unterschiede bleiben dabei häufig unberücksichtigt. Die vorliegende Dissertation greift an dieser Stelle an und untersucht das Potential ausgewählter DSM-Anwendungen in stündlicher Auflösung. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das verfügbare Potential starken saisonalen und tageszeitlichen Schwankungen unterliegt. Dementsprechend wird das DSM-Potential überschätzt, wenn nur absolute Werte betrachtet werden. Darüber hinaus zeigt die Autorin, welche Entwicklungen in den nächsten Jahren hinsichtlich der Verfügbarkeit des DSM-Potentials zu erwarten sind.
Basierend auf der Potentialermittlung wird in der Dissertation die Rolle von DSM in einem EE-geprägten Stromsystem modellbasiert untersucht. Hierfür wird das lineare Optimierungsmodell ELTRAMOD, das den deutschen und europäischen Strommarkt abbildet, weiterentwickelt. Anhand verschiedener Szenarien wird zum einen der Beitrag von DSM zur Systemintegration von erneuerbaren Energien in Deutschland und zum anderen die Wechselwirkungen mit anderen Flexibilitätsoptionen (z.B. Speicher) untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die DSM-Kategorien Lastabschaltung und verschiebung nur kurzzeitig auftretende Schwankungen der Einspeisung aus erneuerbaren Energien ausgleichen können. Zum Ausgleich großer Überschussmengen aus erneuerbaren Energien sind hingegen Power-to-X-Technologien, z.B. Power-to-Heat, besser geeignet.
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Evaluating the impact on the distribution network due to electric vehicles : A case study done for Hammarby Sjöstad / Påverkan på distributionsnätet från elbilar : En fallstudie gjord på Hammarby SjöstadKarlsson, Robert January 2020 (has links)
When the low voltage electric grid is dimensioned electric loads are predicted by analyzing the area by certain factors such as geographical data, customer type, heating method etc. So far, the charging of Plugin Electric Vehicles (PEVs) is not considered as one of these factors. Approximately 30% of the distribution grid in Sweden is projected to need reinforcements due to the increased loads from PEVs during winters if the charging isn’t controlled. In addition to this Stockholm face the problem of capacity shortage from the transmission grid, limiting the flow of electricity into the city. This research is therefore conducted to analyze the impact that the increase of PEVs will have on the distribution grid in the future. This thesis simulates the electric grid for three substations located in Hammarby Sjöstad by using power flow analysis and electric grid data from 2016. To approach this problem a method to disaggregate the total power consumption per substation into power consumption responding to each building was developed. In addition to this the number of PEVs in the future was projected. Nine different scenarios were used to compare different outcomes for the future, namely the years of 2025 and 2040. In order to simulate the worst possible case for the electric grid all the PEVs were assumed to be charged at the same time, directly when arriving home on the Sunday when the power demand peaks in 2016. The results indicate that PEVs can have a considerable impact on the components of the low voltage distribution network and controlled charging should be implemented. By examining the impact on the simulated electric grid from the different scenarios the limit of PEV penetration is found. In the area of Hammarby this limit seems to be around 30 % of the total cars if there is no controlled charging. Without any controlled charging the peak power demand increases by 30% with a 30% share of PEVs, which is projected to happen in 2025. In 2040 when share of PEVs is projected to be about 95% the peak power is instead increased by more than 100% which shows the impact that PEVs can exert on the electric grid. Utilizing a simple method of controlled charging where the PEVs are instead charged during the night when the power demand is low, the peak power is not increased at all. This also results in the small cost benefit for PEV owners since the electricity is cheaper during the night and controlled charging can therefore save about 15% of the electricity charging cost. However, the main savings are for the grid owners since the need to reinforce the grid is heavily reduced. In addition to this the power losses are reduced heavily from about 14% down to 5% in the electric grid that is simulated. / När dimensioneringen av distributionsnätet utförs analyseras området genom att räkna med elektriska laster som till exempel kan bero på geografiska data, typ av konsument, uppvärmningsmetod etcetera. Än så länge har laddningen av elbilar (PEVs) inte varit en av dessa faktorer trots den förväntade tillväxten av elbilar. Ungefär 30% av Sveriges distributionsnät förväntas behöva förstärkningar på grund av den ökade elkonsumtionen från elbilar under vintrarna om laddningen inte kontrolleras. Utöver detta står Stockholm inför problemet med effektbrist från elöverföringsnätet. Denna uppsats genomförs således för att analysera påverkan från elbilar på fördelningsnätet i framtiden. Denna masteruppsats simulerar det elektriska nätet för tre nätstationer i Hammarby Sjöstad genom en analys av effektflödet. En metod för att disaggregera elkonsumtionen per nätstation ned till elkonsumtionen per byggnad utvecklades och antalet elbilar i framtiden uppskattades. För att utvärdera elbilars påverkan skapades nio olika scenarion för framtiden genom att undersöka hur det kommer att se ut år 2025 och år 2040. Genom att anta att laddningen av alla elbilar i området sker samtidigt, samma tid som den maximala förbrukningen av el sker under en söndag 2016, analyseras det värsta möjliga scenario för det elektriska nätet. Resultaten visar att elbilar kan ha enorm påverkan på de maximala lasterna för ett lågspänningsnät och därför kommer kontroll av laddningen behövas. Genom att undersöka elnätets påverkan i de olika scenariona uppskattades gränsen för hur många elbilar det modellerade elnätet klarar av. I Hammarby Sjöstad ligger denna gräns på ungefär 30% elbilar. Utan kontrollerad laddning ökar maxlasten med 30% år 2025 då antalet elbilar förväntas vara 30% av alla bilar i Hammarby Sjöstad. År 2040 då antalet elbilar uppnår ungefär 95 % av alla bilar ökar maxlasterna med mer än 100% vilket visar den enorma påverkan elbilar kan ha på elnätet. Genom att använda en simpel modell av kontrollerad laddning som består av att flytta laddningen från eftermiddagen till natten, då förbrukningen av elektricitet är låg, ökar inte maxlasten för dygnet alls jämfört med scenariot utan elbilar. Detta resulterar också i besparingen av elektricitetskostnad för elbilsägaren med cirka 15% eftersom elektriciteten ofta är billigare under natten jämfört med kvällens elpriser. Detta är dock små summor jämfört med besparingar elnätsägarna kan göra då elnätet inte behöver förstärkas lika mycket som skulle behövas utan kontroll av laddningen. Utöver detta så sänks även förlusterna av elektricitet i det simulerade nätet från 14% ned till 5% genom att utnyttja denna modell av kontrollerad laddning.
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Urban Water Demand Simulation in Residential and Non-Residential Buildings Based on a CityGML Data ModelBao, Keyu, Padsala, Rushikesh, Thrän, Daniela, Schröter, Bastian 13 April 2023 (has links)
Humans’ activities in urban areas put a strain on local water resources. This paper introduces a method to accurately simulate the stress urban water demand in Germany puts on local resources on a single-building level, and scalable to regional levels without loss of detail. The method integrates building geometry, building physics, census, socio-economy and meteorological information to provide a general approach to assessing water demands that also overcome obstacles on data aggregation and processing imposed by data privacy guidelines. Three German counties were used as validation cases to prove the feasibility of the presented approach: on average, per capita water demand and aggregated water demand deviates by less than 7% from real demand data. Scenarios applied to a case region Ludwigsburg in Germany, which takes the increment of water price, aging of the population and the climate change into account, show that the residential water demand has the change of −2%, +7% and −0.4% respectively. The industrial water demand increases by 46% due to the development of economy indicated by GDP per capita. The rise of precipitation and temperature raise the water demand in non-residential buildings (excluding industry) of 1%.
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A Digital Test Bench for Pneumatic Brakes / En digital provbänk för tryckluftsbromsarSchick, Bastian January 2021 (has links)
This master’s thesis covers the structuring and implementation of a digital testbench for the air brake system of freight trains. The test bench will serveto further improve the existing brake models at Transrail Sweden AB. Theseare used for the optimised calculation of train speed profiles by the DriverAdvisory System CATO. This work is based on the research of the technicalbackground, as well as the methodical approach to physical modelling anda modular implementation of the test bench. It gives full flexibility for thesimulation of customised train configurations using the European UIC brakesystem. Train length and vehicle arrangement can be adapted to the user’sspecific needs. For example, the test bench could be used for the simulation ofa train with distributed power. The system parameters are stored in a vehiclelibrary for the convenient generation of train configurations. This vehiclelibrary is freely expandable.The simulation is based on an equivalent electric circuit model which iscompleted with nozzle flow modelling. This model involves monitoring themain pipe, brake cylinder and reservoir pressure. Linear approximation is usedto obtain braking forces for the individual wagons and for the whole train. Thedepiction of the brake system behaviour is mostly accurate in the operationalscenarios, which is validated with measurement data. Additional calibrationis required for further reduction of the simulation errors and an extension ofthe model’s domain of validity. The test bench is developed by incrementaland iterative modelling and prepared for further improvements and variations,for example the adaption to the American AAR system variant.The presented work can also be used as a basis for similar implementationssuch as driving simulators. The methods are transferable to other applicationsof modular simulation. / Det här examensarbetet omfattar formgivningen och implementeringen aven digital provbänk för tyckluftsbromssystemet på godståg. Provbänken skaanvändas för att vidareutveckla befintliga bromsmodeller hos Transrail SwedenAB. De används för beräkningen av optimerade hastighetsprofiler förtåg i förarassistanssystemet CATO. Arbetet baserar sig på undersökningenav den tekniska bakgrunden, samt ett metodiskt angreppssätt för fysikaliskmodellering. Verktyget är implementerat på ett modulärt sätt. Provbänkenger full flexibilitet för simuleringen av skräddarsydda tågkonfigurationer somanvänder det europeiska UIC-bromssystemet. Tåglängd och fordonsanordningkan anpassas enligt användarens behov, till exempel för simulering av fördeladtraktion. Systemparametrarna lagras i ett fordonsbiliotek som förenklar inmatningenav tågkonfigurationer. Fordonsbiblioteket kan utvidgas enligt behov.Simuleringen är baserad på en ekvivalent strömkretsmodell, som kompletterasmed modellerad dysströmning. Simuleringen beskriver trycket ihuvudledningen, bromscylindern och förrådsluftsbehållaren. Bromskrafternaapproximeras linjärt efter trycken för de enskilda vagnarna såväl som helatåget. Simuleringen återger beteendet av bromssystemet i alla driftsituationerpå ett verklighetsnära sätt, enligt validering med mätdata från Knorr-Bremse:stestanläggning. Ytterligare kalibrering behövs för att minimera avvikelserna isimuleringen och för att utvidga modellens giltighetsdomän. Provbänken harutvecklats i stegvis modellering och är väl förberedd för vidareutveckling ochanpassning. Ett exempel är anpassningen för att simulera det amerikanskaAAR-bromssystemet.Arbetet som presenteras här är lämplig för användning i liknande applikationer,såsom körsimulatorer. Metoden kan tillämpas allmänt på övrigaanvändningsområden av modulär simulering.
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3GPP Long Term Evolution: Performance Analysis and Evolution towards 4G with Coordinated Multi-Point TransmissionMartín-Sacristán Gandía, David 02 May 2016 (has links)
[EN] In today's information society, there is a growing need to access data communication services ubiquitously, with mobility and increasingly higher data rates. This society's demand has motivated the development of the fourth generation of mobile communications (4G) and its evolution towards the fifth generation (5G). This development has required a revolution on the radio interface of the mobile communications systems, and, consequently, has significantly modified their capabilities and their radio resource management. This is the case of the technology known as Long Term Evolution (LTE) and its 4G version called LTE-Advanced.
This Doctoral Thesis addresses the modelling, the radio resource management analysis, and the performance evaluation of the downlink of LTE and LTE-Advanced where, among the different features of LTE-Advanced, the focus is on the Coordinated Multi-Point (CoMP) transmission.
The Thesis provides a detailed description of the main characteristics of LTE and LTE-Advanced. The high complexity of these systems, has prompted the use of computer simulations as the primary research methodology. The Thesis makes a detailed description of the simulation methodology and the system modelling required, including some contributions of the author in this field. Among them, it is of significant relevance the link-level simulation results used in the European project WINNER + for the LTE evaluation.
With regard to the analysis of the radio resource management in LTE, the fundamentals of link adaptation and scheduling are explained in the first place. In relation to the scheduling, the Thesis includes a thorough study of the proportional fairness concept and the suboptimal implementation typically used in LTE to maximize this metric. This study has resulted in a series of ideas embodied in a modification of the typical implementation, which has proved to be capable of increasing the proportional fairness of the resource allocations. Moreover, the link adaptation analysis has revealed the "flash-light" effect problem, which is characterized by a high interference variability due to rapid changes in the scheduling decisions. The Thesis demonstrates that a particular implementation that stabilizes the scheduling decisions can improve the system performance.
The radio resource management analysis of this Thesis is completed with the study of CoMP. Specifically, the CoMP scheme studied in this Thesis is a solution with coordinated scheduling and beamforming (CS/CB), that takes into account realistic and robust assumptions concerning the knowledge that the coordinated points have about the channel state. The Thesis proposes this solution for its simplicity and its ability to improve high data rates coverage and capacity even with incomplete channel knowledge.
Concerning LTE and LTE-Advanced evaluation, it is performed in two different types of scenarios. On the one hand, the scenarios defined in the process of evaluation of IMT-Advanced. In this framework, it is evaluated the importance of different multi-antenna techniques, including CoMP, considering full-buffer traffic models. The most important conclusions in these scenarios are the significant performance improvement achieved with spatial multiplexing of users and the fact that CoMP mechanisms provide a reduced benefit. The second group of scenarios are those defined by the European project METIS for the evaluation of 5G technologies. Specifically, an indoor office scenario and an outdoor sports stadium have been selected. In these scenarios, a realistic traffic model is used, and it has been demonstrated the utility of CoMP to satisfy the first 5G requirement definitions with feasible frequency bandwidths. In these scenarios with less homogeneous deployments, or with a limited number of transmitters originating the major part of interference, is where this Thesis has found CoMP to be more useful and where the Thesis promotes its use. / [ES] En la actual sociedad, hay una creciente necesidad de acceso a servicios de comunicación de datos de forma ubicua, móvil y a velocidades cada vez más altas. Esta demanda ha motivado el desarrollo de la cuarta generación de comunicaciones móviles (4G) y su evolución hacia la quinta generación (5G). Este desarrollo ha requerido una revolución en la interfaz radio de los sistemas de comunicaciones móviles modificando en gran medida sus capacidades y la forma en la que se gestionan sus recursos. Este es el caso de la tecnología conocida como Long Term Evolution (LTE) y su versión 4G llamada LTE-Advanced.
En concreto, esta Tesis Doctoral aborda el modelado, análisis de la gestión de recursos radio y evaluación de prestaciones del enlace descendente de LTE y LTE-Advanced, donde, de entre las características de LTE-Advanced, se ha puesto el foco de atención en la transmisión multipunto coordinada (CoMP).
La Tesis proporciona una descripción detallada de las principales características de LTE y LTE-Advanced. La gran complejidad del sistema descrito ha motivado que la metodología de estudio haya sido la simulación mediante ordenador. La Tesis realiza una descripción detallada de dicha metodología y del modelado del sistema empleado, incluyendo algunas aportaciones del autor en este campo. De entre éstas, destaca la provisión de resultados de simulación de nivel de enlace que se usaron en el proyecto europeo WINNER+ para la evaluación de LTE.
En cuanto al análisis de la gestión de recursos radio en LTE, en primer lugar, se explican los fundamentos de la adaptación al enlace y el scheduling. En relación con el scheduling, se realiza un estudio del concepto de proportional fairness y de la implementación subóptima típicamente usada en LTE para maximizar esta métrica. Este estudio ha dado como resultado una modificación de la implementación típica que ha demostrado ser capaz de aumentar la proportional fairness en la asignación de recursos con un bajo incremento de complejidad. Además, el análisis de la adaptación al enlace ha revelado el problema del efecto de "luz de flash" consistente en la alta variabilidad de la interferencia debida a rápidos cambios en las decisiones del scheduler. La Tesis demuestra que se pueden mejorar las prestaciones del sistema estabilizando dichas decisiones mediante una implementación concreta.
El bloque de análisis de la gestión de recursos se completa con el estudio de CoMP. Específicamente, se estudia una solución con coordinación de scheduling y conformación de haz (CS/CB) que tiene en cuenta suposiciones reales y robustas en cuanto al conocimiento que los puntos coordinados tienen de los canales radio. La Tesis propone esta solución por su sencillez y capacidad de mejorar la eficiencia de los sistemas de comunicaciones móviles, tanto en cobertura de velocidades altas de transmisión como en capacidad, aun teniendo un conocimiento incompleto del canal.
En cuanto a la evaluación de LTE y LTE-Advanced, ésta se realiza en dos tipos de escenarios. Por un lado, los escenarios definidos en el proceso de evaluación de IMT-Advanced. En este marco, se evalúa la importancia de diferentes técnicas de transmisión multiantena, incluyendo CoMP, y considerando tráfico de tipo full-buffer. Se ha obtenido una gran mejora de prestaciones por la multiplexación espacial de usuarios y mejoras discretas por el uso de CoMP. El segundo grupo de escenarios son los definidos por el proyecto europeo METIS para evaluación de tecnologías 5G, concretamente se han elegido un escenario de interiores con una oficina, y uno de exteriores con un estadio deportivo. En estos escenarios se utiliza un tráfico realista y se ha demostrado la utilidad de CoMP para mejorar las prestaciones del sistema. En estos escenarios con despliegues menos uniformes, o con un número limitado de transmisores provocando la mayor parte de la interferencia, es donde esta Tesis ha encontrado la mayor u / [CA] En l'actual societat de la informació, hi ha una creixent necessitat d'accés a serveis de comunicació de dades de forma ubiqua, mòbil i a velocitats cada vegada més altes. Aquesta demanda de la societat, ha motivat el desenrotllament de la quarta generació de comunicacions mòbils (4G) i la seua evolució cap a la quinta generació (5G). Aquest desenrotllament ha requerit una revolució en la interfície ràdio dels sistemes de comunicacions mòbils i ha modificat en gran manera les seues capacitats i la forma en què es gestionen els seus recursos. Aquest és el cas de la tecnologia coneguda com a Long Term Evolution (LTE) i la seua versió 4G anomenada LTE-Advanced.
En concret, aquesta Tesi Doctoral aborda el modelatge, anàlisi de la gestió de recursos ràdio i avaluació de prestacions de l'enllaç descendent de LTE i LTE-Advanced, on, d'entre les característiques de LTE-Advanced, s'ha posat el centre d'atenció en la transmissió multipunt coordinada (CoMP).
La Tesi proporciona una descripció detallada de les principals característiques de LTE i LTE-Advanced. La gran complexitat del sistema descrit ha motivat que la metodologia d'estudi s'haja basat en simulació per mitjà d'ordinador. La Tesi realitza una descripció detallada de la metodologia de simulació i del modelatge del sistema empleat, incloent-hi algunes aportacions de l'autor en aquest camp. D'entre aquestes, destaca la provisió de resultats de simulació de nivell d'enllaç que es van usar en el projecte europeu WINNER+ per a l'avaluació de LTE.
Pel que fa a l'anàlisi de la gestió de recursos ràdio en LTE, en primer lloc, s'expliquen els fonaments de l'adaptació a l'enllaç i el scheduling. En relació amb el scheduling, es realitza un estudi del concepte de proportional fairness i de la implementació subòptima típicament usada en LTE per a maximitzar aquesta mètrica. L'estudi ha donat com a resultat una modificació de la implementació típica que ha demostrat ser capaç d'augmentar la proportional fairness en l'assignació de recursos amb un baix increment de complexitat. A més, l'anàlisi de l'adaptació a l'enllaç ha desvetllat el problema de l'efecte de "llum de flaix" consistent en la alta variabilitat de la interferència deguda a una ràpida variació de les assignacions de recursos. La Tesi demostra que es poden millorar les prestacions del sistema estabilitzant les decisions del scheduler mitjançant una implementació concreta.
En el bloc d'anàlisi de la gestió de recursos d'aquesta Tesi es completa amb l'estudi de CoMP. Específicament, s'estudia una solució amb coordinació de scheduling i conformació de feix (CS/CB), que té en compte suposicions reals i robustes quant al coneixement que els punts coordinats tenen dels canals ràdio dels usuaris servits. La Tesi proposa aquesta solució per la seua senzillesa i capacitat de millorar l'eficiència dels sistemes de comunicacions mòbils, tant en cobertura de velocitats altes de transmissió com en capacitat, encara tenint un coneixement incomplet del canal.
Quant a l'avaluació de LTE i LTE-Advanced, aquesta es realitza en dos tipus d'escenaris diferents. D'una banda, els escenaris definits dins del procés d'avaluació de tecnologies IMT-Advanced. Dins d'aquest marc, s'avalua la importància de diferents tècniques de transmissió multi-antena, incloent-hi CoMP, i considerant tràfic de tipus full-buffer. S'ha obtingut una gran millora de prestacions amb la multiplexació espacial d'usuaris i una discreta millora amb CoMP. El segon grup d'escenaris són els definits pel projecte europeu METIS per a l'avaluació de tecnologies 5G, concretament s'han triat un escenari d'interiors amb una oficina, i un d'exteriors amb un estadi esportiu, on s'ha utilitzat un tràfic realista. En aquests escenaris amb desplegaments menys uniformes, o amb un nombre limitat de transmissors provocant la major part de la interferència, és on aquesta Tesi ha trobat la utilitat més gran de / Martín-Sacristán Gandía, D. (2016). 3GPP Long Term Evolution: Performance Analysis and Evolution towards 4G with Coordinated Multi-Point Transmission [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/63261
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Error resilient video communications using high level M-QAM : modelling and simulation of a comparative analysis of a dual-priority M-QAM transmission system for H.264/AVC video applications over band-limited and error-phone channelsAbdurrhman, Ahmed B. M. January 2010 (has links)
An experimental investigation of an M level (M = 16, 64 and 256) Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) transmission system suitable for video transmission is presented. The communication system is based on layered video coding and unequal error protection to make the video bitstream robust to channel errors. An implementation is described in which H.264 video is protected unequally by partitioning the compressed data into two layers of different visual importance. The partition scheme is based on a separation of the group of pictures (GoP) in the intra-coded frame (I-frame) and predictive coded frame (P frame). This partition scheme is then applied to split the H.264-coded video bitstream and is suitable for Constant Bit Rate (CBR) transmission. Unequal error protection is based on uniform and non-uniform M-QAM constellations in conjunction with different scenarios of splitting the transmitted symbol for protection of the more important information of the video data; different constellation arrangements are proposed and evaluated to increase the capacity of the high priority layer. The performance of the transmission system is evaluated under Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) and Rayleigh fading conditions. Simulation results showed that in noisy channels the decoded video can be improved by assigning a larger portion of the video data to the enhancement layer in conjunction with non-uniform constellation arrangements; in better channel conditions the quality of the received video can be improved by assigning more bits in the high priority channel and using uniform constellations. The aforementioned varying conditions can make the video transmission more successful over error-prone channels. Further techniques were developed to combat various channel impairments by considering channel coding methods suitable for layered video coding applications. It is shown that a combination of non-uniform M-QAM and forward error correction (FEC) will yield a better performance. Additionally, antenna diversity techniques are examined and introduced to the transmission system that can offer a significant improvement in the quality of service of mobile video communication systems in environments that can be modelled by a Rayleigh fading channel.
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