Spelling suggestions: "subject:"atemsystem core"" "subject:"systsystem core""
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Optimalizace rozsáhlých aplikací / Optimizing large applicationsLiška, Martin January 2013 (has links)
Both uppermost open source compilers, GCC and LLVM, are mature enough to link-time optimize large applications. In case of large applications, we must take into account, except standard speed efficiency and memory consumption, different aspects. We focus on size of the code, cold start-up time, etc. Developers of applications often come up with ad-hoc solutions such as Elfhack utility, start-up of an application via a pre-loading utility and dlopen; prelinking and variety of different tools that reorder functions to fit the order of execution. The goal of the thesis is to analyse all existing techniques of optimization, evaluate their efficiency and design new solutions based on the link-time optimization platform. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Analysis of Advanced Fuel Behaviour during Loss of Coolant Accident in Swedish Boiling Water ReactorBreijder, Paul January 2011 (has links)
In accident analysis regarding nuclear power plants, it is very common to use thermal hydraulic system codes, such as TRACE, developed by U.S. NRC. In the case of licensing a power plant, this is one of the necessities. TRACE is a relatively new thermal hydraulic system code and a lot of knowledge is needed to implement it in a correct way, especially in accident analysis, where it is a requirement that the rules and statements in Appendix-K, dealing with criteria for ECCS-models, are modelled. In this thesis an improved model of a Swedish Boiling Water Reactor within TRACE is realized and tested. Afterwards, once a working and representative model has been obtained, a sensitivity study in conducted in order to investigate the sensitivity of TRACE for a couple of thermal hydraulic parameters. The sensitivity study is focussing on the eect of the peak cladding temperature, as well as the coolability of the nuclear fuel in terms of quenching and quench-front velocities. It is found to be hard to say unilaterally what the eect of changing a certain number of parameters on the reactor behaviour is. As it turns out to be, although strongly related, the peak cladding temperatures and the quench phenomena can behave dierently
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Computer aided software engineering tool for automatically generating database management system codeSon, Ju Young January 1989 (has links)
No description available.
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Development of an Improved Thermal-Hydraulic Modeling of the Jules Horowitz ReactorPegonen, Reijo January 2017 (has links)
The newest European high performance material testing reactor, the Jules Horowitz Reactor, is under construction at CEA Cadarache research center in France. The reactor will support existing and future nuclear reactor technologies, with the first criticality expected at the end of this decade. The current/reference CEA methodology for simulating the thermalhydraulic behavior of the reactor gives reliable results. The CATHARE2 code simulates the full reactor circuit with a simplified approach for the core. The results of this model are used as boundary conditions in a three-dimensional FLICA4 core simulation. However this procedure needs further improvement and simplification to shorten the computational requirements and give more accurate core level data. The reactor’s high performance (e.g. high neutron fluxes, high power densities) and its design (e.g. narrow flow channels in the core) render the reactor modeling challenging compared to more conventional designs. It is possible via thermal-hydraulic or solely hydraulic Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations to achieve a better insight of the flow and thermal aspects of the reactor’s performance. This approach is utilized to assess the initial modeling assumptions and to detect if more accurate modeling is necessary. There were no CFD thermal-hydraulic publications available on the JHR prior to the current PhD thesis project. The improvement process is split into five steps. In the first step, the state-of-the-art CEA methodology for thermal-hydraulic modeling of the reactor using the system code CATHARE2 and the core analysis code FLICA4 is described. In the second and third steps, a CFD thermal-hydraulic simulations of the reactor’s hot fuel element are undertaken with the code STAR-CCM+. Moreover, a conjugate heat transfer analysis is performed for the hot channel. The knowledge of the flow and temperature fields between different channels is important for performing safety analyses and for accurate modeling. In the fourth step, the flow field of the full reactor vessel is investigated by conducting CFD hydraulic simulations in order to identify the mass flow split between the 36 fuel elements and to describe the flow field in the upper and lower plenums. As a side study a thermal-hydraulic calculation, similar to those performed in previous steps is undertaken utilizing the outcome of the hydraulic calculation as an input. The final step culminates by producing an improved, more realistic, purely CATHARE2 based, JHR model, incorporating all the new knowledge acquired from the previous steps. The primary outcome of this four year PhD research project is the improved, more realistic, CATHARE2 model of the JHR with two approaches for the hot fuel element. Furthermore, the project has led to improved thermal-hydraulic knowledge of the complex reactor (including the hot fuel element), with the most prominent findings presented. / <p>QC 20161208</p> / DEMO-JHR
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Input Calibration, Code Validation and Surrogate Model Development for Analysis of Two-phase Circulation Instability and Core Relocation PhenomenaPhung, Viet-Anh January 2017 (has links)
Code validation and uncertainty quantification are important tasks in nuclear reactor safety analysis. Code users have to deal with large number of uncertain parameters, complex multi-physics, multi-dimensional and multi-scale phenomena. In order to make results of analysis more robust, it is important to develop and employ procedures for guiding user choices in quantification of the uncertainties. The work aims to further develop approaches and procedures for system analysis code validation and application to practical problems of safety analysis. The work is divided into two parts. The first part presents validation of two reactor system thermal-hydraulic (STH) codes RELAP5 and TRACE for prediction of two-phase circulation flow instability. The goals of the first part are to: (a) develop and apply efficient methods for input calibration and STH code validation against unsteady flow experiments with two-phase circulation flow instability, and (b) examine the codes capability to predict instantaneous thermal hydraulic parameters and flow regimes during the transients. Two approaches have been developed: a non-automated procedure based on separate treatment of uncertain input parameters (UIPs) and an automated method using genetic algorithm. Multiple measured parameters and system response quantities (SRQs) are employed in both calibration of uncertain parameters in the code input deck and validation of RELAP5 and TRACE codes. The effect of improvement in RELAP5 flow regime identification on code prediction of thermal-hydraulic parameters has been studied. Result of the code validations demonstrates that RELAP5 and TRACE can reproduce qualitative behaviour of two-phase flow instability. However, both codes misidentified instantaneous flow regimes, and it was not possible to predict simultaneously experimental values of oscillation period and maximum inlet flow rate. The outcome suggests importance of simultaneous consideration of multiple SRQs and different test regimes for quantitative code validation. The second part of this work addresses core degradation and relocation to the lower head of a boiling water reactor (BWR). Properties of the debris in the lower head provide initial conditions for vessel failure, melt release and ex-vessel accident progression. The goals of the second part are to: (a) obtain a representative database of MELCOR solutions for characteristics of debris in the reactor lower plenum for different accident scenarios, and (b) develop a computationally efficient surrogate model (SM) that can be used in extensive uncertainty analysis for prediction of the debris bed characteristics. MELCOR code coupled with genetic algorithm, random and grid sampling methods was used to generate a database of the full model solutions and to investigate in-vessel corium debris relocation in a Nordic BWR. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) with classification (grouping) of scenarios have been used for development of the SM in order to address the issue of chaotic response of the full model especially in the transition region. The core relocation analysis shows that there are two main groups of scenarios: with relatively small (<20 tons) and large (>100 tons) amounts of total relocated debris in the reactor lower plenum. The domains are separated by transition regions, in which small variation of the input can result in large changes in the final mass of debris. SMs using multiple ANNs with/without weighting between different groups effectively filter out the noise and provide a better prediction of the output cumulative distribution function, but increase the mean squared error compared to a single ANN. / Validering av datorkoder och kvantifiering av osäkerhetsfaktorer är viktiga delar vid säkerhetsanalys av kärnkraftsreaktorer. Datorkodanvändaren måste hantera ett stort antal osäkra parametrar vid beskrivningen av fysikaliska fenomen i flera dimensioner från mikro- till makroskala. För att göra analysresultaten mer robusta, är det viktigt att utveckla och tillämpa rutiner för att vägleda användaren vid kvantifiering av osäkerheter.Detta arbete syftar till att vidareutveckla metoder och förfaranden för validering av systemkoder och deras tillämpning på praktiska problem i säkerhetsanalysen. Arbetet delas in i två delar.Första delen presenterar validering av de termohydrauliska systemkoderna (STH) RELAP5 och TRACE vid analys av tvåfasinstabilitet i cirkulationsflödet.Målen för den första delen är att: (a) utveckla och tillämpa effektiva metoder för kalibrering av indatafiler och validering av STH mot flödesexperiment med tvåfas cirkulationsflödeinstabilitet och (b) granska datorkodernas förmåga att förutsäga momentana termohydrauliska parametrar och flödesregimer under transienta förlopp.Två metoder har utvecklats: en icke-automatisk procedur baserad på separat hantering av osäkra indataparametrar (UIPs) och en automatiserad metod som använder genetisk algoritm. Ett flertal uppmätta parametrar och systemresponser (SRQs) används i både kalibrering av osäkra parametrar i indatafilen och validering av RELAP5 och TRACE. Resultatet av modifikationer i hur RELAP5 identifierar olika flödesregimer, och särskilt hur detta påverkar datorkodens prediktioner av termohydrauliska parametrar, har studerats.Resultatet av valideringen visar att RELAP5 och TRACE kan återge det kvalitativa beteende av två-fas flödets instabilitet. Däremot kan ingen av koderna korrekt identifiera den momentana flödesregimen, det var därför ej möjligt att förutsäga experimentella värden på svängningsperiod och maximal inloppsflödeshastighet samtidigt. Resultatet belyser betydelsen av samtidig behandling av flera SRQs liksom olika experimentella flödesregimer för kvantitativ kodvalidering.Den andra delen av detta arbete behandlar härdnedbrytning och omfördelning till reaktortankens nedre plenumdel i en kokarvatten reaktor (BWR). Egenskaper hos härdrester i nedre plenum ger inledande förutsättningar för reaktortanksgenomsmältning, hur smältan rinner ut ur reaktortanken och händelseförloppet i reaktorinneslutningen.Målen i den andra delen är att: (a) erhålla en representativ databas över koden MELCOR:s analysresultat för egenskaperna hos härdrester i nedre plenum under olika händelseförlopp, och (b) utveckla en beräkningseffektiv surrogatsmodell som kan användas i omfattande osäkerhetsanalyser för att förutsäga partikelbäddsegenskaper.MELCOR, kopplad till en genetisk algoritm med slumpmässigt urval användes för att generera en databas av analysresultat med tillämpning på smältans omfördelning i reaktortanken i en Nordisk BWR.Analysen av hur härden omfördelas visar att det finns två huvudgrupper av scenarier: med relativt liten (<20 ton) och stor (> 100 ton) total mängd omfördelade härdrester i nedre plenum. Dessa domäner är åtskilda av övergångsregioner, där små variationer i indata kan resultera i stora ändringar i den slutliga partikelmassan. Flergrupps artificiella neurala nätverk med klassificering av händelseförloppet har använts för utvecklingen av en surrogatmodell för att hantera problemet med kaotiska resultat av den fullständiga modellen, särskilt i övergångsregionen. / <p>QC 20170309</p>
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Development of a Nordic BWR plant model in APROS and design of a power controller using the control rods / Utveckling av en nordisk BWR-anläggningsmodell i APROS och design av ett effektregleringssystem med hjälp av styrstavarnaAl-Ani, Jonathan January 2021 (has links)
In this master thesis an input-model of a Nordic BWR power plant has been developed in APROS. The plant model contains key systems and major thermohydraulic components of the steam cycle, including I&C systems (i.e. power, pressure, level and flow controls). The plant model is primarily designed for balance of plant studies at discrete power levels. The input-model of the power plant focuses especially on the steam cycle which is crucial for analysing water and steam behaviour and its influence on the reactor power. At the current stage, the model primarily handles steady-state conditions of full-power operation, which has been the design point. It has also been shown that reduced-power operation can be simulated with a reasonable trendline of pressure and temperature progression over facility components. / Inom ramen för examensarbete har en indatafil (modell) av en nordisk kokvattenreaktor, BWR, utvecklats i simuleringsverktyget APROS. Anläggningsmodellen är främst utformad för att simulera diskreta effektnivåer och innehåller viktiga system och termohydrauliska komponenter som ingår i ångcykeln, inklusive instrumenterings- och kontrollutrustning (dvs. effekt-, tryck-, nivå- och flödesreglering). Fokus har lagts särskilt på att få till en bra representation av ångcykeln, vilket är avgörande för analys av vatten- och ångbeteendet och dess påverkan på reaktoreffekten. Modellen kan främst användas för simulering av jämviktstillstånd vid full effektdrift och till en viss grad även reducerad effektdrift.
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