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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

BWR Reactor Fuel Channel Manufacturing Simulations / Tillverkningssimuleringar av höljerör för kokvattenreaktor

Norell, Kalle January 2022 (has links)
Fuel channels are used to keep the components of a nuclear fuel bundle in place. The fuel channel of a new nuclear fuel which is being developed at Westinghouse has a complex geometry which creates challenges in the manufacturing process. FE simulations were developed of a two-stage forming process of the fuel channel. Three different simulations were developed, a simulation of the pre-bending, a simplified simulation of bending, and a combined simulation of the two-stage process of pre-bending and bending. The simulations were done in Ansys Workbench. The simulations of the pre-bending could be validated against experimental results. The simulations of the bending showed significant differences in results compared to experiments. A few different sources of error were investigated due to the difference in results. / Höljerör omsluter kärnbränslet i en kärnreaktor och håller komponenterna i bränslepaketet på plats. Höljeröret av ett nytt kärnbränsle som utvecklas på Westinghouse har en komplex geometri som skapar utmaningar i tillverkningsprocessen. FE simuleringar av en tvåstegsprocess av bockningen av höljeröret utvecklades. Tre typer av simuleringar utvecklades, en simulering av förbockningen, en förenklad simulering av bockningen, och en simulering av den kombinerade förbockningen och bockning. Simuleringarna gjordes i Ansys Workbench. Förbockningssimuleringarna kunde valideras mot experiment. Bockningssimuleringen visade dock signifikanta skillnader i resultat gentemot experiment. Några olika felkällor undersöktes på grund av skillnaderna i resultat.

Kartläggning av ventiler innehållande Stellite i reaktornära vattensystem på Forsmark 2

Ohlsson, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
In the process of a boiling water reactor, high-levels of waste and radiation occur, where almost all the dose per person of the radiation in Forsmark are due to the radioactive iso-tope cobalt-60. The reason is that the stable isotope cobalt-59 is converted to the radioac-tive isotope cobalt-60 due to neutron irradiation in the reactor. Since 2012, unusually high levels of cobalt-60 have been observed at Forsmark 2 which occurs from the material Stel-lite and is a very common sealant in valves. The major disadvantage of the material Stellite in nuclear power is the high concentration of cobalt-59. When grinding alloy surfaces con-taining Stellite, cobalt-59 is released in the form of abrasive dust if the effectiveness of sub-sequent Stellite alloys is poor. The consequences lead to increased radiation levels, which implies major financial costs and a difficult work environment in, for example, mainte-nance work.Today, there is no mapping of valves containing Stellite, which may result in the decon-tamination of Stellite not being requested and missing when a maintenance action in the form of, for example, grinding is performed. The completed mapping of valves containing Stellite is thus the first that has been carried out within Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB for the priority systems 313, 321, 331 and 415.In this work, valves containing Stellite have been mapped along main lines in systems that come into contact with reactor water without passing ion exchange filters. Furthermore, the effects of how the grinding of valves alloy surfaces in the seat / cone affects the feeding of cobalt-59 into the reactor and the effectiveness of subsequent decontamination of Stel-lite after grinding was investigated.The work has been divided into two main moments; Status analysis and Mapping, which in turn is divided into several sub-moments. The status analysis gathered the information re-quired to perform the mapping. With the gathered information from the status analysis, mapping was then carried out and valves were inventoried in the priority systems.A total of 45 valves containing Stellite were found whose water flow is likely to end up in the reactor without passing ion exchange filters. A total of 13 valves containing Stellite were found, which are not detected by the chemical departments measurement points and whose waterflow did not pass ion exchange filters before the reactor for systems 321 and 331.During a decontamination of Stellite in a valve, only alloy surfaces in the valves are con-trolled and cleaned, which results in dust from grinding remaining in the other surfaces of the valve as well as in the pipe ends when the valve has been assembled prior to commis-sioning. Of the 45 valves containing Stellite which have been inventoried, grinding in theseat/cone have occurred in eight of the valves, but only two of the valves have been de-contaminated since 2010-01-01. Since no decontamination of Stellite has occured six of eight times after grinding, and only alloy surfaces are checked as well as decontaminated, the effectiveness of subsequent decontamination of Stellite after grinding is very low.Based on the results of the work, a number of improvement proposals have been present-ed for continued work to reduce the feeding of cobalt 59 to the reactor water and eventu-ally reduce the radiation levels at Forsmark's nuclear power plant. / Vid processen i en kokvattenreaktor uppstår högaktivt avfall och höga strålningsnivåer, där nästan all persondos av strålning på Forsmark beror av den radioaktiva isotopen kobolt-60. Anledningen är att den stabila isotopen kobolt-59 omvandlas till den radioaktiva isotopen kobolt-60 vid neutronbestrålning i reaktorn. Man har sedan 2012 noterat ovanligt höga halter av kobolt-60 på Forsmark 2 vilket härrör till materialet Stellite, som är ett mycket vanligt tätningsmaterial i ventiler. Den stora nackdelen med Stellite i kärnkraftssamman-hang är den höga koncentrationen av kobolt-59. Vid slipning av legeringsytor innehållande Stellite, riskeras kobolt-59 frigöras i form av slipdamm om effektiviteten av efterföljande Stellitesaneringar är dålig. Konsekvenserna leder till ökade strålningsnivåer vilket innebär stora ekonomiska kostnader och en försvårad arbetsmiljö vid till exempel underhållsar-beten.Idag finns ingen kartläggning av ventiler innehållande Stellite, vilket kan resultera i att Stellitesaneringar inte begärs och uteblir då en underhållsåtgärd i form av till exempel slipning utförs. Den genomförda kartläggningen av ventiler innehållande Stellite är där-med den första som har utförts inom Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB för de prioriterade syste-men 313, 321, 331 och 415.I detta arbete har ventiler innehållande Stellite kartlagts längs huvudledningar i system som kommer i kontakt med reaktorvatten utan att passera jonbytarfilter. Vidare har effekterna av hur slipning av ventilers legeringsytor i säte/kägla påverkar inmatningen av kobolt-59 och effektiviteten av efterföljande Stellitesaneringar undersökts.Arbetet har delats upp i två huvudmoment; Nulägesanalys och Kartläggning, som i sin tur delats upp i flera delmoment. I nulägesanalysen samlades den information som krävdes för att utföra kartläggningen. Med den inhämtade informationen från nulägesanalysen, inven-terades och kartlades sedan ventiler i de prioriterade systemen.Totalt hittades 45 stycken ventiler innehållande Stellite vars vattenflöde riskerar att hamna i reaktorn utan att passera jonbytarfilter. Sammanlagt hittades 13 stycken ventiler innehål-lande Stellite som ej registreras av kemiavdelningens provtagningar och som inte passerar jonbytarfilter innan reaktorn för system 321 och 331.Vid en Stellitesanering kontrolleras och saneras endast legeringsytor i ventiler, vilket re-sulterar i att slipdamm kan finns kvar i ventilens övriga ytor samt i rörändarna då ventilen har monterats ihop inför driftsättning. Av de 45 stycken ventiler innehållande Stellite som har inventerats, har åtta stycken slipats i säte/kägla men enbart två stycken Stellitesanerats efter slipning sedan 2010-01-01. Eftersom Stellitesaneringar efter slipning har uteblivitsex av åtta gånger och endast legeringsytor kontrolleras samt Stellitesaneras, är effektivite-ten av efterföljande Stellitesaneringar vid slipning mycket låg.Baserat på resultaten av arbetet, har ett antal förbättringsförslag presenterats för fortsatt arbete att minska kobolt-59-inmatningen till reaktorvattnet och på sikt minska strål-ningsnivåerna på Forsmarks kärnkraftverk.

Development of a Nordic BWR plant model in APROS and design of a power controller using the control rods / Utveckling av en nordisk BWR-anläggningsmodell i APROS och design av ett effektregleringssystem med hjälp av styrstavarna

Al-Ani, Jonathan January 2021 (has links)
In this master thesis an input-model of a Nordic BWR power plant has been developed in APROS. The plant model contains key systems and major thermohydraulic components of the steam cycle, including I&C systems (i.e. power, pressure, level and flow controls). The plant model is primarily designed for balance of plant studies at discrete power levels. The input-model of the power plant focuses especially on the steam cycle which is crucial for analysing water and steam behaviour and its influence on the reactor power. At the current stage, the model primarily handles steady-state conditions of full-power operation, which has been the design point. It has also been shown that reduced-power operation can be simulated with a reasonable trendline of pressure and temperature progression over facility components. / Inom ramen för examensarbete har en indatafil (modell) av en nordisk kokvattenreaktor, BWR, utvecklats i simuleringsverktyget APROS. Anläggningsmodellen är främst utformad för att simulera diskreta effektnivåer och innehåller viktiga system och termohydrauliska komponenter som ingår i ångcykeln, inklusive instrumenterings- och kontrollutrustning (dvs. effekt-, tryck-, nivå- och flödesreglering). Fokus har lagts särskilt på att få till en bra representation av ångcykeln, vilket är avgörande för analys av vatten- och ångbeteendet och dess påverkan på reaktoreffekten. Modellen kan främst användas för simulering av jämviktstillstånd vid full effektdrift och till en viss grad även reducerad effektdrift.

Effective Spatial Mapping for Coupled Code Analysis of Thermal–Hydraulics/Neutron–Kinetics of Boiling Water Reactors

Peltonen, Joanna January 2013 (has links)
Analyses of nuclear reactor safety have increasingly required coupling of full three dimensional neutron kinetics (NK) core models with system transient thermal–hydraulics (TH) codes.  In order to produce results within a reasonable computing time, the coupled codes use two different spatial description of the reactor core.  The TH code uses few, typically 5 to 20 TH channels, which represent the core.  The NK code uses explicit one node for each fuel assembly.  Therefore, a spatial mapping of a coarse grid TH and a fine grid NK domain is necessary.  However, improper mappings may result in loss of valuable information, thus causing inaccurate prediction of safety parameters. The purpose of this thesis is to study the effectiveness of spatial coupling (channel refinement and spatial mapping) and develop recommendations for NK/TH mapping in simulation of safety transients.  Additionally, sensitivity of stability (measured by Decay Ratio and Frequency) to the different types of mapping schemes, is analyzed against OECD/NEA Ringhals–1 Stability Benchmark data. The research methodology consists of spatial coupling convergence study, by increasing the number of TH channels and varying mapping approaches, up to and including the reference case.  The reference case consists of one-to-one mapping: one TH channel per one fuel assembly.  The comparisons of the results are done for steady–state and transient results.  In this thesis mapping (spatial coupling) definition is formed and all the existing mapping approaches were gathered, analyzed and presented.  Additionally, to increase the efficiency and applicability of spatial mapping convergence, a new mapping methodology has been proposed.  The new mapping approach is based on hierarchical clustering method; the method of unsupervised learning that is adopted by many researchers in many different scientific fields, thanks to its flexibility and robustness.  The proposed new mapping method turns out to be very successful for spatial coupling problem and can be fully automatized allowing for significant time reduction in mapping convergence study. The steady–state results obtained from three different plant models for all the investigated cases are presented.  All models achieved well converged steady–state and local parameters were compared and it was concluded that solid basis for further transient analysis was found.  Analyzing the mapping performance, the best predictions for steady–state conditions are the mappings that include the power peaking factor feature alone or with any combination of other features.  Additionally it is of value to keep the core symmetry (symmetry feature).  The big part of this research is devoted to transient analysis.  The selection of transients was done such that it covers a wide range of transients and gathered knowledge may be used for other types of transients.  As a representative of a local perturbation, Control Rod Drop Accident was chosen.  A specially prepared Feedwater Transient was investigated as a regional perturbation and a Turbine Trip is an example of a global one.  In the case of local perturbation, it has been found that a number of TH channels is less important than the type of mapping, so a high number of TH channels does not guarantee improved results.  To avoid unnecessary averaging and to obtain the best prediction, hot channel and core zone where accident happens should be always separated from the rest.  The best performance is achieved with mapping according power peaking factors, and therefore this one is recommended for such type of perturbation. The regional perturbation has been found to be more challenging than the others.  This kind of perturbation is strongly dependent on mapping type that affects the power increase rate, SCRAM time, onset of instability, development of limit cycle, etc.  It has been also concluded that a special effort is needed for input model preparation.   In contrast to the regional perturbation, the global perturbation is found to be the least demanding transient.  Here, the number of TH channels and type of mapping do not have significant impact on average plant behaviour – general plant response is always well recreated.  A special effort has also been paid to investigate the core stability performance, in both global and regional mode.  It has been found that in case of unstable cores, a low number of TH channels significantly suppresses the instability.  For these cases number of TH channels is very important and therefore at least half of the core has to be modeled to have a confidence in predicted DR and FR.  In case of regional instability in order to get correct performance of out-of-phase oscillations, it is recommended to use full-scale model.  If this is not possible, the mapping which is a mixture of 1st power mode and power peaking factors, should be used. The general conclusions and recommendations are summarized at the end of this thesis.  Development of these recommendations was one of the purposes of this investigation and they should be taken into consideration while designing new coupled TH/NK models and choosing mapping strategy for a new transient analysis. / <p>QC 20130516</p>

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