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Možnosti a využití objektivních testů osobnosti Vienna Test Systemu při zjišťování individuální tendence riskovat / Possibilities and Utilisation of Objective Personality Tests of the Vienna Tests System for Detection of Individual Risk-TendencyKonrádová, Hana January 2013 (has links)
The theoretical part of this thesis addresses key concepts related to the individual tendency to take risks - it introduces how this trait is embedded in the concept of personality, establishes essential theoretical issues related to risk and risk-tendency, as well as related important terms, research and authors in the field in question. The key issues, too, are methods of risk behaviour detection with emphasis on current trends in psychodiagnostics, thus in the following part the fields of computerized psychodiagnostics and of objective personality tests are discussed. The paper's empirical section is focused on the utilization of Vienna Test System (VTS) in this area. Objective personality tests used for detection of risk-tendency were analysed and validised using the SPARO method and data gained during interviews. Empirically produced results suggest that the validity of the methods used is equivocal. One of the main conclusions of this thesis, therefore, is that VTS methods' potential to determine risk behaviour seems to be rather limited and its further research should be conducted in the future. Keywords: risk, risk-tendency, personality, objective personality tests, computerized testing, Vienna Test System
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Verification techniques in the context of event-trigged soft real-time systems / Verifikationstekniker för event-triggade mjuka realtidssystemNorberg, Johan January 2007 (has links)
<p>When exploring a verification approach for Komatsu Forest's control system regarding their forest machines (Valmet), the context of soft real-time systems is illuminated. Because of the nature of such context, the verification process is based on empirical corroboration of requirements fulfillment rather than being a formal proving process.</p><p>After analysis of the literature with respect to the software testing field, two paradigms have been defined in order to highlight important concepts for soft real-time systems. The paradigms are based on an abstract stimuli/response model, which conceptualize a system with inputs and output. Since the system is perceived as a black box, its internal details are hidden and thus focus is placed on a more abstract level.</p><p>The first paradigm, the “input data paradigm”, is concerned about what data to input to the system. The second paradigm, the “input data mechanism paradigm” is concerned about how the data is sent, i.e. the actual input mechanism is focused. By specifying different dimensions associated with each paradigm, it is possible to define their unique characteristics. The advantage of this kind of theoretical construction is that each paradigm creates an unique sub-field with its own problems and techniques.</p><p>The problems defined for this thesis is primarily focused on the input data mechanism paradigm, where devised dimensions are applied. New verification techniques are deduced and analyzed based on general software testing principles. Based on the constructed theory, a test system architecture for the control system is developed. Finally, an implementation is constructed based on the architecture and a practical scenario. Its automation capability is then assessed.</p><p>The practical context for the thesis is a new simulator under development. It is based upon LabVIEW and PXI technology and handles over 200 I/O. Real machine components are connected to the environment, together with artificial components that simulate the engine, hydraulic systems and a forest. Additionally, physical control sticks and buttons are connected to the simulator to enable user testing of the machine being simulated.</p><p>The results associated with the thesis is first of all that usable verification techniques were deduced. Generally speaking, some of these techniques are scalable and are possible to apply for an entire system, while other techniques may be appropriate for selected subsets that needs extra attention. Secondly, an architecture for an automated test system based on a selection of techniques has been constructed for the control system.</p><p>Last but not least, as a result of this, an implementation of a general test system has been possible and successful. The implemented test system is based on both C# and LabVIEW. What remains regarding the implementation is primarily to extend the system to include the full scope of features described in the architecture and to enable result analysis.</p> / <p>Då verifikationstekniker för Komatu Forests styrsystem utreds angående Valmet skogsmaskiner, hamnar det mjuka realtidssystemkontextet i fokus. Ett sådant kontext antyder en process där empirisk styrkning av kravuppfyllande står i centrum framför formella bevisföringsprocesser.</p><p>Efter en genomgång och analys av litteratur för mjukvarutestområdet har två paradigmer definierats med avsikten att belysa viktiga concept för mjuka realtidssystem. Paradigmerna är baserade på en abstrakt stimuli/responsmodell, som beskriver ett system med in- och utdata. Eftersom detta system betraktas som en svart låda är inre detaljer gömda, vilket medför att fokus hamnar på ett mer abstrakt plan.</p><p>Det första paradigmet benämns som “indata-paradigmet” och inriktar sig på vilket data som skickas in i systemet. Det andra paradigmet går under namnet “indatamekanism-paradigmet” och behandlar hur datat skickas in i systemet, dvs fokus placeras på själva inskickarmekanismen. Genom att definiera olika</p><p>dimensioner för de två paradigmen, är det möjligt att beskriva deras utmärkande drag. Fördelen med att använda denna teoretiska konstruktion är att ett paradigm skapar ett eget teoriområde med sina egna frågeställningar och tekniker.</p><p>De problem som definierats för detta arbete är främst fokuserade på indatamekanism-paradigmet, där framtagna dimensioner tillämpas. Nya verifikationstekniker deduceras och analyseras baserat på generella mjukvarutestprinciper. Utifrån den skapade teorin skapas en testsystemarkitektur för kontrollsystemet. Sedan utvecklas ett testsystem baserat på arkitekturen samt ett praktiskt scenario med syftet att utreda systemets automationsgrad.</p><p>Den praktiska miljön för detta arbete kretsar kring en ny simulator under utveckling. Den är baserad på LabVIEW och PXI-teknik och hanterar över 200 I/O. Verkliga maskinkomponenter ansluts till denna miljö tillsammans med konstgjorda komponenter som simulerar motorn, hydralik samt en skog. Utöver detta, ansluts styrspakar och knappar för att möjliggöra användarstyrning av maskinen som simuleras.</p><p>Resultatet förknippat med detta arbete är för det första användbara verifikationstekniker. Man kan generellt säga att några av dessa tekniker är skalbara och därmed möjliga att tillämpa för ett helt system. Andra tekniker är ej skalbara, men lämpliga att applicera på en systemdelmängd som behöver testas mer utförligt.</p><p>För det andra, en arkitektur har konstruerats för kontrollsystemet baserat på ett urval av tekniker. Sist men inte minst, som en följd av ovanstående har en lyckad implementation av ett generellt testsystem utförts. Detta system implementerades med hjälp av C# och LabVIEW. Det som återstår beträffande implementationen är att utöka systemet så att alla funktioner som arkitekturen beskriver är inkluderade samt att införa resultatanalys.</p>
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Développement de simulateurs de cibles pour radars automobiles 77 GHz / Development of radar target simulator for 77 GHz automotive radar sensorsArzur, Fabien 27 October 2017 (has links)
Le travail présenté dans ce manuscrit porte sur le développement d’un simulateur de cible (RTS) pour radars automobiles 77 GHz. Afin de proposer des véhicules toujours plus sûrs, les constructeurs automobiles développent des systèmes ADAS de plus en plus performants. On assiste aujourd’hui à la démocratisation des radars automobiles d’alerte à la collision et de régulation de distance. La généralisation de tels systèmes sur des véhicules de série va nécessiter le recours accru à des moyens de tests, chez les constructeurs et dans les centres de contrôle technique. Pour pouvoir tester et calibrer les radars, il est nécessaire d’utiliser des RTS. Ces appareils permettent de simuler les scénarios rencontrés par le radar, ceux-ci devenant plus complexes avec le développement des voitures autonomes. Une cible est définie par trois paramètres : une vitesse, une distance et une SER. Afin de répondre à des exigences drastiques, Autocruise développe ses propres RTS pour des bancs de test de production et de R&D. Ils doivent s’adapter à tout radar fonctionnant sur la bande 76 – 81 GHz, avec différentes modulations et une bande de fréquence supérieure à 800 MHz. Le système doit être à bas coût, de faibles dimensions et flexible pour être intégré dans différentes applications. Le principal verrou technologique est la réalisation d’une ligne à retard variable, capable de simuler des distances comprises entre 1 m et 250 m, avec une résolution de 0,2 m et permettre le contrôle de la SER. Un compromis devra être trouvé afin de répondre aux spécifications. L’étude a montré l’impossibilité de couvrir l’ensemble de la plage de distances avec une seule technologie. Une architecture hybride est indispensable. Une ligne à retard hybride reconfigurable large bande est présentée. / The work presented in this thesis concerns the development of an automotive radar target simulator for 77 GHz radar sensors. In order to continue offering safer vehicles, manufacturers develop more and more performant ADAS systems. We are witnessing a democratization of automotive radar sensors for adaptive cruise control and collision warning. The generalization of such systems on standard cars will require an increased use of test devices both at the manufacturers and in technical control centers. To test and calibrate radars, it is necessary to use Radar Target Simulators (RTS). These devices enable to simulate situations encountered by the radar. Furthermore, these scenarios are becoming increasingly complex with the arrival of autonomous vehicles. A target is defined by three parameters: distance, velocity and radar cross-section (RCS). In order to meet drastic requirements, ZF TRW Autocruise develops its own RTS for production test benches and R&D. RTS must adapt to all radars within a 76 – 81 GHz frequency band, with different modulations and a frequency bandwidth higher than 800 MHz. The system must present the advantages of being a low-cost system, with small dimensions and flexible to be integrated in different applications. The major blocking point is the design of a reconfigurable delay line, able to simulate distances between 1 m and 250 m with a resolution of 0.2 m on a large frequency band and also allowing control of RCS. A compromise will have to be found in order to meet the different specifications. The study showed the impossibility to cover the entire range of distances with one single technology. A hybrid architecture is necessary. A hybrid, tunable, wideband delay line is at study.
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Verification techniques in the context of event-trigged soft real-time systems / Verifikationstekniker för event-triggade mjuka realtidssystemNorberg, Johan January 2007 (has links)
When exploring a verification approach for Komatsu Forest's control system regarding their forest machines (Valmet), the context of soft real-time systems is illuminated. Because of the nature of such context, the verification process is based on empirical corroboration of requirements fulfillment rather than being a formal proving process. After analysis of the literature with respect to the software testing field, two paradigms have been defined in order to highlight important concepts for soft real-time systems. The paradigms are based on an abstract stimuli/response model, which conceptualize a system with inputs and output. Since the system is perceived as a black box, its internal details are hidden and thus focus is placed on a more abstract level. The first paradigm, the “input data paradigm”, is concerned about what data to input to the system. The second paradigm, the “input data mechanism paradigm” is concerned about how the data is sent, i.e. the actual input mechanism is focused. By specifying different dimensions associated with each paradigm, it is possible to define their unique characteristics. The advantage of this kind of theoretical construction is that each paradigm creates an unique sub-field with its own problems and techniques. The problems defined for this thesis is primarily focused on the input data mechanism paradigm, where devised dimensions are applied. New verification techniques are deduced and analyzed based on general software testing principles. Based on the constructed theory, a test system architecture for the control system is developed. Finally, an implementation is constructed based on the architecture and a practical scenario. Its automation capability is then assessed. The practical context for the thesis is a new simulator under development. It is based upon LabVIEW and PXI technology and handles over 200 I/O. Real machine components are connected to the environment, together with artificial components that simulate the engine, hydraulic systems and a forest. Additionally, physical control sticks and buttons are connected to the simulator to enable user testing of the machine being simulated. The results associated with the thesis is first of all that usable verification techniques were deduced. Generally speaking, some of these techniques are scalable and are possible to apply for an entire system, while other techniques may be appropriate for selected subsets that needs extra attention. Secondly, an architecture for an automated test system based on a selection of techniques has been constructed for the control system. Last but not least, as a result of this, an implementation of a general test system has been possible and successful. The implemented test system is based on both C# and LabVIEW. What remains regarding the implementation is primarily to extend the system to include the full scope of features described in the architecture and to enable result analysis. / Då verifikationstekniker för Komatu Forests styrsystem utreds angående Valmet skogsmaskiner, hamnar det mjuka realtidssystemkontextet i fokus. Ett sådant kontext antyder en process där empirisk styrkning av kravuppfyllande står i centrum framför formella bevisföringsprocesser. Efter en genomgång och analys av litteratur för mjukvarutestområdet har två paradigmer definierats med avsikten att belysa viktiga concept för mjuka realtidssystem. Paradigmerna är baserade på en abstrakt stimuli/responsmodell, som beskriver ett system med in- och utdata. Eftersom detta system betraktas som en svart låda är inre detaljer gömda, vilket medför att fokus hamnar på ett mer abstrakt plan. Det första paradigmet benämns som “indata-paradigmet” och inriktar sig på vilket data som skickas in i systemet. Det andra paradigmet går under namnet “indatamekanism-paradigmet” och behandlar hur datat skickas in i systemet, dvs fokus placeras på själva inskickarmekanismen. Genom att definiera olika dimensioner för de två paradigmen, är det möjligt att beskriva deras utmärkande drag. Fördelen med att använda denna teoretiska konstruktion är att ett paradigm skapar ett eget teoriområde med sina egna frågeställningar och tekniker. De problem som definierats för detta arbete är främst fokuserade på indatamekanism-paradigmet, där framtagna dimensioner tillämpas. Nya verifikationstekniker deduceras och analyseras baserat på generella mjukvarutestprinciper. Utifrån den skapade teorin skapas en testsystemarkitektur för kontrollsystemet. Sedan utvecklas ett testsystem baserat på arkitekturen samt ett praktiskt scenario med syftet att utreda systemets automationsgrad. Den praktiska miljön för detta arbete kretsar kring en ny simulator under utveckling. Den är baserad på LabVIEW och PXI-teknik och hanterar över 200 I/O. Verkliga maskinkomponenter ansluts till denna miljö tillsammans med konstgjorda komponenter som simulerar motorn, hydralik samt en skog. Utöver detta, ansluts styrspakar och knappar för att möjliggöra användarstyrning av maskinen som simuleras. Resultatet förknippat med detta arbete är för det första användbara verifikationstekniker. Man kan generellt säga att några av dessa tekniker är skalbara och därmed möjliga att tillämpa för ett helt system. Andra tekniker är ej skalbara, men lämpliga att applicera på en systemdelmängd som behöver testas mer utförligt. För det andra, en arkitektur har konstruerats för kontrollsystemet baserat på ett urval av tekniker. Sist men inte minst, som en följd av ovanstående har en lyckad implementation av ett generellt testsystem utförts. Detta system implementerades med hjälp av C# och LabVIEW. Det som återstår beträffande implementationen är att utöka systemet så att alla funktioner som arkitekturen beskriver är inkluderade samt att införa resultatanalys.
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Testování jednotek Merging Unit v sestavě s proudovými a napěťovými převodníky / Testing of Merging Unit comprising voltage and current transducers in the setZiegler, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on testing and design of a test system of merging unit which provides digital output according to IEC 61850-9-2. The parameters and distinguishing features of the test system are based on functional principles of merging unit and standards dealing with the testing of transducers. The proposed test system is based on modular PXI Express system from National Instruments. The desing is performed with respect to the possibility of generating test signals and measurements for voltage up to 38.4 kV and current up to 2000 A. The proposed test system meets the criteria for testing transducers of accuracy class up to 0.5. Assuming of calibration designed test system as a whole, this test setup has the potential to meet the technical requirements for testing transducers of accuracy class up to 0.1.
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Porovnání reakční rychlosti u dětí s diagnózou ADHD a běžnou populací stejného věku / Comparison of reaction rate in children diagnosed with ADHD and common population of the same ageKovařovic, Vojtěch January 2021 (has links)
Title: Differences in reaction rate in children with ADHD and the general population of the same age. Problem definition: ADHD is a neuropsychological disorder occurring in part of the pediatric population (5-8%). The scientific public mentions the existence of the so-called hyperfocus, ie the ability to significantly concentrate in children diagnosed with ADHD, especially in the case of these children being interested in the task. Methodologically correctly compiled and performed testing of the reaction rate of these children could confirm or refute this assumption. Aims: The aim of the work is to find out whether and possibly what effect the diagnosis of ADHD in children has on the reaction rate. Hypotheses: H1: The reaction rate in individuals with ADHD will be on average the same or higher than in individuals of the same age of the healthy population. H2: The difference between the individual experiments will be greater in children with ADHD than in individuals of the same age of the healthy population. H3: The individual with fastest reaction ability with ADHD will have the same or better result as the individual with the fastest reaction of the same aged healthy population. Methods: Testing for the purposes of this diploma thesis took place in the ROSA center. 12 probands in the tested group...
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Organotypische Slicekulturen von humanem Glioblastoma multiforme als Testsystem für neue TherapienMerz, Felicitas 05 December 2013 (has links)
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) ist der nach WHO am gefährlichsten eingestufte Hirntumor astrozytären Ursprungs. Patienten versterben ohne Behandlung etwa drei bis sechs Monaten nach Diagnose, die derzeitig modernste Behandlung mit Chemo-Radiotherapie verlängert das mediane Überleben auf 12-15 Monate. Trotz intensiver Forschung gibt es zurzeit keine realistische Heilungschance. Bislang erfolgt der Großteil der Forschung an Zellkulturen oder mit Hilfe von Tiermodellen, bei denen ein Tumor künstlich erzeugt wird. Dabei ergeben sich Probleme für die Übertragung der Ergebnisse auf den Menschen. Zellkulturen werden z.B. als sogenannte Monolayer-Kulturen gehalten, was bedeutet, dass ihnen der natürliche Gewebeverband und die für Signalling-Wege wichtige extrazelluläre Matrix fehlen. Außerdem werden solche Langzeitkulturen häufig subkultiviert und mutieren dadurch in Richtung einer klonalen Linie, was zwar Ergebnisse leichter reproduzierbar macht, aber nicht die Situation im Patienten widerspiegelt. Tierversuche implizieren zwar den Gewebeverband im Körper, jedoch müssen die dafür verwendeten Nager immunsupprimiert sein, so dass sie den induzierten Tumor nicht abstoßen. Dies erzeugt wiederum ein künstliches Umfeld.
In diesem Projekt wird untersucht, ob sich humane GBM-Gewebe als sogenannte Slice-Kultur halten lassen und als Testsysteme zur Untersuchung der Wirkung von Chemotherapeutika sowie Bestrahlung geeignet sind. Bei dieser Kultivierungsmethode wird das Gewebe in Scheiben (Slices) geschnitten, wobei alle Zellen im Verband sowie die 3D-Struktur erhalten bleiben. Wegen des humanen Ursprungs entfällt das Problem des Speziesunterschiedes. Das Gewebe wird direkt aus dem Operationssaal ins Labor transferiert und weiterverarbeitet. Wir konnten bislang zeigen, dass Slice-Kulturen von humanem GBM über mindestens zwei Wochen in Kultur vital bleiben und ihre ursprüngliche charakteristische Morphologie beibehalten. Etablierte Behandlungsmethoden wie die Gabe von Temozolomid oder Röntgenbestrahlung zeigen auch in kultivierten Slices bekannte Effekte wie Induktion von DNA-Doppelstrangbrüchen, Reduktion von Proliferation und Aktivierung des Apoptose-Enzyms Caspase 3. Eine neue Therapieoption besteht seit einigen Jahren in der Bestrahlung mit Kohlenstoffionen (12C), die an der GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt entwickelt und getestet wurde. Derzeit wird diese Therapie sehr erfolgreich an soliden Tumoren im Kopf- und Halsbereich angewendet und soll nun auf weitere Tumorarten ausgedehnt werden. Eine Kooperation mit der dortigen Biophysik-Gruppe wurde initiiert, um humane GBM-Slices mit 12C zu bestrahlen. Bislang wurde das entsprechende Setup etabliert und erste Experimente durchgeführt. Die ersten Ergebnisse wurden kürzlich publiziert. Weiterhin soll nun geprüft werden, ob das Ansprechen der GBM Slice-Kulturen mit dem Überleben der Patienten korreliert bzw. ob resistente Kulturen aus Patienten stammten, die schlecht auf die Therapie reagierten. Außerdem sollen überlebende Zellen in den Slices nach Behandlung auf ihre molekularen Eigenschaften geprüft werden, um Hinweise auf die Mechanismen der Tumorresistenz zu erhalten. Langfristig könnten diese Slice-Kulturen genutzt werden, um neuartige Wirkstoffe in der Vorklinik zu prüfen oder eine optimierte, personalisierte Therapie für Patienten zu ermitteln.
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Test System for Charging Communication of Use Cases based on Different StandardsPatel, Jinal Vishnubhai 25 January 2022 (has links)
To charge an all types of Electric Vehicles (EVs) is the most primary part of the electrical vehicle industry. Nowadays charging communication between vehicle and
charging station becoming more and more popular. Automotive industries are trying to charge vehicles in minimal time and also the secured one. In the charging
communication scenario, current is flowing through the charging station to the EV through electric line and normally communication between them takes place with
the help of Controller Area Network (CAN), Wi-Fi and Powerline Communication (PLC) etc. There are two types of charging communication available in the current
industry: High level and Low level communication for Alternating Current (AC) and Direct Current (DC). Low Level Communication (LLC) uses only Pulse
Width Modulation (PWM) signals to transmit data, which is analog signals. On the other hand, High level Communication (HLC) provides digital and IP network
based communication. These both types also support many different standards for communication. For example, ISO 15118, IEC 61851, DIN 70121 and many more.
These standards have the message sequences for the flow of charging and also their implementation.
The goal of this thesis is the development of low cost EVSE test system, which has the PLC technology with up to 10 Mbps data rate and two different standards for
charging communication with HLC. This thesis proposes an implementation between a communication controller or SECC of Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE)
side and Signal Level Attenuation Characterization (SLAC) in PLC modem. SLAC functionality helps to overcome the problem of crosstalk while charging. In this
work, there will be a test system with SECC and PWM generator, some resistors to identify proper lock mechanism between charging cable and vehicle inlet, the ISO
15118 and IEC 61851 for PWM signals. Implementation of SECC will be in JAVA language and each message executed in XML script language. Our examination
shows this approach very remarkable low cost AC based test system with digital communication system, which can help to test direct or virtual EV or HiL system.
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Тест системы для экспрессной оценки содержания антиоксидантов в пищевых продуктах и объектах фармации : магистерская диссертация / Test system for express determination of the antioxidants content in food and pharmacy objectsГазизуллина, Е. Р., Gazizullina, E. R. January 2022 (has links)
Объектами исследования являются модельные растворы антиоксидантов и многокомпонентные объекты, содержащие антиоксиданты: этанольные экстракты лекарственных растений, промышленные напитки, витаминные препараты. Цель работы: разработка тест-систем для экспрессной оценки содержания антиоксидантов в продуктах питания и объектах фармации. Разработаны прототип калориметрической тест-системы, а также электрохимическая тест-система, представляющая микрофлюидную ячейку, для экспресс-оценки содержания антиоксидантов. С использованием разработанных тест-систем оценена антиоксидантная емкость модельных растворов антиоксидантов и их смесей; оценена антиоксидантная емкость пищевых объектов на примерах промышленных напитков и фармацевтических препаратов – этанольных экстрактов лекарственного растительного сырья и витаминных препаратов, содержащих аскорбиновую кислоту и α-токоферол; правильность результатов анализа оценена методом «введено-найдено» и сравнением с результатами известных оптических и электрохимических методов анализа. / The objects of study are model solutions of antioxidants and multicomponent objects containing antioxidants: ethanol extracts of medicinal plants, industrial drinks, vitamins. Purpose of the work: development of test systems for rapid assessment of the antioxidants content in food and pharmaceuticals. The prototype of a calorimetric test system, as well as an electrochemical test system, representing a microfluidic cell, for rapid assessment of the antioxidants content have been developed. Using the developed test systems, the antioxidant capacity of model solutions of antioxidants and their mixtures was evaluated. On the examples of industrial drinks and pharmaceuticals - ethanol extracts of medicinal plant materials and vitamins, containing ascorbic acid and α-tocopherol, the antioxidant capacity of food objects was estimated. The correctness of the analysis results was assessed by the "introduced-found" method and by comparison with the results of known optical and electrochemical methods of analysis.
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AIRBUS Generic Flight Test InstallationCaturla, Jean-Pascal 10 1900 (has links)
ITC/USA 2011 Conference Proceedings / The Forty-Seventh Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 24-27, 2011 / Bally's Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada / This paper describes new concepts of test mean and processes to perform flight test for all Airbus aircraft family. The FTI (Flight Test Installation) designed for A320, A340, A380 and A350 programs include acquisition system, recorder, data processing, visualisation, Flight Test Engineer Station and optional functionalities (video acquisition, DGPS, telemetry ...) In the past, these test means were specific for each test aircraft. Due to the large number of Aircraft development in parallel Airbus has designed and standardized new tests means for development and production aircraft. The first goal is to generate significant benefits regarding time and costs savings by simplifying installation and reusing all the test installations components. This paper shows the opportunities and challenges of these new concepts.
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